06-28-2024, 02:46 PM
‘Be Very Afraid of ‘Organoids’……But Blindly Trust Malevolent Medical Institutions!
By Wayne Lusvardi
June 28, 2024
Why did so many people obediently get bugaboo COVID-19 shots? Because medical institutions have already succeeded in producing obedient robots.
The fear porn websites are now scaring us about “organoid” synthetic grown human brains connected to computer networks, purportedly to save energy. Another frequent scare story is that graphene oxide in vaccines linked with 5-G cell phone signals, have divine-like powers over us that can get us to do whatever those in power want. Sorting the propaganda from reality, such reports are not about new biotechnology breakthroughs but are PsyOps meant to terrorize us and divert our attention away from medical institutions that hold control not only over our minds but our bodies.
Modern medical institutions are authority structures that we assent to willingly, especially when we are sick with fever, pneumonia and desperately unable to breathe. Even the most die hard anti-vaxxer finding themselves in such a situation will relent to what the lethal standard of care dictates (Jennifer Daniels, MD, The Lethal Dose: Why Your Doctor is Prescribing It, 2013). It is not only the medical system that wields power over us, but a person can be legally designated with medical power of attorney over us, and in line for our inheritance, who can authorize antibiotics, Remdesivir, a ventilator and lethal doses of drugs against our verbal directive after we’ve been placed in a coma. This is because institutions have subtle coercive powers and imperatives placed on us if we want no pain or disease. The sociological trick with institutions is to make us feel as if we entered into the institutional bargain with the devil willingly, that any trade off will be to our net benefit and that those in positions of power in “greedy institutions” are not malevolent (see sociologist Peter L. Berger, Invitation to Sociology).
It was our medical institutions that have vastly succeeded in making many of us docile followers of medical authority that facilitated COVID vaccination compliance. It has been accomplished with medical institutions, not a bugaboo virus leaked from a lab in China. Below is an inventory of some of the institutional practices that bring about overkill social control from medical institutions over the course of our lifetime:
Pre-Birth – If conceived by Invitro Fertilization, the sperm donor is selected from the most docile, feminized males that can be found.
Conception – Vials of blood are taken from the mother for vague testing that rob the fetus of oxygen and nutrients. Ultrasound images of the fetus are taken to confirm conception even though a mother’s recollection of her last ovulation is a more accurate indicator. Ultrasound is known to delay growth and development of the fetus. The reasons couples often can’t conceive are they delayed having children too long instead of at age 18 (called ‘deferred gratification’). Other reasons for infertility are the father is dehydrated and both parents are deficient in cholesterol that produces testosterone and estrogen. It takes 250 years to get any benefit from taking anti-cholesterol drugs or supplements.
Birth – Forceps are a sugar-coated term for clamps that the attending physician uses to grab the baby’s head and pull it through the birth canal resulting in trauma and perhaps brain damage.
Post Birth – Vaccines are administered often without consent of the parents soon after birth. Vaccines are associated with autism and mental retardation. Repeated vaccinations are required when a child goes to a pediatrician just as dogs must have rabies shots that are useless. The point of the repeated vaccines is to produce a docile and chronically sick adult who is intoxicated with ineffective drugs.
Organ Removals:
At age 4 to 10: tonsils
At age 15 to 25: appendix
At age 18 to 24: wisdom teeth
At age 25 to 45: gall bladder
After 45 women: ovaries
The result of organ removals is a weakened, drug intoxicated adult who will have less of an immune system for later in life and will comply with medical mandates.
Stem Cells: Stem cells are harvested from live babies who are consequently weakened. Stem cells have not proven to work to heal stroke paralysis or other damages above and beyond healing with time and recuperation of the body. Stem cells are touted as magic, but I have never seen any dramatic results. Stem cells require a true believer and are an expensive palliative.
Cancer. We still do not know what causes cancer and the remission rate for Stage 3 and 4 abdominal cancers hovers around 1%. Those who take chemotherapy are weakened and die. What we do know about cancer is that parasites are attracted to an area of toxicity and build a thick protein capsule around it called a tumor. Then the parasites build a network of blood vessels around the nest they have created. Cancer cells are partly human and partly parasite (see Natasha McBride, MD, MSci, Gut and Physiology Syndrome, 2020). Dr. Jennifer Daniels, MD, says 90% or more of those with cancer do not die of the disease. Almost all men with prostate cancer die of some other cause and survive to the same average age as other men in the population. Perhaps one would be better trying Ivermectin or Fenbendazole for cancer, which are dog de-wormers that paralyze the cancer nest cells (not a cure). Lethargy is a side effect of Ivermectin. Ivermectin does not eliminate a pocket of toxicity or parasites, it merely freezes or paralyzes it like Novocain does before a dental procedure. Fenbendazole must be constantly used while Ivermectin is a one-off pharma drug, not a folk medicine.
GMO Foods and Drugs. The objective of GMO foods is not generating stronger, more energetic and longer living humans or to produce better crops or feeding more people. Docility is the goal of GMO foods. GMO is also used in drugs such as insulin, HIV drugs and what is called Recombinant DNA technology in vaccines. Recombinant means combining two molecules that are not found in nature to socially engineer passivity.
Sperm Count and Menopause Relief – The higher the intake of Boron the higher the sperm count for men. Boron supplements keep the dosage down to 3 mg per tablet, but 15 mg are needed to adequately boost sperm count. Boron also helps with menopause relief. Coffee is high in boron.
Antibiotics and Antibiotics Laced Food. In all the above listed organ removal surgical procedures, antibiotics are administered to control bacterial infections. But bacteria are not the cause of the fire, they are the fire fighters. That is unless the bacteria develop capsid shells to protect themselves from fungus-based antibiotics that cause deadly antibiotic resistance. Moreover, antibiotics wipe out beneficial bacteria in the gut resulting in life-long gut microbe imbalances, autoimmune allergies, kidney stone formation, obesity, etc. Today, antibiotics no longer are as effective due to overuse and can create deadly bacterial resistance. A patient can go to a hospital ICU and can refuse antibiotics. But the food served the patient while hospitalized does not guarantee it will not be laced with meat from an animal given antibiotics.
Supplements Taken Intravenously or Sublingually. An abundance of caution should also be taken with megadose Vitamin C ascorbic acid injections taken intravenously instead of going through the stomach that balances acidity. Ascorbic acid is synthetic Vitamin C made from GMO corn and acetone nail polish remover. Precaution should also be taken with taking vitamins sublingually under the tongue, although sublingual Vitamin B-12 is likely better than taken by IV if we no longer can absorb B-12 through our stomach and gut because the Intrinsic Factor that activates it has been wiped out by antibiotics. Some brands of B-12 supplements have Intrinsic Factor but most do not. Taking B-12 without Intrinsic Factor keeps us without energy and passive.
Breach and Removal of Lymph Nodes – Lymph nodes are often removed purportedly due to cancer that likely will not end up killing the patient. No attempt is typically made at functional restoration or clearance of the lymph node (which sometimes can be done with massage). The lymph system is a drain line with nodes (like train stations) and is comprised of mucus as the first line of defense against outsider food, microbes, toxins and chemicals. The Lymph system blocks infection from going directly into the body. When nutrients and toxins flow into the body they break up into two pathways: water-based substances go into the blood and flow to the liver for filtering. Conversely, fat-based substances flow into the Lymph system which collects in the Thoracic Duct in our spine and goes into the right chamber of the heart and ends up in the lung. Ergo, the lung is the depository for fat-soluble nutrients and toxins. The function of gut flora is the orchestration of bacteria, fungi, parasites and other microbes for metabolism of food through the intestinal cell walls. Unfortunately, too many people authorize the injection of vaccination microbes, mRNA toxins and antibiotics directly into the body circumventing the Lymph system. Those with abnormal gut flora, called dysbiosis, due to antibiotics don’t absorb food efficiently and develop nutritional deficiencies resulting in an immune system defect of incapability to detect viral invaders. Lectins and oxalates ravage our digestion system once compromised by antibiotics and vaccines. Eventually, fever, pneumonia and difficulty breathing develop when the mucus barrier of the immune system is breached, but only after the backup white blood cells and T-cells of the Adaptive Immune System enter but show up too late.
Institutionalized Virus Syndromes. Virus is a set of institutional diseases that result from the administration of antibiotics and/or institutionalized dietary or toxic compromise of the intestinal gut lining, often concurrently with stress caused by political upheaval, wars such as the 1918 Spanish Flu, and political regime changes (COVID-19). Virus is not an airborne germ that causes colds and flus. According to Dr. Natasha McBride, MD, the immune system creates viral syndromes or virulence by not being able to respond as no fever or other symptoms develop, and the pathogen comes into the body unopposed. This is what a “virus” or virulence is: an initial non-response of the immune system not a bug or germ. This non-detection can also occur if the cell wall of the pathogen is deficient and thus cannot be seen by the immune system (call it a ghost virus). When a patient is put on the Gut and Physiology Syndrome (GAPS) diet the immune system begins to kick in and virus is vanquished (see Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, Gut and Physiology Syndrome, 2020, p. 37; and Elaine Gottaschall, Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet, 1994). A GAPS diet is free of grains, starches, sugar, beans and soy, and lactose dairy products. Breads should have no gluten (glue) or yeast that would feed Candida (yeast) overgrowth (Flat Bread). Candida overgrowth can also be controlled with Biotin Vitamin B-7 (30,000 mcg). Abnormal gut flora is what creates penetration of the intestinal gut lining and gradually metabolic sepsis blood poisoning. Gut lining cells, called Enterocytes, that lack beneficial microbes are subject to pathogenic microbes that can change their shape and size and turn into cancer. This is why singular viruses cannot be isolated because it is a functional absence of the immune system not a parasitic takeover of cells that creates disease. Moreover, a collagen deficiency is the other half of the incapability of the immune system to deal with a permeable gut and the entry of viruses and toxins into the bloodstream. According to Dr. McBride, 90% of human cells are in the gut, the rest is cartilage scaffolding and the other 10% of cells.
The way out of bureaucratic medical malevolency is not medical alienation but finding other voluntary medical institutions that adhere to the Hippocratic Oath of “doing no harm”. We can limit the institutionalized medical tyranny over us by:
* Not availing ourselves of government or medical insurance and its malevolent standard of care and lethal dosages of drugs,
* Converting to folk and homeopathic medicine that “does no harm” wherever possible,
* Learning that viruses are not airborne bugs or purely a buildup of internal toxins but a breach of the mucus-based Lymph system and an imbalance of gut flora that allows pathogens to enter into our bloodstream causing blood poisoning sepsis (Natasha McBride, MD, Gut and Physiology Syndrome, 2020; and Gloria Gilbere, Invisible Illnesses, 2005).
* Consider a GAPS non-processed food diet that does not damage the gut but improves intestinal cell wall integrity,
* Avoid all pharmaceutical industry antibiotics (except perhaps for Streptococcus especially for children). Natural antibiotics may be beneficial and without side effects (see Keith Mumby, MD, How to Survive in a World Without Antibiotics, 2008; and for emergencies Scott Mumby, MD, Virus Blitz: Safe-Effective Anti-Viral Remedies, 2023).
* Realize that drugs are prescribed at the lethal dosage, and
* Consume ample animal collagen and meat cartilage to support the wall lining of our gut and lung.
By Wayne Lusvardi
June 28, 2024
Why did so many people obediently get bugaboo COVID-19 shots? Because medical institutions have already succeeded in producing obedient robots.
The fear porn websites are now scaring us about “organoid” synthetic grown human brains connected to computer networks, purportedly to save energy. Another frequent scare story is that graphene oxide in vaccines linked with 5-G cell phone signals, have divine-like powers over us that can get us to do whatever those in power want. Sorting the propaganda from reality, such reports are not about new biotechnology breakthroughs but are PsyOps meant to terrorize us and divert our attention away from medical institutions that hold control not only over our minds but our bodies.
Modern medical institutions are authority structures that we assent to willingly, especially when we are sick with fever, pneumonia and desperately unable to breathe. Even the most die hard anti-vaxxer finding themselves in such a situation will relent to what the lethal standard of care dictates (Jennifer Daniels, MD, The Lethal Dose: Why Your Doctor is Prescribing It, 2013). It is not only the medical system that wields power over us, but a person can be legally designated with medical power of attorney over us, and in line for our inheritance, who can authorize antibiotics, Remdesivir, a ventilator and lethal doses of drugs against our verbal directive after we’ve been placed in a coma. This is because institutions have subtle coercive powers and imperatives placed on us if we want no pain or disease. The sociological trick with institutions is to make us feel as if we entered into the institutional bargain with the devil willingly, that any trade off will be to our net benefit and that those in positions of power in “greedy institutions” are not malevolent (see sociologist Peter L. Berger, Invitation to Sociology).
It was our medical institutions that have vastly succeeded in making many of us docile followers of medical authority that facilitated COVID vaccination compliance. It has been accomplished with medical institutions, not a bugaboo virus leaked from a lab in China. Below is an inventory of some of the institutional practices that bring about overkill social control from medical institutions over the course of our lifetime:
Pre-Birth – If conceived by Invitro Fertilization, the sperm donor is selected from the most docile, feminized males that can be found.
Conception – Vials of blood are taken from the mother for vague testing that rob the fetus of oxygen and nutrients. Ultrasound images of the fetus are taken to confirm conception even though a mother’s recollection of her last ovulation is a more accurate indicator. Ultrasound is known to delay growth and development of the fetus. The reasons couples often can’t conceive are they delayed having children too long instead of at age 18 (called ‘deferred gratification’). Other reasons for infertility are the father is dehydrated and both parents are deficient in cholesterol that produces testosterone and estrogen. It takes 250 years to get any benefit from taking anti-cholesterol drugs or supplements.
Birth – Forceps are a sugar-coated term for clamps that the attending physician uses to grab the baby’s head and pull it through the birth canal resulting in trauma and perhaps brain damage.
Post Birth – Vaccines are administered often without consent of the parents soon after birth. Vaccines are associated with autism and mental retardation. Repeated vaccinations are required when a child goes to a pediatrician just as dogs must have rabies shots that are useless. The point of the repeated vaccines is to produce a docile and chronically sick adult who is intoxicated with ineffective drugs.
Organ Removals:
At age 4 to 10: tonsils
At age 15 to 25: appendix
At age 18 to 24: wisdom teeth
At age 25 to 45: gall bladder
After 45 women: ovaries
The result of organ removals is a weakened, drug intoxicated adult who will have less of an immune system for later in life and will comply with medical mandates.
Stem Cells: Stem cells are harvested from live babies who are consequently weakened. Stem cells have not proven to work to heal stroke paralysis or other damages above and beyond healing with time and recuperation of the body. Stem cells are touted as magic, but I have never seen any dramatic results. Stem cells require a true believer and are an expensive palliative.
Cancer. We still do not know what causes cancer and the remission rate for Stage 3 and 4 abdominal cancers hovers around 1%. Those who take chemotherapy are weakened and die. What we do know about cancer is that parasites are attracted to an area of toxicity and build a thick protein capsule around it called a tumor. Then the parasites build a network of blood vessels around the nest they have created. Cancer cells are partly human and partly parasite (see Natasha McBride, MD, MSci, Gut and Physiology Syndrome, 2020). Dr. Jennifer Daniels, MD, says 90% or more of those with cancer do not die of the disease. Almost all men with prostate cancer die of some other cause and survive to the same average age as other men in the population. Perhaps one would be better trying Ivermectin or Fenbendazole for cancer, which are dog de-wormers that paralyze the cancer nest cells (not a cure). Lethargy is a side effect of Ivermectin. Ivermectin does not eliminate a pocket of toxicity or parasites, it merely freezes or paralyzes it like Novocain does before a dental procedure. Fenbendazole must be constantly used while Ivermectin is a one-off pharma drug, not a folk medicine.
GMO Foods and Drugs. The objective of GMO foods is not generating stronger, more energetic and longer living humans or to produce better crops or feeding more people. Docility is the goal of GMO foods. GMO is also used in drugs such as insulin, HIV drugs and what is called Recombinant DNA technology in vaccines. Recombinant means combining two molecules that are not found in nature to socially engineer passivity.
Sperm Count and Menopause Relief – The higher the intake of Boron the higher the sperm count for men. Boron supplements keep the dosage down to 3 mg per tablet, but 15 mg are needed to adequately boost sperm count. Boron also helps with menopause relief. Coffee is high in boron.
Antibiotics and Antibiotics Laced Food. In all the above listed organ removal surgical procedures, antibiotics are administered to control bacterial infections. But bacteria are not the cause of the fire, they are the fire fighters. That is unless the bacteria develop capsid shells to protect themselves from fungus-based antibiotics that cause deadly antibiotic resistance. Moreover, antibiotics wipe out beneficial bacteria in the gut resulting in life-long gut microbe imbalances, autoimmune allergies, kidney stone formation, obesity, etc. Today, antibiotics no longer are as effective due to overuse and can create deadly bacterial resistance. A patient can go to a hospital ICU and can refuse antibiotics. But the food served the patient while hospitalized does not guarantee it will not be laced with meat from an animal given antibiotics.
Supplements Taken Intravenously or Sublingually. An abundance of caution should also be taken with megadose Vitamin C ascorbic acid injections taken intravenously instead of going through the stomach that balances acidity. Ascorbic acid is synthetic Vitamin C made from GMO corn and acetone nail polish remover. Precaution should also be taken with taking vitamins sublingually under the tongue, although sublingual Vitamin B-12 is likely better than taken by IV if we no longer can absorb B-12 through our stomach and gut because the Intrinsic Factor that activates it has been wiped out by antibiotics. Some brands of B-12 supplements have Intrinsic Factor but most do not. Taking B-12 without Intrinsic Factor keeps us without energy and passive.
Breach and Removal of Lymph Nodes – Lymph nodes are often removed purportedly due to cancer that likely will not end up killing the patient. No attempt is typically made at functional restoration or clearance of the lymph node (which sometimes can be done with massage). The lymph system is a drain line with nodes (like train stations) and is comprised of mucus as the first line of defense against outsider food, microbes, toxins and chemicals. The Lymph system blocks infection from going directly into the body. When nutrients and toxins flow into the body they break up into two pathways: water-based substances go into the blood and flow to the liver for filtering. Conversely, fat-based substances flow into the Lymph system which collects in the Thoracic Duct in our spine and goes into the right chamber of the heart and ends up in the lung. Ergo, the lung is the depository for fat-soluble nutrients and toxins. The function of gut flora is the orchestration of bacteria, fungi, parasites and other microbes for metabolism of food through the intestinal cell walls. Unfortunately, too many people authorize the injection of vaccination microbes, mRNA toxins and antibiotics directly into the body circumventing the Lymph system. Those with abnormal gut flora, called dysbiosis, due to antibiotics don’t absorb food efficiently and develop nutritional deficiencies resulting in an immune system defect of incapability to detect viral invaders. Lectins and oxalates ravage our digestion system once compromised by antibiotics and vaccines. Eventually, fever, pneumonia and difficulty breathing develop when the mucus barrier of the immune system is breached, but only after the backup white blood cells and T-cells of the Adaptive Immune System enter but show up too late.
Institutionalized Virus Syndromes. Virus is a set of institutional diseases that result from the administration of antibiotics and/or institutionalized dietary or toxic compromise of the intestinal gut lining, often concurrently with stress caused by political upheaval, wars such as the 1918 Spanish Flu, and political regime changes (COVID-19). Virus is not an airborne germ that causes colds and flus. According to Dr. Natasha McBride, MD, the immune system creates viral syndromes or virulence by not being able to respond as no fever or other symptoms develop, and the pathogen comes into the body unopposed. This is what a “virus” or virulence is: an initial non-response of the immune system not a bug or germ. This non-detection can also occur if the cell wall of the pathogen is deficient and thus cannot be seen by the immune system (call it a ghost virus). When a patient is put on the Gut and Physiology Syndrome (GAPS) diet the immune system begins to kick in and virus is vanquished (see Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, Gut and Physiology Syndrome, 2020, p. 37; and Elaine Gottaschall, Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet, 1994). A GAPS diet is free of grains, starches, sugar, beans and soy, and lactose dairy products. Breads should have no gluten (glue) or yeast that would feed Candida (yeast) overgrowth (Flat Bread). Candida overgrowth can also be controlled with Biotin Vitamin B-7 (30,000 mcg). Abnormal gut flora is what creates penetration of the intestinal gut lining and gradually metabolic sepsis blood poisoning. Gut lining cells, called Enterocytes, that lack beneficial microbes are subject to pathogenic microbes that can change their shape and size and turn into cancer. This is why singular viruses cannot be isolated because it is a functional absence of the immune system not a parasitic takeover of cells that creates disease. Moreover, a collagen deficiency is the other half of the incapability of the immune system to deal with a permeable gut and the entry of viruses and toxins into the bloodstream. According to Dr. McBride, 90% of human cells are in the gut, the rest is cartilage scaffolding and the other 10% of cells.
The way out of bureaucratic medical malevolency is not medical alienation but finding other voluntary medical institutions that adhere to the Hippocratic Oath of “doing no harm”. We can limit the institutionalized medical tyranny over us by:
* Not availing ourselves of government or medical insurance and its malevolent standard of care and lethal dosages of drugs,
* Converting to folk and homeopathic medicine that “does no harm” wherever possible,
* Learning that viruses are not airborne bugs or purely a buildup of internal toxins but a breach of the mucus-based Lymph system and an imbalance of gut flora that allows pathogens to enter into our bloodstream causing blood poisoning sepsis (Natasha McBride, MD, Gut and Physiology Syndrome, 2020; and Gloria Gilbere, Invisible Illnesses, 2005).
* Consider a GAPS non-processed food diet that does not damage the gut but improves intestinal cell wall integrity,
* Avoid all pharmaceutical industry antibiotics (except perhaps for Streptococcus especially for children). Natural antibiotics may be beneficial and without side effects (see Keith Mumby, MD, How to Survive in a World Without Antibiotics, 2008; and for emergencies Scott Mumby, MD, Virus Blitz: Safe-Effective Anti-Viral Remedies, 2023).
* Realize that drugs are prescribed at the lethal dosage, and
* Consume ample animal collagen and meat cartilage to support the wall lining of our gut and lung.