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Elite Planning to follow up on Fake Pandemic with Fake Alien Invasion
The Khazarian mafia is preparing the public for some form of alien disclosure or invasion scenario as they struggle to stay in power, Pentagon and other sources claim.  The most likely scenario for this autumn is the cancellation of the U.S. Presidential election followed by a UFO distraction, the sources say.  U.S. President Donald Trump himself is saying the election needs to be called off even as he continues to promote a “Space force.”

MI6 sources, for their part, say all space activity has been grounded recently so this “space force” may well be actors who will play the “good guys” who protect us from “bad aliens.”  Soon to be appearing on a TV screen near you.

A strong indicator for this campaign was an article in the New York Times that among other things mentions the U.S. military has “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”

Many of the UFO evidence trails lead to the Rockefeller family.  To quote Mathew Ehret of the Strategic Culture Foundation:

    In 1993, the Disclosure Initiative was created by none other than financier Laurence Rockefeller (4th son of Standard Oil founder John D.  Rockefeller).  During the heyday of the Rockefeller UFO Disclosure Initiative, the Clintons stayed at the Laurence Rockefeller ranch in Wyoming, during which time an early recruit to the “disclosure mission” was Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta.

    During the Clinton White House years, Laurence Rockefeller recruited a bodybuilding biologist named Stephen Greer to become the controller of the Disclosure Project, which has provided his meal ticket to this very day.  Greer has given thousands of interviews promoting the narrative that NASA’s Apollo Lunar projects were stopped in 1972 merely because the aliens who have been stationed on the Moon for eons didn’t want the truth to leak out

    Area 51 during this period, which largely fed off the earlier social engineering experiment of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds emergency broadcast read aloud in 1938.

This radio broadcast of a novel about a Martian invasion of Earth set off a real panic among the population and served as the template for a planned fake alien invasion aimed at cementing control over the population.

Remember this famous quote from Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger?

    “Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot].  Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an “extraterrestrial” invasion], whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.  It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil.  The one thing every man fears is the unknown.  When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.” – Dr.  Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991


The Naval Intelligence information-disinformation site Sorcha Faal is among the many sources now aggressively pushing the “alien” theme.  They confirm what CIA and Pentagon sources say that the November presidential election will…



I have watched the old Prof Veith's latest, and it is one worth watching, it has parallels with the previous video and more.  Being a bit long I'll try abridging the good parts and hopefully that will take out as much of the religious talk as possible.  When it's ready I'll pop it up somehow.

Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Conspiracy Theories?, Depopulation, UFO's - Aug 14 2020
Religious stuff edited out

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