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Are alien UFO fleets protecting Barack Obama?
Special Report by Michael Cohen

A number of unusual photographs and videos have surfaced showing unusual orbs or discs either circling or flying past Obama rallies and events. Michael Luckman, a New York UFO researcher has compiled a list of these occurrences: One high quality video was filmed showing what appeared to be flying silver orbs at the October 4th Obama/Springsteen concert and rally, another UFO was filmed and seen by thousands in Colorado, a UFO was photographed at a Nevada rally and finally Orbs were photographed at Obama's Chicago victory rally.

This has led some Ufologists to speculate that Obama is being guarded by fleets or squadrons of UFO's. 'Being the nation’s first African-American presidential candidate for a major party initially and now the first African-American President-elect, soon to be President, there are many nutcases out there who would be feeling threatened' one expert commented. 'Sadly, this nation has a pretty racist past and the old Jim Crowe laws existed in the lifetimes of many still around today. The Ku Klux Klan is still active and the idea of a black man as President is obviously creating waves of shock amongst America's extreme racist fringe'.

Already a few attempts to assassinate the president have been foiled. 'Yep: sadly Obama is going to need that extra bit of protection. There are plenty of guns out there and some are in the hands of hard-core racists and white-supremacists.' our expert continued. many ufologists believe that Aliens find our petty racist squabbles primitive. 'If a civilisation has the technology to travel through vast distances of space, literally millions upon millions of miles it would probably have evolved to the point that such petty tribal rivalries have been long forgotten. Aliens probably would love to make themselves known to humanity but realise that we are simply too primitive to deal with them.' one Ufologist we interviewed commented. 'Our gut reaction would be to fire at them: that could be disastrous, if they can travel all the way to earth they could probably crush us as we could an ant'.

Nevertheless it is believed that some contact with aliens is taking place at the highest 'above top secret' levels. The previously hushed up Roswell incident came to light thanks to well known UFO researcher Stanton Friedman. Friedman claims that in July 1947 a UFO crashed near the Town of Roswell, New Mexico and Alien bodies, some still alive were retrieved and taken to a secret base known as 'Area-51' to be studied. The UFO is said to have been used in reverse-engineering projects. Since then a number of very high profile Americans and others have come forward and testified to US Government contact with alien visitors. The most recent being that of Edgar Mitchell, who was part of the Apollo 14 mission and the sixth man to walk on the moon. Other high profile acknowledgements of this phenomenon have come from the likes of former President Jimmy Carter and Paul Hellyer, Canada's one time defence minister.

Obama has made the interesting choice of naming John Podesta as a co-chairman of the Obama-Biden Transition Project. Podesta was the final Chief-of-Staff for Bill Clinton and is an avid believer in UFO's who has heavily campaigned for the intelligence community to make public what they know about the topic. 'Podesta knows more that he is giving away' a source with military ties assured us. Is John Podesta liaising with Aliens to keep Barack Obama safe? 'Aliens would truly be welcoming the election of Obama as a sign of our maturity and ability to lay down old prejudices. They might see this as an important step towards openly revealing their presence amongst us and letting humans take their place as a small part of a much larger universal civilisation. They would realise the dangers Obama faces and they would be working either with the government or of their own initiative to keep him safe and protect his well-being'. One thing we can be sure about is that if they were able to get here they definately have the technology to do so and for that we can be thankful.

I'm of the opinion that they would be watching him. To see where this goes. Why they'd come all this way to pull Secret service duty is beyond me.

Maybe they want to bring changes to this planet and they need their people in key positions around the world to do it. They would need positions in government all around the world. Maybe they are planning on taking over and getting rid of the Illuminati.


Filer's Files #46 - Time to Open US Files

UFO Flies Over President Elect Obama

Pueblo -- We were watching Hardball with Chris Mathews, MSNBC on November 1, 2008 and during Obama’s speech about 4:30 PM, which I think was in Pueblo Colorado a UFO can be seen in the sky moving from the upper right to the mid left side of screen above Obama's head.

Comments: The video shows an object without apparent wings flying in the background to the right of Barrack Obama. The object appears to be flying too fast to be a blimp. Therefore I am not sure of the identity of this object. Thanks to William Puckett UFOS Northwest

Attached Files Image(s)


U.S. President-elect Barack Obama has the alien vote in his pocket.

According to Michael C. Luckman, director of the New York Center for Extraterrestrial Research, UFOs were seen and photographed at several rallies attended by Obama in the final days of his triumphant campaign:

--A classic flying saucer flew over Obama at a rally on November 1 in Pueblo, Colorado and was clearly seen by thousands of supporters in the crowd and millions of viewers on Chris Matthew's popular TV show, "Hardball," on MSNBC.

--A formation of UFOs were photographed by a local TV station flying above the stage at a Bruce Springsteen concert in Philadelphia on October 4 in support of Obama. The unknown objects
were spotted directly above the spot where Obama himself earlier had been standing.

--Scores of orbs, which are round balls of light associated with the UFO phenomenon as well as spirits, were photographed by a woman attending an Obama victory rally in Grant Park in Chicago on November 11.

"It is possible that the aliens were sending Obama greetings at these events," said Luckman. "My advice to Obama is to watch the skies. Extraterrestrials may actually follow Barack around during these unusually difficult times and force him to disclose the truth about UFO visitation to Earth."

Former Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, who is chief of Obama's transition team,
has called on the government to open it's secret UFO files. "The American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth," Podesta said.

Former U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter experienced close encounters with UFOs when they each served as governor of their respective states. "Former President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, who ran against Obama in the Democratic primary, were both once briefed on the nation's UFO secrets by Laurance Rockefeller, the billionaire philantropist who tried to orchestrate a deal with the Clinton White House to reveal all of the facts of the Roswell UFO crash in New Mexico," said Luckman. That incident allegedly involved the recovery of a flying saucer with four alien astronauts by the U.S. military in 1947

Great Britain, France, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia and Peru have recently all begun to open up their official UFO files and other nations are expected to follow suit. Luckman is offering to meet with Obama at the White House to brief him on the UFO issue. The UFO leader said that he is in possession of "the ultimate evidence" that UFOs are visiting Earth:

--Two hundred videotaped depositions by former military men and intelligence officers stating that they are prepared to testify before the United States Congress about the Cosmic Watergate, including the Roswell crash.

--Official NASA videotapes showing a huge number of UFOs operating above the Earth that were photographed  by astronauts aboard the various Space Shuttle missions.

--Photographs of a surprising number of UFOs flying over restricted airspace in Washington, D.C., the nation's capitol. UFOs were sighted recently near Crawford, Texas, where President George W. Bush's ranch, also known as the Western White House, is located.

Extraterrestrials at Grant Park watching Obama’s victory party

By Judi McLeod  Friday, December 26, 2008

As if omnipresent President-elect Barack Obama’s “King of the World” title isn’t kingdom enough, Exopolitics is claiming him as one of its own.

Not only has Obama selected UFO Disclosure Advocate John Podesta who admits “a fanatical devotion to the XFiles” as Transition Team Co-Chair, multiple images of `Orbs’--dimensional intelligences from a parallel universe--showed up at Grant Park on Election Night. 

“Dimensional intelligence is very obviously “disclosing” itself at Grant Park on Nov. 4, 2008,” (http://www.Exopolitics.blogs.Com).

For some earthlings, Obama comes to the White House with a halo around his head, for Expoliticos, he has Orbs celebrating his victory party from the sky.

The kind of politics played in Washington seems to have been there forever.  Exopolitics may be an idea whose time has come.  Three Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are already on the public record for having asked the Parliament of Canada to hold public hearings on Exopolitics, defined by http://www.AllWords,com as “the total complex of relations between the human race and non-human, intelligent beings”.

One of the three lobbying NGOs, the Vancouver-based Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), through its international director, undertook a 1977 Extraterrestrial Communications Study for the White House when Jimmy Carter was president.

The Canadian Exopolitics Initiative, presented by the lobbying organizations to a senate committee panel hearing in Winnipeg in March 2004, is also proposing that the Government of Canada undertake a “Decade of Contact” with extraterrestrials.

The proposed Decade of Contact is “a 10-year process of formal, public education, scientific research, educational curricula development and implementation, strategic planning, community activity and public outreach concerning our terrestrial society’s full cultural, political, social, legal and governmental communication and public interest diplomacy with advanced, ethical Off-Planet cultures now visiting Earth.”

“Barack Obama, through his selection of UFO Disclosure Advocate John Podesta as Transition team CoChair, has energized a core of the 49% of adult Americans who believe that Extraterrestrials are now visiting Earth to now see Obama as a possible “Disclosure President,” says  “Another sector of opinion within the Exopolitics community believe that Obama may be used as a front man for a “Disclosure Management” psychological warfare operation by U.S. and other military intelligence agencies.  Under this scenario, a false “ET Disclosure” would be rolled out with ETs as a hostile or authoritarian force, a strategy calculated to spread the arms race and war economy to outer space, and to foster a global totalitarian police state on Earth.”

“Dr. Wernher von Braun, a whistleblower, warned that the final charade of the permanent war economy after the collapse of capitalism, would be first a False War on Terror (via the False Flag Operation of 9/11): and finally a False War against the `Evil ETs.’”

Back to Grant Park on Election Night.  While some were focused on the red and black dress Michelle Obama wore, others were photographing the Orbs.

“Amidst all of this grand speculation, we now have some photographic evidence of how dimensional intelligence in the dimensional ecology we live in may be viewing at least the celebrations on the evening of Nov. 4, 2008 when Barack Obama gave his Election night acknowledgement speech in Grant Park in downtown Chicago,” notes Alfred Lambremont Webre in

“The Orbs at Grant Park are evidence of Dimensional Intelligent intervention in the Exopolitical process of the Obama administration.  Strategically, as humans, we must learn to think multi-dimensionally as Extraterrestrials with Exo-consciousness and see our reality as these dimensional intelligences do.  There is much to revealed about Obama’s Grant Park speech that will impact the disclosure process, of the Extraterrestrial presence and of advanced ET-derived technologies.

“All of this “disclosure” is for naught without the elevation of moral insight and cosmic consciousness by humanity.

“The most hopeful sign today of the Obama presidency has not been the John Podestas or any other human in his team.  Rather, it has been these Orbs--dimensional intelligences--disclosing a profound message of hope and consciousness to come at Grant Park.

“We may have some cause to hope, albeit dimensional, that Barack Obama is something more than a mere tool of the Trilateralists, by the photographic evidence.”

Not only will the Obama administration have to face the music on what appears to be a deepening worldwide recession, it will span the alignment--in 2011-2012--our solar system plane with that of a massive black Hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, 4000 times the size of our sun.

“Science is just beginning to address the function of Black Holes at the center of Galaxies.  Black holes in this context affect time and consciousness,” says

The politicalization of outer space seems to be well underway even before life on other planets has been proven.

Some Exopolitics advocates are even pinning the solution to global warming on extraterrestrials.

Last February, former Canadian defence minister Paul Hellyer said he believes advanced technology from extraterrestrial civilizations offers the best hope to “save our planet” from the perils of climate change.

“Climate change is the No. 1 problem facing the world today,” Hellyer said. “I’m not discouraging anyone from being green conscious, but I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation...that could be a way to save our planet.

“We need to persuade governments to come clean on what they know,” he said.  “Some of us suspect they know quite a lot, and it might be enough to save our planet if applied quickly enough.”

Meanwhile, if there is no proof that ACORN recruited the votes of ETs for Obama, they were in the skies over Grant Park celebrating his election.

Somehow I highly doubt they were "celebrating" or had in interest in doing so. I feel it's more like watching to see where this is headed.

There’s a lot of mystery and controversy around Obama. I think it’s amazing that he won the election. It tells be some powerful people or beings made sure he won. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next 4 years.

Truthfully I think obama is a double agent on one hand the illuminati want him to use his covert hypnosis skills to brainwash the public but on the other hand the ET have somethign else in mind dont know if this is true or not just an idea

Was Obama's Inauguration Ufo - Predicted?

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Posted by m4ever

Hello, and welcome back to the Ufo Disclosure Countdown Clock (UDCC) - thanks for hitting the link. Well, if you haven't seen it by now, or, heard about it - a `Ufo' streaked the skies `live' on CNN less than 2 hours before President Obama took the oath for President. I will provide that link for you at the bottom of this post - but - more important - especially for the UDCC is that `we - this website' - `predicted' the possibility of an Obama `orb-event' on December 30th -- here's that link - http://ufodisclosurecountdownclock.blogs...ation.html.

I based my prediction on several factors - including orbs being photographed at the rally in Chicago on Election Night - and `orbs' appearing at at least one Obama rally before. I also based the prediction on the belief I have that `orbs' might `react' to `strong desires-strong beliefs-extra consciousness focus' - and, with the largest gathering on the planet in `expectation mode' - the possibility seemed worth predicting. I also based it on my belief that at least `some part' of the `alien/entities' that visit the Earth's biosphere - have taken an interest in `self disclosure'. Certainly, making `their' visit be visible at a moment that CNN was transmitting live (even if not seen live or discussed live) - could be taken as a validation of that view - as obviously, now that it's public - Obama may be obligated to at least comment.

That said, I expect that this will NOT have much exposure on the main media - even CNN - indeed, it will be a buried story beginning today. I expect that this video of the `Orb-Ufo on Inauguration' will have about the same status that is given to the `Orb-Ufo' that was photographed on 9/11/01 at the scene of the Twin Towers - virtually none.

Finally, one last bit of pure speculation - perhaps the `Orb-Ufo' had nothing to do with `Aliens' and more to do with `humans'. Meaning - what if future humans indeed do have access to some sort of `time-travel'. And, perhaps that `access' is nothing more than a `flyover' of historic occasions in `real time'. Certainly, 9-11 and Obama's big moment also fits that bill of goods - and provides another possible explanation.

So, whether it was an `alien from now' or a `human from the future' intrusion - just like on Dec. 30th - you will be able to say that you read about it first on The Ufo Disclosure Countdown Clock.

Feel free to comment. Here's the link to the video


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