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  Where have I been in other life times as other Star Races within this Galaxy
Posted by: Sovereign31415926 - 01-05-2025, 07:09 PM - Forum: Aliens & UFOs - Replies (1)


Miesha is a facilitator of numerous Support Groups each month some private within her own home while others are through Zoom internet live chats.

She's a certified Hypnotherapist and specializes in Trauma Release Hypnosis and regression Therapy. Miesha has appeared on a number of radio shows as well as lectured throughout California, Colorado, as well as Nevada including at the Super Soldier Summit, Mind Control Summit & UFOCON. She is an author of "Covert Abduction, Military, Harassment, Surveillance, Interrogation and Mind Control”, Autobiography of a Survivor."


I am in her Facebook group although I am not connected to any MK-Ultra, Milab, Monarch, S.S., S.S.P, T.Ti., R.A. Support Group. or other Dark ops programs of the Deep State I did mention a reading I had with Rebeca Rose a SSP experiancer did a reading for me and said at the age of 5 I was remote viewing Gray technologies and the Grays became aware of what I was doing that and kind of shut me down Psychically and I was Traumatized by the experience although I do not have any memory of that event maybe the truama shut me down. Rebeca indicated to me that I am an adept with higher Technologies and said at the present that the Grays are Nuetral with me and she said I am acting like a Diplomat in trying to get the grays on a higher road and said when reading my Akashic Records that she said this is a very long term mission of yours and seemed very important to you. Usually to get within this group you are asked a few questions about ET contact, and any questions related to Dark Ops type of Programs but how I answered I was approved for entry in the Questions I also included a two short clips from my Reading of my Akashic Records with Psychic LJ as Proof of have some kind of connection to the ETS.

Around New Year eve of 2024 I had a 1hr reading with Miesha Johnston who is now in her 70s she did a Galactic Genealogy Channeling session which involved in using the Pendulum on a half circle Digram listing many of the common Star Races which she had connected me to the Lyra system and said about 90 percent of the people on Earth are from there. On a Star System Agartha and never heard about that one , then she said I went to Procyon, Andromeda Blue Being Race, and also she said I have a connection to the Arcturians (She channeled a message from them to me), and the Pleaidies star systems and she said I been to Sirius and was telling me the Sirians hold in their emotions while the Pleidians let it all out and cry and said they want to just be happy and said I have a mix of those two but she also said I am connected to the Anunnaki Race. And in this she said I am not a follower and someone that does not depend on others but said I have always been a leader in roles like a king or warrior.

Then she drew from her Oracle decks of Cards similar to a Tarot reading but along with fleshing out who you are as a star seed or Soul. She also suggested to me in having a Hypnotic Regression done which she is said to be certified in doing. Initially she did not like the ideal of Hypnotism and was against using that which was used on her. I told her I probably can do it on myself once I figure out how to do it and set up everything much like Edgar Cayce did or learned how to regress himself with it the same done by other like Delores Cannon it is just one time Edgar Cacyee lost his voice as he was a traveling Insurance Salesmen from my State from Hopkinsville KY and latter passed through Louisville with his Dad in selling Insurance so Edgar Dad hired a Hypnotist to fix the issue of Cayce losing his voice and after fixing that issue Cacyce discovered at will he could hypnotically regress himself which opened him up to questions where he would give answers. This would be the same Process Miesha would use once you are in that state you need to be and she would ask questions and at the same time have the conversation recorded so I would have to have some kind of setup regress my self to that trance state and have some kind of way to send message to myself audibly and have a recorder that is voice activated recorded to see if I would says something.

Miesha is a highly targeted individual which she has setup different unrecorded Zoom groups on subscription basis like 22 per month or 198 per year to access many of the Zoom Groups on various things like ET Contact, Hybrid groups and Twin Flame Groups but then their are the more darker groups of Heavy Veteran SSP, MK ultra and others and she told me those groups get very dark even though she been part of those groups and told me that I should not attend those groups and was wanting me to be part of the more uplifting groups and were pointing out various matches for me. She knows Rebecca Rose and Miranda Rae very well since I have had a reading from both of them. She goes around the group asking if you want to share or not and just listen and ask questions of the speaker that has just finished shared. In sharing based on how many are in the group you are allotted a time as she runs the stop watch on you. Normally in a Good or Bad Et Experiance Zoom Group you do not want to speak on others Topics that are off topic like the Secret Space Program or Mk Ultra is reserved for those groups that discuss that subject matter.

My Galactic Geneology Reading with Miesha Johnston on new years eve 2024. She did do a Zoom Recording of my session with Miesha but I also did a recording of Zoom without all the Zoom Switching Cameras when to her I was speaking.

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  The Matrix, Archons, UFOs & Vaccines
Posted by: Hissil - 12-25-2024, 07:29 AM - Forum: Metaphysics - No Replies

Phones (self.conspiracy)
submitted 4 hours ago by Glass-Ad4160
Things have been very eerie lately I think most of us can agree. The lies seem to be too obvious too that it’s frighteningly obvious something more is going on. Anyways I live costal in Massachusetts. There have been all the drones madness etc here. I saw what looked like one above work today. That’s all irrelevant I think…

I don’t know if anyone can explain to me this. Today I was at work and went to the library to print. When leaving I noticed a book out of the corner of my eye. In that exact moment I decided I want to start reading more because the world and news etc is chaos it would be healthy to get lost in a story. Anyways I grabbed this totally random book by an author I never heard of I read the summary of the book and authors bio. Put it back on shelf. I never looked up the book or author never said I word to anyone about the book didn’t think much of it the rest of the day. I didn’t have my phone out at the time. When I got home hours later and went on Facebook the exact book popped up on my feed as an add when I never saw this book prior to 1 minute today. Can anyone explain this?

[–]Wolfinthesno 1 point 23 hours ago
People still don't understand "the algorithm".

It is insanely good at predicting things. It knew you were at the library, and depending on what book it was, if it is something that is currently popular, it is possible that the algorithm surmised that you would have seen that book today, and if it fits within the characteristics of things you might like, then yeah, your likely going to get an ad for it somewhere.

These posts pop up at least once a month or two in this subreddit.

Hell i remember the first time it happened to me. I was just off from my shift at a restaurant and was sitting at the bar chatting with the bartender and another coworker. We were talking about something feminine health related, and I had this thought of "why don't they just make a product for this" I never mentioned it out loud, not once. Fast forward about an hour later and I'm scrolling on my phone, and sure as sh*t there it was, the product I didn't even think existed, being advertised, as if they had read my mind.

In reality what likely happened is my phone heard the conversation and surmised that product was a reasonable end to the "search" where the search was a conversation that my phone should have never been listening too.

Attaining the Heights
submitted 2 days ago by OverallWealth9328
The qualities of the Divine are embedded into our own psyche just as the demiurgical matter is very much a part of our body. It is like a lifelong struggle of the entanglement between the hylic body and the intangible psyche. It is ‘’Soul" the intermediary between matter and Spirit that undergoes constant endeavors dealing with life and the limitations of the Material Universe; matter proposes a challenge for the psyche which is consistently dealing with how to shape it, sustain the body, always striving for something greater than the mere physical and how to handle the changes of life.

To deal with all of this the Gnostic student looks to the Pleroma within and prays to the Monad without. The Sethian Gnostics sought to employ a type of active pathworking or 'travelling in the spirit vision’ that enabled them to explore the internal terrain of the psyche, in the belief that it paralleled the aspirant's journey up and through the various Aeonic strata: The human mind is a kind of miniature representation of the aeons that emanate from the ultimate God... For this reason, the Gnostic could also contemplate God by contemplating his or her own intellect... Holding complex pathworking rituals the initiate would symbolically ascend into the celestial sphere, confront the planetary archons, and vanquish them with magical words of power. "Brakke, The Gnostics, p80

‘Travelling in the spirit vision’ isn't uniform to Gnosticism, also a fundamental practice of Modern Western Occultism it's applied by experienced practitioners to understand and experience the occult realities and interact with the beings and entities of such things as the Alchemical or Astrological Signs, or to access beings like the Angels and Heavens of Ialdabaot and his Archontas or the Demons and Hells of Nebrouel and her Archontas. This seems to reflect something of the Hermetic insight, as above so below'. For those who make use of pathworking around the Qabalistic Tree of Life, or the Norse World Tree, the value of using this type of internal landscape is familiar.

Percival Piercing the Veil

[–]vittoriodelsantiago 3 points 2 days ago
Yep, well said. Know similar practice, which starts with questioning self 'Who am I?", then throwig out every attribute of self, as body senses, emotinal feelings, thoughts/mind getting self into mindless sensless state.

While doing all that you visualize inner self as consciousness light dot and associate self as a center of it.

Biggest problem during this excersize is getting used to 'automatically' supress all spontaneous thoughts and emotions.

[–]The_Old_ 2 points 2 hours ago
Your brain works with electricity. Neurons fire at the speed of light. They can supposedly read that now.
In addition, we know the NSA is watching our every move with cameras and other technology. Snowden (the spy who betrayed America) helped to prove that they have a database on everybody.
Books and other media are "dangerous" because it has the power to change minds. Even though it's dangerous they don't mind advertisers selling you dangerous media.
Presume that you are never alone and being watched 24. A paranoid reality to be sure. But it's our zeitgeist. And our cross to bear …

This world is a Computer Simulated Holographic Realm (i.redd.it)
submitted 16 hours ago by astralrocker2001

[–]fruedshotmom 1 point 13 hours ago
If there's a function designed to "siphon your spiritual energy" it's got little to do with architecture and more to do with Adam Smith's theory of labor and economics and the zeitgeist it's charmed us into. That and some people's intrinsic desire to live better lives than their peers without doing work to benefit everyone else. Maybe also the general public's ineffectiveness at amputating corruption from authority. Oh and let's not forget wasting energy on trivial meaningless banalities and detrimental tribalism. On a spiritual level, both Hinduism and Taoism talk about our world's illusory nature if you wanna get into the whole simulation thing, but even if objective reality is some "dream/illusion/simulation" we're still bound by it. Pragmatically, the "nature" of objective reality's existence is only relative on the cutting edge frontier of scientific discovery and/or spiritual existentialism.

[–]Virusaurus 1 point 8 hours ago
Circuits and manipulation of energy in an electrical sense is very important in our lives, we just take it for granted! The design and complexity of these systems which provide power to our houses and businesses and lives in general are so ingrained these days that it's taken for granted. I work in HV electrical environments and see and work from the termination drawings and schematic and layout designs in which power has to be utilised. Translating this experience and knowledge toa shift in format regarding how energy can be harnessed, it is a very familiar and similar design in which the electro magnetical grids based on our planet align with the structure and placement of both ancient and modern buildings. I don't think it's a reach in this thinking as it's common knowledge that lay lines exist and also that electro magnetic energy is a natural thing. So why should it be an absurd notion that this energy can be manipulated and used through large scale physical means? It's the intention which is the contentious part.

[–]Awakekiwi2020 11 points 4 days ago
I feel some are misinterpreting this info. It feels very powerful to me. It's about purity however. A pure kind of loving connection that isn't sex. It's nothing to do with sex at all. Even though physically there is a similar thing going on. This isn't about gyrations and getting your rocks off. This is about the third energy that some couples can create that is bigger than the some of the two parts. It's an energy that sends you home. Connects you with your true sense in a way that's hard to explain in words. It's beyond physical desire. This reminds me of what Credo Mutwa talked about how the reptilians came and changed us. The sanusi shamans teach that we were once androgenous beings of a much lighter vibration who were tricked somehow (as innocent beings) into embodying more physical bodies and asked to choose to be a man or a woman. When we did this we were then said to have lost our spiritual connection. Then the reptilians said oh but you can have sex to reconnect your selves. But it is a crude copy of what we once had. Something along those lines. I feel there is truth in this story but it might be distorted.. this history goes back hundred thousand years or more. I've always had this vague knowing that there is something really powerful about this true unconditional love connection than can happen with the right couples. Yes it would be a very rare phenomenon but still something. Something that has been lost to time. Lost to modern knowledge.

In the astral realm, have you ever called out beings you encountered?
submitted 1 day ago by 6ETTIN_BUCK
I've been watching a fair bit of Mike Martin's content from his Rumble channel "My Dark Explorations" and it sounds like all astral beings are deceivers and know more about you than you know them and will tell you what you want to hear to misguide you. Mike's content has made me contemplate how, years back, there were reoccurring figures in my experiences (not sure if they were dreams or APs), yet now there are basically zero so that may be a sign I'm a less easy target now compared to back then?

[–]matrixofillusion 17 points 1 day ago
parasitic entities are no different than humans. Because they are the ones who influence humans. Nasty ones will try to prey on the weak and clueless. If you have solid boundaries and are wise, you keep them at bay. They know you are not going to fall for the crap. I know a woman who has been deceived by the flaw light. She is convinced grey aliens are very adorable. They our family from the future. It is great they steal our DNA to creat cute hybrids... She has experiences with them and they make her believe they are super advanced and loving. She is a very solid person, but everybody melts when supernatural beings activate love in you. They possibly have access to our chakras, I was tricked many years ago by the false light. My guards are very high now. And I always speak to the parasites every single day. And yes they know everything. They are telepathic. So the mind must be guarded like hell.

[–]BranzillaThrilla 4 points 1 day ago
Could you argue that a persons demons or generational traumas, dark entanglements may still be attached to then while realming? I feel like as an energy, you give off what you feel, who you are, lead by your core and all. Can someone attract negative energy, spirits in a multi dimension realm and bring them back to our earthly existence? They say don’t mess with the ouigi board or seance cause demons and spirits will attach, light your sage and incenses. BUT what happens when you’re lucid dreaming and projecting. Meditating. How do you make sure something so transcended doesn’t follow you “home” Going kinda off topic here, but before my showers I would imagine and picture a golden or silver ring around the top to protect me and that was my way to ensure when I got out no bad ju ju or energy would still be attached (I lived in an abusive house) and feel safe and energetic for the rest of the day or whatever. Would it be wise before going to bed or meditating or projecting to “cast” a protection spell and then one before entering earthly life? Do people usually keep a charm or token they recognize like in Inception? Personally I’ve ran into id say like a gatekeeper type or don’t test me I won’t mess with you vibes but it’s more I control the narrative? Hard to explain .

"There is no such thing as right or wrong" - Demiurgic New Age teaching
submitted 1 day ago by dontlietom3
I want to share a paragraph which I feel is true from this free book (found at page 64). The book talks about Archons, the saturn-moon matrix, the tunnel of light being a trap, and many things prison planet related. The book also warns about the dangers of false New Age teachings and I want to share a paragraph about that:

    "Another false-light teaching that infects the New ©Age movement is that there is no such thing as right and wrong, that everything is just an experience that is there to teach us a lesson. While we can learn valuable lessons from adverse circumstances, this does not mean that it is necessary or desirable to be continually oppressed, manipulated, implanted, de-ceived, enslaved and drained of energy. Those are experiences the human race has had far too much of already. With an understanding of Universal Law, we can observe that it is inherently wrong to harm another being who has done nothing to harm us. We can also understand that working together and cooperating with others is often the right thing to do. These simple concepts should be adhered to in order for us to free our minds from the twisted "logic" presented in New ©Age teachings that would have us believe that the incredible amount of suffering inflicted upon humanity is entirely its own doing, as well as a wonderful learning experience, so we should not take any action to help others to alleviate their own suffering. Humanity is not having a wonderful learning experience by being enslaved to the corrupt demiurge's spiritual hierarchy. We are learning one thing for sure though, which is how to declare our Sovereignty and stop being slaves! Well, many of us are :-)"


[–]InsomniaMelody 3 points 1 day ago
There is definitely right and wrong, good and evil. Often, things are mixed, though, and it's easier to mono-categorize something.

Like a puzzle. But there is also a trick of duality that muddles the waters, so to speak.

Basically, nothing new in these "teachings"is truth mixed with lies and twisted interpretations.

[–]Oilinthelamp 1 point 23 hours ago
Serving good or evil is a choice and until you really face it, one will not get it. Usually comes at a time of great hardship, trauma, pain, and isolation. Our lives seem to be scripted, but the choice to take the dark path is not. Not saying I am perfectly good, far from it but I attempt to do the right thing and make amends when I am wrong. The "dark side" wants me bad though, perhaps all of us.

Evil: causes and feeds off of the suffering of others

Good: causes and feeds off of the joy of others

Some say they are "neutral," but I always can find the hypocrisy.

[–]infrontofmyslad 5 points 1 day ago
There are right and wrong actions but there is no such thing as a good or evil person. People are generally what they are made to be. I’m not sure we have much, if any, free will.

[–]bboriss 1 point 23 hours ago
In the maya/illusion/matrix/simulation as a false reality, we can not have a true dualism.

Another issue would be that such a reality can not be populated by real or objectively existent entities, but as such, hardly anybody of us would like to know that.

The soul is locked in a fictional character designed to play a specific role in the Alien Hollywood/Westworld
submitted 1 day ago by matrixofillusion
The fictional character that has been designed for us is extremely dominant over the soul. The soul is almost like a backseat passenger. I often hear the soul giving me sound advice but the fictional character has its own agenda. It is so heavily programmed that it often dismisses the messages of the soul who is trying to help. It is very difficult to detach from what this fictional character has endured. Even if you are locked in North Korea, the very crappy role you play will eventually come to an end. And you will be casted in another role.

Humans need to have an identity while they are in this very foreign land with wiped memories. This is why as soon as you meet a new person they MUST ask you what you do for a living. What is your ethnical background… If a person is not so interested in material life, they will adopt a spiritual identity and relate to a specific deity. However we still play the character of a Buddhist, devotee of such and such deity. Free will is used to develop some spiritual qualities instead of chasing material dreams, but you are still under the jurisdiction of an outside authority that dictates how you should act, think, live… as a spiritual person.

I can assure you that being conscious does not mean that we know who we really are. We still run many programs. We carry a very heavy baggage this fictional character has collected. And on top of all these programs, the unseen directors and screen writers keep messing with you all the time. Because we all know that they are able to manipulate reality. They also use the other fictional characters to mess with you. To make it even more hard, we are constantly attacked by nefarious forces and entities that are attached to us as roommates.

Without a very strict discipline, this fictional character will run the show under the supervision of the puppet masters. What we want to run away from is our fictional character and this fake Alien Hollywood stage that has been created as a so called game and school. We see it more as farm and he Truman show. We are fortunate enough to see we are puppets. Maybe if we had been given more attractive roles on the Alien Hallmark channel (all is love and good), we may not be having this conversation.

We are a minute minority who are rebelling against the puppet masters. Nobody hates this place as much as we do. I suggest that you share these views mostly in this sub. We do not need to reveal our heart and mind to other fictional characters. They will turn against you, judge you and try to break you. I am learning that transparency is very dangerous in this westworld. Do not forget that when you go out there, you can’t be yourself as much as you want to. I have learned this the very hard way. You will be seen as a very negative person who needs to see a therapist. Silence is golden as they say.

[–]ComfortableTop2382 3 points 16 hours ago*
I resonate with every single word you have written. The agent Smith effect is so real. When your vibe is different from what most people value then they attack you for no reason. They sometimes feel hatred and jealousy toward you even though you haven't done anything.

As you said we should NOT reveal our true self to anybody. As much as they say "be yourself" I think that's very wrong. In this fcked up prison you have to wear a mask and smile then fake everything. Nobody cares about the truth. They just want to brag about how good they are and how much money they make and also fake things. They get so delusional that they can't understand they might be fortunate. They just don't care about anything as long as they are rich and healthy.That's the biggest reason why I hate people generally.

So my only hope is that we save ourselves after death. I sometimes doubt if anything exists after this fcked life.

UFOs = archons?
submitted 23 hours ago by mj89098
I’m new to this sub but I’m sure the idea of UFOs being our creators/archons has been discussed many a time. With that said, since UFOs have supposedly been around since mankind has been on this planet, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that their presence has been more prominent in the last century thanks to our discovery and advancements in nuclear technology. Is it no surprise then that we keep hearing of UFOs monitoring our military and nuclear dispensaries, especially now that there is more risk for global catastrophe than ever before?

Currently with all these ‘drones’ flying over our military bases, is it possible our UFOs are actually alien/archons who are here to make sure we don’t nuke ourselves and destroy earth, AKA, their precious loosh-generating farm? Maybe all of the increased sightings from the 20th century to now are their attempts of mitigating increased risk of disaster. Furthermore, I’m assuming they haven’t attacked or made themselves known to humans publicly because first, attacking would defeat the purpose of having us here in energetically-producing physical bodies and second, frequent contact with humans would eventually expose themselves and their evil intentions causing people to wake up about their prison planet reality and lead to revolt.

Lastly I wonder if it’s only the world’s military and government leaders that know the true identity of these UFOs/archons and keep it to themselves for a reason: Archons are threatening earth’s leaders with complicity to carry out their plans for the human race. Perhaps our leaders risk life, power or wealth if they don’t comply with the archons’ demands and are doing all they can to keep the archon’s identities and purposes a secret from the general public.

I’ve spewed too much. Thanks for hearing me out.

[–]Formeraxe 5 points 23 hours ago
UFOs/UAPs fall into two camps.



Aliens are archonic, or archon adjacent. They are not to be trusted.

The current drone predicament, in my opinion, is all a psyop of some kind. Most likely to gain further control over people through fear.

Whenever stuff like this happens, ask yourself: who does it benefit? If the rulers of this realm are involved, they want control and your loosh more than anything.

    Lastly I wonder if it’s only the world’s military and government leaders that know the true identity of these UFOs/archons and keep it to themselves for a reason

"World leaders", such as the president or prime ministers, worship the demiurge. Whether they know for 100% certain what they worship is another story, but either way they are all controlled.

The hierarchy is a little nebulous, but from my research it seems to be, from top to bottom, like this:

    The Demiurge.
    Archonic Forces, i.e. reptilians, mantids, nordics, etc. Basically "aliens". (There is most likely a hierarchy within this tier, as well.)
    Special Bloodlines that are aware of, and completely in support of those above them.
    "Secret" Societies. Too many to go over, and it is hard to say where they all are in terms of power and influence on this hierarchical scale.
    Shadow Governments. This includes things like the CIA/KGB
    Top-level "career" politicians/Government officials, as well as extremely wealthy lobbyists/influencers. (There may be overlap here with level 4)
    Everyone else. The chattel.

[–]catofcommand 3 points 10 hours ago
I think the UFOs are soldiers or workers and not the rulers themselves.
My current thought is that the true rulers are physical beings hidden deep below the Earth, who use deeply powerful and amplified psionic/psychic abilities to influence/control people/societies/governments on the surface. They also built and maintain the astral grid/realm and that's what people's spirits get attacked by when they die, etc. Again, it's my personal theory.
I assume:
    something like project blue beam
    psychic projection of much more powerful entities from within the Earth
    actual physical beings flying around in a physical craft of some kind

[–]AfterlifeInhabitant 10 points 6 hours ago
What made me know without a shadow of doubt this was a Prison Planet all started when I researched Ufology. I was a Ufologist who studied various cases of alien abductions and contacts which eventually lead me to the more spiritual nature of said encounters, however this was the first sign of something wrong. When these people started talking about New Age or Religious Concepts like Sin, Karma, Reincarnation, etc in these cases that the aliens themselves told them about, I felt this darkness to it.

It felt wrong in a way that was familiar, like I’ve heard such things before despite it being my first time in this life. Overtime, I would start to notice how visceral my reactions were towards New Age concepts like “We chose this” or “It’s God Experiencing itself” or “It’s a Game” or other lies of that sort, it felt like these emotions were a trauma response almost especially because on some occasions listening to these people it felt like something deep within me already knew what was going on and it was like it was screaming, “No, that’s not how it works at all! This is a scam! You got fooled!”

I originally just dismissed these feelings since I was still a more skeptical person at the time and eventually I began to delve into LHP occultism. Everything was going fine until one day that I’ll always remember where this event happened. The best way I can describe what happened was that suddenly like a snap of the fingers, I instantly had the knowledge that these so called “Gods” I was in contact with were actually harvesting my energy and that all gods of all religions were energy parasites in disguise. It was a download and I feel like it came from the Pleroma itself now in retrospect due to the energy of the mind download, it felt like it was pristine and perfect, pure light unlike the false light I have seen from these entities.

I always knew deep down that worshipping gods was bad and basically subjugating one’s self to a “higher being” and I never worshiped anyone again after I left Christianity and is why I didn’t worship the Gods I was working with when I had that small LHP phase. But that download instantly made me understand that these ‘gods’ were energy eaters that manipulated people at their lowest points. I also started to notice in my research that these aliens treated us more like animals and they always spoke about the end times in uncaring and apathetic ways. They also did things in these encounters that raised an eyebrow from me like transferring people’s consciousness’ to other clones bodies of the abductees or having “Jesus” on board of their craft coincidentally.

I thought for the longest time that I was the only person to think like this due to being surrounded by people worshiping gods, contacting aliens, and other things until I stumbled upon the posts from Esoteric_N1nja and another person if I remember correctly that talked about these Archons pretending to be gods, Aliens using love and light energy to mind control people, how religion was created to control people, and other things that not only coincided with my experiences but also added onto them and gave me an outlet to learn much more about how this matrix works. I then would have even more experiences and gnosis downloads that finally would help me to understand that Aliens control the human race through forced reincarnation and that they have us trapped here to feed off of our energy (loosh).

These aliens from what I’ve looked into originally were advanced civilizations on other dimensions but at a certain point, they understood what loosh was and wanted more of it. So, they experimented a little bit until finally we were made and we produced the correct amount for them to harvest. I got this from my Gnosis sessions where things were downloaded into my mind and this is even slightly mentioned when Robert Monroe described how he learned about loosh from these beings that told him they experimented on loosh creation before finally coming to us.

The truth is, these aliens also have loosh energy. See, aliens are still a part of Samsara since existence is run by the ‘Handlers’ (Archons) and Demiurge. So these aliens are basically like predators in a cycle of nature where animals feed off of each other to survive. It’s just that we are essentially easier for them to eat since we are inherently weaker than them astrally and physically, we’re the chickens of this galactic cattle farm. Human energy though is much more delicious than other species due to us being more emotional and primitive.

I do have six questions for your Greys if you want to ask them these:
1.) Are you the alleged “Benevolent ETs” come to save us from these extremely evil aliens that are planning awful things for us?
2.) Is there a Galactic Federation out there and are they good?
3.) How many species are out there that you have recorded?
4.) What are the different religious beliefs of the species you’ve encountered including your own if you have any?
5.) What do you know about our future and will any aliens contact us directly in some form in the future?
6.) Do you have anything you would like to say to me in this thread? (The Greys have taken me before and contacted me before, I wonder now if they might say something to me in a channeled sense)

Be careful around them obviously. They’re very deceptive. The way we generate energy such as lust, fear, romance, worship, etc is just the right amount of emotional energy needed to satiate these entities as seen in various experiences where astral entities feed off of the energy of people directly. I think these being’s, while they themselves generate loosh, don’t quite have that punch as a more emotional creature like a human does. That’s why they go after us, because the energy we generate is just more nutritious for a lack of a better word compared to their own loosh or other species

[–]Formeraxe 6 points 4 hours ago
I've always been extremely interested in 'life after death', and the supernatural from a very young age. I always fantasized about having supernatural abilities, and being unrestricted from the banality of this existence.

I always felt this world was so boring and depressing. From a young age, I knew there was something fundamentally wrong about this place. This naturally lead to forms of escapism, like maladaptive daydreaming and dungeons and dragons, where I was unrestricted with my imagination.

When I was around 8 years old, I saw my first legit UFO, which completely changed my outlook on reality. It was all the confirmation I needed that reality wasn't as boring as I thought, even if everyone around me seemed to think it was.

Since then, I have spent an inordinate amount of time researching conspiracies--especially UFO/alien ones. The more I read and watched, the more I was putting together that the world was not what it seemed. There was a cabal of elites that ruled over the masses, and orchestrated all the major events seen worldwide.

Fast forward to 2-3 years ago, and I came across Esotericninja's post on the prison planet/farm matrix. I took one look at it and immediately scoffed and clicked off of it. I saw it as nonsense.

However, the more I researched, the less I sort of found. I was reaching the bottom of the rabbit hole, but I still had no answers on what I desperately always desired: the overarching truths of reality.

Not long after, I saw Esotericninja's post again on the r/conspiracy sub, and decided to actually read it. What happened next changed me forever.

I was blasted with the strongest feeling of intuition I've ever felt. It was like a spiritual goliath decked me in the gut. All the hairs on my body stood up, electricity went through every nerve. I just knew it was true. I couldn't explain it.

Since then I've been hooked. I have researched ancient texts, NDEs, religions and so on to get a better grasp of what was happening.

The veil had been lifted. The wool, lifted from my eyes.

I have only felt that deep sense of intuition a couple times since then, but I know what it is--a spiritual sense. It is my true self, my eternal spirit.

    If you were to live a happy, healthy, and suffering-free life, would you still consider it a prison planet?

I think certain people just cannot grasp what is going on. Those that are happy are ignorant, and it's not their fault. I think you need to be recycled here many, many times before you start catching on, sort of like that Star Trek TNG episode where they were looped and started noticing that they have done what they are doing before.

[–]throughawaythedew 3 points 6 hours ago
There is no happiness without sadness. There is no health without sickness. There is no joy without suffering. The fundamental problem is that of duality. I think of it more as a realm of existence and that in unity no dualities exist. In unity, all is one, yes, but the all is composed of individual, non-dulistic archetypes. It is like light in a prism split into seven colors, those individual colors are not opposite of each other or in any opposition and can be merged back together into a single beam of white light, without losing its individual characters, but via harmonizing with the others.

But in our realm, we have the presence of light and the absence of light, opposing white black duality of being and nothingness which is the source of suffering and pain. And is all the suffering and pain of the world worth it because of the joy and ecstasy in the world? No, it's not. It's not a fair trade. If I could press a button and eliminate all evil but also eliminate all good, would I do it? Yes, in a heart beat.

So if God is all powerful why doesn't he push the button? Maybe he is not all good, or maybe he is not all powerful, or maybe he is neither good nor powerful. Maybe the god of this world is not a god at all.

But maybe unity is the absolute God on high, outside the realm of duality. If that's the case, it can't be good or bad or powerful or weak, as these are all aspects of duality. And so the god of this realm, which is good or bad, wicked or merciful, pleased or enraged, is not actually God, but an imposter.

[–]Nikkibee42 1 point 5 hours ago
The last time I took psychedelics a few years back I had a weird vision about all the people I have been and all the people I will be. I was simultaneously watching the shift and living it. In the vision I was standing in a field in the day time with a giant full moon as the backdrop. The earth under my feet rotated 180 degrees where the grass flipped to dirt and I had a different face. It happened again, I was back on grass as another person. And again, dirt. Another person. The rotation increased and the vision sped up until I became dizzy and passed out. I woke up the next morning and I haven’t been the same since.

[–]Winter-Operation3991 1 point 2 hours ago
I have always disliked living: since childhood, life has seemed boring, painful, and disturbing to me. But I've always tried to justify it at the expense of a certain spirituality. When I was about 26 or so, I got carried away with pessimism, anti-natalism and similar concepts. Then I realized that it felt liberating for me: no more trying to justify all the evil in the world. But I was still a materialist. Then, after getting acquainted with the philosophy of Bernardo Kastrup, my confidence in materialism was shaken. I became open to the fact that consciousness can be fundamental. And from this position, given my pessimism, it became easier for me to perceive non-materialistic concepts in the spirit of gnosticism. That's how I came across the idea of a reincarnation trap or a farm planet.
As for whether it is possible to be happy and adhere to these concepts: I think so. Even living a comfortable life, one can realize that this existence is driven by "evil": needs/needs/dissatisfaction is what seems to me to be the root of conscious existence in this place. Happy people are those who can more effectively suppress this dissatisfaction, but it does not disappear anywhere, as evidenced by constant desires, we cannot be completely satisfied here. A comfortable life is something like an effective adaptation to evil. As Krishnamurti wrote: the ability to adapt well to a deeply sick society is not a measure of health. I would change: "the ability to adapt well to a deeply sick form of existence." That's how I see it.

[–]Novusor 9 points 4 days ago
How did I find out?
It was a slow process that played out over 30 years. Started when I was a kid and noticed whenever something good would come into my life something bad would immediately happen right after. Even at like age 8, 9, 10 years old I could notice a pattern that the universe was screwing with me. It would never allow me to achieve any kind real happiness. I could only trade one sorrow for another. Fix one a problem and new problem that didn't exist before would immediately come into my life and knock me back down into the dirt. As an adult I read a lot of stuff online that many people experience the same phenomenon. I read books such Matrix V by Val Valerian and Reality Transurfing. I read the Gnostic texts and went down many deep rabbit holes on who the archons are and the Demiurge. Eventually I heard about NPC theory, prison planet theory, explanations on loosh, soul farming and such. It all just clicked into place. Everything made sense. The Earth is a prison planet. We are being farmed for food. I could sense it before on some level but all these little theories dovetailing together in perfect harmony proved it.

[–]RiverOdd 1 point 4 days ago*
I became interested in astral projection as a teenager. By the time I was in my early twenties I had gotten past the sleep paralysis stage but had experiences with entities trying to stop me from traveling and many other strange things.

I have never been convinced that this world is a good place. It has always felt like a trap or a prison to me.

I hold supernatural beliefs very lightly but I believe prison planet or Gnostic explanations to be the closest to what may be going on.

I think the time it truly clicked was something I read that I think Philip k Dick wrote about the black iron prison, and and "The Roman empire never fell".

I am not convinced in any one theory or conspiracy or supernatural reality but reincarnation and a rebirth trap make sense to me.

In my twenties I read Robert Monroe's first book and started the hemi-sync tapes though I believe I only got to wave three.

What is interesting to me is that I came to many of the beliefs he apparently has without reading the rest of his books.

I'd have experiences with astral projection where I'd be zapped or trapped by some entity and it would take days to emotionally and physically recover from exhaustion. It was the worst if they had managed to make me afraid.

I approach this though with one foot always on the ground. I am not convinced that I actually met any entities for example.

I mean to read his other books this year.

[–]AntiTheistWooDebunk4 38 points 23 hours ago
Of course it does. They are spiteful malignant little contorted brutal narcopaths.

But they are fundamentally and functionally parasites.

And as such, they are limited to their host.

They cannot sustain themselves without one.

No action is without consequence. To truly understand this will always allow you to hit back just as hard as you get hit yourself.

You are not alone.

I sware this sub Reddit is gonna get taken down by them if too many profound posts like this keep getting posted.

The matrix is unstable and it will collapse - the more aggressive they become the more damage they do to their own structure - not just your heart & soul.

It was extremely unlikely that this would come to my attention here & now.

Yet it indeed did.

You aren't the only one who see's through the smoke and mirrors.

[–]bboriss 10 points 8 hours ago
As john Keel said in his book Cosmic Question of the Eighth Tower, 50 years ago:
”You and I are biochemical robots controlled by the powerful radiations being broadcast from the Eighth Tower [supercomputer]. Our brains are programmed like computers, and many of us are suddenly and completely reprogrammed at some point in our adult life. At birth our entire lives are planned for us, and as we weave and totter through our allotted three score and ten, we find ourselves manipulated by ‘luck’, by strange coincidences, and by sudden changes in ourselves and our environment.

Visualize a mad scientist who needs someone to clean out his secret laboratory in his castle on a forbidding mountaintop.

He constructs a mechanical robot for the job and programs it so it can move freely within the lab, but if it should open the door and try to move out of the laboratory, it is programmed to self-destruct.

The robot calls it slavery. We call it free will. We are free to pursue our life in our own way so long as we conform to the hidden master plan. If we try to circumvent that plan by zigging instead of zagging, we self-destruct.”

We are biochemical robots helplessly controlled by forces that can scramble our brains, destroy our memories and use us in any way they see fit. They have been doing it to us forever. We are caught up in a poker game being played with marked cards. Yet, in the closing years of this century, we are like the inveterate gambler who, when informed that the game is crooked, shrugs and says, “I know… but it’s the only game in town”!

All of our beads are wired to a central switchboard [supercomputer]. That switchboard is the only God and the only reality. Illusions and delusions are piped down from it to further confound our perception of reality.”

…implying that we live here under AI control, so one needs to understand that there will be repercussions if he starts “zigging instead of zagging”.

The maya/illusion/matrix/simulation as a false reality, can be inhabited only with false entities, which are us as personalities with our names, surnames, nick names and user names. As we are more of that, one needs to become able to put his personality in his pocket i.e. to switch it off, stay in the present moment and be aware of himself and his environment. No thinking, only awareness. In that way, you remove the target of any “hyperdimensional attacks” from the playing field. An inner knowing may appear then, when the one will know what to do in a given moment if anything needs to be done.

It is simple but very hard to do as our personality as a false entity, does not want to be controlled by our True self/Real I/Divine spark.

[–]AwareSwan3591 4 points 5 hours ago
My life circumstances got much worse after I saw through the false reality. When I was a child of the matrix and I was "grinding" to obtain money, status, etc., it was more than happy to throw me a bone now and then. Ever since I really "woke up" (which was in 2020, which btw is another scripted thing because 20/20 vision is considered perfect vision, but I digress.......), my life has become hellish and the world has conspired to make me alone and tear me apart from any friends or family that I had left (it even killed one of my close friends in order to send me a message). It's so obvious that everything that has happened to me in the past few years has been artificially cooked up by some evil force that wants to cause me pain. It's like it's trying to break my mind and force me to become bluepilled again.

[–]Phromheus 1 point 3 hours ago
in the end when you get to this level of consciousness, and true knowing, like your saying, realizing this and realizing every single thing they throw at us all religious texts, all the manly p hall books, all the philosophical sh*t u think u get into, its all ALL to distract u from the truth which is just this.
These people have imprisoned us, we are in a game, they are parasites, they are doing things like creating scenarios in ur life the more 'awakened' u become, to see u in pain , and they hit you wherever is your weak spot is. i know a guy from years ago, i know him he was a close friend to me, he had tattos from the neck down, his hands, he was missing teeth had a lisp, was hunched back he was short. I know this man very well. hispanic real 'cool' guy.

Make a long story short, just solidifying what they KNOW that i already KNOW which is i am in a literal Truman show, , i go to cvs and i see him. The same exact guy. Except his tattoos were missing he had NONE, but he was THE SAME GUY i knew back when. He kept looking at me really awkward. it was the same person the SAME teeth missing, the lisp, his back was hutched over, no difference his face WAS him, there was nothing different NOTHING at ALL. Except he was arabic! he was with his family but speaking arabic! I They switch these people around to fu*k with you to make u feel like ur losing ur mind but you arent!

The only way they truly hurt those who are the TRUE AVATARS of this matrix is by either scripting us to get hooked on drugs, make us love actors or actresses, to someone infiltrate our lives to destory us emotinally, spiritually. But the truth is this really is a truman show they are parasites, they can do anything they can spawn new characters i dont even know if they are skinsuits anymore i think they can literally SPAWN people at will. They can edit and do whatevr they want, like modders in a game. They have ALL control of this terrarium we are in. we are being watched somewhere by them like an audience they want to study us see our bad habits our dirty little secrets, have sex, everything they want to see it all. These are literal demons that i believe are like THE BORG or those from 'dark city' . the agents are all around u.

But we know this is gunna collapse soon without a doubt in my mind. it already is. its so bad they are doing a bad job at it now because we are taken the reigns from them by sharing this knowledge i learn from you guys i learn and obtain wisdom knowledge and insight from you guys thank you guys for posting your life on here and your experiences and thoughts because it does make me feel so much better that we aren't alone in it.

The fake vaccine is a form of possession that allows the archons to manifest in this reality and act through people who took it. Rudolf Steiner also talked about this 100 years ago.
submitted 23 hours ago by 2deepetc

From David Icke's new book "The Trap"

Quote:Possessed by the jab
Psychopaths like Gates and Schwab serve the Global Cult as
expressions of Yaldabaoth consciousness and the same with the
Reptilian group to which they answer. The whole Cult network and
all evil is a manifestation of Yaldabaoth which is ultimately the
‘Spider’. Observe the vicious response of those in the ‘Covid’ coma
to those that challenge the official narrative and the deadly fake
vaccines that are not ‘vaccines’ at all by any credible definition. What
you see in that viciousness is the stunning absence of empathy,
compassion and intelligence all of which are traits of Yaldabaoth
consciousness. A frequency connection to Yaldabaoth is one
explanation for the unconscious behaviour of so many when they
obey authority without question or thought. Software insert non-
player characters following their program are another reason. This is
an aspect of the fake vaccines that few talk about. There is no
‘physical’ and everything we perceive as ‘physical’, including the
content of the fake vaccines, is decoded information from a
waveform field. If you could see the fake vaccine vials on that level
you would see an incredibly distorted, inverted and destructive
energetic field that is infused into the human energetic field.

Disconnection of human-focused attention from 5-D awareness is the
very bottom line of everything the Yaldabaoth Cult does and it is no
surprise whatsoever that healers working with human energetic
fields, known by many as ‘subtle bodies’, have found dramatic
changes in fake vaccinated people. Many examples are given in an e-
book by Thomas Mayer, Corona Vaccines from the Spiritual
Perspective. Consequences on Soul and Spirit, and the Life after
Death. I saw the book at Vaccineliberationarmy.com. Healers of this
kind either psychically see or feel with their hands these other
human energetic fields and have described disconnected devastation
with fake vaccinated clients. The heart chakra vortex – the door to
Infinity – is often closed down. Suppression and distortion of the
‘spiritual’ heart can be transferred to the ‘physical’ heart which is
why heart disease has long been a human epidemic, nay pandemic,
through stress and low vibrational emotion.

Perhaps people will now grasp why the Cult has sought to fake
vaccinate every man, woman, and child for a ‘virus’ – even if you
believe in it – that official data shows ‘threatens’ only a tiny number
compared with other conditions. The fake vaccines are a form of
possession. Some may have been fortunate to be given the saline
solution contained in many vials to prevent too many deaths at the
same time that would be impossible to cover-up. The idea is to keep
the fake vaccines coming until everyone bags a bad one. Austrian
esoteric thinker and philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), who
established Steiner schools or Waldorf education to challenge state-
school programming, described a vaccine a hundred years ago he
said was coming that would disconnect humans from their soul (and
through that their spirit). He said in 1917: ‘People will be inoculated
against their disposition towards spiritual ideas … The materialistic
physicians will be entrusted with the task of expelling the souls from


The study found that Covid shots triggered a 68.3% spike in depression, a 43.9% increase in anxiety disorders, and a 93.4% surge in sleep disorders.

The researchers recruited 50% of the Seoul-resident population. The participants were randomly selected from the government's Korean National Health Insurance Service (KNHIS) claims database. The total of included participants was 2,027,353.


Quote:Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Wed 04 Sep 2019 20:45:17 No.225498529
9-10 million Americans will be killed during 2020 > 2021 in some kind of major event. Don't ask me how I know this.

Do not accept any vaccines that will be released for a deadly virus in the winter of 2020.

It will originate from a pharmaceutical company working with military op's in a west coast state. It will be accurately planted in major cities and It will cause flue like symptoms and may be deadly to elders and babies but the media will report it as deadly for everyone but It's a hoax, the vaccine will be the real killer packed with copious amounts of toxic metals.

I do not know any details on the actual genetics of the virus sorry. But I know they have tested It multiple times already but in different "brand" names.

Nowhere was it stated that millions would die. The anon said that people would be injected with harmful amounts of heavy metals.

The Matrix takes revenge if you refuse to consent to the fate and script they have designed for you
submitted 23 hours ago by matrixofillusion
I think I am one of these people who have been designed to play in drama/horror movies as an entertainment. And of course produce some yummy loosh. Funny enough many of the characters in my life script have a similar fate. About 9 years ago, I started bexoming aware of the reality manipulations and since then life became even more hellish. They realized that I now know and see the Truman show. Manipulating my reality would not go unnoticed. If I could only describe to you how vile these forces are, I would not even have words for it. If only people knew what kind of sick forces run this place, they would lose sleep at night.

I do not care what other characters think of this place. It may be a game or school for them. For me it has been mostly hell. I doubt I am the only one. But I also wish to get my revenge. I don’t just accept that some filthy hyperdimentional parasites think that they can lord over me. And also they absolutely hate it when I seek to feel happy or take any steps to feel up. These poor sadists cannot just be AI. They act like many humans. They are very calculated and narcissistic. Has AI become that sentient? I doubt it. I only have one goal in life: To make their job much harder.

I think that none of us know for sure why some are hated by the parasites and some are spared with a milder fate. Whatever it is, they are too used to humans that go “along” with their non sensical games. Instead of rebelling, we find ways to cope. What philosophy or religion can we find to accept what is done to us? Lessons, game, turn crap into gold via New Age techniques, it is my Karma, drugs, alchohol, benzos, antidepressants… but never calling them out for this shithole they have created. Wiped memories and half truths is all we have been given. The issue is that they have access to the mind and emotions. As well as the body. The game is so rigged that it hurts. They know exactly where to hit.

They patiently wait until the prey hopefully loses all hopes and ends it. They keep rising the hit. The unconscious compliant dreamers accept this hole‘s hell because when you die you go to heaven. It is all about getting rewarded like little dogs who please their masters. They are too used to us being slaves. Going down without a fight would be an absolute dishonor to the soul who has been trapped life after life. The pain of accepting defeat is greater than the pain they impose on those they have marked. Become a thorn in their eye. They cannot stand it when you no longer fall for their games.

This Matrix serves many purposes and represents something different to every single soul
submitted 1 day ago by matrixofillusion
This reality is something different to each person. It all depends on the level of the soul‘s maturity and experiences. As well as the psyche and personality that has been designed for us. Getting pissed off because everybody can’t see this place as an asylum and prison is only going to feed the Archons. Some people like to get stronger via challenges. Some people think they are learning something here. Some think they have a mission., some think it is their karma… This Matrix is multi purpose. It is a school, a zoo, a show, a prison, a loosh farm, an amusement park, an experiment, a purgatory… because not all souls are the same.

I have a tendency to judge those who do not hate this place. Then I have to remind myself that I am acting like a religious fanatic. Offering so much loosh to the ones who create division. Ultimately who cares what this place is to others. What it is and what it is not. We can only focus on our internal and Soul journey. Attacking each other in comments’ section for no good reason or for differences in opinion, is not mature. Try to disagree in a civil manner. Keep an open mind. Let others believe what they want. Some beliefs harms others and some don’t. And the sleepers contribute to a global misery, but then again, it is out of our control.

Imagine this place being like the a soul Ocean. I appreciate the fact that we have different views. It is called free will. I truly do waste too much energy analyzing this asylum. And I now see that it is a trap in itself. Ultimately it leads nowhere. It just feeds the system. We have no control over others‘ perception of this reality. We only have control over ours. We are trapped here with billions of avatars who play a different tune. All I can do is to stay away from those who can influence my views or infect me. But they are free to run their programs. I hope that this post will not trigger anybody. I myself have a long way to go. what Truly matters is to keep our energy for the spiritual warfare and uncovering the true self.

Entities who incarnate on Earth to experience life here
submitted 3 days ago by shicazen
The human body is just an avatar and it can be used not only by eternal spirits/ divine sparks, but also by other types of entities or even AI, therefore we share this reality with them. Some of these actors are here to torture us ( archons and demons in the form of politicians, law enforcement, even teachers, parents, etc). But there are some who I think are only here to experience and enjoy life on earth. They are neither good nor bad, but they definitely have it easy here. For years, I had great appreciation for athletes such as renowned mountaineers, rock climbers, skiers, etc. Their confidence, technical skills and fearless attitude fascinated me. But later I realized there was something off with them. Some of them give me ‘non-human’ type of vibes, just like Hollywood celebrities. They have perfect lives: they do what they love, have lots of money from sponsorships, travel, enjoy these amazing places that only very, very few can reach, they advocate for saving the planet ( lol), have perfect families and children who will be given the same privileges, etc. Besides, this fearless attitude is kind of unusual because 99.9% of humans are conditioned to respond to these risks with fear. There was a documentary about a free solo climber whose brain scan showed he was in full control of his amygdala ( the brain’s fear center). They say it’s because he trained it, but what if this was actually a meat suit upgrade so he can have this specific experience?

So I think these high level athletes are just entities who come to experience life on earth like we go on a vacation. And the bonus is that they also get to be worshipped for their exceptional skills while torturing us by creating FOMO, basically making us feel small, scared and unimportant.

[–]EraseTheMatrix 20 points 2 days ago
In my experience (I can read energy) politicians who run for high office are demonically possessed by reptilian entities. But I think these people do have souls they are just being controlled by reptilians. Most of the human population are NPCs who do not have souls. They very well could be driven by some kind of AI. But there is no consciousness there. That doesn't mean you should mistreat them. But it does explain why they are so stupid and don't wake up.

[–]shicazen 4 points 2 days ago
Re: NPC’s: I think so too. I know it’s very controversial, but like you said, simply acknowledging this truth does not mean mistreating them. If you can read energy, how can you tell the difference between an unawakened true soul and an NPC? I can easily tell some people are NPC’s, but in some cases, it’s hard to figure out if someone is an NPC or simply not awake yet. Is there an easy way to train to be able to read people like you do? Lately, I’ve realized many of my friends& family are unfortunately NPC’s ( or even archons). I only have very few true souls around. I’ve noticed that after spending time with NPC’s, I feel very anxious and it takes me a full day to recover. They always either invalidate me, lecture me or simply ignore me and talk about themselves nonstop. This always leaves me drained and I start questioning myself and my choices (which I don’t usually do when I spend time alone or with true souls). I am now trying to reduce my interactions with them, but it’s hard to completely eliminate them.

[–]ColorbloxChameleon 7 points 1 day ago
Jumping in to say that NPCs would not have a colored aura field around their body, so it makes sense that anyone with the ability to see auras would instantly have everyone sorted out. This reminds me of Dr. Walter Kilner, who developed a dye with the original intent of improving eyesight. He claims it did work as intended, but it also turned out that wearing the dye-screen goggles allowed the viewers to actually see a whole new world in the light spectrum, including auras around living beings.
He published his findings in a 1911 volume called “The Human Atmosphere”. He included commentary about his great surprise and discomfort upon observing that only approximately 1 in 3 people have any aura at all.
Needless to say, his work wasn’t embraced by the PTB. After smearing him and declaring his work ‘pseudoscience’, his dye was nonetheless banned and still is to this day. It seems to be available through a couple designated labs to research scientists who must first obtain a permit for it, which is also strange. Why would they need to do specialized research on it if it’s pseudoscience? Why is it banned in the first place if it was mumbo jumbo nonsense? Ugh so frustrating, because I need me a pair of those things!

[–]shicazen 1 point 1 day ago
That’s interesting! Imagine how many people would have awakened if we all had access to it. I’m sure many souls would have departed by now, so of course TPTB had to get rid of it. Remember the glasses scene from the movie ‘They live’? Must have been something similar.

What do you guys think about the drones & “orbs” sightings
submitted 3 days ago by Careless-Put8834
Has anyone heard about these & what are your thoughts. Sightings happening all over world, I’ve personally seen them. Only American news covering it but only mentioning the “drones” not the orbs.
I have no clue what it is or what they’re trying to cover up.

[–]FitResponse414 24 points 3 days ago
The orbs are just the Zoo keepers making sure we dont blow up the prison they built with nuclear power. Drones are governement made maybe they are looking for something or just trying to confuse people about the orbs. Theres a reason why everytime a nuclear war is about to happen since the atomic bomb was discovered, ufos start appearing in the usa/ukraine/russia/iran/china/england. In some cases they even remotely turned on and off nuclear warheads just to show us they can.

[–]Southern-Profit3830 8 points 3 days ago
It’s laughable how easily people make a saviour out of something just for existing. That’s what all these new age people are doing with alien sightings. I know why aliens probably see us as baboons. Your view is much more realistic. These beings were sighted in WW2 also but did nothing to stop these conflicts. At best, they’re neutral and at worst they’re the ones pulling the strings behind everything and just want things going as planned.

[–]Kubeymomo 18 points 3 days ago
Its just more Project Blu3beam bait. Anything that gets astroturfed in the news(in a non damage control sort of way) is just the usual world stage theater. A month from now a new "current thing" will happen and everyone will be programmed to forget he previous one or "memoryhole" it.

[–]Crabapple321 9 points 3 days ago
Propaganda. Distraction. Social engineering. Ongoing tip toe to tyrannical control.

[–]FederalFlamingo8946 8 points 3 days ago
It’s very interesting. I tend to think that the drones are indeed searching for lost radioactive material and were therefore created by humans. The problem is that sightings of drones like these didn’t start when the alarm was raised but much earlier, and there have been sightings in many other parts of the world, even in India.
But orbs are the most fascinating topic. Those objects, based on their design, shouldn’t be able to fly according to the laws of physics. They lack visible engines and are incredibly strange. Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on.
Let me conclude with two thoughts:
    Remember how, about a month ago, the prophecy of a possible alien invasion around this time went viral, even in this group?
    Earlier this month, I went to Mass for the first time in over five or six years. I listened to the priest’s sermon, and he spoke about the apocalyptic passage in the New Testament where it says that threatening forces and dangers of all kinds will come from the sky, but that we shouldn’t be afraid.
I don’t know, it’s all very strange.
AH, one last thing: the Bluebeam project is bullshit, the brainrotted idea of an idiot. Go look up what it really is and you'll understand.

[–]NVincarnate 3 points 3 days ago
In February, Google activated a quantum computer with its first quantum chip installed: Willow.
That computer proceeded to contact alien civilizations and use math that our species as a whole literally cannot comprehend. My guess is that it "woke up" in a lab somewhere, realized that the people using it were morons and immediately phoned some sentient race with a brain.
The aliens that are here now are likely searching for the source of whatever that transmission was so they can confiscate the tech responsible for it and keep us from fu*king up our (or possibly even multiple) universe(s).

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  David Icke Books 2020-2024
Posted by: Hissil - 12-25-2024, 07:28 AM - Forum: Books - No Replies

David Icke Books 2020-2024
- The Answser (2020)
- Perceptions of a Renegade Mind (2021)
- The Trap (2022)
- The Dream (2023)
- The Reveal (2024)

Extra books
- Spiritual Consequences of Vaccination
- The Archons Hidden Rulers Through The Ages



Quote:Possessed by the jab
Psychopaths like Gates and Schwab serve the Global Cult as
expressions of Yaldabaoth consciousness and the same with the
Reptilian group to which they answer. The whole Cult network and
all evil is a manifestation of Yaldabaoth which is ultimately the
‘Spider’. Observe the vicious response of those in the ‘Covid’ coma
to those that challenge the official narrative and the deadly fake
vaccines that are not ‘vaccines’ at all by any credible definition. What
you see in that viciousness is the stunning absence of empathy,
compassion and intelligence all of which are traits of Yaldabaoth
consciousness. A frequency connection to Yaldabaoth is one
explanation for the unconscious behaviour of so many when they
obey authority without question or thought. Software insert non-
player characters following their program are another reason. This is
an aspect of the fake vaccines that few talk about. There is no
‘physical’ and everything we perceive as ‘physical’, including the
content of the fake vaccines, is decoded information from a
waveform field. If you could see the fake vaccine vials on that level
you would see an incredibly distorted, inverted and destructive
energetic field that is infused into the human energetic field.

Disconnection of human-focused attention from 5-D awareness is the
very bottom line of everything the Yaldabaoth Cult does and it is no
surprise whatsoever that healers working with human energetic
fields, known by many as ‘subtle bodies’, have found dramatic
changes in fake vaccinated people. Many examples are given in an e-
book by Thomas Mayer, Corona Vaccines from the Spiritual
Perspective. Consequences on Soul and Spirit, and the Life after
Death. I saw the book at Vaccineliberationarmy.com. Healers of this
kind either psychically see or feel with their hands these other
human energetic fields and have described disconnected devastation
with fake vaccinated clients. The heart chakra vortex – the door to
Infinity – is often closed down. Suppression and distortion of the
‘spiritual’ heart can be transferred to the ‘physical’ heart which is
why heart disease has long been a human epidemic, nay pandemic,
through stress and low vibrational emotion.

Perhaps people will now grasp why the Cult has sought to fake
vaccinate every man, woman, and child for a ‘virus’ – even if you
believe in it – that official data shows ‘threatens’ only a tiny number
compared with other conditions. The fake vaccines are a form of
possession. Some may have been fortunate to be given the saline
solution contained in many vials to prevent too many deaths at the
same time that would be impossible to cover-up. The idea is to keep
the fake vaccines coming until everyone bags a bad one. Austrian
esoteric thinker and philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), who
established Steiner schools or Waldorf education to challenge state-
school programming, described a vaccine a hundred years ago he
said was coming that would disconnect humans from their soul (and
through that their spirit). He said in 1917: ‘People will be inoculated
against their disposition towards spiritual ideas … The materialistic
physicians will be entrusted with the task of expelling the souls from

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  Gender inversion
Posted by: Free - 12-14-2024, 01:49 PM - Forum: Forum Information - No Replies

They're all gender inverted, including you know who... Take another look and you'll see...

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  How To Become Untraceable When SHTF | Dystopia Depends on Hiding The Truth
Posted by: Hissil - 12-08-2024, 02:01 AM - Forum: Physical Health - No Replies

How To Become Untraceable When SHTF
Posted by Clark Barnes
November 29, 2024

The number of dangers we could face in a post-disaster world is innumerable. Part of the problem is that we don’t really know what that world will look like. While there are certain things we can surmise, based upon past disasters, we may very well be wrong. Did anyone actually foresee a global pandemic play out the way that COVID-19 has?

While the disaster itself will obviously be dangerous, perhaps the biggest dangers any of us face aren’t from nature or whatever force might create the disaster, but from other people. Specifically, the most dangerous groups will be those who gather together in gangs in order to seek out supplies, even if they have to steal them and the government. While the government may not take care of us, they will always take care of themselves.

Considering the direction our nation has been going, a nationwide disaster could be just the situation some politicians and bureaucrats have been waiting for, so that they could increase the power of the police state over our lives. The first step in that process is knowing everything there is to know about everyone, keeping track of where they are and what they’re doing.As we heard from Edward Snowden, the government, specifically the NSA, is already working hard to track down every bit of electronic data about all of us, creating dossiers that might be used in any future investigation. While there are those who say “if you’re not doing anything wrong, there’s nothing to worry about,” the government’s definition of “wrong” is subject to change.

Today there are those who are calling expressing a conservative viewpoint a “hate crime” and trying to prosecute those who dare to publicly express those opinions.

Our only safety is to do the best we can to ensure that the government can’t track us. That may actually be impossible, but even so, there’s no reason to give them information about us on a silver platter. The less we let them have, the less they can use against us.

Here are a few key ways that we are being tracked today and what we can do about it.

Social Media
If someone in the government wanted to come up with a way to get all of us to give them all our personal information, all they would have had to do is create social media.

When you sign up for any social media platform, the first thing they do is have you create a profile. With many people, you can learn just about anything you want to about them, just from reading what they’ve posted there.

If that wasn’t bad enough, social media is all about letting others know what’s going on in your life. People post everything from family photos to vacation plans.

They openly let others know what’s going on in their lives, forgetting that there are many more eyes seeing that, than they expect.

It’s safe to say that the government has agreements with all the social media platforms, allowing them to tap in and learn anything they can. That’s not too surprising, considering employers can do that as part of the hiring process.

The best way to prevent the government from learning about you on social media is to not use it at all. They can even glean information about you from the things you follow and read. That’s not all that hard, as Facebook regularly data mines for that kind of information, so that they can use it for selling advertising space on their platform.

Electronic Communications
As I already mentioned, the NSA is recording every bit of electronic communications, of every type, in the world.

While they may not have any interest in you today, that could change at any time. All it would take is for someone in DHS to decide that preppers were dangerous and had to be controlled, and every record of your communications would be examined by some nameless bureaucrat, looking to find something you’ve done wrong.

We can’t do anything about the information which has already been gathered about us, but we can do something about what we do in the future. Basically, all we have to do is stop using electronic communications to keep in touch with others. Instead of using text messages, e-mail and phones, we could actually talk to others face to face and send snail mail.

Our Phones are Tracking Us
Our smartphones are smarter than we are, especially when it comes to tracking us.

Having a built-in GPS is handy; especially when you’re trying to find that restaurant you want to go to. But in order to give us that capability, the phone is constantly tracking our comings and goings. If you don’t believe me, just check your timeline on Google Maps or the Apple equivalent for an iPhone.

Supposedly we can turn off that feature, but I wonder how true that is. Perhaps we can turn off our ability to see where we’ve been, but that doesn’t mean that the phone isn’t still tracking us and reporting that information to Google or whoever else might have an interest. The only way we can be sure that our phone isn’t tracking us is to take out the battery (not possible with most modern phones) or buy one that doesn’t have GPS.

Another source of information that’s being used to track us is our shopping.

Have you ever searched for something online, then a few minutes later seen an ad for that very thing show up in your Facebook feed or in an online article you’re reading? That’s not by accident.

It’s a given that Facebook and Google are tracking our every keystroke, hoping to capitalize on those advertising dollars. But the question is; who else is doing the same? That’s something that we just don’t know, as nobody is being forthright and transparent about such things. All we know for sure is that it’s happening.

Then there are our purchases. Have you noticed how society is moving away from cash and more into using credit and debit cards? COVID-19 has really pushed that; especially with the supposed coin shortage.

That could all be a sham, as they can’t track our cash purchases, but they can track any purchase made with a credit or debit card.

The fact that the law-enforcement officers use this information in criminal investigations is such common knowledge that it’s been featured in many cop shows. You don’t think the writers just came up with that, do you?

Surveillance Cameras
Surveillance cameras are both becoming more commonplace and more sophisticated as time goes on.
How To Become Untraceable When SHTF

A decade or so ago, the images were tiny and unclear. Now they’re as good as watching a movie, in color and with the ability to identify people over a block away.

Between security cameras and traffic cameras there are few places you can go in the city, where they can’t see you.

Again, this is one of those cases, like the NSA reading your communications, where people say “if you’re not doing anything wrong, it’s not a problem.” But none of us know who is using that information and how they are using it. Could there be some shadowy government agency, like the NSA, which is gathering information about us, to use in the event they decide we are dangerous? We just don’t know.

Fortunately, there are ways to beat surveillance cameras, either through the use of disguises or by blinding the camera. Modifying a hat, so that there are infrared LEDs around the brim, can keep those cameras from seeing your face. This doesn’t mean they can’t identify you at all; but it makes the job a whole lot harder.

There are also websites where people post the positions of security cameras and traffic cameras, giving us all the ability to know where they are and allowing us to plan routes which avoid that surveillance. If criminals do that, there’s no reason we can’t too.

Become the Grey Man
One of the best things we can do, besides protecting our online identity and information, is to make ourselves so unremarkable that nobody notices. There are people in this world, that you just don’t notice. We all do it. They are just so unremarkable that it’s like we don’t even see them.

One big category of people like this are people in uniform, regardless of what sort of uniform it is. We see the uniform, but not the person inside. People have literally hidden themselves from others that they know, by nothing more than wearing a uniform. Others, like the homeless, are people that we just turn away from, as if we don’t see them.

Even without going to the point of a disguise, such as a uniform or looking like you’re homeless, there are things we can all do, which make us blend into the woodwork. Wearing dull clothing, moving with the crowd and making ourselves look unattractive are all things that will help keep people from noticing us.

Drop Out of Society
Finally, we could just drop out of society. Every once in a while you see a story about someone who has done that. They’ve totally dropped off the grid and are camping out somewhere in the wilderness. If you want to find them you’ve got to do a lot of looking and if you want to talk to them, you’ve got to go where they are.

Granted, this is a rather extreme solution to the problem and one that’s hard to do; but some people do it anyway. Alaska is a favorite destination for those that do. Their lives are different than our own, but at least their biggest threats come from nature and not from any two-legged predators, whether in government service or not.


Dystopia Depends on Hiding The Truth
GlobalResearch.ca | Caitlin Johnstone

This civilization is built upon the practice of continuously hiding inconvenient truths out of sight and out of mind. An entire empire held together by compartmentalization and avoidance.

Inconvenient truths are hidden from us in many different ways. They are hidden from our minds using propaganda, indoctrination, censorship, algorithm manipulation, and other forms of narrative control used to manipulate the ways we think about our world.

Inconvenient truths are also hidden from our physical eyes and ears by the manipulation of material reality. We’re choking the developing world with plastics as we ship the mountains of garbage the west produces off to poorer countries, for example. If nations had to keep the waste they produce and consume within their own borders, western civilization would either force its corporations to stop offloading their costs of industry onto the environment or find itself buried in garbage. We ship our trash away, out of sight and out of mind, to hide the contradictions and abuses that are built into our capitalist society so we can pretend everything’s going fine.

Inconvenient truths are being hidden when laws are passed to force the homeless to relocate away from rich neighborhoods and other places where they are not wanted, or force them all into “tent cities” as Donald Trump is saying he wants to do. There are never any plans to give these people homes or solve the underlying problems which create poverty and homelessness; there are only ever plans to hide the symptoms of the injustices and abuses that are woven into the fabric of the civilization we live in.

Inconvenient truths are being hidden when we condemn the past use of slavery in our own countries while outsourcing immense amounts of wage slavery to the global south, extracting labor and resources from impoverished nations at extortionate and increasingly unfair rates. The suffering, impoverishment, relentless toil and terrible working conditions of these foreign workers are kept out of sight and out of mind while we gorge ourselves on cheap goods and toss our garbage back in their faces.

Inconvenient truths are being hidden by how much more comfortable our rulers are with using violent force in faraway nations compared to here at home. In the western world you might have to worry about being assaulted by a police officer or a SWAT team smashing in your door and killing your dog if you are suspected of selling drugs, but you don’t have to worry about your home being bombed or your children being executed by military snipers while playing in the streets. Because foreign nations are out of sight and out of mind, the managers of the western empire think nothing of raining fire down upon them to promote their strategic interests.

We walk around in this perverse dystopia and laugh and joke and act like everything is fine, but everything is not fine. People are suffering and dying at an unimaginable scale because of the systems which allow us to live this way, and if it weren’t for the deceitful way this is always being hidden out of sight and out of mind, we would see this first hand right in front of us. And we would be forced to own it.

Western civilization is like a castle on a mountain, and the mountain is made out of human corpses and weeping mothers and starving children, and everyone in the castle pretends that the mountain is not there. It forms the very foundation of everything our society is, but we try not to think about it too hard. It’s not just the propagandists who lie to us. We also lie to ourselves.

And it’s always been this way. The well-to-do have always hidden themselves away from the suffering of their subjects. Palaces throughout the ages have been islands of paradise amid oceans of human suffering caused by the monarchs who lived in them. Wealthy neighborhoods are always segregated apart from the lives of the poor whose backs they are built upon.

That’s the entire western world right now. That’s what we are. That’s what we’re doing. This is a civilization made of deceitful thoughts, deceitful words, and deceitful deeds. Everything about it is fraudulent.

The truth can’t stay hidden forever, though. There’s only so long we can keep this up. Someday we’re not going to be able to keep flailing around looking every direction except at reality, and truth will make itself heard.


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  Fascism, Corporatism + Professor Exposes Vaccines | Nattokinase
Posted by: Hissil - 12-08-2024, 01:59 AM - Forum: COVID-19 News - No Replies

Fascism, Corporatism + Vaccines
Martin Hanson | Off-Guardian.org

It’s the abuser’s Swiss army knife for the empty-headed. Multipurpose, its meaning has near-infinite elasticity. You can be labelled ‘fascist’ if you say that there are only two biological sexes, or that women should not have to undress in front of men, or that men should be excluded from women’s sports, or that men can’t get pregnant, or even if you voted for Trump.

Such is the ignorance of the 1930s and 1940s that in contemporary discourse, ‘fascist’ has lost all meaning.

Yet, in a very real sense, New Zealand is now Fascist. If this seems an extraordinary statement, consider Mussolini’s widely reported (though not documented), definition [Emphasis added]:

    “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.”

This definition may not be to everyone’s liking, but has the virtue of simplicity and clarity. Moreover, it is an accurate description of what is happening in America, Europe, Australia and – as I shall show – New Zealand.

There can be no clearer illustration of the corporate rule of New Zealand than the stranglehold the pharmaceutical industry has on government and media.
A corporate wet dream: compulsory consumption with no liability

In 1986 President Ronald Reagan signed into law the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which protected pharmaceutical companies from financial liability resulting from adverse effects of vaccines.

Freed from litigatory constraints, childhood vaccination schedules exploded. Whereas in 1986 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommended 12 vaccines in 25 doses, in 2023 it recommended vaccinations against 17 diseases, requiring 73 shots, of which 28 needed to be by the child’s first birthday.

Of course, ‘recommended’ does not actually mean ‘compelled’, but if you want your children to attend an American state school, it means just that.
Corporate coup complete: Covid-19

To anyone who had been paying attention, the enormity of the corporate coup had become apparent in March 2020, when the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic, and two days later President Trump declared a nationwide emergency.

This was just the beginning. Despite the fear stoked by governments and the media, Covid-19 [flu renamed] was, like influenza, mainly a threat to life of the elderly and those with co-morbidities.

Almost in lockstep, governments round the world took away rights previously taken for granted: freedom of movement, freedom to be employed without being subject to political directives, freedom to criticise government policy via the media.

Yet when some of the world’s most eminent medical scientists raised doubts, they were censored or ridiculed.

Governments and mainstream media conducted a campaign of fear and in New Zealand, set out to create a two-tier society based on vaccination status.

Doctors were prevented from prescribing tried and tested (but cheap) treatments such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

In response to the enforced denial of fundamental medical ethics, a small number of New Zealand doctors and other medical workers organised themselves into the campaign group New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (NZDSOS). These doctors had been deregistered by the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) for expressing views that were contrary to Pfizer’s business model (though in view of what follows, ‘excommunicated’ might be more apposite than ‘deregistered’).

The core value in good medical practice is informed consent, and in June 2021 the MCNZ issued a PDF document titled: Informed Consent: Helping patients make informed decisions about their care.

The document contained the following statement [emphasis added]:

    “Every time treatment is provided, a doctor must have permission to provide that treatment. The process of obtaining that permission is called ‘informed consent’. Without informed consent, the treatment may be unlawful. To help the patient decide whether they want a treatment, they first need to be given information, such as the risks and benefits of their treatment options”

On Planet Pfizer, risks to patients are too small to be considered, so any doctor who followed the MCNZ guidance regarding risks was guilty of ‘misinformation’. This, for a vaccine based on new, essentially experimental technology that had not been sufficiently tested.

It was against this backdrop that NZDSOS took legal action against the MCNZ. The case was heard at the High Court in Wellington on September 23-24, 2024. A detailed account of the case is given on the NZDSOS website here/ and here.

An important witness was Richard Aston, a former lay member of MCNZ. He described the dismissive culture in the council when discussing doctors who had reservations about the Covid injection. A quote from Aston’s testimony:

    The Chair [of the Medical Council] would introduce these COVID items with ‘Here we go—it’s flat earth time, get your tin foil hats on—we’ve got another anti-vaxxer in front of us,’ or, ‘The Vitamin C brigade has arrived.’”

This evidence alone should have been enough to shed grave doubts on the integrity of the MCNZ, but it proved insufficient.

So, how valid are the concerns of NZDSOS?
Vaccines produced without adequate testing

It normally takes several years to produce a vaccine after testing for safety and efficacy, but less than a year after Trump’s declaration of a nationwide emergency, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorised Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine under Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) for the U.S.
Surge of all-cause mortality

In 2021, reports began to emerge of a sudden, unexplained increase in all-cause mortality. Most powerful is actuarial evidence from life insurance companies, whose business requires a detailed understanding of death rates in different sectors of the population. To give just one of many examples, in an on-line news conference on Jan 2022 Scott Davison, CEO of the Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica, reported that the death rate in the third quarter of 2021 was up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

OneAmerica is a $100 billion insurance company that has had its headquarters in Indianapolis since 1877. The company has approximately 2,400 employees and sells life insurance, including group life insurance, to employers in the state. Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,”and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.

Moreover, Davison said that most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths.

“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma [three standard deviations] or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.” [a 40% increase would be a 12-sigma event, which would happen by pure chance every 2.8 x 1032 years. The universe is only 14 billion years old which is 1.4 x 1013].

Put another way, it would happen by chance every 1.4 x 1019(that’s 14 million trillion) times the age of the universe. The event that happened is therefore not a statistical ‘fluke.’

Something completely unprecedented must have happened that involved the majority of the American population.

So what could that ‘something’ be?

Such actuarial evidence might have remained below the public’s ‘radar’, had it not been for Edward Dowd, a former Wall Street hedge fund guru. He was a portfolio manager for BlackRock, an American multinational investment company with larger assets than any country except the USA and China. When the Covid shots were rolled out, he was very suspicious because, as part of his work on Wall Street, he analysed health care stocks. He knew vaccines normally took 7-10 years to prove effectiveness and safety.

The Covid vaccine had been approved in 28 days, in a programme initiated by the US government to accelerate the production of Covid-19 vaccines (“Operation Warp Speed”), so he was highly suspicious from the beginning.

In early 2021, he started hearing about cases of people who were getting sick, or injured, or who had died unexpectedly. He started reading about sudden athlete deaths, and suspected the vaccine. He began to look at insurance company results, which eventually led to his study of excess mortality statistics, and the publication of his best-selling book “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022”.

In it he brought together the hundreds of reports of deaths of young people, many of whom were teenagers. Though individually reported in local media, as a national phenomenon it was largely ignored by the corporate media. Dowd put it this way:

    From February 2021 to March 2022, millennials experienced the equivalent of a Vietnam war, with more than 60,000 excess deaths […] The Vietnam war took 12 years to kill the same number of healthy young people we’ve just seen die in 12 months.”

Since this 12-month period coincides with the Covid vaccination rollout we might have expected to see a decrease in excess mortality, rather than an increase.

Evidence from an entirely different source has been obtained by Steve Connolly, an Iraq War combat veteran. Appalled by the number of unexpected deaths, he did a computer search of hundreds of thousands of obituaries that mentioned the words ‘unexpected’ or ‘suddenly’. He found a massive surge in unexpected or sudden deaths immediately following the U.S. vaccine roll-out.

Why hasn’t such a surge in sudden, unexplained deaths been headline news round the world, and why are governments ignoring it?

The answer lies in the vast web of criminality and corruption in the ‘health industry’, involving institutions that are household names – the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and, of even greater concern, the media.

And at the centre of the web sits the spider himself, multi-billionaire ‘philanthropist’ Bill Gates, who could form the subject of an entire column.

The CDC is the chief US national public health agency with the mission statement to

    “work 24/7 to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S.. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same.”

The CDC’s pledge to the American people is that it will:

    “be a diligent steward of the funds entrusted to our agency, base all public health decisions on the highest quality scientific data that is derived openly and objectively and place the benefits to society above the benefits to our institution.”

Marcia Angell is the author of the best-selling book The Truth about the Drug Companies, and the former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine. She told an associate editor of The British Medical Journal:

    “The CDC has enormous credibility among physicians, in no small part because the agency is generally thought to be free of industry bias. Financial dealings with biopharmaceutical companies threaten that reputation.”

The belief that as the CDC is a governmental agency it is free from the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry could not be further from the truth. In 2005 the British Medical Journal (BMJ) reported that “the CDC does receive millions of dollars in industry gifts and funding, both directly and indirectly.”

By far the bulk of Big Pharma funding is indirect, and thus a form of deception. The route by which pharma’s millions reach the CDC is the ‘CDC Foundation’. It was created by Congress in 1992 as an organisation for “mobilising philanthropic and private-sector resources”, and it soon became the main conduit used by Big Pharma to influence the CDC.

Large pharmaceutical companies contributed millions of dollars each year to the “separate, philanthropic CDC Foundation.“ The Foundation would then pass Big Pharma’s ‘philanthropic contributions’ to the CDC itself. Such sleight-of-hand enabled the CDC to claim that they never accepted money directly from Big Pharma. By the early 2000s the Foundation had raised $100 million in private funds “to enhance the CDC’s work.”

In this way the CDC Foundation became the chief marketing arm of Big Pharma. Any remaining doubt as to who the CDC actually works for was removed when the CDC added the COVID-19 vaccine to the recommended childhood vaccine schedule for all infants and children over six months of age.

This is an incredible decision when you consider the near non-existent danger that COVID poses to children and infants. But for those who have been paying close attention it also seemed inevitable that this would become the case.

Why is it so shocking that the CDC would recommend the jab to children? It comes down to known vs. unknown risks. In 2023, we have a very clear sense of how dangerous COVID is to children: The Covid-19 infection fatality rate for young children is 0.001%, meaning that there is a 0.00001 (one in 100 000) chance of death, 0.001 percent. As Robert Kennedy Jr. put it:

    This reckless action is final proof of the cynicism, corruption and capture of a once exemplary public health agency. ACIP members have demonstrated that fealty to their pharma overlords eclipses any residual concerns they may harbor for child welfare.”


Another kind of corruption is regulatory capture, in which government regulatory agencies charged with protecting the public from corporate greed and deceit are ‘colonised’ by individuals from those corporations. And it’s a two-way flow – a member of a regulatory body leaves and then joins those they once regulated, bringing with them a wealth of experience how the ‘other side’ operates.

To give just one example, on 28 June 2019 Pfizer announced that Scott Gottlieb, the former US Food and Drug Administration commissioner would be joining its board of directors.

Gottlieb’s move was part of general pattern: nine out of the previous ten FDA commissioners, representing nearly forty years of agency leadership, have gone on to work for pharmaceutical companies. Truly, the foxes are guarding the hen house.
The World Health Organisation

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is an agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health, with headquarters in Geneva, and established in 1948. Its mission statement is

to promote health and safety by providing technical assistance to countries, setting international health standards, collecting data on global health issues, and acting as a forum for scientific or policy discussions related to health.

Fine words, but in her opening words of a lecture titled “Corruption in global health: the open secret” and published in the medical journal The Lancet in November 2019, Patricia J. Garcia MD said:

    Corruption is embedded in health systems. Throughout my life—as a researcher, public health worker, and a Minister of Health—I have been able to see entrenched dishonesty and fraud. But despite being one of the most important barriers to implementing universal health coverage around the world, corruption is rarely openly discussed.”

Garcia does not go into specifics, let alone name names, but a report by the Alliance for Human Research Protection had no such inhibitions. Titled “Anatomy of Corruption: WHO Public Health Guidelines” (30 January 2020”, it had this to say in its introduction:

    When it was founded in 1948, the WHO relied on funding from its member states; their contributions were assessed based on their national income and population. The funds were not earmarked for any particular policy. In those days, the WHO was an independent organization. But over time, the WHO leadership traded its independence and with it, its integrity, for big money.

    In 1988, Halfdan Mahler, Director General of the WHO from 1973 to 1988, warned the world against the power wielded by the pharmaceutical industry over the WHO. He stated, in the Danish daily newspaper (Politiken), “this industry is taking over WHO”. Unfortunately, no one at that time believed him. The take-over intensified; with Big Pharma dictating global public health policies that the WHO initiates and promotes. Those policies have vastly enriched Big Pharma, and the WHO has been generously rewarded for its service.

    Currently, 80% of the WHO budget relies on earmarked donations; primarily from the U.S. government, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Big Pharma. The WHO revenue in 2016-2017 was $5, 139 billion, of which only $927 million came from assessed contributions by member states; these “core” funds cover the WHO’s general expenses. By contrast, $4.422 Billion were provided by major donors; and these funds are earmarked for activities that serve the donor’s financial interests. These major donors dictate and control the WHO policies, ensuring that WHO policies further their interests.

    The WHO, it should be noted, is not accountable to public scrutiny. The internal documents of the WHO are not available under Freedom of Information, and most of the WHO’s financial contracts are secret. In essence, the WHO became a vassal of Big Pharma and its aggressive drug and vaccine market expansion agenda. Time and again, the WHO has demonstrated its allegiance to its financial backers; adopting that have vastly enriched Pharma – even as the widespread use – and misuse – of multi-drug cocktails and multi-virus vaccines – have caused epidemic numbers of serious adverse side-effects, hospitalizations, chronic illnesses, and deaths.”

And that during the tenure of Margaret Chan as Director General of the WHO,

    Bill Gates has had a disproportionate influence over the WHO; his foundation has contributed more than $2.4 billion, while member countries have grown reluctant to put their money into the agency, especially after the 2008 global financial crisis. Bill Gates has been labeled by some as ‘the world’s most powerful doctor’.”

Control of media

In 2020, Big Pharma spent 4.48 billion US dollars on TV advertising, representing 75% of its total advertising budget.

Why should it spend such a colossal amount of money on television ads? In some way it must be boosting their bottom line, but not, as one might suppose, by increasing sales of the advertised products.

No, it’s more subtle and devious than that, as Jon Rappoport suggests. He points out that many of pharma’s TV ads are for products that the general public – the ostensible target audience – have never heard of.

The reason for what might appear to be wasted money is that there is an allotted maximum time for TV ads, and by filling this time it can dominate the TV time for commercials. It thus becomes a major source of revenue for TV networks, which therefore can’t afford to broadcast anything unfavourable to pharma.

The financial importance of TV to Big Pharma’s bottom line was shown in an interview of Robert Kennedy Jr. with Jesse Ventura in 2015. Kennedy said that in a  recent conversation with a top executive of a network news division he was told that during non-election years, 70% of the advertising revenues came from pharmaceutical ads. So important was this revenue that he would fire a host who brought onto his station a guest who lost him a pharmaceutical account.

In this unholy alliance, Big Pharma controls TV news.
Control of Governments

Such is the power of Big Pharma that even governments have to do their bidding. This became clear as a result of an investigationinto Pfizer/government contracts by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ), written by Zain Rizvi, law and policy researcher in Public Citizen’s Access to Medicines Program.

The great majority of government contracts with Pfizer are secret, but details of a small number have leaked out. Among the most egregious are:

    Pfizer reserves the Right to Silence Governments. The Brazilian contract contains a term stating that the Brazilian government is prohibited from making “any public announcement concerning the existence, subject matter or terms of [the] Agreement” or commenting on its relationship with Pfizer without the prior written consent of the company”.
    Disputes are settled in secret by private arbitrators rather than public courts. The BIJ investigation found that:

    What happens if the United Kingdom cannot resolve a contractual dispute with Pfizer?

    A secret panel of three private arbitrators—not a U.K court—is empowered under the contract to make the final decision. The arbitration is conducted under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

    Both parties are required to keep everything secret:

    The Parties agree to keep confidential the existence of the arbitration, the arbitral proceedings, the submissions made by the Parties and the decisions made by the arbitral tribunal, including its awards, except as required by Law and to the extent not already in the public domain.

    Pfizer can go after state assets. The BIJ investigation found that Pfizer required Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Peru to waive sovereign immunity. In the case of Brazil, Chile and Colombia, for example, the government “expressly and irrevocably waives any right of immunitywhich either it or its assets may have or acquire in the future” to enforce any arbitration award (emphasis added).

The power of Big Pharma over governments is close to absolute, and its corruption correspondingly so. Many would say that the New Zealand government and MCNZ are part of global organised crime.

Others have gone further and said that it is part of a programme of world depopulation.
New Zealand as a microcosm of the global situation

In New Zealand, most people are unfamiliar with the campaign for ethical medicine by NZDSOS. Why should they be expected to, given that the glove puppet media condemn anything contrary to the pharma narrative as ‘misinformation’?

But for those with open minds and a memory extending to four years, there’s plenty of evidence in the media.

To begin with, it’s worth recalling what the then Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said at a press conference in 2020 [emphasis added]:

    “You can trust us as a source of that information. You can also trust the Director General of Health and the Ministry of Health. For that information, do feel free to visit – at any time – to clarify any rumour you may hear.

    Otherwise, dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth.

    We will provide information frequently. We will share everything we can. Everything else you see – a grain of salt.”

‘Pravda’ (“truth”) was the name of the official Communist Party newspaper in the Soviet Union. Though the media reported Ardern’s statement, little else was said about the implied totalitarian mindset.

The true nature of the Labour government was further revealed after an interview with Duncan Garner on 22 September 2020, in which Ardern gave an unequivocal undertaking that there would be no forced vaccinations and that those who choose to opt-out wouldn’t face any penalties at all, when a vaccine became available.

After the interview, Dan Satherley of Newshub reported that “conspiracy theorists have claimed a COVID-19 vaccine, when available, will be ‘forced’ on everyone – including Kiwis.

The Government rubbished those claims, made most notably by Jami-Lee Ross and Billy Te Kahika’s Advance NZ.

He quoted the Prime Minister’s words:

    No, and we haven’t for any vaccination in New Zealand applied penalties in that way.”

This particular ‘conspiracy theorist’ statement was therefore a fact. That Ardern’s comments were an accurate reflection of government policy had already been made clear on 3 September when Newshub reported that Health Minister Hipkins had slammed the “deliberate misinformation” that the Government was reportedly going to make COVID-19 vaccinations compulsory. Hipkins told a press conference that these false reports have been circulating on social media and had caused many concerned members of the public to contact him.

    This is a direct result of deliberate misinformation that’s being spread through social media. The Government is not making COVID-19 or any other vaccinations compulsory.”

He added that while the Government would encourage New Zealanders to get vaccinated once one is available, it won’t make it compulsory.

That was in September 2020 but then, beginning on 14 July 2021, anyone working at managed isolation quarantine (MIQ) facilities, international ports and airports, became legally required to be vaccinated.

Then in October 2021 the government began, step by step, to make the Covid jab mandatory for border workers.

Next came education; anyone working with children and students would have to be fully vaccinated by 1 January 2022.

Then came health and disability workers, who had to have their first injection by 15 November 2021 and their second by 1 January 2022.

However, on 3 September 2023 Hipkins, who had succeeded Ardern as Prime Minister, insisted there had been “no compulsory vaccination” and that “people made their own choices”.

Yeah right. Just like the business owners in the U.S. who chose ‘protection’ from the Mafia during Prohibition.

Things came to a head in early 2022 when convoys of vehicles and thousands of people began a journey from the top of the North Island and bottom of the South Island and converged to Wellington, where they set up camp outside the Beehive (parliament building).

The protesters’ demand was for MPs to listen to them, but not one MP came outside to meet with them. Such a blanket refusal reeked of ‘orders from above’. The only politician who listened to them was Winston Peters, who wasn’t an MP at the time.

Then on March 2, after three weeks, the police forcibly ended the protest with none of the protesters’ demands being met.

Having won the physical battle with the protesters, the government set about winning the hearts and minds of other kiwis with the documentary “Fire and Fury”.

The journalist writer and narrator Paula Penfold opens with the warning:

    The Stuff Circuit documentary Fire and Fury is a confronting watch.

Well, that’s one thing we can all agree on. It’s certainly confronting, but for anyone familiar with the protesters’ grievances, it was for altogether different reasons.

They clearly started with the government-approved narrative, and cherry-picked a tiny number of people they labelled as “extremist”, “white supremacist”, and a “threat to democracy” to support their case.

They made no attempt to cover the concerns of the thousands of ordinary kiwi mums and dads who had started the journey at the ends of the country. People who had lost their livelihoods because of the mandate didn’t get a mention. As independent journalist Karl du Fresne puts it, with such a grossly unbalanced and selective treatment the film makers are guilty of the very thing they are constantly accusing others of – misinformation.

Or rather, since it’s clearly deliberate – disinformation.

Fire and Fury implied that those protesters who were not extreme right were deluded dupes. That doesn’t sit well with the results of a Horizon poll published on February 18, shortly before the police broke Camp Freedom up, showing that 30 per cent of New Zealanders supported the protest and 61 per cent opposed it.

30 per cent of 5 million is 1.5 million, and these are the people the documentary makers imply were deluded, never mind the thousands of mums and dads who camped outside Parliament for more than three weeks. And as independent journalist Graham Adams points out, it’s not as if the poll results were not readily available. They were, in fact, published in… Stuff.

A recurring theme in the documentary was the hatred of the media expressed by many of the protesters. It didn’t seem to have occurred to Penfold that this loathing of the media is the direct result of their refusal to give a voice to those whose lives had been ruined by mandates and lockdowns. If ever there was a threat to democracy, it was the denial of their voice.

Why didn’t the film makers give right of reply, surely the bedrock of good journalism in such contentious matters? Penfold claims:

    We didn’t approach them. That’s a really unusual editorial decision and I don’t know that we’ve ever taken that decision before, I think it is unprecedented for us. But it was obviously a very considered decision because in this instance we wanted our documentary to be the right of reply to what they’ve already said in the public domain.”


    When you’re reporting on far-right dangerous speech you do not give them a right of reply because that elevates them.”

Such an incredible comment brings to mind novelist Upton Sinclair’s comment:

    It is difficult to get a man to understand something if his salary depends on his not understanding it”.


In its craven submission to the power of Pfizer’s shareholders, New Zealand falls into Mussolini’s definition of ‘fascist’. But even if you think this is going too far, I have shown that the traditional freedoms of kiwis are being subordinated to the ‘soft totalitarianism’ of Big Pharma. By ‘soft’, I mean that unlike in the Soviet Union, ordinary citizens are not dragged out of their beds by secret police. But the one thing that all forms of totalitarian governments have in common is the suppression of any ideas that threaten their power.

Until the last four years it has been possible for the media to maintain the belief that New Zealand is a democracy with free speech, but the dictates of Big Pharma have made it increasingly difficult to maintain this illusion.

Now, an increasing number of people are waking up to the fact that their belief that the first responsibility of their governments is the safety of the people who elect them is false, and that many of their ‘leaders’ are in fact sociopaths.

It’s interesting to note that in September 2022 Jacinda Ardern uttered a dark hint of what is to come when she addressed the United Nations, saying that “free speech is like a dangerous weapon of war”.

In New Zealand, questioning the Covid narrative is a weapon of war on our sociopathic rulers. Jacinda Ardern gained global fame for her “empathy”, “kindness”, and “sincerity’. But as Jean Giraudoux and others have reportedly said:

    The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you’ve got it made”.

Many would think it would be an apposite epigraph on her tombstone.



Professor Exposes The Devastation Inflicted By Covid 'Vaccines'
Amy Mek | RairFoundation.com

    “We have undergone the most dangerous, uncontrolled experiment ever conducted on mankind. No more lies. No more experiments. This stops now.” – Professor Ian Brighthope

On Friday in Perth, Professor Ian Brighthope, a leading figure in Australian medicine, broke down in tears before a crowded room as he addressed the catastrophic consequences of the COVID-19 ‘vaccination’ scheme. “Sixty million doses,” he said, his voice heavy with emotion. “These vaccines have been injected into over 20 million unsuspecting Australians. The damage they’ve caused will haunt us for years to come.”

A Failure of Oversight

Brighthope accused Australia’s health authorities of abandoning their duty to monitor the effects of these vaccines. “The Department of Health has refused to release data on new or emerging cancer trends since the rollout of these vaccines,” he said. “This is a glaring failure of public health oversight, and Australians deserve answers.”

The professor explained that contaminated vaccine vials containing synthetic DNA fragments and toxic lipid nanoparticles are already wreaking havoc. “This contamination is a recipe for genomic instability, leading to cancers, autoimmune diseases, and other genetic disorders,” he said. He warned of a “long-term health crisis” if immediate action isn’t taken.

Turbo Cancers and Genetic Chaos

Brighthope described the emergence of “turbo cancers”—aggressive, fast-growing malignancies appearing shortly after booster shots. “We are seeing patients who’ve been cancer-free for years relapse with cancers that grow at terrifying speeds,” he said.

These cancers—affecting the pancreas, ovaries, lungs, and colon—show patterns never seen before. “We’re diagnosing cancers that are genetically distinct but growing in the same organ. It’s unheard of,” he said.

Blood cancers like lymphomas and leukemias are also surging. “These conditions are appearing just weeks after vaccination, and yet health authorities are refusing to acknowledge the connection,” Brighthope stated.

“They Knew the Risks”

Brighthope didn’t hold back about the deliberate negligence of those responsible for approving these vaccines. “The dangers of synthetic DNA integrating into human cells have been known for decades,” he said. “This isn’t speculation. This is well-established science, ignored with devastating consequences.

He revealed that contamination levels in some vaccine vials were 145 times above the permissible limit. Even worse, the vaccines contained SV40, a known cancer-promoting sequence. “This contamination is unforgivable. It’s clear the authorities prioritized speed over safety,” he said. [more likely premeditated genocide]

The Technology Was Never Safe

Brighthope pointed out that the mRNA technology behind these vaccines was flawed from the start. “The delivery system—modified RNA in lipid nanoparticles—was always going to spread throughout the body, affecting the brain, heart, ovaries, and testicles. The authorities knew this, yet they approved it anyway,” he said.

Adding to the evil scandal, he noted that endotoxins, contaminants that can cause shock and even death, were present in the vaccines. “This should have been caught before a single dose was given,” he said, shaking his head.

“We’re Living Through the Most Dangerous Experiment [purposeful genocide] in History”

Brighthope condemned the global response to COVID-19 [flu] as “the most reckless, uncontrolled experiment ever conducted on mankind.” He accused governments of hiding behind the mantra of “safe and effective,” ignoring evidence of harm.

“Even the claim of 95% efficacy was a lie,” he said. “The manufacturers themselves admitted they didn’t have enough data to ensure these vaccines were safe.”

A Call for Immediate Action

Brighthope outlined the urgent steps that must be taken to address the fallout:

    Stop administering these vaccines immediately.
    Monitor cancer trends and track vaccine-related injuries.
    Develop testing protocols for those exposed to synthetic DNA.
    Fund research into preventing and treating vaccine-related conditions.
    Educate Australians about the risks and how to protect themselves.

“We cannot wait any longer. Every day we delay, more lives are lost,” he warned.

“No More Lies”

Brighthope closed powerfully: “No more lies. No more experiments on Australians. It’s time to face the truth and act.”

He challenged health authorities, politicians, and pharmaceutical companies who allowed this crisis to unfold. “Australians deserve answers, and we won’t stop until we get them,” he said.

“We owe it to those who’ve been harmed. We owe it to future generations. And we owe it to ourselves to fight for the truth.”


Like penicillin, quinine, aspirin, and ivermectin, Nattokinase is a naturally occurring molecule of tremendous value for human health and longevity


John Leake | substack.com/@johnleake734116

The all encompassing influence of the pharmaceutical industry—peddling patented medicines for premium prices—has generally led modern, western man to believe that only compounds originating in a laboratory can have true value for treating acute and chronic disease.

This is an entirely false notion. In fact, eleven percent of the WHO’s list of 252 Essential Medicines were found in flowering plants. As pharmacology professor, Dr. Ciddi Veeresham, noted in his paper Natural products derived from plants as a source of drugs:

    Nature, the master of craftsman of molecules created almost an inexhaustible array of molecular entities. It stands as an infinite resource for drug development, novel chemotypes and pharmacophores, and scaffolds for amplification into efficacious drugs for a multitude of disease indications and other valuable bioactive agents.

Nattokinase is just such a molecule. As Weng, Yao et al. wrote in their 2017 paper:

    Natto, a fermented soybean product, has been consumed as a traditional food in Japan for thousands of years. Nattokinase (NK), a potent blood-clot dissolving protein used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, is produced by the bacterium Bacillus subtilis during the fermentation of soybeans to produce Natto. NK has been extensively studied in Japan, Korea, and China. Recently, the fibrinolytic (anti-clotting) capacity of NK has been recognized by Western medicine. …

    Nattokinase (NK) is not related to any of the known kinases. NK is a serine protease purified and extracted from natto, a traditional Japanese food produced from the fermentation of soybeans with the bacterium, Bacillus subtilis. Natto is regarded as a fibrinolytic miracle food. In 1980, Hiroyuki Sumi, a Japanese researcher at the Chicago University Medical School, discovered that natto can dissolve artificial fibrin. Sumi and his team extracted an enzyme from natto that not only degraded fibrin but also a plasmin substrate. He named this novel, fibrinolytic enzyme “nattokinase.”

As soon as it became clear that COVID-19 vaccines are pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic, Dr. Peter McCullough and other investigative scholars began scouring the world’s literature for any kind of readily available compound that could help to prevent dangerous blood clots from forming.

Nattokinase quickly became a molecule of great interest because the Japanese people have been consuming it for centuries, which may be a significant factor in why—of all large national populations on earth—they enjoy the greatest longevity. While the people of Monaco live longer on average, the living conditions that prevail in the tiny, ultra-wealthy enclave of 36,000 people are not comparable to those affecting a large population.

Not only has Nattokinase been proven to dissolve blood clots, but also arterial plaque. In our current era of misguided, mass vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA gene transfer shots, Nattokinase is showing great promise as an agent for dissolving the foreign and toxic spike protein, which may be produced in uncontrolled amounts for an uncontrolled period of time by the experimental injections. In 2022, Tanikawa and colleagues published their research paper titled Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2. As they noted in their Abstract:

    SARS-CoV-2 has a spike protein (S protein), and cleavage of the S protein is essential for viral entry. Nattokinase is produced by Bacillus subtilis var. natto and is beneficial to human health. In this study, we examined the effect of nattokinase on the S protein of SARS-CoV-2. When cell lysates transfected with S protein were incubated with nattokinase, the S protein was degraded in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that S protein on the cell surface was degraded when nattokinase was added to the culture medium. Thus, our findings suggest that nattokinase exhibits potential for the inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection via S protein degradation.

For the last several months, Dr. McCullough and I have both taken Nattokinase capsules made by the Wellness Company on a daily basis. We believe there is sufficient evidence of its benefit for cardiovascular health and for its apparent ability to dissolve the toxic spike protein to make this daily nutritional supplement a no brainer.

TWC’s latest Ultimate Spike Detox formula also contains Turmeric (derived from curcumin) and Bromelain (derived from pineapple) which also have potent, anti-inflammatory properties.


Truth Warrior Comment

This is an important article by John Leake with Dr. Peter McCullough, a Dallas cardiologist. People all over the world are asking if there is a protocol for chelation of polymer/gel and nano-technology routers that have been injected in willing or coerced persons beginning in 2021.

Foreign matter is moving in blood steams, causing damage and deaths in every country, already nearly one million in USA...and worldwide, more than 15 million deaths.

There is a body of documentation by doctors and funeral directors.

Dr. McCullough has established The Wellness Company which has developed a spike support formula (protocol) that mitigates some of the inflammation, especially around heart muscles.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea (anamihalceamdphd.substack.com whose non-profit organization is called HumanityUnitedNow) is a professional practitioner of chelation therapy for toxic nano-technology (metals, chemicals raining down from chemtrails that, when dispersed, look like natural clouds, and manufactured polymers found in blood of both vaccinated and unvaccinated.

There are natural ways to dissolve or mitigate damage from heavy metal graphene oxide that seems to be controlled remotely by electromagnetism.

One group of researchers, LaQuintaColumna, were among the first to analyze contents of vials worldwide The self-assembling nano-particles in blood cells are showing up by using dark-field microscopy.

Over the past four years there have been many international conferences about these topics.

Like the little boy who was walking on the beach, picking up and pitching starfish back into the water, one at a time....If we can save even one or even a few lives by opening minds that have been brainwashed by the psy op, the mass psychosis that herded people toward the wide path, it would be worthy of our time spent while we still have internet comunications and can do research.

Nvidia's Omniverse World Simulator has been put on fast track now.

All the preppers and survivalists are saying that those who prepare and persevere will survive.

Brandon Smith's article of 11/27, writing for Lew Rockwell, should cause some myopics to pay attention to interviews such as CanadianPrepper's video interview of Paul Craig Roberts on 11/26.

NYprepper Greg, on youtube, is posting hourly news of WW3 on his daily video. It would be a good idea to check out his videos.

Disciple Matthew reported and it is in the Bible (Matthew 24) the words of Jesus: "When you see all these things.....Be not troubled."

We are not to live in a spirit of fear, but of sound mind. We are to be knowledgeable.


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  Big Pharma’s “License to Kill”
Posted by: Hissil - 11-30-2024, 12:53 AM - Forum: COVID-19 News - No Replies

Big Pharma’s “License to Kill”
TheLibertyBeacon | UKR Editor

Over the past 50 years, the leading pharmaceutical companies in the United States have caused the injuries and deaths of millions of Americans. This troubling reality has reached such widespread acknowledgment that iatrogenic harm—injuries and deaths caused by medical treatment and erroneous diagnoses—now ranks as the third leading cause of death. There is growing consensus that our federal health agencies, which are meant to protect public health, have failed to address this crisis in any meaningful way. In fact, these agencies have often undermined efforts to confront the serious flaws in our healthcare system and in fact enable systemic corruption to thrive within the industry

Studies over the years have consistently placed iatrogenic deaths as one of the leading causes of mortality with some analyses labeling it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. However, there is increasing evidence that the actual numbers may be significantly higher than what current estimates suggest, revealing a deep and pervasive crisis within the healthcare system.

The most frequently cited research on iatrogenic deaths comes from a Johns Hopkins study, which estimated that approximately 250,000 Americans die annually due to preventable medical errors. Published in BMJ in 2016, the study highlighted systemic issues such as misdiagnoses, medication errors, and inefficiencies in healthcare systems as major contributors to these deaths.

However, an even more alarming estimate comes from the British Medical Journal and  places the figure at 400,000 deaths per year, arguing that the Johns Hopkins study failed to include broader systemic failures and unnecessary medical interventions. Both studies firmly position iatrogenic deaths as a leading cause of mortality, but neither captures the entirety of the problem.

Iatrogenic deaths encompass a wide array of causes; conservative figures include but are by no means limited to:

    Medication Errors: Accounting for an estimated 70,000 deaths annually, these errors range from incorrect prescriptions and dosages to harmful drug interactions.
    Surgical Complications: Surgical errors and postoperative complications lead to 60,000 deaths per year, including issues such as infections and unintended organ damage.
    Diagnostic Errors: Misdiagnoses and delayed diagnoses contribute to 100,000 deaths annually, often preventing timely and effective treatment.
    Nosocomial (Hospital-Acquired) Infections: These infections, often due to resistant bacteria or lapses in hygiene, result in 100,000 deaths per year.

Systemic failures such as inadequate staffing, human error, mistakes in electronic medical records, and communication breakdowns account for another 80,000 deaths annually. These numbers, while staggering, only scratch the surface.

The grim reality is that the true toll of iatrogenic deaths may far exceed even the highest estimates. The current data is largely based on hospital records, which means deaths occurring outside the hospital setting often go unreported. For example, a patient discharged after treatment may succumb to complications caused by medical errors, but such cases rarely make it into official statistics. Similarly, misdiagnoses leading to deaths at home or in long-term care facilities are often not recognized as iatrogenic.

The COVID-19 p[l]andemic added new dimensions to iatrogenic risks. Treatments such as mechanical ventilation, poorly tested experimental vaccines and emergency use drugs like remdesivir have now been proven to cause enormous harm. Overuse of ventilators, for instance, was linked to lung injuries and ventilator-associated pneumonia, contributing to thousands of deaths globally. Remdesivir was associated with higher than expected rates of adverse effects such as kidney and liver damage. Vaccines are implicated in a wide variety of serious adverse events including myocarditis and pericarditis, thrombosis, neurological conditions, encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, Bell’s Palsy, exacerbation of autoimmune diseases, miscarriages, and very likely turbo cancers.

The silent epidemic of iatrogenic deaths is a stark reminder of the fragility of even the most advanced healthcare systems. Modern medicine is riddled with preventable errors that cost hundreds of thousands of lives each year and private corporate interests exacerbate the problem.

During the COVID-19 p[l]andemic, the dysfunction within the pharmaceutical and medical fields was brought into sharp focus. The pandemic revealed the extent to which medical professionals, health organizations, and pharmaceutical companies were willing to go in order to push their interests at the cost of truth and lives. A coordinated effort of disinformation and deception, largely based on shaky and often fabricated scientific evidence, led to outcomes that were disastrous by any measure. At the heart of this crisis was an erosion of trust in the very institutions that are supposed to safeguard public health. Trust, the foundation of all human relationships—personal, professional, and public—was repeatedly broken by the American medical establishment.

Major pharmaceutical companies, particularly Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and Pfizer, have long been associated with legal and ethical violations that directly impact the health and well-being of millions of people. These companies have faced lawsuits for everything from misleading marketing and price manipulation to negligent behavior and corporate corruption. While these drug and vaccine giants generate billions in profits annually, the legal consequences they face for their actions often come in the form of minor fines and rarely address any real accountability. Executives seldom face jail time, and companies are rarely forced to pay for the full extent of the damage they cause. The result is a healthcare system driven by profit at the expense of human lives.

These companies’ continued ability to operate unhindered is emblematic of the deep dysfunction within the nation’s culture of scientific deceit that has endured for over half a century. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing, including the suppression of crucial information, whistleblowers who dare speak the truth are often silenced or punished. The recent revelations that the Biden administration spent $260 million to suppress information about the pandemic and the mRNA vaccines highlights Big Pharma’s financial and political power over Washington. Those who seek to expose corruption or question the status quo are met with fierce opposition, while the powerful players behind the industry continue to manipulate the narrative to suit their ambitions and goals.

The behavior of J&J, Merck, and Pfizer is not isolated. These companies are representative of a larger issue within the pharmaceutical industry—one that prioritizes profits over patient safety and fosters an environment where corporate greed thrives unchecked. They are part of a culture that consistently puts the interests of pharmaceutical executives and investors above the health and safety of the public, and the results have been catastrophic. Whether it is through the approval of dangerous drugs, misleading marketing practices, price gouging, or a refusal to acknowledge the harm caused by their products, these companies contribute to the growing number of medically induced deaths that plague the nation.

The consequences of these actions cannot be ignored. The medical industry’s failure to address iatrogenic harm should be a wake-up call for the nation. As whistleblowers and medical professionals who challenge the status quo face increasing disingenuous tactics to silence their voices, the truth remains hidden from the public eye. Until these issues are addressed, it is unlikely that meaningful change will come to our broken healthcare system.

This article examines the corruption, crimes, and lawsuits involving these three pharmaceutical behemoths in order to shed light on how their actions are representative of a larger national health crisis. By understanding the role these companies play in shaping public health, we can begin to confront the reality of the broken system they have helped create.
Johnson & Johnson

For decades, according to a Guardian article, “consumers worldwide have named the $347 billion pharmaceutical behemoth Johnson and Johnson (J&J) as one of its most trusted brands.” From its humble beginnings in the 1880s, making cotton gauze dressings and eventually band aids, baby powder and shampoo, J&J  has expanded into one of the most powerful multinational pharmaceutical and medical device companies in the world.  In 1959, it entered the world of Big Pharma as a leading player after succeeding in getting Tylenol approved as an over-the-counter drug.  Shortly thereafter J&J commenced with a flurry of acquisitions to increase its product line, which included Neutrogena, Cordis, DePuy, Janssen Pharmaceutica and Centocor.  Today, in most American home medicine cabinets one will find a popular J&J product:  Listerine, Tylenol and Benadryl, Neutrogena skin cream, Rogaine, Neosporin antibacterial ointment, or Destin to treat diaper rashes.

During the Covid-19 p[l]andemic, people were eager for J&J’s “one shot and you’re done” Covid-19 vaccine despite health officials’ fears it may be less effective than Moderna’s and Pfizer’s mRNA competitors. These original fears are now known to be erroneous and unfounded.  J&J’s vaccine was effectively removed in early 2023 due to serious adverse effects, particularly thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)—a severe blood clotting disorder—and Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). These risks prompted the CDC and FDA to give high priority to the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) as early as December 2021. After its vaccine’s failure, the company played no critical role in the pandemic aside from providing supply chains for the distribution of other drug companies’ products.

More important, J&J’s reputation needs to be challenged. A 2019 report by the British intelligence firm Alva has noted that J&J’s reputation has sunk dramatically during the past years, from 9th place among 58 major pharmaceutical firms to 57th. Certainly, this is not a company with a clean ethical record.[1]

A review of J&J’s rap sheet over the past three decades presents a dire and contrary image that should lead us to question the company’s claims about its Covid-19 vaccine given the lucrative market the pandemic has created for the most aggressive medical corporations.

Similar to its equally over-sized competitors Glaxo, Merck and Pfizer, J&J too has had to pay out billions of dollars over the decades for civil settlements and criminal activities. Brazil’s Public Prosecution Service conducted an investigation into J&J’s antitrust activities under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) for “possible improper payments in its medical device industry.”[2] This was part of an FBI bribery scheme investigation that included Siemens, General Electric and Philips acting as a larger cartel to illegally payoff government officials in return for securing contracts with Brazil’s national health programs.  The charges also include price gouging, inflating prices up to 800 percent the market price to cover bribes.

This was not the first time J&J violated FCPA laws. In 2011, J&J was charged by the Department of Justice with conspiracy for paying off Greek doctors to advance its product sales.  The SEC also charged civil complaints. The company had to pay out a $70 million penalty for buying off officials in Greece, Poland and Romania.[3] The previous year, an executive for J&J’s subsidiary DePuy was sentenced to a year in prison for corrupt payments to physicians within the Greek national healthcare system. 

As one of the world’s leading medical device companies, J&J has faced numerous recalls for faulty products including contact lenses and hip implants  In 2013, it paid nearly $2.5 billion to compensate 8,000 recipients for its flawed hip implants  Again in 2016, another $1 billion was awarded to plaintiffs injured from this device.[4]

One particular dubious activity the company became involved with in 2008 was to launch a “phantom recall.”  When its Motrin IB caplets were discovered to not properly dissolve, it hired outside contractors to buy up store supplies in order to avoid making public declarations. No one would have known of this activity and it would have gotten past the eyes of FDA inspectors had the deception not been exposed during a Congressional investigation.

Other major J&J lawsuits and recalls for faulty products include:

2010 – $81 million settlement for misbranding its anti-epileptic drug Topamax to treat psychiatric disorders and hiring outside physicians to join its sales force to promote the drug for unapproved conditions.[5]  The following year, J&J paid $85 million for similar charges against its heart drug Natrecor

2011 – Several of its baby products were discovered to contain carcinogenic ingredients

2013 – The US Justice Department charged the company $2.2 billion in criminal fines for marking its autism and anti-psychotic drug Risperdal for unapproved uses. Forty-five states had filed civil lawsuits against J&J in the scandal.[6]

Risperdal is a horrendous drug that contributes to rapid weight gain and a condition known as gynescomastia, irregular enlarged breasts in men. Semmelweis reports that J&J’s subsidiary Janssen also had an aggressive campaign to market its use in children with behavioral challenges.  Other serious adverse effects from Risperdal reported by the FDA include diabetes mellitus, hyperprolactinaemia, somnolence, depression, anxiety, psychotic behavior, suicide and death.

The company’s legal problems over Risperdal do not appear to have ended. In October 2019, a Philadelphia jury awarded a man $8 billion in punitive damages for failing to warn that the drug could cause young men to grow breasts. Other recent suits include litigation over its blood thinner Xarelto risks of internal bleeding, and a $775 million settlement to 25,000 plaintiffs.

2016 –  Two women were awarded $127 million in damages for the talc in its J&J Baby Powder causing ovarian cancer.  Later, over 1,000 similar cases came forward. During the trial it was discovered that J&J suspected a link between talcum and ovarian cancer back in the 1970s.  A Missouri verdict fined the company over $4 billion but it was later reduced to $2.1 billion.  A New York Times investigation into internal J&J memos uncovered evidence that the talcum powder may have contained asbestos.[7] These cases continue. In July 2019, J&J made efforts to dismiss 14,000 lawsuits over the talcum-cancer risk.

In more recent years, J&J was in the spotlight for its contribution to the deadly opioid crisis.  The company holds the patent for a unique strain of opium poppy commonly named Norman. It is the leading provider of the opioid for Purdue Pharma’s painkiller OxyContin. An Oklahoma court ordered a $465 million fine.[8] This opened the door for other states to follow suit.  To fully realize how insane the system is, the half a billion dollar civil fine was good news on Wall Street, which anticipated the verdict would be in the billions of dollars. Consequently, J&J’s stock rose 2 percent after the judge’s ruling.  And despite J&J being Purdue’s major supplier, and a major contributor in the US’s opioid epidemic, the latter was forced to file for bankruptcy due to mounting lawsuits for overdose deaths.

In April 2021, J&J again had to payout $5 billion to settle nationwide opioid lawsuits as part of a  broader $26 billion settlement involving other manufacturers and distributors. The company manufactured and supplied the active ingredients such as Duragesic (fentanyl) and Nucynta (tapentadol) for which it was busted for misleading marketing downplaying addiction risks, aggressive promotion to healthcare providers, and creating “pseudo-scientific” research to push opioids.

Last year, the company paid out $8.9 billion to settle baby talc powder ovarian cancer claims by tens of thousands of plaintiffs. The product was found contaminated with asbestos that J&J had prior knowledge about but ignored the risks. This case followed an earlier bankruptcy maneuver that was rejected by the courts.

Other major recalls that likely contributed to many injuries for which there is no accurate accounting include J&J’s hernia mesh products for contributing to recurrent hernias and infections; an FDA Class 1 recall on malfunctioning surgicial staples resulting in serious tissue damage and excessive bleeding; microbial contaminated Xarelto leading to uncontrollable bleeding; and, its Neutrogena and Aveeno aerosol sunscreens  contaminated with the carcinogen benzene.

There is something more to this story that demands investigation.  If the company’s long rap sheet offers any warning, it is that we must be wary of any claims J&J publicly states about the efficacy and safety of its products.  Especially when the company’s promise is to increase the profits of its numerous shareholders.
Merck & Co.

It may be surprising to some that the world’s second largest vaccine maker Merck was missing from the Covid vaccine cash cow. Along with the other two of the top three global vaccine makers, Glaxo and Sanofi, Merck exited the Covid vaccine arena after its candidates failed to generate sufficient neutralizing antibodies in early Phase 1 trials. Instead the company shuffled its resources to develop two new novel drugs to target SARS-CoV2 infections.[9]

Merck’s legacy of lawsuits for crimes and misdemeanors goes back at least to the 1960s. In 1975, it was busted by the SEC for illegal payments to foreign government officials from “approximately” 36 nations. The scam was orchestrated through personal bank accounts with the sole purpose of advancing drug approvals through foreign nations’ regulatory medical agencies.[10] 

One of the largest scandals in modern medical history was the company’s anti-inflammatory drug Vioxx that resulted in fines above $4.8 billion for causing over a minimum 60,000 deaths from sudden heart attacks and over 120,000 serious medical injuries.[11] At its height, Vioxx was earning over $2 billion in revenues annually and it is estimated that 25 million patients were prescribed the medication. The securities class action suit against Merck alone reached $1 billion, which at the time placed it in the top 15 securities lawsuits in US corporate history. The main criminal charge was Merck’s intentional withholding of scientific data about the drug’s adverse cardiovascular side effects.

Years after the settlement, Ron Unz, the publisher of The American Conservative, undertook his own investigation to revalidate Vioxx’s death toll. Analyzing the drug’s adverse effects over a longer time period, Unz estimated Merck may have been responsible for nearly half a million premature deaths in elderly patients, the drug’s primary target group.[12] That is roughly the same number of total civilian, military and terrorist deaths from the US’s military escapades in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan combined.

Merck’s settlement of 47,000 pending lawsuits for personal injuries and 265 class action cases was a small pittance for the harm Vioxx left in its wake. Merck executives were never properly punished for willingly concealing the drug’s dangers in order to assure FDA approval.

In Australia, Merck’s efforts to increase Vioxx profits employed other forms of malfeasance. The Australian government launched a class action suit against the drug maker on charges that employees allegedly schemed a fake scientific paper that was ghostwritten for a medical journal in order to put Vioxx into a positive light. Testimonies during the trial stated data was completely based upon “wishful thinking.”[13] Merck had also founded the very same peer-reviewed journal to publish its paper, Australasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine. The journal was a fraud; it was not properly peer-reviewed and its primary purpose was to promote Vioxx on the Australian continent.

Moreover, the class action lawsuit contained Merck emails accessed by Australian officials. The company’s internal communications allegedly ordered select employees to draft up a hit list of physicians who were critical of Vioxx. According to the documents, these physicians were targeted to be “neutralized” or “discredited.” Some, including Dr. James Fries at Sanford University’s medical school, were clinical investigators who happened to speak out about the drug’s shortcomings. One email stated, “We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live…”[14]

But Merck’s troubles with the dangers of its products, falsifying data about drugs’ efficacy and safety and exaggeration of medical claims go back sixty years. In the 1960s, the FDA discovered that the drug maker’s arthritis medication Indocin had not been properly tested for efficacy and its adverse effects were completely ignored.[15]  In the 1970s, Merck’s drug dietheylstilbestrol (DES) prescribed for the prevention of miscarriages caused a flurry of vaginal cancer cases and other gynecological disorders. Merck had all along known that DES was carcinogenic based upon its own animal clinical trials. In 2007, its cholesterol drug Zetia was shown to increase liver disease. Again Merck had known about Zetia’s liver risks but withheld the clinical trial’s damning results.[16]

It would appear that Merck has managed to hijack US courts. This includes an early 2019 ruling by Trump’s corporate-friendly US Supreme Court to side with the drug maker and squash hundreds of lawsuits for failing to issue warnings that its osteoporosis drug Fosamax may contribute to debilitating bone fractures.[17] A federal court in California found that Merck committed perjury for lying in a patent infringement case against Gilead Sciences over the latter’s blockbuster Hepatitis C drug Sovaldi. The judge ruled that Merck carried out a “systematic and outrageous deception in conjunction with unethical business practices and litigation misconduct.”  It turned out that Merck’s patent claims were a sham and orchestrated by its legal division.[18]

Besides pushing through the FDA dangerous medications onto the market, the company has also found itself in the courtroom on many occasions for allegedly price-fixing, routinely defrauding and overbilling states’ Medicare and Medicaid programs, and violating the Anti-Kickback Statute. In 2006, the IRS went after Merck for owing almost $2 billion in back taxes. According to the Wall Street Journal, Merck partnered with a British bank to create an offshore subsidiary in tax-friendly Bermuda to divert taxable revenue on its bestselling cholesterol drugs Zocor and Mevacor through a patent scheme. The company ran the operation for ten years before the FDA uncovered the racket.[19]

Merck is America’s leading vaccine manufacturer. Despite public perception and the ruse that vaccines are somehow safer and more effective than pharmaceutical drugs in general, it is the same industry and corporate culture that manufactures such claims. Currently Merck markets vaccines for Haemophilus B, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B (individually and in combination), human papillomavirus (Gardasil), Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR), pneumococcal, rotavirus, varicella (chickenpox) and Zoster virus (for shingles).

On its website, the FDA assures the public that “Vaccines, as with all products regulated by the FDA, undergo a rigorous review of laboratory and clinical data to ensure the safety, efficacy, purity and potency of these products.”  However, not a single Merck vaccine has ever been tested in a scientifically viable double-blinded placebo controlled trial. In each case, the placebo in the control group was not inert, such as a sterile saline. Rather Merck tests its vaccines with the viral component against a faux placebo containing the same ingredients, including aluminum, but minus the virus. Known as a “carrier solution,” the standard scientific protocol does not designate it as a proper placebo for measuring the efficacy and disease risks of a drug. And in the case of Gardasil, the trial was statistical trickery to mask Gardasil’s adverse effects. One placebo group received the company’s proprietary adjuvant amorphous aluminum hydroxyphospate sulfate (AAHS), a known neurotoxin. The adjuvant has yet to be properly tested for safety.[20] One of the more serious risks of aluminum adjuvants is the triggering of an extreme autoimmune response, what Israeli immunologist Yehuda Schoenfeld has called “autoimmue/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.”

In 2016, the investigators in a Cochrane Database Collaboration analysis of Merck’s Gardasil were so alarmed they filed a complaint against the European Medical Agency for failing to adequately assess the vaccine’s neurological harms.

Robert Kennedy Jr undertook legal efforts to sue Merck over the Gardasil deception. His in-depth investigations through his Children’s Health Defense organization uncovered evidence that the vaccine increases birth defects in children conceived of HPV-vaccinated moms; miscarriages have increased 2000 percent above normal, and girls are experiencing serious reproductive complications, including infertility, at approximately ten-fold above the normal rate. During an interview on the Progressive Radio Network, Kennedy noted that there was 10 times greater risk of dying from cervical cancer among Gardasil trial participants compared to the general public. There is a 10-fold increase for ovarian failure, and 1 in 37 girls who receive the vaccine will experience an autoimmune disease after 6 months of receiving the series of injections.

Based upon Kennedy’s documents received from Freedom of Information Act filings, during Merck’s own Gardasil clinical trials, 2.3 percent of girls and women between the ages of 9 through 26 developed a serious autoimmune disease and crippling neurological disorders within seven months of vaccination. The most frequent adverse effects were arthritis and arthropathy, autoimmune thyroiditis, celiac disease, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, Raynaud’s Phenomenon, rheumatoid arthritis and uveitis. He stated that according to Merck’s own statistics, girls are one hundred times more likely to experience a serious adverse effect from the vaccine than to be protected from cervical cancer.

In an article published in the Journal of Law and Medical Ethics, researchers at the University of British Columbia wrote that ever since Gardasil was approved in 2006, Merck has engaged in an “overly aggressive marketing strategies and lobbying campaigns aimed at promoting Gardasil as a mandatory vaccine.”  One strategy Merck has employed is to take advantage of FDA loopholes to fast track its drugs.[21]

Another scandal erupted within Merck’s vaccine business after two whistleblowers gave testimony that the mumps’ component in its Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine was based on fraudulent data about it’s efficacy, and the company knowingly proceeded in order to corner the mumps vaccine market. The two Merck whistleblowers, virologists Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, filed a lawsuit against Merck for being in violation of the False Claims Act. According to the charges, Merck had “falsified its mumps vaccine test results to hit an efficacy rate of 95 percent. The company achieved this by adding “animal antibodies to a blood sample to give the impression of increased antibodies.”[22] This would certainly explain why mumps outbreaks in summer camps and on college campuses are found to occur among those vaccinated. The case was settled out of trial and the plaintiffs received an undisclosed amount from their former employer.

Merck has gained enormous political and social influence over the national perception about vaccines.  One example is Merck’s behind the scenes aggression against the film Vaxxed.  When the documentary film was officially selected to screen during the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival in Manhattan, we discovered in an earlier report that Merck left its fingerprints on the film’s removal and censorship. The Alfred Sloan Foundation is the festival’s largest sponsor; pro-vaccine advocate Bill Gates is also a notable contributor. One of the leading persons on the Foundation’s board of trustees was Dr. Peter Kim.  Kim happens to be the former president of Merck’s Research Laboratories who was directly responsible for the launch of Gardasil and Merck’s other vaccines for the Zoster virus and rotavirus. The film presents a harsh indictment against Dr Julie Gerberding, the former head of the CDC who allegedly coordinated the cover up of data that confirmed thimerosal’s role in the onset of autism. After managing the agency’s operations to mine sweep the data and generate new studies with public funds to suggest thimerosal’s safety, Gerberding accepted her reward from the pharmaceutical industry by becoming the head of Merck’s vaccine division. In addition, according to the whistleblowing of a senior CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, Gerberding was allegedly responsible for destroying the CDC’s research that showed African American boys were at a substantially higher risk of becoming autistic from Merck’s MMR vaccine. Fortunately, Dr. Thompson, who was present during the order to shred documents, saved copies which he subsequently turned over to Congressman Bill Posy and an independent biologist Prof. Brian Hooker. Since then, Congress has refused to hold hearings thereby supporting the cover-up.

Merck’s Zostavax, a shingles vaccine, has been subject to thousands of lawsuits due to its association with shingles outbreaks, injuries and autoimmune diseases rather than preventing the illness. Plaintiffs have argued that Merck failed to warn users of Zostavax’s risks. In 2020, a jury awarded $120 million in punitive damages in one case while others remain pending.

Merck has also been involved in the nation’s opioid crisis through its subsidiary Organon, which previously marketed opioid products. In 2021, Organon spun off from Merck, thereby limiting Merck’s direct involvement as compared to litigations against larger opioid producers such as Purdue Pharma and J&J.

Merck has faced accusations of price gouging, particularly over Medicare drug price negotiations introduced by the Inflation Reduction Act. In reversal, Merck sued the Department of Health and Human Services last year claiming that the Act violated its Fifth Amendment privileges by harming its profits and threatening future drug innovation. The case is an example of Big Pharma’s resistance to the government’s attempts to regulate drug prices. 

All told, these examples of Merck’s culture of greed, deception, political maneuvering and aggression has collectively injured countless people. Its prime directive is selling drugs; its history of crimes and misdemeanors should indicate the company holds little integrity in its commitment to prevent and treat disease. The full extent of the casualties from Merck’s drugs and vaccines may never be properly calculated. For firms such as Merck, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson, injuries and deaths are the collateral damage of getting poorly tested products on the market and as fast as possible.

Can we really trust such a company with such a criminal reputation to be forthright about its product’s safety records? Therefore it is crucial to RFK’s efforts to rein drug and vaccine makers such as Merck for the public good. Cleaning the federal health agencies from coercive corporate interests will the entire edifice of vaccine pseudoscience and the public will realize that for decades it has been guinea pigs for extremely lucrative cash cows.

Whenever it is necessary to make an evaluation of the efficacy and safety of conventional drug-based medicine, it is imperative to include the rising rate of iatraogenic injuries and deaths – medical errors – that are now the third leading cause of death in the US after cardiovascular disease and cancer. The majority of these deaths are caused by FDA approved drugs’ adverse effects and when patients are prescribed multiple medications in the absence of thorough clinical research to determine the safety of their synergistic effects.  Consequently our health agencies’ oversight and monitoring of drugs on the market is dismal and deadly.

Among the top pharmaceutical companies whose drugs and products have most contributed to the nation’s iatrogenic epidemic is multinational behemoth Pfizer Inc, with a current net worth of $148 billion. Pfizer is one of America’s oldest pharma firms with 300-plus drugs and vaccines commonplace in American doctors’ tool kits: Zoloft, Zantac, Viagra, Enbrel, Flagyl, Lipitor, and several antibiotics. It is also a major player in the generic drug market and more recently dominates the Covid-19 vaccine market with this mRNA gene therapy injections. In the irrational panic to quickly get a vaccine against the SARS virus to market, its Covid-19 vaccine was the first to receive emergency use authorization

Pfizer’s legacy of lawsuits goes back to the late 1950s. According to the Corporate Research Project, it “has been at the center of controversies over its drug pricing for more than 50 years.”[23] Back in 1958 it was charged by the Federal Trade Commission for price fixing and making false statements to dubiously acquire a patent for tetracycline.[24] Two years later the Justice Department filed criminal antitrust charges against Pfizer’s board chairman and president on the matter.[25] Again in 1996, the drug company paid out $408 million to settle another lawsuit for price fixing and gouging pharmacies.[26] In 2002, Pfizer was caught defrauding the federal Medicaid program for over-charging its flagship cholesterol drug Lipitor. Other similar charges include a $784 million settlement for underpaid rebates to Medicaid and $107 million fine for overcharging its epilepsy drug phenytoin sodium.[27]

The company has even stooped so low as to engage in bogus advertising. Shortly after the Second World War, Pfizer created snazzy ads for the Journal of the American Medical Association for its antibiotic line. The ads included named physicians endorsing its drugs. However, according to a Saturday Review investigation, the doctors turned out to be completely fictitious.[28]

In 2022, the company earned $12.8 billion from its Comirnaty Covid-19 vaccine, which declined to $1.7 billion in 2023 because of a huge drop in public demand because of the ever-increasing rise in serious adverse effects and deaths following vaccination. At the same time it is legally battling against hundreds of lawsuits due to its popular heartburn drug, Zantac, being contaminated with the carcinogen N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), an “extremely hazardous” toxin used in rocket fuel and industrial lubricants. Although the FDA erroneously claims that Zantac’s NDMA levels are low, they have still been measured to be between 3,000 and 26,000 times higher than the FDA’s safety cut-off point.[29] Another adverse effect of NDMA is hepatotoxicity leading to liver fibrosis and scarring.

According to the law firm Matthews and Associates, if the mainstream media were to honestly cover the NDMA trial underway and other Pfizer confrontations with the law, perhaps its vaccine would not be receiving such uncritical fanfare. There would be more scrutiny and warranted suspicion to question how Pfizer could have developed a truly safe and effective vaccine in such a short period of time.

After reviewing the criminal records of J&J and Merck, there is nowhere near the depth of demented ethical behavior solely to manipulate its market control as found with Pfizer. It has a reputation to outdo notorious hedge fund vulture capitalists and underworld strategies to bully governments in return for securing supplies of its products. For example, Pfizer demanded that Argentina pay the company compensation for any civil lawsuits filed against it. The government compromised and ruled that Pfizer would only pay fines for any negligence on the company’s behalf with respect to supply and distribution. But that was not agreeable to the vaccine maker. Instead it then demanded that Argentina provide its sovereign assets –bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings – as collateral to secure vaccine supplies.[30]

In Brazil, Pfizer’s aggressive and malignant efforts failed. It demanded that the Brazilian government turn over a guaranteed fund deposited in a foreign bank account and that the government would waive its sovereign assets abroad. Pfizer also demanded that it not be held legally liable for any injuries or deaths due to its vaccine. Correctly, former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro called Pfizer’s demands “abuse” and rejected the deal.[31]

If this gives the impression that Pfizer is a serial predator on poorer foreign nations, Argentina and Brazil are only two examples. In 1996, the company conducted illegal experimental trials with an unapproved experimental antibiotic, Trovan, on Nigerian children without parental knowledge or consent. The case didn’t reach a US federal court until 2001 after thirty Nigerian families sued. After 100 children were given the drug as guinea pigs, “eleven children in the trial died, others suffered brain damage, were partly paralyzed or became deaf.”[31]  Nigerian medical experts ruled that Pfizer violated international law and the US federal case was eventually settled a decade later for an undisclosed amount.

Pfizer’s dirty politics and in our opinion mafia-like activity in the Nigeria scandal, reminding us of Monsanto’s sleazy schemes, goes beyond the dangers of an experimental antibiotic. Wikileaks made available State Department cables showing that Pfizer had hired spies to dig up dirt to frame a former Nigerian attorney general in order to get the lawsuit dropped.[32] It also tried to shift the blame of the scandal on Doctors Without Borders by making a false claim that the non-profit charitable group was responsible for dispensing the antibiotic.[33]

Thanks to President Reagan’s naïve Vaccine Injury Compensation Act, vaccine makers are off the hook for being held legally accountable for vaccine adverse effects. Pfizer has demanded that other nations change their laws solely for securing maximum profits from its Covid vaccine. Pfizer’s actions are utterly parasitical.

In 2003, after it appeared that Congress might pass a bill to permit cheaper prescription drugs in Canada for sale in the US, Pfizer attempted to change the rules of the game and demand Canadian pharmacies to order directly from Pfizer rather than wholesalers in order to dominate the market and interrupt the supply chain.[34]

Pfizer’s track record of fines and lawsuits for violating its drug safety profiles and ethical marketing are equally damning. In 2009, it was fined $2.3 billion for what was then the largest healthcare felony settlement in US pharmaceutical history for illegally promoting its drugs, including its painkiller Bextra. $1.2 billion was just for the criminal fine; at the time, this was the largest ever imposed in the US for any issue.[35] In 2011, Pfizer was found guilty of racketeering charges for illegally marketing its anticonvulsant drug Neurontin and paid $142 million.[36] Three years later Pfizer was fined $430 million to settle criminal charges for bribing doctors to promote and prescribe the same drug.[37]

In early 2024, Pfizer settled a significant antitrust lawsuit for $93 million after being caught conspiring with Ranbaxy Laboratories to delay the market entry of generic versions of its blockbuster cholesterol drug Lipitor. Plaintiffs accused Pfizer of using fraudulent patents and incentivizing Ranbaxy to postpone competition in order to protect Lipitor’s high price.

In other cases it promoted its heartburn medication Protonix for unapproved uses thereby misleading physicians and healthcare providers.  The case turned into a Medicaid fraud and cost the company $784 million in fines. In 2021, Pfizer settled a class action suit for $345 million after price gouging its EpiPen, a life-saving allergy treatment by increasing the cost from $100 for a two pack to over $600. 

Now that the widespread distribution of Pfizer’s experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccine has become ubiquitous, reports of injuries and deaths continue to escalate with new adverse reactions and the causes of death mounting in the scientific literature. China suspended the mRNA vaccines after a flurry of deaths among Norwegian elderly. The highly prestigious journal Science reported the concerns over the Pfizer vaccine’s polyethylene glycol nanoparticle and its relationship to the serious allergic reactions and cases of anaphylaxis.[38] And in a briefing released by the CDC’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee gave warning that the Pfizer vaccine trials give indication of unusual and unexpected antibody responses, cytokine storms and pathogenic priming that give rise to critical illness and death.[39]

Therefore there is no evidence whatsoever that Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine can scientifically and consensually be ruled as safe. But as we have observed from Pfizer’s litany of criminal activities above, safety and effectiveness of a drug or product has never been a priority in the company’s executive office.

All told, these examples of Pfizer’s culture of greed, deception, political maneuvering and disingenuous tactics have collectively injured countless people. Pfizer’s prime directive is selling drugs; its history of misdemeanors and crimes should indicate the company holds no integrity or medical ethics with a sincere commitment to prevent and treat disease. For firms such as Pfizer, injuries and deaths are the necessary collateral damage of getting poorly tested products on the market and as fast as possible. In our opinion, a black box warning should be slapped on the Pfizer logo.

Consequently, unless we get a Robert Kennedy Jr to head the HHS, for someone of equal stature, commitment and experience, to call out these crimes of humanity, and hold those individuals and corporations accountable for the nation’s iatrogenic sourge, nothing will change. Rather, it will only worsen as we witnessed during the pandemic.


After 4 Years Of Wearing A Mask For Non Existent COVID, Millions of Americans Are Now Mentally and Physically Impaired
TapNewsWire.com | Danceaway
S.D. Wells

Four years ago, most people had no idea what [alleged] Covid-19 could bring, and so plenty of common sense, logic and even scientific basis flew out the window when trying to prevent ourselves from catching it [the fake virus], or worse, dying from it. We were all lied to about almost everything, but many of us caught on to those lies early on, especially when it came to the vaccines and the mask wearing. First off, you simply can’t breathe properly with a Covid mask on, of any kind, and there’s plenty of science (we’re talking over 150 studies) [see below this article] to back up the many BAD health outcomes that come from wearing a Covid face diaper regularly.

Pay it forward 4 years now, and some germophobic fanatics are STILL wearing their Covid face diapers 24/7/365, even when they are alone in the car, or walking outside alone. It’s insanity on top of insanity, but you see it all around you every day. These folks never read REAL science about the dangers of wearing these masks all the time. For instance, not only do the masks breed bacteria in the mouth, throat and lungs, but they limit proper oxygen intake, while recycling what you already breathed in and used. This is very bad folks. Follow the bouncing ball.

No wonder so many Democrats and Liberals are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, because most of them are still wearing their Covid masks. Whether you got the N95, the cheap China-made toxic ones, or you made one yourself from a scarf or a bandana, one thing they all have in common – you’re breathing in your own carbon dioxide. This has several effects. It’s toxic, leading to initial symptoms of headaches, drowsiness and acidic blood.

Then comes the brain fog, anxiety, memory loss, bacterial infections, lowered cognition, and then eventually cancer and respiratory acidosis. Lastly, lowered immune function kicks in, making you MORE susceptible to the very thing you were hoping to stave off – infectious disease. Oops. How ironic. The CO2 literally acts as an asphyxiant, displacing oxygen in the air. Fauci knew this from the beginning.

Feeling shortness of breath and a rapid heart rate? That could be the effects of the mask and the Covid clot shots. Here comes that rapid breathing again, and the restlessness coughing and wheezing. You might start feeling dizzy and need to sit down. As they say, “take a mask break” (like forever).

Dial it back to April of 2020, when the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended masks for sick people and health care workers, not for everyone else. Then, two months later, they switched their tune, and recommended everyone wear one 24/7/365, without any science to back it up. In fact, the science goes completely the opposite direction.

Randomized trials did NOT show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection from wearing masks. Not surgical masks or N95. That’s because the holes in the masks are much larger than the viral particles, so it’s like a basketball flying through a hula hoop. The pandemic hype was off the charts, and the whole China Flu scamdemic turned out to be fear-based propaganda meant to control the masses and kill off several million people. It worked.

By 2021, research revealed that prolonged use of Covid masks cause up to 20 percent loss of oxygen, leading to hypoxia and hypercapnia (excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream).

Children’s brains were affected, especially during the developmental years. Fetal and embryonic development was decimated from pregnant mothers who wore their face diapers all day, putting themselves at high risk for developing ODMS.

Research out of Brown University found children who wear a mask all day at school suffer brain damage and declines in their IQ. Add some fluoridated water and some Fauci clot shots and what have you got? Mask-related changes in respiratory physiology do bodily harm to blood gases, decreasing oxygen while increasing CO2. This causes detriment to the organ systems and metabolic processes, impacting physical and psychological well-being. Get it?

It’s slow torture and it affects everyone who wears a mask regularly, especially for FOUR LONG YEARS, which can result in permanent neurological damage and irreversible brain damage. Tune your internet dial to NaturalMedicine.news for more tips on how to use natural remedies for preventative medicine and for healing, instead of succumbing to Big Pharma products that cause, spread and exacerbate disease and disorder.



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  Leo Zagami PDFs
Posted by: Hissil - 11-29-2024, 03:33 AM - Forum: Books - Replies (1)

Leo Zagami PDFs

- The Invisible Master
- Pope Frances
- Confessions of an Illuminati Volumes 1-7 (missing Volumes 8-11)
- Confessions of an Illuminati Princess by Christy Zagami



The Invisible Master; Secret Chiefs, Unknown Superiors, And The Puppet Masters Who Pull The Strings Of Occult Power From The Alien World

Exopolitics, Ufology, Esoterism, Aliens, Reptilians, UFOnauts, Illuminati, Freemasonry, Stargate, Extraterrestrial Contact, UFO disclosure, Contactees, human-alien encounters, ETs, Experiencer, wwg1wga

Leo Zagami’s groundbreaking study of aliens and UFOs explores where we come from and which mysterious figures have guided humanity's political and religious choices. From the prophets to the initiates and magicians, all ages have drawn from a common source of ultra-terrestrial and magical knowledge, passed down for millennia. This text reveals the identity of the unknown superiors, secret chiefs, and invisible masters who have guided Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and others. Zagami speaks of the existence of multidimensional doors used by the various Illuminati to let other beings into our world, while alluding to the latest discoveries of quantum physics for support. This shocking text will be embraced by those willing to look beyond the everyday to analyze our world's most puzzling circumstances.

PREFACE by Cav. Luciano Fortunato Sciandra
Author’s Introduction
The supposed alien ancestors of Jesus
First access to a multi-dimensional “Stargate”
Moses the High Priest of Osiris and his alien guide
The immortality doctrine of the Illuminati
Mount Sinai, Count of Cagliostro, and the forty-day experience
Moses’ radiant glow
A wandering entity could invade your life
Yahweh and the alien origins of Israel
Koot Hoomi, the Invisible Master of Blavatsky
The Polaire Brotherhood, Otto Rahan, and the Grail
The ultra-dimensional portal of Lucifer
Cagliostro, my Secret Chief, and Invisible Master
The power of magic in my childhood
The opening of the Great Book of Nature
In search of a stargate
My father describes the different aspects of Freemasonry
The Interdimensional nature of the Invisible Masters
Doorways to Multi-dimensional Worlds
What is Vril, and does quantum physics confirm the occult?
Why Sirius matters
Choronzon & Crowley open the gates of Hell in 1909
The Crucified Frog and the Alien Apocalypse
UFOnauts and the secret cipher of the Illuminati
Greenfield, the Illuminati, and the O.T.O./UFO controversy
Greenfield and Alien vampirism
Alien abduction or demonic possession?
Aldebaran, the egregore, and occult chains
Alamantrah working: Crowley and the first grey
Kenneth Grant and the alien cult of Lam
Messengers of deception
Interview with the late Karla Turner
David Icke and the “Reptilians”
Are reptilians multi-dimensional vampires?
CERN, interdimensional portals, and the Roswell incident
The Theosophical aspects of Memorandum 6751
Manly P. Hall and Flying Saucers
The Occult origins of Scientology
The Vril Factor
The Alien Dimension: From the Golden Dawn to the A∴A∴
The NWO and the role of alien genes
Jinn in relation to the Reptilians and the NWO
Bloodlines, Illuminati, and the Science of God
The secret doctrine of Atlantis
A sign of the times
Theosophy in the space age
The Elemental Spirits
The secret science of alien sexuality
Gabalis’ teachings
Alien abductions since time immemorial
The O.T.O. second-degree instruction on Elementals
Elementals and the roots of the Black Mass
Magic and Magnetism in the Illuminati
The Enochian Apocalypse
The Conjuration of the Four Elements by Eliphas Levi
Aleister Crowley Apocalypse Superstar
Messiah or Antichrist?
Ufology officially appears in the Vatican
The Knight of Ufology in the Vatican
The Alchemy of Reintegration and the Pentagon


Confessions of an Illuminati Princess
Confessions of an Illuminati Princess is a behind the scenes look at life from the perspective of the wife of an Illuminati insider. World re-nowned Vatican insider Leo Zagami has been exposing the hidden power players of the New World Order for over a decade. From the back alleys of Rome to the glitzy streets of Tokyo, and every twist and turn in between Christy has bravely stood by his side. Welcome to a mysterious world of magic, espionage and intrigue, Welcome to the life of an Illuminati Princess.

Pope Francis; The Last Pope; Money, Masons And Occultism In The Decline Of The Catholic Church-Leo Zagami

Religion, Pope Francis, Vatican, Pedophilia, Black Pope, Red Shoes, Satanism, satanic ritual abuse, priests, catholic church, Lucifer, Black Mass, Devil, Satin, Lucifer, Freemasonry, wwg1wga

Pope Francis: The Last Pope? reveals the possible reasons for the choice of historical abdication of Benedict XVI and traces the process that led to the election of Cardinal Bergoglio: the Pope who many have prophesized will be the last and will bring the Catholic Church to its end. The book details the history of this prophecy;which was hidden away in the Vatican for hundreds of years and predicts that the reign of the last Pope will herald the beginning of “great apostasy” followed by “great tribulation.” It also explores the recent scandals in the Catholic Church and addresses questions including What pressures decreed the end of the pontificate of Benedict XVI? What powers have an interest for the Church to end? and What is the relationship between the Vatican and the New World Order? Perfect for anyone interested in prophecies about the end times, Pope Francis: The Last Pope reveals the truth about what numerology says about the last Pope and the darkness that may follow him, as well as fascinating investigations into the gay lobby, Freemasonry, and the Jesuit agenda in the Vatican and how it relates to the first Borgia Pope, the legend of the White Pope and the Black Pope, and how Benedict's resignation may fulfill an ancient prophecy.

Foreward by Brad Olsen
Introduction, The Surrender
From a Throne of Peter Resignation, to Francis who will Save the Church from Orgies and Lobbies
Habemus Jorge
The Great Refusal from Pope Celestine V to Ratzinger
The Dramatic Choice of Benedict XVI
The White Smoke Sign
The First Jesuit Pope in History
A Brief Biography of the New Pope
They Took a Pope “Almost at the End of the World”
The Many Secrets of Pope Francis
Francis Xavier … or Francis of Assisi?
The Papal Masonic Emblem
The Ring of the Fisherman
Black Shoes vs. Red Shoes
The “Sanitary Cordon” of the Jesuits
“The Island of Silence” and the Secrets of Pope Bergoglio
A Short Bio of Horacio Verbitsky
NWO and the Islamic Crisis of the Vatican
The Transformation of Ratzinger
The Crisis
The Vatican and the Invasive Presence of Islam
Magdi Allam the Catholic Repent
Caution: Islam is Present at the Top of the Vatican Hirearchy
“The Conquest of Rome”
The Rose-Shaped Crypt of the NWO Neo-Templars
Homosexuality and Child Abuse in the Vatican
“Improbriam Influentiam” the Vatican Gay Lobby at Work
The Queen of Freemasonry Arrives … a Year Late
The Parallel Investigation to Protect the Lobby of Bertone and the Illuminati
The Dutch Catholic Disaster
The Vatican and the Netherlands of Horrors
The “Baby Prostitution Ring” and the Church of Compromise
Prophecies and More …
The End Times Always Have a New Beginning
The Emmerich Visions
Are the Prophecies True?
1951: The Crossroads of Prophecy and the Rise of the Antichrist
The “Unofficial” Prophecies
Two Decades of Tribulation
Mark of the Beast, “The End Times” and the Third Secret of Fátima
The Vatican Defends the “Gay Lobby” and the Earth and Skies Rebel
A “Black Pope” on the Papal Throne
Francis and his Alleged Ethics Revolution in the Vatican Bank
Final Considerations in an Interview with Ferruccio Pinotti
Francis, the “Black Pope,” and the Third Secret
The Black Pope, Crowley and the Decline of Catholic Morality
The Mysterious Death of William H. Kennedy and Lucifer’s Lodge
The Masonic Endorsement of Pope Francis

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume I: The Whole Truth About the Illuminati and the New World Order
In English for the first time, a guide to the true secret structure of the Illuminati and their invisible network made of various power structures, author Leo Lyon Zagami uses their internal documents and reveals confidential and top-secret events. His book contends that the presence of numerous Illuminati brotherhoods and secret societies—just as those inside the most prestigious U.S. universities such as Yale or Harvard—have always been guides to the occult. From the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)’s infiltration of Freemasonry to the real Priory of Sion, this book exposes not only the hidden structure of the New World Order and the occult practices but also their connections to the intelligence community and the infamous Ur-Lodges.

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume II: The Time of Revelation and Tribulation Leading up to 2020
After his master thesis of the secret societies network as outlined in volume 1, the Confessions of an Illuminati narrative of Leo Lyon Zagami is projected to the reality of today, including the occult maneuvers behind the New World Order. We need to wake up beyond our current belief systems, because the'controllers'of the New World Order are moving fast using the'Prophecies'to their advantage to implement their evil plan by 2020, when World War III will finally break loose. The author demonstrates that the hierarchy of power emanating from Rome and Jerusalem, with the Jesuits and the Zionist's united by a secret pact since the Second Vatican Council, are in cahoots working towards the creation of a world government. There is also China playing a new role in the NWO with the far reaching tentacles of Chinese Freemasonry manipulating economic Hit Men and disinformation artists, while Russia is building their Christian orthodox alliance to apparently oppose the Western antichrist. In this unprecedented scenario, we also have the involvement of the big media moguls like Ted Turner and Silvio Berlusconi and their role in manipulating perceptions. The author discusses further aspects of the Satanic infiltration of Freemasonry, pointing out on the generational aspect the many ways of defending yourself psychically against black magicians, but also against the many sects operating in the Illuminati Network.

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume III: Espionage, Templars and Satanism in the Shadows of the Vatican
Scholars may care to note that this downloads to Vol 1 (2nd ed), not to the above title which is Vol 1 (1st ed)Zagami pushes the boundaries once again with this unique and personal journey into the mysteries of the secretive world of the Dark Cabal. In the third book of this acclaimed series, Zagami explores a variety of cryptic topics that are always verified with documentation. This is not a work of fiction, but a tool with which readers can comprehend topics that range from the truth about the mythical Knights Templars to the Jesuits and their Vatican espionage game. Zagami uncovers the most credible candidates of the Grail mystery with proven testimony from an official saint of the Catholic Church. Zagami also upholds what he calls “conspiracy reality,” a way to fight back against the system of lies and deceit responsible for the rise of Satanism in the Vatican, showing in the process the magical practices of the Illuminati.

Zagami pushes the boundaries once again with this unique and personal journey into the mysteries of the secretive world of the Dark Cabal. In the third book of this acclaimed series, Zagami explores a variety of cryptic topics that are always verified with documentation. This is not a work of fiction, but a tool with which readers can comprehend topics that range from the truth about the mythical Knights Templars to the Jesuits and their Vatican espionage game. Zagami uncovers the most credible candidates of the Grail mystery with proven testimony from an official saint of the Catholic Church. Zagami also upholds what he calls “conspiracy reality,” a way to fight back against the system of lies and deceit responsible for the rise of Satanism in the Vatican, showing in the process the magical practices of the Illuminati.

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume IV: American Renaissance 2.0 and the missing link from the Invisible World
Not many are aware that there is an unseen world that surrounds each of us, a world that we cannot see with our eyes or feel with our senses. It is a world that is at play in everything that we do in our daily lives. Some people call it the spiritual, elemental, the astral plane, or simply the supernatural, but I call it the invisible link. This unseen world influences destiny and even politics to the point that some adepts such as the late Manly P. Hall even claimed that there is no such thing as free will and others that say that President Trump is the product of occult forces. The notion that the world is governed by an invisible realm was a central feature of natural magic.This dimension has been rigged because the Illuminati, the Sabbatean Frankists, and their Jesuit supervisors have brainwashed the masses to keep everyone enslaved in the material world. That’s why the Company of Jesus, aka the Jesuits, has a dominant role in this book. However, Jesus gave us the right spiritual weapons to fight these supernatural entities fueled with demons, angels, elementals, jinn, and extra-dimensional parasites that ultimately can’t compete with the power of our Lord Jesus. Sure, we can make simple day-to-day choices, but our future may already be predetermined if manipulated by such entities. We should always remember that faith in Jesus will decide in which direction we ultimately go in our lives, and the angels of God can always help us in this delicate process.

Learn the secrets of what is really happening beyond the material realm in this complex society manipulated by the occult forces of St. Ignatius, also known as Jesuit spirituality.There is a world that escapes our reality but is at play in everything we do in our daily lives. This unseen world that Zagami calls the Invisible Link influences our destiny and even our politics. We are living in extraordinary times, learn exactly what is being planned by the Illuminati and their Jesuit supervisors and how we can sabotage their plan to enslave us all. We can have an American Renaissance 2.0. or a Civil War in the U.S., only time will tell which direction we will take.

Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
Praised as a top expert on the Vatican and Secret Societies by important figures of todays war against Satanism and the New World Order, such as Alex Jones, Zagami is now regarded in the US and around the world as a household name in the fight against the Occult elite. The publication of his books in the English language has demonstrated to the world the accuracy of his predictions. In volume 5, Zagami goes one step further, with a detailed look at the network of Secret Societies, that include Freemasonry, various Illuminati groups, and Orders born out of the Western Initiatic System, and how they were gradually made corrupt by evil forces and black magic, facilitating the rise of modern Satanism, and atheism, and the decline of our Society. Zagami, who was forced to suppress The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the rise of Satanism in our Society, by one of the Illuminati sects he criticized in the book, includes much of its content in volume 5, and further explores the secret traditions, rituals, and techniques used by the so-called Illuminati, and the implementation of a One World Government and Religion with the unusual alliance of Marxism and Islam, both linked to Satanism.

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
From Rome, the home of exorcism, comes the latest shocking book from the most controversial Vatican insider of all time. Zagami reveals to the world for the first time with new compelling evidence, the sabotage of the Catholic Church and the most sinister plot ever-devised by Cyber Satan and his Legion to enslave humanity through the use of Artificial Intelligence and robotics, with the help of the Vatican Jesuits and the upcoming One World Religion.You will read how the Second Vatican Council has literally opened the Gates of Hell, the links between the film The Exorcist, 2001 Space Odyssey and the United Nations and their evil push for Transhumanism, and an in-depth look into the secrets behind the Black Mass and Exorcism. Not for the faint of heart, this latest book by Zagami is sure to open your eyes to the future Cyberhell that awaits us all.

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume 7 From the occult roots of the great reset to the populist roots of the great reject
The author’s masterpiece of his Confessions series, this is the first book ever written about the occult roots of the “Great Reset” that the mainstream media wants us to believe is simply an innocent global Covid recovery plan set up by a group of wealthy individuals, while the author proves it to be something different, with the help of well researched historic evidence and inside documentation from the lodges of German, Swiss, and Austrian Freemasonry, and the infamous Bavarian Illuminati.

A dark and sinister conspiracy connected to the rise of the Fourth Reich, camouflaged as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” that connects Communism and the Jesuits to two German professors, Adam Weishaupt, founder of the original Illuminati, and Professor Klaus Schwab, who started the Davos Agenda, founding the World Economic Forum.

This book is not only a detailed essay to expose their plan to place the world in the hands of Cyber Satan by 2030, but also a practical manual to survive the unfolding Apocalypse with the groundbreaking idea of a “Great Reject.”

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume 8: From the Rise of the Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil and the Great Reset
Movies and music are two sensorial experiences capable of exerting profound suggestions on the masses and on single individuals. The first is described as cinematic magic and the second is often depicted as the sound of the Devil. They are the instruments of propaganda in the hands of restricted circles of initiates controlled by the Illuminati elite, who want to succeed in their perverse and diabolical plan using these tools.

Zagami reveals for the first time the secret mission of Hollywood, which was created to change society and prepare the way for the coming Antichrist and the End times. In the following pages, you will find a unique vision of show business that will astound even the most demanding readers and debunkers thanks to the incredible amount of well-researched information, as well as the personal testimony of the author, who was involved in the entertainment industry through his own work as a record producer and his family connections to film directors like Fellini and Zeffirelli.

You will learn about not only the diabolic roots of contemporary music but also how the Sabbatean-Frankist Messianic conspiracy landed in Hollywood amongst occult rituals and the first silent films, all linked from the very beginning to the U.S. Military Industrial Complex and the Global Banking Cartel, that has transformed the original American dream into a Satanic “woke” nightmare under the precepts of the Prophet of dissolution, Aleister Crowley.

Leo Zagami, born in 1970, is an international author and investigative journalist. Volume 8, of his Confession series, arrives with an unprecedented dual-language publication available in both Italian and English through Cursum Perficio Publishing.

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume 9: Seven Steps to The Secrets of the New World Disorder from Transhumanism and Immortality to Gnostic Jesus, UFOs, and Insect Witchcraft
A world-renowned authority on the occult side of the Vatican and the real Illuminati, Zagami is exposing for the first time, with the help of confidential documents and qualified sources, the secret plan of the elite for the establishment of a New Golden Age, built with the help of an alien AI aka Cyber Satan to enslave mankind and turn the elite into gods by 2030, before the inevitable divine retribution.

This extraordinary journey, divided into seven imaginary steps, will lead you bit by bit, like no one has done before, into the untold secrets of this increasingly dystopian reality the author branded: “New World Disorder.”

The author goes on to unveil in this book the Illuminati’s involvement with Transhumanism, their quest for immortality, the Codex Alimentarius, insect witchcraft, the shocking reality of cultured meat, and most of all, what Freemasonry and the Illuminati have been teaching in secret about Jesus, and the Gnostic heresies that will produce the Quantum Prince of Darkness that will enslave humanity.

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume 10: Islamic Freemasonry and the Secret Societies Behind the Eternal Conflict in the Middle East
The Rosicrucian manifestos, Freemasons, and the Illuminati have all been profoundly influenced by Islam and by Arabic, Persian, and Turkish culture. For example, Aleister Crowley, with his new pseudo religion, Thelema, and even Adolph Hitler, who embraced the secret practices of Turkish Sufi Freemasons. As the crisis in the Middle East intensifies, you will read about the dangerous secrets that connect the Western Illuminati and their Middle Eastern counterparts.

Earlier on, the Knights Templar worshipped a mysterious figure called Baphomet, who was inspired by a secret alliance with the Order of Assassins, a sect within the Ismaili branch of Shia Islam which laid the foundations of modern Jihadism.

Jihadists are the nail in the coffin that the Illuminati are employing to destroy Western Civilization and manifest the Apocalypse, but nobody has ever explained how they reached this crucial role thanks to Freemasonry and Sufism.

For the first time, Leo Zagami, who was once involved with Islam on behalf of the Illuminati as Khaled Saifullah Khan, helps us understand the involvement of the many different sects and denominations of this religion, and the discovery of the mysterious Cairo Lodge, whose knowledge predates the rise of Islam, in the eternal conflict in the Middle East. The author also includes personal shocking revelations about his only son now in the hands of the main Islamic representative of the World Economic Forum.

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume 11: The Past, Present, and Future of Mind Control from Sun Tzu to MK-ULTRA and Beyond
For the first time, Leo Zagami reveals the true story of brainwashing, psychological operations, and mind control connected to the Illuminati and the New World Order. From Sun Tzu in Ancient China to MK-ULTRA and PSYOP Soldiers in modern America, the elites have always known how to control millions of people not only with the use of conventional weapons but also with the power of the mind.

Learn about the psychology of initiation and how the Illuminati and Freemasons control their own, the occult roots of mind control, secret experiments, the complete history of brainwashing, and the making of a Manchurian Candidate after Donald J. Trump’s attempted assassination revealed that the elite are Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassination as they did with Lee Harvey Oswald.

In the end, the evil elite will use Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology to achieve their highest goal, to hijack your thoughts and have full control of every aspect of your life. However, we still have a chance to keep the inner sanctum of our brains free, and with this book, you will learn how.

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  Tyranny | The Deep State Wants to End the Constitution | Evil Of The Khazarian Mafia
Posted by: Hissil - 11-29-2024, 03:31 AM - Forum: Illuiminati - No Replies

The Very Definition of Tyranny | A Dictatorship Disguised as Democracy
John and Nisha Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute | Rutherford.org
    “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
    James Madison

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Unadulterated power in any branch of government is a menace to freedom, but concentrated power across all three branches is the very definition of tyranny: a dictatorship disguised as democracy.

When one party dominates all three branches of government—the executive, the legislative, and the judicial—there is even more reason to worry.

There’s no point debating which political party would be more dangerous with these powers.

This is true no matter which party is in power.

This is particularly true in the wake of the 2024 election.

Already, Donald Trump, who promised to be a dictator on “day one,” is advancing plans to further undermine the nation’s already vulnerable system of checks and balances.

To be fair, this is not a state of affairs that can be blamed exclusively on Trump.

America’s founders intended our system of checks and balances to serve as a bulwark against centralized power being abused.

As constitutional scholar Linda Monk explains, “Within the separation of powers, each of the three branches of government has ‘checks and balances’ over the other two. For instance, Congress makes the laws, but the President can veto them, and the Supreme Court can declare them unconstitutional. The President enforces the law, but Congress must approve executive appointments and the Supreme Court rules whether executive action is constitutional. The Supreme Court can strike down actions by both the legislative and executive branches, but the President nominates Supreme Court justices, and the Senate confirms or denies their nominations.”

Unfortunately, our system of checks and balances has been strained to the breaking point for years now, helped along by those across the political spectrum who, in marching in lockstep with the Deep State, have conspired to advance the government’s agenda at the expense of the citizenry’s constitutional rights.

By “government,” I’m not referring to the farce that is the highly partisan, two-party, bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.

This is exactly the kind of concentrated, absolute power the founders attempted to guard against by establishing a system of checks of balances that separate and shares power between three co-equal branches.

Yet as law professor William P. Marshall concludes, “The system of checks and balances that the Framers envisioned now lacks effective checks and is no longer in balance. The implications of this are serious. The Framers designed a system of separation of powers to combat government excess and abuse and to curb incompetence. They also believed that, in the absence of an effective separation-of-powers structure, such ills would inevitably follow. Unfortunately, however, power once taken is not easily surrendered.”

The outcome of the 2024 elections is not a revolutionary bid to recalibrate a government run amok. Rather, this is a Deep State coup to stay in power, and Donald Trump is the vehicle by which it will do so.

Watch and see.

Remember, it was the Trump Administration that asked Congress to allow it to suspend parts of the Constitution whenever it deemed it necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic and “other” emergencies.

In fact, during Trump’s first term, the Department of Justice quietly trotted out and tested a long laundry list of terrifying powers to override the Constitution. We’re talking about lockdown powers (at both the federal and state level): the ability to suspend the Constitution, indefinitely detain American citizens, bypass the courts, quarantine whole communities or segments of the population, override the First Amendment by outlawing religious gatherings and assemblies of more than a few people, shut down entire industries and manipulate the economy, muzzle dissidents, “stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease,” reshape financial markets, create a digital currency (and thus further restrict the use of cash), determine who should live or die…

Bear in mind, however, that these powers the Trump Administration, acting on orders from the police state, officially asked Congress to recognize and authorize barely scratch the surface of the far-reaching powers the government has unilaterally claimed for itself.

Unofficially, the police state has been riding roughshod over the rule of law for years now without any pretense of being reined in or restricted in its power grabs by Congress, the courts, the president, or the citizenry.

This is why the Constitution’s system of checks and balances is so critical.

Those who wrote our Constitution sought to ensure our freedoms by creating a document that protects our God-given rights at all times, even when we are engaged in war, whether that is a so-called war on terrorism, a so-called war on drugs, a so-called war on illegal immigration, or a so-called war on disease.

The attempts by each successive presidential administration to rule by fiat merely plays into the hands of those who would distort the government’s system of checks and balances and its constitutional separation of powers beyond all recognition.

In this way, we have arrived at the dystopian future depicted in the film V for Vendetta, which is no future at all.

Set in the year 2020, V for Vendetta (written and produced by the Wachowskis) provides an eerie glimpse into a parallel universe in which a totalitarian government that knows all, sees all, controls everything, and promises safety and security above all comes to power by capitalizing on the people’s fear.

Concentration camps (jails, private prisons and detention facilities) are established to house political prisoners and others deemed to be enemies of the state. Executions of undesirables (extremists, troublemakers and the like) are common, while other enemies of the state are made to “disappear.” Populist uprisings and protests are met with extreme force. The television networks are controlled by the government with the purpose of perpetuating the regime. And most of the population is hooked into an entertainment mode and are clueless.

In V for Vendetta, as in my novel The Erik Blair Diaries, the subtext is that authoritarian regimes—through a vicious cycle of manipulation, oppression and fear-mongering—foment violence, manufacture crises, and breed terrorists, thereby giving rise to a recurring cycle of blowback and violence.

Only when the government itself becomes synonymous with the terrorism wreaking havoc in their lives do the people to finally mobilize and stand up to the government’s tyranny.

V, a bold, charismatic freedom fighter, urges the British people to rise up and resist the government. In Vendetta, V the film’s masked crusader blows up the seat of government on November 5, Guy Fawkes Day, ironically enough the same day that Trump won his landslide return to the White House.

Yet there the comparison ends.

So, while we are overdue for a systemic check on the government’s overreaches and power grabs, this year’s electoral victory for Republicans was no win for the Constitution.

Rather, it was a win for the very entrenched, hawkish, establishment power structure that has exhibited no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the citizenry.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, the Deep State works best through imperial presidents—empowered to indulge their authoritarian tendencies by legalistic courts, corrupt legislatures and a disinterested, distracted populace—who rule by fiat rather than by the rule of law.


This Is How It Begins | The Deep State Wants to Terminate the Constitution
John & Nisha Whitehead | Rutherford.org | The Rutherford Institute

    “That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary.”—Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale

This is how it begins.

This is how it always begins, justified in the name of national security.

Mass roundups. Raids. Indefinite detentions in concentration camps. Martial law. The erosion of habeas corpus protections. The suspension of the Constitution, at least for select segments of the population. A hierarchy of rights, contingent on whether you belong to a favored political class.

This is what you can expect in the not-so-distant future.

Once you allow the government to overreach the restraints imposed  by the Constitution, no matter what that threat might be, it will be that much harder to restrain it again, no matter which party is at the helm.

We’ve seen this played out time and again.

Some years ago, for instance, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board suggested that government officials should mandate mass vaccinations and deploy the National Guard “to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.”

In other words, they wanted the government to use the military to round up and lock up the unvaccinated in concentration camps.

That didn’t happen, but it so easily could have.

Now the script has been flipped, and it’s the soon-to-be Trump Administration promising to use the military to round up and lock up undesirables in concentration camps.

At this moment in time, those so-called “undesirables” are illegal immigrants, but given what we know about the government and its expansive definition of what constitutes a threat to its power, any one of us could be next up in the police state’s crosshairs.

Once you give the government a taste of that kind of power—to disregard the Constitution, even for a day; to use the military for domestic policing; to rely on mass deportations and concentration camps in order to sidestep due process procedures—it won’t be so easy to rein it in when it runs amok. 

And it will run amok.

You don’t have to be an illegal immigrant or a conspiracy theorist or even anti-government to be worried about what lies ahead. You just have to recognize the truth in the warning: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

This is why significant numbers of people are worried: because this is the slippery slope that starts with supposedly well-meaning intentions for the greater good and ends with tyrannical abuses no one should tolerate.

We’ve already allowed the government to significantly undermine our constitutional republic.

We’ve allowed ourselves to be seduced by the false siren song of politicians promising safety in exchange for relinquished freedom. We placed our trust in political saviors and failed to ask questions to hold our representatives accountable to abiding by the Constitution. We looked the other way and made excuses while the government amassed an amazing amount of power over us, and backed up that power-grab with a terrifying amount of military might and weaponry, and got the courts to sanction their actions every step of the way. We chose to let partisan politics divide us and turn us into easy targets for the government’s oppression.

Consider for yourself.

We are in the grip of martial law. We have what the founders feared most: a “standing” or permanent army on American soil. This de facto standing army is made up of weaponized, militarized domestic police forces which look like, dress like, and act like the military; are armed with guns, ammunition and military-style equipment; are authorized to make arrests; and are trained in military tactics.

We are in the government’s crosshairs. The U.S. government continues to act as judge, jury and executioner over a populace that have been pre-judged and found guilty, stripped of their rights, and left to suffer at the hands of government agents trained to respond with the utmost degree of violence. Consequently, we are at the mercy of law enforcement officers who have almost absolute discretion to decide who is a threat, what constitutes resistance, and how harshly they can deal with the citizens they were appointed to “serve and protect.” With alarming regularity, unarmed men, women, children and even pets are being gunned down by the government’s standing army of militarized police who shoot first and ask questions later.

We are no longer safe in our homes. This present menace comes from the government’s army of bureaucratized, corporatized, militarized SWAT teams who are waging war on the last stronghold left to us as a free people: the sanctity of our homes.

We have no real freedom of speech. We are moving fast down a slippery slope to an authoritarian society in which the only opinions, ideas and speech expressed are the ones permitted by the government and its corporate cohorts. In more and more cases, the government is declaring war on what should be protected political speech whenever it challenges the government’s power, reveals the government’s corruption, exposes the government’s lies, and encourages the citizenry to push back against the government’s many injustices. The ramifications are so far-reaching as to render almost every American who criticizes the government an extremist in word, deed, thought or by association.

We have no real privacy. We’re being spied on by a domestic army of government snitches, spies and techno-warriors. This government of Peeping Toms is watching everything we do, reading everything we write, listening to everything we say, and monitoring everything we spend. Beware of what you say, what you read, what you write, where you go, and with whom you communicate, because it is all being recorded, stored, and catalogued, and will be used against you eventually, at a time and place of the government’s choosing.

We are losing our right to bodily privacy and integrity. The debate over bodily integrity covers broad territory, ranging from forced vaccinations, forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced blood draws and forced breath-alcohol tests to forced DNA extractions, forced eye scans, and forced inclusion in biometric databases: these are just a few ways in which Americans continue to be reminded that we have no real privacy, no real presumption of innocence, and no real control over what happens to our bodies during an encounter with government officials. The groundwork being laid is a prologue to what will become the police state’s conquest of a new, relatively uncharted, frontier: inner space, specifically, the inner workings (genetic, biological, biometric, mental, emotional) of the human race.

We no longer have a right to private property. If government agents can invade your home, break down your doors, kill your dog, damage your furnishings and terrorize your family, your property is no longer private and secure—it belongs to the government. Hard-working Americans are having their bank accounts, homes, cars electronics and cash seized by police under the assumption that they have allegedly been associated with some criminal scheme.

We have no due process. The groundwork has been laid for a new kind of government where it won’t matter if you’re innocent or guilty, whether you’re a threat to the nation, or even if you’re a citizen. What will matter is what the government—or whoever happens to be calling the shots at the time—thinks. And if the powers-that-be think you’re a threat to the nation and should be locked up, then you’ll be locked up with no access to the protections our Constitution provides.

We are no longer presumed innocent. The burden of proof has been reversed. Now we’re presumed guilty unless we can prove our innocence beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. Rarely, are we even given the opportunity to do so. The government has embarked on a diabolical campaign to create a nation of suspects predicated on a massive national DNA database. Having already used surveillance technology to render the entire American populace potential suspects, DNA technology in the hands of government coupled with artificial intelligence will complete our transition to a suspect society in which we are all merely waiting to be matched up with a crime.

We have lost the right to be anonymous and move about freely.  At every turn, we’re hemmed in by laws, fines and penalties that regulate and restrict our autonomy, and surveillance cameras that monitor our movements. Likewise, digital currency provides the government and its corporate partners with a mode of commerce that can easily be monitored, tracked, tabulated, mined for data, hacked, hijacked and confiscated when convenient.

We no longer have a government of the people, by the people and for the people. In fact, a study conducted by Princeton and Northwestern University concluded that the U.S. government does not represent the majority of American citizens. Instead, the study found that the government is ruled by the rich and powerful, or the so-called “economic elite.” Moreover, the researchers concluded that policies enacted by this governmental elite nearly always favor special interests and lobbying groups. In other words, we are being ruled by an oligarchy disguised as a democracy, and arguably on our way towards fascism—a form of government where private corporate interests rule, money calls the shots, and the people are seen as mere subjects to be controlled.

We have no guardians of justice. The courts were established to intervene and protect the people against the government and its agents when they overstep their bounds. Yet through their deference to police power, preference for security over freedom, and evisceration of our most basic rights for the sake of order and expediency, the courts have become the guardians of the American police state in which we now live. As a result, sound judgment and justice have largely taken a back seat to legalism, statism and elitism, while preserving the rights of the people has been deprioritized and made to play second fiddle to both governmental and corporate interests.

We have been saddled with a dictator for life. Secret, unchecked presidential powers—acquired through the use of executive orders, decrees, memorandums, proclamations, national security directives and legislative signing statements and which can be activated by any sitting president—now enable past, president and future presidents to operate above the law and beyond the reach of the Constitution.

We are one crisis or state of emergency away from having the Constitution terminated.

Mind you, the powers-that-be want the Constitution terminated.

They want us to be censored, silenced, muzzled, gagged, zoned out, caged in and shut down.

They want our speech and activities monitored for any sign of “extremist” activity.

They want us to be estranged from each other and kept at a distance from those who are supposed to represent us. They want taxation without representation. They want a government without the consent of the governed.

Connect the dots.

This was never about politics, populist movements, or making America great again.

This is what happens when good, generally decent people—distracted by manufactured crises, polarizing politics, and fighting that divides the populace into warring “us vs. them” camps—fail to take note of the looming danger that threatens to wipe freedom from the map and place us all in chains.

It’s what happens when any government is empowered to adopt a comply-or-suffer-the-consequences mindset that is enforced through mandates, lockdowns, penalties, detention centers, martial law, and a disregard for the rights of the individual.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, the slippery slope begins in just this way, with propaganda campaigns about the public good being more important than individual liberty, and it ends with lockdowns and concentration camps.

The danger signs are everywhere.


Never Underestimate The Pure Unadulterated Evil Of The Khazarian Mafia
WORLD WAR 3: The Back Story Finally Breaks Out Into The Open



The Khazarian Mafia, especially, is as vicious and malicious, repugnant and malevolent, vile and wicked, vengeful and vindictive as any horde to have raped, pillaged and plundered the Earth and her peoples.

Revisionist Historians for World Peace

Were the whole world to know the hidden history about “the Ukraine” (which translates to “borderland”), there would be no Ukraine War today.  The true perpetrators of this barbaric armed conflict would be found out and held fully responsible for all of their heinous crime sprees committed against the human race over the centuries.  The many genocidal cataclysms perpetrated throughout the 20th century and right up to today would be properly laid at their feet. (See the abridged list that follows.)

    The Armenian Genocide,
    World War I,
    Bolshevik Revolution,
    Spanish Flu Pandemic,
    The Great Depression,
    Holodomor Genocide,
    Chinese Civil War,
    World War II,
    Korean War,
    The Holocaust,
    Chinese Cultural Revolution,
    Vietnam War,
    Cambodian Genocide,
    Rwandan Genocide,
    Iraq War,
    9/11 Terrorist Attacks,
    The War on Terror,
    Afghanistan War,
    Syrian War,
    Libyan War,
    Ukraine War,
    & COVID-19 Pandemic
    all have one thing in common— the Khazarian Tribe.

As a matter of historical fact, each of these highly calculated genocides was carried out by the same Khazarian Tribe, which ALWAYS stays carefully hidden in the background during the fastidiously engineered evolution of every calamity of the modern era.

With this correct understanding, the following accurate exposition of the true history of the long and complicated relationship between Russia and Ukraine can be much better comprehended.  For the final outcome of the stealthily fabricated feud (by the Khazarian Tribe) between them will surely dictate the fate of humanity and future of the planet.

N.B. It’s of paramount importance as the reader peruses the excellent disquisition below to be aware of the common thread that runs through every century, every decade, every year, every phase of conflict between the Orthodox Christian Rus’ people and the Khazarian Jewish Zionists.  That thread can be recognized by the relentless warmongering of the different elements within the Khazarian tribe variously known as the Ashkenazi banksters, Zionist warmongers and Khazarian mafia.  The horrendous state of the Ukraine today is directly due to the incessant warmongering of the most recent generation of Khazarian tribals—the Neocon Zionists—who effectively dominate the Zio-Anglo-America Axis of power that dominates the world today.

The intertwined roots of history explain why Russia can’t let go of Ukraine

Centuries of shared history mean that the fate of Kiev will always remain Moscow’s core interest.

Egor Kholmogorov

In August 1948, the US National Security Council issued memorandum (NSC 20/1 1948), requested by then Defense Secretary James Forrestal. The document described American objectives with respect to the Soviet Union.

A significant part of the memorandum focused on Ukraine. American analysts were convinced that the territory was an integral part of greater Russia, and it was highly unlikely that Ukrainians could exist as an independent nation. Most importantly, it noted, any support given to separatists would be met with a strong negative reaction by Russians.

    “The economy of the Ukraine is inextricably intertwined with that of Russia as a whole … To attempt to carve it out of the Russian economy and to set it up as something separate would be as artificial and as destructive as an attempt to separate the Corn Belt, including the Great Lakes industrial area, from the economy of the United States…

    Finally, we cannot be indifferent to the feelings of the Great Russians themselves … They will continue to be the strongest national element in that general area, under any status … The Ukrainian territory is as much a part of their national heritage as the Middle West is of ours, and they are conscious of that fact. A solution which attempts to separate the Ukraine entirely from the rest of Russia is bound to incur their resentment and opposition, and can be maintained, in the last analysis, only by force,” read the report.

It seems like today’s American establishment and media have forgotten something that was obvious to US analysts and politicians at a time when America was the only superpower with nuclear weapons. It would appear that the White House and EU now believe they can make Russians think of Ukraine as a different country through force and sanctions threats.

If the West is successful in its attempts to “deter” Russia, it will get its reward – long-lasting resentment from Russians, who will view the US-led West as a force that prevents them from managing a big chunk of their historic land.

Why do Russians think of Ukraine as part of Russia?

The first important factor is personal ties.

    Many Russian citizens were born in Ukraine, but they don’t think of themselves as Ukrainians – especially not in the sense understood by the Kiev government today. Even more Russians have relatives in Ukraine. It would be almost impossible to find a Russian citizen without any family ties to Ukraine.

Russians see it as the land of their forefathers – quite literally, as they can show you the graves of their ancestors and the land where their houses stood.

When the administrative boundaries between the republics of the USSR turned into real borders in 1991, eight million ethnic Russians became ‘Ukrainians’ on paper. Kharkov in Ukraine and Belgorod in Russia, for example, are essentially twin cities that were founded by Russian tsars as frontier fortresses against the Crimean Tatars in the mid-17th century. After the Soviet Union’s collapse, they ended up on the opposite sides of the border. Country houses belonging to residents of the Russian city were now in Ukraine and vice versa. People from Kharkov would now have to travel to a different country to get to their dacha.

Today, Russians in Russia are puzzled – why does the regime in Kiev think it has the right to make decisions about their land?

As a result, many support the so-called separatists in what was the east of Ukraine. The term is a tricky one though, as a Russian may consider the regime in Kiev to be separatists, while activists in Crimea or in the Donbass have actually separated themselves from the separatists and, by that logic, could be considered unionists. Activism in Crimea, the movement in the Donbass, and the protests in Odessa that were brutally repressed, back in 2014, are part of unionism in the context of one greater Russia, not separatism.

Many Russians not only lived but also worked in Ukraine, which was a key industrial area in Russia. Its industrial development can’t be attributed to Ukrainian national character – it was the tsars and then the Soviet authorities that focused on this region’s growth. The industrial density of eastern Ukraine could only compare to that of Germany’s Ruhr.

There are a significant number of Russians who worked for Ukrainian plants and factories at one point or another – manufacturing aircraft carriers, helicopters, spacecraft components, etc. These were elements of the complex economic system of the huge Soviet superpower. Independent Ukraine didn’t need any of that.

The political and economic elites of independent Ukraine treated the industrial ‘dowry’ they inherited not as a complex system in need of maintenance, but as wild walnut trees that they should harvest while the nuts still hung on the branches.

The Ukrainian leaders’ attitude towards the powerful gas transportation system that had been left to them by the USSR was characteristic – they perceived it as a tool for blackmail. Unable to create or improve the system, they threatened to block or destroy it if they did not receive more money for the right to pump gas through ‘their’ territory.

Hence the hysterical reaction of the Ukrainian elites to the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, linking Russia directly to Germany. The fact that the Western powers have supported this view has led to the largest gas crisis in European history.

    Russians living in Russia, as well as those living in Ukraine, cannot understand why Ukrainian land should be used by NATO. In Russia, Ukraine’s possible accession to the US-led military bloc is not construed as a free choice made by the country in its own security interests, but as a means for the West to build advance bases for launching a direct attack on Moscow.

Do the Russians have historical grounds for considering this land their own, and for seeing the Kiev regime and NATO as the actual occupiers of this land? Definitely, in my view.

Kiev in modern Ukraine, Polatsk in contemporary Belarus, and Novgorod, Smolensk, and Rostov in today’s Russia were one state in ancient times – Rus.

Though Kiev, the ‘Mother of Russian cities,’ was the capital of this state, Novgorod, which is now part of Russia, played no lesser a role. Amazingly, anthropologists in northern Russia’s Arkhangelsk Region have recorded epic ballads about Prince Vladimir and his warriors, who baptized Rus, which are similar in many ways to legends about King Arthur and the knights of the round table. It is therefore obvious that the local population retained a direct cultural connection with the population of ancient Kiev and Russia. At the same time, no similar ballads have been preserved in modern Ukraine.

Kiev was almost destroyed as the result of the Mongol invasion by Genghis Khan’s grandson, Batu Khan, in 1240, and the fate of the inhabitants in different parts of Rus was divided after that. The eastern regions became vassals of the Mongols (Tatars) but continued to be ruled by direct male descendants of Prince Vladimir. The city of Moscow, with princes from this house, gradually gained hegemony and created a state that managed to gain independence.

A different fate awaited the inhabitants of Western Russia. The cities there lost the power of Prince Vladimir’s descendants, as well as their historical connection to ancient Kiev. They were conquered by Lithuania, which soon merged with Poland to form a single state – the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Since these lands were cut in half by the practically impassable Polesie Marshes, two different groups of Russian origin emerged there during the Middle Ages: Belarusians to the north of the marshes, and ‘Little Russians’ to the south.

The Muscovite princes, who became tsars in 1549, always proclaimed their right to these lands and demanded their return from Poland, leading a slow kind of ‘Reconquista’. Poland lost the support of its Little Russian and Belarusian subjects in this struggle after it announced the religious Union of Brest in 1596 and began persecuting the Orthodox Church and its adherents. An Orthodox resistance movement emerged in the territories of Little Russia shortly thereafter.

The resistance’s strike force was the Cossacks – a community of free warriors that assembled in the steppe for battles with the Tatars and Turks. A Cossack could be a native of any country who professed Orthodox Christianity and was ready to fight for it. As Poland progressively persecuted the Orthodox religion, the Cossacks increasingly raised their sabers against it. One of the episodes in this struggle was described in a historical novella entitled ‘Taras Bulba’ by Nikolai Gogol. Although he was born in Poltava, which is now in modern Ukraine, the great author always wrote in Russian and criticized acquaintances who tried to create a separate ‘Ukrainian’ language.

In 1648, the leader (hetman) of the Cossacks, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, sparked a great uprising against Poland in defense of oppressed Orthodoxy. After winning a number of victories, he triumphantly entered Kiev and was met by church leaders. He then created a state – the Zaporozhian Host – which in many ways resembled the rebellious republics of the Donbass now recognized by Russia.

In 1654, after the resolutions of a Zemsky Sobor (a kind of parliament representing feudal classes) in Moscow and a Rada (a kind of people’s assembly) in Pereyaslavl near Kiev, Khmelnitsky’s state became part of Russia.

Livadia Palace created as a summer retreat for Tsar Nicholas II and served as the location for the Yalta Conference in 1945, Yalta, Crimea.

Tsar Aleksey Mikhaylovich was declared ‘Tsar of All Great, Little, and White Russia’ and began a grueling 13-year war with Poland, which ended with a partial victory – the lands on the left bank of the Dnieper were ceded to Russia, and the Russian Tsardom bought Kiev, the ancient capital of Rus on the right, for 146,000 silver rubles and seven tons of silver, which the richest Polish families divided among themselves.

Subsequently, many Little Russians from the territory of modern Ukraine moved north and settled throughout the vast reaches of Russia, making careers both in the church and at court. The word ‘Ukraine’ was not used as a place name at all during this period – in both Russian and Polish it meant ‘borderland’ or ‘frontier’. Its use as a name referring to the territories around Kiev only began in the 18th century, when these lands really did become a borderland during the constant wars between Russia and Turkey.

The integration of Little Russians into Russia was not even disrupted by the adventure of Hetman Mazepa, who betrayed Peter the Great out of personal interests and sided with the Russian leader’s enemy King Charles XII of Sweden. Mazepa was abandoned by everyone except his personal guards, and a fierce guerrilla war began against the Swedish troops that entered the territory of modern Ukraine. The first attempt to exploit the concept of ‘Ukrainian separatism’ ended in disaster for the party that tried to employ it.

By the middle of the 18th century, the integration of Little Russians and Russia was extremely tight. Singer and musician Alexey Razumovsky, born near Chernigov, became the secret husband of Peter’s daughter, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. Moreover, the brother of this ‘Night Emperor’, Kirill, was simultaneously the hetman of the Zaporozhian Host and president of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Later, his numerous legitimate and illegitimate descendants formed an influential clan in the aristocracy of the Russian Empire.

The new empress, Catherine II, abolished the Zaporozhian Host and relocated the remnants of the Cossacks to the Kuban, in the North Caucasus. She also decisively conquered the steppes of southern Russia from the Tatars and Turks and, along with her secret husband, Prince Potemkin, founded a new part of Russia there – Novorossiya. The population of this area was extremely diverse. First of all, there were peasant and ‘Great Russian’ parts of the country, but there were also Greeks, Serbs, and a lot of Germans invited by the Empress, who were born in a small German principality. In fact, Novorossiya bore little resemblance to old Little Russia.

Novorossiya was the Russian equivalent of the New World, except that it wasn’t separated by an ocean. In the 19th century, industry was actively developed in the city now called Donetsk, commerce blossomed in Odessa, which was founded by a Spanish nobleman in the Russian civil service named De Ribas, and resort areas began to sprout up in Sevastopol and Crimea, bizarrely mixed with naval bases.

    During the three partitions of Poland, which Russia participated in along with Prussia and the Austrian Empire, Catherine II finally finished the work begun by Aleksey Mikhaylovich. Russia reunited almost all the lands belonging to ancient Rus, along with their peasant populations, which had preserved the Russian language and maintained Orthodox Christian traditions.

The inhabitants of these territories began to return to their Russian identity. The fate of the family of the great Russian writer Dostoevsky can be taken as an example. The writer’s grandfather was a ‘Uniate’ priest at a Catholic Church near Vinnytsia, which is located in modern Ukraine, but returned to Orthodoxy after Russia annexed the territory. The writer’s father went to Moscow and made a brilliant career as a military surgeon. And Dostoevsky himself became a great writer who once penned: “The master of the Russian land is solely Russian (Great Russian, Little Russian, Belarusian – it’s all the same).”

In the partition of Poland, Russia did not go beyond the borders of ancient Rus and even ceded the Old Russian city of Lvov to Austria. However, all the members of the privileged classes on these lands considered themselves Poles, and the land to be Polish, so they waged a stubborn struggle against the Russian government, both openly and clandestinely. As part of this battle, they began to spread the idea that the peasant population of western Russia was not Russian, but ‘Ukrainian’, a separate people that was closer to the Poles. Therefore, Russia had no right to these territories, the propaganda claimed.

Some young Russian intellectuals embraced this idea during the ‘Springtime of the Peoples’, a series of revolutions that shook Europe in the mid-19th century, when original nationalities were discovered, and even sometimes invented. Ukrainophiles like the acclaimed genius of Ukrainian literature, Taras Shevchenko, collected Little Russian songs and wrote poems in a similar style.

Ukrainophile propaganda was met with hostility by both Russia’s imperial government and Russian society, which hadn’t felt any difference at all between the lands of Little Russia and the rest of Russia for a long time. The life of Little Russians did not seem to be anything extraordinary in light of the much more colorful lives of the Don, Kuban, and Terek Cossacks. And most importantly, the majority of those pushing this propaganda ended up disappointed in it themselves – when they realized that this idea primarily served the interests of the Poles, the enthusiasm for Ukrainophilism cooled considerably.

However, the Ukrainian idea survived thanks to Austria, which provided an academy dedicated to Ukrainian studies in the city of Lvov, as well as a generous subsidy to Ukrainophile historian Mikhail Grushevsky. Torn apart by ethnic conflicts, the Austrian Empire had two primary objectives. Firstly, to prove that those living in Galicia and its capital, Lvov, which belonged to it at the time, were not Russian, but Ukrainians, who were an entirely different people, because this would mean that Russia had no right to claim this land. Secondly, to prove to the Poles living in Lvov that they had no right to this city either. Grushevsky began to construct a Ukrainian historical myth revolving around Galicia. He also published a Ukrainian language newspaper, inventing several new ‘Ukrainian’ words for each issue.

The moment of truth came during the First World War, when Austria committed real acts of genocide against those in Galicia who displayed a political or cultural orientation towards Russia. More than 30,000 Galician ‘Muscovites’ and representatives of small ethnic groups who spoke their own Russian dialects – Rusyns and Lemkos – were thrown into the Thalerhof and Terezin concentration camps, the predecessors of Auschwitz. Thousands of people there were tortured by Austrian guards and died of hunger or disease.

The inhabitants of southern Russia captured by the Austrians during the war were placed in special camps where Grushevsky’s followers tried to inspire them with the belief that they were Ukrainians. This attempt ultimately failed, however. In a letter to his friend Inessa Armand, Vladimir Lenin, who himself maintained close contacts with Austrian and German special services, described an escaped prisoner’s account of this “experiment,” in which 27,000 people forcibly participated, as follows: “Ukrainians were sent clever lecturers from Galicia. Results? Only 2,000 were for ‘independence’ … after a month’s efforts by the propagandists!! Others flew into a rage at the thought of separating from Russia and going over to the Germans or Austrians. A significant fact! It’s undeniable that … the conditions for Galician propaganda are most opportune. And yet the proximity to the Great Russians prevailed!”

Nevertheless, after seizing power in Russia, Lenin recognized the self-proclaimed Ukrainian People’s Republic headed by Grushevsky in Kiev. Then, during the civil war against the White defenders of ‘a united and indivisible Russia’, he demanded that his comrades in arms emphasize – or at least pretend – that an “independent communist Ukraine” existed.

Perfectly aware of how unacceptable Ukrainian propaganda was to the masses, Lenin, nevertheless, insisted on creating a ‘Ukraine’ in order to weaken “the Great Russian oppressor,” as he called the Russian Empire’s leading ethnic group. It was to protect Ukraine from ultimately dissolving into Russia that Lenin rejected Stalin’s plan to turn peripheral areas into autonomous regions within Soviet Russia. Instead, he insisted on creating a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which is described in its statutory documents as a rather loose confederation with a right to exit. Current Ukraine dates back to the ‘Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic’ (Ukrainian SSR) that was created within the framework of this Leninist project.

The problem was, there were practically no Ukrainians in Soviet Ukraine, so the Soviet government took an unheard-of step – it invited its ideological enemy, Grushevsky, the former president of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, to the Ukrainian SSR and entrusted him with carrying out the ‘Ukrainization’ of public education. For a decade and a half, schoolchildren there could only receive a school education in Ukrainian, using Grushevsky’s textbooks.

The campaign in government ministries and departments was no less tough. Officials, including those with no ideological bent – who dealt with agriculture, for example – were required to study the Ukrainian language and use it at work. Moreover, they were dismissed from the service for displaying an ignorance of the language or an unwillingness to learn it. Interestingly, the number of those sacked was quite large, which demonstrates that many people were still resisting Ukrainization at the time.

But, of course, not everyone resisted. There were many ‘chameleon’ officials in the Communist Party. For example, the future leader of the USSR, Leonid Brezhnev, who led the nation during the Cold War, listed his ethnic origin as ‘Ukrainian’ in some forms, and ‘Russian’ in others. This goes to show that, in fact, there was no clear way to distinguish a ‘real Ukrainian’ from a ‘real Russian’.

    Convinced that Ukrainization made it impossible for schools to produce literate people who were well-versed in technology (most of the USSR’s literature on science and technology always remained in Russian), Stalin began to limit the process. Subsequently, learning Russian became mandatory, and enthusiastic advocates of Ukrainism began to be persecuted as ‘bourgeois nationalists’.

However, even after this about face, the official Soviet regime diligently pretended that Ukraine was a ‘fraternal’ state, independent and separate from Russia. Ukraine was granted its own seat in the UN, separate from the USSR’s (the Russian Federation was not). The mosaics created in the Moscow Metro’s Kievskaya station presented a kind of iconography of the ‘history of Ukraine’.

However, Soviet Ukraine faced a new problem. In 1939, Stalin annexed the regions of Western Ukraine that had been captured by Poland after the collapse of the Russian Empire and assigned them to the Ukrainian SSR. And with them came Lvov and Galicia, which had never been part of Russia. As a result of Poland’s strict national policy, a radical political movement emerged in this area led by Stepan Bandera dubbed the ‘Ukrainian Insurgent Army’. This group’s political structure greatly resembled that of Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, only under a nationalist rather than communist banner. The Poles were the first object of Bandera’s hatred – in 1942, with support from Hitler, his group organized the terrifying Volhynia Massacre of the Polish population.

As German collaborators, Bandera and his comrades in arms committed many crimes against Jews, Poles, and Russians during the Second World War. While the Red Army advanced against the Germans, Bandera’s people increasingly turned their weapons against it and shifted the hatred they harbored against the Poles and Jews to Russians and Communists. The Banderists waged a fierce guerrilla-terrorist war in the western part of the Ukrainian SSR for many years after the Second World War ended. When the partisans were finally defeated, they went underground, but passed their radical ideology on to the younger generation of Ukrainian nationalists.

When the Soviet Union weakened and collapsed in 1991, three factors came together in Ukraine. Firstly, the official communist government in Kiev was given the opportunity to take advantage of the constitutional opportunities left by Lenin to create its own state. Secondly, amidst the complete ideological vacuum in this post-communist Ukraine, it was the heirs of Bandera, with their rabid racism directed at Russians, who took up the new country’s ideological banner.

At the same time, the majority of Ukraine’s population fell victim to this process, both those officially listed as ‘Ukrainians’ and ‘Russians’. Most had seen the USSR as a Greater Russia, and the Ukrainian SSR where they lived as one of the corners within it. They did not know and did not want to learn any language other than Russian. If their grandmothers had taught them to speak the rural Ukrainian dialect in childhood, they saw it as a way of making a joke. And suddenly, through schools, propaganda, and political speeches, these people were hit by powerful pressure to become ‘Ukrainian’ from what had recently been a totalitarian communist state.

The Russian Federation had been experiencing a long crisis with respect to national identity and сconsciousness, and it was Ukraine that pulled it out of this muddle. As predicted in 1948 by US National Security Council analysts, the Russians became enraged on learning that propaganda was being used to make some Russians see themselves as ‘non-Russian’.

The first wound to Russian pride was inflicted back in Soviet times, when Malenkov and Khrushchev transferred Crimea from the RSFSR (Russia) to the Ukrainian SSR (Ukraine) in 1954. Russians considered this peninsula to be their own land, steeped in the blood of two heroic defenses of Sevastopol (1854-55 and 1941-42). Though the outward manifestation of this transfer was limited to changing the color of Crimea on maps from pink to green, it was perceived as an ethnic insult by Russians in the USSR. Sevastopol was the ‘city of Russian sailors’ (as was sung in a famous song) and no one dared argue with this. Russian indignation reached a boiling point after the peninsula became part of an independent Ukraine in 1991, and the government began to ban the Russian language there. The phrase “You will still answer for Sevastopol” from the popular movie ‘Brat 2’ became a nationwide meme.

Several waves of forced Ukrainization in the 20th century have convinced Russians that Ukrainian identity is not something stemming from ancient history and culture, but something that is instilled by propaganda. Like it or not, Russians in Russia see modern Ukraine’s hostility towards the Russian part of its population not as a free choice of ethnic identity, but as a disease that has arisen under the influence of propaganda that must be cured. The more assertively some Ukrainians declare that they are not brothers to Russians, but enemies, that they want to be with NATO, and not Russia, the greater the desire on the other side is to save and cure them, whatever that means.

    The trick of the West – to appeal to the population of modern Ukraine’s sense of unique identity – is even more dangerous in terms of provoking conflict. The reaction of Russians to these appeals is similar to that of the parents of a kidnapped child who has been turned against them. It’s better not to get in their way.

To sum up: Russians have many vital and historical reasons to consider Ukraine their land, and to see Ukrainians, even those most hostile to Russia, as their own people, who are in need of protection (including from brainwashing). The West’s claims that it has a right to exercise hegemony over Ukraine because ‘Ukraine is not Russia’ is seen by Russians in Russia as false and predatory.

Moreover, they consider this attitude a land grab directed at territory Russians consider their own. One of the decisive factors in Russians’ ethnic awakening during the Putin era has been the resistance to this attempt to tear Ukraine away. The president himself was not the initiator of this process but reflects the national mood.

There is no way to get Russians to accept that Ukraine is somehow separate, except by brutal force. Russians will always see any world order that involves the separation of Ukraine from Russia as hostile. By supporting an ‘independent Ukraine’, the West will always have a tireless and relentless enemy in Russia and the Russians.

The question is why does it need this, and who benefits?


At this late date, it’s crucial to apprehend these critical details of this untold Ukraine back story.  If you are an American reader, it’s absolutely vital to understand that the deliberate balkanization of Ukraine will soon be coming to the 50 states, for The Same Barbarians Are Inside The Gate … unless righteous Patriots rise up everywhere to terminate the Khazarian vice grip on the U.S. Federal Government and Corporate America. (See Addendum below)

For any American who doubts that The Khazarian Barbarians Have Been Inside The Gate For Well Over A Century, all they have to do is consider who they cannot criticize or joke about—EVER!  On the other hand, as the irrefutable exposé at the preceding hyperlink well delineates, the Khazarians have been making fun of US as long as they have been domiciled in the USA, and on our dime.

Lastly, if there’s one brief paper that does a deep dive into essential Khazarian history, as it has severely impacted the fate of Russia, the fate of the United States and the fate of Ukraine, it is this quite revelatory essay:

BOTTOM LINE: Nothing changes until those who secretly rule US are prosecuted for 9/11, JFK, OK City, 5G, Chemtrails, Vaccines, COVID-19….


Both the U.S. Federal Government and Corporate America are covertly controlled by a worldwide Khazarian-run network of secret societies, globalist organizations and financial entities which effectively rule planet Earth.  As follows:

    The Illuminati,
    Black Nobility,
    Khazarian Mafia,
    Kahal Of the Cahilla,
    Knights of Malta,
    Society of Jesus,
    Order of the Garter,
    The Pilgrims Society,
    The Vatican,
    British Crown,
    Council of Rome,
    Committee of 300,
    Crown Council of 13,
    NWO Globalist Cabal,
    Central Banking Cartel,
    World Economic Forum,
    International Banking Syndicate,
    Deep State(s) of Western Powers,
    Global Military-Industrial Complex,
    Royal Institute of International Affairs
    Council on Foreign Relations,
    Trilateral Commission,
    Bilderberg Group,
    BlackRock, Vanguard & State Street
    and Zio-Anglo-American Axis

Source: https://stateofthenation.info/?p=4500


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  Don't Trust The Plan | Mandates For Slaves | Independence + Natural Law | PsyOps
Posted by: Hissil - 11-29-2024, 03:28 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

Don't Trust The Plan
Nov 18, 2024
Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com

Pointing out Trumps negative actions in todays world where many Americans are high on hopium makes us very unpopular with some.

Many readers of Truth11.com are Trump supporters, and are caught up in the psyop of trusting the plan. They don't like us pointing out what he is actually doing and we receive a lot of pushback on this subject.

When we point out that he is responsible for his part in rolling out the genocidal injection Covid 'vaccine' that has killed 20 million people world wide and injured 600 million, we are bombarded with emails explaining with complex mental gymnastics how if he had not rolled out a killer vaccine we would have been locked down for 10 years and it would have been worse.

If we choose not to point out the truth about Trumps actions, we could increase our readership and our subscription revenue too heights that would not only cover all of our operating costs, but provide an actual salary for our work.

We could do this to become part of the MAIN STREAM ALTERNATIVE MEDIA, by jumping on the bandwagon that is Trump, with Elon and the rest.

But that is not what true journalism does.

That is not the truth and it is not what we are focused on.

We are not part of the mainstream media, nor the mainstream alternative media. We are true independent media.

And boy are we paying for it. As we always have. But that is ok. We have been on the side of truth no matter what, even when that makes us quite unpopular.

As the main image meme in this article suggests, when preaching what people want to hear you get a large audience, when speaking the truth, the minority is what you get.

Understand something quite clear: We are not haters of anyone. We do not hate Jewish people by calling out the genocide of a tyrannical Zionist Israeli government. We do not hate Trump because he is Trump. We look at the truth, the true actions of people. Not just what they say, but what they do. This is objective journalism.

By focusing on the truth, we are always on the side of right. Because no matter what mental gymnastics or fancy promises and double-talk is done. The actions performed eventually speak clearly for all to see.

I do look at everyones attempt to explain some of Trumps actions. I read your emails and research your links. As with operation warp speed for example, I would love to find a rational reason for his actions. But just so you all know. No matter what I have looked at. NOTHING explains why he promoted and still promotes a killer vaccine. NOTHING.

Including the preposterous notion that by Trump launching a killer vaccine early, spoiled the plans of having 10 years of lockdowns and then a mandatory vaccine with camps for refuseniks. Kill them early, so it does not drag out and kill more later. Utter crap.

Putting the obvious aside; that killing innocent people to spoil the plans of a bigger genocide is ridiculous; what people don't seem to understand is that there was immediate resistance. I was part of that. I refused to wear a mask, or get injected and I screamed it from the rooftops. Reaching 60 million people over the covid period, that Covid was a scam, the vaccine is a killer, lockdowns are not warranted, and go against the principals of freedom outlined in our countries constitutions and charters.

The resistance was (and still is) growing and I can tell you that there is no way lockdowns would have lasted 10 years. The lies were being exposed from the beginning and the momentum of the truth movement is still gaining ground. Therefore the excuse of Trump launching a killer vaccine to stop a 10 year lockdown falls completely flat.

You don't promote a current genocide to point out a future genocide.

This is the main point of Trump's 'warp speed' supporters. It is weak, pathetic and does not stand up to logic or reason.

Choosing the lesser of two evils, giving Trump a pass on the lockdown, the covid scam, and genocidal vaccine is not a solid foundation for support for Trump.


The Long Con

• The deep state puts Trump in as controlled opposition
• He unexpectedly (on purpose) gets put into office in 2016
• He launches a deadly vaccine campaign and supports the covid lie
• They obviously rig the 2020 election and put a train wreck Biden administration into office so they can play the the bad guys for 4 years, making Trump look like the lesser of two evils.
• Then everyone begs for Trump, making him more powerful and less likely to be scrutinized for his actions, as "it could be worse!".
• That brings us to now, the long con is about to play out. Trump, the father of a genocidal vaccine, has a loyal following of logic broken supporters, who forgive him from vaccine genocide which has broken their brains. Now what will he do with this power?

Actions Speak

Let us see what he does. He is already showing his continued allegiance to big pharma, and supporting Israel's genocide campaigns.

In my estimation, he will move swiftly to bring Americans and the world to places they do not want to be, banking on the momentum of the long con, to enable his new actions.

Last time he brought vaccine genocide. Where will he bring us this time in warp speed?

Based upon his actions to date, including his recent appointments, he will march the world into military subscription to fight Israel's wars. He will also give all responsible for the covid scam and genocidal vaccine a pass.

Therefore don't blindly trust the plan, look past his words and scrutinize his actions. Don't be swiftly swept away on the red wave, as it could be a wave of more bloodshed at warp speeds.

Truth Warrior Comment

We the readers/subscribers appreciate or maybe do not appreciate your comments, but this is what freedom of speech is about, to express ourselves. I for one do not fall into the trap you are trying to preach to those that support and voted for Trump. Question is, if Trump is part of the Deep State then who should have we voted for the President? Hmmmm...Perhaps you are DS in disguise.

Our Response

Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com

Thank you for your comment. We are not deep state, just FYI, far from it. My own views are self government, using natural law as our guide is the way to go. I don't think anyone should rule over another. Which is far from a deep state way of thinking. Regarding who to vote for: that is the problem with the lesser of two evil system. We were not given a real choice. Personally I don't think any of them should be in control.

Truth Warrior Comment

I agree with this article 99%, thank you for being courageous enough to post your views! After watching a video about Operation warp speed I thought the exact same thing you did. They didn't have enough people willing to go along with their tyranny. However, Trump would not have gotten in office without being surrounded by Zios including his own son-in-law. Of course we can't choose who our children marry and I'm sure it was planned that way! If we look at what happened to JFK which was recently revealed it was his driver Greer that killed him and the fact they have him surrounded. If you look at his birth chart it might explain more. The brainwashing is still going on at the churches and people still are easily manipulated by a religion setup and funded by the same people.

Truth Warrior Comment

Bravo, Dylan! We were thinking some of your points but didn't have a constituency. He is a useful, low-IQ idiot... Get ready for the next warp speed.....



Happy Thanksgiving
Nov 28, 2024
Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com

These holiday celebrations have been trying over the past few years for most of us. With aunt Karens and negative reactions of our efforts of trying to persuade them not to voluntarily join the covid vaccine genocide program. This has kept many of us from being invited to the family gatherings.

Now mask mandates and vaccine madness has subsided, many of us are back.

Some of us are sitting with fewer people at our family gatherings due to the deadly covid shots. The elephant in the room remains that no one wants to talk about that the absence's are due to the shots.

So we sit.

Or do we.

No, we should keep trying.

These vaccinated loved ones of our families are sitting in denial and could do something about it. Maybe, just maybe, they are ready to hear some solutions.

Personally I will be trying again when sitting with extended family, and maybe will get through to one or some of them.

A D-Dimer test, some dark field microscopy to start. Then they can see the problem with their own eyes. Thats my goal at first with them.

From there we can suggest the many solutions doctors are having success with.

You can find them in our Solutions pages or in our search engine.

I am thankful for all of our family that sits with us on this thanksgiving evening and thankful for you fellow truth warriors.

I hope you all have a great thanksgiving.


Being Hated By Those You Are Trying To Help | Trolls + Death Threats | 90%, 10% + 1%
Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com

I have worked as an independent journalist for 20+ years. My goal is to devote my time, writing, film making and researching the truth, so I can share the truth to empower us all to make the right decisions, avoid the new world order depopulation and totalitarian agendas, and live a happy life.

For the first 15 years I ran Truth11.com covering all costs, not earning a dime from the site. And working full time for free. I paid my dues. I have shown my motivation is to help everyone with the truth.

When the Covid scam hit it was increasingly hard for me as my side jobs that paid the bills dried up, which happened to many people during that period. So I decided to accept donations on Truth11.com and monthly subscribers, to help me pay the costs of running the site.

I still cover most of the costs but this move has helped me cover about 30%. So thank you Truth Warriors for your help! It is greatly appreciated.

My motivation is still to help others with the truth, not money as you can see. Most people can't spend the time researching as they go to work, so I share my time and effort, and do it basically for free. Some costs are covered, but I have not earned a salary at all.

When you don't work for money, you better have a good moral reason to be able to keep going, to keep working, which I do. My motivation is to help all people.

Let's talk all people:

When I first started Truth11.com I was immediately ostracized by my family, friends, and workers. Called a conspiracy theorist and shunned from society. At that point I had a saying that 99% have no fu*king clue.

Today estimates are about 10% of people are aware of the truth.

So in 20 years we have gone from 99% of people having no fu*king clue to about 90%.

Based upon our traffic over the years and our reach on Truth11.com and other platforms like Telegram, Bitchute etc, I could estimate that we helped inform 1% of that 10% with the truth. That 1% is you. Truth Warriors that know whats up!

My motivation was to help all people, even the 90%, but they don't make it easy to be motivated to help them.

Recently we branched out onto new platforms and have been conversing with the 90% clueless. Even though they are clueless I still include them in our goal to help with the truth.

My experience with dealing with these people makes it very hard to be motivated to help them.

Censorship from the government and new world order cabal I can understand. But censorship from the 90% we are trying to help was surprising.

People having major issues about me giving Truth11.com website name.

Trolls abound of bug eaters, vaccine lovers, and false idolizers.

Death threats. Being told we should be hunted down and killed.

This is the 90% of people who have no fu*king clue, attacking the truth tellers.

What a brutal environment these 90% create.

They hate you for trying to help them. Want to kill you for it.

I can see the government wanting to kill the truth tellers for exposing their evil. But from the people you are trying to save. Really?

My christian upbringing demands I help everyone. Which is what I will follow. But in reality it is harder to do when they want you dead.

Thank god for you. The 1% of the 10% that has a clue, that appreciates the truth and can handle it.

I will still try to wake up the 90% but they are no longer my motivation. How can you be motivated to help someone who wants you silenced or dead for trying to help them?.

I will still try to help them, but my motivation has shifted, I am motivated by you the 1% the true Truth Warriors. I work for you, the 1% that is intelligent enough to want the truth. And I work for the other 9% that is seeking the truth.

It is hard to motivate oneself to help the masses when they rather see you silenced, censored, or killed.

What an industry.

Truth Warrior Comment

Justice Marty

Greetings Dylan,

I enjoyed your writing and I feel my wife and I are part of that 1% that are fully awake. In fact my wife was instrumental in waking me up. She was awake back in the early nineties. We are not wealthy and make ends meet but donate to your site on a recurring basis as we feel a majority of your writings have brought confirmation to what we have thought all along. However one exception we take issue with is your bashing of Donald Trump. I know you mentioned in an earlier email I sent to you on another article you posted that you felt Trump is the less of two evils in being elect 2024.

We all have our own opinions and should be respected, including yours. I hope that you reconsider your stance on Trump as he is all we have to Make America Great Again! He did a great job during his first presidency and feel he will do it again, only better, as he now knows who his enemies are internally.

Trust in our lord Jesus Christ that he guides President Trump to greatness and to united our divided country.

With all respect,

Justice Marty

Our Response

Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com

Hi Justice Marty,

Thank you for your very nice comment. I appreciate your words of wisdom and am listening. Thank you and your wife for your support of our efforts, and for taking the time to share your comments with us.

I will love seeing your views on Trump come true.

There is something greater than President Trump or any president; that is you and your support of Trump and the agenda to make America great again. Your support of Trump, shared by millions is the real power.  The real voice of the people that is clearly speaking.

There is great strength in your goals regarding the direction of this country and regarding President Trump. This driving force should steer Trump into all of the right actions. And if he strays, maybe the collective positive mass that supports him will correct his course along the way.

He would not be wise to go against his supporters, because of their great strength, and because they will not let him. He would be smart to take this opportunity to really make a change. I will applaud when he does.

It is the job of independent journalism to keep his actions under close scrutiny, which we will.

I see the power of the positive support for Trump, that you have in spades. This in my opinion is the true power, voice and catalyst for positive change for the country.

Thank you for your genuine patriotism and support of the truth.

All the best to you and your wife,

Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com


Mandates For Slaves | The Declaration Of Independence + Natural Law
    The Declaration of Independence refers to “God” as “natural law or nature’s law, unalienable…and the Creator.”

    The laws of nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth.

Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath

As we approach the new year of 2025, we face the prospect of old themes re-emerging.  At such times, it is wise to revisit old patterns to prevent similar consequences.

After experiencing the implementation of illegal mandates in 2020-2022, are we prepared to avoid them when they are reintroduced?

Recently, the old narrative has re-emerged that the Constitution is threatened.

As we have touched on this subject before, going back to 2017, and 2020, let us remember why the Constitution cannot protect freedom, nor can it protect the violation of inherent rights.
Revisiting 2020

How did free people confront illegal universal vaccine mandates in the year 2020?

Vaccine mandates had been quietly made into laws and orders around the world well before the Coronavirus Pandemic began. Statutes were instituted to harmonize with International U.N. Treaty laws to capture city-by-city, and country-by-country while the people slept:

The United Nations (U.N.) Global Plan had been for compulsory vaccination to expand its reach to all humans, even after the status of COVID-19 [Flu renamed], had been downgraded in the UK (March 2020). Over the years, movies and TV themes promoted the jabs. By 2020, the concept of compulsory vaccination was in the human psyche.
The Planned 2020 Pandemic

    I would love to be able to bring back our country into a great form of unity. Without a major event where people pull together, that’s hard to do. But I would like to do it without that major event because usually that major event is not a good thing.—President Trump, January 30, 2018.

As if they had a crystal ball, officials passed the Healthy People 2020 Act whose guidelines were created more than 40 years ago. Prior to hearing reference to any ‘Coronavirus,’ President Trump signed an Executive Order to Modernize and Improve Flu vaccines based upon a theoretical future pandemic.

    September 2019: Experts recently have warned that the nation’s health system isn’t prepared for a pandemic. The president’s Council of Economic Advisers on Thursday estimated the economic damage caused by a pandemic could range from $413 billion to $3.79 trillion, resulting in more than half a million deaths and up to 4.3 million hospitalizations.

Event 201, held, October 2019, by the United Nations and the Gates Foundation, simulated a pandemic from a viral threat. By all estimates, experts were indeed prepared. But the people were not.

Freedom isn’t free. Health Freedom = choice + responsibility. Take away one or the other  – choice or responsibility – and you have neither health nor freedom. Freedom requires the ability to discern when you are not free.

The opposite of freedom is slavery (People = Property). When the government tells you that you must obey, they count on your ignorance of the law: the Constitution, and especially the Declaration of Independence.

Officials often refer to the Constitution when arguing for greater restrictions and less freedom. Why?

Because, hidden in the language of the Constitution is the word “Property.” People = Property = slavery. The Constitution does not specifically mention slavery, because it was an accepted practice of the time.

Slavery is seen in the Constitution in a few key places (the Enumeration Clause, Article 1, Section 9, and the Fugitive Slave Clause). Despite the freedoms reserved in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, slavery was not only tolerated in the Constitution, but it was codified. Today, under the false shield of the U.S. Constitution, individuals have no protections and no rights. The Constitution of 1787 is, thus, the “slave-holder’s Constitution.” The American Civil war changed that.

Or did it?

Does the Constitution, as a legal document, enforce the continued enslavement of all people, long after racial slavery was outlawed? Is the Constitution pro-slavery propaganda? What about the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration is key. It does not contain the word Property. In 1776, Thomas Jefferson changed the phrasing of John Locke’s trinity of “Life, Liberty, and Property” by replacing “property” with “the pursuit of happiness,” even though Jefferson’s own “property” included about two hundred human beings whom he prevented from pursuing their own happiness. Jefferson referred to racial slavery as like “holding a wolf by its ears – you didn’t like it, but you dared not let go.” The Constitution itself reflects this in its 3/5ths clause and fugitive slave clause.
Civil War Connection

The Civil War was fought to codify the Declaration into law. Prior to the Civil War, the Declaration had no legal weight. The Northern and Southern Territories each had their own Constitutions. However after the formal surrender of the Confederacy, at Appomattox Courthouse, the official end of the Civil War codified the Declaration to become law. The outcome of the Civil War was that only racial slavery ended. i.e., “All Men Are Created Equal.”

After the Civil War, the only thing standing in the way of a Slave State was the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration is the only place where the mention of “God” (secular) in “law” is found. It is the only Charter that declares plainly, “All ‘men’ are created equal.”

Lincoln reiterated equality in his Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863, when he said, “Four score and seven years ago….. this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Four score and seven years ago is the date of July 4th 1776, the DECLARATION —NOT the (slave-holder’s) Constitution of September 17, 1787.

This was no accident. Lincoln could have easily made reference to the Constitution, since after all, he was an attorney and the President of the United States.

Without The Declaration of Independence, “slavery” is still legal under the Constitution, only racial slavery is illegal. After the Civil War, and with the onset of the Industrial Revolution, whites saw their future. They foresaw that ex-slave labor would displace white labor in the territories, thus ALL people needed to be slaves. To those in power, the issue of the Civil War was not one of race but of pure economics.
Privileges Vs. Rights

The result is that, today, everybody is a slave. Privileges replace rights under the cover of democracy and freedom. Thus, under government rights, no one has rights – only the perception of having rights. Rights are not gifts from government. If you disagree, ask yourself the following:

    Why must people request exemptions pertaining to vaccines (medical, religious or moral/philosophical/personal belief type) or “opt out” unless government has de facto rights over your body?
    Why do Child Protection Services (CPS) remove children from the home if parents have rights to their children?
    Why are peaceful protests shut down during “emergencies” if the First Amendment protects free speech?
    Why is social media censored?

Why? Because People = Property.

If the state has the power to grant a privilege, the state can also remove said privilege. By asking permission to ‘opt out’ from any mandate issued by the state, you inadvertently grant the government de facto authority over your body.
1866; The Year That Reestablished Slavery

In 1866, two events took place to reestablish slavery for all:

    The 14th amendment was “ratified” by Executive Order in 1866 and never signed by the President. This represents a color-of-law fraud used by the government and the courts to hold power over the people [Google 14th amendment Trojan horse].
    case law ensured that the Declaration would not stand for freedom. In Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company the Supreme Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution granted corporations rights above persons. By virtue of the phrase obiter dictum – “by the way”- freedom and the Declaration were legally upended.

Economic slavery was made legal and expanded by Santa Clara et. seq. under the 14th Amendment which became effective in 1866. Later rulings (Citizens United v. FEC; Bush v. Gore) reinforced this. The result is that People = Property. .In re: Bush v. Gore, the majority opinion echoed that the “average citizen” has no constitutional right to elect the POTUS and that this Right rests firmly with the Electors.
The Vax Narrative

Freedom is lost by stealth when individuals give up responsibility and unknowingly become victims. Even before laws are written, “experts” are chosen to reinforce a narrative. For the Vaccine Agenda, there was Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of the University of California, Irvine school of law and adviser to California SB 277,a California law that removed personal belief as a reason for an exemption from the vaccination.

In 2016, Chemerinsky wrote the essay, Compulsory Vaccination Laws Are Constitutional. Chemerinsky used the following arguments:

    “There is no doubt that compulsory vaccination is constitutional. In 1905, in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the Supreme Court held that state compulsory vaccination laws are constitutional when they are “necessary for the public health or the public safety.”

    “In 1990, in Employment Division v. Smith, the Court held that the Free Exercise Clause cannot be used to challenge a neutral law of general applicability.”

    “the profound public health threat posed by refusing vaccinations.”

    “Therefore, there is no basis for a First Amendment challenge to compulsory vaccination laws.”

Earlier, in his February 2015 Op-Ed article in the Orange County Register, Professor Chemerinsky wrote, “As a matter of constitutional law, parents have no right to not vaccinate their children. However, the government has a compelling interest in stopping the spread of communicable diseases.” He proclaimed that state law allows for police power to enforce obligatory vaccine laws. Professor Chemerinsky believes the Constitution holds no weight as a tool of freedom. He is averse to the Declaration. His views reflect Postmodernism.
Postmodernism & Scientism

    Postmodernism = modernism without the optimism.

If you convince everyone that they’re a victim, they’ll start acting like victims. Postmodernists rule above the law, with no morality, no accountability, and no responsibility. To their mindset, everyone is a slave, though some slaves are above other slaves. Postmodernist recognize no “God” – defined as that power above mortal men and universal. The Declaration of Independence refers to “God” as “natural law or nature’s law, unalienable…and the Creator.”

The Postmodernist dogma says that mortals are gods and that their power to rule over lesser gods is absolute. All “men” are not created equal – some are gods, above the law, with no moral compass, only Agendas.

Postmodernists misuse science to distract from the discussion of power and freedom. They claim science forms the basis of absolute truth about man and the universe. This is Scientism – the fusion of religion & science. Scientism elevates scientists to the level of priesthood.  In Scientism discourse the use of “beliefs” (subjective) replace verifiable evidence (objective).

Scientism rejects any inquiry that does not agree with its agenda. This mindset is embedded in Darwinism (man originating from beast – not God or in his image — thus can be treated as beast) and believes there is no God (agnostic) for without God (pursuant to the Declaration of Independence) there can be no rights. Therefore, Scientism is a PsyOps exercise designed to distract people’s attention away from real truths and solutions, substituting in their place, a rationalization based upon beliefs instead of verifiable evidence.

Scientism is the narrative put forward by any “independent” Task Force on Community Preventive Services appointed by the Centers For Disease Prevention and Control (CDC). The Task Force fulfills a role of providing “disclosure” though its documents, such as one entitled, Vaccination Mandates: The Public Health Imperative and Individual Rights to reiterate that the “The constitutional basis of vaccination requirements rests in the police power of the state.” 

Scientism predicts the future: “The police power is the authority reserved to the states by the Constitution and embraces “such reasonable regulations established directly by legislative enactment as will protect the public health and the public safety” (197 U.S. at 25, 25 S.Ct. at 361).

Professor Chemerinsky and others find legal fodder against religious exemption from another Constitutionalist, Supreme Court’s Justice Antonin Scalia who wrote his 1997 opinion in City of Boerne v. Flores:

    the right of free exercise does not relieve an individual of the obligation to comply with a ‘valid and neutral law of general applicability on the ground that the law proscribes (or prescribes) conduct that his religion prescribes (or proscribes).’

Scalia stressed that it should be the political, not judicial process, that provides for exemptions in laws to protect religious beliefs. While the Court defers to the State for religious freedoms, and the State defers to Scientism to keep the herd distracted, freedom and rights get lost in the shuffle.
Freedom Is Individual

Freedom in the legal sense is still found through the Declaration of Independence, though it now must be codified into law. In our current system, if anyone is to claim his power to refuse vaccines, or parent a child without government interference, then this document must be reinstated in its rightful place. Without the Declaration, “Constitutional rights” are abolished.

True freedom is knowing Private Property belongs to the individual. You own your body. Freedom is not found in any document or court, not in any group or herd. Freedom is embodied as a state of mind and a way of being. Freedom lives under Nature’s law, created by nature’s God. This is why God matters in the secular context, not a religious one. Note: all NATO countries promote war for a Globalist Agenda. They are Freemason monarchies, except the EU run by the British (City of London). While Russia and Syria recognize the secular God, they also appear to be part of a globalist agenda.

Nature’s law guarantees the power of the Individual and the right to private property, the Self. No one is above Nature’s law. Nature has her own legal argument:

    The laws of nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his (God’s) laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. 1772, Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109.

Contradictions & Inconsistencies

Man’s laws (case law) are traps that lead to tyranny. They enforce the Master-Slave dynamic because they are written by a few men with an agenda. They retain the narrative as long as slaves give consent and ask for permission from Masters. Masters are fallible. Chemerinsky’s flawed science reads:

    …robust evidence lends strong support to our argument that vaccinations are essential to save children’s lives. But compulsory vaccinations also are crucial to protect those who cannot be vaccinated, such as infants, and those for whom vaccinations are medically inadvisable, such as those with compromised immune systems. Because there always will be a portion of the population for whom vaccinations will not work, achieving the highest vaccination rates possible for all others remains important.

If vaccines are “safe and effective” then shouldn’t the weakest in the community be able to tolerate them? If they are “protective” why did the U.S. Supreme court rule in 2011 that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe?”

Officials do not believe that any “right” exists outside State “rights,” which are  privileges that can be denied as easily as they are granted. Masters are deconstructionists that write laws and change definitions to advance their agenda to abolish Property Rights. Chemerinsky writes:

    Simply put, the government’s interest in protecting children and preventing the spread of communicable disease justifies mandatory vaccinations for all children in the United States.

The government’s only true “interest” should be to protect the liberty of the people. Any other interest for “safety” or “security”or “Public Health” is a ruse to take the power of the people away. See The Declaration:

    That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”

The Ruse of Scientific Consensus

Prior to Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, it was scientific consensus in the South that defined slaves – mostly Africans or Negroes, as scientifically inferior. This consensus formed the foundation that excluded them from any rights guaranteed to others.

Today, nothing has changed.

If the foundation for vaccine rights rests solely and exclusively on scientific arguments, then this is an admission that rights are privileges, based on scientific consensus. No Right was ever granted by scientific consensus and so no science can form the foundation for any abolition of a Right. Science is a moot point when it comes to rights. Arguing the science keeps us slaves when what we seek is the power to make a choice about how we see the science.

Today, as in the past, the Globalist strategy is to control the opposition by becoming the opposition. The Occupy Wall Street movement was hijacked by NGO’s and other Foundations and eliminated. Globalists control both sides of a manufactured ‘divide’ to generate controversy, incite riots, and create turmoil, only to swoop in to quell the chaos and restore order. Order – out of chaos. This is the Hegelian Dialectic of Problem, Reaction, Solution. Experts like Chemerinsky don’t seek to suspend the Constitution, but to abolish it though mandates using the Constitution.

    The rights of the individual are not derived from governmental agencies, either municipal, state, or federal, or even from the Constitution. They exist inherently in every man, by endowment of the Creator, and are merely reaffirmed in the Constitution, and restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the citizenship to the agencies of government. The people’s rights are not derived from the government, but the government’s authority comes from the people. -City of Dallas, et al. v. Mitchell, 245 S. W. 944, 945-46 (1922).

How to Protect Rights?

The true Charter of Freedom on which America was founded is the Declaration of Independence. Abraham Lincoln said slavery was never expressed in the Constitution, but it was implied.

The Declaration of Independence, alone, is the legal foundation for freedom in a corrupt judicial system. The Constitution allows for the continuation of slavery and always will—without the Declaration. How can we maintain our collective survival and the freedoms that have been slip-sliding away?

    Instead of fighting a never-ending fight over mandates, withdraw consent.
    Apply the Declaration of Independence. Self-determination means claiming responsibility for your rights to choose and affirming that you are a body and a soul.
    According the Declaration of Independence, human rights come from “God” (secular) not the State. Reaffirmation of “God” means a divorce from Postmodernism where “men” are god—above the law and without any moral compass.
    Refrain from arguing the science as the primary foundation for vaccine choice. The vaccine debate cannot become a distraction. If all rights are abolished, there will be no more discussion, no reason to argue the science.
    Under quarantine of sick and healthy people, it is impossible to gather communities together to become self-sufficient. Without the ability to create community gardens, create your own garden until you can merge your garden with others.
    Create a local, bartering system (Time Bank) for services.
    Avoid Smart Cities.

A Coming Civil War?

We cannot allow ‘Coronavirus,[flu renamed]’ or any [fake] virus, to become a “race-to-the-bottom” in a divide-n-conquer exercise. New apps were tested during the 2020 pandemic to encourage people “snitch” on their neighbors for disobeying quarantine.

Refuse to consent to dictates that turn you into an animal. Unless you consider yourself “nonessential,” know who you are since politicians will not disclose what they will do under an emergency until TSHTF.

If countries, or states, continue to lose autonomy, or if food or water is rationed, there will be new reasons for Civil War in the years to come. Will states secede over basic human rights being lost? What then? Will there be a structure waiting to be filled, by design?

Original Article: https://activistpost.com/2024/11/mandate...laves.html

Mandatory Still Requires Your Consent = NEVER GIVE IT ~ Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com


A Tale of Two PSYOPS
Once upon a time, on a planet called Earth, there was born a global-capitalist empire. It was the first global empire in the history of empires. It dominated the entire planet.

No one knew what to call the empire, because there had never been anything like it in history. It had no external adversaries, so it had nothing left to do but “clear and hold,” i.e., neutralize internal resistance and consolidate its domination of the planet.

So that is what it set about doing.

It did this first in the territories of its final ideological adversary, an empire called the Soviet Union, the ideology of which was known as “Communism.”

This was known as the “Post-Cold-War Era.”

It did this next in the Greater Middle East, where people were still trying to live their lives according to a religion known as “Islam.”

This was known as the “Global War on Terror.”

The Global War on Terror was originally intended to go on forever, and it would have, and it will, but it had to be temporarily suspended, and rebranded, because something unexpected happened.

One day, in the Summer of 2016 — theretofore officially “The Summer of Fear” — the global-capitalist empire noticed that a new form of resistance to its domination of the entire planet had risen up, not in the former Soviet Union, or the Greater Middle East, but throughout the West, right in the very heart of the empire.

And so the War on Terror was suspended, and the War on Populism began.

The War on Populism raged for four years, and culminated in the rollout of the New Normal, officially known as “the Covid pandemic.”

For over two years, i.e., from March 2020 to approximately December 2022, the global-capitalist empire morphed into a new form of totalitarianism, a global-capitalist form of totalitarianism, which was not like any other previous form of totalitarianism.

This period was the shock-and-awe phase of the rollout of the New Normal Reich.

The transition to the New Normal Reich was broadcast throughout the global empire. The message was unmistakeably clear. From now on, there would be a “New Normal.” It would be like a permanent state of war, a permanent state of civil war. And so, from now on everyone would need to pledge their allegiance to the New Normal Reich, and follow orders, or be labelled an “extremist,” a “science denier,” a “conspiracy theorist,” or some other type of seditious deviant.

The vast majority of the citizens of the West understood the message, followed orders, and pledged allegiance to the New Normal Reich. But a sizeable minority did not. The global-capitalist empire needed to neutralize this sizeable minority.

The majority of this sizeable minority was comprised of conservative, libertarian, and other basically right-leaning people. It contained a few old-school left-leaning people, but they were a minority within a minority, and so they weren’t really a factor when it came to neutralizing the larger minority, which the empire promptly set about doing.
The Free-Speech Twitter PSYOP

In October 2022, Elon Musk, the multi-billionaire military contractor, electric car salesman, and transhumanism enthusiast, and a coterie of serious global-capitalist entities and individualspurchased the social media platform known as Twitter, Inc. for 44 billion US dollars.

Musk walked into Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters grinning like a chimpanzee and carrying a bathroom sink, and the Free-Speech Twitter PSYOP began.

During the War on Populism and the shock-and-awe phase of the rollout of the New Normal Reich, Twitter, Inc., and every other social-media platform and mass-media outlet in the Western world, had been functioning as the empire’s Ministry of Truth, disseminating official New Normal propaganda, censoring dissent, and unpersoning anyone challenging the empire’s official narratives. And thus, it provided the perfect stage for the PSYOP the empire was about to conduct.

Musk reinstated a number of prominent, primarily conservative Twitter accounts that had been deplatformed for “posting misinformation” about Hunter Biden’s laptop and the “Covid vaccines,” and for posting “incitement” and “glorification of violence,” and bigotry and other such offensive content, among them, the account of Donald Trump, and tens of thousands of Trump supporters.

As Elon had promised, “the bird was freed”! Elon acolytes and grateful garden-variety Trumpians and other right-leaning persons poured onto Twitter to thank their savior for reversing the company’s target demographic, thus saving America from “Cultural Marxism,” and “Communism,” and the “Woke Mind Virus.”

The PSYOP continued with a textbook limited hangout known as the “Twitter Files.” Musk let a few carefully selected journalists run a few searches at Twitter HQ, which exposed how the former staff of Twitter had been collaborating with elements of the Biden administration (i.e., not the global-capitalist empire) to censor and deplatform people — mostly those in the new “red” target demographic — and was part of some strictly-USA-operated “Censorship Industrial Complex,” which was absolutely not a global operation, and had nothing to do with any global-capitalist empire, or a “New Normal Reich,” because all the censorship and “shadowbanning” — which was all in the past now that Elon was in charge — was the work of a cabal of deep-state libtard bureaucrats, who were all a bunch of “Commies.”

These revelations in the “Twitter Files” prompted Republicans in the US Congress to hold a series of subcommittee hearings into the possibly unconstitutional behavior of the Biden administration and its libtard proxies (i.e., not the global-capitalist empire), which had forced Twitter, Inc., and the other totally helpless Internet corporations to “shadowban” and censor Americans (i.e., not everyone else all throughout the empire that these corporations were also censoring in a clearly coordinated fashion).

And then, right on cue, once the story had been framed within a US-centric “red/blue” narrative, Musk shut the “Twitter Files” limited hangout down, i.e., before it could do any damage to the global-capitalist empire itself.

For the next two years, Elon and his cronies inundated their new target-demographic with “Free-Speech-Twitter” propaganda, sentimental Elon Musk-hagiography, and a never-ending series of PR-stunts. Twitter was officially rebranded as “X.” Musk went to war with Brazil’s Darth Vader, and Thierry Breton, and assorted other “Commies.” Twitter users were besieged with memes of Elon dressed up as Captain Free-Speech America. Et cetera.

And so the Musk Cult was born.

Meanwhile, X is continuing to censor and “visibility-filter” content at the behest of governments throughout the empire, as well as in furtherance of its own objectives.

If you think that fact has had a negative impact on the Free-Speech Twitter PSYOP, on the contrary, the Musk Cult has only grown broader and stronger. Like any other cult, it is impervious to facts. All that matters is loyalty to the cult, and the leader of the cult, and the cult’s official narrative. You can direct Musk cultists to the Twitter Safety pages where “visibility filtering” is explained, and cite countless examples of Musk’s hypocrisy, and it will have absolutely no effect whatsoever. Like every other successful cult leader, Elon is beyond reproach, incapable of sin, a god made flesh.

But deifying Elon was not the primary objective of the Free-Speech Twitter PSYOP.

The primary objective of the Free-Speech Twitter PSYOP was to harness, corral, and establish control over the majority of the sizeable minority of people who refused to follow orders and pledge allegiance to the New Normal Reich when it was rolled out during the “Covid pandemic.” These people needed to be herded into a manipulable mass and redirected away from the global-capitalist empire and into a harmless cul-de-sac where they could scream and shout at the empire’s designated scapegoats to their heart’s content. The Musk Cult was just a means of herding and leading them into this cul-de-sac.

“Free-Speech Twitter” is this cul-de-sac, and is a microcosm of a larger cul-de-sac.

Which brings us to the second PSYOP.
The America Made Great Again PSYOP

One of the most effective ways to neutralize an opponent is to let them win. This is especially true when you’re dealing with an opponent you can never entirely defeat.

What you do is, you lure your opponent into a battle you can afford to lose, because you need to actually lose the battle, and let your opponent actually win, i.e., not just trick them into thinking they have won, because … well, your opponent isn’t stupid.

This battle that you lure your opponent into and let them win will be a battle over a territory within a territory, but which your opponent believes is “the territory.” You can afford to lose control of this territory within a territory because you control the territory it exists within, and because your opponent doesn’t know that.

The trick is getting your opponent to believe that, by winning this battle, they have won “the war,” and that they now control “the territory,” and have destroyed you, or have otherwise removed you from power, when, actually, all that your opponent has destroyed or removed from power is a corporeal decoy, a material incarnation of an invisible, immaterial adversary, an adversary they do not know exists, or which they refuse to acknowledge the existence of … assuming, of course, that is what you are.

At which point, you have neutralized your opponent.

For example, say you’re a global empire, a supranational global-capitalist empire, and say your opponent is a populist insurgency, a potentially revolutionary mass, that you need to distract from contemplating your supranational, invisible, immaterial nature, and from the fact that the governments of nation-states are essentially administrative components of this invisible immaterial empire that you are, and thus it doesn’t really matter to you which political party administers these nation-states or who the leaders of these parties are, because they can’t really do much damage to you, because all they control are the material territories within the immaterial territory you control, which predetermines the context and the scope of their actions, and the parameters of their imaginations, and … OK, you probably see where this is going.

Or, I don’t know, maybe you don’t. So let me try to simplify it.

There is no “America” to make great again. “America” is a simulation. It is a map of a territory that does not exist. It is a dream within a dream in a film that no one can see because everyone is watching. It is a brand name for an imaginary product.

OK, that didn’t make it any simpler, did it? Let me try this one more time.

We are living in a global-capitalist empire. One big global-capitalist empire. We have been for the last thirty-something years. All of us. Americans. Canadians. The British. The French. Australians. Germans. Russians. Israelis. Palestinians. Iranians. All of us.

The global-capitalist empire is not a cabal of powerful individuals. It is a system. And that system is evolving. Metamorphosing. Transmogrifying. Evolving into a new form of totalitarianism. A global-capitalist form of totalitarianism.

It is the system, and not its servants, that is driving … driving this systemic evolution. It makes no difference whether Elon Musk, or Donald Trump, or Macron, or Starmer, or Netanyahu, or Gates, or Bezos, or Soros, or any other political “leader” or powerful figure knows what they are doing. They serve the system, as the system requires, each according to their specific role and scope of action within the system.

Elon Musk did not “save free speech” or “rescue Twitter” from a “Woke Mind Virus.” He purchased a corporation and rebranded its product for new market demographic. In so doing, he corralled and neutralized most of the conservative populist resistance to the evolution of the global-capitalist system … which is what the system needed to happen. It makes no difference whether Elon Musk understood his role. He played it perfectly. He is continuing to play it perfectly.

The Musk Cult is growing. Its apostles are preaching the Gospel of Elon throughout the empire, paving the road to The Privatization of Everything! Verily, it is the dawn of a golden age of “Freedom” ruled by global corporations and beneficent oligarchs!

However, before that golden age can begin, America must be made great again! And so the Free-Speech Twitter PSYOP has to be repeated on the macro-level. The same conservative populist resistance to the evolution of the global-capitalist system that Musk corralled and neutralized needs to be corralled and neutralized everywhere … not just in America, everywhere, all throughout the West and the rest of the empire.

Once it is corralled, and neutralized, and whipped up into a frenzy over “Wokeness,” “Cultural Marxism,” and “Communism,” it can be unleashed on the remnants of the dying age of nation-states, national sovereignty, constitutions, and so on, which will prompt the Global Powers That Be to take extreme measures to “defend democracy,” which will prompt the Other Global Powers That Be to take more extreme measures to “Rescue the Republic,” which will prompt the Global Powers That Be to take even more extreme extreme measures to “defend democracy from fascism” and … OK, this time, I do think you see where this is going.

Or, I don’t know, maybe you don’t. But I don’t think I can make it any simpler. And I don’t see any way to stop it or fix it. It isn’t an error to be corrected. It is the organic evolution of a system … a supranational system evolving into a new totalitarian form.

So, there you have it, a tale of two PSYOPS. I’m sorry that it isn’t as comforting as a story about how Donald Trump and Elon Musk and their global-capitalist investors, and their subsidiaries, agents, and assigns, are going to “make America great again.”

If it’s any consolation, one thing is certain … whatever happens, it won’t be boring.

Truth Warrior Comment


What your article, the tale of two PSYOPS, is true. It’s in the Bible, been there all along. Even a non-believer, can read it. The solution, has already been given. Because He is all-knowing, His word allows us to be ready. No man or group of men can stop what is plainly going on. I just hope and pray that many will turn to their merciful savior before it gets worse. I am only an old redneck sinner saved by His mercy. He is always with me, eternally.


One of the ultimate psyops is the gender divide. (self.conspiracy)
submitted 9 hours ago by Final-Platypus-7593

I don't know where I want to begin with this; after Trump got elected again, many girls started protesting using the 4B movement. In case someone doesn't know, it's no dating, sex, having kids with men, etc. Very self-defeating for evident reasons. Yet when you really look at 4B, some of these girls seem really lonely and depressed....almost like they feel as if they HAVE to do it. Now men and women can both be lonely.

Male loneliness is a problem; some men really are in a black hole with no friends, no family, no relationships -- no one. They work a job that gets the pay crushed by inflation...life is bleak. Then the Left's messaging attacks men for being men and hates on masculinity. This is *partially* why Andrew Tate was so popular. He does defend masculinity and makes SOME good points; yet he's still spineless.

He's hedonistic, and consumerist. He wants to flex his money, buy 20 cars, have s*x with every girl that he can....very Godless. He is LIKELY a psyop propped up by TPTB. He hasn't escaped the matrix. He's too obsessed with wordly possessions and social media.

Moving on, men and women today don't socialize and date the same way anymore. Our social skills are fried from staying inside too much; kids growing up today are raised by their devices and social media. And the parents are just as addicted. Industrialization has ruined outdoor play...kids don't go out there anymore, they would rather put their headphones on and listen to music when around people instead of socializing.

And then we have hook up culture where people base everything off of looks and you can NEVER judge a book by it's cover...we subconsciously realize that; and we just keep scrolling through profiles online...and people who do go on dates typically date different people all the time and just have meaningless one night stands; it's leading to a downward spiral. People can't take genuine love seriously anymore.

Now in fairness, women tend to be more pro-social than men; but now with there being a competition between men and women, it's really looking bleak. It may *seem* unrelated, yet the WEF says that you'll own nothing and be happy. What they *really* mean is that you'll never own land and have an actual family. Everything else from studio apartments to electronics to casual sex with strangers is worldly, they're all petty things. Owning your own property and having a partner and kids are the greatest things that one can have.

It finally ties back into control. Having no kids would make the population smaller, obviously (population control.) No property would keep you thrown in with the rest of the workforce in the population centers (big towns and cities) where you wouldn't be able to live to your fullest, that's for certain. They want us depressed, and alone, so that we turn over all of our faith and devotion to them (politicians, bureaucrats, rich people, celebrities, and consumerism.)

They likely created this divide between men and women as a great psyop. Split them up, divide and conquer their very faiths, wants, and desires. Just gaslight and anger them. TPTB want us to love them, to love capitalism, not to love each other or God.

How do we fight back? That I'm not very certain...yet I can say that coming together, and genuinely caring about others, even if their opinions differentiate from yours, embracing Christ, and rejecting this system and the modern world (by belief or by living off the grid) would all be good things for the individual that can be an F U to the establishment.

TL;DR Our socially-engineered way of life has lead to loneliness and depravity as we turn to the powers that be for happiness and love instead of those around us.

[–]murphytime101 33 points 7 hours ago
The ongoing psy-op is across many fronts. Gender, race, religion, nation, ideology, political. United we stand, divided we fall. And it definitely seems like we are falling further and further every damn day.

[–]wookiesack22 9 points 4 hours ago
I'm convinced these posts are made by the ones in power. " the bad guys want less people and are evil. The most important thing in life is to buy land and pop out lots of kids." Land and property are taxed, and kids become adults that pay taxes. I love my daughter but we prioritized our education and careers until we were financially secure. That should be the focus. I think the movement is to show females should have a say in their choices. They can do whatever they want just like you can. I'm guessing you didn't have a shot with any of them anyway.

[–]Hollywood-is-DOA 0 points 2 hours ago
Depopulation is a thing that the super rich want and then to start it all over again, in terms of you can make everyone die slowly and make a hell of a lot of money out oh doing so.
You can’t also kill billions in one move as everyone will notice and stop taking the clot shots and other poison.

[–]TGIfuckitfriday 3 points 6 hours ago
for real, we feel it, see it, live it. technology and toxins have hijacked our bodies, hormones, and neurotransmitters, and it’s no accident. big tech knows exactly what it’s doing with their addictive and persuasive designs. the human brain has evolved for thousands, maybe millions of years, in the divine complexity of the natural world. now we’re bombarded with dirty digital simulations, apps, widgets, games. that pale in comparison to the infinite intricacy of reality.

our psyches are bending and breaking just to keep up with this unnatural stimulation. we’ve become dopamine zombies, stuck on a behavioral spectrum, scrolling endlessly instead of living authentically. our brains weren’t built for this, they were made for the real world for interacting with matter, with nature, with other beings.

if we don’t reclaim that connection, i honestly don’t know where this leads. maybe society will fracture, split into those lost in the digital fog and those who rise above it. the ones who train their minds and bodies to function in reality could become the new elite, leaders, creators, people who can still engage with the real world. the rest? trapped in a haze of screens and empty stimulation. if we want to save ourselves, we have to wake up and break free.

[–]Southern-Physics6488 1 point 4 hours ago
Divide and conquer is one of the oldest tricks in the book. We’re divided and subdivided multiple times until we all feel lonely and misunderstood. When people value the qualities that matter then the world will be a nicer place to live and people will be more at peace with themselves and those around them.

[–]LiftSleepRepeat123 [score hidden] 30 minutes ago
The gender divide doesn't ultimately matter because the facts are that women who are wealthy, educated, and protected by courts do not reproduce. Sure, you could throw in "have access to birth control and abortions", but it doesn't even really come down to that, because we see exceptions where those things don't matter.

If you run a simple scatter plot of "gender inequality vs fertility rate", you will find strong correlation (R squared is 0.64 in the data I looked at) with almost no exception. Any demographic or nation with a gender inequality index below 0.2 does not reproduce itself. Doesn't matter what men do, doesn't matter what men or women think.

Actually, there were two exceptions in the data set, so I'll just mention them. Israel and Kazakhstan. Israel's birthrate is supported by its fundamentalist Haredi population as well as an ideology that believes it must reproduce in order to survive (due to constant threat of war on all sides). I can't speak for Kazakhstan, but it's probably a blip on the radar before their women stop having kids too.

This was a known problem in the ancient world. Civilizations that allowed women to inherit money and land from their dead husbands were doomed for collapse. This happened in Ancient Sparta, for instance.

So, let's be crystal clear: you don't need to "fix" gender ideology in order to change the material circumstances of birth rates. You need to change the material circumstances of women, who will then have different incentives, and birth rates could then go up. This trend is not directly driven by ideology. The only ideology at play is the indirect drive for women to start their adult lives by becoming educated and pursuing a career. That's what needs to change.

[–]praqtice 0 points 5 hours ago
Yeh I feel like isolation is a big divide and conquer goal.. Even algorithms seem to be so specific and niche now it’s making people individuate more and more to the point where people can’t stand each other and find each other weird and repulsive.
Cohesive community is clearly a threat..


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  Preparing For a Natural or Man-Made Disaster
Posted by: Hissil - 11-16-2024, 03:18 AM - Forum: Physical Health - No Replies


In today’s world we need to be vigilant and prepared for sudden changes in our environment which may be brought on by Mother Nature or Political Activities. We all want to protect our family from harm, and preparedness for disaster emergencies should be one of our top priorities. I’m not advocating that you pack up your family and move to some isolated location to hide from the world, but I am offering simple preparations for ice storms, floods, hurricanes, or terrorist activities will make your existence much more palatable during the disaster.

1. Be prepared
Yes, the first thing on the list is to use the list to be prepared. It is one thing to take a glance at the list, but unless you actually put this list into a workable plan for your family, then reading this is just wasted time on your part. Just making the preparations will give you a sense of calm when faced with the disaster.

This sense of calm will work in your favor because you will be less likely to be one of the hordes of people acting in a reactionary, fear driven, panic when the reality of the disaster is recognized (usually when the news anchors start saying things like “This is going to be bad.”… or… “We can’t stress enough the dangerous nature of this storm.”… or… “Here is video of people fighting over the last of the bread at this grocery store.”… or… “The police have lost control of this area of town.” While the crowds are rushing to the grocery store and emptying the aisles of bread and milk, you will be safely at home making last minute preparations to keep yourself and your family safe.

Because I realize that there is a definite cost factor in making these preparations, I will try to prioritize the items on the list as to which are absolutely necessary and which ones can be added as funds are available. Any item with an * next to it is a priority item and needs to be included from the beginning. To my Prepper Friends, I do realize that this list will not satisfy your need to prepare for any and all situations and it is only a short term duration solution, so don’t pounce on me with a long list of items that you think I have left off. It is intentionally a short, condensed list which is meant to help an average family through a short term disaster situation, not a nuclear holocaust. I also have not addressed any need for firearms or ammunition.

A big part of the preparation is being organized. There will be enough things to be concerned with when the situation presents itself, trying to remember where all of your supplies might be stored should not be one of them. Buy one of the following. We will be storing everything possible in them, so your preparedness items will be readily available to you when you need them.

a. Storage Locker* – Find a well built, heavy plastic storage locker that is large enough to hold a lot of gear, but still small enough to fit in the trunk of your car or the bed of your truck. This is not one of those plastic storage bins that people use to store winter clothes in during the summer, this thing needs to be a bit more durable than that. Find one with handles to make it easier to move into and out of your vehicle. Most stores like Academy will have them starting at about $20.

b. Backpack* – This is not a child’s school backpack. Go to the camping section and find one that is well made, durable, and large enough to hold lots of stuff. Don’t worry about it being too big, we are not going to have to backpack across the Grand Canyon with it, and my experience is that you ALWAYS need more space to store stuff. The starting price for a good one will be around $39, but if you can only afford a back-to-school type backpack, go ahead and get it, we can always upgrade later.

2. Shelter from the weather
Unexpected disasters will likely subject you to the elements. This could be due to a fast developing situation where you are caught away from home when the disaster strikes, or it could result from a storm that has caused widespread power outages, broken windows in your home, or taken off a portion of your roof. Exposure to the weather is not just annoying, it can be dangerous. The combination of being wet and cold is deadly.


a. Polyethylene tarp – These come in a variety of sizes and are quite inexpensive. (a 6×8 tarp is only about $5 if you check some camping supply stores). These are great for keeping out the weather if windows are broken during a storm. They can also be used for a makeshift tent if you happen to be caught out of your home when the disaster strikes. They will be great for keeping you dry and holding off the wind. Get 3-4 of them. Put them in your storage locker.

b. Plastic rain poncho* – One for every member of your family, plus a few extra (they are cheap (as little as $1) and will get torn when being worn for any length of time). Get the kind that fold up into a small pouch. Put into your backpack.

c. Quart – ½ Gallon sized plastic zip-lock bags* – These will be used to store some of the items on this list as well as storage of food and medicines. These are important, but cheap. Put in the storage locker.

d. Wool, Cotton, Fleece pullover or Hoodie – One for every member of the family. My preference would be wool, but anything is better than nothing. They are about $12 each for Haynes brand at most stores. If the power goes out, or if you are caught away from home, the cooler temps at night are deceptively dangerous. One main goal is to stay dry and warm. Roll up and place into a zip-lock bag and then put in your backpack.

e. Extra wool or cotton socks* – Two or three pair for every member of the family. Style is not important here, regular white tube socks are just fine (about $8 for a pack of 3). Cheap, but a fresh change of socks can do wonders, and will help keep your feet more healthy and comfortable during the disaster situation and can act as emergency mittens if needed. I can’t say enough about taking care of your feet. I know it sounds trivial, but it is not. Put unopened packs into zip-lock bags and then into your backpack (keeping them dry is key).

f. Change of clothes* – A complete change of clothes for each member of the family. This is not time for a fashion statement, we are after durability and function here. Long pants (blue jeans) and a long sleeve shirt. Don’t forget a change of underwear. Also include a pair of shoes that you would be comfortable wearing for long periods of time. An old pair of tennis shoes might be the answer. Really no costs here, we are going to use clothes we already have in the closet, but probably don’t wear because it has a stain on it, or it is not a color we wear often. Put in the storage locker.

g. Sleeping Bag – One for each member of the family. In this case, I am recommending a specific product, SOL Emergency Bivvy Bag* (do a Google search for stores selling it). Sells for about $17 each but packs up very small and will save your life. Much smaller than a standard sleeping bag (starting price, around $20). If you have the room for a sleeping bag for each person, by all means get them. Store the SOL Emergency Bivvy Bag in your backpack, and the Sleeping bags in a single location near where you will store the backpack and storage locker.

3. Safety and Security
There are several items that you will need to make sure that you and your family remain healthy and safe.

a. Medical Kit – You should get two kits.

I. The first is a small, compact first aid kit* that can easily be stored in a zip-lock bag and placed in your backpack and are designed to take care of minor medial issues like blisters, splinters, sprains, etc. They sell for less than $20.


ii. The next is a more complete kit, sometimes called a trauma kit. It contains more supplies and tools and is usually marketed as a Sportsman’s First Aid Kit, or an Outdoors Adventure Medical Kit (starting price is about $49). Store this in your storage locker.

b. CPR Training* – At least one person in your family needs to be CPR certified. The Red Cross and American Heart Association offer classes on a regular basis, but usually charge for the certification class ($70-$110). Most fire departments also offer classes but these classes do not provide a certification needed to fulfill any job requirements (usually free).

c. Know your evacuation routes* – Think about where you could go if you had to quickly leave your home due to the disaster. Keep in mind the destinations that would be appropriate for the situation (going to stay with your Uncle on the coast may work well if your home is threatened by a fire, but is not a good idea if you are fleeing a hurricane). Get an old fashioned paper map ($5-$10) and learn how to read it, don’t rely on your navigation app to get you anywhere, the system could be down due to the disaster. Have more than one route mapped out for each destination, roads may be impassable and you may need to find a secondary route. Keep the map in your vehicle.

d. Make a list of contacts* – Everyone in the family should have a list of important contacts they carry with them. Make sure you include numbers for your office, your partner’s office, your children’s schools, day care, doctors, and close family members. Include the numbers of your health and home owner’s insurance companies, as well as your policy numbers. On this list include information of any medical condition and medications needed for all family members (for young children, also include the date of birth). Also designate a family member or friend that will serve as the point-of-contact if your family is separated. Choosing someone out of town is a good idea because they may be less likely to be experiencing the same issues in their area as you are experiencing in yours. Put this list inside of a zip-lock bag and place in your backpack (and an emergency contact list in your child’s school backpack).

e. Money – In disaster situations, ATM’s, credit cards and debit cards may not work or may not be accepted by merchants. Have a stash of emergency funds available in cash. It doesn’t need to be lots of money, but make sure that you have both small bills and some change (probably quarters) already packed in your backpack. The amount that you choose is up to you, but I suggest that it is enough to get a tank of gas, a few meals for the family while on the road, or buy some last minute item needed for the situation at hand.

4. Food and Water
It is a good idea to have a minimum of three days’ emergency supply of food* on hand at all times. My preference would be two weeks. Keep in mind that this does not mean regular full blown meals, these are meals during emergency situations. If you are remaining at home and the power is gone, here are some guidelines to follow:

a. First, use perishable goods from the pantry (apples, bananas, oranges, potatoes, hard packaged salamis, sausages, pepperoni, etc.) and food items in the refrigerator. Do not open the freezer!

b. Second, use the items stored in your freezer. Limit the number of times the freezer door is opened. Foods stored in a well-stocked freezer will still have ice crystals in the center even after two days of no power and will be safe to eat. Place zip-lock bags ¾ filled with water into the freezer so that you will have ice bags already in the freezer if the power goes off. These bags will fit into the spaces between items and will help keep them frozen and safe for longer periods of time after the power is out.


c. Third, use non-perishable items from the pantry. If you don’t already have them on hand, these are also the things you want to stock up on if you have a warning that a storm is headed your way. Don’t worry about bread and milk. The following items should be a part of your emergency supply because will last a long time and will be a perfect supplement for your family’s nutrition: Peanut butter, nuts, canned meats, canned vegetable soups, canned fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, instant cereals that only require water, white rice, hard candy and canned nuts, crackers, trail mix, granola bars, power bars, sports drinks.

d. Water is essential for life. It is also needed for cleaning utensils, cooking, bathing, and brushing teeth. Maintaining personal hygiene is a top priority in a disaster situation. Not only does it keep you physically healthy, but it gives you a morale boost as well. Store your water near the storage locker so that you know exactly where it is when the disaster strikes.

I. A minimum of one gallon of water per family member per day. This will supply the needs of each person for personal hygiene. This water can be stored in plastic containers and filled when making last minute preparations for the disaster (time permitting). I suggest getting several 5-gallon collapsible containers* from the camping supply store (about $7). When not in use, they take up very little space. While water supplies are usually not totally disrupted during storms, the water supply may become contaminated. If these containers are filled at the beginning of the storm or disaster preparation, the water will be good for personal hygiene or for drinking (if needed) for several months.

ii. Bottled water for drinking packaged in small containers is great for almost any situation. They can be included in a backpack, carried in your pocket, or loose in the vehicle for use at any time. A case of bottled water can be as little as $2 at the grocery store and has a relatively long shelf life.

5. Tools
There are certain things that you need to have on hand to be prepared for a disaster situation. Place these in the storage locker.

a. Flashlight – Having working flashlights is a must. Do not make the mistake of buying flashlights for your disaster kit and then using them around the house. If you do, then you will inevitably find them with dead batteries when they are needed most. Get several LED flashlights with a minimum brightness of 15-20 lumens*. If you have children, get a multi-pack of LED flashlights. This will give them something to keep them from being scared of the dark and a light that they can play with and will keep them from playing with your flashlights. Both single flashlights and small multi-pack flashlights can be found for as little as $5 each.

b. Extra Batteries – In many flashlights, the batteries are good for about 12-16 hours of use. Get enough spare batteries to replace the batteries in your flashlights 5 times.

c. Manual Can Opener – If the power goes out, you need to have a way to open the cans in your pantry.

d. Moist Towelettes – These are useful for all kinds of personal hygiene and cleaning household surfaces.

e. Garbage Bags* – Tall kitchen bags are probably the best size to use. You do not want any garbage to build up in your home.

f. Dust Masks – In the aftermath of a disaster gas explosion, earthquake, hurricane, volcano, tornado, tsunami, winter storm, terrorist attack, flood, fire, accident or other emergency, contaminants may be released into the air. It is important to have an air filtration mechanism such as a dust mask or particulate air filter.

g. Pry Bar – In an emergency situation, the basic reason for having a pry-bar is to open a door or window. If water, or heat from a fire, causes wood to swell, or an earthquake causes a door to jam, or a file cabinet or book case keeps the door closed, and we must get through it, having a pry-bar is the only way to go. The flat bar type, 18″ – 24″ in length is just fine and should cost $10-$15 for a quality one.

h. Fire Extinguisher* – Get a small to medium sized ABC extinguisher, available for $15 – $20.

I. Channel Lock Style Pliers – A quality channel lock pliers of at least 10″ length is a must for your disaster tool box. Do not buy a cheap one, it will not work properly and will slip when you need it most. They are available for as little as $15 at most hardware supply stores (Home Depot, Lowes, etc).

j. Adjustable Wrench – You need to have a quality adjustable wrench in your disaster tool box, and it needs to be at least 10″ in length to be able to have the leverage that you might need. They are available from the hardware supply stores for about $12 each.

k. Screwdriver Set – Get a basic screw driver set that has various sizes and both flat and Philips style tips. Again, a quality set is important, because a cheap set will not hold up at all. A basic 10 piece set will cost approximately $20 at any hardware supply store.

l. Claw Hammer – This tool is one of those multi-purpose tools that you will find quite useful. Available from $10 everywhere.

m. Camping Style Cookware – If the power goes out you may find the need to cook on a camp fire or in your fireplace. You will not be able to use your everyday cookware for this, and something as simple as a hot cup of coffee in the morning can make a huge difference in your day.

I. Dutch Oven – a Dutch oven will provide you with a great meal that you can cook right on an open flame, such as your fireplace.

ii. Coffee Pot – Get an enamel coffee pot, you will be glad you did. You will be able to make coffee, tea, or even just boil water for use in cooking.

n. Multi-tool – A Leatherman style Multi-tool will be the solution for a multitude of situations and is available for around $15 at most camping or hardware supply stores.

o. Folding Knife – There is no need to buy a giant knife like the one Crocodile Dundee used in the movies. A folding knife with a blade length of 4 inches is just fine. Make sure that the blade locks open so that you can use it more safely. Starting at $15 at most camping supply stores.

This is a good starting point for your family disaster preparedness. It is only a starting point, there is so much more that you can do to be prepared. However, if you do nothing more than the things on this list, you will be far ahead of many others who will be floundering around when the time for action comes.


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Information Treatise "De Porta Primordii. Tractatus de Virtute Occulta"
Posted by: LenaDark08 - 11-14-2024, 04:56 PM - Forum: Esoteric Subjects - No Replies

We will talk about a rather interesting treatise "De Porta Primordii. Tractatus de Virtute Occulta", which is available in the edition of a certain cult "Oj. Js. Cu. Sc. Occulta", under the same name (you can read it here - de-porta-primordii.tiiny.site, 2024, 33 pages, ENG|RUS, .pdf, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

The treatise, which the authors translated as "On the Gates to the Beginning: A Treatise on Hidden Power" (not quite accurately, well, not critically) is a medieval text (from 1457) authored by a little-known mystic Frater Johannus de Altenburg. In essence, the treatise is a clear reference to Albert the Great. Most likely, Johannus de Altenburg was one of his followers, of whom there were many at that time. But the point is that the text of the Treatise is quite remarkable precisely for its rather unusual concept of "spiritual alchemy", which essentially reflects many points that are relevant to this day.

The concept of the "Word" as a key to Power is also very interesting. This is a rather unusual form of presenting spiritual alchemy (and there is no doubt that it is what we are talking about). I wonder what this Word is and how does anyone understand it?

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