David explains how human ETs visited Earth and told us Ascension would be attainable in the near future, thanks to a natural cycle. Stunning new videos and documents have emerged to make the case! Beginning in the late 40s and early 50s, human ETs began a systematic campaign to contact people in many different countries around the world. How could there be humans that look like us — but were never born on Earth? The structure of DNA therefore exists throughout the Cosmos. We are a Universal and Galactic design, not a product of random mutations on Earth — and humans have independently evolved on many different worlds. In Wilcocks opinion, this is the single biggest surprise that we have in store for us when Disclosure finally does occur — and it definitely will. It is a question of when, not if — but some will refuse to believe it until it actually happens.
David explains how human ETs visited Earth and told us Ascension would be attainable in the near future, thanks to a natural cycle. Stunning new videos and documents have emerged to make the case! Beginning in the late 40s and early 50s, human ETs began a systematic campaign to contact people in many different countries around the world. How could there be humans that look like us — but were never born on Earth? The structure of DNA therefore exists throughout the Cosmos. We are a Universal and Galactic design, not a product of random mutations on Earth — and humans have independently evolved on many different worlds. In Wilcocks opinion, this is the single biggest surprise that we have in store for us when Disclosure finally does occur — and it definitely will. It is a question of when, not if — but some will refuse to believe it until it actually happens.