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Losing it
As my health continues to decline, my mind is going with it.  That's why I occassionally make mistakes - not just in spelling but in mixing up concepts and words.  The last (I think) on this site was in confusing "demons" with "Satan".  There have been others.  Then there are the times that I can't post because even that is beyond my abilities, so that it must appear that I disappear for awhile or don't respond.

So my question is this - would you rather I just go away now or would you rather I hang around as long as possible and and make you put up with my goofs?icon_question

Oh GertrudaRose,

 Everyone makes mistakes .There are far more serious goof ups than you have ever presented here.

Why would we want you to leave? I don't want you to leave. Do you want to leave?

As for your illness are you referring to the Menieres?

Hey, everyone puts up with me! We love you to be here. We want you here. Ive never noticed your goof ups. I goof up all the time. So please stay :)


That is a strange request, and I really do not understand, like MN said we all do it, I have not even noticed anything you have said that is a goof up, and the way you are feeling is actually normal, the whole collective consciousness is transforming and so many people feel like they are loosing it.

I cant imagine a person here that would want you to leave.

oCnfusonis happen. To all of us. I would stay. There is no need to be a 100% person. To see,know and accept that you are not perfect is the first step to enlightenment. Usually people pretend to be perfect, which keeps them from getting wise.
"This is life, boy, something we can't fight." - Keith Richard's mother.

"The way up is the way back." - Heraclitus

"Adieu, dit le renard. Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." - Le Petit Prince, chap. XXI

Oh you must stay as long as you are able or want to. We don't want you to leave.

Thanks.  I want to stay as active as possible for as long as possible, including what's left of my brain.  But I don't want to get to the point where everyone goes, Oh, No, not Gertrude again!

MN, I don't have Meniere's.  My neck is all screwed up from spinal surgeries and now scar tissue and muscle spasms are choking off the blood supply to my brain and pressing on nerves like my inner ear.  There isn't anything the medical establishment can do but make me comfortable.  I came close 3 times last winter.  Death does not scare me anymore, it's part of life and that is a terrific point to be because now I'm pretty fearless (this is an interesting topic, for those not afraid to discuss).

On the other hand, I get a lot of relief and more functionality with Pranic healing sessions.  I make the most of my life.  I am happy & cheerful most of the time and I have a marvelous husband and children.

BTW, all medical implants are required to have a tracking device.  I think THAT is a much more interesting topic.  For example - the night my neck started sounding like the Emergency Broadcast System went off in it!

how about you start us off with your experiences on those topics? :) I for one would be fascinated to read about them now you've piqued my interest!

hmm sorry reading that back sounds kinda patronising but I do mean it! haha

Gertruda Rose, you have a great vibe. I should read of what you have wrote before. Beautiful Avanta.

I lost it a long time ago and havent been voted off the island.  :)

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