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Australians Get $900 Checks To Boost Spending
Australians have started receiving $900 (£444) bonus payments from the government that are aimed at boosting spending and protecting the economy from recession.

By Bonnie Malkin in Sydney
Last Updated: 3:46AM BST 18 May 2009

The one-off payments, which will cost the government $42bn and constitute the country's biggest cash handout in history, started in March and will trickle into millions of bank accounts by July.

Australians have been urged to spend the money on locally-owned businesses to keep their fellow citizens in employment.
The payments include a $950 back-to-school bonus aimed at helping families with school-age children and $900 for Australians earning less than $100,000 a year.

Announcing the scheme, Wayne Swan, the treasurer, said the payments would provide "vital support" to Australia's economy.

"What we've got to do now is to roll up our sleeves, get on with the job of supporting households and businesses, and above all supporting jobs," he said.

So far, the government has already hailed the payments as a big success.

Some retailers have recorded bumper sales, with shoppers choosing to spend their stimulus payments on clothing and accessories.

Retailers in Melbourne's city centre said sales had increased over the Easter weekend, with one woman buying $900 worth of clothing in one purchase.

But the payments have been criticised by the opposition as a "cash splash" that is going to the wrong people and being spent overseas.

Reports have claimed that dead people and foreigners who lived in Australia briefly before returning to their home countries have received the bonus cheques and that several people had spent the money on holidays outside of Australia.

"I'm a Canadian pensioner who worked in Australia many years ago," one man wrote to the Sydney Morning Herald. "The money has been used to take a lovely trip to Niagara Falls with my granddaughter ... Thanks again for the money."

The Australian economy is teetering on the brink of recession as a result of the global downturn, which has driven up unemployment and eroded tax receipts. Last week's budget contained a near-record deficit of A$57.6 billion, equivalent to 4.9 per cent of gross domestic product.

The government has ruled out issuing any further stimulus payments.


This is the cycle of our ruling government, labor gets voted in, works on education and health, gets the country into lots of debt, then the ‘bad cop’ gets voted in (liberal) and then they raise taxes and concentrate on big industry and help out the rich!!! It a big ploy like all governments..

Yep, it is interesting that you do not even have to be alive to get the bonus, and who says the government never gives you anything! This is truly a peter/Paul story because now that the government has given the money away, we are in big debt, which is a problem. But it did help a lot of people.

But this is not the first payment like this, it is to tax payers, but to families that receive social security/or low income, they have already received two lots of payments of $1000 dollars per child!  Plus $900 for the parent.

If you add it all up, it is an enticement for single mothers or to become single, someone I know had a baby last September and this is her 3rd, she is not with the father, so she has received the baby bonus $5000, plus the bonus in October so that was $4000, and then the school bonus of $950 in January, and then in march the family bonus with three kids $ 2850. so do the math for a women on her own with three kids, why would you even contemplate going to work?

Bludgeritis, or Slackeritis as the Americans would call it, can be quite a debilitating disease Karen.lolol

I suppose its one way to boost the population..

That it is Karen, though I should also mention that there are some single mums that genuinely want to look after their young children and the only way to do it is to not have a job away from home. To me they are fine mothers but unless they are finacially established then they need all the government support they can get. But those type of mums are not the ones that keep having baby after baby and regularly leave the childeren at home while they go out partying all night, day too.

If the government really wanted to support such mothers they could easily qualify them and establish whether they are having children just for the money or otherwise. But given the enormous sums of money the government makes by setting up a trust account and putting it on the stock exchange with every new 'birth'ing certificate it's easy to see why they don't care at all if the kids are being looked after or not.

In a way it works to their advantage if the kids AREN'T looked after because it creates a situation where once the children start to mature it's very probable (but not definate) that they will start to fall foul of the law. This in return creates more money for them not only by the large sums of funds needed to defend yourself in a court, but once they imprison you they then create ANOTHER trust account in the prisoners name that they again put on the stock market and are able to borrow up to 10times the value of that account with the merchant bakers upon the detainees release back into sociey or upon their death.

In the latter, they really cash in well... they cream it with the rollover of their birth certificate and also make a bundle on the imprisonment account's cessation/maturation.

This is why throwing people into prison has become their favorite pass time in recent times... that's in every freemason owned land; becasue it's very profitable for them to do so.

... and most people are under the impression that it cost them money to imprison some one. It's the opposite, it makes them money and a lot of it. It's all part of the same scam as birthing certificates.

I've tried to explain this to some people and they think I'm kidding them. I offer them proof of it in terms of videos and documents and they refuse to watch or read them. This is why the government gets away with all this stuff; ignorance... it'll be the end of us all unless people wake up.

... and about the NLE due in July... I still haven't heard a sinlge thing mentioned about it from any media source whatsoever. Perhaps they'll mainly go to houses of known criminals like thieves and drug dealers without notice or announcement under the guise of a 'terrorist search excercise' and bust whoever they can. MORE money for them on the stock market and in the courts.lolol I can't believe they still haven't annouced a thing about it on any news or radio here and its due in just over a month... typical.


As much as I ‘try’ to stay positive in this very negative world, I do not see the cycle of society changing, I agree with all that you say, and knowing people in all sectors of the society pyramid, I sometimes question how do people remain career criminals and the only answer that satisfies my curiosity is that they are part of the whole picture, because without them, the world could not function!

What is NLE? I have a feeling that I am going to feel like a blonde asking this…

Astrojewels Wrote:I sometimes question how do people remain career criminals...

They all live by the unwritten law of 'the long term successful thief'; their success and longevity is governed by their prowess of concealing their assets and capital.  Those who openly flaunt their money NEVER last.  It makes me wonder why on earth anybody would go to the extent of immorally acquiring a lot of money and then NOT be able to spend it as they’d wish, or as others do.  Especially given that if they now catch you with anything that you cannot prove to have earnt legidimately they can then jail you and take it all off you.  Befitting IMO, but they can also use that to falsely frame innocent people if they wished; there are many things of high value that one has acquired lawfully from decades ago that you cannpt prove outright due to lack of paperwork, etc.  Especially expensive jewellry.






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