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The Information Theory of Disinformation
With figures like Alex Jones, and David Icke, it is rather easy to walk away with the impression that they have only a partial view, and that once you've gotten their essence then it is not better to listen to their rhetoric anymore, and get the bad news from an alternative news source that doesn't also specialize in spin of any kind.  And the worst spin is a spin that utilizes some Big Truth but not ALL of it, so that we have a severe imbalance and handicap, especially as hard as they hit with their huge alt-media presence, or rather simply huge media presence, period.

Throw in the partial views of others like Ventura, and others who are supposedly just good old outsiders who looked in and "saw some stuff" that woke them up (at least partly), and one sees a simple pattern.  Why do they wake up only so far, and not further?  Is not THE TRUTH of a whole and not able to be divided in truth?

So they hearken our minds to the notion at least of a partial awakening with a major blockage which will probably pollute the result in at least a large scale way, if not in ways peculiar to each and every person who encounters it. 

The other aspect of the issue is that they hearken our mind to that, and not less than that, in a world where 'partiality of perception of Truth', leading to corruption into mere 'truth' and partialities of even that, is the norm of manipulation by those who craft such schemes of manipulation, and this cannot be taken lightly at all.  Yet these partial "Truther" types, they really simply can't face this fact clearly, since they are so insistent that their little part of the Truth is sufficient, and to go further is either ridiculous or unnecessary.  They end up making each other look ridiculous from the vantage points of each other's partial paradigms, and as a whole they make Truth Research look like a tin foil hat party even more than tin foil hat party-goers themselves do, because they enlarge and systematize the crucial weakness that a disinformation victim has to overcome, and which otherwise make him a perfect target for pre-arranged scenarios of character assassination, and even spiritual assassination as well.

Therefore, those who dye their minds in these systems of perspective seem to jump on a ship which may be destined, psychopsiritually, to sink hard and fast, and in very cold and evil waters.

So if they don't have a TOTAL system, which has declared axioms that are no where contradicted, then I can't say much for them.  And if it turns out that they do have such axioms buried in their concatenations of facts and interpretations and inferences, then it is really these which must be analyzed in order to get a real register or their partiality on the higher level of system analysis.

If they pretend to eschew system, that is really not our concern, because they always have a tacit system, and daring to deny it would be a sort of interesting indication in and of itself.

So we look at their major axioms, assumptions, ground floor/lower basement beliefs, etc, as one level of the issue.  The other level is their domain of accepted and recognized facts, whether self-investigated and thoroughly researched, or else simply as entertained possibilities meriting such treatment, possibly, whether or not by their own expertises. (yes, it is the plural, I checked...  Undecided )

So the minimally adequate treatment is to look at what each contributes in these areas, and in what way each is partial to excluding the contributions of others (first), and then in what ways they seem to be simply blind to things they may or may not have heard of, and how that all fits in together into a META-disinformation package from the point of view of any interested parties who do manipulation work of the mass mind and of individuals.  How might the partialities of these individuals be used against those who would otherwise awaken to more truth?

So at the basic level, we are well-advised to formulate our own axioms, and research facts on our own efforts in order to glimpse, and come closer to Absolute Truth.

This will include encountering others who have been involved in a similar process, and will not preclude looking at what they are doing and what they have gathered together.

We analyze all that information into a coherent whole and ask ourselves whether or not we have found any disturbances in the flow of information which can detected in the process beyond what might be reasonably expected from our already-gathered information, or axioms of analysis and their resultant analyses of that information, and our intuitions, and so on.  

This includes "every move that is made" by all involved, everything.  It includes everything that is left out, everything that is exaggerated whether over or under.  Every thing about the effects they have on each other and each other's followings (and even that they have followings...).  How they treat their own presumed followings, their own presumed opponents, the information which we ourselves have when it is presented to them:  is it really a blind spot, or a resistance?

If it is a resistance, what kind?  Witting?  Unwitting?  Conscious and logical (but fallacious), or valid?  Is it because they have unconscious issues, since all other rational attempts to explain their resistance make no sense based on all that is known about them and about what we have discovered?

All facts, including their backgrounds, their associations, their temperament, their character, their education, their spiritual positions and even the way it feels listening to them talk, or the look in their eyes, or the cadence of their voices.  We take into account their changes in these regards, the reasons for them, especially the ones they supply themselves, their attitudes about each others' and everyone else's approaches likewise.

And we end up with a sense that the manipulation of minds and its depth may run so deeply, that even a complete and manifested and accurate assessment of the world by an Awakened Christ would not put a dent in the manipulation going on. That is my view. Humans are hard core robots, and I got that impression from a life of being different from them with respect to truth, and especially Truth.  All levels, strata, walks, of human have shown me they either are robots simply, or else they are someone who seems to have an unwholesome stake in this fact that most are, and so are bemused at the existence of someone who is not, and usually contemptful in a way indicative of a confirmation of this very fact.  The specific nature of the entities in question is indicated by the immoral traits of their consciousness on matters of mind manipulation, i.e., whatever their appearance or manifestation modality, they are "children of the liar".  You'll have to meet one first hand to know just how comfy they are in that role.  They also, I'll add, feel fully justified in their exploitations, because as one has confessed to me (upon my pestering him long enough), "It is because we want it and they submit to it, period".

Regardless of that, you would be able to virtually deduce the existence of such beings on the evidence of the carnage that is the histories which have no doubt shown only the surface of their evil, just as the modern day skein of evidence is largely heavily doctored up by all manner of mind-influencing modalities and simple "Truth Ministering" and "Evidence Engineering" that they do.  For a beautifully constructed analogy, look into cinematic art!  I'll give a link to my youtube channel here, where I get especially into the matter, although I have only collected the material, mostly, and have yet to fully analyze it for exposition to others:  Link   Here I'm specifically referring to "The Adjustment Bureau".

So with these Big Truthers, realize that the BIG TRUTH is way bigger than any of them, and also all of them put together, and also all the rest of us.  It is the disinformation concerning it that we are uncovering, for contrary to Democritus, the Truth does not like to hide (he called it "nature"), but in fact there are plenty of people and other things in this world who LOVE to HIDE IT.

[This section has a lot of threads about Alex Jones and others, but it seems it would be more economical for browsing and research to create subsections, if possible, containing all threads about each particular worker: An AJ section, an Icke section, a Hicks section, etc.  Just a suggestion.]

So I'm suggesting a general approach that is "no holds barred" in that the individual is, alone responsible for the result. Therefore the first task of the Truthful Analyst is to recognize what are the primary facts of his world, and the primary understandings that he has of it and get to be quite honest with himself about how he handles this.

I have a systematic and quite "systems" approach, and I have a very methodological aspect to all of this which is founded on a basis in my own philosophic work, which itself had always been going on since I was a little kid (I "kid" you not), but which has become what it has become through a long life of applying myself to "Truth Research" in all sorts of special fields, and finally getting to the deeper "philosophy of life" issues that inevitably integrate Big History, Big Religion, Big Academia (including philosophy), and all the other "Bigs" into one big pile that has to be coherently analyzed in order to make sense of the problems which keep arising.  It was worthwhile to note those problems and track them over time, by the way, and to study them in detail (the problem of evil, the problem of falsifiable histories and cultures built upon falsifiable mores and norms, etc).  If one does a lot of this sort of sittin', readin', and thinkin', one can bounce into all sorts of loose ends where it seems someone in history was just TOO FRICKIN' LOUD about SOMETHING CONTROVERSIAL and so he couldn't be expunged from it (yet).  Or else there was someone so CONTROVERSIAL about something SO STATUS QUO that her impact couldn't be erased.  These things have to be noted.  Our reaction to a Nietzsche or a Joan d'Arc cannot be but part of the great issue, since we are implicated in all the ways Truth is revealed, or in which it is covered up.

I have to say I'm pleased to see so much active and aggressive, and even merciless (but sensible) investigation into all these matters on this forum especially.  i would have gotten in here earlier had I not been whisked about on various other episodes of a personal nature which prevented me from realizing what was going on.  I was quite in the middle of my research and was spread too thin, just to the point of critical lapse in information flow. 

So keep in mind, if it was merely that which took me this long to notice the forum which noticed me, imagine how long it takes people who are busy trying to find the Real Truth from getting to some crucial piece of information or experience which would better pave their way to it... That is where the disinformation war is.  So the minimal thing we can say about the information/disinformation entities out there is that we each have our own role to play in that process as well, even if it means that we will find we are time and again up against a wall of limited resources of all kinds.

My method, per se, is something like this:

1) Notice everything that is experienced, especially things which seem to hide or be hidden from notice, and take due note of anything which clamors too much for it, in that it does just that.

2) Collect what is salient by all my best judgments including intuitions, feelings, interests, and cognition in all modalities, left hemispherical, right hemispherical, and other.

3) Assimilate this data as I see fit to ensure it is manageable, so that life is somewhat livable and tolerable in the midst of it, yet never in such a way that the process so far is subordinated to the vicissitudes of my personal life (but manage this so that these are acknowledged in their conflict, for whatever Truth they may reveal, even if "only" about me...)

4) Research all available research before they prohibit it.  Read books by the ton where they seem to bear on my interests, even if it is "before" I reach the stage of explicit disinformation analysis.  If it is true that this was always going on, then it was true even before you found out, and if all you had to keep you going was all anyone has at first, interests in subjects, in activities, etc, (like normal robots), then that is simply what you have to start with. You are to count yourself honored if in this later phase of research you didn't "sell out" and become like those who had no soul to sell anyway:  A mere dilettante, a mere clerk, a mere turnkey and system-slave.  Now that you KNOW something is up, research as much as you can, as thoroughly as you can, within your assimilation regime, modified according to what is most pressing or salient at any given time.  Think of it as being comfortable in your own skin, and being sensitive to the various pressures and tipping points like you are doing information JUDO.

5) Find your Spiritual Truth, and make sure it is NEVER at odds with THE TRUTH.  Find that also, and if you can't do that straight away, find out how others have attempted to do that, because many have throughout history.

6) Persist in these endeavors, never faulting yourself unduly, since if you have reached this point you have already done far, far more than most would ever do in your position, and by this alone you have surpassed most of humanity in regards any merits, mundane or Spiritual.

7) Most importantly, never forget the Sincerity of children, and never forget to emulate it.  Never forget the honesty your ignorance of many things forced upon you, and always endeavor to be Sincerely Honest.  Nothing you find out or realize will matter if you lose this.  It is where all this starts and it must be a polished fact of "who you are" before it ends.

By doing this over and over and long enough, you'll see "who is who and what is what" out there in the fields of information and disinformation, enough at least to keep your toes pointed in the right direction!
~ ++ Hanc Defendemus ++ ~

MetaOntosis, thank you for the generous and brilliant contributions to wider human readership on your blog and YouTube channel as well as posting your methodologies and musings on this forum. 

You have captured the quest of HCF which changed from being a place to share and support the Swerdlow's techniques, to outing them, to galloping across the Truther landscape trying to sus out deceivers. Yes, there have been few torch-bearing witch hunts here as well but unfortunately they have turned out to have been well founded...(sigh).


"So they hearken our minds to the notion at least of a partial awakening with a major blockage which will probably pollute the result in at least a large scale way, if not in ways peculiar to each and every person who encounters it" (MetaOntosis). 

It's hard to know for sure due to wading through great confusion and deceipt, but my understandings are leading me to ponder "the power of consensus." It seems the ET/ED's are following their own "sicko" moral code (cough...cough) i.e. Satanists have to kill a baby in a certain way, following certain rules. They have to notify us of anything they're about to do in advance etc. Why on Earth do they have to do this? Certainly they have the might to do whatever they want to us without notifying us? It seems hollow and insipid.

I'm sure it speaks to what they must do to remain in power amongs other dubious, debauched peerage. i.e. the Reptilians whose fragile alliance with the Mantids and Plaeidians requires that a certain protocol be adhered to. The first second an opportunity presents itself the Mantids and or the Plaeidians will be off in a flash trying to overthrow the other.

THEIR obscene "inversion of the good" code of conduct is a show not only to their peerage but a taunting to a the benevolent, virtuous, "divine" ones operating above this sewer. (Who are in some kind of la la land themselves). I'm not joking and (((IT'S))) earned my resentment and contempt. The way I would judge a parent who would allow their child to continue to be harmed without stepping in.

 Now, I wanna know...what the h*ll is going on up there? Lots and lots of impotent, weirdness I suspect and I've been trying to get to the bottom of it for some time. The beeps, a-bomb-level-pressure changes, sleep attacks etc. happen every time I post something about that topic. I barely care who's speaking truth or not any more. They're either on the take or mind controlled. I want some accountability from the mess upstairs.

...seems "divinity" plays hardball too. (Sorry I got off topic but you've gotta admit (((they))) as the "SUPERIOR" forces have much to answer for, e.g. I have a child: Would I allow all sorts of unfair, sadistic, mischief to befall her if I had the chance to protect her? The answer is obvious. Why then, cannot the "superior" level get its sh*t together to rescue us? I have no doubt there are plenty of suffering, truly innocent beings being tortured here and still? We're still here. So, I'm all about "hop hop hoping on the divinity trail" to see what's cookin' in that rabbit hole.

(12-25-2014, 11:01 PM)Elizabeth Wrote:
THEIR obscene "inversion of the good" code of conduct is a show not only to their peerage but a taunting to a the benevolent, virtuous, "divine" ones operating above this sewer. (Who are in some kind of la la land themselves). I'm not joking and (((IT'S))) earned my resentment and contempt. The way I would judge a parent who would allow their child to continue to be harmed without stepping in.

 Now, I wanna know...what the h*ll is going on up there? Lots and lots of impotent, weirdness I suspect and I've been trying to get to the bottom of it for some time. The beeps, a-bomb-level-pressure changes, sleep attacks etc. happen every time I post something about that topic. I barely care who's speaking truth or not any more. They're either on the take or mind controlled. I want some accountability from the mess upstairs.

...seems "divinity" plays hardball too. (Sorry I got off topic but you've gotta admit (((they))) as the "SUPERIOR" forces have much to answer for, e.g. I have a child: Would I allow all sorts of unfair, sadistic, mischief to befall her if I had the chance to protect her? The answer is obvious. Why then, cannot the "superior" level get its sh*t together to rescue us? I have no doubt there are plenty of suffering, truly innocent beings being tortured here and still? We're still here. So, I'm all about "hop hop hoping on the divinity trail" to see what's cookin' in that rabbit hole.

I've had the same feelings from time to time.  I have to allow my mind to do what it wants to do in order to for it to remain stable, and sometimes it seems to demand that I let it cycle through various doubts, and even some really dark worldviews which enable some rather unpleasant thoughts.

The world, as it seems, is actually pretty horrific.  Even leaving out the things going on behind the scenes, or just out of most people's awareness rather, there is a lot of evil.  All the facts we can enumerate are quite horrific.  But I'm talking about the personal stuff, rather.  Just looking back at childhood, the abusive, dysfunctional family, the criminal attacks on my family members, the bullying in school by both students and some teachers, the horror of the institutional environment that was school in general, the bad food and water, the mesmerizing developmental phases of the body and its brain/mind, the way these led to deepenings and complexification of the torture already accumulated.  Then the development of the ego into an ambitious, risk taking, arrogant, wanderlusting, dream-obsessed and delusional, fixated and fascinated slave to the world of objects and appearances as well as its own thoughts and ideas, then the horrors of discovering what people "really were all along" (androids without decency or rationality, or morality, and certainly no love of truth).  

All that right there, leaving out even the level of evil which we know is minimally true from a superficial point of view, namely the secret societies and special interests.  Just that right there is hellish enough.  Then take the religions, and their ideas.  We have to look at all possibilities, and acknowledge and observe the possible world where that is all there is, and then just space and an arbitrary existence.

There are some who have this, and they find some coping mechanism and just stay right in that paradigm.

If we use that as a model, we are able to see some patterns at least.  If that is minimally true, then the mind creates its own heavens and hells, with the help of a world that, at large and pervasively, is a helpless construct for the minds in it which are sadomasochistic fetishists of a hopeless and temporary existence.  A Buddhist interpretation of the world has interesting merits in such a "bare bones" hell.

If we add bits and pieces which we have so far intentionally underplayed, then for each positive we get a negative.  Add technological progress so that improvement of conditions are possible at the human level and above.  We now can extend lives, improve their quality, control the environment, improve our DNA, etc and so on.  We have many ways we could directly improve our brains' and bodies' architecture and so forth.  Just take that in the abstract, leaving out the question of to what degree, who's in fact able or not and what type of people they are, whether or not other life forms have already done it, what sort of beings they are, etc.

With this improvement possible at the human level, we see why it is so unique in just about every worldview, including every spiritual worldview that there is it seems.  The "Sapient" being is a mental/moral echelon that is discretely above the rest, as demonstrated in this domain as barely stated.  But we see of course that for all these advancements many evils can usurp their potential and make things worse, as they have.  Nevertheless, even if we keep our worldview reduced to just this, we still have all the actors in the world we see right now, including you and me.  It shows that even in a minimalist, evilish universe, there are Good Beings in it, who at the very least represent perhaps the most odd thing there can be in such a universe.  This is the "problem of goodness".  In a purely evil and/or amoral/chaotic universe with orderly evolution that has no conscience, beings with conscience and virtuousness have arisen.

Where we go with this is clear, even in that minimal, near nihilistic scenario.  We sustain an idealistic capacity to process these higher values, and strive for a sustaining of it even in the most adverse conditions.  We never seem willing to give up.  The evil beings (normal in this scenario) don't give up because they are the norm.  Our persistence is, like our very existence, a marvel by comparison, and is just as strange here as is the manifestation of evil in an ideal universe.

So we have that starting point for further thought experimentation.  

We can go further and ask ourselves, why does reality manifest in this way, even if we don't start with mentalist idealism.  Why does energy "harden" into mass? Why does it develop mind?  Why does this develop higher mind and morality?  Why does most of the higher minded of a given species not obtain morality and conscience of a true sort, and get it second hand from a few divine specimens each generation, per every 10,000 of the "normals"?

It seems a fair question to ask.  In this circumstance, one wonders whether any species, anywhere would ever have a majority like us, rather than like the majority we have here.  If so, what would they spend their time doing over the eons?  Maybe they'd notice that they are as rare in the cosmos as we are in our world.  Then they'd probably conspire against the "normal universe".  They'd be the Cosmic and Ultimate Luciferians.

If that is what is out there, then we can give them a moment of silence and think of them, in a universe no less bleak then ours, yet more profoundly surrounded by that bleakness, because they can see it so much more clearly and are no less surrounded by it on their scale.  Indeed, they have an entire planet or system of planets that is well formed with Good Beings, and they are vulnerable to a preponderantly evil-evolving universe.  So they may themselves wonder how many star systems are like theirs, likewise surrounded and vulnerable.   Some are being pillaged to their last planet and brutalized just as Gnostic communities have been here on earth, no doubt.

But I like to think that when a critical mass is reached on such a planet, it cannot be overtaken by outsiders at all because there is a sort of magic to how superior they become with all technology, and they perhaps discover a "Spiritual Technology" which lets them connect to a Really Existing higher reality.  They are then in a unique position to understand why they have had to be such a rarity here, and why they had so many struggles and sufferings and close calls.  They even have the power to leave this universe perhaps, and yet remain as a sort of waystation between the Higher and here.  Perhaps this exists, since on earth WE exist.

And from our own histories, it seems that Light Beings have had massive gatherings and have been on the verge of accomplishing some things, and sometimes have disappeared rather than merely being slaughtered.  Perhaps even some stories of their slaughter are LIES to cover up events which demonstrate some shameful impotence on the part of the worldly beings.  Perhaps a mass evacuation occurred, or a successful annihilation of enemy forces and then a disappearance or holing up somewhere.  Or perhaps their extinction occurred, but perhaps their Higher Minds were able to flee to better destinies via nearby rescue craft.  These things all seem possible, even if a Higher Dimension of Goodness doesn't exist, and just letting a most excellent planetary system be the best possible world in this universe.  Even if we can't allow for subtle bodies, and even if we don't accept idealist metaphysics of mind, it seems that there are minimally heavenly places in this otherwise ugly cosmos, just like there are beautiful people, places and things in this world, albeit tortured and exploited.

(All this leaves in waiting the issues of protocols and the interactions between these beings at advanced levels, which in our minimalist worldview would be "in the heavens above")

If these thoughts have plausibility, then it makes sense according to many myths.  And the "hells below" take on a richer meaning, which many have already alluded to (it is more sheltered from invading/attacking Light Beings).

If this is going on, it will be consistent with our observations so far.  If it doesn't happen, then the universe just gets bleaker than it is if we allow evil to evolve but not good.  But if it does happen that Good beings have strong purchase somewhere, then our worldview improves to a certain reasonable position which is not merely a fantasy in very conceivable possible worlds.

If on an individual level, a person can enrich himself against the odds, and be like many polymaths and saints the world has already seen, or a civilization here and there that was able to progress greatly compared to others, then that may represent what a person can do.  We will be better off trying to accomplish in a personal way what those civilizations and superlative individuals represent, rather than becoming defeatist, even if the cosmos at large doesn't actually support Great Light civilizations on a planetary scale and above.  if that is true, that didn't stop Great Civilizations and Great Beings from defying the evil orders anyway.  Indeed, nothing is Nobler in that case, and nothing, frankly, better resembles the Glorious Lucifer in His pure and unadulterated form.  This is what "The Great Light" really means, minimally.  And even minimally, it is Glorious.

So then with this minimum, we can contemplate the question of: what if there ARE Great Light civilizations in the cosmos on the planetary scale or above?

And then we can contemplate what if there are Great Light DIMENSIONS... or UNIVERSES.  Beyond this, there is metaphysics.  If metaphysics is thinkable beyond the question of the largest experienceable unit of "manifest" reality, then we may ask if it is directly proportional to what we see here, or if it is inversely proportional.  I suspect that the larger the scale of existence, for it to have a coherent unity, it must be Good, or else it will be dead or nonexistent, given the way evil shows its nature.  So on the whole scale of ultimate reality, if it is really thinkable, then it is to me thinkable only as Truly Good and impervious to evil "as a whole".

That leads to the question of how any universe can get this bad.  Then again, what if this universe is only a pocket dimension of a real and better universe, hidden in a warp of the normal Real Universe, and in here, many evils happen over a course of time unchecked by the normal Good Authority, because like a household in which abuse goes on that society would put a halt to if it knew, they don't Know in detail, or can't reach it with efficacy, because this "warp" just happens to be a limit case where there is a defect in reality, and "souls" as we would call them were sucked into it.

What if in this way, Alice fell down a rabbit hole?  There was a "warp" effect, it was curious, it was perhaps unique in their universe, she explored it, and got stuck in it.  But her being was whole, so "we", the souls in here, feel ourselves as if we were already here and embedded, but in fact we were never "in here" more than we were and still are "in her", our Real Being of which we are a part.  In that universe, they are rescuing her hand, and that takes time to do carefully.  If their universe has an "excellent normality" then this must be quite traumatic for them.   They may even wonder "how could this happen to our Alice?!  How could such a freak thing exist?!".  Nevertheless it seems to exist, and they must correct this anomaly. 

But in here, it looks like Space Opera, because we are in a warped distortion of Being-in-Part, when normally a unified Being is Mind throughout, and no part is "lesser", yet some parts are subordinate or differentiated, and we may perhaps be glad that her head didn't fall in the hole, just her foot or hand!

But it seems this thing happened.  Maybe she was having a "science experiment" on her level.  But I suspect that what makes life worth living for us here, maintaining our idealism, is what makes us "survive this place" in a metaphysical way, because that is a normal sign of health in their universe, since Absolute Good Mind is the norm their, and no part that is recovered without this will be considered a recovered part.  So to be recovered, we must remain recoverable in the proper sense! As numerous accounts have claimed for various reasons, time there must be different than time here, just as consciousnesses and their contiguous and continuous relations must be differently ordered and on a different scale altogether than what is here (which is clearly a chaos, with mutilated reflections of the Higher Order from which it is a distorted warp anomaly).  No death here, nor suffering, is worse than losing "who we are" in this Higher Sense, whether or not there is a Higher-to-Lower account of our Being, and even if it is that we are the Good Anomaly in a normally evilish universe.  Either way, it is Best for us to be as we are, ideally, as best we can!

So we have our idealism justified by those who have come before us, by our own lights and preferences, and by possibilities for improvement within our universe, and possibly beyond it (in various scenarios, variously conceived).  We have that no matter, it seems, how we look at this mess.

As to how the mess began, its seems it cannot be stranger that it happens and has limits for the Good Universe in how they have to resolve it than that, otherwise, it is just we that strangely happen in our forlorn state in this evilish universe within its own petty normality!  Yet, minimally, we assuredly do exist.  So it seems to be a possibility of merit to consider that the Better Reality Exists Truly, yet we are delayed or limited in the way and rate at which we can reach it from here.  These converge in an overlap of strangeness-yet-isness that we may stabilize our wits around because this is seemingly an unavoidable fact no matter how we think about it.

But it seems that it is not merely abstractly thinkable.  There are very concrete examples which correspond to all these aspects of interpretation of our condition, in real life and in art.  There is a book called "A Boy Called "It"" which gives a rather compelling account of a "rescue mission", and there is also plenty of cinema showing how these things look from both sides.

But as to how it must look from the Higher Side... It must look much more temporary than it looks "in here"... just as the past looks much less painful to the mind of the "future, present tense", and it looks much less real, and it is "already gone" no matter how long it lasted.  What makes that non-trivially relevant is how that implies a metaphysical transformation so that even the issue of what went on here will be resolved into a healed state that literally cannot remember this place, just as we, if from there and into here, cannot remember well where we are from.  And just as all this seems quite horrific while it goes on, something transcends it to the point that even now we can conceive an intuition telling us that once free of here this will be fully remedied.  And this leaves evil beings in a desperate and unenviable position.  Time is not the Devil's friend.

Just as the horror of this place is only temporary for us, the life of this anomaly is temporary.  Just as our recovery will be eternal, the extinction of this place and its dependents will be also.  And that it must occur at the end of time, and that time ends, are certain if this universe, or this pocket within a universe, is spurious.  It makes by degrees when we progressively think it from minimalist conditions to a high point within them, and then we can idealize beyond that boundary to Higher Domains where Good is norm rather than evil, and those must last longer and be more stable for mental existences as existence itself approaches a metaphysical scale of unity, which is too vast to be fractured and still be a unity, and therefore if it is mental, the mentalities must be moral and not fragmented, morally demented.  And so there is a hope for metaphysical consolation even if we stay minimalist in our philosophical thought, but we feel justified to think larger than this, because we can, and because it pleases us, and refreshes and motivates us, and because if it is true, then this is the way to be to ensure our reconnection with it in the best cases, even if it is just some nicer aliens coming along and wrecking this crappy place any eon now.  :)
~ ++ Hanc Defendemus ++ ~

Thank you, Sleepy this is very comforting, there's no sense in getting lost in hell or in losing the best part of ourselves here. I do hope you're backing up ALL of your writings to your blog (as well as printing them out). 

Perhaps this post in particular could be a preface to your book; certainly a gem that deserves to be published properly. HaHa...

"That leads to the question of how any universe can get this bad.  Then again, what if this universe is only a pocket dimension of a real and better universe, hidden in a warp of the normal Real Universe, and in here, many evils happen over a course of time unchecked by the normal Good Authority, because like a household in which abuse goes on that society would put a halt to if it knew, they don't Know in detail, or can't reach it with efficacy, because this "warp" just happens to be a limit case where there is a defect in reality, and "souls" as we would call them were sucked into it.

What if in this way, Alice fell down a rabbit hole?  There was a "warp" effect, it was curious, it was perhaps unique in their universe, she explored it, and got stuck in it.  But her being was whole, so "we", the souls in here, feel ourselves as if we were already here and embedded, but in fact we were never "in here" more than we were and still are "in her", our Real Being of which we are a part.  In that universe, they are rescuing her hand, and that takes time to do carefully.  If their universe has an "excellent normality" then this must be quite traumatic for them.   They may even wonder "how could this happen to our Alice?!  How could such a freak thing exist?!".  Nevertheless it seems to exist, and they must correct this anomaly. 

But in here, it looks like Space Opera, because we are in a warped distortion of Being-in-Part, when normally a unified Being is Mind throughout, and no part is "lesser", yet some parts are subordinate or differentiated, and we may perhaps be glad that her head didn't fall in the hole, just her foot or hand!"(... and this...)

"And so there is a hope for metaphysical consolation even if we stay minimalist in our philosophical thought, but we feel justified to think larger than this, because we can, and because it pleases us, and refreshes and motivates us, and because if it is true, then this is the way to be to ensure our reconnection with it in the best cases, even if it is just some nicer aliens coming along and wrecking this crappy place any eon now" MetaOntosis.  :)

Well said.
"And we end up with a sense that the manipulation of minds and its depth may run so deeply, that even a complete and manifested and accurate assessment of the world by an Awakened Christ would not put a dent in the manipulation going on. That is my view. Humans are hard core robots, and I got that impression from a life of being different from them with respect to truth, and especially Truth.  All levels, strata, walks, of human have shown me they either are robots simply, or else they are someone who seems to have an unwholesome stake in this fact that most are, and so are bemused at the existence of someone who is not, and usually contemptful in a way indicative of a confirmation of this very fact.  The specific nature of the entities in question is indicated by the immoral traits of their consciousness on matters of mind manipulation, i.e., whatever their appearance or manifestation modality, they are "children of the liar".  You'll have to meet one first hand to know just how comfy they are in that role.  They also, I'll add, feel fully justified in their exploitations, because as one has confessed to me (upon my pestering him long enough), "It is because we want it and they submit to it, period" (MetaOntosis).

(12-26-2014, 03:01 PM)Elizabeth Wrote: Thank you, Sleepy this is very comforting, there's no sense in getting lost in hell or in losing the best part of ourselves here. I do hope you're backing up ALL of your writings to your blog (as well as printing them out). 

Perhaps this post in particular could be a preface to your book; certainly a gem that deserves to be published properly. HaHa...
Thank you for saying this.  I think the way your spliced it down did give it a "bookey bookey, readey readey" feel.  I think that the results of such an endeavor are somehow ambiguous for me.  I like the idea of reaching a proper audience with something worth saying, but I don't like the idea of putting too much faith in that.  If I try to distill what I'm talking about into a proper, readable book, it takes me away from the research I'm doing, which is very frustrating for me.
I used to only do two things, think, and around the right person, talk.  The only other thing I'd do is read, but I didn't read as much as would have benefited my thinking, and according to one person I accepted as a mentor for a while, it made my talking difficult to endure also.  So I took him up on his advice, and began reading a lot more, reading primary source material in all the fields in which I had an interest. I also began writing a lot, and I mean a LOT.  I now have in my possession a lot of data which I've accumulated, most of which is a distillation and rewriting of a Duffel bag nearly crammed full of notes.  I'm glad episodes of homelessness here and there forced me to perform these distillations, as it enabled me to learn something about the alchemy of "individual culture".

I wouldn't have reread much of these writings if I hadn't gone through this, and in some cases, the notes were so old, and my cursive so bad then, that I couldn't make out some of what I was writing!  I had to go on intuition, remembering that I wrote it in such and such a place, in such a such time of my life, with such and so ink because of such and such reason.  That's what gave me the gist in some places (besides the context of other notes).  But I did go through the effort and distilled what I could.  This made me reassess and either preserve, transform, or dismiss what I had created.  I had the authority to do this, I thought, because I issued these things, and so I am the sole guarantor of their meaning and value.  This is what enabled me to ritually distill what I could and to then take the remains and ritually annihilate them. This made things easier in moving forward, and made me more realistic about my writing process, just as my writing process made me more efficient in my thinking process.  

It helped to do a lot of reading also, as the community of ideas which exists is useful as a lexical index even if it isn't the be-all end-all of the thought to be done on its topics.  I had only to attend college for four years to witness this fact first hand during my interactions with the professors and other students (most of whom were, in their actions and their work, ethically and intellectually deficient, even just as students, to say nothing of prospective scholars in their fields of choice.).
So I got to the point of thinking I'd make a hand manual which dynamically distilled all my previous work, and I'm talking a Grimoire d' Enchiridion.  

But this is hard to do well while busy with research, and many other activities as befit a nobleman (I mean ideally speaking, and not in the parlance of the faux pas creatures which pass for this in the world, who are demons serving devils, usually).
But this is still the goal.  It wouldn't be readable or appropriate for someone else.  After creating that successfully, I'll start creating some works for others with the view toward their influence.  If I don't look after my own project's completion first, I'll doom the whole thing in my mind, as I get little satisfaction from the thought of doing much else, and until it is finished, I won't be much for the other things.  It is, however, like building the Tower of Babel at this time... but not nearly as well under weigh! (love me some archaic forms, I do!).
One day I will search out and compile all my internet verbiage just as I did with almost all of my physical notes.  It is hard to do that and also keep taking in new input, especially while surrounded by what is basically SKID ROW elements and their patrons.  Sad
~ ++ Hanc Defendemus ++ ~

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