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Banning Organic Farming & Regulating Home Gardening, HR 875 & S 425
These bills need to be examined closely and scrutinized by the public. The public must act quickly, as they are attempting to ram these bills through without debate or discussion. The wording in too many provisions of these bills are simply too VAGUE and open the door WIDE for some government bureaucrat on the state of federal level to decide what farmers can or cannot use to grow food, and how that food will be handled--all under the benign guise of "protecting" the public. Where have we heard that before?
The government has NO BUSINESS interfering or attempting to control farming methodologies, or what choices farmers make for seed or fertilizer or any other aspect of farming or distribution. Period.
[Image: Rosa_DeLauro_109th%20CT%20Dem200w.jpg]This bill was introduced in the House last year by Connecticut democrat Rosa L. DeLauro, but it was stalled in committee and went no further. This year, her pals in Big Agriculture got her to front the bill again, but this time they got an additional 29 NWO sell-outs to join her in sponsorship (curiously, the House sponsorship adds up to exactly 30 sell-outs, the same number of silver coins collected by Judas Iscariot when he betrayed Christ to the Romans)
[Image: Rosa_DeLauro_Obama_rally350w.jpg]Rosa is big on the government taking control of everything in your life. She worked tirelessly to stump for illegal alien Barry Soetoro to be fraudulently elected president and then jumped right in with both feet to vote for the "stimulus" taxpayer rip-off "package". She now hopes to get universal health care passed this time around as well, since Rockefeller's Chosen Son is now there to front the socialist/communist propaganda party line for him, right along with Billary.
Rosa has a long history of "helping" people. She has worked for and with Illuminated sell-out Christopher Dodd for many years and essentially learned that to snooker the pulbic into accepting communism dressed up as government sponsored legislation, you have to repeatedly drive home the Tavistock-selling buzz words of the "need" for "protection" and "caring" and "concern" for the "disadvantaged" and the "underprivledged" who have been "disenfranchised" from the American Dream and similar stock sound-byte propaganda phrases.
She learned well from Dodd, who you may remember was very passionate on television in selling the 850 billion Wall Street Bailout "package" to the American public with his ardent "concern" that AIG or Fannie May or Freddie MAC, etc. etc., are TOO BIG and TOO IMPORTANT to the 'credit markets' and the " health" of the American economy to be allowed to go under, blah, blah, blah.
Having lived in Connecticut for a time, I know how much of a haven it is for special money interests like the insurance or banking industires, but also for communist ideology which thrive in Illuminated watering holes like Yale University, the home of Skull & Bones, located in Rosa's hometown of New Haven, Connecticut.
Rosa, like her colleagues who sponsored this outrage and affront to the liberty of the American people, sorely needs to face a new challenge in her life; a Recall. Perhaps some interested patriots reading this missive might want to see what's involved in getting one off the ground.
Ken Adachi
[size="+1"]HR 875: SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as the "Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009"[/size]
Pay special attention to
* Section 3 which is the definitions portion of the bill-read in it’s entirety.
* section 103, 206 and 207- read in its entirety.
[size="+1"]What it Does:[/size]
* Legally binds state agriculture departments to enforce federal guidelines effectively taking away the states power to do anything other than being food police for the federal government.

* Effectively criminalizes organic farming, but doesn’t actually use the word 'organic.'

* Affects anyone growing food, even if they are not selling it but consuming it.

* Affects anyone producing meat of any kind including wild game.

* Legislation is so broad based that every aspect of growing or producing food can
be made illegal. There are no specifics, which is bizarre considering how long the legislation is.

* Section 103 is almost entirely about the administrative aspect of the legislation. It will allow the appointing of officials from the factory farming corporations and lobbyists and classify them as experts and allow them to determine and interpret the legislation. Who do you think they are going to side with?

* Section 206 defines what will be considered a 'food production facility' and what will be enforced upon all food production facilities. The wording is so broad based that a backyard gardener could be fined and more.

* Section 207 requires that the state’s Agriculture department act as the food police and enforce the federal requirements. This takes away the states power and is in violation of the 10th


This has been one of my fears:( They cant take someones garden away.

They'll take our friggen lives away Headspace, let alone our gardens...

I hear it's 'began', and I don't mean the gardens:

This is sick.:X


I've been sending this information to all my local farmers.
I mostly buy from local farmers and I'm sure they will get involved.

"And they could not buy nor sell unless they had the mark of the beast."

Gov't approval in these times,sound familiar? It's a way of keeping people depended on what's corporately provided by both large corps'[farms and supermarkets] as well as by the incoming world gov't. They can't have all those pesky self sufficient people out there growing their own food now can they? The CEO of ADN seed corp said once, that controlling the food was more powerful than controlling oil. scary and true. without food, things fall apart.

I had a convo with a guy who's daughter was taking one of those new, "real world" classes. I guess that's what they call home economics now. Anywho, the teacher told her she needed a cellphone,and that she didn't need to have a small garden. As everything she need's is at the supermarket.

Yep, they are moving fwd towards their unpleasant end.

Has anyone noticed a shift towards organic food and growing their own vegetables and fruits in their garden in their area? Where I am, most of my friends/ family have some form of vegetable patch. There is also a huge awareness of additives and their affect on kids - this is evident through evening tv shows and new books released on the subject. Our newspaper actually mentioned a growing rise in vegetable gardens and offered tips recently.

Our supermarket now has a huge selection of organic goods - this has appeared over the last few months - so it seems the trend has been noticed by the supermarkets.

Yin and Yang (they try to take away something, the more we'll move towards it)- I guess, I just hope that we'll have enough awareness and care to move against this type of bill if they try and implement it here.

I'm listening to that clip right now AndrewX, thats pretty scary :/

Askilla Wrote:Has anyone noticed a shift towards organic food and growing their own vegetables and fruits in their garden in their area? Where I am, most of my friends/ family have some form of vegetable patch. There is also a huge awareness of additives and their affect on kids - this is evident through evening tv shows and new books released on the subject. Our newspaper actually mentioned a growing rise in vegetable gardens and offered tips recently.

Our supermarket now has a huge selection of organic goods - this has appeared over the last few months - so it seems the trend has been noticed by the supermarkets.

Yin and Yang (they try to take away something, the more we'll move towards it)- I guess, I just hope that we'll have enough awareness and care to move against this type of bill if they try and implement it here.

I'm listening to that clip right now AndrewX, thats pretty scary :/

The yin Yang thing I noticed as well. Either take it away or tax it silly.

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