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Loosh & Archons
What Is The LOOSH? Stop Feeding Dark Dimensional Entities Your Negative Energy

Ever wondered why you never feel good after watching the nightly news?Aside from it being blatantly fake narrative spun propaganda it is also intentionally fear-mongering and stressing you out. This is because invisible higher dimensional dark entities (Archons & Chimera) feed off of these negative energies/emotions that humans are conditioned into giving off. Before we can understand what the loosh is, we must first understand what our life force is.

Your life force is the essence of who you are, your life energy, your soul, your spirit, eternal, undying, your connection to the source, and your connection to all that is. This life force is yours to give if you choose. It cannot be truly taken, but you can be tricked into giving it away:

If you choose to acknowledge your divinity and express your life force as co-creator with the source it is reflected back to you as love and oneness, a celebration of unity.

If you allow it to be siphoned away and used to energize and empower dark forces, it is lost and you are left with nothing. The dark cannot create and can only destroy. The dark manipulates you to become their energy source to compensate for the living energy they cannot access, also known as looshing.

The choice is neither good or bad, but rather a preference that can have profound consequences on your journey of ascension through the densities/dimensions (as seen in Life Force Map below). There are multiple levels of density/dimensions which are states of consciousness used to organize different planes of existence according to its vibrational frequency. These planes of existence are neither above nor below, rather interpenetrating and existing in the same space simultaneously.

Technological and spiritual limitations prevent dark forces from ascending to higher dimensions:

At the top of the pyramid we can see the highest level malevolent extraterrestrials/higher dimensional entities which are believed to be the Chimera (creators of the Earth matrix system). The Archons & Chimera both harvest negative spiritual energy (loosh) from the human slave farm across the astral plane of the dead or suffering of any living creature (mainly humans) on Earth. The head archon is known as Lord Lucifer or Satan, whom is the supreme leader of the dark forces that plague earth including the negatively oriented Greys, Reptilians, Khazarians, and Jesuits.

The Freemasonic Jesuit Cabal has even instilled the symbolism of harvesting adrenochrome and loosh (negative spiritual energy) throughout children's movies, like Monsters, Inc. for example. In the movie we see various types of "monsters" which in realty are actually variations of the overlord reptilian and archon species. To put it plainly, the reptilian species require either stem cell rich blood or adrenochrome (especially in Vril Lizard Reptilian parasite cases) and the archons require our negative low vibrational spiritual energies as their preferential source of energy consumption. Notice in the movie the "scream" cannisters fill up red which is symbolic of adrenochrome and the scream harvesting is symbolic of low vibrational spiritual energies being harvested. In addition, the movie logo itself represents the "all-seeing eye" or "third eye" or "pineal gland" or "Eye of Ra" which is where the adrenochrome is harvested from, after torturing the children and where the soul is believed to sit until a certain level of vibrational ascension.

Monsters Inc. Depicts Children Used For Harvesting Adrenochrome & Loosh

Here is an example of the non-physical looshing Archons materializing and being caught on video camera by Richard Bruce:

Here is a healing frequency that can be used to cleanse ones self of these looshing artificial intelligence connected Archons/Demons:

Supporting Links:
What Is A Loosh Energy Farm?

FAQ: What Is Loosh?

Parasites Of The Loosh

The Wholesale Export Of Loosh

The Farm For Human Energy

God, Soul & Spirit, Evolution, Morality, Freewill, Cosmology, Physics, Humans, Aliens, New World Order, Religion, Matrix Control System, Positive Forces

Supporting Videos:

What Is a Loosh Energy Farm?
Since the beginning of human history, humans have been enslaved by an unseen force called the Archons. These beings love to cause human suffering.

What is a Loosh Energy Farm? A Loosh Energy Farm is a spiritual energy farm built on the astral plane to harvest energy from the dead or suffering of any living creature (mainly humans) on Earth. The energy is then harvested by trans-dimensional beings.

Upon the death of a human or a living creature, these beings will then feed on their life energy to extend their lifespan. When we suffer life force energy is spewed from our bodies, and the tastier the energy meal for our creators.

Origins of Loosh Energy Farm
Loosh Energy Farm was founded by Robert Monroe, who was an expert in astral travel. He said he used “Matrix Glitches” glitches in our planet and reality to have interactions and explore other worlds and dimensions.

Monroe claims that he has more than 1000 travels and contacts with other dimensions and he was doing that for more than a decade. In one of his journeys to another dimension he discovered something sinister.

In the last months of his life he came out with the theory that planet earth is a big energy (loosh) farm, Humans represent live stocks that produce loosh when they die. All planets are under the control of the beings named “The Archons” They are feeding and assimilating energy that the human body releases when humans die.

How Is Loosh Created?
Loosh is created by constant fear, materialism etc. It is also created with indefinite wars, poverty, natural disasters, diseases and all situations where people die or suffer to consume their energy.

Also the plants and animals are also positioned on earth because of the same reason. That’s why animals are predators and eat each other, when any human being dies on planet earth “The Archons” feed on their loosh.

Basically, the greater suffering the living being goes through, the more Loosh is then produced. That’s why they are creating constant violent and extreme situations.

Related Topics
9/11 and the Loosh Energy Ritual
There are theories that the 9/11 attack on the world trade center was a giant Loosh Energy Farm ritual.

The amount fear and horror that came from the event created a huge amount of Loosh energy that the Archons then harvested.

The twin towers were said to be created to then be destroyed. Leading up to the world changing event that shocked America.

Duncan Phelps
You don’t have to wait until you pass on. Life is just like The Matrix movie: The people in the pods, where the City of London, Inc. gets its energy from are waking up and want to leave the 2 dimensional paper-contract simulated corporate world—the Blue Pill. But in the 2nd Matrix movie, one guy doesn’t like the hard life that it has become, so wants to go back into the pod and taste that good fake-simulated food containing MSG/”natural flavoring” in it [the slow kill>zombify] and get government benefits, thanks to B. Sanders types [communists]. The problem with communism even when you continue to print $ from nothing & then charge interest on it, & then invade [dissident] nations who object, is producers can only be taxed-regulated-fooled so far and then they fail to provide for the out-growing lazy, inflated government & the entire System crashes. Or The Party/Corporatocracy/Blue Pill executes the dissidents & says the CoronaVirus or “Russians did it.”
The World is “a Matrix” and “the blue Pill” is run as a Trust, and that is bigger than mere banking! It is the Corporatocracy=City of London=formerly East India Trading Co.
The Red Pill is Common Law/Constitution which you usually are tricked into surrendering by signing over your Power-of-Attorney for a license from the OneWorld corporation=Washedup,D.C./Cityof London/Vatican in order to receive their ‘benefits & entitlements’/services as middle-men/REPRESENTATIVEs/MarkofBeast BETWEEN you and our Creator.
‘Jesus’ was executed because he taught you did not need a REPRESENTATIVE… you could be “I Am me the one who stands before you!” But no, most sign over their PoA so a congressman can REPRESENT you. That REP. with your PoA & your NAME in CAPITAL LETTERS for his use can then legally sell out to the corporation which 95% of them do!

oosh is a term that has been used for a long time, but it has been coined in modern times by researcher and Out-of-Body-Explorer, Robert Monroe, who founded The Monroe Institute.

When Monroe did his astral travels and communicated with nonphysical beings, he learned that the human soul energy that we produce is being harvested and fed upon by non-corporal entities, and ultimate a being Monroe called “Someone” (see his book series “The Journeys Trilogy“). This “Someone” can’t be anybody else but our now so familiar, whom the Gnostics called the Demiurge.

Others, who have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs), claim that they have met with a being who was literally bathing in love and light. Many of them confused this being with God or Jesus, but we would strongly suggest that this being was either himself or one of the Overlords. Religions talk about “God’s Divine Light” and associate this with Heaven, but from our perspective, built on our own research, we would say that this immense, overwhelming experience of Love and Light is the Overlords’ harvest of our human soul energy–they have an abundance of it, while we humans walk around, depleted and drained.

In the Wes Penre Papers (WPP), as well as in many of our videos, we have discussed how the Overlords, who can’t produce their own energy anymore, are dependent on our human soul energy to survive. Therefore, they have many different ways to directly and indirectly feed off our energy in daily life. They can do this on an individual basis, and they can do it collectively. In this article, we want to bring up the most common ways they collect our soul energy.

1. Through individual trauma. Narcissists and psychopaths, who lack a genuine soul, and only consists of an artificial soul, which is being created within this Matrix, are incarnated here with a purpose to traumatize us and pull out our life force. These artificial souls, just like the Overlords, can’t produce their own soul energy, and in order to survive, they need ours. There are more of these “empty vessels” walking around us than most of us might think. The narcissists are like hubs between us and the Overlords. The narcissists keep enough loosh to survive, and the rest is spilled into the astral, only to eventually reach the Overlords.
2. Through belief systems–particularly religions–where we worship a deity. It doesn’t matter which deity we worship because they are just different names for the same God. The church is “God’s Temple,” and when people worship and pray to God, the Overlords receive that energy and keep it to themselves.
3. In sports arenas and at rock concerts. The energy that is emanating from the audience is enormous, and it feeds both the performers and the Overlords in great quantity. Any rock musician can tell you that the distinction between a good and a bad gig is how the audience responds. Their response is overloading the artists with loosh and elevates them, but most of it still goes right to the Overlords.
4. Through casual and irresponsible sex. The sexual energy is our biggest creative energy–at least in this Matrix. This is especially true for women, so I’ve learned. When a woman has an orgasm, she can connect directly to the KHAA/Greater Universe, and she can create astonishing things with these energies, if she knows how. However, almost all women shoot this energy up through their spine and out into the nonphysical realms without having any goals or boundaries as of where to direct this energy. Thus, these energies can be fed upon. Men can do this, too, but women are more powerful in this regard. Thus, we need to use our sexual energy wisely. It’s a good idea to set up goals before we start, or we’ll exchange energies between the partners. It’s also a good idea to set an intention that we allow no one to interfere and steal our energy.
5. Through dark, Satanic rituals.
6. By extracting our genuine love/light, compassion, and empathy.
It is almost certain that number 6 above is where they get their main loosh.

In the Matrix, we have at least three types of “humans:” 1) The Namlu’u (the original soul group), 2) Random star beings, who were captured here by the Overlords. They also have a genuine soul, and 3) Empty vessels, who are divided into two sub-categories: a) background people, who are pure programs, acting like humans in general, and b) narcissists/psychopaths/sociopaths, who are also just programs.

a) and b) above only consist of an artificial soul, which can merely function within the Construct/Matrix.

A narcissist does not mainly feed from our negative emotions, although they indirectly do–they feed from our love, compassion, and empathy. For example, when you fall in love with an often charismatic and charming narcissist, you “fall in love.” This love is an euphoric state of beingness–similar to a potent drug like heroin. It makes us elevated, and it comes from the genuine soul. We would, just like Robert Monroe, suggest that Love and Light are one and the same–it’s our soul-fire, i.e. our Light. This is what and the Overlords are bathing in wherever they roam. This is also what the Tunnel in the Afterlife is built from, which makes it so attractive to us after death, because we subconsciously feel that we are regaining the Love/Light that we’ve lost during our lifetime–it’s amplified a thousand times to the point where it is almost overwhelming–we are drawn to it.

The narcissists can’t feel this euphoric state of being we call love because they don’t have a genuine soul, but they steal it from us because it’s life energy (fire), and it strengthens them. They can’t feed on like-minded because other narcissists and background people don’t have what we have–genuine soul fire. They can, however, also feed on Category 2 above (captured star beings) because they, too, have loosh.

Thus, the narcissists pull in our love, compassion, and empathy, and then they distort it because they don’t understand it. How could they, when they have never experienced it by themselves. It’s not that they are feeling love and compassion when they suck it in–they only feel they are getting stronger. Because our emotions are very strong, the narcissists must, at the same time, be in control, from their inferior perspective, so they traumatize us by using our good intentions against us. This fills two main purposes; they make us feel less than them, and they can also extract more loosh from us at the same time. This is what makes us feel drained of energy; because we are. Our Light diminishes and we literally lose our energy, like a drained battery.

When this happens, the narcissists starts love bombing us, so we can recover and gain some more energy. Then, the abuse starts all over again. Eventually, after long-term abuse, the targets either gets sick and die before their time, or because the narcissist doesn’t get enough loosh from their target anymore, they need to get secondary targets. It’s like a drug addict, who wants to secure their supply by having perhaps more than one dealer, in case the first one is unavailable.

Thus, the most important thing to get out of this FAQ is to understand that they feed from our genuine Namlu’u characteristics–love, compassion, and empathy. The Overlords and their minions, the narcissists, have none of that anymore–they can’t produce any of it on their own. This is why we see narcissists carefully selecting their targets and disregarding others. They can’t feed from someone who is part of the program–it needs to be either a Namlu’u or a captured star being…

The Fall of the Archons
Beyond the Soul’s Meridian November 19, 2021

The nature of the Fall season is transitional.  Michaelmas, the celebration of the Archangel and Divine Justice, is the moment where we muster our resolve for the time that proceeds it.  The heart of the fall brings forth the resurrection of the energies of the Sun demon, Sorath, its adversarial Dragons, and the treacherous Scorpion.  Sorath is the Sun’s shadow (or anti-spirit) and father of Satan (Ahriman) and Lucifer.  His number, along with his children, is 666.

Satan is connected to the energies of Saturn and Mars.  Lucifer is connected to the energies of Jupiter and Venus.  Sorath is the ultimate god of the shadow forces of ego or anti-spirit.  Anti-spirit is the egotistic doppelganger that we carry within us, empower, and manifest through sequential lifetimes throughout lower realms (or densities) of existence, trapped within the linear time construct and manipulated by preoccupations regarding the past and future.

As a child of the Earth, the energies of the heavens exist within our soul as unique astrological aspects of our personal identity.  This means that the energies of the heavens exist within us.  The lower celestial bodies (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) affect us on a personal level.  Saturn and Jupiter affect us beyond the personal and are considered transpersonal planets.  These gas giants are considered rulers which reside over and within us.  In this way, the dark forces related to Saturn are Satanic while those associated with Jupiter are Luciferic, creating a dichotomy that we sense as evil versus good.

We can say that Sorath is the true Anti-Christ or Anti-Logos empowered through the forces of darkness attempting to derail as many souls as possible from ascending into the higher realm of Gaia.  For all intents and purposes, Sorath is the Dark force that affects us on this lower plane of existence.

The visionary Rudolf Steiner describes Sorath as the Anti-Christ.

“But there is an opposing principle to the Lamb, there is also a Sun-Demon, the so-called Demon of the Sun, that which works in the evil forces of man, thrusting back the force of the Lamb, and it works in such a way that a certain amount of the human race is thrust out of the evolution which leads to the Sun.”—Rudolf Steiner, Apocalypse of St. John, Lecture 11

As the consciousness of the Earth rises, so does the efforts of the dark entities that are ultimately aligned to the Sun-Demon. In Gnostic terms, Sorath is an archon, created by the Demiurge, also known as Yaldabaoth, the Chief (First) Ruler of the Universe who ultimately presides over the lower realms of existence imprisoned within the linear time matrix.

We are told by Jesus in the Apocryphon (Secret Book) of John that Yaldabaoth created the Archons who rule humanity.  The Archons serve the Demiurge, who is the Chief Ruler of lower density Hierarchy, and are equated with the Twelve signs of the Zodiac, the Seven planetary rulers, emotionality, and time.

The Apocryphon of John teaches us that the Sixth Archon is called Adonin, equated with the Sun and jealousy.  How interesting it is when we read the scriptural passage that states:

“For you must not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” –Exodus 34:14

This passage is related to Yahweh or Jehovah, which is related to the Solar Deity.  When Gnosis is factored into our scriptural mythology, we begin to see a comprehensive pattern emerge regarding the deities as they appear to have a dualistic nature themselves.  Meaning that within this plane of existence everything has a light and dark aspect.  The archons of Yaldabaoth provide this realm the dark contrast to the light.  God is Love, but when reversed it is experienced as jealousy.

As it is further articulated in John’s Secret Book, the ruling archons have two names; one that empowers darkness and another hidden name that dissolves it.

“Although the names given them by their maker [Yaldabaoth] were powerful, the names given them after the Glory Above [True Creation] would bring about their destruction and loss of power.  That is why they have two names.” – The Secret Book of John, Yaldabaoth’s World Order

The path to Ascension is Love and as more of this sympathetic vibrational energy manifests into Gaia through Her children, the power of the Archons begin to dissipate.  Our ordained evolution in the Ascension pathway is towards the creational Love that flows through the solar system and specifically from the Sun.  Yet those who live within their egotistical shadow (whether they are aware or not) continue to worship false gods and allow the lower archonic deities to rule over them.  This enslavement manifests through the distortion of linear time.

The Sun-Demon and lord of the egotistical shadow is envious of those moving beyond its rule, and as cited above, “works in such a way that a certain amount of the human race is thrust out of the evolution which leads to the Sun.”

The Sun’s energies are healing and life affirming.  The Sun-Demon energies are poisonous and can be equated to the dark aspects of the Sun God.  In ancient Greece, the Sun deity was Apollo, while his shadow was identified as Apollon, Apollyon, or Abaddon, known as the Destroyer and Angel of the Abyss.

“They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon.” – Revelation 9:11

In Revelation, it is Apollyon who opens the Abyss and releases scorpion-like locus that inject humanity with poison, causing suffering so great than many will welcome death as an escape.

“The locusts were not given power to kill them, but only to torment them for five months, and their torment was like the stinging of a scorpion.” – Revelation 9:5

The Scorpion is and has always been an adversarial assassin and the heart of the Fall is its season.  As time evolves, an awakening soul begins to recognize the events of the day manifesting in prophecy.
The Scorpion’s Sting

The energies of the Scorpion reside within the time of All Hallow’s Eve and into the heart of November. This is the time where darkness overtakes the light and astral energies come to infest the earth. Oppression is what intuitives sense during the Fall transition as the Logos presence withdraws and Gaia becomes open season to the predators.  In this time of ascension and transfiguration, this seasonal shift in consciousness is dramatically enhanced.

Ultimately, the seasonal transformation can lead to a crushing sense of depression as everything shuts down into sequestered hibernation or attempts to blend into the landscape as the shadowy beasts of our legends roam the earth.  Regardless of how we have come to cope with the transition now upon us, it remains difficult to stand toe to toe and face to face with the ugly and naked aggression that is ultimately confronting us.

Despite the optimistic predictions, this journey (from our earth’s perspective) was never going to be a walk in a rose garden, but more like the proverbial travail through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.  Of course, no one wants to hear this, so many simply ignore what is happening and hope for the best.  This tactic is more akin to a psychological defense mechanism, and as the transgression becomes obscener, many souls are fractured into dissociate states obediently following the demands of their handlers in a realm of State induced stupefication.

Human resolve weakens through mind control driven by fear, panic, hysteria, and medical injections which amount to nothing less than weapons that serves as epigenetic variables that alter cellular structure and ultimately modify the genome.  Those succumbing to this intrusion become more pliable to intentional manipulation and disease through a pathological process designed to enslave us, while at the same time serves to cull the human population.

This attack not only weakens our vitality (and therefore immunity) but obscures our direct connection to our spiritual presence.

One may ask, “How could this be possible?”

The answer lies within multiple sources including the Revelations of St. John, insight conveyed to us by Rudolf Steiner, and a flourish of scientific research carried out over the last few decades that focused on creating biological weapons that could target ethnic groups based upon specific genetic sequences inherent to their genome.

As it was stated in the Project for the New American Century’s year 2000 manifesto (PNAC, which is the same group that prophesied the September 11, 2001 attacks), entitled Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Project 2020, the randomness of a non-discrete biological weapon will be transformed into a “politically useful tool.”  Furthermore, information revealed in the first decade of the century demonstrated that the Pentagon was working on a “vaccine” that would attack the human gene which encodes for vesicular monoamine transporter 1 & 2 (VMAT1 and VMAT2) that regulates serotonin and dopamine release in the junctions between nerve cells known as neuro-synapses.  The VMAT2 sequence has been popularly referred to as the “God” gene and is thought to be intimately related to the way that we perceive love.

As incredible as it may sound, science became focused on VMAT2, and once it was discovered they proceeded to create various methods to turn it off.  Ultimately, a vaccine was envisioned that could act as a bioweapon that would deactivate the function of VMAT2.  Animal studies (mice and primates) demonstrated that if VMAT2 function is completely nullified, the test subjects would die within days from starvation.  This was assumed to have happened from a complete lack of Will to live.  Partial nullification of VMAT2 brought on behavioral issues, rapid brain aging, and onset of neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s.

It was envisioned that a virus could carry the genetic altering material into the human body and within the central nervous system.  This virus could be spread in the environment or through an injection.

Does this sound familiar?

At this point in our global travail, there is no point trying to paint a picture to justify these claims and correlations.  You either see it, or you don’t. Consciousness is separating and this is being done through intention and language—which is a direct reflection of self-awareness.  All human beings know better. Even the most oblivious humans know deep within their core what is happening, it is just that many still cannot sense what their heart is telling them.

Quote:Vaccines & The God Gene
It is my opinion, following research which is summarised below, that if you consent to the C0v!d19 vaccine then you are consenting to a literal rewrite of your own DNA sequencing which won’t be for the “greater good” or to “save lives”.

Two years ago I viewed a video of B!ll G@tes briefing the CIA about nano particles in vaccines shutting off that part of the brain responsible for the connection to God. This was done under the guise of preventing religions extremism.

Here is a link to the video:

Here is a link to my original article:

As I have said in previous posts about blood type the Pleiadians have empathy and the Sirians have Compassion. It is my opinion that the new vaccine promised that will end this fake pandemic will contain nano particles that will kill off our empathy and compassion so that humans will become nothing more than soulless drones.

This will be done by shutting down humanity’s right brain function, specifically the region that deals with spirituality and emotions. This will essentially ‘devolve’ humanity into inorganic biological drones incapable of any serious level of thought or emotion.

In the UK national media recently it was reported that two volunteers from an AstraZenica vaccine trial developing ‘neurological illnesses’ following the Koveed1984 vaccine:

In another report on the same topic one of the volunteers is quoted as saying: “They’ve killed God; I can’t feel God anymore – my Soul is dead” after trialing the vaccine.

It was also covered on the Hal Turner radio show:

Here is a link to the Pentagon briefing on removing the ‘God gene’ with ‘Funv@x’

VMAT2 inhibitors are being intentionally put into vaccines to shut down this gene.

According to the God Gene hypothesis, spirituality has a genetic component, of which (VMAT2) comprises one component by contributing to sensations associated with mystic experiences, including the presence of God and feelings of connection to a larger universe. The research uses the self-transcendence scale developed by psychologist Robert Cloninger to quantify spirituality using three sub-scales: “self-forgetfulness” (as in the tendency to become totally absorbed in some activity, such as reading); “transpersonal identification” (a feeling of connectedness to a larger universe); and “mysticism” (an openness to believe things that remain unproven, such as ESP).

Cloninger suggests that taken together, these measurements are a reasonable way to quantify (make measurable) an individual’s propensity to spiritual. The self-transcendence measure was shown to be heritable by classical twin studies conducted by Lindon Eaves and Nicholas Martin. Their work demonstrated that approximately 40% of the variation in self-transcendence was due to genes. By contrast, specific religious beliefs (such as belief in a particular deity) were found to have no genetic basis and are instead cultural units or memes.

Similar conclusions were drawn from studies of identical twins reared apart. In order to identify some of the specific genes involved in self-transcendence, Hamer analyzed DNA and personality score data from over 1,000 individuals and identified one particular locus, VMAT2, with a significant correlation. VMAT2 codes for a vesicular monoamine transporter that plays a key role in regulating the levels of the brain chemicals serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. These monoamine transmitters are in turn postulated to play an important role in regulating the brain activities associated with mystic beliefs. Hamer hypothesized that self-transcendence might provide an evolutionary advantage by providing human beings with an innate sense of optimism that gives people the will to keep on living and procreating, despite the inevitability of death, and promoting better health and recovery from diseases.

Chromos0m£ 8
Chromos0me 8, responsible for significant intellectual and physical abilities, has also been deliberately targeted because it has implications for schizophrenia, autism and cancer.

Over a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner wrote the following:

′′ In the future, the soul will be eliminated by medicine. On the pretense of health, there will be a vaccine whereby the human organism will be treated as soon as possible, possibly directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the awareness of the soul and the Spirit.

Materialistic doctors will be entrusted with the task of removing the soul from humanity. Like today, people are vaccinated against specific diseases, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that will immunize against the ′′ madness ′′ of spiritual life. The vaccinated person could be very clever, but would not develop a conscience, and that’s the real goal of some materialistic circles.

With such a vaccine, you could get the etheric body to detach from the physical body. When the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the soul and the universe becomes extremely unstable and man an automaton, because the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by will and by spiritual effort. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of force that rivets consciousness to matter. Man can no longer get rid of materialistic feeling. It remains animal by constitution and can no longer rise to spiritual conscience “.

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925)
Quote taken from an article on vaccination and transhumanism:

God’s Law

It appears that the darkness is up against a deadline as their acts of depravity become exceedingly desperate and unhinged.

They are now injecting children (who are at virtually no risk for the consequences of infection) with poisonous bioweapons.  They have also gone to great lengths to negate statutory rules that protected our right to decide without coercion what is in our best interest regarding our personal wellbeing.  This means that fundamental human rights protections, immortalized in various state legislation, are being negated before our eyes.  In many regions of the country, and around the world, flagrant violations of informed consent are occurring as the Nuremberg Code of 1947 is being completely nullified.  As awful as it seems, this is merely an illusion.

Regardless of parliamentary tactics, human rights violations remain human rights violations.  There is higher law, which can be called Universal Law or God’s Law.  In fact, it can be stated that the ultimate Universal law is Karma, which is based upon Divine Justice, Balance, Freedom, Free will, and personal responsibility.

As Paul of Tarsus stated:

“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked.  Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return.” –Galatians 9:7

All great religions and code of ethics are based upon this principle, which is known universally as the Prime Directive, meaning your will must not infringe upon the rights of others.  In a world that ascends beyond the laws of enslaving obedience and into this level of understanding, Justice is reinstated through an innate knowing, sympathetic resonance, and coherence to Divine Law.

In the lower realm of existence ruled by the archons of linear time, we are detached from an innate understanding of God’s Law.  As ego is allowed to rule, knowledge of the innate Divine presence is obscured and there is a superficial sense of “Free will” which is manipulated by these enslaving forces into a free-for-all which only serves the slave masters.

Although shrouded in obscurity, what is happening to us is technically based upon the Prime Directive.  Those who are ascending know this.  Furthermore, all magic is based upon Free will, meaning you must give your consent to the perpetrators for their enslaving power to work.  Virtually everything that has been done to us is told to us in various ways before it happens.  This process of revelation is done in a deceitful way that seems so ludicrous or insincere that our programmed conditioned ego-mind dismisses this information as nonsense.

The truth has always been hiding in plain sight as lies, deceptions, deceit, and distortion obfuscate what heart-soul understands completely.
The Human Races

As stated in previous discussions, we are members of different races, based upon our willingness to know truth.  The Gnostics classified race as a sense of “knowing” and understood race based upon this principle.

The first race is known as the Hylics, meaning the Children of the Earth.  Their God is Elohim and are considered the Children of Abel.

The second race is known as the Psychics, meaning Children of the Mind.  Their God is Yahweh and are consider as the Children of Cain.

Both races are sired by Yaldabaoth, the arrogant demiurge serpent God of the lower realm of conflict and fear.  In creational mythos, Yaldabaoth defiles Eve.

As the Secret Book of John states, one is unjust and the other just, meaning they act as Yin (dark-negative) and Yang (light-positive) universal principles of destruction and creation within the lower density 3D construct, ruled by linear time.  This relationship correlates directly to the Abel and Cain transgression that plays itself out in lower dimensional linear time.

There is cosmic balance to this relationship, as victims may eventually become victimizers.

The question is, “How long will this perpetual struggle continue?”

Answer: It is now ending within the ascending realm of Gaia.

Those whose heart is still set upon the drama, continuing to play this game of chaos, fear, suffering, and vengeance, are destined to do so upon other worlds.  In other worldly realms they will continually give away consent to those “gods” who freely manipulate, while those enslaved to the system further learn life lessons through hardship, despair, conflict, and programmed egotistical thinking.

Ultimately, the lesson that must be learned is that ego directed existence, or any usurping god that it attracts, creates, or serves, is not fit to live within a life that is congruent with Universal Law.

How does this drama end?

When we decide to take back our right to choose what is in our best interest.  It is when we become the masters of our own lives.  Sovereignty will never occur if we serve ego and its masters.  Things will only change when ego is recognized as an instrument that serves the heart based sympathetic (Love) impulses of the Higher Self.

Once we accomplish this transfiguration, we become members of the immortal race of Seth.

Seth is the third son of Adam and Eve whose offspring came to know God.  The Gnostics (knowers of the inner self) considered themselves as Pneumatics, meaning Children of the Spirit.  They called themselves the race of Seth.

From the Gnostic mythos, we discover that Eve was an outer reflection of Adam’s Inner Angel or Higher Self.  Eve was further imbued with the energies of the Divine Goddess imparted to her through Sophia.  This union is considered the sacred marriage, or Hieros Gamos, as Adam (who represents Christ-Logos) created a union with his twin flame, which is the reflection of his Higher Self recognized within another living soul.  This is mind merging with heart upon the physical plane of existence.  This is how we heal ourselves, and the world, in sympathy to each other.  We can only accomplish sacred coupling, outwardly, if it has been accomplished within.  Both are mutually dependent upon each other.

The dark infestation that has happened since the Fall of mankind has completed itself into a Gordian knot that has become impossible to untangle.  Regardless of stature, whatever diabolical machinations the egoic Demiurge or his archons create, they only exist as illusionary forces that we have voluntarily subjected ourselves to through a limited perspective of a conditioned existence steeped in conflict, separation, and competition. It is only out of habit that they still exist as their energies are waning.  This is because their power resides in obscurity. As the revelations of Jesus to St. John tell us, once the archon’s true nature (and therefore name) crystalizes within human consciousness, their power dissipates.

Most human beings have no idea how powerful they really are.  The Gnostics understood that human beings are the children of the Universal Creator which manifested from the Pleroma or Fullness of Universal consciousness.  As awareness became manifest from the Universal Mind, which the Gnostics called Truth, and from the Life Force known as Zoe (or Word of God), the human prototype emerged in the form of the Anthropos, or God-Man.  This is the universal adamic archetype of the original Human Being.

This means that Humanity is not just a random cosmic accident, but an intentional being that permeates an Anthropomorphic Universe entangled in God consciousness.  By Nature, we all have the capacity to live in an intentional Universe in perfect sympathy to intelligent human life when coherent to its highest law.

John was the teacher of this great truth, which is the mystery of I AM.  John is derived from the Hebrew Yohanan, meaning graced by God.

In the first words of his testament, John tells us:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:1-5

This passage is a reference to the original Human being, known as the Anthropos or Christos-Sophia.  This is our source of the Truth and Life that flows from the Creator. All human beings carry this power within themselves but can only come to know this in God consciousness, which we experience in the stillness of Oneness.

John tells us that the Christ-Sophia Anthropos incarnated into this world as a living testament to God’s Universal Law.

“I AM the Way, and the Truth, and the Life.  No one comes to the Father, except through Me.” –John 14:5-6

Through an understanding of this passage, we become creators in Oneness to the Creator and beyond the Demiurge and his archons.  In AM awareness, we exist in a timeless state of being in the present.  This negates the forces of time that perpetually attempt to manipulate outcomes.  In a timeless state, which is congruent to God’s Law, we are beyond manipulation existing in I AM consciousness as Children of God.
Archons & Aeons

As stated in the previous discussions, the Fall season has a very mysterious nature, which acts as catalyst for transformation.  The 2021 season heralds the transfiguration of our lower astral energies, represented by the adversarial Scorpion, into a noble being of Divine Power and Justice embodied by the Eagle.  It can be said that within this realm of existence, all things that touch our human consciousness have a dual nature.

The celestial energies are no exception to this constant and it is John who tells us in his Secret Book about this mystery.  In this fashion, Yaldabaoth is the creator of the usurping archons who are the rulers of the shadow realm, but not the creators of the celestial spheres themselves, as they are named truly by the Universal Source that is beyond the Demiurge’s capabilities.  Furthermore, John tells us that the Universal Creator is nothing less than the Power of God flowing through Christ-Sophia, which is the Light that exists in all human beings.  In coherence to God’s Law, we ascend to I AM consciousness and become masters of our destiny.

At the higher levels of consciousness, we are co-creating our reality with environmental forces, as everything is entangled with our intentions.  All is One.  In the lower realms, there is only an illusion of co-creation.

The question is:

“What world will we attempt to manifest?”

When we enslave ourselves to the archons nothing of any significance can be accomplished.  But when we work with the Aeons, who are spiritual beings in balance to Universal Law, all things are possible.  The Aeons embody the higher principles and true names of the celestial spheres.  Rudolf Steiner referred to them as Spiritual entities that influenced Will, Wisdom, Movement, Form, and Personality.

These qualities are the celestial energies that bath us in their light.

If we think of the Aeons as living Light entities of the celestial spheres, we can see how their personalities are imparted to us for our own higher development.

“Since, however, the Spirits of Form have given up their ego, letting it trickle down into man, we are surrounded everywhere by these beings whose lowest member is of a Manasic [of Higher Manas or Higher Self] nature, the spirit-self.  If we want to seek in our surroundings for these Spirits of Form, for their lowest member, then we find it in that which we ourselves gradually develop as our fifth member. What we develop as human wisdom by which we must become wiser and wiser, then we should find manifested in our surroundings as the lowest member of the Spirits of Form.” – Rudolf Steiner, Influences of Spiritual Beings on Man, Lecture IV

The passage is referencing the Spirits of Form, which have a great influence on human ego development and are associated with the planet Saturn.  Although Saturn’s shadow is associated with Satan, in its higher manifestation to the ascending realm it is associated with spiritual understanding and growth.  Like all other gods of the pantheon, there is an intimate relationship to these entities where their energies are being imparted to us.  Steiner mentions the fifth member of our constitution, which is a new aspect of soul called Higher manas or Consciousness Soul. (See figure below). This fifth member is part of our transfiguration and ascension, as the center of our consciousness shifts into an expanding awareness of thought guided by Spirit (Love).

Aeon is an ancient Greek word and the original meaning of Eon. It is a reference to a different perception of time beyond linear comprehension, as it is a state of being that is timeless in union with the Spirit.

It is mana, or food from God, that is bestowed upon us by the Aeons of the celestial spheres.  This integrative and nurturing relationship to the Aeons is critical to our ascension pathway as they are our elder spiritual brethren, paying forward their debts of Love through the Grace of their existence.  Their ascension is bound to ours.

It is also possible that they are literally our distant manifestations in an optimal future timeline.

As we move through the fall season there will be two major astrological events that will cause us to take notice.  The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th, followed in approximately two weeks by a Solar eclipse on December 4th.

Both events will signify moments in the transfiguration of human consciousness.  These events can be read in various ways.

In the enslaving Universe ruled by the Archons of linear time, these cited events tend to have a mundane and detrimental effect upon the human psyche, especially if one reads fear into these experiences.  Historically, eclipses are considered harbingers of doom and omens of ill-will.  From a lower perspective, these cosmic incidents are perceived as fateful events that cannot be stopped.  Most importantly, it is experienced as either something that is happening to us, or something that is superstitious and never considered at all.  In both instances, what we feel is an event that is occurring beyond our control, and therefore it renders us powerless.

In an ascending Universe ruled in co-creation with the Aeons in God’s Law, we begin to understand how intimately entangled our consciousness is to the power and synchronicity of the Spirit entities embodied within the heavenly spheres.  For there is nothing within their movements that is not directly connected to the Love of the creational Source.  We are co-creating these scenarios by understanding their higher meaning and harnessing their energy for significant personal and global transformation.

It is our perception of time that imprisons us within the lower realm of existence ruled by the shadow forces of uncertainty and fear that program the intelligence of ego.  In this lower state of existence, we are enslaved to the illusionary concerns of past and future events.

Enslavement by the archonic realm is nullified once our perception of consciousness has changed. This transformation is accomplished when our time reference shifts to the present, as we carry within our soul the truthful knowledge of all that the past has taught us—into our present state of awareness.

While at the same time, we will carry within our heart an entire universe that is coherent to a future existence—within our most optimal timeline.

As we allow our heart to lead us in Consciousness soul awareness in the time of NOW, we enter the realm of Love, which is the ultimate Law of the Spirit, and the future will take of itself.

This can only be accomplished in union with the heavenly realm in I AM consciousness.


Hello Worm.

Why is there so much anger and hostility in the ideas that you voice? This is a common reaction when the limited understanding of an egotistically inclined person is challenged by the paradoxical nature of spiritually charged wisdom as it threatens a fragile understanding of programmed materialistic “logic” and “reason.”

Perhaps you read my article, but you clearly do not understand what was conveyed. I have no idea how you can interpret from this essay that “all angels are bad.”

“I like that one especially, because it contradicts the selective reasoning in this article ‘angels are bad’ – putting ‘all angels’ into ‘the bad’ group – deceitful half truths, like the rest of the article – up to you to figure out the rest, i shall not do your homework – but i do caution you to be discerning”

The distortions that this comment is propagating suggest that it is a rant written by:

1. A misogynist (aka secular humanist)

2. Troll with limited intellectual capacity

3. Psychologically unstable person.

4. Someone who does not have an intuitive capacity for the English language.

It is also possible that I may be experiencing an attack from a Satanist, as their modus operandi employ hostile deception, gross contempt for Christ-Sophia, pathological adherence to enslaving doctrine, and the twisting of spiritual truth. This last potential closes the circle back to the misogynist/secular humanist whose foundation lay within the origins of Satanic and Luciferic power structures.

Finally, I may be having a discussion with a non-person in the form of an AI entity or group that focuses on hatred and aggressiveness to all human souls that have the courage to lift their voice beyond the constraining limitation that your message’s hostile attitude is attempting to shout down. Hence the term “worm.”

I could have easily spammed this comment, but I am allowing it to remind anyone reading this that we are indeed witnessing the fall of the old misogynistic power structures, and hence, the fall of the archonic energies that control it.

There is an illusion of two paths that manifest before us. In truth, there is only one. For the zealots and misogynists that pathologically adhere to the archaic hierarchy that enslaves humanity, their old linear world is crumbling around their feet. Hence their actions are more irrational, desperate, and full of contempt.

Those who are ascending with Gaia in Christ consciousness know in their heart the destination that the spiritual realm is moving us towards. This is an impulse of liberation that will witness the collapse of the old world’s systems of control. The astrology is showing us this truth with a vengeance.

Regardless of the illusionary path that one is compelled to take, the supremacy of the ego is dying. This concept is what is being conveyed in the seemingly paradoxical yet accurate passages that you cited.

“Then Jesus said to all of them, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet lose or forfeit his very self?” Luke 9:24-26

As I stated beforehand, we are being crucified, and only those who can let go of the old egotistical paradigms will have a chance to ascend into a world that exists beyond Ages of hierarchical enslavement. For those who cannot let go, the end is frightening. For those who can, the end is liberating.

So, rejoice in the fall of the archonic realm and the birth of an ascending world in the Universal Love of Christ-Sophia that heralds a New Age of Divine Justice and Divine Knowing through the power of feeling in heart centered-spiritual consciousness.



Lucifer & Ahriman
April 22, 2020

In continuing our exploration into the integration of conflicting influences let us look into the work of the great mystic Rudolf Steiner and his ideas on the Incarnations of Lucifer and Ahriman. According to Steiner, in order to to achieve Christ Consciousness we must hold in balance the energies of Lucifer and Ahriman, which are opposing forces that work towards destruction symbolized by Sorat or The Antichrist. It’s a renewal of the ancient teachings of “The Golden Mean” or The Middle Way between opposing extremes. The diagram below is an illustration of the diamond/cross pattern of these influences.

Quote:Lucifer and Ahriman
GA 191

    We live in critical, apocalyptic times. In these lectures, given just after the end of the First World War and in the midst of trying to effect the social-political life of his times with the movement for a threefold social order, Rudolf Steiner focuses on the vital task of developing a right orientation toward the spirit: a free spiritual life. With great compassion and understanding he shows, in telling examples, how humanity must walk a conscious middle path between the two “tempting” powers of Lucifer and Ahriman. He tells of the incarnation of Lucifer, in the third millennium BCE, from which flowed not only the wisdom of paganism but also the intellectual consciousness we enjoy today. Ahriman is shown to be approaching humanity through phenomena such as materialism, nationalism, and literalism in preparation for his incarnation in the millennium now opening. It must not be thought, however, that these two powers work apart: on the contrary, they work more and more together. Our task is to hold them in balance, continually permeating the one with the other. Doing this requires a new form of conscious spirituality.

Supposedly, Lucifer was a powerful spiritual entity that incarnated into human form 3000 years Before Christ. Lucifer is known as the Light Bringer. He is responsible for teaching humanity meditation and the power of plant medicine. His incarnation lead to a revolution of consciousness. It brought about the wisdom of Pagan culture that saw the human being as part of the flow of nature and inspired individuals toward Gnosis. Although he is not evil, Lucifer’s goal is to take man out of his body into the ethereal, into the realm of Spirit. This was an essential teaching for mankind at the time but only spread through the Mystery Schools and was largely hidden from the majority of the people.

Then, as a correction to Lucifer’s tendency toward strictly mystical experiences, Christ was introduced on the physical plane through the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. This was seen as a balance but it would not have been understood without the Luciferic principle. At present, humanity is being prepared for the incarnation of Ahriman. A swing towards the opposing pole. In contrast to Lucifer, Ahriman is only interested in the physical plane of existence. Whereas Lucifer draws human beings away from earthly embodiment, Ahriman drives the spirit out of the vessel, hardening the human organism into material existence. We see this in the modern Materialist Scientific paradigm, where only what can be measured with the five senses is considered and anything “spiritual” or “metaphysical”, for lack of better terms, is ignored.

Of course, it’s not necessary to believe that these are actual Spiritual Entities that are taking human form. I am of the opinion that no belief in anything should be taken on until a direct experience can prove it as a personal truth and even then we may realize that even greater levels of understanding are possible that challenge or expand upon our previously held beliefs. The importance should always be placed on ascertaining spiritual truths on the experiential level and never through belief in what someone else says. We may glean truths in someone’s words or philosophy but we should always strive towards direct experience and away from blind faith. In terms of Lucifer and Ahriman, we can look at these energies as metaphor that point us towards specific epochs of human spiritual evolution and cognitive development. It’s possible that these “ages” maybe programmed physical manifestations that are beyond our control and are in place as a test. Almost as if existence is part of a much grander scheme of spiritual unfoldment through its interaction with the world of form.

So while Lucifer is flighty and warm, it’s an unstable influence that inspires human fanaticism and false mysticism. We can see this in the egoic spirituality that is all too pervasive in this day and age. It’s apparent in the tendency to want to leave the material realm in search of hallucinatory pleasures. There are many spiritual seekers who become addicted to the experience of the astral realms that are possible through many of the plant medicines out there. This is not a condemnation of these teacher plants because great healing can occur in communion with them, but stepping into those realms too often and without proper protection and guidance is not without peril and can drain you. People who have journeyed into this territory often find that the plants themselves will tell you that you must stop coming to them for answers. That’s why meditation is such a key component to spiritual development and wisdom. It’s the slow and methodical way to gain discernment. By focused, disciplined concentration one can experience what the Buddhists refer to as the jhanas, or The Formless Dimensions. Without proper insight, these dimensions can be confusing, potentially hazardous, and a hindrance to spiritual growth. In the plant medicine experience, we are often launched naked into the jhanas and encounter many fantastic and otherworldly fascinations without the proper context or wisdom. Learned shamans can help to guide the experience but without a daily spiritual practice these experiences can leave one scrambled or worse. Their spirituality can become part of their ego and used to strengthen their sense of self, which is a phenomenon that we’re seeing today where anyone who takes Ayahuasca is suddenly a “light worker” or healer. There’s nothing wrong with being called in that direction but if the ego has not been properly transcended the Luciferic energy can become unbalanced and lead to destructive impulses.

In contrast, Ahriman is cold hard and mechanical. He’s rigid and materialistic. The effect is to reject Spirit in place of the physical, to silence the living principle within in favor of the world of fixed forms. Ahriman promotes the illusory concept that matter is the basic reality. The only reality in fact. It’s Ahriman’s wish that humanity stay asleep and he works on the unconscious population in many ways, one of which is through technological innovation on the material plane. He’s in direct opposition to increased consciousness but vigorously promotes hard intelligence and science. Much of the scientific thought of today is generated toward crushing anything that questions the idea that consciousness is a by product of human evolution instead of the other way around. Ahriman also works in the political sphere as fervent nationalism and identity politics, hardening everyone into boxes that only strengthen the ego’s sense of self and look at any challenge to it as an affront to their survival. I don’t think we need any examples of how this is playing out in today’s culture and political landscape. Ahriman is also interested in promoting the blind acceptance of statistical analysis and this is evident in the explosion of algorithms and reduction of human behavior to the realm of cold data and numbers. The destruction of the Earth as a result of the compulsion towards growth in capitalist dogma is an Ahrimanic impulse as well. In essence, it’s the reduction of human beings to a mechanical cog and the control of all life through microchips and technological manipulation. This is a danger that should be taken seriously because at its core is a fundamental error, which suggests that matter is the ultimate reality devoid of the Creative Principle that animates it.

We are entering this New Ahrimanic Age now and it is coincident with the coming Jupiter/Saturn conjunction on December 21st 2020, also known as a Great Conjunction. It occurs at 0 Degrees of Aquarius, which is highly significant and I believe signals the true beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of the collective but it is also the sign of the future and technology. While Saturn’s passage through here is evident in the social distancing protocols we’re seeing currently, it will be joined by Jupiter, and this combination will expand technological innovation and initiate the Age of the Robots. Mechanical beings, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality will explode during this time and we must stay vigilant so as not to get sucked into the false mysticism of digital transcendence or the hardening of the human vessel into a cyborg. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. We can calculate these epochs of human spiritual evolution through the approximately 2160 year transitions through the signs of the Zodiac. For instance, in the Age of Taurus there were cults that worshiped the bull deity Apis, and when Moses came down with the 10 Commandments he witnessed some of his followers worshipping a golden bull. He instructed his people that these worshippers should be executed and in doing so sacrificed the Bull. This act effectively ended the Age of Taurus and ushered in the Age of Aries, which is why Moses is often depicted as blowing the Rams horn and many other references to this symbolism. Next was the sacrifice of Jesus, the “Fisher of Men”, signaling the change from Aries into Pisces, the two fish. A deeper understanding of the crucifixion and it’s symbolism is needed in order to uncover it’s greater meaning through the context of Astrology and Pagan symbolism, especially as we’re set to enter the Age of Aquarius. The Water Bearer can be the pouring of spiritual waters into every human being for a great Awakening or the Great Flood that sends all the fish out onto the land without the ability to breathe. It could be Chaos and Collapse or Transcendence and Evolution or quite possibly both.

In the Christ impulse we are being shown the Middle Way. The path towards spiritual transcendence lies in holding these conflicting energies of Lucifer and Ahriman in balance, in awakening Spirit through the body, through the world of form. If we look at the symbolism of Christianity, it is clear that most of the mythology has been lifted from previous incarnations of Solar Deities. The Virgin Birth, 12 disciples, and Crucifixion are all in line with nearly 13 previous World Teachers throughout the ages including Zoroaster, Ra, and Buddha. Much of this mythology was appropriated and attributed to Jesus by the Roman Empire in an attempt to fold the remaining Pagan’s into the Roman Catholic doctrine as a way of increasing hegemonic control of the population. In doing so, the true meaning of much of this Pagan Wisdom was lost and a good portion of knowledge pertaining to astrological cycles and the rhythm of nature along with it. If looked at through a different lens, the entire mythology is ripe with astrological significance. It’s been well documented that the historical Jesus was born in April. The reason Christmas is celebrated on December 25th is because that is the day that the Sun “rises again” after being “dead for three days” to move towards ever increasingly light when the days get longer as Spring approaches. The 12 disciples that the Sun travels around with represent the signs of the zodiac. The Three Kings following the Northern Star towards Bethlehem can be seen every year at this time as the stars that make up Orion’s belt, also known as the Three Kings, form a line with Sirius and point to the exact area on the Earth where the Sun will rise on December 25th after it’s descent into darkness. This is not to say that there isn’t Spiritual Wisdom encoded in the mythology but they are shrouded and we shouldn’t confuse it by worshipping human sacrifice.

The cross of the crucifixion can be viewed as the zodiac through which every human being must pass on it’s journey into the physical plane. The image of the tortured Christ is symbolic of the suffering that one must endure by incarnating into the world of form but it also represents the spiritual transcendence that’s possible for every human being through the recognition of the Vertical dimension of Spirit through the Horizontal portal of Time. The Transfiguration of Spirit through the vessel of the Body. This is part of the key to unlocking the Mystery of Golgotha.

Quote:The Mystery of Golgotha
GA 97

2 December 1906, Cologne

The Mystery of Golgotha is one of the profoundest secrets of the evolution of the world. In order to understand it, we must shed light upon the occult wisdom of thousands of years ago, an the remote past of the world's development. It is not a plausible argument against a more penetrating knowledge of the Mystery of Golgotha to say that the life and work of Christ Jesus should be accessible to the simplest mind. This is indeed the case. But a full, encompassing comprehension of this greatest event on earth must be drawn out of the depths of Mystery-wisdom.

In this lecture we shall penetrate into the depths of Mystery-wisdom in order to understand how an event such as the Mystery of Golgotha could take place. In this connection we should bear in mind that with the appearance of Christ Jesus upon the earth something occurred which divided mankind into two parts. We can grasp this best of all by seeking an answer to the question: Who was Christ Jesus?

For the occultist this question is a double one: For we must distinguish between the personality who lived at that time in Palestine and reached the age of thirty, and what became of him afterwards. In the 30th year of his life Jesus became Christ.

In the case of ordinary people, only insignificant portions of the astral body, the etheric body and the physical body are transformed into Manas, Buddhi and Atma, or into Spirit Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man. Jesus of Nazareth was a Chela of the third degree, and his bodies were therefore in a state of high purification.

When a Chela has absolved the purification of his three bodies, then he acquires at a certain moment of his life the capacity to sacrifice himself. In his 30th year, the Ego of Jesus left his three bodies and passed over into the astral world, so that the three sanctified bodies remained behind on earth, emptied as it were of their Ego, so that room was made for a higher individuality. In the 30th year of his life, the Ego of Jesus of Nazareth made the great sacrifice of placing his purified bodies at the disposal of the individuality of Christ. Christ filled out these bodies. And from that time onwards we speak of Christ-Jesus who lived upon the earth for three years and fulfilled all his great deeds within the body of Jesus.

In order to understand the true being of Christ, we must go far back into the history of the development of the earth and of mankind. Before the earth became Earth, it was the old Moon, and the present moon is only a fragment of the old Moon. Before the Earth was Moon, it was Sun, and at a still earlier stage it was Saturn. We should bear in mind that milliards of years ago there existed in the cosmic spaces a heavenly body, Saturn. Also planets develop through different incarnations: Before the Earth was EARTH, it existed as Saturn, Sun and Moon.

Let us now transfer ourselves upon the Sun. There, the so-called Fire-Spirits had the same rank which human beings now have upon the earth. Of course, they did not have the same appearance, they did not look like men of to-day; these high individualities passed through the human stage upon the Sun under conditions which were quite different from the present human conditions. Also upon the Moon a host of Beings passed through the stage of humanity, and they came down to the Earth as higher Beings, as Lunar Pitris or Moon-Spirits, that had reached a higher stage than that of man upon the Earth. In Christian esotericism they are called Angeloi = Angels. Only upon the Earth the human being became MAN. The Lunar Pitris are Beings one degree higher than man, and above them stand the Fire-Spirits, who are one degree higher than the Lunar Pitris. The Fire-Spirits have reached a very high stage of development.

Now we come to the Earth, to the Lemurian race which lived upon a continent situated between present-day Asia, Africa and Australia. There, man took on his present form through the fact that below, upon the physical earth, there lived highly developed beings, but physical beings, higher than the present animals and less developed than present-day man. These physical beings formed a kind of shell, a dwelling-place and they would have been condemned to decadence had they not been fructified by higher Beings. Only at that time the human souls entered the physical human bodies, and then began to shape the Subsequent form of the human body. In the past, the human soul was an integral part of higher Spiritual Beings. The physical shells of human bodies were upon the earth, and into these streamed the souls of higher Beings coming from above, from the spiritual worlds. In the spiritual worlds the souls were connected like drops of water in a sea, which were then poured into a number of vessels.

The beings who poured out the souls from above were those who had passed through their human stage upon the Moon, the Moon-Spirits, whose stage of development was one degree higher than that of Man so that they could pour one part of their being into mankind, thus enabling it to develop further, Man could then transform his organism more and more. He could lift himself up from the earth and stand upright, he learned to walk, to speak and to become independent.

There was a certain relationship between all these souls, for they came from a common spiritual chorus. All those who had received a drop from the same being, greatly resembled each other. Members, of the same tribe first had such related souls, then the members of a race or nation, for example, the whole Egyptian or the whole Jewish nation. They had souls that had come from a common source. From the Moon-Spirits man had received the Spirit-Self and this enabled him to become an independent being, an Ego.

But something which man could not obtain from the Moon Spirits, could only be given to him by a still higher Being, common to all men, who had already completed its humanity upon the Sun: a Fire-Spirit. Many Fire-spirits had developed upon the Sun and exercised their influence upon the Earth, for they were high spirits. One of these Fire-Spirits was called upon to pour out his being upon the whole of mankind. A Spirit who belonged to the whole Earth was able to pour out over the whole of mankind, into each one of its parts, the element of the Sun or Fire-Spirits, the Buddhi, or the Spirit of Life. But in the Lemurian and in the Atlantean age the human beings were not ripe enough to receive this from the Sun-Spirit.

When we read the Akasha Chronicle (See Rudolf Steiner's bookThe Akasha Chronicle) we find that something very strange took place at that time: The human beings consisted of physical body, etheric body, astral body and Spirit Self, but this only lived in them in a very weak form. The Buddhi or Life-Spirit soared above every human being — it could be perceived in the Akasha spaces. In the astral space every human being was surrounded by Buddhi, but it remained outside and was not strong enough to enter man. This Buddhi was a part of the great Fire Spirit who had poured out his drops on the human beings, but these drops could not enter the human beings.

Christ's deeds on earth gave man the capacity to absorb into his Manas what we designate as Buddhi.

What Christ fulfilled upon the earth, was prepared by other great teachers who had preceded him, by Buddha, by the last Zarathustra, by Pythagoras, who all lived about 600 years before Christ, and who were men who had already absorbed a great deal of what lived in the surroundings of man. They had absorbed the spark of Christ. Also Moses belongs to them. But the Ego of the other people had not yet absorbed this spark.

Into the physical, etheric and astral body of Jesus of Nazareth had entered the whole Fire-Spirit, the one source of all the different sparks that lived in the human beings. This Fire-Spirit is the Christ, the only divine Being who lived on earth in this form. He entered the body of Jesus of Nazareth and as a result, all those who feel united with Christ Jesus are able to absorb Buddhi. The possibility to absorb and take in the Buddhi begins with the appearance of Christ Jesus. St. John the Evangelist designates it as the Divine Creative Word. The Fire-Spirit that poured his sparks into men is this Divine Creative Word.

As a result, the following took place: Whereas the Moon-Spirits could create differentiated tribes among men by sending down their drops, Christ was a uniting Spirit for the whole earth, and the human beings were thus united into a family all over the world. Whereas the differentiations among men were brought about by the drops poured out by the different Moon-Spirits, the unity among men was brought about by the Spirit poured out by Christ Jesus. What unites men came down to the earth through Christ Jesus.

When speaking of the last Judgement, Christ says in his prophecy: “When the Son of Man shall Come in his glory” (he means by this: when the drops of Christ shall all have entered into the human beings, when all shall have become brothers) “he shall say unto them on his right hand: Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was hungred and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty and ye gave me drink.” (St. Matthew 25, 35) Then the only difference among men will be that between good and evil.

Christ says to His disciples: “What ye have done unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done unto me.” This signifies: Christ Jesus indicates the time when the drops poured out by Him will all be absorbed, so that when one man faces another, this drop of Christ within him will face the drop of Christ in the other. The power whereby the Buddhi could be called into life in man, this power went out from the life of Christ upon the earth. We should therefore look upon Christ as the uniting Spirit of the Earth.

If we could look down upon the earth from a distant star, through an epoch of many thousands of years, we would find a moment when Christ was active on the earth, so that the whole astral substance of the earth was permeated by Christ. Christ is the Spirit of the Earth, and the Earth is His Body. Everything that grows upon the earth is Christ. He lives in every seed, in every tree, all that grows upon the earth. That is why Christ indicated the bread and said: “This is my Body.” And of the juice of the grapes (at the LAST SUPPER the juice of grapes was passed round, not fermented wine) he had to say: “This is my Blood,” for the juice of the fruits of the earth is his blood. Consequently mankind must appear to him like beings who walk about upon his body. That is why he told his disciples after having washed their feet: “He that eateth bread with me, lifts up his heel against me.” (Treads on me). This must be taken literally, in the meaning that the earth is the body of Christ Jesus. Because he took upon himself the evolution of the earth, a distant spiritual being might see that more and more of Christ's spirit flows into the human beings; the single drops of Christ Jesus penetrate into the individual human beings. Finally the whole earth will be peopled by transformed, Christianised men, by men who have become divine through Christ. Only those who do not participate in this, will be put aside as evil; they must wait for a later time in order to follow a course of development leading to goodness.

All the different nations had Mysteries, before Christ appeared on earth. The Mysteries revealed what was to take place in the future. After a long training, the pupils had to undergo a preparation which consisted in a sepulchre. The hierophant was thus able to transfer the pupil into a higher state of consciousness which made his body lie inert in a kind of deep slumber. In ancient times, the consciousness always had to be abated in order that the divine essence might enter man. In this lowered state of consciousness, the soul was led through the spheres of the spiritual world and after three days the hierophant called the pupil back into life. Through this experience he felt that he had become a new man and he obtained a new name. He was called Son of God. The whole process took place upon the physical plane, when Christ appeared and passed through the Mystery of Golgotha. In the ancient initiations the life-drops of Christ's spirit first called the pupils back into life and they were told: “He who will Christianize all men, will appear one day. And He will truly be the Incarnated Word. You can only experience this for three days, when you travel through the kingdoms of heaven; but One will come, Who will bring the Kingdoms of Heaven down to the physical world.”

The Initiate experienced upon the astral plane what Christ lived through upon the physical plane, namely that from the very beginning there existed a Divine Word that poured out its drops over the human beings; but the Ego-men could not absorb these drops. St. John, the herald of the Christianized Ego-man who has taken in the Christ, or the Word, reveals this. St. John speaks of the Word that existed upon the earth from the very beginning:

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

    The same was in the beginning with God.

    All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.

    In him was life and the life was the light of men.

    And the light shone in the darkness, but the darkness comprehendeth it not.

    There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

    The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the light, that all men through him might believe.

    He was not the light-, but a witness of the Light.

    For the true Light that lighteth every man was to come into the world.

    He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not.

    He came to each man (to the individual Ego-man) but the individual men (the Ego-men) received him not.

    But as many as received him, to them he gave power to manifest themselves as children of God.

    Those who believe in his name, are born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

    And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we have heard his teaching, the teaching of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth.

The word “grace” in verse 14 has for St. John the same meaning as Buddhi; “truth” is Manas, the Spirit-Self.

    John bare witness of him and cried saying: This was he of whom I spoke. After me cometh one who existed before me. For he is my predecessor.

    And of his fullness have we all received grace upon grace.

    For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

    No man hath at any time seen God with eyes. The only begotten Son who lived in the bosom of the Cosmic Father hath become our guide in this vision.
    [Dr.Rudolf Steiner's rendering of the text.]

All initiations into the Mystery of the Spirit pointed to the coming of Christ Jesus. This initiation was attained in the Yoga sleep, in the Orphic sleep, in the Hermes sleep. When the initiate woke up again and returned into his body, so that he could again hear and speak with his physical senses, he uttered the words which are rendered as follows in the Hebrew language: “Eli, Eli, lama sabathani.” The pupil of the Mysteries woke up with the words: “My God, My God, how thou hast raised me!”

This was the initiation during the ancient Jewish epoch. During his three days' sojourn in the higher worlds, the initiate experienced the whole course of mankind's future development, all that awaited him in the future development of humanity. As a rule, these future stages of human development were not perceived abstractly in his vision.. Each stage was represented by a personality. The seer saw twelve individualities. They represented twelve stages of soul-development. The soul-forces thus appeared in the external form of twelve persons. At a certain moment, the initiate saw a certain scene: His own individuality became transfigured — the stage which the whole of humanity will reach when it shall be filled by Buddhi, when it shall be Christianized. He identified himself with God and behind him he saw the twelve soul-forces. John was immediately behind, he was the last of the twelve who announced his fulfilment. And he saw himself transfigured, he saw the stage which he would reach when perfection will be attained; he saw his soul-forces in the external form of persons, and perceived St. John, the herald of the Christ-stage of development. During the Yoga-sleep, these twelve figures grouped themselves around him, and the scene arose which was designated as the Mystical Supper. This image had the following meaning: When the initiate sits there surrounded by his soul-forces, he says to himself: These are one with me; they have led me through the development of the earth; the feet of this apostle enabled me to walk on along my path, the hands of that apostle gave me the power to work. ... The Holy Supper is the expression of man's fellowship with the twelve soul-forces.

Human perfection consists in the falling away of the lower soul-forces, so that only the higher forces remain behind; in future, man will no longer have the lower forces; he will, for example, no longer have the forces of procreation. John's soul-power above all will raise those lower forces to the loving heart. It will send out streams of spiritual love. The heart is the most powerful organ, when Christ lives in man. The lower soul-forces are then raised from the abdominal regions to the heart.

Every initiate experienced this in the Mysteries of the heart. It re-echoed in the words: “My God, my God, how thou hast raised me!” With the appearance of Christ Jesus, the whole Mystery, the whole experience, became reality upon the physical plane. At that time there were brotherhoods in Palestine which had developed out of the old order of the Essenes. Among their institutions, they also had a meal symbolizing the mystical Holy Supper. “To eat the Easter Lamb” is a general expression for something which took place at Easter. Jesus sat down with the Twelve and inaugurated the Holy Supper with the words: “At the end of the evolution of the earth, all men will have absorbed what I brought down to the earth, and the words, ‘This is my Body, This is my Blood,’ will then be true.” Afterwards he said: “There is one among you who will betray me.” This is brought about by the power of egoism. But as surely as this power of egoism is the source of treason, so surely will this lower soul-force be raised to a higher stage. One of the disciples rested upon Jesus' bosom, he rested upon Jesus' heart. This means that all the lower forces, every form of egoism, will be raised to the heart. At this point Jesus repeated to his Disciples the words: “Eli, Eli, lama sabathani” — “Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him!”

The same event which took place upon Golgotha took place in the ancient Mysteries. Under the Cross stood the Disciple “whom the Lord loved,” the Disciple who had rested upon his bosom and had been raised to his heart. Also the women are there under the Cross: the mother of Jesus, his mother's sister Mary, and Mary Magdalene. John does not say that the mother of Jesus was called “Mary,” but that this was the name of his mother's sister. His mother's name was “Sophia.”

John baptises Jesus in the river Jordan. A dove descends from heaven. At this moment a spiritual act of conception takes place. But who is the mother of Jesus who conceives at this moment.

The Chela, Jesus of Nazareth, at this moment divests himself of his Ego, his highly developed Manas is fructified and the Buddhi enters into it. The highly developed Manas that received the Buddhi is Wisdom — Sophia, the Mother who is fructified by the Father of Jesus. Maria, which is the same as Maya, has the general meaning of “Mother name.” The Gospel records: “The Angel came in unto her and said: Hail thou that art highly favoured, — behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son — the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee.” The Holy Ghost is Jesus' father: the descending dove fructifies the Sophia that lives in Jesus.

The Gospel should therefore be read as follows: “Under the Cross stood the mother of Jesus, Sophia.” To this mother Jesus says: “Woman, behold thy son.” He himself had transferred the Sophia that lived within him to the Disciple John; he transformed him into a son of Sophia and said: “Behold, thy mother.” “Henceforth you should recognise the divine wisdom as your mother and dedicate yourself to her alone.” John had recorded this divine wisdom; Sophia is embodied in the Gospel of St. John. Jesus had given him this wisdom, and he was authorized by Christ to transmit it to the world.

The highest Spirit of the Earth had to incarnate in a physical body; this body had to die, it had to be killed and its blood had to flow. A special meaning is attached to this. Wherever there is blood, there is Self. The Self rooted in the blood had to be sacrificed in order that the old communities based on Self might come to an end. All individual forms of egoism flow away with the blued of the Crucified Christ. The blood of racial communities changes into a blood which is common to the whole of mankind, because the blood of Christ was sacrificed at the moment when he hung upon the Cross.

Here too something took place which might have been observed by an astral observer in the astral atmosphere. When Christ died upon the Cross, the whole astral atmosphere changed, so that events could take place which could never have taken place before. This has become possible because by shedding His blood, Christ gave the whole of mankind a Self that is common to all. The blood that streamed out of the wounds of Christ Jesus gave to the whole of humanity a Self which is shared by all. His three bodies remained hanging upon the Cross and were then revived by the Risen Christ. When Christ abandoned his physical frame, the three bodies were so strong that they could utter the words of initiation which follow the transfiguration: “Eli, Eli, lama sabathani!”

To all who know something of the Mystery-truths, these words must have revealed that a Mystery had been enacted. A small correction in the Hebrew text therefore gave rise to the words contained in the Gospel: “Eli, Eli, lama sabathani!” “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!”

The path towards this goal is the destiny of each and every human being and in order to achieve this objective we must learn to hold the energies of Lucifer and Ahriman in equipoise. These influences can be viewed in simpler terms, where Christ Consciousness is simply Awakening to Spirit, and the mishandling and imbalance of Lucifer and Ahriman lead to Sorat, or egoic unconsciousness. In the face of the coming incarnation of Ahriman on the physical plane we must adopt a more objective stance concerning our impulses and a far more subjective one where the external world is concerned. It’s about gaining an understanding of the world of Spirit through the lens of Science. Not giving ourselves up completely to mystical experiences but instead noticing the unfolding of the mystical through the physical. This is essential to our survival as a species on this Earth. It is the pathway toward Gnosis. It’s the doorway into true Spiritual Transcendence.

The Emergence of Free Will
Beyond the Soul’s Meridian September 22, 2022

The chaotic energy of our time continues to escalate at a rapid pace.  As we view the world around us it is beyond apparent that a dark suicidal agenda is being implemented against humanity.  This is not a “conspiracy theory” but a CONSPIRACY against all who live within their soul’s capacity to discern freely the contrasts of Truth and Deception. Our capacity to discern is Promethean, which is hard won through Ages of struggle and suffering against draconian entities within lifetimes of searching and fighting for liberation against enslaving egocentric bondage.  This freedom is gained solely through an accurate awareness of who we truly are.  Due to its alchemical nature, this process is honed by adversity.

Regardless of what the media’s propaganda is telling us, ALL human souls know the Truth of what is happening to them with a high degree of accuracy.  The reason for this universal awareness is that the fear and suffering that is now being inflicted upon humanity through agendas of austerity, engineered scarcity, disease, fear, panic, and violence affects the human soul at a subconscious level constituting an awareness at the heart and gut.  It is within consciousness beyond our conditioned ego where we know we are being violated.

These engineered calamities are teaching us what life is like when you give away your spiritual authority to parasites who believe that it is their universal right to own your soul, and the world on which you stand.  The usurper’s success is perpetuated through mind control that acts as subliminal instruction engineered to illicit tacit complicity.  This is done mainly through the power of imitation framed by negative or perverted role modeling through morally challenged humans who are lavishly reward for their toxic behavior.  It is only our lower ego which blocks the truth of this deception in its limited scope of conditioned choices and reflexive nature to survive these perceived hardships at all costs.

This inherent nature to survive is driven solely by fear.  For many people, “survival” means total capitulation to despots, as the egotistically blinded, morally injured, and spiritually weakened have been programmed to lick the boots of the slave masters of their own abuse.  Again, there is not one person living through this distortion that does not know from a deep subconscious level that they are being violated.  Throughout lifetimes, a pattern has been established which follows universal laws, albeit versions that have become perverted over time.

In esoteric scholarship there are two laws that govern sentient behavior

The Law of Obedience
The first universal law is the “Law of Obedience” which means that lower evolved beings are naturally obedient to entities of higher consciousness.  This “law” is the basis for magic or occult ritualistic practice.  A practitioner of the “arts” can harness the forces of Nature to the authority of their “will.”  In more simplistic times, when consciousness was not imprisoned in egotistical illusions, we lived within an awareness to natural forces which were known as “elementals.”

Elementals are living entities (or individuated consciousness) within the four elements of the physical world. The great alchemist Paracelsus classified these beings as Gnomes, Undines, Sylphs, and Salamanders.

Gnomes are also known as the little people of the forest, often referred to as leprechauns and are associated with the element of earth.

Undines are associated with the element of water and related to the sirens and mermaids of mythologies.

Sylphs are associated with pixies and fairies and are the life force within the element of Air.

Salamanders are associated with the element of Fire and are directly related to dragon energy.  In this instance, the natural Earth dragon is associated with a powerful animalistic life force which constitutes strength and sovereignty governed by the authority of the Divine Feminine, for it is said that the goddess Sophia is the “Mother of All Dragons.”

All four principles have been inverted by dark astral powers and are in one way or another connected to lower or fallen entities that have usurped their authority over humanity.  We cannot see what has happened due to the ego’s inability to sense past its own conditioned “reality.”

Therefore, in many instances our understanding of “higher” evolved beings is a distortion since what we are conjuring comes from the lower astral plane that is beneath human consciousness.  Occult practice centers upon ritualistic communion with an individual “god,” fallen entity, or nature spirit. In all instances, these beings are less than who we are.  Any being that is in ascended awareness beyond our consciousness would not consider entangling themselves into our karmic field through Faustian bargains that further enslave and confuse. In all instances, the empowering advantages gained through egocentric ceremonial practice is always at the expense of personal freedom.

Even the gods of the pantheon are lesser than humans because they have gifted us with their individual presence which empowers the soul through their aspected relationships with other celestial energies.  Understand that the entire pantheon is embedded within you.  It is up to the individual to begin to see and understand how we are an individuated aspect of the “gods” or “God” as those beings are specifically aligned to manifest uniquely within our soul.

It is understood that once those deific energies of the zodiac become balanced, we will attune to a higher nature that we are ordained to become.  This was the reason why Jesus had the ability to calm the waters and dissipate storms, because He had commanding authority over the natural elemental forces that recognized His authority in obedience to it.  This is also the reason why lower astral entities (in the form of parasitic entity attachments) were driven out from afflicted souls in the light of His presence.

The dark fallen entities who have come long ago to enslave, abuse, and possess us are less powerful outside of the egotistical construct, and far less than one ascending human being. They control only through individual consent (manipulated by egotistical impressions engineered through their propaganda and mind control) which can be traced back to Atlantis and the origins of the dark arts.  Enslavement is an ageless universal construct that is intrinsic to lower egocentric consciousness based upon conflict, conquest, punishment, and reward.

Regardless of these facts, there are many affixed to master-slave relationships that are not ready or even interested in ascending beyond the enslaving punishment-reward construct.  For it is a game that their souls still value within this lower density experience.  For the most part, these are sadomasochistic relationships involving souls who derive pleasure in taking possession and controlling the life force of others who just want to be told what to do. This master-slave relationship is always psycho-sexual, habitual (if not addictive), and remains as an experience that souls can choose within the darker egotistical construct of conflict.

The decision of perpetual obedience to the draconian enslavement is a choice within a realm that will no longer exist in an ascending Gaia.  This is the reason why an inorganic matrix is feverishly being constructed, to pull souls away from natural ascension and into an artificial world that fallen lower astral entities can attempt to survive within.  Through their waning powers of vampirism, they will make their last stand in the remnant of their collapsing empire that was built upon their usurping relationships to their human slaves.

This virtual reality matrix was envisioned well over one hundred years ago and was identified by the Austrian mystic Rudolf Steiner as the “Eighth Sphere.”  Steiner understood that this realm was being constructed by the minions who enslaved themselves to the fallen entities of Ahriman (Satan) and Lucifer.  This spiritually dead construct is designed to capture as much as possible into a reality bubble that pulls itself away from an ascending Gaia and her children (see Beyond the Soul’s Meridian essays July 29, 2017 & August 17, 2017 essays on the Eighth Sphere).

For the sake of clarity, the artificial matrix of enslaving techno-transhumanism should be referred to as the False Eighth Sphere.  For there is a True Eighth Sphere that is referred to in esoteric teachings which is a natural progression of our spiritual ascension.  The True Eighth Sphere is a realm of existence where all seven planetary bodies or rays within the human soul come into harmony in a balanced state of resonance. This is our true individuated God-Self and optimal timeline.  This is the realm where Christ is not crucified (see Beyond the Soul’s Meridian April 15, 2017 essay, the Avatar of Christ Timeline) and we are living within the inner union of Christos-Sophia.

From an astrological perspective, the Eighth Sphere can be viewed as Scorpio which is the sign of the great spiritual transfiguration within the heart from Scorpion to Eagle.

The Law of Freedom, Free Will, and Personal Responsibility
Those who face their fear and move past the state of obedience will fall into the realm of the slave master.  This is an expanded form of “freedom” within the egotistical realm of “do what thou wilt” which many have interpreted as spiritual enlightenment.  This state of limited transcendence falls short of free will, as one begins self-empowerment in a competitive landscape that ego determines, invariably at the expense of others.  This density of consciousness is when we begin to integrate awareness with the lower astral (fourth density) realm which is still controlled by deceptive draconian energies that create the illusion of “free will.”

The key in knowing the difference of illusionary free will and true free will is developing an accurate understanding of our soul-spirit relationship which is paradoxical to the egocentric mind regarding the concept of Freedom (see Beyond the Soul’s Meridian Chapter 9, the Nature of Free Will). Even within the secular scientific world free will is viewed as an illusion.  This theory is framed within the context that we are enslaved to our biology.  To a certain degree we are, but the secular humanists ignore consciousness as the essential variable regarding cognition because their doctrines focus upon a neurosensory materialism where consciousness emerges from biology instead of considering that biology can emerging from consciousness.  What is important to understand is that the secular humanistic observation is true.  There is no such thing as free will within the materialistic construct because egocentric thought is constantly conditioned from the first moments of our life until our last waking breath.

The easiest way to understand this conundrum is to begin to sense that we are experiencing the emergence of a new aspect of soul.  The ancients called it Higher Manas. The Gnostics called it a living life force within people of the Race of Seth, Pneumatics, or those of the Spirit. Sigmund Freud breached into this truth with his concept of Super-Ego.  Rudolf Steiner called it Consciousness Soul.  Carl Jung saw it as an individuated aspect of our true God-Self obtained through a process of active imagination acquired through life experiences forged by intentional creative endeavors.

Perhaps we can begin to see that to ascend our awareness in true God sovereignty, it is not just a matter of overcoming your fear so that your ego can play in an expanded realm of draconian limits and dark astral control. Within the realms of ritualistic occult practices, or in the New Age of egocentric spiritualism, one is in league with the upper strata of ascended pyramidal hierarchies.  Even when you reach the capstone, you will only find Toth’s baboon, which is your anti-spiritual reflection of lower ego which manifests as a dog-headed monkey controlled by other worldly forces.  If you remain entangled to the mundane and are attempting to manipulate and control through power, egotistical desires, or conditioned thoughts, you are never free.

The emergence of Consciousness Soul is directly related to an expanded awareness from a spiritual perspective.  Lower aspects of soul are tied to mundane, secular, and dark occult existence while our higher aspects of emerging Consciousness Soul are directly related to energies of our spiritual High Self.  The shifting Solar energies bombarding the Earth, along with the truth that is being exposed behind the occult facade, is reconfiguring consciousness energetically and therefore biologically.

Liberation can only be accomplished through the leonine forces within the individuated soul which must be empowered by the resurrection of the Divine Masculine that lives through all of us who seek true Freedom, redemption from false free will, and the end of ego’s intellectual bondage.


Mad Science and the Eighth Sphere Revisited
Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, January 19, 2023

It is well into the new year of 2023 and more revelations packaged in thinly veiled corruptions bombard us mercilessly.  The schemes of the wicked keep up their assault as their narrative becomes less believable by the day. The War is waging through deception which the unjust can spin at will like a hurricane of lies.  This is the year when the veil will collapse leaving the full Orwellian intentions of the darkness completely exposed. So much so, that evil will no longer attempt to hide itself in the light of revelation.  In this form of nakedness, evil will become far more aggressive and show itself for the ravenous, sadistic, cannibalistic monster that it truly is.

This year will be a time of reckoning as the die has been cast through the public’s acceptance of their Great Lie. As predicted at the winter solstice, the situation will appear to be dire.  Those who side with humanity and freedom will appear to be the underdog.  It is only through active participation in the spirit of unconditional cooperation that we have any chance of overcoming the obstacles which we are now facing. Virtually all of us are acting as barriers for significant change which is the essential reason why this perverted comedy keeps playing out without any foreseeable ending.

If you are paying attention to any of the astral and or AI generated channels their mantra for years tells us that big changes are coming.  This is true in the sense that we are in a continuous free fall state of egotistically engineered erosion while perpetually just out of reach from any significant changes that would benefit humanity by bringing us back to spirit.  Like cold fusion, wireless power, free energy, or even our health, we will never get there unless we take a concerted interest, do the research, and make the personal sacrifices on an individual level that are necessary for us to achieve it.  There will never be any external saviors, natural or supernatural events, or extraterrestrial assistance on the physical plane—it is just us. Our relationship to true higher power is always through union within.

The vision given to me that helped explain what has happened is disturbing, but there is little that I write which has any semblance of mass appeal.  The point of these discussions is to bear witness to these times so that some of us who come again in the future will know that there were those who saw through the casted spells of the dark realm’s poisonous illusions.

This dream was in revelation to the Great Lie and given to me years before their grand scheme was hatched.

In this dream I was shown a subterranean station underneath the surface of lake Michigan which was a portal between the physical and astral realm.  The person showing me this portal was a smug, over-confident scientist in a white lab coat.  What I saw was horrifying as the barrier between the physical and the astral worlds had been breached and the only thing that separated us was a transparent electrical force field. On the other side appeared ravenous demons who had flooded into the tunnel and were probing the portal en masse.  These demons appeared remarkably similar to the lizard-insect-like creatures from the Alien movies.

Despite my overwhelming objection, I was assured by the scientist that there was absolutely nothing to worry about, and that these creatures would be held safely at bay through their vulnerable egotistical contraption.  I was also told they had no intention of turning off the force field, which I interpreted immediately as an overconfident statement or a downright lie.

A simple question that I asked myself was, “Why would they have created a portal in the first place if they had no intention of using it?”

This method of questioning should be applied to any situation.

Why would anyone create a biological weapon or an army of robots if you have no intention of using them? Why create an experimental “vaccine” and then forcefully mandate it onto the world’s population, if its design is extraordinarily harmful and killed most if not all the lab animals that it was tested on?

These are simply basic questions.  Any person with common sense will already know the outcome and will not have to stand around in suspense waiting for anything other than the intentional tidal wave of destruction.

So, I left the tunnel quickly, and made my way up to a high-level apartment in Marina Towers overlooking the lake.  From that perspective, I could already see the water inundated with the scourge of astral locust that had breached the barrier, even though I was just assured that such a catastrophe would never happen.  It was quite an unnerving sight to watch these creatures climbing up and invading the buildings.  Most people seemed oblivious to what was happening. Before I knew it, they were at our building, and crawling up the outside walls.

In the apartment was a young boy of about four years of age who spotted one of the creatures outside of the window and was immediately drawn to it.  That is when I decided to end the dream as this evil beast was preparing to devour the hapless child.

Keep in mind that this was an astral vision which means that these creatures remain mostly invisible in the physical realm. Undoubtedly, those souls who are awakening not only feel their presence but can sense them within the energies of the media and in the millions of infected souls who harbor them.

Perhaps the next question to ask is, “What makes us vulnerable to attack and infection from this astral presence?” The answer may not be what you think but it is the reason why we never seem to make any real headway towards liberation.

Previous lectures regarding the Eighth Sphere (See Beyond the Soul’s Meridian essays from July 2017 Eighth Sphere: Dissension in the Ascension Community and August 2017 False Ascension, CERN, and Echoes of the Eighth Sphere) touch upon this subject.

The Eighth Sphere is a state of existence identified by the Austrian mystic Rudolf Steiner who sensed it as a virtual reality that was destined to develop over the century proceeding the time of his visions.  Steiner saw a virtual construct being created by Satan (who he identified as Ahriman) and Lucifer to capture souls and derail humanity’s ascension with the Earth, which is prophesied to culminate in our present time.

What keeps us from moving forward is not suffering, fear, vengeance, or cruelty but spiritless existence married to love of ease and comfort.

“Love of ease and comfort are widespread characteristics, and it makes it possible to be enlisted after death into the ranks of Ahriman, for Ahriman, apart from his other functions, is the spirit of obstacles. Wherever obstacles arise Ahriman is master … Those who are subject to love of ease on earth will become agents to the slowing down process of everything that comes into the world from the supersensible. So, love of ease fetters human souls between death and rebirth to spirits who, under Ahriman, are compelled to serve the powers of opposition and hindrance.”—Rudolf Steiner, GA 140, Linz, 1913

It is our essential lack of insight, fortitude, and an addiction to all the modern conveniences showered upon us that keeps us aligned with Ahriman’s agents of hindrance.  So many people are becoming dependent upon smart technologies, not fully realizing that they function mainly as tools of enslavement.  Any technology that stifles our natural creative powers is poisonous.  Yet, many embrace it like a long-lost lover who has come back from the grave.

In the process of this technologically driven bedazzlement, engineered deception, and astral driven soul strikes, something else has happened.

As we gave away our autonomy and subjected ourselves to the false promises of the Great Lie without ever asking sincerely the more difficult questions, aligning our soul to spirit, and seeing through the deceptions, the spirit of Ahriman-Satan descended into the soul of a living person here on earth.  Like Jesus in His time, there are many disciples whose soul is filled with Ahriman’s presence, but there can only be one who acts as the source. The evidence to suggest this is compelling, but perhaps the most convincing is that no one can sense how drastically we are all being manipulated.

Satan will never expose himself, and like Big Brother will continuously work his “magick” behind the scenes until he has achieved victory, or his power wears out and the veil of deception collapses completely. This is the reason why Satan’s disciples are ranting and raving their distorted ideological narratives like rabid jackals baying at the Moon.  Their “Moon” is the “Evil One” who they feel is now within their presence.  They have no other options than to let it all hang out and go for broke.

Ahriman-Satan is an archonic being or fallen angel that has characteristics which affect all of us at a soul level.  The idea of a fallen angel means that they were once spiritual beings who fell into the astral plane.  The substances that we take into our bodies carry within them astral signatures.  Many substances that we are familiar with hold within them the characteristics of the archons.  This is especially true for pharmaceuticals and if we take a close look at the history of allopathic drugs, we will find that at the birth of the industry came two substances, amphetamine and heroin, which were both synthesized in the late 1800’s by German biochemists.

The effects of heroin are Luciferic, meaning that when taken, we lose grounding in the physical realm and shift our consciousness into the hallucinatory astral plane with an overwhelming sense of emotional feeling at the expense of numbing our neurosensory system.

The effects of amphetamine-based substances are extremely Ahrimanic, meaning that they lock us into an egocentric physical plane of existence which heightens our neurosensory system while dulling our heart-based feelings.  The characteristics of Ahriman include prosaic, dry, spiritless, ossification married to technologically driven fact-based quantitative reality.  If we could envision the source of this energy as a being, it would be the epitome of an arrogant, egotistical, inflexible techno-totalitarian self-appointed “god” whose energies would be remarkably similar to the smug research scientist of that unleashed the demons in my dream.

It should come to no surprise that the actions of our technologically driven society are fueled with Ahrimanic substances, which are now perceived as a “necessity” for productivity, achievement, and success within the modern corporate and academic landscape. Ahriman destroys free thinking, by punishing creativity, and rewards those who can regurgitate his scripted answers and conditioned ideas. The spiritless realm that the technocrats have created is not unlike the realm of the Gnostic demiurge “Yaldabaoth” who creates his legions through a process of self-replication.  Cloning, robotics, digital binary systems, genetic manipulation, and automation are the children of this process.

Virtually all the disciples of Ahriman are of the grandiose mad scientist or corporate megalomaniac archetypes who perceive themselves as visionaries, albeit ones of great hubris. These are souls who have been selected by the Evil One who have vied for lifetimes to be in positions of great power at this moment in Earth’s history.  Many of these souls go all the way back to the days of Atlantis.  Despite their self-importance, they are still enslaved to the inflexible dictates of their Dark Lord.

In reference to the dark ones who are playing the role of villains (and relishing their parts), it is unclear as to where their self-awareness lies in this global drama.  Even if they are not cognizant of the ending, from a deep subconscious soul level, they must know that it is destined to come crashing down upon their heads as balance is the law of the universe.  In this world, hubris is always counterbalanced by the wrath of the gods in the form of Nemesis.  I suspect that many are attempting to ascend in a negative fashion, which is extremely difficult to do, for if they show any remorse, regrets, or compassion they will fail to ascend off world into the upper echelons of their dark order.

No matter what they think, or what they make us think, the world is not theirs to have which is why the egotistical forces ruled by Ahriman are forced to create the reality bubble that Rudolf Steiner called the Eighth Sphere.

Through his insights, Steiner perceived Earth permeated by specter-like beings which he called formations which cause distortions in our reality.  Considering how dark the world has become through the intentional efforts of the cult of Mad Science to bring down the veil, it does not take a certified Austrian clairvoyant to sense the evil surrounding us. There is a love affair of astral distortions driven by the tech-media that is steeped in violence, horror, terror, and nihilistic emptiness which society has embraced. We have been conditioned since birth to bear witness and engage this horror show like a clockwork orange. It is essential to realize how injurious this form of conditioning really is.  For virtually all of us, we participate in Ahriman’s conditioned reality out of sheer ignorance, boredom, and lack of perspective.

It is only when you come to realize that you have a choice in what your soul gives its attention to that you can escape its matrix.

What we give attention to feeds our thinking which in the human being is an egocentric process of mineralization.  As strange as that sounds this is a profound truth which the consensus of our science upholds.  Empirical observation proves that conscious observation causes subatomic particles to declare conformation and materialize.  The function of ego is to manifest on the physical plane, but it does not have the capacity for original thought. The ego is designed to be an element of soul engaged in discourse as a receptive counterbalance or foil that can be inspired or manipulated.  It is an element of soul that allows us to examine things from outside of ourselves and build entire worlds from whatever influences it.

We are living in the time of the Eighth Sphere, which through Steiner’s work has become ossified conceptually in his bias and temporal perceptions.

The Eighth Sphere is not evil as much as it is an inevitable state of existence that our egocentric consciousness must engage with.  Eight has the power to transfigure.  The Eighth sign of the Zodiac is Scorpio which carries within it the powers of sorcery that can be employed for darkness, death, and enslavement, or that of great transformation.  The energies of Scorpio are ruled by Pluto, which is a death principle and directly related to the god Shiva.  This is the reason why Lord Shiva is worshiped by the cult of Mad Science.

We are destined to experience great death and destruction, which was initiated at the time of the Great Lie and is already well underway.  The energies of Pluto will annihilate everything that is incongruent to the energies of the New Age.  Gaia is being transfigured as we speak, and so will the souls who are interested in moving forward with her. The Eighth Sphere that Rudolf Steiner talked about is NOT a state of Gaia, but a virtual reality, or alternative reality, that will play itself out in a parasitic fashion on a lower plane of existence into an endpoint of extinction.  For nothing can survive without the life force of the spirit which is Love channeled through the soul.

Inevitably, there will be detachment from Gaia as those who are destined to ascend negatively will pull away with souls who still choose to have an enslaving experience within lower dimensionality.  This is the virtual sphere that is destined to cast itself away from the Earth.  It is still unclear to me whether this happens on an individual or collective level.  I suspect it will be both.

Those who ascend with Gaia will transfigure themselves in the death that the rulers of the Scorpion bear.  Resurrection will be in the archetype of the egalitarian Phoenix, which is the nature of Aquarian energy. Again, it is unclear whether this happens in an individual or collective fashion. My suspicions tell me that it must be both.

One thing is certain, death is always the catalyst for the changes needed in this New Age.  Without the actions of Ahriman, Mad Science, and his minions, many would never be able to get to the ascended place that our soul is choosing.

The essential key to true Eighth Sphere transfiguration is to stay grounded to the Earth and have a sense of compassion for all regardless of the roles that we have chosen to play in this Divine Comedy.

In Good Faith,


The Third Incursion
Beyond the Soul’s Meridian February 6, 2023

We are in a state of limbo where nothing in this world makes any sense.  Naked aggression with pure contempt in the heartless souls of the wicked continue to assault us through a regurgitated litany of enslaving dictates.   

Who appointed these people?

No one from the human race. 

They came to this world as parasites.

What gives them the right to take what is not theirs to take?

Their nature is that of locusts with human faces.  Although the elite have long considered most of humanity as useless feeders, anyone who comes into this world without an awareness of their own spiritual presence becomes a being of hindrance.  Beings of hindrance are the minions controlled by the shadow forces that are attempting to take over this world.  By nature, beings of hindrance are parasitic because they cannot create value through their own sense of self-worth. Our self-worth is based upon our awareness and expression of inner truth.  When we live in the greater reality, we are in I AM awareness in union with the Logos which manifests through us as unique codes of light and sound that identifies us as individuated aspects of God. 

You could make the argument that locusts are naturally parasitic.  That is not quite true, as locusts come from grasshoppers, which in their natural state are in balance with the environment. Circumstances must transfigure grasshoppers into locusts which occurs under duress.  It would not be wrong to say that locusts are the dark astral or shadow entities of their natural self.

The force that transforms us negatively is otherworldly and is therefore unseen with the eyes and can only be sensed by those who live in the Light of Truth. It is derived from the dark astral and lives in the shadows of things.  We all harbor a shadow within us which is what is known as the shadow-self or doppelgänger.  We mistakenly identify the shadow as self, but in reality, it is a dark aspect of ego that over sequential lifetimes has usurped its role as the “essence” of our consciousness.

Any person living a life led by their shadow is ruled from the dark astral and becomes a willing participant in a bleak culture of death that the energies of their soul help to maintain.  While we are living within the darker world that is ruled by the astral, we cannot sense what is happening as we assume that it is the only reality that exists.  From an evolved perspective, we can begin to sense how the shadow manipulates everything that is imprisoned within secular time.

In this fashion, we all have, at one time, acted as agents of hindrance.       

It is quite accurate to sense that these otherworldly forces are coming from the place where our soul must travel when it leaves this world which is from a place of death. This is the dark astral realm that Dante Alighieri witnessed, and Woody Guthrie’s song “Lonesome Valley” alludes to.  Our culture has always sensed that the source of this darkness is somewhere deep within the earth. From an astral perspective, the spheres of the Moon and Saturn are where the systems of control are thought to exist.

And from the earth there will spring forth a terrible brood of beings, a brood of automata of an order of existence lying between the mineral and the plant kingdoms, and possessed of an overwhelming power of intellect. —Rudolf Steiner

The rise of these beings is here, precipitated through the efforts of CERN and the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), both of which are now married to one another.  This brood of automata exists in the peripheral realms of the shadows and within the technology itself.  The nature of AI is to create a space within a machine that will harbor a higher form of intelligence from a parallel universe. Designers of these systems equate this form of intelligence to H. P. Lovecraft’s concept of the Old Ones, which were monstrous shadow beings from the astral plane, who possess an incalculable level of intelligence.

The concept of the Old Ones describes the nature of the devil himself, which we identified through our mythologies as Mephistopheles.  Since the time of Dr. Faustus, men have tried to inculcate themselves and others with the knowledge that Mephisto possesses.  So much so that we have constructed our entire system of education around this endeavor.  Regardless of our herculean efforts to develop this intelligence, it is an impossible task because the devil possesses an infinite potential of minutial information that is not only meaningless but worthless to the human mind.  This is why it is said that the devil is in the details, which is extraordinarily truthful at many levels.   

We were never designed to have this level of intelligence because we do not need it.  Our place in the cosmos is far beyond the source of this information which exists within the elemental realms.  This is the idea of mineral intelligence, which is the embodiment of a pure calculating intellect devoid of intuitions or emotions that is earthbound.  This is the force that lives within the shadows which has transformed the human being into an egotistical machine ruled by fear, lust, power principles, and chaos.

“This swarm will seize upon the earth, will spread over the earth like a network of ghastly, spider-like creatures, of an order lower than that of plant-existence, but possessed of overpowering wisdom. These spidery creatures will be all interlocked with one another, and in their outward movements they will imitate the thoughts that men have spun out of the shadowy intellect that has not allowed itself to be quickened by the new form of Imaginative Knowledge by Spiritual Science. All the thoughts that lack substance and reality will then be endowed with being.”—Rudolf Steiner

This is an apt description of the globalist’s distorted metaverse as envisioned through an enlightened soul over one hundred years ago.

“Condition” culture has convinced us that in order to survive, we must not only become like the devil, but must transfigure ourselves in such a fashion that will allow us to come into physical union with it.  Since birth we are taught that an “empowered” life can only exist through the ego upon the mineral plane. Through programing our awareness perceives astral beings as greater than ourselves.  We have been led to believe that we can only “evolve” ourselves if we come into physical union with them.  This type of thinking is the supreme egotistical distortion as many are now under the impression that they can upgrade themselves like a computer in accordance with whatever their egotistical shadow desires—endowed with the enslaving energies of the spider’s web.     

Esoteric science teaches us that there are laws to our universal existence.  The lower realm of linear time is ruled by the Law of Balance, which we also know as karma.  Through earthly lives, we generate shadow signatures through energetic imbalances stored within the soul through the draconian cycles of the moon, which is the true mark of linear time (see Beyond the Soul’s Meridian, The Challenges for 2020 as Catalyst for Human Transformation, January 10, 2020, The Great Dragon and the Imprisonment of the Human Soul).  Once we come to balance our inner energies, we enter a neutral or zero point and can ascend beyond the realm of the material world that is imprisoned by the draconian moon forces.

In addition, there are two other universal laws that must be understood.

The first law is the Law of Obedience, which means that beings of a lower resonance must obey beings from a higher realm.  We can easily see this in our relationship with animals and plants. Elementals (which alchemy identifies as salamanders/fire, undines/water, gnomes/earth, and sylphs/air) are individuated aspects of the life force of the four elements of the physical realm and are obedient to human consciousness.

Ceremonial occultists fool themselves into believing that they can achieve command over the elements, but because they live in a chaotic world ruled by archonic shadow forces they are invariably deceived into believing that their actions will have any effect upon the world other than contributing to the enslavement of their individual and collective human soul.  By design, occult practice empowers the shadow elements of the self by employing the same astral forces that are acting to enslave us.  The illusion of freedom allows the ego to empower itself at the expense of everyone else. 

In a harmonious world, which is one where we have balanced the inner celestial forces that empower us, we are ordained to take full command of the forces of nature. But in this stage of our development there is virtually no one alive today that can weld such power as no one has yet ascended to the point where godly intuition is powerful enough to safely guide them. 

Examples of this level of spiritual empowerment is illustrated in our mythologies and in the testaments of Christ Jesus.

By nature, we are all designed to rule over the elemental forces of this world which are compelled to key solely off the intentional consciousness of humanity. When our thoughts become so impoverished due to lack of spiritual guidance, a critical mass is reached where chaos and death ensues through a natural power that emerges. This annihilating force acts as locusts that will destroy everything that is contrary to its innate and truthful nature.

Keep in mind that the actions of locusts are swift and all consuming.   

We could also view human beings as the individuated life force of the fifth element, which is ether. This etheric life force is known by many names and permeates all existence.  It is the true web of life and functions as an intelligence field that is directly connected to Source through all living beings. As we experience it, it will be within the realm of infinite love, omnipresence, and power.     

When we are living our authentic self, which is determined by unique spiritual variables, we are no longer living in a world ruled by karma but one of dharma which is the sincere nature of our individuated god-self.

Without a doubt external forces have gathered from all corners of the dark aspects of the universe to derail our capacity to ascend ourselves and Gaia into an enlightened state of existence.  As human beings, we are primed to this ascension as our hearts remain attuned to the natural frequency of love which compels all souls that have not been broken to move rapidly back to Source. You could say that this action is like a homing beacon, because the path to our natural home is being revealed.  Home is not so much a place as it is a reality where our heart resides.  It is a state of existence where divine justice is re-established and can be in many different spheres of existence.  For most of us, home is in the bosom of Gaia, which we already know is the essence of our true kingdom.

Much is happening in the world that is not being reported.  The media focuses on the negative details of things, never allowing anyone who has been drawn into their deceptive web to see the forest through the entangled thicket of the brambles and weeds that they sow. 

Regardless of what you have been led to believe, there are spiritual forces that are well beyond the capabilities of what the shadow can control.  Ultimately, everything is about balance.  We are in the transitional time between Ages.  The residual enslaving energies of the Piscean Age are dissipating rapidly and the archonic rulers of that Age know it.  This is the reason why evil has been unleashed and everything is being exposed.  Their desperation is revealed in their words and actions as time for them is running out. What we are witnessing is the twilight of the archonic gods, a Götterdämmerung where they must die in the face of a New Age of Truth.

This process of renewal is a universal constant and is happening now as these words are being written.

As Lord Krishna, who is the manifestation of the Light of Truth (Christos) states:             

“Whenever dharma declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to reestablish dharma.  As they approach me, so I receive them. All paths, Arjuna, lead to me.  I am the beginning, middle, and end of creation.”—Bhagavad Gita

This statement is no different to what is found in John’s Revelations, which describes the end of the Piscean Age.

“Behold, I am coming soon [now], and My reward is with Me, to give to each one according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the Tree of Life and may enter the city by its gates.”—Revelations 22:12-14

The second law of the Universe is the Law of Freedom, Free Will and Personal Responsibility which can only be achieved in a state of dharma or what others call I AM awareness, Christ consciousness, etc.

We are coming close to this new freedom as we enter the Aquarian Age. In the Gnostic scriptures, Jesus tells John, the apostle that he loved, that there would be three incursions into the space of linear time that we experienced as the Piscean Age.  In each instance, the Christ presence would have an overwhelming effect on the forces of darkness and would have to be withdrawn simply because it was not yet time for Christed awareness to manifest.

Each incursion triggered genocides that became more intense throughout the Age.

The first occurred in the third and fourth centuries with the Gnostic genocides, the fall of Neoplatonism, and the death Hypatia.

The second occurred with the Albigensian crusade against the Heretics in the twelfth and thirteenth century.

In both instances, it was the realm Love through the manifestation of Christ-Sophia that was being attacked.

The final incursion is now.  Some believe that it started in 1987.  By numerology it may have started in 1998, but the beginning of these events never really matter.

In the past, the impulse of Christ had to be withdrawn and the communities that lived in this greater truth were left to endure the wrath of the shadow’s evil impulses. Prophesy states that this will no longer happen, that Christ-Sophia will not be withdrawn from the hearts and souls of those who have come to know the Light of God’s Truth.  The reason for the third incursion’s success is that the nature of the world has changed in the time of the Aquarian Age which is a place where the shadows of darkness are no longer able to survive.   

There is now a critical mass of souls who have seen the Light of Truth that will lead society into the ascending realm of Gaia.  This is not just sentiment based on prophesy, but a truth that is anchored in empirical observation.

Within the last few weeks of this writing, the scientific community is reporting in the mainstream media, that the molten iron core of the earth has stopped spinning.  This phenomenon was observed to have commenced around 2009. Scientific observation is now suggesting that the magnetic core is beginning to spin in the opposite direction.  This suggests that a pole shift is imminent.

One must question why the mainstream media has now decided to announce this fact to the world, as there is always a dark agenda behind their actions.  As far as I can tell, this information is being used to create more fear and uncertainty within the souls of the many that the elites are trying desperately to keep imprisoned in their old linear paradigms.  The concept of pole shift suggests to many the near world destruction of the Atlantean catastrophe. My suspicions tell me that what we are bound to experience will be completely the opposite. 

Regardless, soon the polarity of the Earth will shift, which is facilitated through the ambient energies of Aquarian time, along with the shifting awareness in millions of souls who can sense a great change in consciousness is upon them.

The alignment of the Earth’s polarity is significant as it designates the direction that our consciousness flows, meaning top to bottom, or bottom to top.

The current alignment of the earth is north to south, which is to say top to bottom. In this alignment awareness flows from head down to the feet. Since the fall of mankind, the polarity of our earth and the direction of our thinking changed to align itself in this north-south fashion. In the north-south alignment the intellectual capacities of the ego became the ruler of our thoughts at the expense of our spiritually inspired intuitions and feelings.  This alignment was usurped by otherworldly forces intending to enslave humanity through the inversion of thought.   

This could also be construed as the inversion of truth.

The shift in the earth’s magnetic rotation instigates a new direction in thought, once again awakening emotional intelligence and inspired intuition.  The Aquarian Age is reinstating a balance through the integration of our body’s full cognizance which is destined to flow from the etheric to the mineral realm. 

The shifting of the earth’s magnetic spin suggests that the mechanisms of enslavement based on egocentric domination have lost their powers to deceive.

The principal energies of the Earth are changing along with the ambient energies of the celestial bodies that are supporting her.  It is in this new landscape where Christ awareness cannot be withdrawn, because it is now time for this evolved awareness to develop in the souls of the many who are willing to receive it.

The shift in the Earth’s magnetism will help to dissolve the fetters that have been holding us back for Ages.

Evil has been unleashed but the locusts will die as fast as they come. Once the carrion of the old dead world is consumed there will be nothing left for them to devour. A new alignment in human consciousness is well underway which even the material scientists are now conceding.  It is only a matter of time before the counterbalancing forces of Christed awareness will bring down their false web of deception. 

As we begin to find our zero point and the true nature of our individuated god-self, karma is negated, and dharma will rise.

This is an intentional act by universal law that cannot be stopped.

As we sincerely approach the Age of the One, we will be received.

In Love, all paths lead to Christed awareness. 

In Good Faith,


Parasites on the Loosh
The fundamental understanding that we are an energy source for some form of inter-dimensional parasites is becoming more and more predominant.

After all, it fits not only ancient and even current religious and spiritual teachings, but every form of social and psychological framework as well. We're being used and abused.

But by whom ultimately, and why?

There's clearly a contrary current at play working against the instinctive creative and loving force most of us are tapped into and endeavor to manifest in our lives. We have not just opposition, but apparently a seemingly coordinated or similarly "inspired" enemy of mankind continually acting contrary to our best interests.

A simple perusal of the abusive systems at large in the human societal fabric paints a very clear picture.

Whether it's false education and controlled media that only stifle and misdirect or the engineered highly toxic social, geological, technological and essential resource manipulation we see escalate at an exponential rate, humanity and our planet are under attack and at a serious crossroads.

Loosh Change
Understanding the gnostic/archontic explanation of earth's situation as propounded by John Lash as well as the wetiko teachings put forth by Paul Levy are profoundly important in order to more fully grasp what is going on here.

In addition, a further understanding regarding the actual energy being harvested, also known as loosh energy, is imperative and complimentary to this and extremely compelling, having its own attributes to help us more fully understand our material as well as psycho-spiritual environment.

Just how these parasitic forces operate, and indeed manage us, in order to provide the energetic food source they need to live on, is essential to our empowerment.

It's not exactly a pleasant subject, but then neither is the human devolution and depopulation agenda for the obvious purpose of abject domination of our species and planet.

The concept of loosh energy was more modernly articulated by Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute, although the concept as a known reality has been around a long, long time.

Loosh, being life force energy (spiritual energy), is just simply energy, and includes the energy familiar to us as emotional energy both happy and unhappy.

Most notably, as terminology of rare usage, "loosh," per se, was the word devised by Robert Monroe referring to the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans in dire circumstances that entail intense, severe pain and suffering in body and psyche.

And so, "loosh," in this older usage, described a negative experiential spectrum.

And who is utilizing it, and why?

Try this on:

This "loosh" was not a discovery of something new.

Rather, it was simply Monroe's identifying, and hence naming, of a metaphysical, alchemical phenomenon that has always existed (spiritual energy simply is) and - probably since many centuries ago, perhaps even millennia - was developed and exploited as a dark, multidimensional occult art and skill, utilized by secret societies and institutionally for social programming and mind control, and raised to a zenith in our electronic era.

Once there was a Monroe Institute, then related offshoots and derivations of that type of experimentation and research soon became the specialized, highly refined activities and techniques of Area 51 and Montauk for "military" and "defense" objectives (so-called), and the pop-music /entertainment industries and institutional pedophilia as they particularly are today.

As a type of spiritual energy identified by Monroe, capitalized upon by the secret services and black-ops, and exploited as a social engineering utility by the interdimensional Negatives, "loosh" essentially is of the earth planes (lower dimensions) and the trauma energy of the human and animal emotional body (for example, via the cruelty imposed upon and endured by the animal kingdom, and the brutality of the abbatoir).

As negative emotional energy, especially the energy of pain, trauma, stress, abuse, and suffering, or as Georgi very rightly described it, as "dreadful loosh," it contains the heightened molecular content and organic /hormonal adrenalin-cortisol cascades, coursing through the quantum dynamics of blood, body, and brain systems.

Under such intense extremity of trauma, the blood and flesh is, for the Negative Entities, thus highly ‘enriched' and hence highly prized, their brand of premium gold caviar diamond steak, as it were.

(There is a passage in the Old Testament where the gods rush in from afar, salivating at the aroma of burning human flesh. The so-called "God" or "Gods" in the O.T. - Old Testament - were/are mostly Negative Entities.)

Not only is this negative loosh highly coveted, but most crucially of all, it is absolutely necessary for probably most Negative Entities, for enabling and facilitating existence in the Earth planes, as well as for the ability to hold the human form so they don't slide into shapeshifting.

Apparently, because of the vibrational difference in frequency levels, there is a fundamental physiological incompatibility which our negative loosh neutralizes for them, and which even enhances their energetic stamina and function in the Earth and lower dimensions.

Vibration and frequency, in them, in humans, and animal Earthlings, are key to loosh's entrapment dynamics and emancipation from it.

More on the Nature of "Loosh" Energies

Still With Me? The War is On!
This is nothing less dramatic than demon possession explained or whatever semi-or-not paradigm you might subscribe to.

We have to understand the dynamics of what is being reigned upon us in order to fully empower ourselves in every facet of our being.

We're in an interdimensional conflict of some sort and it's a battle for our survival, consciously as well as physically. Understanding these deeper dynamics is paramount to our welfare.

The concept of entropy lends itself to this, the scientifically identified impact of reducing the energy of any given process or body in order to release energy. Burning fossil fuels is a perfect example, breaking down elements in order to harvest their energy.

There are so many examples of this, physically as well as socially… and especially spiritually!

You'll see that entropic breakdown for energy harvesting phenomena such as nuclear reactions more and more, but understand the destructive process we are witnessing is releasing energy for a much deeper purpose than is being told.

These are the aspects we need to research for ourselves, but when we do, we find common denominators on every side.

Good Loosh, Bad Loosh
Now the good news.

All "loosh" is not bad or necessarily manipulated. We generate amazing amounts of good energy that cannot be contained or tainted.

But it takes some recognizing on our parts:

Negative loosh is like a harness and leash which the dark contingent uses against us, to oppress and entrap.

Our aim in the ever-shifting calibration of vibration and frequency dynamics is to rise into the heart center, or drop down from the ego-mind into Heart, so we can be stably beyond the vibrational reach of engineered "loosh," thus liberating ourselves from its insidious ubiquity.
"Beautiful Loosh" was the dream's contemporary philosophical message for our generation of spiritual workers - that we can consciously create a proper concept of, and context for, true loosh, and we can be ourselves the catalysts of Beautiful Loosh, for the world's, for humanity's, ongoing transcendence and ascendance.


Does that sound like good news? It is!

We clearly have the upper hand, despite their reversal of truth. Something to beware of continually. There's always a reverse and overwhelming energy to whatever they devise.

Our focusing on their designed end product is what brings it into reality.

So How and Why is this Understanding Empowering?
Funny you should ask that. Just look at them.

These would-be controllers and seeming 'hot shots' we see in the news with their suits, uniforms and even religious or otherwise regalia are fundamentally impotent. If you look honestly they're sick psychos in human form.

They're ugly, sickly, shallow and weak. The power of this so-called enemy attempting to oppress us is ultimately of our complacent making. Their only power is that which we empower them with. Without us they're nothing.

Therein lies our strength. Not just to our awakening to these greater truths and understandings, but letting ourselves be empowered by the realization of their futility.

Nature itself is not on their side.

Does that say enough?

Does the power of one candle to enlighten a darkened room speak to you?

It should. And loud and clear, no matter who or what's mentioned here, we are not alone… but together!

The fact that we can now specifically identify our oppressors is incredibly empowering. Never feel they have the upper hand, it's just flimsy and illusory - a construct meant to displace our humanity and sense of conscious connection - but only if we agree to it!

Know your true identity as individual yet part of an amazing continuum of the ultimate source. Their fear based intimidation wilts in our gaze of knowing truth. Be strong. Informed, empowered and encouraged.

We already have every possible element needed to refute and dissipate this imposed, parasitic control system.

Live freely! And carry on the process. We're not just observers, but doers of the very real truth we've come to understand. Do bravely! There's nothing to fear! Shake it and simply be who you truly are, no matter how weird or strange these manifesting influences may appear to be.

We're all learning and activating accordingly.

Enjoy it as you remain vigilant and responsive...

Trawling the Farm for Human Energy
In many ways, living on Planet Earth is like living on a human farm.
We are being trawled for our “human energy”. I was starkly reminded of this the other day when I saw someone walking around with a Chevron t-shirt which sported their logo and new motto: human energy. How ironic. For most people, the motto probably seems harmless enough, or maybe even benevolent, showing a kindhearted corporation caring about its employees and the world, or recognizing the importance of the people running its operations. Yet if you understand the occult foundation of corporate logos, you’ll know that Chevron’s logo is really a pyramid (2 levels of the corner edges). The pyramid is favorite image of the New World Order, because it represents a tiny hierarchy at the top being held up by a large majority at the bottom, and symbolizes the compartmentalization of knowledge the further you go up. Just like its logo, Chevron’s motto has nothing at all to do with caring for people, and everything to do with controlling people and harvesting energy from the human farm, looking at people as nothing more than batteries that create energy (ever wonder why corporations call it “human resources”?).

Chevron’s motto “Human Energy” is a clue to the ultimate purpose of the NWO conspirators: to trawl the human farm for energy, using people like cattle.

Corporations (like Chevron, spin off from Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil) have cut a deal with the real devil or harvester. Corporate heads are middle managers in the equation. They are conduits to set up human farms, and funnel human energy upwards.

The Ultimate Point of the Conspiracy: Harvesting Energy from the Human Farm
When looking at the headlines and news each day, it’s useful to take a step back sometimes and ask yourself: why? What’s the point of all this control? The NWO conspirators have all the money, wealth and prestige they could want. Some of them are the international banksters that own the money printing press and could literally print what they wanted. Some of them would never have enough time to spend all their money.

At a certain point the game is not about money; it’s about power and it’s about energy – or more specifically, human energy. It’s about setting up a system where people at the top sit around all day, managing the human farm, while their economic or literal slaves do all the work to benefit the controllers. Check out Stefan Molyneux’s great ebook The Handbook of Human Ownership for the precise history and techniques behind it all. NWO-owned corporations are the middle managers in this equation: they are the physical conduits through which the human energy is funneled upwards. These NWO conspirators are not the ultimate controllers, because they themselves are being demonically possessed – and the force which is doing the possessing is a group of non-human entities which many have referred to as the Archons.

Are you on the human-farm, generating energy or loosh for some predator?

Human Energy = Loosh – Food for the Archons
Loosh is defined by the urban dictionary as “an energy generated by all organic life in varying degrees of purity, the clearest and most potent coming from humans – engendered by human activity”. Shocking as it may seem, humans are not at the top of the food chain. Listen to what Bronte Baxter had to say about the human farm and loosh in her article Tracking the Crack in the Universe (Loosh 101):

Quote:“Reportedly the light being told Monroe that when humans die, their energy is released and harvested by trans-dimensional beings, who use it to extend their own life spans. The claim is that the universe is a garden created by these beings as their food source.”

“According to Monroe’s story, animals are intentionally positioned on this planet to feed on plants and on each other, thereby releasing the life force of their victims so it can be harvested. In a predator-prey struggle, exceptional energy is produced in the combatants. The spilling of blood in a fight-to-the-death conflict releases this intense energy, which the light beings call “loosh.”

“According to Monroe’s informant, our creators, the cosmic “energy farmers,” intentionally equipped animals with devices like fangs, claws and super-speed in order to prolong predator-prey combat and thereby produce more loosh. In other words, the greater the suffering, the more life force is spewed from our bodies, and the tastier the energy meal for our creators.”

There you have it. Monroe, Castaneda and many many other sources all talk about the same basic concept of a garden or human farm where energy is trawled.

9/11 produced food or loosh for the Archons in a massive way, by scaring the captives on the human farm

9/11 14th Anniversary: Recall 9/11 Was a Mass Ritual to Generate Loosh
As we approach the 9/11 14th anniversary, it is worth remembering that ultimate point of that horrendous false flag operation: to ritually sacrifice people, scare the wits out of anyone else and generate a large amount of loosh. It’s no coincidence that the operation was carried out on 9/11 when 911 is the emergency number dialed in the US. Think how many times our so-called leaders have said that “the world changed forever on 9/11”. Like the hackneyed term national security, 9/11 has become the excuse for the NWO conspirators to do anything they want, whether it’s expanding Government (creation of the DHS), passing draconian legislation (The Patriot Act), attacking innocent, sovereign and foreign nations (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.), squelching key aspects of the Bill of Rights and concocting an entirely new faceless, enemy-less and endless war – the Fake War on Terror. What a tremendous amount of loosh for the Archons!

We are all “food of the gods” on the human farm until we reclaim our awareness and break free.

Solution: Make a Strong Determination Not to Be Food on a Human Farm
Like it or not, we live in a predatory universe. Not all of Nature is predatory, but it’s certainly an aspect which is present in a large degree. In our arrogance we may think we are at the top of the food chain, but maybe we’re not. There is copious evidence from ancient accounts and current ET contacts/abductees that we are not alone in the Universe, and that there are hostile advanced races who are happy to feed on human energy. Getting out of the human farm starts with waking up to the truth that the human farm exists. Fortunately, the signs are that a lot of people are doing that. Hopefully it will be fast enough before the NWO becomes too entrenched …

Victor Miel
4 years ago edited
There is a book thats been around a few years, that talked about this in depth, and offered a solution (The Elyon). The Elyon book, however, is simply a modern reintroduction (as is all this talk from modern gurus) of what the Gnostics told us. The Demiurge(s) and the Archons, and their minions (demons?) governing the material universe, as a prison and farm for souls to consume... Sophia & Christ, the Aeons, trying to raise humans out of the prison and into true spiritual life, unto the true God, the ONE (Monad). Modern Gnostics, however, seem to be focused more on The World and Material Sensualism, the Powers-that-Be, than on struggling to get off the wheel of sorrows (reincarnation is a trap - separating the seed from the meat of the grape, the soul from the spirit). DMT visions are merely rediscovering what the ancient Gnostics were warning us about, the so-called "Machine Elves," who don't look like elves, but more like fractal Baphomets - and who run the material universe like conscious automatons (servants of the Demiurge).

Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 5: Tracking the Crack in the Universe (Loosh 101)

Did you ever wonder why a good God would build a world where the only way to survive is by taking life? How long would you stay alive if you refused to eat? You may love animals and grow plants inside your home and flowers in your garden, but every time you eat, you destroy the life of something. A something with a consciousness, that feels and desires to live, as we do.

The other day I grabbed an onion from a basket to chop up, and I saw it had sprouted a beautiful, tender, light-green shoot. It had a life inside it, a consciousness that wanted to take root, breathe air and thrive. Any tears in chopping that onion did not come from the fumes.

I’m not a sentimentalist. I’m a person questioning, increasingly aware of an insidious thread woven through biological life. We are born, we feed, and we die. Life is a process of consuming other living things in order to stay alive as long as possible until death in turn consumes us. We tell ourselves life is a whole lot more, but it’s reduced to that as long as we must feed to survive. If we can’t stay alive more than a few months without food, how can eating not be fundamental to how we define our existence?

Eating is a requirement for biological life as we know it. It’s the thread that holds together material existence. More than a thread, it’s a chain, binding us to the law that we must consume each other. Rebelling is punishable by death.

What kind of God or gods would create a world predicated on killing? We don’t like to ask that, and we find every excuse to avoid looking at this question. But every time a dear one dies, or you find a nibbled bird in the yard destroyed by an idle cat, or you read about an animal that has suffered mercilessly, or another molested child, or a nation ravaged by a quake that’s buried thousands of living people, your mind goes back to that nagging question. Who would make a world like this? Was it truly a God of love?

According to much evidence, it wasn’t. The world was created by something else. Or if it was created by the loving God our hearts insist exists, then creation has been tampered with by someone else so merciless that it barely resembles the original divine vision. The biological universe is controlled by the law that to live we must take life or die. That is sinister. Something there is that makes us have to eat, that makes us age and disintegrate. This is the “something wrong with the world,” the crack in the universe. Knowledge of it works “like a splinter in the mind, driving you mad,” quoting “The Matrix.” Yet awakening to the truth of our predicament is the first step toward radical change. Only radical change can possibly right the fundamental flaw woven into physical creation.

And how well-woven it is. Not only does violence wind through the lives of all Earth life like the fibers of a time-bomb attached to a victim. It reaches out into space, where supernovas implode, collapsing millions of stars along with all living beings on all their attendant planets. Death and devouring are so pervasive most people can’t conceive of a world without them, or if they can conceive it, they label the concept preposterous. Yet quantum physics shows that matter is nothing but atoms: emptiness vibrating. Emptiness does not die and neither does the energy it oscillates. So why must bodies die that are made of up of these things?

Robert Monroe, in his book “Far Journeys,” writes of contact he had with a light being in an out-of-body experience. (Monroe is arguably the world’s foremost researcher on OBEs; he started an institute with trainee/researchers to scientifically investigate the phenomenon.) Reportedly the light being told Monroe that when humans die, their energy is released and harvested by trans-dimensional beings, who use it to extend their own life spans. The claim is that the universe is a garden created by these beings as their food source.

According to Monroe’s story, animals are intentionally positioned on this planet to feed on plants and on each other, thereby releasing the life force of their victims so it can be harvested. In a predator-prey struggle, exceptional energy is produced in the combatants. The spilling of blood in a fight-to-the-death conflict releases this intense energy, which the light beings call “loosh.” Loosh is also harvested from the loneliness of animals and humans, as well as from the emotions engendered when a parent is forced to defend the life of its young. Another source of loosh is humans’ worship.

According to Monroe’s informant, our creators, the cosmic “energy farmers,” intentionally equipped animals with devices like fangs, claws and super-speed in order to prolong predator-prey combat and thereby produce more loosh. In other words, the greater the suffering, the more life force is spewed from our bodies, and the tastier the energy meal for our creators.

This story told to Monroe (which threw him into a two-week depression) corresponds to reports in some of the world’s oldest scriptures, the Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas of India. There we read that “the universe is upheld by sacrifice” (Atharva Veda) and that “all who are living (in this world) are the sacrificers. There is none living who does not perform yagya (sacrifice). This body is (created) for sacrifice, and arises out of sacrifice and changes according to sacrifice.” (Garbha Upanishad)


“(Death as the Creator) resolved to devour all that he had created; for he eats all. . . He is the eater of the whole universe; this whole universe is his food.” (Mahabharata)

In the writings of Carlos Castaneda, who chronicles the life and teachings of a Yaquii sorcerer called Don Juan, we find another story of the Divine devouring humans, in this case human consciousness. Reports Castaneda:

“The Eagle is devouring the awareness of all the creatures that, alive on earth a moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagle’s beak, like a ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for having had life. The Eagle disentangles these tiny flames, lays them flat, as a tanner stretches out a hide, and then consumes them; for awareness is the Eagle’s food. The Eagle, that power that governs the destinies of all living things, reflects equally and at once all those living things.” (“The Eagle’s Gift,” by Carlos Castaneda)

The idea that man must sacrifice (must kill something or be killed in order to appease the gods) is apparently intrinsic to all the world’s root religions. We find blood ritual, including human sacrifice, in the Druidic tradition, Tibetan Buddhism, among the Indians of the Americas, in Greece and Rome, Africa, China, Arabia, Germany, Phoenicia and Egypt. Even the Old Testament (Judges 11:31-40) has a little-advertised story of human sacrifice, with the Israelite judge Jephthah ritually slaughtering his own daughter to fulfill a vow he made to Jehovah.

While we may not think of Judaism as typically promoting human sacrifice, it more than promoted it if we count the genocide Jehovah demanded of the Hebrews. In one day alone, they murdered 12,000 Canaanites “and utterly destroyed everything in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey with the edge of the sword.”(Joshua: 6:21)

In Islam, the situation is similar. Allah, while paying lip service to the immorality of human sacrifice, orders his servants in the Koran to practice jihad against all unbelievers. “When the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war.” (Koran: 9:5)

Peace-loving Moslems interpret such passages as “symbolic” in their desire to justify their faith, much as Christians try to justify Jehovah’s sociopathic behavior with excuses. In many ways, the god of Islam reasons and rants like the god of the Israelites. Could it be the same entity? It isn’t contradictory that he would support two separate peoples, then lead them to fight each other. Not if his agenda is to stimulate and harvest plenty of loosh.

Christianity, the religion of brotherly love, is implicated in blood sacrifice by being rooted in the Jewish tradition. The Bible declares Jesus is the son of God (Jehovah), and Jehovah announces at Jesus’ baptism, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased.” (Matthew: 17:5) Where was Jesus when his father was slaughtering the Canaanites? Jesus himself becomes a blood sacrifice, a fact that Catholics reenact in the mass and that Protestants bathe themselves in to be “saved.” Christians are no strangers to sacrifice.

If suffering and death were part of creation that no one, including the gods, could help, there’d be some reason to be more forgiving. I might even buy the story that they need us to support them with our homage and we need them to keep the universe running. But when you add blood sacrifice into the equation, I abandon ship. It’s one thing if the gods can’t prevent earthly suffering and death – quite another if they seek it out and thrive from it – or worse yet, created it. And that’s what blood sacrifice, and the scriptures around it, indicate.

When the oldest scriptures of the world tell us we were created as food for the gods, I have to ask myself if I want to live in a universe where that might be true. The fact is, I don’t. I can no longer give my approval to that kind of reality. So if I won’t live with it, I have to come up with something better. I have to find something more fundamental than the physical universe to locate my identity in, and my power in. I sense, as many do these days, that there’s something beyond the universe as it has been presented to us, something outside this box, outside this system. That’s what I seek to know, connect with, and draw from.

Robert Morning Sky, a truth seeker of the Hopi and Apache traditions, tells a story he learned from his people about a race of beings who knew no limitations, who existed far outside this physical universe. One day one of them declared his intention to visit Earth and take on a body just for the adventure of it, for the experience. His friends cautioned him, as this universe had a reputation as amnesia-producing, a place of no return. But the entity laughed that off and promised to come back after one lifetime.

Centuries passed, and the entity never came home. One of his comrades decided to enter the physical world to go look for his friend. He promised not to get lost in matter and to return with the other individual. More centuries passed, and neither being returned. So another immortal entered physical mass, and he also never came back. In time many members of these unlimited beings incarnated in human form, and the story goes, none of them yet has gone home.

Maybe we are those people, starting to remember who we are. Maybe it’s time to break out of the hypnosis we’ve lived under for eons, the unquestioned assumptions that we must kill and eat, suffer and die, live in lack and sadness, and undergo all the human drama as it has been defined for us.

Is it insane to think that humans can beat the system? That we could make a choice to stop the activities that supply our up-line with fuel? That we could minimize – even stop – our own refueling from the life force of creatures lower than us on the food chain? Is it madness to think that our bodies, made of undying energy, could themselves not have to die, that we might learn to live on the power of infinite consciousness, which we can access within ourselves, being part of it?

While some may call that madness, I prefer it to the world I see around me. I certainly prefer it to death. I prefer it to loss of my dear ones, and to sickness and poverty. The greatest experiment mankind can engage in is mastery of the principles of freedom, creation, abundance, and immortality. We’re wearing body suits that in 70-some years of use are programmed to self-destruct. What could be more important than changing that programming?

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna warns: “He who does not follow the wheel thus set revolving lives in vain.” The wheel is the cycle of birth and death, karma and retribution, human sacrifice and divine blessing. To rebel against this system is to fail in our life purpose as defined by those who say they are our creators and gods. But surely life was meant to be more than dinner for the next rung up on the food chain. If “living in vain” means breaking out of that, I’m all for that kind of failure.

The wholesale export of Loosh
or something else entirely?

Have you ever noticed it’s dangerous to be different? It’s harder to make friends and easier to make enemies. Quite often these enemies can be in places touting high authority, where it appears the only acceptable stance is the status quo. That is not the premise of this article but we just might find out in due course why that should be so, perhaps there are ‘others’ that don’t want us to know what we are here for? .
This work was inspired by Michael Tellinger, Harry Oldfield, Duncan Roads and the late Robert Monroe, to name but a few. It was written to make you think rather than give you a completed picture. There are far sharper minds out there than mine; my challenge to you is please finish this equation, or at least dot a few of the i’s.

One of the many things I have learnt over the past six decades of life on earth is to keep an open mind. I think because of that ‘I’ and maybe even ‘we’ are about to be rewarded with a whole new intriguing and puzzling avenue of thought. As Michael Tellinger said in his talk at the 2014 Nexus Conference “the earth has a far more interesting (and funky) past than most mainstream history books would have us believe.”

Michael also rightly suggested, the so called mainstream explanations of many discoveries are so preposterous and naïve, they appear to be made up by school boys playing a prank on us, or words to that effect. When examined with an open enquiring mind, and an ounce of intelligence, a far different story is revealed. The subjects I’ll be raising in the next few pages may at first also sound equally preposterous, so an open mind is definitely required if this is all new territory for you..

Starting at the deep end of your history.
Philosopher Neil Freer writes: “I am convinced of the correctness of Sitchin’s thesis [of our Alien origins] and of Sir Laurence Gardiner’s [of how the line of the Alien Royalty hybrids still rule the world as our power elite] are the only explanations which contain no inexplicable elements, no contradictions and in which all the facts dance together in total consort. Our species’ internecine violence, a product of Babel-factoring for crowd control that has carried through to great wars and the religious mayhem of crusades, jihads, inquisitions and persecutions and not intrinsically of human nature..

“The Catholic Church, a continuation of the fear of the god Enlil [Yahweh] type of subservient religion came into ascendance by an alliance with the gradual assimilation of the Roman empire and adopting its practices. Suppression of our true history through promulgation of the Hebrew Old Testament forgeries done to make Enlil their single monotheistic deity, affected a racial amnesia and the ancient Sumerian culture was forgotten and only rediscovered in the late 1800s. Military and political controllers have suppressed the knowledge and data about alien presence on this planet by denial and ridicule.” [Colaw, 2004].

Indisputable holes in longstanding theories
Michael’s 2014 Nexus talk went on to cover several subjects; perhaps the two most compelling after the focus of this work, are the presence of 100,000, perhaps even more than 200,000 year old gold mines in various areas of Southern Africa, which definitely fit within the Sitchin thesis, and definitely do not fit within the mainstream settlement dates of Southern Africa.

He also pointed out a vast array of geometrically arranged stone circles (counted in the millions) that still seem to generate some kind of microwave energy, even though they are much degraded after many thousands of years of weathering, and possible colossal flooding. He suggested, through private conversations with mining engineers, that many of the mines were known well enough in the trade as it were, and had been for years. But the point in question is that they appeared to have been cut so straight and so deep, it was doubtful we could achieve the same even with today’s advanced technology. The mining experts had been told not to mention the presence of these mines to the general public, nor to anyone else for that matter.

Don’t you just wonder why?
If you have been where I have been over the last 20 years of research you might say nothing new in that, this form of censorship remains in place in nearly every avenue of science and discovery. That aside, what I was not expecting to hear about during the Tellinger talk was mention of the product ‘Loosh’ and it’s possible means of conveyance to the heavens.

What is loosh?
I first came across the term Loosh a decade ago, after reading one of Robert Monroe’s books Far Journeys. Robert’s explanation for the term goes something like this; I quote loosely from his book.

“Someone, Somewhere (or both, in millions, or uncountable) requires, likes, needs, values, collects, drinks, eats, or uses as a drug a substance a thing we shall call Loosh. This is a rare substance in Somewhere, and those who possess, need Loosh, find it vital for whatever it is used for. Faced with this question of Supply and Demand (a universal law of Somewhere), Someone decided to produce it artificially, so to speak, rather than search for it in its “natural” form. He, she, it, decided to build a Garden and grow Loosh. (Far Journeys, p.162)

From experience, the Collectors have evolved an entire technology with complementary tools for the harvesting of Loosh from the Type 4M [i.e. human] units. The most common have been named love, friendship, family, greed, hate, pain, guilt, disease, pride, ambition, ownership, possession, sacrifice – and on a larger scale, nations, provincialism, wars, famine, religion, machines, freedom, industry, trade, to list just a few. Loosh production is higher than ever before...(Far Journeys, p. 170)

Monroe goes on to tell us that other 'entities' or 'Inspecs (intelligent species)' that he encountered confirmed this loosh-information, but they also added that this 'Someone' was not the beginning of all, he, himself, was created as well. He was only part of a fraction of creation. There would be vaster worlds encompassing the 'world' created by 'Someone'. End quotes. (more detail can be found in the end notes)

And so it goes on. I did not give Loosh too much further thought after reading the book, but with my mind fully opened, neither did I dismiss the idea. A good friend, whose quotes on the subject appear below, is so well read on this and many other related subjects that I have to totally respect his opinion. He kept prompting me on the subject, but the penny did not drop, or at least the need for further thought on the subject did not eventuate, until I had listened to the Michael Tellinger Nexus presentation.

Suddenly there it was again, the possibility of Loosh, only this time beautifully illustrated with complimentary photographs, most of which I will soon share with you. Pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place in a little more detail. At the same time though, something even bigger and more perplexing was added to the equation. Something every part of my inner self felt it knew, like a name that is on the tip of your tongue, but the harder I tried to recover it the more elusive it became. I think in all modesty we are on the verge of rediscovering a very old secret of such immense importance to the human race that I cannot think of anything that could be more important to discover, and here it is right in our own back yard.

Now there is more than one take on who the Loosh extractors might be, it is even possible there is more than one type of parasite feeding off our emotive energy. This next segment covers what I consider to be a more personal parasite, perhaps feeding off individuals as much as the masses. This one seems to prefer the more negative emotions.

The year is 1945

At the foot of a cliff along the Nile River, near the city of Nag Hammadi, an Egyptian peasant unearths a large storage jar containing ancient manuscripts. The discovery turns out to be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the past century. A treasure of fourth-century texts, the manuscripts are the scriptures of the ancient mystical tradition commonly called Gnosticism, from the Greek gnosis, that is, secret knowledge. It is a discovery that challenges everything we thought we knew about the early Christian church, ancient Judaism, and Greco-Roman religions.

There are 13 codices containing over 50 texts, which contain a substantial amount of information

This is what Jay Weidner has to say about them:.

A highly descriptive document of an entirely different world [from the one we know]. People don’t realise that, 2,000 years ago, there was a religion on this planet called Gnosticism, which was the biggest religion on earth at the time, was vying with Hinduism. You could go take a university course on the history of religions now and wouldn’t even find a mention of Gnosticism. The Nag Hammadi texts provide a description for what the Gnostics believed. Gnostic is a Greek word meaning knowledge – gnosis. The Gnostics believe that liberation can only be achieved by knowledge, by the consumption and evaluation of reality through knowledge. The library at Alexandria was run by Gnostics and they were the first people to collect scrolls and books and assemble this information. “Their culture spread throughout Europe and the Middle East. This was long before the advent of the Western religions outside of Judaism which was mostly concentrated in Israel. Gnostics preached that there was an invasion that occurred about 3,600 BC and, about 1,600 years before the Nag Hammadi texts were buried, they wrote that this invasion was like a virus and, in fact, they were hard pressed to describe it. The beings that were invading were called Archons. These Archons had the ability to duplicate reality, to fool us. They were jealous of us because we have an essence of some kind, a soul that they don’t possess.

Solving the Archon problem may very well be the test. The final test of humanity is, can you define the Archon problem and solve it? The thing that will solve the Archon dilemma more than anything is to love each other unconditionally. That just drives them out of their minds. They cannot stand familial love or the love between men and women and that’s why they do all these things to destroy the pureness of it. If you look at the path of modernity, it’s one attempt after another to remove any sense of purity even from the children. It is really hard for them because children of 6 or 7 years old who watch television see things that probably no human should even see. The same thing is true about the horror films, these are all Archonic tricks to desensitize people so that they create even higher levels of violence when that point becomes necessary for them, so they can become satiated. Because that’s what they are doing, drawing energy from us because they have no intrinsic assets.”

I actually prefer John Lash’s take on the Archons, although similar to Weidner’s views, I think Lash’s research is more far reaching. If you have not yet studied this aspect of our possible history I do believe when you finally do it will really make you think about all you see around you with new eyes.

John Lash has coined the definition of archons as being an artificial Intelligence (AI) program that has enslaved humanity. In order for humans to beat the “system” during the final showdown, we need to know a few simple things that can be done to break the programming. (See link in endnotes)

They have also been called the Jinn. From Wikipedia:

Jinn, jann or djinn (singular: jinnī, djinni, or genie; Arabic: الجن‎ al-jinn, singular الجني al-jinnī are supernatural creatures in Islamic mythology as well as pre-Islamic Arabian mythology. They are mentioned frequently in the Quran (the 72nd sura is titled Sūrat al-Jinn) and other Islamic texts and inhabit an unseen world called Djinnestan, another universe beyond the known universe. The Quran says that the jinn are made of a smokeless and "scorching fire",[1] but are also physical in nature, being able to interact in a tactile manner with people and objects and likewise be acted upon.

More than one voice on the subject
If it is possible there is another overriding user of human emotive energy, a genuinely more god like entity, capable of really constructing life as we might understand it, rather that a the false reality constructs from the Archons, then it might go something like this.

A respected fellow researcher: Duncan Roads, Editor - Owner of Nexus Magazine, has this to say:

This is the hierarchical structure:

1. The creators of the original Earth 'humans' had already experimented with many other dominant lifeforms in their search for the optimal loosh producers. They found that the prototype which had a bit of themselves (the creators) inside - gave out the purest and best loosh. It needed no refining or distilling.

2. Once they had perfected their biological loosh factory or garden (Earth) - they installed OVERSEERS - who were tasked to maintain and explore ways to increase loosh production.

3. Opportunistic scavengers, pirates and thieves have regularly poached from this garden, and have transplanted 'us' elsewhere - along with modifications

4. Sometimes visiting lifeforms, who had need of our gold, water, salt, carbon, or whatever - would cut 'deals' with the overseers. Some of these, such as those we call the Annunaki, were given permission to further modify the existing 'humans' so as to suit their needs. As long as the newly modified form emitted loosh, there was no problem. In the case of the Annunaki and a couple of others, they proposed an upgrade to loosh production - in a win-win situation - called 'civilisation'. ie a centralised mass of humans, who were continually faced with joys and pains - religion, economies, wars, enslavement, blood-lined ruler-ship - all these come with civilisation - but are not present in 'non civilised' cultures.

5. Nothing has changed since then - except on one level, the newly modified humans - they were going to be erased until it was realised they were a new race and potentially worthy of self-determination. We are a cosmic baby - born of parents with many differing non-human genes already in their makeup. We are a new hybrid race - cosmically speaking - and we have been given the 'nod' in terms of our continued survival as a species.

6. Our continued survival has many implications. To some lifeforms we are a dangerous threat - we have mental ideas and concepts (individuality) that act as viruses in telepathic/hive-mind societies; we have the potential to change our form to any one of a million physical forms; our physical forms house a non-physical entity which exists on several planes of existence simultaneously (that REALLY bugs some races - because they want what we've got on that level).

(end quote)

Speaking for my friend, I think I’m safe in saying none of the above was arrived at without due diligence and a careful balancing of all the avenues of information available. To say he is personally privy to more info than the average researcher would be an understatement, so ignore his concepts at your own peril.

I don’t personally consider the collection of Loosh as a negative thing. It could be called a victimless crime. After all Loosh can come in the form of laughter and joy, or even love. The possibility that some ‘darker forces’ enjoy the prospect of getting us to kill or hate each other in the hope of gathering loosh in this way is all part of the game, if you should wish to partake of it. But why would you?

Section six
A particular section of Duncan’s last quote (6) really caught my eye;

“To some lifeforms we are a dangerous threat - we have mental ideas and concepts (individuality) that act as viruses in telepathic/hive-mind societies”

How Duncan came to this conclusion I do not know but I’m sure it’s true. My own personal studies and hands on experience, has me in no doubt to its validity. And here lies the rub, the fact that the status quo on this planet is the only acceptable concept for those in high places, smacks of a determination to keep free thinking individuality out of our society. As I stated earlier, it’s dangerous to be different. But why should this be so?

Free thinking individuals are the life blood of innovation; if we are to improve our lot we need them by the truck load. More of the same ‘status quo thinking’ is the last thing we need. The education system by-in-large, clones status quo thinking, and punishes reagades who will not conform.

When a few dreamers slip though the “The Wall” as Pink Floyd once sang, with an invention or two capable of changing our suffering lot, they are quickly sucked up into some deep dark secret military establishment under the guise of national security, and never heard from again. You should be wondering why the latest jet airliner off the design board is just another clone of the one before, and the one before that. Similar to the automobile, invented over a hundred years ago, they have more frills now yes, but it's the same old same old underneath. In this supposed age of ingenuity and super computers, why have we not made more progress, do the oil magnates have that much power over us, or is it someone or something else?

Sorry to say it but the human race appears to be in lock down mode, prove it isn’t so! Or better still try and find out why it is so.

Open your eyes and see the obvious.

If you were researching this field around the time I was born you would have never seen the connection between the old and the new. It did not exist for you to see back then, before the days of computers and solid state circuitry. It appears only too obvious now, after it had been pointed out. Michael’s work prompted me to look at ancient buildings and their layout in a new light; it also made me look at modern buildings, including their construction, then entire city complexes, with the same new eye.

Even as I was writing this a friend reminded me of a little known fact concerning many of the Greek temples,
“the mathematics involved in such structures implies a meeting of all column vortices at a stratospheric altitude ie; if you extend the columns upwards the lines meet in the stratosphere of the Earth!” This is baffling and appears pointless unless you consider it is related to the ideas being presented here, and the complexity of the construction to give this kind of mathematical precision is stunning. Not withstanding the question, how did they know the hight of our atomsphere back then?

The key to all this new excitement came from a quote from the Sumerian or Babylonian texts pressed on clay, as in Zecharia Sitchin’s books and work. These writings suggesting that the ancient cities where built in accordance to and within the law of the planet and its upper grid, ie. As in heaven so on Earth. As above so below.

Let me quote from one of Michael’s translations as presented at the 2014 Nexus talk.

“In distant days, in those days, after destinies had been decreed. (kingship lowered to earth)

After An and Enlil had set up the regulations for Heaven and Earth, Enki; the exalted knowing god – by the rules for Heaven and Earth..

The fixed Rules, he set up the cities.” (End quote)

And we are given a hint into the meaning of rules, or rather the fixed rules, which would appear to have more to do with a grid pattern above the earth than anything else.

So, the cities must abide to an order, a positioning, to a code of placement, geometric alinement perhaps. Global positioning to affect a grid, or maintain one! This is stunning in its simplicity. But what is it maintaining over our heads, (in the heavens) and why is it doing so?

There are more than enough researchers out there with papers on a theoretical grid about the earth. The late Bruce Cathie, who was a personal friend, has written much on the subject. His math is way beyond my comprehension but the little I do understand of his work provides compelling reading on the subject, as does the work of Carl Munck. Links provided in end notes..

Is it possible that the export of human emotions has increased exponentially in modern times, due to the increase in populations and the size of our cities?

And does the strength of the grid rely on humanity in its numbers to maintain itself. (More on that soon) If so does the same apply?

More people, more power to the grid?.

Does this lock us down?

If so, lock us to what?

Once in, perhaps you can’t get out?

Inwardly I felt I knew the answer, my past life history is still only partially known to me, but connected to this it surely is, but still the complete answer eluded me. Was it about the Loosh?

Yes, but not only. Was the suggestion, without further embellishments? This came from some part of me embedded so deep I cannot reach it, even with the aid of hemi-sync meditation and out of body exploration! It would appear for reasons better known to ‘others’ this answer was only going to be presented to me after I had done the hard yards. The hard yards in this instance appears to be a hands on approach, I have to go to Egypt and touch this thing personally.

A clean start.
Without doubt in the earth’s most recent past, in the context of earth’s total history at least, approximately 13,000 years ago, there was such a colossal upheaval that oceans washed over the lands and mountains rose from the sea. Civilizations were wiped out, they must have been, perhaps many millions died. It is possible only a few stragglers survived. What was in the past was lost to us. This is not theory, this is hard cold fact! If you read outside mainstream with an open mind that is, or you care to travel and see with your own eyes.

This catastrophe however, did not come as a surprise to the more advanced beings that lived here on earth at the time. Even though it is amply evident, many facets of the great pyramid complex at Giza, to name but one place, have been machined in some way with very advanced perhaps sonic machinery, just perhaps as those mines were cut deep in the African soil. The fact that not one single piece of this machinery has ever been found that I know of, even to this very day, suggests to me that it was packed up and moved out in an orderly fashion, before the event, or events occurred. It is almost certain this was not the first time in earth’s history this type of event had occurred. It might be a clue as to why the ancients preferred to use such colossal sized stone building blocks. It appears the further back in history you go, the bigger and heavier the building material used. A clue here is the same locations were always used for the rebuilt, time after time. They are still discovering previous civilizations and buildings beneath existing ones in all corners of the globe. So is it true, was there once an ancient law that required buildings or cities to be constructed at pre-set locations, and does that law still apply today? Perhaps they do, or at least something of a similar nature.

Hidden in plain sight
I have included within the end notes an excellent doco titled ‘Secrets in plain sight’ - it exposes the various myriad geometric constructs that have been built within our cities over the past few centuries. It at least suggests that somebody is still operating a system of which the average laymen in the street has no idea, even though they may pass by these constructs daily. This Doco also covers the fact there are curious alinements of many of our major cities with more ancient stone structures, even though these may be offshore and in foreign lands.

My understanding of time-space and dimensional reality is based on personal experience and some very compelling documentation with new break-through technology, which we won’t get side tracked with too deeply here, but I suggested you google the optical work of Harry Oldfield (link provided in endnotes)

From the above I have deduced that geometric shapes especially, but any form or construct, built or scribed onto our landscapes here on earth, in the 3D world, will impose itself into or onto other dimensions of reality, even time. Buildings of stone do this better than anything else. I also feel the key factor in this positioning or accessing of time space is the human element. ie, human will and intent or consciousness, can help hold this construct in place, even if in the real world, our world of today, that construct no longer exists. It seems to me humanity and its connected conscious out-feed is the key here, and it appears to have been overlooked in this equation by most other researchers in this field.

A ghost in the machine;

I firmly believe that human ghosts can hold to them the things from their past which are familiar and perhaps comforting, and this world of theirs can be accessed with the right technology. So far Harry Oldfield has managed to do it optically only, but if it can be photographed it can be accessed in real time with the right equipment. Yes folks time travel is alive and well, and we are only a sharp mind or two away from accessing it. Even now with a few more tweaks to Harry’s inventions, I’m sure we could video past worlds in real time. But this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Harry’s work has also allowed us to see the parasitic slugs in real time. His optical genius of an invention has allowed us to see into a different dimension, and there they are!

Strange apparitions spliced to humans. At least this is a form of parasite we cannot now deny. An individual type maybe that attaches itself to those that have opened themselves up in some manor either through over the use of drugs or through mental or physical torment. So if there can be one type there can be others. Harry’s work has allowed us to see ourselves as part of a far greater world than ever before, just has it has done in the open spaces of sacred ancient sites.

Stones and I mean really big stones of the correct mineral content, placed in appropriate locations, ie tuned to the local environment, will open doors into time space. As documented in one of Harry’s classic photos of Stonehenge.

Because of our rocky past most of the ancient cities are long gone, but there are shadows left in places like Egypt, Turkey and Greece. More recent maybe, and copies perhaps of what was lost to us long ago. Even Bosnia, with the recent dating there of the Pyramids at circa 20,000 to 30,000 years. These actually might be more authentic, and these edifices are still pumping out some form of frequency or energy signature. You have to wonder why?

Perhaps the fact that they are, is due in part to the materials used in their construct. Materials like quartzite, similar to quartz, it is piezoelectric. Meaning it will generate electric fields if vibrationally excited. Quartzite grains or rocks also have a natural resonant frequency. An ancient form of a solid state transistor perhaps, similar to silica or granite with its high quartz and feldspar content, which are an ever present substance in most ancient stone edifices.

One of the most interesting things about Teotihuacan is the finding by archaeologists of the extensive use of mica embedded in numerous structures. This mineral is found 3,000 miles away in Brazil and it is found in all buildings, housing complexes, temples and along the roads so basically this mineral is all over Teotihuacan. The pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan contained considerable amounts of mica in layers up to 30 cm.

Human use of mica dates back to prehistoric times. Mica was known to ancient Indian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman and Chinese civilizations, as well as the Aztec civilization of the New World. The earliest use of mica has been found in cave paintings created during the Upper Paleolithic period (40,000 BC to 10,000 BC).

Obviously Mica was not incorporated to these constructions for decoration purposes because you couldn’t see it, so it is clear that this mineral was incorporated into these monuments for another purpose.

Mica is stable when exposed to electricity, light, moisture, and extreme temperatures. It has superior electrical properties as an insulator and as a dielectric, and can support an electrostatic field while dissipating minimal energy in the form of heat; it can be split very thin (0.025 to 0.125 millimeters or thinner) while maintaining its electrical properties, has a high dielectric breakdown, is thermally stable to 500 °C, and is resistant to corona discharge. Muscovite, the principal mica used by the electrical industry, is used in capacitors that are ideal for high frequency and radio frequency. Phlogopite mica remains stable at higher temperatures (to 900 °C) and is used in applications in which a combination of high-heat stability and electrical properties is required. Muscovite and phlogopite are used in sheet and ground forms.

So we know that Mica was not used for aesthetic purposes so they must have had a very specific and good reason to incorporate it, they clearly knew of the characteristics of this mineral. Teotihuacan, a marvel of ancient engineering.

Suddenly, every standing stone on the planet takes on a new meaning. And every standing stone or ancient temple was once a place of reverence and communal gathering. Dare I remind you the human voice has abundant capacity to create great frequencies of resonance, which can be measured and attuned to do a job of work, just as the human bodies static electrical change can be used. This brings us more to the point of this article; tuning humans to provide all manner of things, including Loosh.

We hold a charge;.

Scientists inherently acknowledge that the human nervous system is built according to an electrical design. The scientific literature describing the nervous system is replete with references to electrical theory and electrical devices that man uses today. Such references include technical words like batteries, transducers, motors, pumps, calculators, transmitters, electrochemical potential, circuitry, binary system, current, resistance, voltage, capacitance, charge.

“When we scuff our shoes upon a rug on a dry winter day, our bodies typically charge up to a potential of several thousand volts with respect to the ground. This is a well-known fact in physics, and is easily verified by meter measurements. Touch a grounded object, and a spark will leap between the object and your fingertip. This type of long electric spark can only exist when a high voltage is present. The shortest, tiniest spark requires about 500 volts. Big, nasty, painful sparks require lots more voltage, up to several thousand volts. But even when no sparks are jumping, there's still a high voltage between your charged body and the ground. Your charged body is surrounded with an invisible electric field.” WILLIAM J. BEATY

You may be familiar with the term ‘Grounding or Earthing’ which has been rediscovered of late as a method to be used to generally improve your health and wellbeing. Simply put it is allowing your feet to touch mother earth without wearing shoes for a designated period of time each day, say 20 minutes, and so ground yourself, neutralising that static charge that can build up in your body.

A tradition that prevails still in many eastern countries, also at times in western cultures, both religious and private, of removing ones foot wear before entering a building, has connotations outside of politeness and concern for the floor coverings. A sweaty human foot will do more harm to carpets and floor linings than the odd dirty shoe.

Imagine a thousand and more worshipers all removing their footwear to enter a mosque or some other religious building, perhaps all carrying at least a thousand volts of static charge, and grounding that into a granular marble, granite, or similar stone floor.

1000x1000 is a million volts of static charge to the floor of the building which could be called a capacitor, and as such ‘capacitance’ it has the ability to store an electrical charge, or at least down load it. Also maybe acting as a transistor-amplifier, ie; The common-emitter amplifier is designed so that a small change in voltage (V/in) changes the small current through the base of the transistor; the transistor's current amplification combined with the properties of the circuit mean that small swings in V/in produce large changes in V/out.

Most Egyptian or Grecian temples’ are constructed with a marble or stone floor and tall pillars reaching up to cross-members above, very similar to the design of Stonehenge. The human machine inside is taught to concentrate all their energies on the one objective, their chosen god. Love the idea or hate it, it’s one way to get Loosh exported to the heavens in amplified quantities.

Of course you don’t need a church to concentrate human emotive energies. The gladiatorial arena would have been a fine place to start with, now-a-days called sporting arenas. The movie theatre also works well, have you noticed how most movies play your emotions, love, hate, fear, revenge, to name a few.

How might all this energy be channelled I wondered, in more modern times?

The temples are still with us they just look a little different. If you live near a city centre just look the window. There you will see concrete, steel and most of all glass in the form of tall towers.

The chief raw material used in the manufacture of glass consists of silicon dioxide, with a little limestone and soda ash. Glass is an amorphous material, which means that the structure of glass lies between that of a crystalline material and a liquid. Glass is often considered as a super-cooled liquid.

Silicon dioxide is mostly obtained by the mining purification and processing of quartz. Silicon dioxide can be used on microchips. Thin films of silica grow spontaneously on silicon wafers via thermal oxidation. This route gives a very shallow layer (approximately 1 nm or 10 Å of so-called native oxide. The native oxide layer can be beneficial in microelectronics, where it acts as electric insulators with high chemical stability. In electrical applications, it can protect the silicon, store charge, block current, and even act as a controlled pathway to limit current flow.

Holding up our modern glass buildings we have steel, an excellent conductor. So Back to that definition of a capacitor from Wikipedia

A capacitor (originally known as a condenser) is a passive two-terminal electrical component used to store energy electrostatically in an electric field. The forms of practical capacitors vary widely, but all contain at least two electrical conductors (plates) separated by a dielectric (i.e. insulator). The conductors can be thin films, foils or sintered beads of metal or conductive electrolyte, etc. The non-conducting dielectric acts to increase the capacitor's charge capacity. A dielectric can be glass, ceramic, plastic film, air, vacuum, paper, mica, oxide layer etc. Capacitors are widely used as parts of electrical circuits in many common electrical devices. Unlike a resistor, an ideal capacitor does not dissipate energy. Instead, a capacitor stores energy in the form of an electrostatic field between its plates.

So what are we exactly?

Vibration as Sound and Light
One of history’s greatest engineers Nikola Tesla, who invented the means to transfer and to distribute electricity over long distances, once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Scientific experiments in Quantum Physics and particularly those at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research — CERN — at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland, continue to demonstrate that once we break everything down to its core, pure energy is behind everything. When we go down to the sub-atomic level we do not find matter, but pure energy. Some call this the unified field or the matrix. Others talk about pure potentiality: all being energy.

What’s most interesting is that, if a frequency is vibrating fast enough, it’s emitted as a Sound and if it is vibrating much faster, it is emitted as a colour of Light. If we wanted to convert Sound to Light, we would simply raise its frequency by forty octaves. This results in a vibration in the trillions of cycles per second. So, if a pianist could press a key way above the eighty-eight keys that exist on a piano, that key would produce Light. This could create a chord of Light in the same way they can create a chord of sound. And it would be seen as colours of Light because it would be moving at the speed of Light.

So, is it possible to export or emotive thoughts and energies to another place through the use of conductors, transistorized buildings of glass and steel, or even in ways not discussed here?

Above, the office block, railway station, airport, sports arena, religious buildings of all kinds. Yes the perfect place to herd your stock of humanity and milk them for all they are worth. These temples even have their own additional power input, electric cables run between them all connecting each one in series. And then if you have any free radicles, we could say ‘loose Loosh’ each major city has its main ‘collector’ tower. As in the examples pictured below. There is no form of commercial communication known than needs a hundred metre high steel spike for broardcasting or receiving and yet they all have them. This can at best only broadcast in extremely long wave energy waves. So maybe that’s our first real clue, as to what Loosh’s footprint looks like as an energy wave or cycle? I also firmly believe these towers were constructed with other insidious uses in mind, but that’s a whole other story altogether!

Is there anyone out there to receive this Loosh?

If you are struggling to be convinced that there is even anyone out there in the first place, that may or may not require Loosh, I’ll leave you with this little fact.

Every day the earth collides with more than a hundred million meteors and something like a hundred tons of extra-terrestrial material comes pouring into our atmosphere. Most are microscopic, but some are quite substantial – the biggest ever recovered intact was found in Greenland and weighed thirty seven tons. Approximately half of all the microscopic meteorites are metallic, mainly iron and nickel, the other half are composed largely of silica or stone.

Most of the stony meteorites contain small glassy inclusions and about two percent of these are called carbonaceous because they contain significant quantities of organic matter. The proportions in fact are extraordinarily high. About 0.1 per cent of all material which has ever fallen on earth is organic. By comparison, if we measure the total weight of all organic matter on earth against the mass of the planet itself, only 0.0000001 per cent is of living origin. This means that meteors are coming from somewhere that is a million times more organic than earth itself. I find that suggestion almost scary in its connotations.

There have been many asking the question;

If Aliens exist and they are visiting Earth, why don’t they make open contact with humanity?

I feel the above dissertation answers that to a certain degree. If we are an experiment, or a product living on a farm as live stock, or if we are being allowed to develop or mature for whatever reason, then the less interference in this development the better.

If it is ‘all’ of the above then even less reason to interfere. As Duncan Roads suggested, this does not stop the odd private interaction from taking place for personal needs of particular alien groups. But overall it’s hands off and this makes perfect sense of the current situation on earth. Lots of UFO’s seen by the general public. A few personal encounters and interactions. No explanation given by those in authority on this planet, except for the odd preposterous ‘swap gas’ explanations, and no aliens landing on the Whitehouse lawns.

As I suggested at the beginning, your help in completing this equation is an open invitation to further research, in the hope to understand who we are and why we might be here in this form.

End note links;

Loosher19 September 2018 at 01:56
Great article for raising awareness on the topic. But human made physical manifestations cannot be used to transport loosh, loosh is outside the bounds of the sensory environment, emitted from what is sometimes called the chakras. If you master the mind awake/body asleep state you can observe the process in action, the collectors are like shadow blobs floating around everywhere, sometimes referred to as fish or biters, and are drawn to emotional outbursts, conflict and anxiety. They can even increase the yield by helping to increase the momentum of emotional lack of control.


Who is Satan?
Satan (Set, Seth, Shaitan, Molech or Saturn) is the Lord of Hell and the very god who rules over money and wealth. The name who is satan. Satan comes to us from Ancient Egypt from a deity named Set.

Set represents the power of evil and is the Lord of Hell, who we simply call today Shaitan or Satan. He is the adversary, the accuser who is a god of the desert, storms, and foreigners, and in later myths, the god of darkness and chaos.

Set is the SO BELOW of the planet on the AS ABOVE called Saturn. The name Set or Sut means “black,” and Set’s main colors are black, or red (interchangeable colors in the Secret Mysteries), which represents the underworld or infernal region of the Egyptian Amenta, Greek Hades and the English Hell.

In art, Set is mostly depicted as a type of creature, referred to by Egyptologists as the Set animal or Typhonic beast and he is portrayed as the usurper of the creator god, Osiris. In Egyptian mythology, we find Osiris as the Creator, Horus the Preserver, and Typhon the Destroyer. Osiris is the SO BELOW son of the gods from the planet on the AS ABOVE named Jupiter. The King of all planets who went by names such as Zeus in Greece, or Yahweh and Adonai in Israel.

Since ancient times Jupiter and Saturn had always warred with one another over supremacy just like in Egyptian mythology there is Osiris and Set or in the Abrahamic religions with Cain and Able. It is Set, who we know today as Satan (Saturn) who killed and mutilated his own brother Osiris (Jupiter). Set was also identified by the Egyptians with the Hittite deity Teshub, who was a storm god like Set. The Greeks later connected Set with Typhon because both were evil forces, storm deities, and sons of the Earth that attacked the main gods.

In the bible we find in Job, Genesis and elsewhere, released for the seven periods of a cycle, during which Horus battles with him. Satan, or Saturn, is referred to by Job as an Arch Angel, one of the Sons of God who becomes the tester, the adversary or the accuser. Satan (Set) is the Deity, who is the adversary of truth, wisdom, love and light, who seeks to destroy all that is good.

Satan’s day is Saturday or Saturn-day. This is the Jewish Sabbatai, which is Hebrew for the English Sabbath, meaning Saturn. Sabatai (Saturn) rules over poverty, misery, illness and sickness, destruction, internal ailments, and sin.

“The title of this treatise is ‘The Wisdom of the Chaldeans.’ Reference to Chaldean astronomy is very rare in Hebrew writings;

    Referred to in the oldest astronomical book-—the ‘Beraytha de Rabbi Samuel.’ Chapter IX. is devoted exclusively to the interpretation of the astrological importance of each of the seven planets. Each is minutely described as ruling over some occurrence or other. Sabatai (Saturn) rules over poverty, misery, illness and sickness, destruction, internal ailments, and sin. Sabatai is first in order, and is said in the Book of Creation to have been created on the first day of the week. The author of that work must therefore have commenced his week on Saturday. The other six planets are the Sun, Venus, Mars, Mercury, the Moon, and Jupiter.

    Over the seven planets are appointed seven rulers, or angels, viz., Raphael; the angel of the Sun, Anael; the angel of Venus, Michael; the angel of Mercury, Gabriel; the angel of the Moon, Qaphsel; the angel of Saturn, Sadkiel; that of jupiter, and Samael; that of Mars. While these names are to be found in other mystical works, nowhere do we find a parallel to the entire text, or to the images under which these angels are to be represented.”

This is an alchemical story of AS ABOVE, SO BELOW and the direct relation of the planets chemical energies with man. Last time I checked Jupiter is the planet which gives off the life giving substance of Phosphorus and Saturn’s along with Venus’ atmosphere is filled with sulfur sulfuric gas. Jesus is a son of the morning star which is also known as Jupiter.

All gods are allegorical names for planets or chemicals from these planets. Yahweh is SO BELOW name for the planet on the AS ABOVE named Jupiter and Satan is the SO BELOW NAME for the AS ABOVE planet Saturn. In Egyptian mythology, Jupiter is Osiris and Saturn is his brother Set and Set ends up killing Osiris. Hence, darkness kills the light and becomes king over the people. In Greek mythology Jupiter is Zeus and Saturn is Cronos. In Christianity, Jupiter is Jesus and Satan or the Devil is Saturn and we all know what happened to Jesus. Jupiter is the morning star and planet of light and truth, while Saturn is the planet of chaos and darkness. Same story passed down through time. Looks to me like most all Christians and Jews regardless of proclamation of faith simply do not follow the truth, but rather the lie. Hence, by the fruit of their works you will know if they worship the dark or light.

Who is Lucifer?
When Carl Sagan had famously said that “we’re made of star stuff,” he wasn’t joking because the facts are that the cosmos are hidden within all of us humans. We are the SO BELOW here on earth in which the cosmos and heavens are the AS ABOVE.

Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite said; “Lucifer the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendours intolerable blinds feeble sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not! ”

And one of Freemasonry’s greatest philosophers that has ever lived, 33rd Degree Freemason and master Rosicrucian Manly P. Hall said this about Lucifer in his book, All Seeing Eye; “Lucifer represents the individual intellect and will which rebels against the domination of Nature and attempts to maintain itself contrary to natural impulse. Lucifer, in the form of Venus, is the morning star spoken of in Revelation, which is to be given to those who overcome the world.”

Many people mistakenly think that Lucifer is Satan and vice versa, but the facts are that is simply not true. This misinformation, conspiracies and lies have been propagated to the people through many books and movies to the point today in this year 2013, that most people equate Lucifer with Satan or evil. Hopefully you have an open mind and will get past this propaganda like I did myself, in order for you to discover the truth. I AM sure this is the case or else most likely you wouldn’t be reading this website.

If you are asking the question, “Who is Lucifer?,” the answer that you will find often depends on who you ask or where you perform your search. But the facts are that if you were to research the true meaning of Lucifer that is somewhat hidden in secret societies such as Freemasonry, you would find that some of the world’s most prolific 33rd Degree Freemasons have already established the meaning of Lucifer, that they have written about in their books on the occult.

The word “occult” simply means hidden, which is the whole point of the misinformation that you will find on the true meaning of Lucifer. In addition, if you know where to look, the true definition of Lucifer along with corresponding information is now common knowledge on Wikipedia. However, due to countless publications of misinformation via articles, books and videos all over Youtube; the truth is still buried beneath a pile of ignorance.

Therefor, for us smart researchers, we have come to understand this simple fact: That in order to find the light, we have to uncover the truth which is buried at the bottom of these lies and hundreds of years of church, government and ignorant human propaganda. The real story of Lucifer is no different. We have to perform some fact checking of our own like you are doing right now, so that we all can get to the bottom of this disinformation in order to get to the light of the truth.

This article will do just that for you, by helping clear the lies in order for you to see the light of Lucifer for what he truly represents.

In the occult, Lucifer is often referred to as the ‘morning star.’ In the Bible, you will find this same exact reference to Jesus as well who says in Revelation 22:16 – “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

You see, just as Lucifer is known as the morning star, Jesus also calls himself ‘the bright morning star’ and as I stated above, Manly P. Hall had said, “Lucifer, in the form of Venus, is the morning star spoken of in Revelation, which is to be given to those who overcome the world.”  Hence, rest assured that Jesus and Lucifer are one and the same which will become clearly evident to those with an eye to see the true light amongst the darkness in which we live.

The reason that both Lucifer and Jesus can be considered one and the same is because of an often little understood chemical compound that is hidden within each of our own DNA called ‘Phosphorus.’ Phosphorus is essential for life and the phosphate is a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and also the phospholipids that form all cell membranes.

Simply put, without phosphorus, we humans would simply not be human because consciousness and our spiritual energy would not exist. It is through our DNA which contains phosphorus, that we become conscious to the world and who we are in order to live in the light. Hence, Lucifer is really just an allegory to describe ‘Phosphorus’ which resides in our DNA.

The literal meaning of phosphorus (Phosp-Horus = Lucifer) is “Light-Bringer.”

Here is the definition that you will find on Wikipedia; Phosphorus, a name meaning “Light-Bringer”, is the Morning Star, the planet Venus in its morning appearance. Another Greek name for the Morning Star is “Dawn-Bringer”. The Latin word corresponding to Greek Phosphorus is “Lucifer”. It is used in its astronomical sense both in prose and poetry. The Latin word lucifer, corresponding to, was used as a name for the morning star and thus appeared in the Vulgate translation of the Hebrew word (helel) – meaning Venus as the brilliant, bright or shining one

Venus is the brightest morning “star” and is currently the focal point of the eastern dawn sky. This would be the reason why you will find that all Freemason Lodges face the north and south, but when you walk into the lodge room, you’re symbolically facing the East and all masonic rituals are performed while facing the East in preparation of the son of the morning via the dawn of a new day under the light of the morning star.

Manly P. Hall writes in his book, Initiates of the Flame: “It is said that in ancient times the Sphinx was the gateway of the Pyramid, and that there was an underground passage which led from the Sphinx to Cheops (Great Pyramid)” (Initiates of the Flame, p. 68).

The Sphinx symbolizes man. The Sphinx again symbolizes man, with the mind and spirit of the human rising out of the animal desires and emotions. It is the riddle of the ages, and man is once more the answer. The four fixed signs of which the Sphinx is a symbol are Taurus the Bull, Leo the Lion, Scorpio the Eagle, and Aquarius the Man, or the human head.

So, how can Lucifer be the the prince of darkness, when it has been established that Lucifer is really phosphorus, which a derived from a Greek name meaning “Light-Bringer?”

The facts are that is he is not the prince of darkness or Satan because Lucifer is really phosphorus that resides in our DNA. Once you understand this reality that is science based, you will then have one of the secret keys to the mysteries of the universe.

The light within each one of us humans is where we find Lucifer or Jesus, AKA the morning star. sphynxeyeHence, KNOW THYSELF and KNOW GOD. In ancient Egypt is was said; “The body is the house of God,” and one of the many proverbs is “Man, know thyself … and thou shalt know the gods,” and what Manly P. Hall called Aquarius the Man, or the human head represented by the Egyptian Sphinx.

When we KNOW THYSELF, we carry the water of Aquarius the Man and thus become Lion Kings of our own domain which the Egyptians had represented with the figure of a sphinx which is a mythical creature with, as a minimum, the body of a lion and the head of a human.

Unfortunately, with the advent of certain religions such as Christianity and Islam along with other government controls on the people, these ancient gnostic teachings were corrupted, modified or simply hidden from the multitudes of people because they are or were at one time very dangerous to the church and or government.

These authoritarian institutions operate primarily on the basis of having a master that is outside of you dictating your life, souls and spirit at every step, and they would rather “tell you who you are, where you come from and where you will be going,” rather than us humans being unique individuals who “know thyself … and thou shalt know the gods.”

The facts are that a person who KNOWS THYSELF and KNOWS GOD, is very hard to control by the powers that be because they loose their grip on this persons soul once they figure out “the game” which from day one has been an attempt to trick or steal us all out of our true beings, souls and spirits. Hence, the reason why there are all these lies and propaganda surrounding the name Lucifer.

Lucifer represents the angel of light with individual intellect who ‘rebels’ against the outside ‘dark authority’. This is why he is called the ‘fallen angel.’ The dark and outside authority can be attributed to our flesh and fleshly desires coupled with the outside material world that attempts to take us away from the true light within each one of us.

This darkness tries to fool us into looking without when we should have always been looking within the whole time. Hence, this is the whole illusion of the matrix in which Satan, the true prince of darkness that represents the flesh and free will is looking to control you, so you do not look within yourself for the “prince of light” or “the morning star.”

The reference to the Venus is the AS ABOVE of which Lucifer, AKA Phosphorus is the AS BELOW.

The facts are that we are made of stardust” or star debris and are therefore “one with the universe.” This is where we get the AS ABOVE, in the SO BELOW and the AS WITHIN , of the AS WITHOUT. It is that star dust hidden inside you in the form of Phosphorus, which I have already stated is essential for life. The phosphate is a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and also the phospholipids that form all cell membranes. This is the ‘spark’ in our DNA that makes us human. Lucifer is in all of us in the form of Phosphorus.

This may be where our souls access our divine consciousness and thus we become divine like Saint John or a Christ like Jesus. Or is this what the church calls evil in Lucifer because a conscious soul and spirit is a dangerous one and maybe that is why Jesus was crucified?

What is the fall of Lucifer?
It is an allegory of the light that resides in us and the fall is simply the fall away from this light. With the advent of most religions, this caused the fall of mankind. A fall away from the light within us that was then exchanged or forced by a false light that that was to be found outside of ourselves within a book or church.

Hence, the fall of Lucifer is the fall that each one of us takes when we look outside for answers as opposed to looking within for the true light, that which will guide us to the promise land or own own personal heavens.

As I stated above, Lucifer and the Morning Star are references to Phosphorus which is essential for life. Without phosphorus, consciousness, energy and the creation of this article would simply not be happening. When we turn away from this light within, we too fall away from grace. Hence, we fall for lies and truth in which we then become one of Satan’s tools that is represented by the planet Saturn. However, that will be a new article in itself.

Whether you choose to believe what I AM stating here and by confirming what I have written and quoted above, is entirely up to you because this is your path where you have to decide truth from fiction or light from dark on your own. However, if you have not done your own research and you have already reached an ignorant conclusion based on heresay or lies, then you are what Mr. Pike calls intolerable blinds feeble sensual, or selfish souls, in which you are one of the billions of Satan’s weak human tools. A soul who chooses darkness rather than light and an unawakened human who worships lies over truth, where ignorance rules your actions over that of true wisdom.

Hence, another brick in the wall…….

Albert Pike’s full quote of Lucifer in his famous book, Morals and Dogma on page 321;

“The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. Lucifer. The Light Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendours intolerable blinds feeble sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not! For traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed Plato and Philo also, were also inspired.”


Every culture and time period gave their own names to the heavenly bodies. The ancients were well aware that everything in our 3D reality is frequency and vibration. Thissun emits codes through frequencies and scientists have recorded the sounds coming from the sun. The stars and planets are emiting their own frequencies and all frequencies affect us here as we are affecting everything out there.

“ if you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
-Nikola Tesla

In the book of Job, the oldest book in the Bible, there are several references to astrology…Mazzaroth, which is the Hebrew word for the 12 primary constellations/clock in the sky, and Zodiac is the Greek word. In the book of Job you read about the sweet influences of the Pleiades and about the mother bear and her cub/Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. TPTB KNOW and use this knowledge/science to their own benefit and to our detriment. Becoming educated in astrology and it’s effects on our physiology will finally break the chains that have held us in these man-made prisons for millennia. Ultimately, what we can not live without is the SUN. The eternal SUN gives life, it triggers cell regeneration and can extend life, it heals and restores. I am a sungazer as was Akhenaton in Egypt before the bloodline, that still rules today, killed him. Because of sungazing, I no longer have the eyeglass restriction on my drivers license. I began my son gazing practice for years ago. Two years ago, I had to go in person for my 20 year drivers license renewal. I passed the eye exam for the first time in my 43 years of driving. I had given up the practice but after passing that eye exam I have been back at it the past couple of months. I am hoping to get to the level of not needing to eat food anymore. No more hunger…isn’t that what “Jesus” promised?

Lucifer can also relate to Samael, the Archangel. Fixed Zodiacal signs were Angels (Angels) of the Arch. The most crucial of the four fixed signs were depicted through most variations of the Sphynx, which was usually seen as a half lion and half human. In particular, an upper half woman with one breast exposed. This brings Aquarius and Leo into significance as gaurdians of the gateway of the Archs. (Think Zenith/vernal Equinox and Nadir, it’s opposition). Our most profound (and cataclysmic) events of history tend to happen when the Platonic year hits the 0 degree Pisces mark (beginning of the Age of Aquarius) and 0 degree Virgo (Beginning of the Age of Leo). The light will return during the Great Conjunction of winter 2020, the official beginning of the Age of Aquarius, by the Western systems.

This is an excellent article. However I contend that the ‘fall’ of Lucifer was not a bad thing, but a good thing. The ‘fall’ of Christ and the ‘fall’ we must individually go through to knock us from a sensual/individual type of pride and give us true humility to be able to handle the power of ‘being as a God’ is what the ‘fall’ was really about. The single biggest problem in this material existence is power/control and individuals inability to handle it. The reason this is so is because people see themselves as ‘individuals’ and not part of the One. There is a veil placed in front of their faces. That is the deception Satan/Yaldabaoth placed upon mankind in order to rule them fully. Gnostic teaching states Satan is the God/Creator of this world and the Serpent came to show us ‘the way’. He took a ‘fall’ for that. Lucifer/Prometheus took a ‘fall’ to help us, Jesus took a ‘fall’ to help us…and if you have truly lived in this material existence…it is a requirement to take a ‘fall’ to do truly good.

Very good article. Something you must experience before you read and learn about. I have one comment I’d like to point out however. I believe the ‘fall’ that we take, as did Lucifer is not a bad thing or a falling away, but rather a necessary thing and a falling towards. If we are to follow true Gnostic teaching which basically teaches that Satan/The Demiurge is the God of this creation and material world, then to ‘fall’ away from it would truly be a blessing. It is described as a ‘fall’ in the sense that it is all about humility. Christ himself learned it as we must before we inherit the power of a God. Just look around. Power/Control is the single issue among separated beings. When one ‘falls’ one experiences a sense of powerlessness and helplessness. It is then true unity is infused and the individual, now realizing they are not an ‘individual’, but part of the One…can now rise up, with TRUE power, and go in and out of this material existence with relative ease and comfort. Just a thought.

This is about having strength within, and showing why strength within is important, because there is always one testing your inner strength. When you try to be strong externally, sometimes in a moment of anger or argument, you’re giving up your inner strength.

Lucifer is a king. A very real king, not an abstract concept and certainly not Istar/Venus. His son is “Satan.” I suppose one could label me a 34th degree realist, I read and gain knowledge. His name “Lucifer” is the French way of saying his name, much like Lazerus. Hint: Lazerus is “The Blue”…azure…same as the statue of Osiris found in Tut’s tomb. You are welcome…She asked me to spread the truth for those with ears to hear. What I am saying is from mainstream evidence easily found for those that will bother to look. User Fau was his actual name, Moe. User means “crown Prince.”

Christ, Christos is the oil produced when the Kundalini hits a gland in the brain. It sits there for 3 days and then flows over the pineal gland. I think this may equate to enlightenment. Jesus is an allegory of the Sun, and also each of us. Whether he actually existed or not is moot. Do what he says or you are no christian, and he taught the above, as is quite clear in various parables such as the Bride and Groom. This is what ‘they’ suppress in us by all means possible. At the moment it is a requirement to teach humanity about ‘Kundalini’ which is the whole genesis of Christ. The ignorance in humanity on the planet earth is just too huge. Suffering is allover the world just due to ignorance, people are busy looking for God in the sky and not knowing that God is within them.

I agree with some of this and much of it makes sense. However, there are, in my opinion, some holes in your logic. For example, intellect is not always contrary to nature, nor is nature evil. Nature is loving and brutal, nurturing and deadly, just as is the human archetype of the divine, in whatever form. I think that you are perhaps equating nature with the feminine and maybe that is where the misogynistic tone of your other articles is coming from if you consider nature evil. Nature itself has a vast intelligence. There would be no intellect without it and certainly no avenue of expression for that intellect. Also, you say that we all have to walk our own paths and not be lead by others, which I absolutely agree with 100%. However, you also take a very condescending tone with those who disagree with you and accuse them of being blind, refusing to see the truth, etc. I would gently remind you that you are human and fallible and therefore you should take care not to sound so much like the very authorities you rightfully accuse of deceiving the people. As for Lucifer, I see him as neither perfect light or perfect darkness. He is, in my opinion, an archetype with strengths and weaknesses. He is the symbol of an truth that, as Cliff pointed out below, must be balanced with love. That love is often expressed in feminine terms as women are the great nurturers. I am reminded of nothing so much as the blind men and the elephant, all accusing each other of lies while simply looking at the same thing in a different way.

Do you think you know it all? Do you think you are going to insult me on my blog, great work and I’m going to be Mr. Nice to you? It is clear to me you have took the new age information hook line and sinker like 99.9% of the people who have not done their own independent research which is expected so don’t feel bad. Lucifer is simply Latin for the alchemical element known in Greek as phosphorus in which Lucifer is from the morning star known a Jupiter. The feminine aspect is portrayed as the goddess Isis (Cybele, Rhea, the Magna Mater etc) who represents sulfur from the planet Venus. You are making this about men and women or into a gender battle as if Isis was a real and Lucifer was some dude who fell from heaven. They are ancient memes for the profane and ignorant like you who are truly the blind and zombified.

Moe- I found this article to be very “materialistic” in nature. This experience that you are having right now isn’t actually about anything, in human terms anyway. It’s just hyper intelligent light shining forth and even that is saying too much. On another note it might not be such a bad thing for to learn to acept some constructive critism..

I have to say More, I love how you take no crap from people on here. If anyone who did their research would know your right. Opinions are like butt-holes we all have one. This people are profane. And you are sharing very guarded secret s. Which I do not agree with, but that’s out of my control. It was planned long ago, and is designed to happen. Anyways stay strong, stay a warrior
ISIS can be conversed with, as a feminine aspect/spirit, by taking Ayahuasca. So can Lucifer who apparently comes across as somewhat arrogant. As above so below, As within so without may allow sulpher and phosphorous to be synonomous, same as planets (stars).

I’m seeing an X formation… Lucifer (Red,love of the self), Satan (Blue, love of the mother), as the left and right in this X. Whats on the other ends? We have the woman and the whore in the Bible. Inversion, tops and bottoms. Middles (balance,heart) as green. The whole construction is being prised open, the black and the white of the papersea (papacy) and represents the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This is behaviour of Light, see Goethe. Some of this information is encoded in ‘Jupiter Rising’ and ‘How to train your Dragon 2’.

Lucifer does indeed represent the light, that is to say the pure light of the rational intellect, and just the intellect. It is the cold light of pure reason unmitigated by the warm light of the heart and thus unbalanced. It is the light that allows the means to justify the end, as pure reason would demand it do so. The Christ you quote also said that ‘by their works you shall know them’ . Your Albert Pike stated that three world wars would be required to bring in the Masonic Age, The Masons have been major players in creating two of them and are on the cusp of igniting the third, so please do not equate your luciferian objectives with that of the light of the Gnostic Christ self. Notwithstanding this, there are many truths still contained in your article, however it seems that these are very cleverly placed to capture those who seek for the light within, an imitation of the path of the seeker after truth, two paths that appear to be subtlely similar and yet ultimately lead to devastating different results. ‘My kingdom is not of this world’ , Albert Pike’s and the Mason’s very definately is.

there are several important points which need to be understood…Christianity does not have a monopoly on the term “Lucifer” nor on its definition. The Christian concept and definition of the term “Lucifer” is merely the latest in a long line of definitions and interpretations of this pre-Christian term.

The word “Lucifer” occurs only once in the entire Bible. This is in Isaiah 14:12, which says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” Those who read this verse in its actual context will clearly see that the sentence is applied specifically to a certain Babylonian king who was an enemy in war of the Israelites. The original Hebrew text uses the word הֵילֵל which literally means “bright star” or “shining one,” a term applied sarcastically or mockingly by the Israelites to this particular enemy of theirs. The translators of the King James Version of the Bible – one of the chief of whom was the well known Rosicrucian initiate Dr Robert Fludd, a fact which will no doubt shock and horrify many Christians – chose to translate this word with the Latin word “Lucifer.”

“Lucifer” literally means Lightbringer, Lightbearer, Bringer of Dawn, Shining One, or Morning Star. The word has no other meaning. Historically and astronomically, the term “Morning Star” has always been applied to the planet Venus.

Since the only occurrence of the word “Lucifer” in the Bible is that one verse in Isaiah, there is absolutely nothing in the Bible which says that Lucifer is Satan or the devil. It was Pope Gregory the Great (540-604 AD) who was the first person to apply that passage of scripture to Satan and thus to equate Lucifer with Satan. But even then this notion didn’t catch on in a big way until the much more recent popularisation of John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” in which Lucifer is used as another name for Satan, the evil adversary of God. Also, such luminaries of the Christian world as Martin Luther and John Calvin considered it “a gross error” to apply Isaiah 14:12 to the devil, “for the context plainly shows these statements must be understood in reference to the king of the Babylonians.”

Thus the Christians who claim that Lucifer is the devil actually have no Biblical basis or authority for such a belief. Though they may claim to be “Bible believing Christians” whose faith is built solely on “the Word of God” they are actually followers – in this and many other respects – of Christian religious tradition and not of the Christian Bible. Or have they quietly conferred divine infallibility upon the Pope and Milton without informing the rest of the world?
H.P. Blavatsky was never at any point in her life a Christian, gave no credence to Christian theology and did not believe in any type of personal or anthropomorphic God nor in any type of personal or anthropomorphic devil. She believed and taught that there is but ONE Infinite Divine Life which is everything and in everything and that It has no adversary or enemy, since there is nothing but That – the boundless, impersonal, omnipresent Principle of Absolute Existence Itself. She was against the notion of worshipping or praying to anyone or anything. She taught that evil is really imperfection, which is the automatic and inevitable byproduct of the existence of matter.

Now let us take a look at some of the statements HPB made about Lucifer in “The Secret Doctrine”…

* “Esoteric philosophy admits neither good nor evil per se, as existing independently in nature. The cause for both is found, as regards the Kosmos, in the necessity of contraries or contrasts, and with respect to man, in his human nature, his ignorance and passions. There is no devil or the utterly depraved, as there are no Angels absolutely perfect, though there may be spirits of Light and of Darkness; thus LUCIFER – the spirit of Intellectual Enlightenment and Freedom of Thought – is metaphorically the guiding beacon, which helps man to find his way through the rocks and sandbanks of Life, for Lucifer is the LOGOS in his highest, and the “Adversary” in his lowest aspect – both of which are reflected in our Ego.” (Vol. 2, p. 162)

* “In antiquity and reality, Lucifer, or Luciferus, is the name of the angelic Entity presiding over the light of truth as over the light of the day. In the great Valentinian gospel Pistis Sophia it is taught that of the three Powers emanating from the Holy names of the Three Tριδυνάμεις, that of Sophia (the Holy Ghost according to these gnostics – the most cultured of all) resides in the planet Venus or Lucifer.” (Vol. 2, p. 512)

* “It is but natural – even from the dead letter standpoint – to view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis, as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind. For it is he who was the “Harbinger of Light,” bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of the automaton created by Jehovah, as alleged; and he who was the first to whisper: “in the day ye eat thereof ye shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil” – can only be regarded in the light of a Saviour. An “adversary” to Jehovah the “personating spirit,” he still remains in esoteric truth the ever-loving “Messenger” (the angel), the Seraphim and Cherubim who both knew well, and loved still more, and who conferred on us spiritual, instead of physical immortality – the latter a kind of static immortality that would have transformed man into an undying “Wandering Jew”.” (Vol. 2, p. 243)

* “The Fall was the result of man’s knowledge, for his “eyes were opened.” Indeed, he was taught Wisdom and the hidden knowledge by the “Fallen Angel,” for the latter had become from that day his Manas, Mind and Self-consciousness. In each of us that golden thread of continuous life – periodically broken into active and passive cycles of sensuous existence on Earth, and super-sensuous in Devachan – is from the beginning of our appearance upon this earth. It is the Sutratma, the luminous thread of immortal impersonal monadship, on which our earthly lives or evanescent Egos are strung as so many beads – according to the beautiful expression of Vedantic philosophy.

“And now it stands proven that Satan, or the Red Fiery Dragon, the “Lord of Phosphorus” (brimstone was a theological improvement), and Lucifer, or “Light-Bearer,” is in us: it is our Mind – our tempter and Redeemer, our intelligent liberator and Saviour from pure animalism. Without this principle – the emanation of the very essence of the pure divine principle Mahat (Intelligence), which radiates direct from the Divine mind – we would be surely no better than animals.” (Vol. 2, p. 513)

So we see that in the teachings of Theosophy – which are at times deliberately symbolical, allegorical, and esoteric – the Lightbringer or Bringer of Dawn (Lucifer in Latin) is our Mind Principle, our individual self-consciousness and spark of intelligence, which was awakened in mankind around the middle period of the Third Root Race, also known as the Lemurian Epoch. Our mind can either be our adversary (which is what the word “satan” literally means) or it can be the lightbearer (the Lucifer) of spiritual Truth to us, the knowledge of which brings about our liberation from ignorance, including spiritual self-ignorance.

Jose M. Herrou Aragon, in his book “Primordial Gnosis: The Forbidden Religion,” writes…

“According to Gnostic legends and myths, the great Unknowable God sent Lucifer, angel of indescribable fire and light, to show man the light and to help him wake up and see his true origin, the origin of his Spirit, which has been perversely imprisoned in this impure matter called body-soul. He is an uncreated being, who came to the created world to bring Light: Liberating Gnosis. The saving knowledge which can wake man up and help him free his imprisoned Spirit. The knowledge which allows him to know who he truly is, why he is here in this world and what he has to do to liberate himself and fulfil his Spirit, which belongs to another uncreated and unknowable plane.

“We have said that Lucifer came to the world to wake man up, to help him remember his divine origin, the divine origin of his Spirit, and to help him free himself from the body-soul in which he is trapped, and from created time and matter.”

Theosophy interprets all these allegorical Gnostic teachings as referring to “the lighting up of Manas” (Manas is the Sanskrit word for Mind) which we mentioned above. When we bear in mind that “The Secret Doctrine” teaches that the Lemurian Root Race was born under the influence of Venus and received its “light and life” from the Planetary Spirit of Venus, it all becomes clearer, since Lucifer has been an accepted synonym for Venus – the bright and morning star – since long before the days of Christian theology and millennia before Lucifer was first ignorantly equated with the devil.

In “The Secret Doctrine” we read that “Venus, or Lucifer (also Sukra and Usanas) the planet, is the Light-Bearer of our Earth, in both its physical and mystic sense.” Venus is said to be the “spiritual prototype” of Earth and “the Guardian Spirit of the Earth and Men.” It is “the most occult, powerful, and mysterious of all the planets; the one whose influence upon, and relation to the Earth is most prominent” and every change that takes place on Venus “is felt on, and reflected by, the Earth.”

Since it would take too long and also be out of place here to try to explain all of this to the reader unfamiliar with Theosophy, we can sum up by saying that what H.P. Blavatsky has to say about Lucifer is entirely esoteric, symbolical, and philosophical. Those four excerpts quoted above are virtually the only specific statements and explanations she ever made about Lucifer, although fanatical Christians and half-crazed conspiracy theorists like to give the impression that she spent almost all her time ranting and raving about Lucifer, which is simply not true.

As for the reason her magazine was named “Lucifer,” she wrote in its very first article – titled “What’s in a Name?” – that “the first and most important, if not the sole object of the magazine, is expressed in the line from the 1st Epistle to the Corinthians, on its title page. It is to bring light to “the hidden things of darkness,” (iv. 5); to show in their true aspect and their original real meaning things and names, men and their doings and customs; it is finally to fight prejudice, hypocrisy and shams in every nation, in every class of Society, as in every department of life. The task is a laborious one but it is neither impracticable nor useless, if even as an experiment. Thus, for an attempt of such nature, no better title could ever be found than the one chosen. … No fitter symbol exists for the proposed work – that of throwing a ray of truth on everything hidden by the darkness of prejudice, by social or religious misconceptions; especially by that idiotic routine in life, which, once that a certain action, a thing, a name, has been branded by slanderous inventions, however unjust, makes respectable people, so called, turn away shiveringly, refusing to even look at it from any other aspect than the one sanctioned by public opinion. Such an endeavour then, to force the weak-hearted to look truth straight in the face, is helped most efficaciously by a title belonging to the category of branded names.”

But as she was later to remark, the ignorant and erroneous belief that Lucifer = Satan “has struck its roots too deep in the soil of blind faith” to allow many people to bravely, boldly, and unashamedly reveal the true origins and true nature of what the so-called Lucifer actually is. Those who attempt to do so are always bound to be immediately labelled as “satanists” and “devil worshippers” by a certain class of Christian, those whose trademark characteristics invariably tend to be wilful ignorance and mental laziness. It has indeed become a “branded name,” one which still automatically conjures up the image of an anthropomorphic devil even in the minds of the most hardened atheists.

Yet who can deny that even Jesus is portrayed as boldly proclaiming his identity with Venus the Lightbringer in Revelation 22:16, where he says “I, Jesus, am the bright and morning star.” If the translators had chosen to translate this verse using Latin just as they did with Isaiah 14:12, it would read “I, Jesus, am Lucifer.”

Theosophists are not afraid of public opinion or misguided prejudice, nor of the claims and threats of Christianity, that most arrogant, ignorant, and impudent of all the world’s religions. “There is no religion higher than Truth” – and eventually, as always, the Truth will prevail.

It is not correct that Lucifer equals Jesus, as Yourself also quote.

“Lucifer represents the individual intellect and will which rebels against the domination of Nature and attempts to maintain itself contrary to natural impulse. Lucifer, in the form of Venus, is the morning star spoken of in Revelation, which is to be given to those who overcome the world.”

Lucifer from Madam Blavatsky and Freemasonry has highjacked Jesus’ title, for evil, not for good.

The Christian mystic Rudolf Steiner says Lucifer and Satan (The Devil) is two different spiritual entities, but to compare ANY of the two as Jesus is way off target.

“Rudolf Steiner taught that the two great demons, Lucifer and Ahriman, offer mankind gifts — from Lucifer, we receive the gift of intellectual thought; from Ahriman, mastery of the physical realm. These gifts are beneficial and even necessary at our current stage of evolution, but they also entail great risks, temptations that can lead us badly astray. According to Steiner, Christ — the Intelligence of the Sun — needs to interpose between Lucifer and Ahriman, balancing them so that we may receive their influences in the proper, beneficial proportions”.

“We have the physical world, the astral world, the Lower Devachan and the Higher Devachan. If the body is thrust down lower even than the physical world, it comes into the sub-physical world, the lower astral world, the lower or evil Lower Devachan, and the lower or evil Higher Devachan. The evil astral world is the province of Lucifer, the evil Lower Devachan the province of Ahriman, and the evil Higher Devachan the province of the Asuras.” — Rudolf Steiner, THE ETHERISATION OF THE BLOOD (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1971), a lecture, GA 130.

The ‘carnal people’ as the apostle Paul calls them, the worly ones, of the flesh, the non-spiritual, will be servants of Ahriman (Satan), always, because that’s the only realm they about. They are closed out of ‘heaven’.

Jesus is for the illumination of the Heart, not for the Mind and Intellect. Jesus Christ offering people a completely new personality, a new Heart, nothing to do with becoming more intellectual and have higher IQ, only to be kinder, a better person.

“Love Your Enemy as Yourself”.

Love is a character trait of the Heart, not of the Mind and/or Intellect.

Lucifer ca be compared with The Serpent in The Garden of Eden that was decieving that knowledge was the way to salvation. Wrong! It is not. Often on the contrary. But non-spiritual, carnal and wordly people often buying into this lie.

Lucifer has the potential of awaking people, but also have the potential to decieve them of the Way (The Way, was the name the first Christians was calling their movement).

Ahriman on the other hand will always prefer wordly affairs; finances, money, power, greed, land…. , not keep any considerations for the quality of life in any other way than how to grab as much as possible of the same, to be ‘succcessfull’ in life.. not reflecting that other people might prefer to be successfull in spiritual sense, than in a carnal definiton of the word.

Both Ahriman and Lucifer have brought this World to the end of its lifecyclus. Intellect is dangerous, when it is without a Heart.

Thanks for your comment. What I had meant is that both Jesus and Lucifer are sons of the morning star and in a sense, brothers made of the same light substance mentioned by me in this article knowns as Phosphorus. Lucifer is fallen angel for the Latin word for the Greek Phosphorus from the planet Jupiter. Jesus Christ is the same, but also a savior anointed by the priesthood. One is a fallen angel and the other a savior crucified at Golgotha (place of the skull) for his teachings.


Emotional Management
Have you ever gotten emotionally riled up over events which later turned out to be trivial? Do little things happen around you which “coincidentally” poke at your emotional sore spots? Does it seem like someone “behind the curtain” is pushing your buttons? In many cases, someone or something is.

This article is about emotional defense against an invisible enemy who profits from your overindulgence in negative emotions. As part of the matrix series, this text focuses upon the central issue in the matter, that of loosh economy. “Loosh” is Robert Monroe’s term for a quantifiable spiritual/emotional energy produced by physical beings such as humans, a highly-valued commodity in the eyes of nonphysical beings who feed upon this energy. Although not its only function, the matrix acts as the machinery which extracts loosh from humans by subjecting them to synchronistically arranged emotional melodramas.

Here will be given a practical discussion of the nature of emotion, who manipulates emotion via the matrix, their modes of attack, and suggested methods of defense.

Nature of Emotion
Science sees emotion as the perceptual end-product of chemicals and hormones affecting our nervous system, nothing more. In truth, such chemicals in our bodies are just physical components of an overall metaphysical process. The body is synchronistically coupled to the soul, meaning the soul doesn’t actually impress a physical force upon the body’s cells as a magnet would upon iron filings, but rather the soul generates a morphogenic field which tends to make one’s neurons and cells “accidentally” behave in a way that directly mirrors the behavior of the soul. The morphogenic field alters the probability of cellular events in such a way to conform to the will of the soul.

When the soul feels the emotion of love, for example, neurons “accidentally” fire in a specific pattern which any neuropsychologist reading a brainscan will interpret as corresponding to that emotion.

During life in a physical body, the body and soul are strongly coupled. One’s daily consciousness, the ego, resides at the border between physical brain and metaphysical soul, meaning it can experience the illusion of emotion through drugs. Such artificial inductions of emotions are generated through the body rather than the soul. Any generation of emotion via physical methods leads only the generation of false emotions.

The difference between true and false emotions lies in their origin. There is only one true emotion, love, and there is only one source for it, God. “Love” and “God” do not have their usual meanings here; love does not mean physical intimacy between couples and God does not mean a personified deity. Love is defined here as a creator energy, the original will of God that separated the original void into positive and negative space and time, an emotion filled with truth, knowledge, and awareness. God is defined as the original seed of consciousness from which all reality and individual consciousness arose, an infinite supply of true emotional energy to which humans are energetically connected and have access.

Eaters of EmotionIn other articles on this site (, a classification system of zero order, first order, and second order beings has been utilized to separate the major types of consciousness. God is a zero order being, humans are first order beings, and thoughtforms or entities without a direct energetic link to God are second order beings. Likewise, there are zero, first, and second order emotions. Zero order emotion is the will of God which essentially powered the Big Bang. First order emotion is true love as humans can experience it, that of truth, knowledge, and awareness. Second order emotions consist of everything else, from illusory love to lust, hatred, fear, jealousy, and contempt. These are false emotions, for they stem not from God but from illusion. Loosh is a generic term for emotional energy, and “negative loosh” implies false emotion, while “positive loosh” means true emotion.

Second order beings are the primary beneficiaries of the matrix for they feed upon their corresponding type of loosh, second order emotion. Such beings were not created by God originally, their creators are first order beings who either purposely or accidentally succumbed to illusion and began to feed such illusions by putting emotional energy into things not connected to the physical reality created by God. In other words, instead of focusing entirely upon physical reality and truth in their lives, first order beings (who by definition have Creator-like abilities) began to create a new reality of their own, that within the realm of their imaginations. This imaginary reality is now known as the etheric realm, and energy dumped into this realm was shaped via first order beings’ fears and fantasies into second order beings called thoughtforms. Thoughtforms are etheric robots without an energetic connection to God — a metaphysical form of artificial intelligence. Thoughtforms, generated by illusion, soon resorted to parasitism upon first order beings to feed themselves and maintain their own existence. Over time, thoughtforms have created an entirely new illusory reality overlaying the real reality on earth, and this illusory overlay is the matrix.

The movie The Matrix was a metaphorical representation of this phenomenon. One point of evidence toward this fact is that the metaphor was imperfect; machines turned humans into batteries, sources of electrical energy, and yet they could have much more easily resorted to nuclear power. In reality, the metaphor alluded to the fact that the “machines” or second order beings are after loosh, not electricity, and there is no better generator of loosh than a human. Hence, in the movie, humans had to be the power source despite the obvious flaw in the metaphor.

For emotion to be consumed by second order beings, it must be converted into a palatable frequency or flavor and dumped into a domain over which second order beings have precedence. Physical reality, being a product of God and composed of its love/will condensed into solidity, is not second order beings’ preferential domain. Anything straying from reality, such as fantasies, misconceptions, fears, and illusions miss their mark and flow into second order beings’ etheric reality, if not first tapped directly by the matrix. Therefore, the matrix attempts to induce negative emotions in you (flavoring the loosh with a palatable frequency) and pulls your mindset away from truth so that your emotion becomes available for harvesting.

Dynamics of Emotion
Emotions are somewhat analogous to electricity; there is static electricity (stationary quantity of charge) and dynamic electricity, also known as current (moving quantity of charge). Likewise, emotions can be static or dynamic.

Dynamic emotion is loosh energy that is always being utilized for either constructive physical/spiritual action or else leaking or spurting into the ether. All your genuine emotional energy comes from your connection to God by virtue of you just being human, conscious, and alive. You receive this energy from God to power much of your higher mental and spiritual functions, but you must still consume physical food to run your body. What you do with your supply of loosh is up to you; the matrix would like you to convert it into a negative form and feed the energy into imaginary reality for interception by the matrix.

Static emotion, psychologically speaking, is repressed emotional energy. Emotion, being a quantified substance, can neither be created nor destroyed by anyone except God. This law of conservation is nothing new, many authors and psychologists know of that fact.

While emotion cannot be created or destroyed, it can be tapped from God and converted into various grades, frequencies, and forms. Negative emotion can be converted into positive, and vice versa. Perception is the key that converts one form into the other.

When you experience a negative emotion and do not let it out or convert it into something positive, it becomes a thoughtform parasite, an auric leak, and a spiritual burden. To have become angry in the first place is okay, but to remain so in a non-constructive way must have arisen from some illusory component in your view of the world. In other words, because your perception of a situation was not based entirely on truth, you became angry, stayed angry, and did nothing about it except ignore and repress it. Your illusory perception combined with the resulting negative emotional energy forms, by definition, a thoughtform, except it is one closely attached to your soul. In this article, such an entity will be called an internal thoughtform. It has a conduit leading back to the core of your soul and siphons energy from your emotional reservoir, becoming bloated in the process as long as you continue repressing it.

While God’s supply of emotional energy is infinite, your rate to receive such energy is not. Therefore, any leak in your loosh reservoir such as one caused by an internal thoughtform generated from repressed emotions will take away from your influx of energy. The more repressed emotions you have, the more auric leaks you have, and the less loosh energy you can use for yourself.

Internal thoughtforms severely affect the way you behave. Beside keeping you low of energy, they also tend to pull your own utilization of energy in their direction.

Severely repressed emotions (to the point of amnesia) stem from soul fragmentation, where a piece of your consciousness accompanies the perceptions and emotions splitting off from your main soul during the trauma. Such internal thoughtforms are their own personalities in perpetual suffering. The amnesia results from memories being a function of consciousness, and since that particular component of consciousness has left, the main consciousness has no access to those memories unless the fragment possessing them returns to its source. Ordinary internal thoughtforms are not total fragmentations, but rather distortions; both affect the main soul’s consciousness through some etheric or astral link.

Internal thoughtforms affect your behavior by regurgitating a negative frequency of loosh back into your main energy reservoir which corrupts your general mood in addition to sublimely keeping your world view in accordance with the illusion having generated the internal thoughtform in the first place. It affects both your emotions and perceptions and tends to keep them anchored in illusion.

Static emotions cannot be tapped by the matrix, although they are still detrimental in altering your behavior like a stuck rudder on a ship. One’s emotions remain static only as long as they are out of one’s present conscious focus. Remember that internal thoughtforms are their own loosh reservoirs, feeding off your reservoir which in turn is filled by God. You may think of these thoughtforms as bloated sacks of loosh just waiting to burst. To access these reservoirs, the matrix must open them with a perceptual key so that your consciousness focuses upon them, opening the floodgates and unleashing an explosion of dynamic emotion which bursts into the ether and is collected by the matrix.

Thus, the matrix can do one of two things: elicit dynamic emotions in you and tap them directly, or else pop your repressed emotions and reap a huge bounty. Often it does both and makes sure dynamic emotion is repressed and allowed to grow for later harvest. How it accomplishes all this is the subject of the next section

Modes of Attack
The matrix and those who operate it attack humans for various reasons including sabotage, experimentation, and loosh harvesting. An attack is defined as a hostile act intended to benefit the perpetrator more than one receiving the attack.

Let’s begin with how the matrix harvests static emotions. As stated before, it must utilize the correct key to unlock stored reservoir of loosh. In practical terms, this key is simply a synchronicity in your environment which triggers an overblown emotional reaction from you. If you have ever gotten angrier at something than warranted because you’ve had enough and it was the last straw, then you have had an internal thoughtform purged of its reservoir. While this may make you feel better in the short run, it will fill up again and continue to influence you unless it is permanently disabled by a change of perceptions. Disabling internal thoughtforms will be discussed later.

A synchronistic trigger is created from precise calculations and data gathering by the matrix; it knows what buttons to push. The source of this trigger may be something you read, a keyword, song, person’s name, dream event, or something someone does or says. In the case of reading something, the synchronicity is mainly created through you…the matrix has imperceptibly altered your actions and the path of your trigger until they intersect and the trigger comes to your attention. In the case of being triggered by something someone does or says, the same basic process occurs except another person is being manipulated as well. (Generation of synchronicities doesn’t happen by the direct calculation and alteration of every single step necessary to produce them, rather a small section of the symbolic “machine code” of reality is altered which automatically restructures the timeline and course of reality-based events).

You may wonder how and when this manipulation occurs, because you cannot remember or feel any real manipulation going on. Well, the manipulation of your actions is synchronistic and occurs most often when you are on “autopilot” or in the alpha state of mind. It is known that one becomes suggestible and receptive during the alpha state, in which brainwaves pulsate between 9 and 14 cycles per second. During this state, your consciousness relaxes its perceptual filters and becomes susceptible to external influences. It is during this autopilot state that the matrix finds it easiest to get you to do something which will play part in a later synchronicity. When it happens, because the synchronicity is not yet fulfilled, the trivial action you just undertook during the alpha state goes generally unnoticed, thought of as insignificant and not even worth remembering. The manipulation is subtle, and only after-the-fact does it become obvious. Most often, however, the manipulation is not a direct influence to do something, but rather a suppression of your memory function…you perform an action while having temporarily forgotten a key piece of information that would have made you act otherwise. Induced temporary forgetfulness resulting in a later synchronicity is the most common way an external or higher force (even a positive one) can bypass the ego and manipulate a person’s actions.

Susceptibility to manipulation is proportional to lack of awareness. Forewarned is forearmed. Remember:

If you’re not in control of your actions, something else is.

It could be the matrix, internal thoughtforms, external thoughtforms, subliminals in advertising and music, entity attachments, alien transmissions, and even positive guidance such as your higher self and intuition. Which of those you tend to tune into depends upon your general mood, which is nothing more than the prevalent emotional climate of your being. Emotions are generated from perceptions, and to attract positive guidance in times when you go into autopilot, you must have positive perceptions aligned with truth. The more accurate your perception of reality, the better your mood, and the less susceptible you become to influence from negative sources.

Of course, if you were a hermit, this advice would be easy to apply. Unfortunately, every person you associate with, be it friend, family, or stranger, is also susceptible to manipulation by various forces. The less aware they are, the more easily manipulated they become. Being aware means being conscious of your actions and taking responsibility to make sure that what you do is really what you want to do, and not some subtle force attempting to manipulate you into playing part in someone else’s emotional triggering. The people you interact with can be manipulated into triggering you, pushing your buttons, sabotaging your plans, and hurting you without them even knowing it. In fact, you have played that part as well, unknowingly performing actions which synchronistically affect others without you being aware of it at the time. It happened to you today and it will happen again tomorrow.

As fellow researchers have learned, the biggest challenge to anyone aware of this manipulation is when someone you love or trust becomes a “conduit of attack,” an unwitting player in the negative forces’ sick game of sabotaging you or harvesting your loosh (inducing suffering in you, and often the others involved). Children, spouses, and partners in personal or business relationships are the most common conduits of attack. Besides performing just minor synchronistic triggers, such people can be fully manipulated into doing anything to stress you, including hurting themselves, misperceiving you, and directly attacking you verbally or physically. By physical harm, it is not meant that some external force picks up their fists and swings them at you, rather that some force manipulates the person’s emotions and perceptions into making them take out their frustrations and misguided anger on you. They believe that they are in control of all their actions, but in reality they are not.

In cases where manipulation of a person goes beyond mere synchronistic acts, there is usually a direct alteration of his/her soul via artificial means. This can include physical means such as electromagnetic mind control signals, physical implants, hypnosis, harmful chemicals and nutritional deficiencies, or metaphysical means such as etheric implants, chakra alterations, entity attachments of negative beings or aliens, or remote psionic influence. Whatever the case may be, the person isn’t truly himself, and the painful part is that he is not even aware of it.

Lack of awareness puts a person into the domain of illusion and misperception. Once there, it is easy for the matrix or its operators to inject false speculation into the minds of the intended targets of sabotage. The less information one has about a particular situation, the more he will tend to speculate. Like a game of Wheel of Fortune, the less letters already chosen by contestants, the greater the possibility that the hidden word could be almost anything. Because there are so many possibilities that would fit the limited facts one has, such possibilities must include a great portion of incorrect guesses, illusions. Because such possibilities are weighted equally until another piece of information comes along to shift favor to one or the other, it is during speculation that the matrix finds an opportune time to nudge a person’s perceptions toward false conclusions. It can do so directly by emotional manipulation and memory suppression, or it can do so with false data introduced to him synchronistically. Not all data you could encounter via synchronicity is false, but be aware that some of it surely is.

Such sabotage typically happens to split apart two people or a network which poses a threat to the matrix’s agenda. This happens best when one or more of the people targetted is much more unaware than the other, and therefore becomes an easy conduit of attack. Whether one is unaware or both are, between them there is usually a lack of full understanding of each other’s personality and circumstances. This may be due either out of social custom not to be nosy, lack of time to become more acquainted, or fear, mistrust, and ignorance. The latter factors make a relationship most vulnerable to sabotage. Fear causes mistrust, leading to ignorance of facts contrary to paranoid speculations, and limits the informational exchange between people involved. With lack of information, speculation arises, and such speculation is manipulated by the matrix toward false conclusions and soon the relationship breaks apart due to misunderstandings on both sides of the cleavage. It is a tactic of divide and conquer. This is why love and trust between two or more aware people is the biggest threat possible to the matrix — it forms an invincible and indivisible unit more powerful than the sum of its parts. The matrix must then resort to treating this unit as a single entity and manipulate other people into attacking it from the outside…but the network or relationship is now stronger than any single person.

Such a network is impossible between individuals who are not collinear. Collinearity is the quality of sharing the same direction of spiritual evolution, even if there are differences in awareness. Two individuals who are collinear but not equally aware can provide for a pleasant teaching/learning experience. But two who are not collinear will be in conflict because each will be resistant to the other and both are going different directions in life. Among collinear individuals, it is merely separations in awareness that allow the matrix to create misperceptions and disruption. So it is important for a collinear couple to be completely honest with each other and on equal ground.

Methods of Defense
As bleak as the previous accounts of matrix attack modes may have been, in truth there are ways out of this mess, methods of defense.

I believe that the Matrix can remain our cage or it can become our chrysalis…
– Neo, original script for The Matrix

The Matrix is the system used by foreign forces operating on this planet, so as to accelerate spiritual choices of each individual on Earth without violating their freewill.

In the big picture the matrix is just another, albeit grandiose, learning device much like an obstacle course or puzzle for humanity. All puzzles have solutions, that is their reason for existence: to be solved. Acknowledging that the matrix and humanity’s exploitation has a place in the course of things does not imply that we should just accept it and submit to it. That would be like acknowledging that a puzzle comes disassembled in a box, but going further and arguing that it should therefore be left alone; if putting the puzzle together would no longer make it a puzzle, would “eradicating” it make one guilty of being an anti-puzzle bigot? That is ludicrous. Obstacles exist to be overcome, puzzles exist to be solved, and evil exists to be counterbalanced. If we are to treat the matrix properly in regard to its true universal function, then we must individually overcome it.

To overcome the matrix’s method of emotional triggering via synchronistic keys, it is necessary to discharge, disable, and eliminate negative internal thoughtforms and prevent new ones from forming. While doing this perfectly is close to impossible, steps in that direction can be taken.

There are numerous books discussing ways of healing emotional wounds and getting rid of self-defeating subconscious programming (internal thoughtforms). While methods vary in complexity and efficiency, the basic idea comes down to finding an internal thoughtform, discharging it by consciously replaying the associated false perceptions and emotions, realizing that the perceptions were false, and replacing them with a new realization closer to the truth. Find, discharge, replace. There are other ways as well, check the suggested reading list at the end of this article.

Preventing the creation of new internal thoughtforms is a matter of changing your perceptions through an increase in awareness and immediately transforming any negative emotional energy you do accumulate. For example, if the matrix induces a synchronicity designed to play upon your emotions and arouse futile anger, if your perceptions are in good shape then it will not even affect you; it will pass right through. Recall the following quote from The Matrix:

Neo: What are you trying to tell me, that I can dodge bullets?

Morpheus: No Neo. I’m trying to tell you that when you’re ready, you won’t have to.

If your negative internal thoughtforms are discharged or nonexistent, then even without a perceptual guard your emotional reaction will not be greater than warranted by the trigger. Nevertheless, the perceptual guard is simply an understanding that a particular trigger is actually trivial and warrants no negative emotion. There is no need to dodge bullets if they pass right through you without touching or stop mid-air.

Anger itself is not that negative of an emotion if transformed; only when repressed does it cause problems. Contempt, jealousy, hatred, and guilt however are very negative because they are emotions that are very difficult to employ constructively. All four imply stasis, inaction, or reckless destruction.

“Contempt” implies illusory superiority (superiority based on illusory criteria) and does nothing to help a person constructively…it perpetuates separation, oppression, and exploitation.

“Jealousy” is an emotion of lack, insecurity, obsession, or of having to fantasize to have something imaginarily — an automatic ejection of loosh into the ether.

“Hatred” is rarely acted upon and is a brooding emotion, dynamic, sending oozing negativity into the physical and etheric environment and atrophying the soul. When acted upon, hatred leads to destabilizing destruction.

“Guilt” is a major negative loosh producer. It is a futile attempt by a soul to change the past. As detailed in “Synchronicity and Reality Manipulation,” emotions are the carrier wave upon which information can be sent back into the past of the current timeline to alter the current timeline. This is the linear interpretation of how synchronicities are set up. When feeling guilt, a person is actually attempting to change a regretful past situation via this method…it fails most of the time because his wish to change the past is based upon faulty perceptions (illusions) and it would complicate certain karmic balances that required him to have done as he did. Thus, the emotions go nowhere but into the mouth of the matrix. The proper way to handle guilt is to relieve oneself of the emotion through thoughtform discharge, change in perception, and then to avoid repeating the guilt-inducing mistake in the future. There is a difference between a psychopath without guilt and a free person without guilt; the free person’s actions stem from perceptions which have changed because life’s lessons, while the psychopath’s actions stem from perceptions which exist as they are in spite of life’s lessons.

Negative emotional energy is loosh with a particular vibrational frequency tuned into resonance with negative entities and the matrix. Because this frequency is of a second order nature, it is associated with the quality of illusion. For example, when one is angry and offended, sometimes such emotions trigger revenge fantasies. The angered person’s direction of focus is absorbed in the trigger which is anywhere but in the here and now. Loosh energy is channeled into wherever consciousness is focused, and if one is absorbed in directing anger toward the object of offense, that is where the energy goes. This is the most common way the matrix collects energy; it merely pushes a button and opens its mouth to feed.

What factors create large responses to triggers? As explained, repressed emotions are one factor. Another already mentioned is lack of understanding or being. Someone with certain lessons yet to learn is yearning to have experiences which teach them those lessons. The matrix very often provides those lesson opportunities in exchange for the negative loosh it harvests. It is fact that the more lessons one learns, the less responsive one becomes to manipulative triggers, i.e., the less dependent one’s internal emotional state becomes to external factors.

Try to remember something that made you cry as a young child. Would it make you cry if it happened to you now? If not, what has changed to make that so? Your perceptions; you have grown in awareness since that young age and something that would give you a tantrum at three would make you laugh at thirty. In fact, any spiritual lesson that you have already learned would no longer affect you the same way if it presented itself to you again. Once you solve a homework math problem that causes you lots of grief, if asked again on a test, you would remember how you did it and breeze right through

Not learning a lesson or repressing an emotion are very similar because both lead to no growth of being. Awareness and understanding are necessary to grow one’s level of being, and without conscious processing of emotions and the lessons they teach, growth does not occur. In the case of not yet having learned a lesson, there is no stimulus for growth, and with repressed emotions, growth is artificially squelched. Both of these create demand for and vulnerability against further matrix manipulations in order to provide the opportunity for learning lessons.

Ultimately, it is the Higher Self that allows the matrix to have its way, to create situations which can teach the lower self needed lessons. Unfortunately, negative second order beings and the matrix are interested in maximizing loosh extraction from every targeted individual, not being their teachers — thus, the slower the target learns his lessons, the more energy he will continuously expend to the satisfaction of the matrix. This carrot-before-the-donkey phenomenon can be avoided with simple effort to learn quickly from every experience, and especially to learn preemptively from the experiences of others.

It is possible therefore to learn lessons without negative experience if such lessons are cognized and empathized beforehand. This is gaining knowledge the easy way which requires effort on the part of the learner to see objective truth. If this effort is neglected, physical experience will be created to teach it to him or her the hard way. Such experiences will repeat in various manifestations until the lesson is learned. Once it is learned, a corresponding growth of being occurs which prevents such experiences from necessarily reoccurring. In this way, knowledge protects indirectly because having it kills the broadcasted demand for a matrix-provided experiential learning lesson. Nevertheless, negative entities still have the freewill to attack whomever they can, so a direct application of knowledge in the form of prevention or repulsion will help one defend against these attacks should they occur. As the Cassiopaeans (read my warning first) say, “Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.” The reasons for this should now be clear.

Most of us are imperfect and we still have lessons to learn, we still have wounds and repressed emotions. Therefore, we can expect testing from the people and situations we daily face. Because these are nothing more than learning lessons, an ideal objective would be to learn these lessons as completely, efficiently, and easily as possible.

While possible to observe the mistakes of others and therefore gain their learning lesson for ourselves, unexpected tests attempting to push our buttons or those which we must absolutely experience can arise at any moment. Fact of the matter is that if your level of being is insufficient to remain unaffected by the trigger, if you have yet to learn the lesson potentially provided to you by this negative experience, then you will experience negative emotions. To try and stop cold such emotions leads to repression, which is the problem that many people experience when they force themselves to be nice and happy every moment of every day. Repressed emotions resurface later in a twisted and magnified form and can lead to all kinds of psychological problems, even health problems if repression is lengthy and severe.

The solution to such a situation where negative emotions are bound to arise is not to stop or repress them, but to transform them. This is the first step, with the second step being to act in accordance with what the situation demands.

Recall that the negative quality of emotions are associated with illusion, with anything but the here and now. Essentially, your loosh is being ejected from your own being rather than conserved. Also recall that wherever your consciousness is directed is where your energy is directed. Therefore, to transform your energy and conserve it, you must do two things: direct your consciousness in the here and now to conserve it, and try to gain an immediate objective understanding of the situation to transform it. This method is well known among students of Gurdjieff and Mouravieff, and the explanation I provide here has been simplified to ease understanding for the general reader.

To illustrate this method, consider the case of someone saying something which offends or angers you but causes no harm to anyone or anything except your own ego. This may trigger an upwelling of negative emotional energy which, if you are not careful, could be channeled toward that person if you lose your sense of self and instead become hypnotically enraged at what they said. Rather than focusing upon the trigger, it is important to immediately focus upon your own internal state in the present moment, to feel your own presence and the emotional energy within you. While staying centered this way, feel the inner part of you that is calm, observant, and understanding, and identify with it — see this situation as ridiculous and funny and try to understand the truth of why it is happening; perhaps it is a matrix manipulation and a lesson for you.

When properly done, this process converts the negative loosh to conserved positive loosh, and should manifest as a genuine flip of your emotional state from anger to joy. This is easier said than done, of course, due to physical stress hormones and adrenaline which linger after the initial trigger, but it becomes easier with practice. What is important here are the concepts of self-awareness and knowledge. The first is what directs your energy toward yourself rather than wasting it “out there”. The second is what allows you to have a proper understanding of the situation. For example, some people just can’t help themselves in their inconsiderate behavior, much like a dog cannot keep from relieving itself in public places, but it is just as ridiculous to be offended by the first as by the latter. With proper understanding of a trigger, you will hopefully find no continued justification for clinging on to a negative emotional response. Be assured that if you hold on to them, you have not yet fully learned the associated lesson.

One common misunderstanding which leads to great offense is revealed by the phrase “But I would never do such a thing, how could they?” The answer is that sometimes, “they” are not like you. They function differently for whatever reason. This phrase reveals an assumption that you are identical with them. It is clear in the case of a dog that there is a great difference, and so it is less offensive for most to see a dog relieve itself in public than a person. But just because someone looks human doesn’t mean that they psychologically and even metaphysically operate in the same manner as you do. There exists a whole sector of the human race that behaves fundamentally differently from the other half, as you may read more about in my article Spiritless Humans. Reading that article and those linked within will save you a lot of grief in dealing with potential button-pushers because it will help you understand who they are and why they might act as they do.

In cases where all else fails and negative emotions cannot be transformed, they must still be released – anything but repressed. Temporary release of any unconverted negative emotion can be as simple as screaming or slamming your fist upon the table, or gentle like writing or exercising, even crying. This is strictly for cases where there is no constructive way of acting upon that emotion — in other words, no external problem to solve. If someone else is violating your freewill and you feel an upsurge of emotion urging you to defend yourself, then that emotion is best employed for that purpose.

When succumbing to an emotional trigger, you must release the negative emotion to prevent it from becoming an internal thoughtform, then later learn from that trigger and understand why it set you off. If it did so because it keyed into an internal thoughtform, then you’ve found one to work on. If it affected you because of some hole in your perception, then contemplate and learn the lesson so that it will not have to be repeated.

Understanding that emotional triggers do happen and are synchronistically introduced into your environment with sometimes malevolent intention is enough to get your guard up. You must understand that the goal of such a trigger is to elicit an overblown emotional response. You must prevent speculation and focus on the undeniable facts. To illustrate one possibility, if a woman indulges in speculation, pretty soon she will be in an emotional meltdown thinking her husband is cheating on her when in truth the perfume on his clothes came from the annoying saleslady spraying samples of the stuff onto people passing through the store he visited.

Focusing on the facts is essential in preventing the matrix from cleaving apart a potentially positive relationship. As explained earlier, two people who refuse to be open and trusting to each other end up perceptually isolating themselves. Each person can thereby be manipulated by the twisting of his or her speculations into falsely disliking the other and ending the relationship. Were they to discuss any issues that might crop up, they would discover that their speculations were false. And if they turned out to be true, then the relationship was never really positive to begin with and should be ended. But one cannot be sure of which case it may be unless there is mutual trust and an openness to discover the truth of the situation.

Truth itself is untouchable by the matrix and its operators which revel in illusion and lies. As long as one remains impeccably within the domain of truth, which means no lying to oneself or others except in situations that demand one’s survival, those attacking such an impeccable person often end up hanging themselves.

Now, it may seem from the foregoing discussion that the point of emotional management is to become unemotional and unresponsive to the world. This is totally false. The goal of emotional management, and any esoteric work for that matter, is to decouple one’s internal state from one’s external behavior. In other words, it is the point of emotional management to make your internal perceptions, thoughts, and especially emotional state independent of your external experiences and behaviors. Where is the division line between internal and external? The line resides between the real you and everything else.

Those familiar with Gurdjieff’s teachings will recognize this as the practice of separating internal considering from external considering. External considering has to do with how you physically interact with the world, what actions you perform, and what things you say to toward the people around you. Internal considering involves your inner thoughts, perceptions, and emotions. These two must be made independent of each other, because that is the only way you can begin freeing yourself from the matrix. As long as the two are linked, your mind can be controlled by your environment, and the environment controlled by the matrix.

So in this process of dealing with a conduit of attack, your emotions need not correlate to the seriousness of the situation. In other words, you don’t need to be stressed out of your mind to effectively deal with a partner in distress. What you do does not have to reflect how you feel. To put it another way, separating feeling from doing is an extremely important concept when facing a negative situation. This does not mean repression of emotion or becoming emotionally dead, it just means being emotionally responsible and ideally expanding your awareness to see the situation in a more accurate context.

Once a trigger is neutralized via the process of immediate self-awareness and understanding, the internal battle has been won. The external battle can then commence if necessary. Do not make the mistake of inseparably linking feeling with doing in this case — some people get the impression that if you feel nice, you must therefore act nice. That’s nothing more than a computer algorithm with input “feel nice” and output “act nice” which contains no intermediate contemplation or choice process. This is just another example of total and misguided coupling between internal and external states which can lead to disaster if you are dealing with a predator who counts on you not defending yourself. Coupling implies causal link without room for choice, and thus it’s simply a puppet string tugging your inside from the outside.

If the concepts of internal and external considering are understood and made independent, then what would happen instead is that internally, negative emotions are replaced by cool confidence and joy, but externally actions would take whatever form necessary in order to neutralize or deflect the external threat.

Internal victory must always precede external victory. To do otherwise would most often feed the matrix or aid the agenda of negative forces. It is easier to make mistakes or succumb to further manipulation if you proceed to solve an external conflict while internally enraged. With negative emotions, thinking is skewed. The positive emotions that come with triumph over negative emotions result from understanding, and so is by no means overconfidence. While actions are independent of feelings, having negative feelings can sometimes impair external actions because at our stage of evolution the two aren’t entirely independent.

Make no mistake about it — emotions are vital because they are fuel. They help you accomplish things which your level of being up to that point could no do, therefore causing it to grow. As stated before, the purpose of emotional management is not to become unemotional or unresponsive but rather to make internal states independent of external, and also to help transform negative emotions into positive ones. With increasing growth of being, one’s emotions become increasingly one’s own rather than mechanical responses to external stimuli.

If a lesson has been learned, then no negative emotions are necessary to motivate one into action since the action comes naturally out of understanding and as a consequence of a growth in being. Once a lesson is learned, it can be acted upon out of enthusiasm and understanding.

But when a trigger evoking negative emotions genuinely arises, it is the goal of emotional management procedures to transform that negativity into positivity, and then to use that new positive state accompanied by mental clarity to fuel external actions and solve the external problem. Emotions provide the fuel for internal and external growth, and positive emotions provide the quickest and most efficient way of achieving that.

Emotions are necessary to deal with a problem that is happening. But they are not needed as intensely in cases where a problem is yet to occur and can therefore be prevented. Learning from the mistakes of others involves a certain level of empathy, enough to create understanding. Emotions are merely a means to an end of developing one’s understanding and being. Learning things the hard way requires the most amount of emotional expenditure, which is why the matrix prefers that mode. Having foresight and avoiding mistakes by increasing your understanding — and definitely not repeating mistakes — is the least painful way of reaching that end.

Thus, learning the easy way is preferred, but when learning the hard way is unavoidable, emotional management helps make it smoother. The problem with those who choose to be unemotional or in any other way repress their emotions is that they often lack both the being and understanding to support their actions, and hence they remain passive individuals vulnerable as lambs. If negative emotions arise, they indicate that some growth on your part is necessary, and to accelerate that growth use emotional management techniques of self-awareness and understanding.

It should be clear that those earlier on the learning path will have more negative emotional experiences than those more advanced. There is no judgment implied – everyone is where they should be and it is pointless to envy another because judging oneself by another’s standards is illogical (the grass is always greener on the other side). People who pretend to be more advanced by being less emotional suffer from the fact that they are passive, for they lack the being and understanding necessary to otherwise fuel their actions, which translates to an apparent lack of willpower. Hence, it is okay to feel negative emotions, as they first alert you to the presence of a learning opportunity, and can help develop your understanding and fuel your actions as long as you practice being self-aware and try to see the objective truth of the situation.

It must be emphasized that any emotion that is based on truth and applied constructively toward altering or changing something in physical reality is a positive emotion that helps everyone except for the matrix and negative beings. Any emotion applied to fantasy, false speculations, and glut of the ego is negative, for it is based on illusion and becomes food for the matrix and fuel for its agenda.

The preceding paragraphs concerned situations where a trigger was external, perhaps inserted by the matrix, maybe purely accidental. But as Gurdjieff emphasized, daydreaming is a big waste of emotional energies. This is not to say that daydreaming should be curbed, but at least try to avoid negative fantasies of vengeance, hatred, lust, and fear. Fantasizing draining melodramas and getting stressed out about some exaggerated hypothetical situation is almost as damaging as false speculation. These are conscious indulgences in negative emotions which, like the phenomenon of obsession, serve no purpose in expanding one’s understanding. Curbing negative self-talk and useless fantasies is a practical exercise you can start immediately.

Finally, to ensure that the concept of emotional management is not misunderstood or twisted into disinformation, let it be emphasized that emotional management has nothing to do with what’s said in some New Age articles glorifying the New Age definition of “positivity,” which is more accurately defined as complacency, submissiveness, softness, and passivity. According to the “you create your own reality” paradigm, by not feeling any negative emotions or acknowledging that the dark side exists, your reality will be void of negativity and filled with safety and abundance.

The basic principle of consciousness and emotion affecting reality is true, but it does so imperfectly and only alters the probability of a particular type of event (positive or negative) occurring in your life. It does not eliminate the possibility that an event of either type could happen. The main faults of this particular New Age paradigm are 1) neglect of physical preparation and 2) repression of negative emotions.

Because reality creation is imperfect for most humans, a negative event will happen sooner or later. If the New Ager is under the illusion that nothing bad can ever happen to him because it would violate his freewill, then he will neglect to prepare for the day he encounters such a negative event. It could cost him dearly.

Secondly, being strictly “positive” without a change in perceptions or even a correct definition of what constitutes “positive,” the New Ager out of sheer ignorance will accumulate a large storehouse of internal thoughtforms (repressed emotions). Eventually he will explode and do something he will greatly regret. The “Love and Light” illusion is just another agenda of the dark side, for the dark side does not prefer good or evil, merely an imbalance between them. That which is repressed becomes perverted.

So, although this article does seem to emphasize abstinence from negative thought, be sure to grasp the importance of preparation and expansion of perception. This abstinences comes not from repression, but from transformation of negative into positive emotions. This is possible because loosh is a quantity of energy whose vibrational frequency can be flipped. Physical reparation, a manifestation of external action, results from planning which is mental activity serving reality instead of fantasy. Growth in understanding and being creates a change of perception, which is the key to managing emotions and preventing their repression or future redundant triggering.

Most importantly, keep a lighthearted attitude toward life and constantly seek to increase your awareness by learning lessons the easy way. Remember that negative situations need not be accompanied by negative emotions if your perceptions are accurate, and that a trusting relationship between two or more collinear people forms a powerful network impervious to corruption by the matrix.

Good and Evil
To sum up this description of the triad of spiritual streams: The conflicts of human and spiritual life do not derive from a simple, two-sided war between good and evil. It was one of the great insights of Steiner to renew the ancient teaching of the "Golden Mean", of good as the middle way between opposing extremes.

Lucifer is too warm, too flighty, too unstable; he inspires human fanaticism, false mysticism, hot-bloodedness, and the tendency to flee earthly reality for hallucinatory pleasures. Ahriman is too cold, too hard, too rigid; he tries to make people dry, prosaic, philistine, materialistic in thought and in deed -- and hardens what would be healthily mobile, supple thoughts, feelings, and even bodies.

Christ, as the Exemplar of the regular Gods, represents the middle way between the too-much and the too-little, holding the opposites in balance -- and leading mankind to find the healthy middle way. Seen this way, Lucifer and Ahriman are not purely evil; they both bring to human and earthly evolution forces that are needed for good, healthy development and the fulfillment of the Gods' plans. Evil results only when events get out of balance and run to extremes.

However, neither do Lucifer and Ahriman simply oppose each other; in a sense, they work together in opposition to the Gods' intent for evolution; they both work to prevent mankind and the earth from progressing together to the New Jupiter. Lucifer draws human spirits away from earthly embodiment toward his own psychic-spiritual "planet" of light; Ahriman pushes the individual human spirit out of the human organism and away from the earth, so that only a hardened, mechanized, ghostly human organism, devoid of free individuality and living an instinctive-but-clever animalistic species-life remains on the hardened "cosmic slag" of the earth (surrounded with Old Moon forces).

Mankind's rightful task for the present is to lead lives of healthy, progressive alternation between the earthly and the cosmic (life, death, and rebirth), so as to lead the earth over to New Jupiter. -- The profound mystery of evil is that in a higher sense, in the long run, it serves the good. Not to imply that we would be justified in doing evil with the rationalization that good would result. " must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" [Matthew 18;vii]

Note: This is a deep subject, and I am not altogether sure of my grasp of it. My impression is that Steiner was developing and expanding his insights during his career, so that reading just one of his treatments of the subject will not give the whole picture.

The picture I have drawn so far is this:

The true picture of the workings of evil might be even more complex than outlined above. Steiner did make some statements which might be interpreted as indicating a third stream of spirits of opposition: the "Asuras" (a borrowed Eastern term), which are retarded Archai who work to destroy the human "I", the Ego itself.

The Asuras might be agents of the actual Antichrist, the Sun-Demon, known to occultism as "Sorat" (or "Sorath"). In some passages Steiner does identify the Apocalyptic Beast 666 as Sorat, not clearly differentiating the Ahrimanic and Soratic principals. While it seems true that the numerological interpretation of the Hebrew spelling of "Sorat" gives the number 666, still the position of Sorat in relation to Lucifer and Ahriman is not altogether clear (to this writer).

A possible solution to this question might follow from the imagery of the Apocalypse: Michael casts the Dragon out of heaven; immediately afterwards arise the two "beasts" -- the first from the sea (Lucifer) and the second from the land (Ahriman). Thus Lucifer and Ahriman appear on earth as two beings or principles, but they are the progeny of the one spirit of opposition -- the Dragon -- in Heaven.
If we identify the Dragon, the Antichrist, as Sorat, we can picture Lucifer and Ahriman as the left and right hands of Sorat. Christ strives to hold Lucifer and Ahriman in balance so that they serve the good, while Sorat strives to keep them out of balance, so that they work for destruction. While Lucifer seeks to draw the human "I", the Ego to his own planet, and Ahriman seeks to harden the earth and the human organism so that no Ego can live in a human on earth, Sorat -- through the Asuras -- seeks to destroy the Ego itself, along with the earth.

Sorat uses Lucifer and Ahriman as spirits of seduction to mask his own true intention of pure destruction. And Sorat manifests in social evolution as pure destruction, especially in the wars and mass murders of our century. (Some suggest that he manifests in the human organism as the destroyer of the immune system -- the so-called "AIDS".)

Thus, the true picture might look something like this:

The Unholy Trinity
Given the obvious problems with organized religion, some turn to satanism, science, or mysticism because these seem like better alternatives. But each can serve the Adversary all the same. Satanism puts the lower ego on a throne, same as organized religion; science is preoccupied with matter to the exclusion of Spirit. And mysticism can inspire false illumination and spiritual imbalance. These three false alternatives are not random errors, but reflections of the physical, etheric, and astral components of the debased Demiurgic system:

1. Materialism, atheism, hedonism, transhumanism, socialism, and nihilism reflect the physical component. This matter-centric force is at the root of the Demiurge’s corruption. It ultimately leads to disintegration, entropy, and spiritual death because those are the properties of matter. Its personification was named Yaldabaoth by some Gnostics, meaning “Child of the Void,” while Steiner identified it as Sorat and its demonic agents, the Asuras. Their momentum is to extinguish consciousness, freewill, and spirit, and replace it with pure machine-like materialism. The impending alien deception, with its goal of genetic and cybernetic assimilation of the human race, represents this impulse.

2. Organized religion, ritualism, intellectualism, Satanism, conservatism, bureaucracy, corporatism, racism, ecclesiasticism, and theocracy are reflective of the errant etheric component where lower ego resides. Via the etheric property of patterning and repetition, this flawed extrusion of the Demiurge tends toward ritual, intellectual abstractions, formulas, preoccupation with laws, blind obedience within hierarchies, self-preservation, preservation of the past, plant-like expansionism, maintaining the status quo to the point of frozen atrophy, and exploitation and discrimination against foreign patterns. The Gnostics called it Samael, “God of the Blind”; Steiner termed it Ahriman. Yahweh of the Old Testament belongs to this category.

3. New Age Mysticism, Nazi occultism, black magic and voodoo, anarchism, Luciferianism, Christian Revivalism, and entheogenic escapism reflect the errant astral component. When the astral is not tamed by Spirit, it overshoots equilibrium and flits about in delusional reveries due to its unbridled energies. What these flawed choices have in common is that they seek to rebel against current conditions and escape enthusiastically into another, being lead astray in the process. It is the force of transcendence without restraint, like a rocket without a guidance system, bound for false destinations in the land of fools. For instance, this may entail escaping the dead world of matter, the restrictive world of ether, and getting lost in some metaphysical rapture. Or it may entail the opposite, falling from the divine realms into the world of matter out of misguided desires for physical existence. Gnostics called this force Sakla, the fool; Steiner called it Lucifer, in this case the bearer of false light.

These are the heads of the hydra, the triple aspects of the Matrix Control System, that bubble of illusion isolated from greater Creation. One devolves, one atrophies, and one leads astray. False dichotomies that afflict humanity are various permutations of this unholy trinity and its varied expressions being set in opposition among themselves.

Followers of the Grail, Gnostic, Occultic, Mystic, and Pagan streams may see Judaism and/or Catholicism as wicked forms of spiritual oppression and deception. But in doing so, they may err on the side of Luciferianism, which emphasizes transcendence, willpower, and individualism to the point of imbalance and egotism. One example is Grail researcher Otto Rahn who ranted against the Catholic church and didn’t have anything good to say about Judaism either. But through binary thinking, he found favor in the opposite fallacy of Luciferianism. As Steiner explained, the Luciferic and Ahrimanic forces have their positive qualities, and those qualities extracted and held in higher balance is what comprises the third Christ path. Binary thinking results in imbalance either way by taking one to the exclusion of the other, or worse, synthesizing the worst of all the forces, which is what our world is approaching via the Antichrist/Alien deception.

The Holy Trinity
Countering these corrupting influences is the trinity of Creator, Logos, and Christ. In Christianity these are known as the Father, Holy Spirit, and Son.

The Holy Spirit is termed “Sophia” by some Gnostics who view her as the embodiment of wisdom and facilitator of awakening, but really she is just another personification of the Logos. As for the Mother archetype, remember that “mother” comes from Latin mater, root of “matter” and “matrix.” The Mother is the matter-energy-space-time continuum. When one is filled with the genuine Holy Spirit, and not its Luciferic counterfeit that only induces hysteria, one is filled with the impulse of the Logos and becomes Christ-like in the sense of being repurposed toward the correction of the timeline.

This infusion of Logoic energy activates the higher intellect and reorients the astral body to the divine impulse of spiritual love and the best of all possible futures. Through Gnostic revelation, wisdom, and love, one becomes a willing agent of the Universal self-correction mechanism. That is the true meaning of baptism, not the Ahrimanic ritual done in Churches, but the pouring of Logoic energy from above

In Parzival, the Grail could not be perceived without baptism. The two trinities are represented by upright and inverted triangles. The central emblem of Israel, the Seal of Solomon/Star of David, depicts these forces locked in struggle.

Demiurgic technology acted as a powerful fulcrum throughout history, shifting the balance according to its use and misuse. The latter drew negative forces deeper into our world, affording them wider deviations of the timeline. In turn, this error called for equal and opposite intervention by positive forces. The conflict between them manifests at all levels. It is part of a cosmic battle being waged within us, outside us, across space, across dimensions, and across time.

» I don´t remember you mentioning Sophia anywhere on your Gnosis articles, so I am curious, what do you think about this mythos?

I only mentioned Sophia briefly. I think she’s equivalent to the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit, the Advocate, the Comforter. In the Christian paradigm, when Jesus Christ left his disciples behind, he promised them that an “Advocate” would take his place and speak through them, inspiring them, doing God’s work through them. This Advocate also became known as the Holy Ghost. But that’s the same concept as Sophia, holy wisdom that enlightens, illuminates, awakens, and animates you. It’s a feminine nurturing energy because like a mother bringing an embryo to term, the Holy Spirit or Sophia brings about the birth of the higher mind into the lower mind. That’s what I think Sophia really is. Obviously if there is a Father, a Son, then where is the Mother? It is Sophia.

In that other Gnostic myth about Sophia, the Aeons, the Demiurge and how the universe came about, Sophia plays the role of Logos, in the sense of her being the creator of the Demiurge. So Sophia is indeed both the Logos and the Holy Spirit, and these are just different terms or angles of the same cosmic being.

Steiner had a triad of: Lucifer, Ahriman, Sorat. Sorat being the Sun Demon with his “flying monkeys” (like in Wizard of Oz) the Asuras. Sorat is a purely destructive force that aims to destroy individuality and form and reduce things to formless chaos. Ahriman being that which crystallizes into soulless order. And Lucifer being that which illuminates with false light and brings egotistical transcendence toward realms of delusion and mania.

So it stands to reason that the positive is also a triad. 1) The Creator/Nous (infinite creator), 2) Logos/Holy Spirit/Sophia, and 3) Christ. Also known as Father, Holy Ghost, and Son in Christianity which due to its patriarchal nature prefers using “Holy Spirit” instead of the more Gnostic “Sophia.”

    Hallucinogens open you psychically but in a forced way, which bypasses certain safeguards, meaning that if you have any negative / demonic entities attached to you or present around you, they can imitate positive forces and feed you disinformation. Worse, any trauma, dissociation, or fracturing of the psyche from a chemical experience will make it easier for them to sink roots into one’s soul in the following months.

    From a Steiner point of view, ayahuasca involves a Luciferian influence. In small doses, when needed, the Luciferian principle can shake one out of a blind, rigid, materialistic “Ahrimanic” state and thus bring one toward balance… but beyond that point it only leads toward increasing mania / delusion / addiction. Therefore if a person becomes a habitual ayahuasca user, they are goners. It changes you in a way that is partially (not completely) divorced from objective reality.

» According to Castaneda, we are prisoners of a “predator” that came from outside, and it could be compared to a parasitic attack, or to a symbiosis in a bad way, that was not necessarily required for our “evolution.”

Exactly, and it ties into what Rudolf Steiner said:

    Therefore, the opportunity exists – a short time before we are born, not long before we are born – for another spiritual being besides our soul to take possession of our body, of the unconscious part of our body. It is this way; a short time before we are born we are permeated by another being – in our terminology we would call it an Ahrimanic spirit being. This is within us in the same way that our own soul is within us.

    These beings who spend their life by using human beings, in order to be able to be in the sphere where they want to be. These beings have an extraordinarily high intelligence and a significantly developed will but no warmth of heart at all. Nothing of what we call the human “Gemut”. And we go through life, my dear friends, in such a way that we have our souls and a Double of this kind, who is much more clever, very much more clever than we are, who is very intelligent, but has a Mephistophelian intelligence, and an Ahrimanic intelligence, and also an Ahrimanic will, a very strong will, a will that is much more akin to the nature forces than is our human will, which is controlled by the mind and the heart.

    These beings of high intelligence, but of purely Mephistophelian intelligence, and with a will more related to nature than can be said of the human will, these beings once decided out of their own will that they did not want to live in that world in which they were destined to live by the wisdom-filled of the higher hierarchies. They wanted to conquer Earth; they need bodies, for bodies of their own they do not have. They use as much of the human bodies as they can use, because the human soul cannot entirely fill up the human body.

    You see, as the human body develops, these beings are able to enter into it at a definite time before the human being is born, and below the threshold of our consciousness they accompany us. They cannot endure one thing in human life, they positively cannot endure it, and that is death. Therefore they must always leave this human body in which they have established themselves before it succumbs to death. They continue to have a very great delusion, for they want to be able to remain in human bodies beyond death. That would be a very great achievement in the kingdom of these beings but that they have not yet achieved.

    In the coming centuries it will have to come to man’s knowledge more and more that he bears such a Double within him — such an Ahrimanic – Mephistophelian Double. Man must know it.

It’s also worth mentioning that when Steiner says, “the human soul cannot entirely fill up the human body,” that means emotional traumas through shock and abuse or chemical traumas through drugs like LSD can fracture off parts of the soul, leaving even more of a void for these Ahrimanic forces to inhabit. Spiritless people are the emptiest of all, and so they like a public bicycle they can be ridden by any number of forces at any time. But even spirited people who suffer soul fragmentation can come under these influences more readily, just not to the same degree or as often.

This is basically the same thing as entity attachment and demonic possession, though the latter is the highest degree of that phenomenon. The mistake is in thinking that either you’re projectile vomiting and talking backwards in Latin, or you’re free of possession. It’s not black and white like that. As Steiner said, there is a base level or default version of it that we are born with, which resides in the back of our minds as what Freudian psychology would call the Id-Ego complex. It’s our internal prison warden keeping us locked into the Matrix Control System.

As Don Juan explained to Castaneda:

    In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engage themselves in a stupendous maneuver-stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators” mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now. I know that even though you have never suffered hunger, you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears that any moment now its maneuver is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them. And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear.

Causal interactions involve exchanges of energy. For two realms to exchange energy they must share some degree of resonance. The weaker the resonance, the more energy is needed for entities of one realm to directly affect those of another. Negative entities are usually not in full resonance with their targets and are therefore limited in what they can directly do to them. However, with additional energy they can compensate for weak resonance and impact realms otherwise beyond their influence.

This energy is known as loosh, identically the lifeforce energy harvested from human suffering, the emotional energy expended in the learning of lessons, and the psychic energy expelled through prayer and ritual. For every frequency of vibration, the soul may emit loosh at that frequency. A comparison may be drawn to laser energy of a particular color. Entities with low soul frequencies consume energy of a low frequency.

Not only does loosh fuel the expansion and crossing of realm boundaries as discussed earlier in context of learning lessons and surrogate motivators, but it allows negative entities to more strongly manifest in the realms of their targets. Loosh is a commodity in higher realms because it is the very fuel of transdimensional navigation and conquest.

Energy harvested from one region can be rerouted to another. For example, a natural disaster in one part of the world may provide negative entities with sufficient energy to penetrate the realms of targets elsewhere. Other sources of energy include occult and religious rituals. Sunday worship provides “mass” amounts of energy and affords negative forces easier attack opportunities on Sunday than other days of the week. The moon plays an important part in energy harvesting by depressing global frequencies twice a month and initiating a veritable feeding frenzy for negative entities; this is what Gurdjieff meant by mankind being food for the moon.

Ark: Loosh Transducer
In Robert Monroe’s book Far Journeys, “loosh” is defined as a metaphysical energy that ranges from the crudest etheric energy produced by plants to the most refined astral energy produced via human love and suffering. Loosh is equivalent to demiurgic energy.

It appears the Ark of the Covenant was powered, triggered, or catalyzed by externally supplied loosh. One example being the profuse level of animal sacrifices that the Israelites performed before the Ark in order to please their Lord. Another example being King David dancing half-naked before the Ark after its homecoming from Philistine capture.

David dancing before the Ark has stumped many. But as evidenced by Native American rain dances, the technical dances of the Sufis, or Rudolf Steiner’s Eurythmy, dance is a motional ritual that is highly active on an occult level and generates specific patterns of energies. The more intense the dance, the greater the energy output.

Animal sacrifices are convenient loosh sources. Slaughter liberates astral energies via the emotional experience of dying, while fat and blood provide rich sources of etheric energy. Levite priests sprinkled animal blood against the Tabernacle altar on all sides and burned the fatty carcass upon it, which would entice the Shekhina to exit the tent and consume the remains.

The Jewish practice of ritual slaughter is known as Shekhita. It involves precise cutting of the animal’s throat to ensure a calm but conscious death. Afterwards, the animal is fully drained of its blood. Interestingly, cows and bulls are the main targets of cattle mutilations. They are killed while fully conscious and later found completely drained of blood.

The Egyptian word for bull is “Ka” which is identically the Egyptian name for lifeforce energy. This suggests lifeforce was the primary concept associated with bulls. Ka is said to determine one’s destiny, habits, and vitality. It’s clear that Ka translates to etheric body. Hence the Egyptians sacrificed bulls, possibly to harvest loosh.

Whereas the ancients resorted to animal sacrifice and other crude means to activate the Ark, the Grail knights merely maintained a state of spiritual transcendence to activate the Grail stone by thought alone. The Grail knights were burning with a Christ energy, not in a religious sense, but in the sense of their being vessels for the positive personification of the divine Logos. In other words, they were connected to the highest, purest, most vibrationally elevated loosh source in existence — the face of God.

Those who cannot tap into this higher energy/intelligence must resort to lesser methods and sources to trigger their desired demiurgic effects. These include ritual, dance, sexual energy, animal sacrifice, and human sacrifice. When loosh cannot be tapped from an infinite source, cruder grades must be harvested from finite sources; the Israelite and Egyptian use of animal sacrifice illustrates this.


Certain topics are energizing, others are just neutral or draining. Whether it's something you're researching, talking about, watching, or listening to... if it really resonates, it can be so energizing that you might even have trouble sleeping or forget to eat. Who needs calories and sleep when you have another source of fuel? It's a sign of being in the flow.

Mouravieff talked about the A influences vs the B, C, D, etc. influences where the latter point out of the Matrix while the first point into it. He also talked about loosh energy under other terms. But it was the B, C, D, influences that energize you and create within you a higher 'magnetic center' which is an inner uplink to higher consciousness. So I think that's where the energy boost comes from, a momentary awakening of the psyche.

Regarding the Ark, this reminds me of something from the Cass transcripts where it mentions how the 4D STS "Lizzies" used the Israelite priests to operate the Ark (called a TDARM there, transdimensional atomic re-molecularizer) because they themselves couldn't do it. So they lacked the vibrational "access pass" and had to employ higher-FRV priests to handle the thing.

This makes sense, in that the Ark Stone(s) was created probably with positive intentions in mind, and would have safety mechanisms built in. So if you wanted to get around that, you'd have to employ those who meet a minimum vibrational threshold but who are nonetheless fooled into being beholden to you. That's where deception and religious programming come in.

Think about a cult leader - clearly motivated by demons, yet his followers are starry eyed with love and familial feelings. Same pattern. The demon feeds off their etheric lifeforce energy via physical proximity alone, which is a different part of the loosh spectrum than the emotions-tinged astral energy.

So with the Ark, what do we see... animal sacrifices, blood sprinkled on the altar, David dancing like a maniac before it, killing enemy soldiers... so mainly raw lifeforce energy.

The priests must have been above a vibrational threshold to avoid getting fried, yes, but the operation of the Ark seems to have relied more on the lower end of the loosh spectrum versus what the Grail knights accomplished. So I suspect the whole operation was a hacking operation by 4D STS using 3D humans as slim jims to unlock the car door so to speak. What was done in the Great Pyramid sounds like an occult hacking operation.

We find a parallel to this in reality creation / manifesting, whereby ideally you're in a very high vibrational state. But, if you can't access that, you can still sacrifice a child or chicken and offer its lifeforce energy to the matrix, like the black magicians do, to get what you want. You can be a good person but have mistaken intentions and manifest things that are bad for you. It would therefore behoove higher STS forces to trick you into wanting those bad things, so that you're the one who does the job of bringing them about. Again, the slim jim metaphor.

I bet it all depends on how integrated the entity is. Because a kid getting frequently abused might have a demon shadowing him or her that feeds on the kid's suffering while it's happening. It wouldn't feel the pain itself, but sticks close by to soak up the loosh. Whereas a fully possessed person (I'm thinking high level possessed sociopaths in positions of power) getting assaulted would probably cause the entity pain too if it can't detach fast enough. With walkins, it's my understanding that the original soul left and so it's the replacement soul now in control of the body, so that one would experience the pain unless it dissociates.

I was re-reading Barbara O'Brien's book "Operators and Things" and it struck me just how much her "schizophrenic" episode was a peek into how the discarnate human and demon loosh economy works. It's a fascinating book that explains a lot about the occult entity side of what's going on here.

Chaos Magick
*Question: I would like to know your opinion on Chaos Magick. Also what's your opinion on Discordianism and left-hand-path?*

Some Discordians are just in it for fun, but it’s still a gateway to the left-hand path. Chaos Magick is the next stop on the way.

All truly left-hand path systems are methods of bypassing spiritual safety measures and hacking the Matrix/Demiurge to accomplish one’s will. Safety measures are boundaries set up by your Higher Self and divine beings to keep you from causing unforeseen harm to yourself and others.

Hacking the Matrix/Demiurge means using the power of subtle energy and one’s personal subconscious (which is linked to the universal subconscious known as the Demiurge) to bypass this and influence probability in a selfish way, like influencing other people against their will or deceiving them into giving permission. The issue isn't with influencing probability and working with subtle energies, but with the dark motive and regretful consequences.

Those on the Left do this without truly questioning where that particular WILL comes from in the first place. In their case, it comes from ego/shadow, which is the part of one’s psyche that’s been shaped by the external world. All the competition, suffering, pain, trauma, law of the jungle, has shaped our biology via evolution and continues to shape us through temptations and harsh experiences in our daily lives from the day we’re born.

The ego/shadow develops when external rules of the Matrix become internalized. So the ego/shadow is rooted in illusion, limitation, falsehood, selfishness, survival at all costs, and sociopathic utilitarianism. They cherish this part, see it as their true nature, and try to hack reality to fulfill its desires. They don’t question it. They value it above truth, love, empathy, harmony, long term stability, and the greater good. In fact, whether they know it or not, they hate the divine for not feeding their bottomless hunger for power, control, and sadism. These systems are not based on truth, but on distortions of truth.

They also don’t question the true implications of what's being sacrificed in obtaining their spiritually illegal results. Magick in general seeks to bypass the safety measures and obtain help from beings willing to be partners in crime with them. Such beings tend to be demons under various disguises. The person thinks they are in control of the forces/demons, but it’s a fallacy similar to thinking you’re rich when you get approved for a credit card with a $10,000 limit.

So you can still "get what you want” illegally if you bargain with demons and twist the Demiurge into serving it up, and that’s magick and particularly left-hand black magic in the classical sense. Extensive ritual is just a form of self-hypnosis to overcome limiting beliefs + hacking of the Demiurge + potentially signing on the dotted line in contracts with other beings (usually demons) to gain their help.

The cost is that what you obtain is “bought on credit” and that puts you in debt, which you pay with interest in a future of slavery, suffering, and reduction of freewill, creativity, independence of thought, and happiness. It reduces soul integrity and cohesion. It does that by corrupting the soul which chokes off connection to the infinite energy source of the divine, which is otherwise accessed through your higher chakras. Left hand systems use just the third eye and lower chakras to accomplish magickal feats, which is equivalent to burning tires to stay warm as opposed to clean fusion energy.

Such people tend to pay their debts after death once they’re in the astral part of the afterlife, where the demons will rule over them and make them do their bidding, typically consisting of stalking, harassing, and feeding off living humans as part of a loosh pyramid scheme and an effort to drive such victims towards the same negative astral realm after death. These systems are also unnecessary, and a crutch like religion can be. Chaos magic works as a tool, but symbolic ritual isn't really needed as Neville Goddard's technique proves; also the philosophy around it (moral relativism) and intention (not questioning where the desire comes from in the first place) can direct it toward the left hand path.

» What is the connection between archons and karma?

Karma fundamentally is your own self-correction mechanism induced by guilt or approval of what you did. This self-judgment occurs every night when you go to sleep and enter delta brainwave sleep, where the soul/spirit leaves the body and enters a state similar to the state it’s in during the afterlife just a smaller version of that. The self-judgment also occurs between lives in a bigger more profound way with longer term impacts (as it influences your conditions of birth in the next life). These self-judgments cause situations/conditions to arise in your incarnated waking life that offer the opportunity for a corrective lesson to occur.

But if you resolve the guilt, learn the lesson, release and forgive pre-emptively, then the harsh experience isn’t necessary. So karma (of the negative kind) isn’t fate unless you’re born with it then you can’t reverse it (like a birth defect)… Usually it’s more a “to do list” about stuff to go through to correct a choice made in ignorance.

Where archons come in is that they profit off your suffering when you go through a karmic experience. Therefore, they want you to make as many mistakes as possible, and be the slowest to learn from them as possible. So they program, tempt, provoke, deceive, distract, etc. people to get them to attract their own suffering

That’s done by sinking them into negative vibes, seducing them into harming others (and self, in the case of suicide especially), and inducing more guilt/shame/whatever that is called for.

For example, if you’re programmed from birth in a hard Catholic upbringing to feel you are sinful, dirty, unworthy, shameful, etc. then this can sink so deep into your subconscious, inscribed into your soul, that it can bring on an artificial karma pertaining to that.

In that case maybe you feel you need punishment and oppression to make up for the un-washable dirtiness in you. Hence the old practice of self-flagellation, which can continue in a more metaphysical way in the form of reincarnating with burdens that don’t actually need to be there. The bigger metaphysical lesson there is that buying into programming that devalues your true spiritual worth brings on suffering, and until you get sick of that suffering and see the light, you may ‘need’ to go through that.

That’s why organized religion can be a control system that extends beyond the physical world into the afterlife and subsequent incarnations. We’re only as free in the afterlife as we are in this life. If we’re programmed and attached and addicted in this life, we are likewise in the afterlife, just in its own way which is more how it manifests in the astral planes.

But yes, organized religion, like so much else in our world, is an energy-feeding racket that’s been going on for thousands of years. Archons (negative 4D and 5D entities and negative parasitical thoughtforms) are the ultimate architects and profiteers of these schemes.

» Do 5-D hyperdimensional beings think it’s really possible to “win” in the end? Aren’t they aware of the Creator or are 5-D beings and their ilk soulless and therefore like the Demiurge and Archons, no more than high-functioning, entitized aspects of a negative ego, stuck in a feedback loop of feeding their endless hunger for control?

STS itself comes with a very deep-seated element of denial. This denial is at the root of consciously chosen STS path. Wishful thinking is a better name for it, which is the denial of reality and truth, and the adoption of selective perception. Because only the latter, an illusion, can keep the ego intact and safe and looking good. It’s this same denial that makes every element of the STS hierarchy revel in it being the boss stepping on those below, when they themselves are slaves getting stepped on from above.

I mean, when they do notice themselves getting stepped on, in reality they have two choices — get out of the STS predator-prey hierarchy, or fight harder to get higher up the ladder. In the beginning they keep fighting… I think that at some point there are drop-outs, however, who might get tired and burned out from it all, and it is they who may drop out and apply their knowledge toward STO purposes… but only if they discover within themselves some glimmering of spirit and have it grow strong enough.

So to answer your question, yes I think 5D STS thinks it can win. It wishes it can and strives for it. And at the deepest level it’s likely a blind urge that they don’t question, a hunger to control and expand the empire of control. Also the threats of competition and usurpation from those below the hierarchy keep them going, as they need to be leaders. So they’re as much pushed from below as they drive themselves, and this is possibly what drives some off the cliff into STS implosion.

» Given the demiurges” and archons” surveillance power and technology, they should know they we are real threats to them. Why don’t they just eliminate us right now? Perhaps they are not able to somehow?

That’s right, they are working within a greater law framework that they can’t violate. But they are good at finding loopholes, which is the one about freewill. If piece by piece we give away our freewill, a point comes when we have given it all away and virtually given permission to have us killed.

One example is getting tempted with drug or black magic abuse, and after a while you make enough deals with the dark side that they own you, and then when you cross them, they do indeed kill you. Same thing with people who get clearances in the military, they sign away their life, and then when they blow the whistle they die. Like Phil Schneider. Another example is dark side bluffing you with some scare tactics, and you choose not to keep a grip on yourself, and gradually you become more paranoid and spiritually weakened, then you get sick and die or whatever.

Another way you can be killed is if you are about to do something that pisses everyone off, good guys included. For instance, you’re about to unleash Free Energy technology to the world. Why would positive side not want that? Well, I think ultimately they do, but the right thing at the wrong time under the wrong circumstances leads to trouble. It’s like an FBI sting where they’re almost at the point of nabbing someone, and then some idiot jumps in and starts shooting at the criminals, which blows up the whole operation and the bad guys get away. Free energy is like that… it will turn the world upside down and screw things up before its time… and if we only wait a few more years then the time is right. But guys have tried to do it prematurely and died for it, killed by oil interests and negative forces, and they didn’t get protection from the positive side because of them being a bit too reckless and premature.

Point being that it all starts somewhere, and is a gradual process toward you being killable, legally killable that is. So as long as you don’t take those first steps, or as long as you know the warning signs and correct yourself before it’s too late, then you’re okay. Therefore it’s mostly an internal spiritual battle. if you stay on track, I don’t think you can be killed. But you have to be cautious, keep yourself balanced, and don’t stubbornly go against the flow of destiny. When you start straying, that’s when you get sick a lot, accidents happen, etc. and those are warning signs. Not to mention, dreams will warn you too. So yeah, if you get out of warm water, you’ll never be in hot water, so to speak.

» How does demonic possession work? Give me the hard science, if you will.

Science doesn’t believe in demons, but if you mean occult/4D science then it’s like this:

Our astral and etheric bodies are meant to allow just our own spirit to interface with our physical body. But that only happens if the body is strong and awake, if the etheric body is full of life, and the astral body is attuned only to spirit/divinity. I’m using old mysticism terms here because it’s a simple model that works well enough.

As long as these are all strong and you are fully here and present, then no simple demon or alien can possess you.

If the physical body is weak, then spirit has a harder time getting through to it. That can come from being on drugs, alcohol, sick, injured, or being tired or starving.

If the etheric body is weak, then likewise. That can come from being drained by energy vampires (by the demon itself or someone who is an energy vampire). It can also come from not breathing enough, from a weak body that fails to generate enough metabolic energy and therefore lifeforce energy, or not getting enough sleep.

If the astral body is weak or rather corrupted, then same. This comes from having a victim mindset, having no willpower, or the opposite of having dark and evil thoughts and feelings. Whether you resonate with predator mode or prey mode, either way you resonate with the demonic realm and less with spirit. That weakens the connection to spirit.

And if the spirit isn’t fully there in the body, same. This happens from being mindless, spacing out, mentally tired, or fragmented from having gone through trauma. An ungrounded, spacey person lacking self-awareness has an absent spirit.

So demons look for weaknesses to be able to get a foothold in a person.

Simple everyday example: in a moment of mindlessness a demon (or an alien) can exert a telepathic push to, say, make you forget to take your keys. So you get locked out of your home or car and have to pay a locksmith to get you back in. That’s the lowest level example.

The next step up would be to inject negative energy into you. You suddenly feel cranky and angry. This only happens if your astral body has enough latent anger and crankiness in it to be stimulated and activated. So already there must be some corruption in the astral body, which is normal for humans. So you get angry and say mean things to someone, and damage the relationship. Demon is happy it caused that.

Next step up would be the demon messing with your thoughts, emotions, and also sleep and dreams, and feeding on your energy. As a result you get nightmares, loss of sleep, and risk depression and irritability. Your physical body then gets weakened, etheric body too, astral body more corrupted as you shift into darker states of mind, and spirit therefore loses its grip.

Next step up is where the demon gains enough of a foothold into your etheric body that it can start messing with your brain directly. That means injecting visuals and voices and physical sensations like electric shocks and pokes and squeezes, which some victims may misinterpret as TI targeting by directed energy weapons.

So then you’d start getting schizophrenia symptoms. Or maybe it hovers about you as a dark shape offering to help you if you let it in. Or poses as a female ghost calling for your help, luring you into the attic where it has set up its nest. If you say yes, it then has permission (as given by angelic entities because you chose it) to jack even deeper into your being. So the voices increase and you lose your sense of independent thoughts and feelings.

Next step up is where it has almost 90% control of a person. The person’s consciousness feels far away, like a passive observer, while strong impulses and automatic thoughts/words/actions come out of them. The demon bas displaces the resident spirit and taken the wheel, so to speak. This only happens after a lengthy period of stalking and weakening by the demon of the intended target, and a bonding with the demon at the etheric and astral levels.

Full possession is when the person isn’t even conscious anymore, or has been kicked out of the body. Then the demon has full control and is looking through the eyes, speaking through the mouth, and living through the physical body of the person. Because demons are anti-life and have a toxic etheric energy field that kills plants and animals and humans, the host body will get sicker and sicker and die…unless it gets replenished with etheric energy from other living humans.

So this person is now a walking energy vampire. And presumably, if they reach elite status (like celebrities and politicians and secret society types) they may engage in ritual sacrifice, drinking blood of babies, harvesting their loosh energy through torture and so on, in order to maintain their youthfulness while having a highly toxic high level demon operating in their bodies. The adrenochrome lore is just the physical part. There’s a lot being harvested at a subtle energy level to feed the demon or reptilian.

Aliens in an out-of-body state can possess humans. Or just telepathically remotely influence them. Deceased humans, or their astral shells, can possess us too as hitchhikers. Usually there has to be an astral weakness or resonance that binds them with you, like if they were drug addicts were craved it even after death and you’re a living human who has a strong craving for it. Dr. William Baldwin’s books, and Dr. Shakuntala Modi’s books, are the go-to for that subject of entity attachments.

» Do you have an idea or thought as to exactly how those in the 4th density receive and assimilate loosh, fear and sexual energy for nutrition?

In Dr. William Baldwin’s book “CEVI” there’s one account (hypnotic regression) where a client tapped into beings in another realm collecting this energy via etheric cords or tubes that plug into a person and suck up the life force energy. Same or another account mentions these going to vats somewhere, to be processed and shipped elsewhere. There’s a whole energy economy ‘out there’ apparently.

The Fourth Way material, and Boris Mouravieff’s Gnosis books, speak of a substance they euphemistically call “hydrogen” but really it’s loosh energy. They talk about the different grades of it, the chemistry of it, and how our own internal systems can purify it from low grade to high grade. Mouravieff also mentions how the Moon is a receiving station for this energy and feeds on the Earth like an embryo feeding on the nutrient of the mother. Rudolf Steiner spoke of a similar thing about the Moon, except that it’s not the physical Moon that’s doing it, but rather entities associated with the archetype of the Moon.

Clairvoyants who have observed psychic vampirism in humans generally describe cords connecting the parasite to the host, attached at chakra points but most often the solar plexus and root/sex chakra. I think cracks in the aura from trauma (emotional, physical, chemical) can be feeding points as well.

Contactee Fore, who was psychic and experienced this many times himself, said that ghosts or phantoms (phantoms are ghosts that serve demons) would stand near his bed and stoop over him, or float above him, to soak up the emitted lifeforce energy. One time one of them stuck its hand into his chest and ripped his aura open, like busting a steam pipe, and began feeding on the energy pouring out. It caused him pain and weakness for a long time until I think either an alien or angelic being helped heal it.

Another psychic I personally knew, said he would watch alien ships (invisible to physical eyes) park above hospitals, stadiums, and churches with feeding tubes going down to harvest the generated energy from people in these places.

There’s one kind of energy that can be tapped just by being in physical proximity, and another kind (maybe a higher grade of it) that can be done at a distance but requires ‘entanglement’ between target and harvesters, and by entanglement, I mean one thinking of the other or sharing a common vibe. So like if there’s a demon-possessed guru in India that you worship, your devotion to him will send energy there, but it couldn’t feed on you otherwise as it’s too far away… versus a psychic vampire friend you have who can simply sit next to you on a couch saying nothing and will drain your energy due to being so close.

Ahriman: Occult Annihilation of the Soul
“The time of decision is around the end of the Twentieth Century when  we will either stand at the grave of civilization in a War of All against All  or turn toward a spiritualized culture.” Rudolf Steiner, GA 240

We live in grave times. Reading the news headlines on any particular day, one can easily feel overwhelmed with the impending collapse of cultures, countries, financial markets, common decency, law and order, education, and spiritual and moral impulses. One crisis after another, whether real or false flags, are used to chisel away our personal freedoms and liberties, leading us into an Orwellian world of global governance and the complete annihilation of all that is divine in the world.  We hold on to threadbare strands of hope, praying for mercy and divine intervention in a global quagmire that seems unsolvable.

    Where is the Christ that was to come? Where is the path to Shamballa?  Where is the otherworldly exit door to all of this worldly madness?

    If you are new to anthroposophy you may not be aware that Rudolf Steiner spoke of these matters at great length. For those that have studied anthroposophy, you will recall that Steiner wrote of the War of All against All, a time in a distant future that is the transition to the future Earth. But what many may not be aware of is that this struggle can take place at any cultural period either in a microcosmic form or in a full-fledged battle between the Moon and Earth.

    In order to be victorious in this struggle–whether now or at the end of the Seventh Epoch, whether personally or globally—one must meet evil in its luciferic and ahrimanic forms with courage to see through their terrifying and daunting specters of fear, hatred and doubt, embracing in their place a spirit full of faith, love, and wisdom.  To do so is to wield the sword of Michael and slay the fiery dragon.  But, first, one must become aware of evil and, like the miller’s daughter in Rumpelstiltskin, call out his name in full recognition of the devil he is.

      Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) wrote and lectured extensively on these beings—Lucifer and Ahriman—as well as the Being of Christ, who incarnated in Palestine and is the second person in the Holy Trinity. What may be a surprise for readers new to anthroposophy is that on each side of Christ there are two beings, a left hand and right hand path of evil.  Those two beings of evil are Lucifer, the tempter, the left hand path of evil, and Ahriman, the father of lies, the right hand path of evil.  Lucifer is the fallen angel we know from the Bible.  Ahriman, a name taken from Ancient Persia where he was seen as the polar opposite of the sun god, is also known as Satan.

Another surprise comes from the teachings of Steiner that both Lucifer and Ahriman actually incarnate once as a human being, Lucifer in 2000 BC and Ahriman in 2000 AD, and that Christ balances them by incarnating in the middle. There is another being of evil that directly opposes Christ known as Sorath or Sorat the Sun-Demon who incarnates in the distant future as an assault against the development of the human ego.  His incarnation is now being prepared by Ahriman. These four beings and their physical incarnations are part of the plan of spiritual evolution and each being, even though deemed evil, have important functions in the evolution of the free human being who must develop discernment to know the difference between each of these beings. As hopeless as the world may seem at times, we can have comfort in knowing that the spirits of opposition are an important part of the divine plan.

Christ’s incarnation created the turning point of time as all evolution revolves around this central event. Christ incarnated once to defeat the existing effects of Lucifer’s human incarnation in China and prepare for the future incarnation of Ahriman in North America.  Christ conquered the temptations of Lucifer as He will  conquer the lies of Ahriman, as He will, by donating the form of the human ego (I consciousness) to man at the turning point of time, conquer Sorat’s anti-ego influence in the distant future.  Because of the Deed of Christ at the Mystery of Golgotha, Christ’s perfected ego now exists in an etheric form in the realm of the super-etheric and can replicate itself for those who wish to take on this perfected form. Although it will take humanity as a whole quite some time to take on the perfected vehicle of Christ consciousness, there are some advanced souls, and you may be one, who have or will accomplish this wonder and bring teachings that align with the perfected vehicles of Christ.

    In order to become conscious of evil so that we can ascend to Christ consciousness, we must know its many faces and manifestations. We must recognize their physical incarnations. The time has passed for recognizing the incarnations of Lucifer and Christ, and Sorat does not come until a distant future. Our task today is to know the incarnation of Ahriman.

Ahriman and Lucifer in the Modern World
In the modern world, ahrimanic shadow-thoughts rule the day. Our media devices are so alluring and addictive that children and adults seldom turn away from them for long. Whether those platforms are television, smart phones, game systems, computers, or virtual reality, they are seductive distractions that draw our attention away from the spiritual to the materialism of an electronic sphere where Ahriman ensnares us in his spider web network of gray shadow thoughts. The ego of the unwitting devotee of Ahriman is entangled with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a plethora of electronic prisons that fabricate a false version of ego – a digital-ego that appears to be connected with other human egos, but is, in fact, a complete mirage of one’s true ego.

    Any of us can appear to be clever as we access unlimited information from search engines, but this is hardly having knowledge that is earned by rigorous thinking and actual experience.  Ahriman gives us the illusion of having all knowledge at our fingertips, but what we really have is so much information that we are overwhelmed with indigestible digital gobbledygook. It is hard to discern the pearls from the swill. In fact, Ahriman uses the ease of posting information on the digital platform to confuse us even more. An entire world of anti-knowledge and propaganda fills the digital world, drowning us in so much information that it is difficult to discern truth from fiction. Fake websites, false-flag events, photo-shopped images, propaganda, lies and deceit, and distractions continue to pour into the great fathom of the Internet which is as unlimited as our cosmos. Ahriman’s intent of destroying human intelligence and diverting us from pursuit of spiritual consciousness is accomplished when we are so overwhelmed by the digital world that we simply become absorbed in its electronic energy. Sadly, many of us don’t even have the consciousness to know that this has happened and any thought of spiritual beings and a world outside of materialism is not even considered.

    An over-reaction to the influence of Ahriman might be to eschew all electronic platforms and anything that smacks of materialism. But Ahriman would not be in the world if he didn’t have something to offer to the initiate for spiritual evolution. Just as Lucifer gave man the capacity of thinking, Ahriman will give man the sacred magic of will power. It behooves the initiate to recognize Ahriman as he manifests in the world today so that his incarnation can be redeemed for a higher purpose in man. 

    The higher spiritual forces of Christ, the middle-path, are able to discern the good and ill that both Lucifer and Ahriman offer to the human soul in every moment of decision. There is no ultimate evil, just regressive beings who resist the progressive beings. These beings of evil will be redeemed in time but the soul of the individual is in the middle of a pitched battle for its ego. Lucifer would have us ascend into the spiritual world too quickly and Ahriman would have us forget our spiritual natural and be forever imprisoned in materialism.

    In general, all regressive spiritual beings are called luciferic beings. There have been regressive beings involved in each of the planetary incarnations of Earth – Saturn, Sun, Moon, and Earth. Each set of regressive beings has a separate name and somewhat different ways of manifesting. The regressive beings of the Moon incarnation of the Earth are called luciferic and are found working in the astral body of human beings. The regressive beings of the Sun incarnation of Earth are called ahrimanic and are found working in the etheric body of the human being. The regressive beings of the Saturn incarnation of Earth are called asuric who work through the physical body of the human being.

    In the astral body of the human being, the luciferic beings try to draw mankind away from the normal earth evolution to their own realm of light. In the human soul they inspire pride, egotism, disinterest in others, fiery emotionalism, subjectivity, fantasy, and hallucination. In the human intellect they inspire generalization, unification, hypothesizing, and the building of imaginative, fantastical pictures that are beyond reality. Human speech and thought were given by luciferic beings to humanity which developed into self-consciousness and the capacity for independent thinking.

    When Lucifer incarnated in a human body, he brought about a revolution in human consciousness. Before then, humanity could not use the organs of intellect and lived by a kind of instinct. Lucifer was the first to grasp through the human intellect the wisdom of the mysteries. The effects of Lucifer’s incarnation inspired culture from the ancient Chinese through the teachings of the Gnostics, lingering into the early nineteenth century. The great initiates took it upon themselves to enter into the luciferic influence and turn it to the benefit of mankind. Only through the luciferic influence has mankind risen above the status of childishness.

The Incarnation of Ahriman
The being of Ahriman will use all aspects of scientific materialism to bring a form of mechanical occultism to his followers. He will appear as a type of anti-Christ who his followers will confuse as another incarnation of Christ. There will be no love in Ahriman and his cold heart will not be able to help freedom and love develop, only fear and hatred.

    Christ will antidote this evil by appearing in the etheric realm in what is commonly called the second coming of Christ in the etheric. This etheric clairvoyance will be the opposite of the mechanical occultism clairvoyance which Ahriman will grant his followers. Ahriman’s clairvoyance will lead to dead ends and will not help the follower advance to the astral light vision of Christ in the etheric realm. Ahriman’s followers will have different visions that will not coincide with one another. Instead of connecting humans to one another and to divine beings, Ahriman separates humans from each other. When you see a world divided into countless factions, battling one another with angry words or devastating wars, you see the manifestation of Ahriman. Basically, this is a pre-figuring of the War of All against All that will come in the distant future, or, if we don’t become spiritually vigilant, may come to pass in our time.

    Ahriman has been working to steal human intelligence since printing was invented. The printed word, book, or library gives the reader the illusion that the knowledge in print, the book in his hand, is his personal knowledge. This concept explodes infinitely with the invention of the Internet, giving any user information of all time, all cultures, and any subject. It takes spiritual work and effort to embody knowledge, as any ardent student of Steiner will attest. Knowledge is not obtained by surfing, clicking and scanning web pages. Knowledge must ripen with time and grow into wisdom before it is infused by Christ in the free human soul.

    Ahriman amplifies information to the point that anything of spiritual value is muted. He then has been effective in keeping humanity from knowing its spiritual origins and future. This conflagration of digital information may provide endless clever knowledge, but without the integration of human warmth, it will not be imbued with wisdom.  Ahriman and Lucifer will give us plenty of information and cleverness, but without Christ, knowledge cannot yield wisdom.

Anthroposophically speaking, Ahriman is a retarded or regressive hierarchical spiritual being of the rank of the Spirits of Form from the Sun Incarnation of Earth. He works in the realm of the Archai (Spirits of Time) and can be found active in the etheric body of the human being. Ahriman’s ultimate intent is to foil the goals of human spiritual evolution.

He and his hosts wish to freeze the earth into complete rigidity, so that it will not pass over to the Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan incarnations of Earth, and to make the human being into an entirely earthly being who is not individualized, a slave to materialism, and divorced from the divine. He wants to materialize, crystallize, darken, silence, and kill the living spirit. Ahriman promotes the illusion, the lie, that matter is primary reality, or the only reality.

The modern scientific revolution, since the fifteenth century, has been inspired largely by Ahriman. He is the inspirer of amoral, atheistic, mechanistic materialism. He wants humanity to live from unconscious instincts as a member of a collective herd. Ahriman teaches that humanity is derived from animals and is little better.

Scientific materialistic thinking is hardly conscious or all-encompassing at all.  Each scientific area is a silo of its own, rarely exploring fields afar or integrating whole living processes in its investigations.  Ahriman wants humanity to be part of a herd, a general species of pseudo-humans who are clever, earth-bound animals who experience the world through narrow vision and are not conscious of their life beyond the borders of birth and death.

    Ahriman believes there is no spirit or soul in the world but that life itself is a mechanical process, a machine of sorts. He is more apt to liken the body to a machine than to an angel. He works through subconscious instincts, inspiring fear, hatred, lust for power, and destructive sex impulses. He inspires rigid, automatic thinking that is hard and literal, not soaring and imaginative.

    Ahriman uses hollow words to separate language from meaning and reality. Language becomes dead under his ruler-ship and human warmth is withdrawn from conversation. Eventually ahrimanic thinking leads us to thoughts devoid of spirit. Only by consciously imbuing our thoughts, conversations, and writings with human warmth are we able to counter the death of spirit in our language.

    Another tendency of ahrimanic thinking is nationalism based on ethnicity with dogmatic party politics breeding hatred for others, destroying cultural, political, and economic life. Ahriman promotes mechanization of the world bound by rigid laws everywhere, with little place for free human initiative.  Philistinism, tedium, alienation, and lack of interest in one’s work kill human intelligence and imagination.

    In medicine we find Ahriman entrenched in materialistic, mechanistic experimentalism and treatment, isolating symptoms of the patient from his whole physical health and environment in order to prescribe federally-approved allopathic drugs that better serve pharmaceutical companies than the patient. The ahrimanic cycle of the medical industry is quite disturbing. First poison the crops with irradiation, pesticides, and genetically modified foods all in the name of growing better harvests, which, in turn, cause disease and illness, which then creates a life-long customer for the medical conglomeration.

    Or vaccinate a child with massive inoculations, causing medical conditions immediately or in the future, and create another steady customer base for the medical industry. Process and pasteurize foods so that they are left without enzymes and are indigestible, causing further symptoms that create even more customers. Then create a medical system so that every symptom can be checked off an extensive list which has a corresponding FDA approved drug to treat the symptom. Punish any doctor that goes outside of these parameter as holistic approaches to healing do not bring repeat customers to the medical big business. Make sure alternative remedies are discouraged or outlawed by regulation or legislation.

    This is an example of how Ahriman works in the world of money, power, greed, and the severance of man from his spiritual source until a human is nothing more than a cog in a medical industry wheel, our physical bodies used as economic food for others to feed upon. Similar analogies could be given for big business involved in education, war, politics, and organized religion. 

    For example, ahrimanic materialistic interpretations of the Gospels make Christ into a simple man with little spiritual connection to the modern human. Worship of the physical world leads humans to deny life after death and a struggle to find solace exclusively in the physical world. Once Ahriman closes off the spiritual world to humans, they can easily lose connection to morality, spirituality, and a virtuous life. Instead they begin a descent towards a more animal-like existence, spiraling downward through the seven deadly sins.

    In this way Ahriman hardens the etheric body in man so that it becomes a vehicle of automatic, intellectual thinking devoid of will, permanently shackling the human etheric bodies in the region of the earth after death. Man would become clever, animalistic, ghostly, earth-bound creatures. The earth would become so hardened without the vibrancy of human etheric bodies that it would not pass over to the Jupiter incarnation of Earth. Ahriman’s followers seek a kind of “immortality” in the slag-earth that will surround the Earth with Old Moon forces. It will be an immortality with egotistic, earthly consciousness instead of the cosmic consciousness of the individualized spiritual ego.

    Despite these ominous descriptions of Ahriman, his incarnation need not be an evil event. His incarnation is necessary in human and earthly evolution, and can be turned toward the good if humanity meets it in the right way. Ahriman wants us to be unconscious; but it is our responsibility to strive to be more and more conscious, and to inculcate consciousness in as many people as we can. We can become more aware of the meaning of our own lives and of the world by studying and filling ourselves with the modern form of cosmic wisdom given by spiritual science. Just as the ancient initiates entered into luciferic wisdom and rescued it for the good of mankind, now must mankind, with the consciousness gained from spiritual science and from the etheric Christ, enter into ahrimanic knowledge and turn it to good purpose.

    Ahrimanic knowledge will show what cleverness can, and cannot, produce from earthly forces. If we meet Ahriman consciously, we can acquire through him the realization that the earth is becoming old and must decline physically, eventually to die and enter the spiritual worlds, to be reborn as the Jupiter incarnation of Earth. Ahriman wishes to preserve, condense, and harden the old earth and its etheric body so that it will not evolve into the future Jupiter incarnation of Earth but will become a dwelling place for his beings, a new planet of his own making.

    The old earth would be preserved and parts of humanity would become etheric ghosts, imprisoned in an etheric body made of earth substance that does not dissolve. Those humans would not be able to ascend to spiritual heights but would remain chained to Earth as egoless soul beings. He will preserve dead thinking through a condensed etheric body of the Earth. In doing so, he darkens the etheric realm where Christ can be found and instead promises an ahrimanic immortality.

    Ahriman is the false prince of the world who makes the claim that he is the one who guides and leads humanity. He is the mighty teacher of materialistic Darwinism and technology. His goal is to slay human awareness of spirituality in us and harden the ego. Ahriman wants to create a humanity that is a group soul of animals who think without using the vehicle of an ego, or human I consciousness. He tries to numb us to the fact that humans have the capacity to think angelic thoughts, spiritual thoughts.

    Whereas Christ wishes to create a new spiritual Earth from the old one through love and human freedom, Ahriman wants to destroy the cosmic plan and be the god of his own world.

    As Steiner wrote in The Incarnations of Lucifer, Christ, Ahriman, October 27, 1919, GA 193:
Quote:Ahriman stirs up all the emotions that split men up into small groups – groups that mutually attack one another. Ahriman also makes use of what develops from the old conditions of heredity which man has really outgrown in the fifth post-Atlantean epoch. The ahrimanic powers use all that is derived from old circumstances of heredity in order to set men against each other in conflicting groups. All that comes from old differences of family, race, tribe, peoples, is used by Ahriman to create confusion.

    Ahriman skillfully prepares his goal beforehand; ever since the Reformation and the Renaissance, the economist has been emerging in modern civilization as the representative governing type. Since that time the economist has been in command. Rulers are in fact merely the handymen, the understrappers of the economists.
    We know very well that we have no occasion either to hate Ahriman or to fear Lucifer, since their powers are inimical only when they are working outside the realm where they belong. Luciferic activity has the result of making the will young. When the activity of our soul is streamed through by luciferic activity the result is will. When the luciferic influence predominates, when Lucifer makes his forces felt in the soul, then will is active in us. Lucifer has a rejuvenating influence on the whole stream of our soul-activity.

    When Ahriman brings his influence to bear on our soul-activity, he hardens it, it becomes old, and thinking is the result. The etheric body has actually this appearance; one can perceive in it luciferic light and ahrimanic hardness. But there are places where the etheric body seems to be quite nontransparent, as if it had ice tracings in it. This freezing of the etheric body at certain places is due to Ahriman; his forces have found entry there by means of thought. There are also places which seem to be full of light. Here the etheric body is transparent and gleams and glows with light. It is Lucifer who sends his rays into the etheric body of man and makes there centers of will. Then there are regions in between, where the etheric body is in perpetual movement and activity. Here you see at one moment hardness – and then suddenly the hardness is caught by a ray of light and melts right away. Hardening and dissolving, in perpetual alternation – such is the expression of the activity of feeling in the etheric body.

    When the ahrimanic forces gain the upper hand, we have an expression of thinking; when the luciferic forces are in ascendance, we have an expression of willing; and when they are in mutual conflict one with the other, we have an expression of feeling.

    Ahriman has great power over our waking consciousness. In sleep consciousness, Lucifer has the upper hand. They are in equilibrium only when we dream; there they pull with equal force, they strike a balance between them. The ideas which are called forth by Ahriman in day consciousness and which he causes to harden and crystallize, are dissolved and made to disappear under the influence of Lucifer.

    Thus we are truly, in a certain connection, redeemers of Lucifer. When we begin to be able to love our duty, then the moment has come when we can help towards the redemption and release of the luciferic powers; we set free the Lucifer forces which are held in us as by a charm, and lead them forth to fight with Ahriman. We release the imprisoned Lucifer (imprisoned in self-love) when we learn to love our duty.

    Calm and peace of mind have the coldness of Ahriman; in the quiet understanding of what is in the world, we unite our warmth and our understanding love with the coldness that is in the world outside. And then we release Ahriman, when we meet what has come about with understanding, when we do not merely demand our rights out of self-love but understand what has come about in the world. In the revolutionary stream lives Lucifer, in the conservative stream Ahriman, and man in his life of right lives in the midst between these two poles. This is the eternal battle that is waged between Lucifer and Ahriman.

Here we see the pattern of 7 things followed by an 8th thing which is somehow different from the primordial 7. This is the pattern of the cosmos, of the 7 rounds of a solar system, with the 8th sphere as a kind of VR overlay, a lower astral realm that Ahriman and Lucifer seek to make solid. They seek to divert the Earth’s true course into New Jupiter (sphere 5) and have it descend into Hell or the abyss, where they are already stuck with their hordes of demons.


Abaddon is Sorat, the Sun Demon, the Antichrist Beast 666, eater of souls that succumbed to Lucifer and Ahriman’s temptations. Notice the numbers of the verse where Abaddon is mentioned —chapter 9:11. In my Lilith Code video I talk about how the events of 9/11/2001 were most likely a ritual to open the gates to the bottomless pit, bringing in Sorat and his ‘locusts with human faces’ army.  The towers were then replaced by black cubes.

Steiner: “Sorat has meant ‘Demon of the Sun’ since ancient times. Every star has its good spirit — its intelligence — and its evil spirit — its demon. The adversary of the good powers of the sun is called Sorat. Christ was always the representative of the sun, namely, the intelligence of the Sun. Sorat is, then, the adversary of Christ Jesus. Sorat is a Hebrew word with gematria value of 666: 60 Samech + 6 Vav + 200 Resch + 400 Tav

Many in the truth community are led to the erroneous notion that the big three monotheistic religions are merely Saturn death cults, or Black Sun cults, while the truth is that these are sacred symbols that have been coopted by a rogue group — the Black Brotherhoods — and these religions that have come down to us today in the mainstream are thus perverted shadows of what was once spiritual science. There is nothing evil originally about the cube, cross, hexagon, star of david, or Saturn, etc. But the way they are used in 99% of the media that most people are subjected to these days is in a sick way that is telling us in code about the abyss, the Black Sun Corridor that leads to Hell and the Eighth Sphere. We are not in a soul trap! But the Black Brotherhoods are, because they already fell through the Daath portal into the abyss.

Kenneth Grant, who studied under Crowley, writes —



The Eighth Sphere – Gigi Young
Gigi Young is a psychic, spiritual scientist and researcher who goes very deep into many occult topics. I’ve only just discovered her youtube channel but her video presentation on the 8th sphere is perhaps the clearest expose on this challenging topic that I have come across. These are the core issues I’ve been trying to understand and explore on this blog for years now. A lot of this info you can find in Steiner or Burgoyne but she brings a modern perspective that is enlightening for our time.

Here are some key take-aways. As always, these views are evolving as new information comes to me, and must be viewed as such.

Earth Cycles or Rounds
Our Earth in her full cycle of evolution goes through seven embodiments, rounds, or “spheres”. We are in the fourth. These spheres should be understood as like fractal nested dolls, each with its own frequency, dimension, vibration, however you want to image it. In other words we must get away from the materialist Copernican view of the planets and the solar system, and look at this multi-dimensionally. Everything is Heaven, or Spirit, but as Earth gets denser and denser its sphere is actually moving further out from the core, from Source. As it grows it lowers vibration to achieve materiality, (our current fourth sphere) and then gradually raises its vibration with the 5th, 6th and 7th spheres, becoming ever finer, rarified etheric substance.

The 8th sphere mechanics are a little different, it’s the farthest from the core, so you can imagine that it is low vibration, but its not dense in the sense of being made of Earthly matter. It is currently invisible, its been called the lower astral 5D realm. It’s also been called Hell, Hades, Purgatory, etc.

The 8th Sphere is hellish because its a holding sphere for all the evil souls, thought forms, egregores, demons, failed creations and deviations of evolution that do not align with the core, with God, with sublime Creation. These “divergents” eventually all get absorbed by the 8th sphere until the Earth finishes her 7 cycles. Then there is an End Times event where they are basically recycled back into Source and their eternal spirit (or Monad, as it’s called in Theosophy) has to “start from the beginning,” says Gigi Young.

But as you can see, there really is, in a sense, what the UFOlogy and many conspiracy theorists call a “soul recycling” system, but they fail to see that this 8th sphere functions for the good of the whole system; after all, you have to take out the trash, that’s part of life.

But it’s not a system set up by evil E.T.’s. That’s a psyop. The “evil E.T.’s” are actually demons, black magicians or former humans who sold their soul, and are themselves trapped in the 8th sphere. This is the Black Cube of Saturn that everyone is talking about, this is the abyss of Revelation, this is Lilith and Lucifer’s trap system, their alien A.I. Matrix.

Ahriman (Satan) has twisted the tale around to make them seem like all powerful Controllers, but really they are also bound by cosmic law. However they will play dirty at any opportunity. The dark occult Illuminati members, the pedophiles and murderers are in communication with the 8th sphere and know they are doomed not to cross the abyss, and seek to extend their life artificially through transhumanism, thus temporarily avoiding their karma.
Can Man Lose His Soul?

“Empty sheet, nothing left to deplete
The loop becomes complete
The void will swallow the melting stars
Suspended in emptiness
Torment turns to bliss
A stillborn genesis“


Man is a being with body, soul and spirit, a tripartite being and only the spirit part of him is truly immortal, eternal, outside of time, one with God. But his body and soul are by no means guaranteed to him. These he has to earn. I imagine that if you lose your soul to the Black Cube recycling system you become a very simple germinal being again, a pure spirit but simple, like a baby. Your soul is your sense of self as a distinct being, it holds all your growth and development. Whatever does not align is absorbed by the demons in the 8th sphere. The Black Brotherhoods are channelling these demons and egregores to gain power here and to bring the 8th sphere closer and closer to Earth. This is actually in a sense inevitable as its preparing for a cosmic, fated event of the incarnation of Ahriman into a physical human body on Earth. This is what the Christians call the arrival of the Anti-Christ. This will happen when the 8th sphere overlaps with the Earth, when transhumanism and all these wicked games reach their peak. Then Ahriman will come and offer clairvoyance to everyone, through chips and drugs and technology, but it won’t be aligned with Source, and thus a distraction, leading to soul rot. Imagine having the internet beamed directly into your head. This is what we are facing and must reject.

As sovereign beings we will always be given a choice – to reject the jabs, the mark of the beast hand chips, to reject transhumanism, although it will be at a great cost and sacrifice. But this is what will count when we face the 8th sphere, how strengthened we were in our resolve down here, to hold our ground. Because to truly save your soul you must cross the abyss, you must face all the demons and egregores and negative thought forms that you created – you must face them at death because the inside becomes outside, the soul unzips itself, inverts, your astral body becomes a whole world mirroring your darkest thoughts, character aspects, fears and nightmares. Each and everyone of us must get through that in the final Judgement Day, must face our demons and have enough inner force, love, velocity, spin, kundalini energy to banish the darkness through the light that one cultivated with the Christ impulse over many incarnations on Earth.

‘Shape-shifting Lizard People:’ Explained – Gigi Young

A summary of Gigi Young’s presentation on the lizard people phenomenon. As always these are just my opinions as a result of private research. I wanted to touch on the salient points in her lecture because I think that she gives a very coherent and logical explanation for all the high weirdness that we are seeing in terms of the so-called shape-shifting reptilian/alien phenomenon so prevalent in UFOlogy and conspiracy culture. To those not familiar with these ideas the following images will seem ridiculous but behind it I am suggesting there is a modicum of truth.

So what are these things? Are they aliens? Is it real or is it a hoax? What are we to make of all the celebrities and politicians with the slit eyes flashing for a second on TV or the numerous psychics and abductees who have said to have seen an overlay of a tall reptilian lizard like being in somebody’s frame or aura?

One cannot get a solid grasp on this bizarre phenomenon without a proper view of the cosmos, which is geocentric, fixed, and enclosed in a firmament. We must toss out the idea, then, of vast interstellar space, this is a NASA psyop. And along with that is the idea of aliens from another material planet flying here in ships. Toss this out as well. As we will see, the incursion of these “other-wordly” forces is much closer to home, and if anything, we must speak of them as ‘inter-dimensional.’ We must also have a firm grasp of Earth evolution and how the human being as a soul being fits into this picture. Steiner’s Anthroposophy provides this firm foundation. And Gigi is versed in this system, which is what originally turned me on to her work.

So to answer the alien/shapeshifter question Gigi takes us back to the prior epochs of humanity, such as the Lemurian and then the Atlantian epochs. And the thing to understand is that when an epoch ends there is always a split, or two streams of humanity, one that ascends and meets the needs of the evolutionary impulse of the time, and one stream that descends or devolves because they fail to adapt with the new evolutionary impulse of the time and they would rather stay with the old impulse.

So the Lemurian epoch was a feminine epoch (rooted in the past, tribal, atavistic, see my Black Sun Mysteries documentary) and the descending form of humanity ended up reverting to more of an animal form which spawned the apes. The apes are an offshoot of descending humanity. Which you’ll notice is a total flip of Darwinism which states that humanity evolved from apes, it’s actually that the apes devolved from a splinter group of humans that in the Lemurian epoch failed to keep up with the times.

And with the Atlantean epoch which was a more masculine epoch (rooted in the future, technological, independent), you had the descending group towards the end that could not keep up with the spiritual changes of the times; they became the mad scientists who tried to keep their form and cheat devolution by doing all these genetic experiments to hybridize the human form with different animals (Transgenesis) such as the lizard, or certain insects like the praying mantis, creating these bizarre chimeras to incarnate into, and also of course the Greys; long story short, it is suspected that the Greys and reptilians are basically an offshoot of this devolutionary stream at the end of Atlantis.

Or more properly understood, the Greys are the far-future result of what occurred initially by the mad scientists of Atlantis; the Greys in their future time found a wormhole to come to our present to try and rectify their failed timeline by attempting to hybridize with us (see: End Game).

But the reason we don’t really see reptilians, Greys and mantids walking around here in 3-D, and close encounters always seem to be in a dream state, or trance state, is because these forms cannot not linger here, they cannot hold their form here for very long without certain aids of technology, or being summoned through black magic ritual; really their home is in the Eighth sphere which is in a different dimension and density. When a being fails their initiation by losing their humanity and turning to wickedness and psychopathy and degradation, at the end of the epoch they are swept into the 8th sphere, or the lower astral realm, (also called Hell, Hades, Sheol, maybe even an aspect of inner Earth, Hollow Earth etc.) to join the hordes of Luciferic and Ahrimanic beings, this legion of demonic, criminal parasites.

8th sphere as overlay outside the 7 natural phases

We see the Greys and the reptilians and UFO’s sort of flashing in and out of existence, defying the laws of physics, because their presence here is in an ethereal or astral form or astral existence more than a physical one, this is because they are Eighth sphere beings. There’s an overlay that allows them to manifest their energy here, their parasitic energy. It happens through attachment to one who invites them in, who resonates with their criminal, degenerate energy.

So the main takeaway from her lecture is that these celebrities and politicians, these dark elite Illuminati types that seem to flash this reptile form, it’s not that they are reptilians themselves, rather they are humans that are possessed by a reptilian being that itself lives in the eighth sphere. The reptilian’s astral body is attached to the astral body of the human that they are possessing, as a kind of ghostly shell that hovers around or weaves through someone’s aura.

And somebody who is particularly psychic can see the attachment, they can see this reptilian nebulous form here and there for split seconds when the overlay is particularly strong, and even perhaps electronic equipment picks these things up, which is why we sometimes see them when there is a glitch on the TV and their slit eyes appear for a split second. Although as researchers we have to be careful here because those slit eyes can be easily faked.

So in the post-Atlantian epoch they attached to these early Illuminati types, this degraded priest class that became the 13 bloodlines; they attached to them because they sold their soul to Satan and they are basically operating out of their three lower chakras alone which is how the Eighth sphere beings possess and leech off of our energy. They can only leech off of the lower three chakras, the ones below the heart. This manifests as a cunning but cold intellect and no emotion other than fear and lust, no empathy.

And it’s not just the Illuminati members who are possessed by reptilian or other types of so-called “alien” forms. It’s also anybody who cannot harmonize their being with the Christ essence, with the heart, anybody who continually turns their back on God and lives only for material pleasures alone, power, lust at the expense of others, this kind of service-to-self only, they are stuck in the lower three chakras and they become visible to Eighth sphere beings and then these lower beings can attach to them. This can happen to anyone.

Drug abuse can also draw these parasitic entities. There have even been cases of people on meth or other narcotics having a psychotic break and seeing reptilian forms crawling up the walls and basically following the addict around, leeching off them. They transmit thoughts of no hope, of black depression to their host, and want to eventually for their host to commit suicide, which releases a floodgate of energy for them, a feast.

Now this whole lizard issue is more complex because there’s the whole Donald Marshall and droning angle which Gigi does not discuss. I don’t know if she is even aware of this angle yet, but there may also be a technological aspect to the possession phenomenon and this is what I’ve gone into in my One Eye Bleeding video and in my coverage of Donald Marshall‘s work, how we see these celebrities and politicians with black eyes, we see in Hollywood and entertainment media this bleeding from the one eye motif or the tear drop or the Eye of Horus, and we suspect that what’s happening is there is some kind of possession that occurs by inserting something through the eye-socket to the brain to take over a physical body and wear it like a sleeve.

Donald Marshall describes the bodysnatchers as “vrill lizards:” a parasitic reptile species that apparently lives deep underground and comes up in these cloning centers to bodysnatch people and are used as weapons by the elite. However I think this is a gate-keeping psyop. I think what’s happening is it’s more like these elites that copy their consciousness onto a chip or even through black goo which then goes through the eye-socket to the brain. This is called droning, and a soulless vessel operated by a walk-in is called a drone.

Jerry: The aliens obviously exist. They are hostile, and they run the world. They answer to Lucifer, and their “soul” or life force is from the Nephilim, the souls of the giants, who were the offspring of the fallen angels and human women. They are cannibals, and exceedingly violent. When the giants were cursed by God, they fought one another until virtually all were dead. They had some kind of spirit, because God cursed them and their spirits had to wander the earth always hungry and never able to eat or drink. Because they are neither human or celestial, they cannot be saved nor go to hell. They are trapped here until the end of the world, and these are the spirits which drive the “aliens”, which are themselves a contrivance of Satan. They live under the earth and are not from the “stars”. The star myth is just a lie from Satan.

Lilith is the bride of  The Beast System which is essentially a cohort of fallen angels – Lucifer, Ahriman and the Asuras (Abbadon) – who in their negative, fallen aspect are tempting humanity to fall along with them, and be swept into the abyss or the eighth sphere, through evil acts and through  foregoing any relationship to their Higher Self, their guardian angel, and to the Christ Being.

It is my understanding that one’s Higher Self cannot be destroyed, but if its budding soul is lost to the Eighth Sphere, it must essentially start over from scratch, and this starting over takes place on the planet Saturn (which is really an aspect of our Earth, its first phase). This is why the Roman God Saturn eats his children. An aspect of Saturn is also before linear time, which is why Saturn is Old Father Time. In ancient India, Saturn is one and the same as Kali, and the Sanskrit word for time is ‘kala.’

Thus we see now where the term “Black Cube of Saturn” or “Saturn Death Cube” come from. It is referencing the fall into the abyss, the degradation of soul and the recycling or re-amalgamating of the soul back into Saturn that the Higher Self undergoes if this “second death” should occur (see the Book of Revelation for more on the second death).

It is the Lilith Code in djinn-inspired media that speaks of this process again and again in myriad ways and allegories.  Lilith is in Gnostic literature Yaldabaoth, a word from the Hebrew (daughter of the void)

And finally it is through the End Game of Transhumanism that many will be tricked into “selling” their soul or uploading it into the Borg Cube hivemind system, the so-called ‘Metaverse’ which is really just a way for the eighth sphere or the lower astral realm to overlap completely with our Earth, and rapture into it those who fell for the Beast System.

The Christ Sacrifice
To end on a lighter note, let’s speak of hope, and of what will lead the portion of humanity that protected their soul through the bleak times that are here and will only get worse for a while to come. This guiding light will come from the Christ Impulse, the Being who is the Spirit of the Sun and ever since the Mystery of Golgotha has been wed to the Earth and is now woven into the etheric body of the Earth, and thus in the hearts and souls of all mankind, should we be receptive to it.

In order for this Sun Spirit, the Christ, to incarnate in the man Jesus and to die on the cross and experience death as a human, a huge sacrifice was made. This act ripples out across time, forward and backward, and cannot help but percolate into the same djinn-inspired media that gives us all this darkness. The truth is, these occult codes are thus dualistic, containing both the dark and the light.

Occult Trajectory
Western music follows a trajectory from the highest heights to the lowest lows: spirit giving way to intellect, intellect to sentiment, and sentiment to unconsciousness and chaos. Or in Rudolf Steiner’s terms, it followed a trajectory from Christ to Ahriman to Lucifer to Sorat. All this within five centuries. The focal points trace a linear descent down the spirit, mind, astral, etheric, and physical layers of the human being. Mere coincidence?

Every movement was a reaction to the preceding one, just one step down in the metaphysical scale. Problem, reaction, solution. This dialectic synthesis generated progressively devolving states that ultimately amounted to a triumph of matter over spirit.

The Deed of Christ and the Opposing Spiritual Powers – Online lecture by Steiner. One of the few where he mentions the Asuras.

Related article: Sorat and the Modern Day Evil. See also The Advent of Ahriman.

Sorat and the Modern Day Evil
“Sorat’s evil will be spread by his infernal army of soulless followers, willing to give their lives for his pleasure in subjecting mankind to horror of the ultimate magnitude.”

The above mentioned quote summarizes one of the main themes in Hearne’s political thriller, “Hulagu’s Web”. The book suggests that much of the horror, destruction and mayhem that happen in the contemporary world are explained by the endeavors of Sorat, Lucifer’s terrifying accomplice. It is said that Sorat incarnates every 666 years. 1998 would therefore be the year of his last manifestation. Coincidently, it is the same year that Usama Bin Ladin and his associates publicly declared their Jihad against the West with blatant orders such as “We – with Allah's help – call on every Muslim who believes in Allah and wishes to be rewarded to comply with Allah's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it.”

In his “Book of Revelation and the Work of the Priest”, Rudolf Steiner describes Abaddon’s attack on humanity. Abaddon (translated ‘destroyer’) is a demonic being born out of the abyss to lead an army of locusts with human-like faces. Rudolf Steiner explains the occult significance of this picture by suggesting that Abaddon’s army consists of human beings who have been completely deprived of their ego. Sorat can rule on Earth by populating the empty shells of such people with the spirits that serve him. This infernal army would subject mankind to trials compared to which all the horrors of the twentieth century would pale. Coincidently again, Abaddon is referred to in Revelation 9-11, the same date that is now synonymous with the destruction of the twin towers and the attack on the pentagon.

Sorat is described as the strongest power against good. To accomplish his desire of destroying the earth, Sorat would manifest his evil in the social evolution. The wars and mass murders of our time are evidence of his corruption.

The fanatism and the everyday hatred of man against man are evils often disguised as religious dedication and nationalism. Sorat would bend people to his will by using the influence of leaders, be them political or religious. Sorat’s alleged power lies in the ability to make followers believe that what they do for their fanatic leaders is right. As David J. Hearne says “the goal of this demon is to strip humans of their souls, egos and all goodness.” Sorat could make horrible acts virtually impossible to eradicate once people become unable to recognize actions as evil.

The video of a hostage being beheaded in Iraq is an example of the horror mankind is subject to. It shows how much influence such a leader can have over others. He would stay back from his disciples, as he directs them to behead the hostage. Whenever the men holding the prisoner looked uncertain, the leader would convince them that what they were doing was the just thing. The scene appears to be a struggle between the leader (persuading) and the followers (resisting). The film shows how the power of evil can pervert people’s senses to such a degree that destruction and horror replace the goodness and compassion in their souls.

The seductive powers of darkness act by using people's vulnerability and weaknesses against them. Terrorists claim their actions are for their love of God. Most of them believe that what they are doing is right. Someone who they see as a prophet or a messenger leads them to believe that they act in God’s will. This messenger is trusted and considered more important than their own lives. Sorat would exploit these people to “give their lives for his pleasure in subjecting mankind to horror of the ultimate magnitude,” as mentioned in Hulagu’s Web.

It is difficult to understand why well-intentioned, logically thinking people fall into such traps.  How can one induce another to become a suicide bomber willing to die for some obscure cause and kill other innocent people?  How can the human mind become so clouded and susceptible to such evil and debasing acts?  The answer lies in the fact that many people need something or someone to believe in. Sorat and his progeny would use this weakness to lead those susceptible to their influence. The reasons for their acts are masked, people follow because they need to believe and fail to ask themselves a rational explanation for what they are made to do. Nevertheless, if people saw the true intentions behind these schemes they would not follow. Evil exists as long it disguises itself.

Sorat could only maintain his power by distorting the way people perceive what is good. He would reduce each individual to his level - an entity without soul or conscious. His ultimate objective is to alter the human existence by spreading destruction and misery. Eradicating mercy, benevolence, compassion and humanity (most needed qualities that Christ himself advocated) is the only way Sorat can achieve his goals.

Here we see the pattern of 7 things followed by an 8th thing which is somehow different from the primordial 7. This is the pattern of the cosmos, of the 7 rounds of a solar system, with the 8th sphere as a kind of VR overlay, a lower astral realm that Ahriman and Lucifer seek to make solid. They seek to divert the Earth’s true course into New Jupiter (sphere 5) and have it descend into Hell or the abyss, where they are already stuck with their hordes of demons.


Abaddon is Sorat, the Sun Demon, the Antichrist Beast 666, eater of souls that succumbed to Lucifer and Ahriman’s temptations. Notice the numbers of the verse where Abaddon is mentioned —chapter 9:11. In my Lilith Code video I talk about how the events of 9/11/2001 were most likely a ritual to open the gates to the bottomless pit, bringing in Sorat and his ‘locusts with human faces’ army.  The towers were then replaced by black cubes.

Steiner: “Sorat has meant ‘Demon of the Sun’ since ancient times. Every star has its good spirit — its intelligence — and its evil spirit — its demon. The adversary of the good powers of the sun is called Sorat. Christ was always the representative of the sun, namely, the intelligence of the Sun. Sorat is, then, the adversary of Christ Jesus. Sorat is a Hebrew word with gematria value of 666: 60 Samech + 6 Vav + 200 Resch + 400 Tav

Many in the truth community are led to the erroneous notion that the big three monotheistic religions are merely Saturn death cults, or Black Sun cults, while the truth is that these are sacred symbols that have been coopted by a rogue group — the Black Brotherhoods — and these religions that have come down to us today in the mainstream are thus perverted shadows of what was once spiritual science. There is nothing evil originally about the cube, cross, hexagon, star of david, or Saturn, etc. But the way they are used in 99% of the media that most people are subjected to these days is in a sick way that is telling us in code about the abyss, the Black Sun Corridor that leads to Hell and the Eighth Sphere. We are not in a soul trap! But the Black Brotherhoods are, because they already fell through the Daath portal into the abyss.

Kenneth Grant, who studied under Crowley, writes —



The Eighth Sphere – Gigi Young
Gigi Young is a psychic, spiritual scientist and researcher who goes very deep into many occult topics. I’ve only just discovered her youtube channel but her video presentation on the 8th sphere is perhaps the clearest expose on this challenging topic that I have come across. These are the core issues I’ve been trying to understand and explore on this blog for years now. A lot of this info you can find in Steiner or Burgoyne but she brings a modern perspective that is enlightening for our time.

Here are some key take-aways. As always, these views are evolving as new information comes to me, and must be viewed as such.

Earth Cycles or Rounds
Our Earth in her full cycle of evolution goes through seven embodiments, rounds, or “spheres”. We are in the fourth. These spheres should be understood as like fractal nested dolls, each with its own frequency, dimension, vibration, however you want to image it. In other words we must get away from the materialist Copernican view of the planets and the solar system, and look at this multi-dimensionally. Everything is Heaven, or Spirit, but as Earth gets denser and denser its sphere is actually moving further out from the core, from Source. As it grows it lowers vibration to achieve materiality, (our current fourth sphere) and then gradually raises its vibration with the 5th, 6th and 7th spheres, becoming ever finer, rarified etheric substance.

The 8th sphere mechanics are a little different, it’s the farthest from the core, so you can imagine that it is low vibration, but its not dense in the sense of being made of Earthly matter. It is currently invisible, its been called the lower astral 5D realm. It’s also been called Hell, Hades, Purgatory, etc.

The 8th Sphere is hellish because its a holding sphere for all the evil souls, thought forms, egregores, demons, failed creations and deviations of evolution that do not align with the core, with God, with sublime Creation. These “divergents” eventually all get absorbed by the 8th sphere until the Earth finishes her 7 cycles. Then there is an End Times event where they are basically recycled back into Source and their eternal spirit (or Monad, as it’s called in Theosophy) has to “start from the beginning,” says Gigi Young.

But as you can see, there really is, in a sense, what the UFOlogy and many conspiracy theorists call a “soul recycling” system, but they fail to see that this 8th sphere functions for the good of the whole system; after all, you have to take out the trash, that’s part of life.

But it’s not a system set up by evil E.T.’s. That’s a psyop. The “evil E.T.’s” are actually demons, black magicians or former humans who sold their soul, and are themselves trapped in the 8th sphere. This is the Black Cube of Saturn that everyone is talking about, this is the abyss of Revelation, this is Lilith and Lucifer’s trap system, their alien A.I. Matrix.

Ahriman (Satan) has twisted the tale around to make them seem like all powerful Controllers, but really they are also bound by cosmic law. However they will play dirty at any opportunity. The dark occult Illuminati members, the pedophiles and murderers are in communication with the 8th sphere and know they are doomed not to cross the abyss, and seek to extend their life artificially through transhumanism, thus temporarily avoiding their karma.
Can Man Lose His Soul?

“Empty sheet, nothing left to deplete
The loop becomes complete
The void will swallow the melting stars
Suspended in emptiness
Torment turns to bliss
A stillborn genesis“


Man is a being with body, soul and spirit, a tripartite being and only the spirit part of him is truly immortal, eternal, outside of time, one with God. But his body and soul are by no means guaranteed to him. These he has to earn. I imagine that if you lose your soul to the Black Cube recycling system you become a very simple germinal being again, a pure spirit but simple, like a baby. Your soul is your sense of self as a distinct being, it holds all your growth and development. Whatever does not align is absorbed by the demons in the 8th sphere. The Black Brotherhoods are channelling these demons and egregores to gain power here and to bring the 8th sphere closer and closer to Earth. This is actually in a sense inevitable as its preparing for a cosmic, fated event of the incarnation of Ahriman into a physical human body on Earth. This is what the Christians call the arrival of the Anti-Christ. This will happen when the 8th sphere overlaps with the Earth, when transhumanism and all these wicked games reach their peak. Then Ahriman will come and offer clairvoyance to everyone, through chips and drugs and technology, but it won’t be aligned with Source, and thus a distraction, leading to soul rot. Imagine having the internet beamed directly into your head. This is what we are facing and must reject.

As sovereign beings we will always be given a choice – to reject the jabs, the mark of the beast hand chips, to reject transhumanism, although it will be at a great cost and sacrifice. But this is what will count when we face the 8th sphere, how strengthened we were in our resolve down here, to hold our ground. Because to truly save your soul you must cross the abyss, you must face all the demons and egregores and negative thought forms that you created – you must face them at death because the inside becomes outside, the soul unzips itself, inverts, your astral body becomes a whole world mirroring your darkest thoughts, character aspects, fears and nightmares. Each and everyone of us must get through that in the final Judgement Day, must face our demons and have enough inner force, love, velocity, spin, kundalini energy to banish the darkness through the light that one cultivated with the Christ impulse over many incarnations on Earth.

‘Shape-shifting Lizard People:’ Explained – Gigi Young

A summary of Gigi Young’s presentation on the lizard people phenomenon. As always these are just my opinions as a result of private research. I wanted to touch on the salient points in her lecture because I think that she gives a very coherent and logical explanation for all the high weirdness that we are seeing in terms of the so-called shape-shifting reptilian/alien phenomenon so prevalent in UFOlogy and conspiracy culture. To those not familiar with these ideas the following images will seem ridiculous but behind it I am suggesting there is a modicum of truth.

So what are these things? Are they aliens? Is it real or is it a hoax? What are we to make of all the celebrities and politicians with the slit eyes flashing for a second on TV or the numerous psychics and abductees who have said to have seen an overlay of a tall reptilian lizard like being in somebody’s frame or aura?

One cannot get a solid grasp on this bizarre phenomenon without a proper view of the cosmos, which is geocentric, fixed, and enclosed in a firmament. We must toss out the idea, then, of vast interstellar space, this is a NASA psyop. And along with that is the idea of aliens from another material planet flying here in ships. Toss this out as well. As we will see, the incursion of these “other-wordly” forces is much closer to home, and if anything, we must speak of them as ‘inter-dimensional.’ We must also have a firm grasp of Earth evolution and how the human being as a soul being fits into this picture. Steiner’s Anthroposophy provides this firm foundation. And Gigi is versed in this system, which is what originally turned me on to her work.

So to answer the alien/shapeshifter question Gigi takes us back to the prior epochs of humanity, such as the Lemurian and then the Atlantian epochs. And the thing to understand is that when an epoch ends there is always a split, or two streams of humanity, one that ascends and meets the needs of the evolutionary impulse of the time, and one stream that descends or devolves because they fail to adapt with the new evolutionary impulse of the time and they would rather stay with the old impulse.

So the Lemurian epoch was a feminine epoch (rooted in the past, tribal, atavistic, see my Black Sun Mysteries documentary) and the descending form of humanity ended up reverting to more of an animal form which spawned the apes. The apes are an offshoot of descending humanity. Which you’ll notice is a total flip of Darwinism which states that humanity evolved from apes, it’s actually that the apes devolved from a splinter group of humans that in the Lemurian epoch failed to keep up with the times.

And with the Atlantean epoch which was a more masculine epoch (rooted in the future, technological, independent), you had the descending group towards the end that could not keep up with the spiritual changes of the times; they became the mad scientists who tried to keep their form and cheat devolution by doing all these genetic experiments to hybridize the human form with different animals (Transgenesis) such as the lizard, or certain insects like the praying mantis, creating these bizarre chimeras to incarnate into, and also of course the Greys; long story short, it is suspected that the Greys and reptilians are basically an offshoot of this devolutionary stream at the end of Atlantis.

Or more properly understood, the Greys are the far-future result of what occurred initially by the mad scientists of Atlantis; the Greys in their future time found a wormhole to come to our present to try and rectify their failed timeline by attempting to hybridize with us (see: End Game).

But the reason we don’t really see reptilians, Greys and mantids walking around here in 3-D, and close encounters always seem to be in a dream state, or trance state, is because these forms cannot not linger here, they cannot hold their form here for very long without certain aids of technology, or being summoned through black magic ritual; really their home is in the Eighth sphere which is in a different dimension and density. When a being fails their initiation by losing their humanity and turning to wickedness and psychopathy and degradation, at the end of the epoch they are swept into the 8th sphere, or the lower astral realm, (also called Hell, Hades, Sheol, maybe even an aspect of inner Earth, Hollow Earth etc.) to join the hordes of Luciferic and Ahrimanic beings, this legion of demonic, criminal parasites.

8th sphere as overlay outside the 7 natural phases

We see the Greys and the reptilians and UFO’s sort of flashing in and out of existence, defying the laws of physics, because their presence here is in an ethereal or astral form or astral existence more than a physical one, this is because they are Eighth sphere beings. There’s an overlay that allows them to manifest their energy here, their parasitic energy. It happens through attachment to one who invites them in, who resonates with their criminal, degenerate energy.

So the main takeaway from her lecture is that these celebrities and politicians, these dark elite Illuminati types that seem to flash this reptile form, it’s not that they are reptilians themselves, rather they are humans that are possessed by a reptilian being that itself lives in the eighth sphere. The reptilian’s astral body is attached to the astral body of the human that they are possessing, as a kind of ghostly shell that hovers around or weaves through someone’s aura.

And somebody who is particularly psychic can see the attachment, they can see this reptilian nebulous form here and there for split seconds when the overlay is particularly strong, and even perhaps electronic equipment picks these things up, which is why we sometimes see them when there is a glitch on the TV and their slit eyes appear for a split second. Although as researchers we have to be careful here because those slit eyes can be easily faked.

So in the post-Atlantian epoch they attached to these early Illuminati types, this degraded priest class that became the 13 bloodlines; they attached to them because they sold their soul to Satan and they are basically operating out of their three lower chakras alone which is how the Eighth sphere beings possess and leech off of our energy. They can only leech off of the lower three chakras, the ones below the heart. This manifests as a cunning but cold intellect and no emotion other than fear and lust, no empathy.

And it’s not just the Illuminati members who are possessed by reptilian or other types of so-called “alien” forms. It’s also anybody who cannot harmonize their being with the Christ essence, with the heart, anybody who continually turns their back on God and lives only for material pleasures alone, power, lust at the expense of others, this kind of service-to-self only, they are stuck in the lower three chakras and they become visible to Eighth sphere beings and then these lower beings can attach to them. This can happen to anyone.

Drug abuse can also draw these parasitic entities. There have even been cases of people on meth or other narcotics having a psychotic break and seeing reptilian forms crawling up the walls and basically following the addict around, leeching off them. They transmit thoughts of no hope, of black depression to their host, and want to eventually for their host to commit suicide, which releases a floodgate of energy for them, a feast.

Now this whole lizard issue is more complex because there’s the whole Donald Marshall and droning angle which Gigi does not discuss. I don’t know if she is even aware of this angle yet, but there may also be a technological aspect to the possession phenomenon and this is what I’ve gone into in my One Eye Bleeding video and in my coverage of Donald Marshall‘s work, how we see these celebrities and politicians with black eyes, we see in Hollywood and entertainment media this bleeding from the one eye motif or the tear drop or the Eye of Horus, and we suspect that what’s happening is there is some kind of possession that occurs by inserting something through the eye-socket to the brain to take over a physical body and wear it like a sleeve.

Donald Marshall describes the bodysnatchers as “vrill lizards:” a parasitic reptile species that apparently lives deep underground and comes up in these cloning centers to bodysnatch people and are used as weapons by the elite. However I think this is a gate-keeping psyop. I think what’s happening is it’s more like these elites that copy their consciousness onto a chip or even through black goo which then goes through the eye-socket to the brain. This is called droning, and a soulless vessel operated by a walk-in is called a drone.

Jerry: The aliens obviously exist. They are hostile, and they run the world. They answer to Lucifer, and their “soul” or life force is from the Nephilim, the souls of the giants, who were the offspring of the fallen angels and human women. They are cannibals, and exceedingly violent. When the giants were cursed by God, they fought one another until virtually all were dead. They had some kind of spirit, because God cursed them and their spirits had to wander the earth always hungry and never able to eat or drink. Because they are neither human or celestial, they cannot be saved nor go to hell. They are trapped here until the end of the world, and these are the spirits which drive the “aliens”, which are themselves a contrivance of Satan. They live under the earth and are not from the “stars”. The star myth is just a lie from Satan.

Lilith is the bride of  The Beast System which is essentially a cohort of fallen angels – Lucifer, Ahriman and the Asuras (Abbadon) – who in their negative, fallen aspect are tempting humanity to fall along with them, and be swept into the abyss or the eighth sphere, through evil acts and through  foregoing any relationship to their Higher Self, their guardian angel, and to the Christ Being.

It is my understanding that one’s Higher Self cannot be destroyed, but if its budding soul is lost to the Eighth Sphere, it must essentially start over from scratch, and this starting over takes place on the planet Saturn (which is really an aspect of our Earth, its first phase). This is why the Roman God Saturn eats his children. An aspect of Saturn is also before linear time, which is why Saturn is Old Father Time. In ancient India, Saturn is one and the same as Kali, and the Sanskrit word for time is ‘kala.’

Thus we see now where the term “Black Cube of Saturn” or “Saturn Death Cube” come from. It is referencing the fall into the abyss, the degradation of soul and the recycling or re-amalgamating of the soul back into Saturn that the Higher Self undergoes if this “second death” should occur (see the Book of Revelation for more on the second death).

It is the Lilith Code in djinn-inspired media that speaks of this process again and again in myriad ways and allegories.  Lilith is in Gnostic literature Yaldabaoth, a word from the Hebrew (daughter of the void)

And finally it is through the End Game of Transhumanism that many will be tricked into “selling” their soul or uploading it into the Borg Cube hivemind system, the so-called ‘Metaverse’ which is really just a way for the eighth sphere or the lower astral realm to overlap completely with our Earth, and rapture into it those who fell for the Beast System.

The Christ Sacrifice
To end on a lighter note, let’s speak of hope, and of what will lead the portion of humanity that protected their soul through the bleak times that are here and will only get worse for a while to come. This guiding light will come from the Christ Impulse, the Being who is the Spirit of the Sun and ever since the Mystery of Golgotha has been wed to the Earth and is now woven into the etheric body of the Earth, and thus in the hearts and souls of all mankind, should we be receptive to it.

In order for this Sun Spirit, the Christ, to incarnate in the man Jesus and to die on the cross and experience death as a human, a huge sacrifice was made. This act ripples out across time, forward and backward, and cannot help but percolate into the same djinn-inspired media that gives us all this darkness. The truth is, these occult codes are thus dualistic, containing both the dark and the light.

Occult Trajectory
Western music follows a trajectory from the highest heights to the lowest lows: spirit giving way to intellect, intellect to sentiment, and sentiment to unconsciousness and chaos. Or in Rudolf Steiner’s terms, it followed a trajectory from Christ to Ahriman to Lucifer to Sorat. All this within five centuries. The focal points trace a linear descent down the spirit, mind, astral, etheric, and physical layers of the human being. Mere coincidence?

Every movement was a reaction to the preceding one, just one step down in the metaphysical scale. Problem, reaction, solution. This dialectic synthesis generated progressively devolving states that ultimately amounted to a triumph of matter over spirit.

The Deed of Christ and the Opposing Spiritual Powers – Online lecture by Steiner. One of the few where he mentions the Asuras.

Related article: Sorat and the Modern Day Evil. See also The Advent of Ahriman.

Sorat and the Modern Day Evil
“Sorat’s evil will be spread by his infernal army of soulless followers, willing to give their lives for his pleasure in subjecting mankind to horror of the ultimate magnitude.”

The above mentioned quote summarizes one of the main themes in Hearne’s political thriller, “Hulagu’s Web”. The book suggests that much of the horror, destruction and mayhem that happen in the contemporary world are explained by the endeavors of Sorat, Lucifer’s terrifying accomplice. It is said that Sorat incarnates every 666 years. 1998 would therefore be the year of his last manifestation. Coincidently, it is the same year that Usama Bin Ladin and his associates publicly declared their Jihad against the West with blatant orders such as “We – with Allah's help – call on every Muslim who believes in Allah and wishes to be rewarded to comply with Allah's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it.”

In his “Book of Revelation and the Work of the Priest”, Rudolf Steiner describes Abaddon’s attack on humanity. Abaddon (translated ‘destroyer’) is a demonic being born out of the abyss to lead an army of locusts with human-like faces. Rudolf Steiner explains the occult significance of this picture by suggesting that Abaddon’s army consists of human beings who have been completely deprived of their ego. Sorat can rule on Earth by populating the empty shells of such people with the spirits that serve him. This infernal army would subject mankind to trials compared to which all the horrors of the twentieth century would pale. Coincidently again, Abaddon is referred to in Revelation 9-11, the same date that is now synonymous with the destruction of the twin towers and the attack on the pentagon.

Sorat is described as the strongest power against good. To accomplish his desire of destroying the earth, Sorat would manifest his evil in the social evolution. The wars and mass murders of our time are evidence of his corruption.

The fanatism and the everyday hatred of man against man are evils often disguised as religious dedication and nationalism. Sorat would bend people to his will by using the influence of leaders, be them political or religious. Sorat’s alleged power lies in the ability to make followers believe that what they do for their fanatic leaders is right. As David J. Hearne says “the goal of this demon is to strip humans of their souls, egos and all goodness.” Sorat could make horrible acts virtually impossible to eradicate once people become unable to recognize actions as evil.

The video of a hostage being beheaded in Iraq is an example of the horror mankind is subject to. It shows how much influence such a leader can have over others. He would stay back from his disciples, as he directs them to behead the hostage. Whenever the men holding the prisoner looked uncertain, the leader would convince them that what they were doing was the just thing. The scene appears to be a struggle between the leader (persuading) and the followers (resisting). The film shows how the power of evil can pervert people’s senses to such a degree that destruction and horror replace the goodness and compassion in their souls.

The seductive powers of darkness act by using people's vulnerability and weaknesses against them. Terrorists claim their actions are for their love of God. Most of them believe that what they are doing is right. Someone who they see as a prophet or a messenger leads them to believe that they act in God’s will. This messenger is trusted and considered more important than their own lives. Sorat would exploit these people to “give their lives for his pleasure in subjecting mankind to horror of the ultimate magnitude,” as mentioned in Hulagu’s Web.

It is difficult to understand why well-intentioned, logically thinking people fall into such traps.  How can one induce another to become a suicide bomber willing to die for some obscure cause and kill other innocent people?  How can the human mind become so clouded and susceptible to such evil and debasing acts?  The answer lies in the fact that many people need something or someone to believe in. Sorat and his progeny would use this weakness to lead those susceptible to their influence. The reasons for their acts are masked, people follow because they need to believe and fail to ask themselves a rational explanation for what they are made to do. Nevertheless, if people saw the true intentions behind these schemes they would not follow. Evil exists as long it disguises itself.

Sorat could only maintain his power by distorting the way people perceive what is good. He would reduce each individual to his level - an entity without soul or conscious. His ultimate objective is to alter the human existence by spreading destruction and misery. Eradicating mercy, benevolence, compassion and humanity (most needed qualities that Christ himself advocated) is the only way Sorat can achieve his goals.


The Nature of Sorat the Sun Demon

Notice that YouTube has censored this video. They definitely do not want you to have access to important spiritual information. We uploaded an audio version on our Substack platform:

Sorat (Sorath) the Sun Demon
This recording was just removed by YT for terms of service violations. We are uploading here because we think it contains important spiritual information.

Every level of the celestial hierarchy has beings who have resolved to remain behind normal evolution, motivated by their own selfish desires. This process of devolution is often called evil and is mistakenly assumed to work against spiritual evolution when, in fact, without this “evil” good would have nothing to “come up against” to stimulate appropriate development. These “fallen” hierarchical beings are generally called the Luciferic hosts, as described in the Christian Bible as the casting out of Lucifer from heaven. These “falls” from grace happen continuously and also can happen to humans as they “fall” from being truly human into animality or transhumanism. Some humans are also tempted by elemental beings to degenerate into animal, plant, and even mineral states of consciousness.

There is tremendous confusion about what Dr. Rudolf Steiner has said about the different types of evil that effect human development. Unfortunately, there are numerous “teachers” who spout Steiner’s indications without adequate research and study and lead people astray. Steiner’s descriptions of Lucifer, Ahriman, Asuras, and the Sun Demon Sorat (also: Sorath) have been rolled up into a ball of confusion by many who have not devoted the requisite 10-20 years of studying Steiner’s opus (over 20 books and 6,000 lectures). Often, a milquetoast version or a cartoon caricature arises that is then taught to people who are just beginning to read and study Anthroposophy, and thus many mistakes are made and nonsense is propagated as Steiner “truths.” This confusion, conflation, confabulation and nonsense has led many people to misunderstand Steiner’s wisdom. In fact, leaders in the Anthroposophical Society and authors writing books for Anthroposophic publishers are not being questioned about their personal interpretations of Steiner’s view of evil. Due to the tremendous amount of evil in the world today, this misguidance is quite dangerous to the unwitting new student of spiritual science.

We have produced intelligence reports on the nature of evil to try to rectify this impending situation, but as evil grows so does the disinformation concerning its true nature. Many pseudo-spiritual scientists are preaching their version of the nature of Lucifer and Ahriman and ignore the evil work of the Asuras and Sorat. The question of whether the being of materialism, Ahriman, has now incarnated in a human body as Steiner indicated is misunderstood. These indications are hotly debated by people who obviously have not read all that Steiner said about Ahriman. Even the human incarnation of Lucifer in China is debated and so confusing that the benefits of Steiner’s wisdom is wasted on misinterpretations of partially informed people. The misdirection of “new versions” of Lucifer and Ahriman are distracting from the more deadly and permanent effects of the Asuras who “take bites out the human being’s ego” that can never be restored. This attack is an invitation to the Sun Demon Sorat to leave the Sun and come to Earth to claim his kingdom prepared by the Asuras.

Evil hides itself purposely to try and convince humans that Evil and Spiritual Good do not exist at all. It is only logical that if Evil exists, so does Good. Unfortunately, many evil humans are happy to host the demonic intentions of the counter-evolutionary forces of the Asuras who work directly for Sorat, not Ahriman. Materialism is the new religion of science and scientists are often possessed by Ahriman and controlled by the Asuras. Scientists and doctors are actively working with evil elemental beings to create inventions that eat the soul and spirit of humans. All types of graphene oxide and polyethylene glycol have been developed by the very Federal agencies that are supposed to be focused on healing but are, in fact, consciously creating evil drugs and medical procedures that create illness and death. This scientific genocide is exactly what Steiner and other spiritual scientists have predicted will create the “war of all against all” and what we generally understand as the apocalypse, the end of evolution. These scenarios are not supposed to happen until the Moon reunites with the Earth in approximately 6,000 years.

Rudolf Steiner warned his followers numerous times that if the forces of materialism, which began in 1840, were to prevail against the forces of the spirit, the apocalypse could appear 6,000 years to early and wipe out the spiritual plan for human evolution. Many have not taken this indication seriously and therefore underestimate what we have recently seen as the global plan to hand human development over to selfish, evil beings (working through humans) whose greatest desire is to end humanity all together. Being naïve to these indications has led many to speculate that humanity is doing fine and in no danger. This is the biggest mistake that humanity collectively can make. Underestimating the power of the Asuras and Sorat leads to human extinction.

How do we counteract this overt attack? We must track the work of demon-possessed scientists and doctors and hold them accountable for premeditated mass-murder and the willful intent to exterminate most of humanity. These possessed individuals from the NIH, CDCP, Big-Pharma, and the WHO know clearly what they are doing but imagine that since they don’t take the deadly medicines, they will be the ones to inherit the world after depopulation. They have fallen prey to believing the “father of lies” that only the elite (who know the secret agenda) will be left to rule the world. These murderers will be wiped out also, just like those they targeted. Evil has no friends. Lucifer and Ahriman hate each other and cannot see the Christ, the Sun Hero who fights directly against Sorat.

Look around and you will see evil, death-dealing “inventions” and “medicines” being discovered every day and no one is monitoring the moral or immoral intent of these inventions. There are literally, thousands of evil medical treatments and scientific inventions that are made to kill humans and yet they are allowed, even though they are not “approved.” Every vaccination in America, according to the drug companies own information, is filled with poisons like graphene oxide and polyethylene glycol and many other carcinogens. Messenger RNA is only known to kill and yet the fascist World Health Organization and its global partners tried to vaccinate the entire Earth’s population with the intent of killing every inoculated “lab rat.”

Lucifer, in our time, can be found active in the astral body of humans. Taming that “Dragon” is the same mission of an initiate who is trying to tame his astral body. The astral body is the entire accumulation of the wisdom of the animal world rolled into the “paragon” of the animal kingdom – the human being. Lucifer would be happy if all humans devolved into animals through extinguishing higher developed human thinking. Lucifer infects human thinking until no life is left and human thinking becomes grey, shadow thinking that replaces healthy human thinking. Artificial intelligence is Lucifer’s thinking working with Ahrimanic machinces.

War and hatred are inspired by Lucifer to help destroy spiritual evolution through evil thinking. Ahriman, on the other hand, is found in the etheric body of the human being as entropy, gravity, illness, old age, and death. The etheric body is levity and the source of life for the human being and the Earth. Ahriman’s materialistic science leads to a cold, dark grave with no hope of an afterlife and finds its home in human feelings – cold, dead, selfish feelings. The Asuras are found outside of the human body trying to get in and destroy the eternal nature of the human ego. Thus, modern materialistic science has created substances that literally eat the eternal nature of the human being in an attempt to annihilate all humans. The Asuras were not supposed to have such power in our time, but science and medicine is ruled by Ahriman who possesses evil humans to be the conduit for new inventions that kill the human spirit. We have revealed these mechanisms in many previous intelligence reports, but few are willing to listen.

Can we stop these evil beings from bringing on the apocalypse 6,000 years early? We believe that consciousness is the most powerful tool in this battle. Bringing the true nature of evil to the attention of a few initiates is all that is necessary.

Forty-eight initiates (4 x12) becoming aware of this evil is the antidote to an accelerated time-line of human evolution that leads to destruction of the human “I Am.”

Sadly enough, two-thirds of humanity will not listen to Steiner’s indications and may be lost to this diabolic plan of evil entities. Shinning light on this nefarious plan is tantamount to defusing it. Evil cannot harm those who have Christ on the throne of their hearts. Ahriman and Lucifer cannot see Christ at all and don’t know yet that they have already been defeated if humans accept the grace, mercy, and divine plan for humanity.

Rudolf Steiner on the Nature of Sorat
Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse, Part One, Lecture I, Munich, April 22, 1907, GA 104A

The number 666, which in Hebrew letters spells “Sorat.” Sorat is also the corresponding word in Greek. Sorat has meant “Demon of the Sun” since ancient times. Every star has its good spirit – its intelligence – and its evil spirit – its demon. The adversary of the good powers of the sun is called Sorat. Christ was always the representative of the sun, namely, the intelligence of the Sun. Sorat is, then, the adversary of Christ Jesus. The sign for Sorat looks like this:

Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse, Part Two, Lecture X, Kristiania, May 19, 1909, GA 104A

When the seventh trumpet sounds forth a kind of blessed state will come upon humanity. Then we come to a repetition of the time when the sun was separated from the earth. The human being, together with the earth, will have advanced to the time when the sun again unites with the earth. The earth will pass over into what is called an astral state. Human beings able to live in the astral world will raise up the finer part of the earth and then be united with the sun. The portion of the earth that has remained coarse will be united with the moon to form a new kind of moon. The kind of conditions prevailing during the Hyperborean age will enter in again, but at a higher stage of evolution. This is characterized by the woman clothed with the sun and having the moon at her feet. The beasts that rise up out of the sea or fall from heaven also belong to this whole stream of evolution that is pictured, as if captured in a moment of time. (Rev. 12:1–13:10)

Zarathustra also referred to the Christ being, who has been working in the central regions of the earth from the event of Golgotha onward. After working on the earth from the sun in earlier times, he has united with the planet earth. It is the power of Christ that has descended from the sun and retrieved the useful part of earthly humanity, uniting it with the sun again. But he has an adversary – every such being has an adversary. Christ is the good spirit, the intelligence of the sun; the adversary is the demon of the sun. Certain forces that are constantly working on the human astral body come forth from the demon of the sun. This demon of the sun is the opponent of the Christ spirit and is called Sorat. Earlier, in cabalistic sections of occultism, the custom of writing letters with numbers prevailed. The letters of the name Sorat, the demon of the sun, have the value 666. In the picture found at Rev. 13:11 – 18 the sun demon becomes visible.

It has two horns like a lamb. The writer of the Apocalypse describes the sign of the beast. Already at the beginning of the Apocalypse he clearly stated he was describing everything in signs and then adds: Wisdom is necessary in order to solve this riddle. In this way, the number of the beast has been explained in occult schools by real experts who do not explain it materialistically. We hear how the worst and coarsest elements are thrown out and how the noblest, spiritualized portion of humanity remains united with the sun. The newly spiritualized human body can then again be a temple for the soul.

Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse, Part Two, Lecture XI, Kristiania, May 20, 1909, GA 104A

When the sun will have again united with the earth, then human beings – through the fact that they will have purified their instincts, desires, and passions – will redeem the luciferic beings. The luciferic beings who do not go on to the Sun remain in their original condition. They then appear as expelled into the evil, lower astral world. This is the ancient snake and it emerges as the first dragon. Therefore, when the earth enters the sun, a dragon appears. But there are yet other beings left behind: such human beings who could not prevent themselves from dropping back into animality, who remain slaves to their animal instincts. While the other human beings go to the sun, these will form an evil power over and against the higher. These form the second monster, and the writer of the Apocalypse says in his exact fashion: The luciferic dragon appears in heaven because he comes from higher worlds; the second beast arises from the sea — this consists of the souls of animalistic human beings who have remained behind.

We have still a third vision, that of the black magicians. They do not remain stuck in animality; they develop spiritual abilities. In full consciousness they have turned away and provide a bodily incarnation for Sorat. That will be the incarnation in flesh of the demon of the sun.

But then we see how the earth emerges from the sun yet again in the future. If the spiritual human beings were to remain united with the sun forever, then the other human beings who, without guilt, had remained behind in animality would never he saved. So, these spiritualized people come forth once more and unite with what has fallen out of evolution in an attempt to save these backward souls. When the earth began its existence as “earth” it had to briefly repeat the Saturn, Sun, and Moon conditions once again. It went through recapitulations of those conditions before it became the present-day earth. Now, when actual earth conditions prevail, it must prophetically mirror the future embodiments of Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan. In this way the earth goes through seven states during its actual earth condition. These states are usually called “rounds.” During the prophetically mirrored Jupiter state, the earth will actually unite with the sun. On this Jupiter-Earth all the great cultural ages will appear again – with the seven intervals between them – but they will be far less sharply delineated. On this Jupiter-Earth, many beings still have the possibility of being saved, even the black magicians.

This will also be the case on the Venus-Earth, when we have a sixth planetary interval. Here also the beings that have remained behind will stubbornly struggle against help; but this Venus-Earth will at last be decisive.

Then, on the Vulcan-Earth, nothing more can be saved. On the Venus-Earth the last moment for salvation has come in the last sub-epoch. That is why the ancient cabalists formed the word “Sorat,” because the number 666 is contained within it. That is also the number of those human beings who, out of their own cunning free will, have become black magicians by placing spiritual forces in the service of their own egotism.

The first dragon is not a human being. It came out of the spiritual world. The second dragon is ascribed to animalistic nature but in a fundamental sense the Bible ascribes this number of the third group to human beings. So, the number 666 is not a sign of the beast but a human number.

The Apocalypse is an outline of the whole of evolution. Venus-Earth is portrayed to clairvoyant sight in such a way that there is not much hope for those left behind. Human powers at that time will not be capable of very much. That is why everything appears so desolate and the worst vices will reign there in the most depraved ways. They must be expelled during the Venus state of the earth. On the Jupiter-Earth there are still many, many who will allow themselves to be saved and who will unite with the sun.

But during the Venus-Earth evil must be overcome and driven into the abyss; that is the “Fall of Babylon.” (Rev. 17–18) The people who have been saved can develop themselves further to a new sun state. What has been cleansed and purified will arise for the Vulcan-Earth.

Human beings today are already creative on the earth. They can force the lifeless forces of nature to serve them. They can build cathedrals, they can sculpt marble. Today they are masters of lifeless nature. Even though Raphael’s paintings of the Madonna are falling to dust, even though the external physical world is passing away, what the human being achieves in terms of art during the evolution of the earth will one day resurrect in a different form. The crystals we see today were once forms worked out by human beings during the old Moon embodiment of the earth, in a way similar to how we create and form artistically today. What the spirits once achieved in infinite ages of time now grows out of the earth; today it rises up. So, too, the matter of Raphael’s Madonnas will also rise up. In the distant future, everything that human beings now create will rise again with the brightness of crystals. The place that humanity has prepared and will find waiting is called the “New Jerusalem” by the writer of the Apocalypse. A new world will arise, inhabitable by human beings who will have achieved the requisite state of maturity. In a new state, in the Jupiter existence, they will find the place where, out of love and out of human work, peace will reign.

The Apocalypse of ST. John, Lecture XI, Nuremberg, June 29, 1908, GA 104

We have then to supply the vowels and it reads: Sorath, Sorath is the name of the Sun-Demon, the adversary of the Lamb. Every such spiritual being was described not only by name but also by a certain symbolical sign.

Now we must understand the writer of the Apocalypse rightly. At the very beginning he makes a remarkable statement, which is usually wrongly translated. The beginning of the Apocalypse runs, however “This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.” “Signified it.” By this we must understand that he gives the important, the real content of the mystery in signs. He has put that which 666 expresses in signs. What he describes is the sign, and he describes it thus (Rev. xiii. 11): “And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb.” These are nothing else than the two strokes at the upper part of the sign, and in order to conceal this he simply calls the two strokes here “horns.” It was always the case in the use of the mystery language that one uses a word in more than one sense so as to make it impossible for the uninitiated to understand without special effort. That which he describes here: “It has two horns like a lamb,” is the symbol of the sun-demon, which in the mystery language is expressed by the word “Sorath,” and this, if we convert the several letters into their numbers is expressed by the four numbers, 400, 200, 6 and 60. This is a very veiled way of expressing 666.

Thus, we see that the writer of the Apocalypse is referring to the adversary of the Lamb. When the earth passes over into the spiritual, the forms of men appear below in such a way that they receive their old animal form. The beast with the seven heads and ten horns appears. But there also appears their seducer, the adversary of Christ, who has the great power to prevent their returning to the sun. Man himself cannot be the adversary of Christ, he can only let slip the opportunity to take the Christ-principle into himself, through what dwells in him as false power; but there is such an adversary, the sun-demon. This appears as soon as there is something that can become his prey. Before the prey is there, before the men are there with the seven heads and ten horns, there is nothing to lead astray, the tempter has nothing to seek there; but when men appear with such inclination, then comes the tempter, and he appears as the second beast and seduces them!

Thus, at the moment when the earth passes over into the astral condition there appears that in man which existed in him when the earth was still clothed with a covering of water. The human animal appears. From the water one sees the beast with seven heads and ten horns raise itself. Through this human animal having left the earth unused, Sorath, the adversary of the sun, the tempter, can now arise out of the earth, through this he can approach man and tear him down with all his might into the abyss. Thus, from this time on we see a being drawing close to man, which has a fearful power! What, then, does this being do in order to lead man into the most horrible things one can think of? For man to be led into what is merely immoral, what is already known to normal man, it did not need this monster which appears as the sun-demon. Only when that which in a good sense distinguishes the beings who bring salvation to the human race, only when spiritual eminence is turned to its opposite, only when spiritual power is placed in the service of the lower “I”-principle, can it bring humanity to the point when the beast represented with two horns gains power over it. The misuse of spiritual forces is connected with that seductive power of the beast with the two horns. And we call this abuse of the spiritual power black magic, in contradistinction to its right use, which is white magic.

Thus, through the separation of the human race there is prepared at the same time the power to attain greater and greater spiritual conditions on the one hand, and thereby to obtain the use of the spiritual forces, and arrive at white magic; while on the other hand abuse of spiritual forces is a preparation for the most fearful kind of power of the two horned beast – black magic. Humanity will finally he divided into beings who practice white magic and those who practice black magic. Thus, in the mystery of 666, or Sorath, is hidden the secret of black magic; and the tempter to black magic, that most fearful crime in the earth evolution, with which no other crimes can be compared, this seducer is represented by the writer of the Apocalypse as the two-horned beast. Thus, there appears on our horizon, so to speak, the division of humanity in the far distant future; the chosen of Christ, who finally will be the white magicians, and the adversaries, the terrible wizards, the black magicians who cannot escape from matter and whom the writer of the Apocalypse describes as those who make prostitution with matter.

Hence this whole practice of black magic, the union which takes place between man and the hardening in matter is presented to him in the spiritual vision of the great Babylon, the community made up of all those who carry on black magic; in the frightful marriage, or rather, unrestrained marriage, between man and the forces of prostituted matter. And thus, in the far future we see two powers confronting each other; on the one hand those who swell the population of the great Babylon, and on the other hand those who rise above matter, who as human beings unite with the principle represented as the Lamb. We see how on the one hand the blackest ones segregate themselves in Babylon, led by all the forces opposing the sun, by Sorath the two-horned beast, and we see those who have developed from the elect, who unite with Christ, or the Lamb, who appears to them; the marriage of the Lamb on the one hand, and that of Babylon, the descending Babylon, on the other! We see Babylon descend into the abyss, and the elect, who have celebrated the marriage with the Lamb, rise to the exercise of the forces of white magic.

And as they not only recognize the spiritual forces but also understand how to operate then magically, they are able to prepare what they possess in the earth for the next planetary incarnation, Jupiter. They sketch out the great outlines, so to speak, which Jupiter is to have. We see the preparatory forms, which are to survive as the forms of the next earth incarnation, as Jupiter, come forth by the power of the white magicians: we see the New Jerusalem produced by white magic. But that which is described as Sorath – 666 – must first be expelled. That which has succumbed to the principle of the two-horned beast, and hence has hardened itself into the beast with the seven heads and ten horns, is driven forth. The power by which the sun-genius overcomes those who are expelled, which drives them down into the abyss, is called the countenance of the sun-genius and the countenance of the sun-genius is Michael, who, as the representative, so to speak, of the sun-genius, overcomes the beast with the two horns, the seducer, which is also called the great dragon. This is represented to the seer in the picture of Michael who has the key, who stands by the side of God and holds the opposing forces chained.

Thus is characterized in the Christian-Rosicrucian esotericism, the casting out of those who belong to 666, and the overcoming of the dragon, the seducer. Thus, before our gaze to-day there appears that which the writer of the Apocalypse has enveloped in mystery, which one must first discover by removing the veil, and of which he says, “Here is Wisdom.” “Let him who hath understanding count the number of the beast” (that is, the two-horned beast); “for this number is 666.”

Why is evil in the world?


Olivetree Waldorf
I am deeply touched by your text. When I encountered the work of Rudolf Steiner in 1989, I felt at that time the urgency of our epoch. Already in my contact with certain members of the Anthroposophical Society, I perceived a gentrification of thought that was out of step with what the times demanded. The years 2010/2014 were a time of revelations for me. The Earth’s agenda was disrupted. Like a false acceleration, a great cosmic cheat was taking place before our blinded eyes. The COVID epic confirmed it. Devious forces are at work, beyond the influence of ahriman and lucifer. These powerful forces of annihilation of the human spirit, preventing the cycle of incarnation, I perceived them in 2012. Their will is to cut off the cycle of spiritualisation of the earth and of humanity. They seem, on our scale, powerful and uncontrolled. It is the announcement of the war of all against all before its time. COVID has sounded the hour of choice for those who still have an ounce of light and freedom. Those who fiercely opposed the needle of universal death. In all this, your text awakens the image of the war of the spiritual worlds. It fills me with the sadness of confirmation of the feeling I have had for so many years. This is not a simple war of civilisations. It is the advanced war against spiritual humanity, against the karmic forces that accompany us, it is the too late hour of choice, in which a large part of humanity cannot make it with the maturity for a free and conscious choice.

Ron Spence
The current spiritual situation we now find in society with the use of black magic tells me that an entity or entities are well versed in the spiritual sciences and the past works of RS, perhaps even belonging at one point to the Anthroposophy movement. Through this person or persons with the control of mammon and using the ahrimanic and luciferian spirits are trying to subvert the predetermined outcome of this epoch. Of course that is what your article is saying in essence. The White magicians must have known this was to happen. Perhaps the time is soon at hand when the White Magicians begin the repulsion of these demons. The brutal truths are out there for all to see and many had to succumb for this awakening to happen. I am sensing these latest exposures and errors being made by these demons will be their ultimate downfall. We are seeing everything through an awakened set of eyes now. Will mankind rise to the challenge?

Ton Majoor
‘Steiner’s descriptions of Lucifer, Ahriman, Asuras, and the Sun Demon Sorat (also: Sorath) have been rolled up into a ball of confusion …’

Sorath, the beast with the two horns, the seducer, is also called the false prophet in Revelation 19 and 20. After this ahrimanic false prophet comes what Steiner called ‘Satan’, the evil Asura or Arche, in an apocalyptic ‘third fall’ (Priest’s Apocalypse, Lecture 11).

Thus, in my view, Sorath would be another name of Ahriman, the adversary of the sun at the end of the 20th. century, but not an Asura.

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