j.r. Kuvoski
Writes Through the Wrecking Yard
14 hr ago
edited 13 hr ago
I've heard the following:
RH (-) or RH (+) refers to Rhesus negative or positive. Rhesus indicates primate as in [Rhesus Monkey] - positive or negative indicates presence or absence of DNA connection.
Rhesus (-) individuals generally cannot reproduce as male/female when coupling. A male Rhesus (-) can occassionally reproduce with a Female Rhesus (+) but there are sometimes difficulties and problems. A female Rhesus (-) will not generally be able to reproduce with a male Rhesus (+).
This is why blood tests were required for marriage certificates until recently. The blue blood /red blood dialectic we hear about so regularly seeming to indicate [royalty] vs peasant is likely causally connected to this actual verified blood type anomaly - with [royalty] continually working to breed only amongst themselves which created the slew of abnormalties including hemophilia, but unable to maintain strong healthy lines unless "red blood" was involved.
Some people connect the RH (-) blood type to Khazarian people in a broad sense as a generalized assumption.
If you think about some of this .. a lot of it fits directly into what Clif just described and/or the variables in the connections appear parallel, such as: the "managers" occupying assumed [royalty] positions on earth.
12 hr ago
edited 12 hr ago
Excerpt from info about RH- blood to why that is, studies have concluded that RH negative blood types do not possess the essential evolutionary gene from rhesus monkeys that a majority of other humans already have. Quoted from Higher Perspective-6-21-2020
j.r. Kuvoski
Writes Through the Wrecking Yard
10 hr ago
Which could indicate, if evolution is a defining factor in regards to DNA /blood type arrangements, that something about them is not original to this planet.
Frances Leader
Writes Uncensored
7 hr ago
I am O Rh Negative and I married an O Rh Positive man. We produced one O Rh Positive son and that was my only child.
It was traditional in the 1970s to give new Rh Neg mums an injection "to prevent anti-bodies" but years later, under investigations via a camera inserted in through my belly button, it was observed that my fallopian tubes had atrophied and died.
Did the injection do that? Or was it the result of some random infection that I had been unaware of? I think it was the injection.
I think that Rh Negative women are being sterilised.
Writes Thunderboltkid’s Observations …
just now
edited just now
RH negative? Think remote control of Arkon infected humans who have essentially a genetically engineered disposition which allows remote entities to easily remote control their behaviour via radio & light waves interacting via the vagus nerve, they never left, are now recently more adjacent to our planet in space and, imo they are still interacting via their fleshy drones here on earth, drones steered into high positions in government, so as continue on with their work. Earth is a petri dish and 'they' to some extent hold and grind the pestle, making our existence a struggle most times, as their experiments continue.
j.r. Kuvoski
Writes Through the Wrecking Yard
just now
edited just now
well you clearly have read into alot of things I'm not aware of with "Arkon" (?) .. but on the general sense and sensibility impression -- yes: there do seem to be be entities in fairly large numbers weaving around that manifest physically the same as us but have very different scaleable tensions and temperments and give the spidy shivers if one takes time to note the effect on the spinal cord. Aloof, hard, distant, and calculating comes to mind - with a light energy that is cold rather than warm.
John Carpenters movie "They Live" comes to mind - along with politicians in general. Still .. I think the blood types may also relate. Feel free to further elaborate on your discoveries.
Kamran Pasha
19 hr ago
edited 19 hr ago
You know, I took your talk about The Bug as metaphorical -- until our overlords started telling us to eat insects. Then I realized that there is literally a Giant Bug behind this whole thing, trying to turn us into mini-bugs. Thankfully, as a Muslim, I am forbidden to eat insects, so I've got my Halal Shield!
19 hr ago
You have to be extremely careful if you’re going to even try to eat the bugs that they want you to because they cause extreme parasites in the human body, If you do not detoxify after you eat those bugs they will stay in your system somehow and cause major havoc and a human being can die within seven years…do your research not that you’ll be eating bugs I hope, but I just want you to know that and anybody else that reads this post.
Aelred A.
18 hr ago
Clif has also noted that in order to kill the parasites in bugs they want you to eat you'd have to heat them to a degree that would toast them into ash, so don't even think about it!
1 hr ago
Good point - the site will nto me "like" your comment but it is a great reminder!
George McGolrick
18 hr ago
edited 18 hr ago
This is an interesting narrative that may roughly outline some important parts of our origins. It likely has a lot of factual data mingled with some creative and cryptic add libs.
It would be very cool to see a bibliography of the materials Clif has used to compile it over the years. that he has expounded it in ever greater detail.
Since we all do not have the predilection nor the resources Clif worked hard at researching and organizing to make this hypothesis into a very provocative story I for one would respectfully request if he can find the time to publish a compendium of at least the main sources of his incredibly provocative story of our origins please do so. The desire to know where the hell I came from is ever present in my consciousness.
We are all yearning for greater self realization and any knowledge about where we began would be of great help in understanding that. You have dialed in a better version than the traditional tale can even come close to.
I have followed Clif's eclectic musings for several years now and he makes more sense in many ways than anyone else out there and he seems to be genuinely trying to help humanity find it's way through the transformational times we find ourselves in. A true warrior.
Clif you have had my most humble attention in many areas and I implore you to give us some the tools to carry on independently so we can better make our own best effort at adding to your considerable contributions to posterity and understand our humanity as it really is.
We are all on this planetary spaceship together and if we can understand where we came from we may be able to better see where the hell we are going.
Aelred A.
4 hr ago
This is not original w/ Clif. Check out YouTube videos of Paul Wallis/The 5th Kind or search "Zecharia Sitchin" or Graham Hancock's videos
just now
Thank you, interesting info :)
Philip J. McCollum
19 hr ago
Thanks Clif. Your persistent work has opened my eyes and expanded my consciousness!
Ed Klingman
20 hr ago
Clif has an amazing grasp of many topics, but Occam’s razor would seem to cut this picture into cartoon strips. Interstellar travel, and energy shields, have no physics support, and a genetic technology that could design humans but could not protect the designers from bacteria is hard to fathom (the story line from ‘War of the Worlds’). We are ourselves on the brink of robotic solutions to physical labor, so why such aliens would need human (smart enough but not too smart) workers is a mystery to me.
Jim C
16 hr ago
The Elohim did not need human slaves, just like farmers in the Southeast US did not NEED human slaves 200 years ago. Being worshiped as a 'god' might have been what the Elohim really wanted. Machines can't do that, at least not in a meaningful way. Some level of 'choice' must be involved for 'worship' to be meaningful.
Secondly, we are currently at the technological level of 'designing humans' but we still have no cure for the common cold. I don't have any problem imagining the Elohim having the same problems.
Finally, the physics required for energy fields and interstellar travel is simple. All you need to do is tap into ....oh wait. My cat is meowing at the door. I will have to get back to you on that.
13 hr ago
So your saying that they traveled to this planet to build a following of worshippers. Sounds kind of shallow for such advanced beings.
Aelred A.
4 hr ago
I've always thought that all the reports of these beings show they are very technologically advanced but not morally: they still fight wars w/ one another; that's not the kind of "advancement" that one looks forward to; yet, that said, that is exactly the path humanity seems to be on here, so maybe we did get it from "them."
12 hr ago
They had ego and anger issues. Needed shrinks! LOL
12 hr ago
Maybe life is more boring for more advsnced beings. I would like to see the source material for all of this.
Jim C
8 hr ago
No. I am not saying that is the reason they came to Earth. It was just one of the perks! The reason they came here...oh damn, my cats at the door again!
12 hr ago
edited 12 hr ago
Consider that the aliens would have differing motivations than say humans. Start at that premise. The logic you are able to employ most likely is not what the mantids are capable of replicating (totally different species). Until you identify what their motivations are, it would appear to be a fools errand to try to understand their aspirations and abilities.
Ed Klingman
11 hr ago
Yes, but that seems to be the errand at hand. We are to interpret the motives and meanings of (assumed, claimed?) aliens in our history, according to what I understand are converging ‘narradigms’ that many are constituting or pulling together through merging mythologies and off-beat literatures, in ignorance of best understood physics, and with cult-like devotion the specific meta-physics.
2 replies
19 hr ago
Been reading the Radu Cinamar books about "happenings" in Romania. I have seen ships, and photographed them. I think the story needs to be open ended with the addition of new information. Always, I am open to listening to the story line, and it's expansion.
6 min ago
Yes, the tunnels are real. The security feature that only admits an intelligent being of a certain resonance has also been found on a sarcophogus under Giza. And the airships are real and they interact telepathically, but I'm not so sure they are ET. Doesn't matter, they're def up there in droves and I've had a few contacts with 1, or it could have been different ones. Once, about 2 years ago, the clouds parted one night and revealed that what I had thought were stars peeking through the wisps were actually lights on a giant ship that dominated the sky. We don't know anything! (but I have my suspicions)
19 hr ago
Agreed, though you could say the same of those who would be our current human overloads. Is enslavement the end, not the means?
[email protected]
19 hr ago
Re-doing the Sistine Chapel's ceiling's gonna be a bit*h
18 hr ago
Are we certain they all left? Perhaps there is a functional GANS in Antarctica. Would explain all of the secrecy and the visits by high ranking assholes.
just now
Would also explain the flat Earth psy-op. Now that we have proof the Mandela Effect was 100% faked, it's easy to see they were testing their ability to control information on the web effectively before deploying the tech in operation COVID. And Clif predicted the big upcoming revelation that would preoccupy the next generation would be Antarctica. What better way to get the masses to "organically discover" the city in Antarctica than to turn all eyes in that direction while people fight over whether it's a continent or an ice wall surrounding a flat Earth? We need to stop being so gullible.
Amanda Wilson
10 hr ago
Yes it would.
Free Human
3 hr ago
Right. And supposedly their 'home world' is swinging back around for another nearby pass through this corner of the solar system. Lots of things seem to be tied to that cycle as well as the 12,000 yr micro-nova cycle, which comes a little bit later. Am guessing most (all?) of them will want to get off this carnival ride and head back out for a few thousand years before this planet goes all crispy critters once again....
Amanda Wilson
just now
Say what? I don't want to be crispy!! And I don't want to get off either. What is this 12,000 year cycle? And how do we know about it? That is a LOOOONG time ago!
Free Human
just now
edited just now
Every +/- 12,000 yrs the Sun micro-novas. Lots of geological evidence in the strata to back it up. If there are still some Annunaki left down at the south pole who are planning on departing soon before the stellar clock-cycle strikes midnight again, I don't expect any of us average humans will be invited to join them.
So, if you are still young enough that you think you might want to try to survive it (I am not), better start looking for a nice cave with good internal water supply, at high elevation, minimum several hundred miles from the nearest coastline, and at a latitude that is expected to remain ice-free after the geomagnetic pole shift and associated ice age that the geological record evidence shows kicks in right after the micro-nova.
Good introductory playlist here from Ben Davidson at the Suspicious 0bservers channel:
You may want to also get familiar with the more in-depth Series 4 playlist material from Doug Vogt at the Diehold Foundation:
Kathi McCallum
18 hr ago
Clif's explanation of our origins is very close to what I have learned from various sources. One difference being that within this "invasion" there were human-type beings of different types but using the same genetic technology and likely collaborating with other laboratories around Earth. This produced the different races we see now and at least one other that was wiped out or otherwise didn't make it, that being the blue race. Think the Indian gods that are shown in their ancient art.
This topic also reminded me of the 1999 movie, "The 13th Warrior", an American historical fiction action film based on Michael Crichton's 1976 novel "Eaters of the Dead". It seems likely that many of these wild stories from so long ago that have been passed down over campfires for millennia just may be true after all!
13 hr ago
Great book, by Crichton.
Focused One
15 hr ago
Right on .
Alien Interview. The book.
U steve
19 hr ago
Clif...Even if this narrative were true, what does it matter. What matters is what we do now, everyday. All we have is NOW. Focus on accepting the power in the present moment. The past is no longer. The future depends on what we do today. Relationships with other humans matter. Science, technology, engineering, social institutions, rule of law, and democracy matter. Knowing that our emotions are mostly our reactions to self-generated thoughts...voices in our heads...matters. Be calm and fearless. Practice inner self awareness.
The universe does not always give you what you want, but gives you what you need.
Amanda Wilson
11 hr ago
If you don't know where you come from,.....I don't think you can understand what is happening today,....or know where you are going. That past is an explanation of who the Khazarian Mafia are and why they think they are gods. It also explains why they feel they are better than the rest of us, why they will only breed with people from their own genetics, and why they believe they were chosen to RULE this Planet in their GODS (Overlords really) absence. I think that the people we are fighting against today, the WEF/DAVOS/G7 group are the same families that took over for the Overlords when they fled the planet. It helps to understand their mentality and why they are doing what they are doing right now, if we understand some of their Past. If you walk in to one of the big catholic churches and see the Gold and the beautiful statues and windows and the incredible COST of all that,.....they are basically CASTLES. Castles devoted to the Overlords they had way back 4000 years ago. All that has been done in the name of religions is explained by this history. Each Gan has it's own Overlord,....aka God. And I think in each religion, they believe that their "God" will return some day to bring them all home. As time has passed the story like all stories has been changed and tweaked by the people who rule the rest of us. Sometimes intentionally, to keep the masses in line,....and other times, because new history has been found that changed the History of these Khazarian Mafia Elites. History is important, is fleeting any way, and soon it too will be History.
50 min ago
edited 49 min ago
A good interview to listen to is with Sarah Westall and Mike Harris, “Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia”.
Amanda Wilson
just now
just now
thank you! i'll check it out.?
just now
Go look at book: Who is The Government written by New Zealand Author-Ewan Campbell. He takes you back to 1066 and William the Conqueror-this is earthly control. William was an agent for the then Pope. His Conquest of England changed the whole world-a Law Professor told me this 5 years ago. In 1225 the Roman Catholic Church placed there first parliament into West Minster ( in London)-a tool for the Holy See of Alexandria. Ewan will show you that all Parliaments on the globe are OF the Roman Catholic Church. The Rothschilds-Khazars are the Bankers to RCC. Britain/British/GB the Establishment in England IS the RCC. England and English is NOT the same entity. Its an historical psyop. The British Empire is a legacy of Holy Roman Empire and Britannia IS a Province of Rome. Henry V111 kicked out the Pope and his mates. They came back around 400 ys later and some went to Scotland-Presbytarian Church and CAMPbell family. It all came unstuck in 2019 when the British ( not English) was losing control-financial, and then they created their pandemic. The Mandates came out of the Red Cross from 1919. These so-called Mandates were put in NZ through a health act-NOT law. There was never a mandate in NZ, just a psyop. I have this info. from a FOI act document. Anyway, you will see from this book what the U.S. is- The Virginia Company and you will see from this book what the U.S.A. is The East India Company. I think it was these 2 companies that were at ''war'' in the Civil ( legal) War. Robbo
just now
edited just now
thanks so much!
i found and will purchase, read and share the book you referenced.
any other readers here, be sure and check out this website for more info:
just now
The East India Company formed the Federal Reserve System, NOT the Virginia Company. By the way, so-called Queen Elizabeth 11 was crowned under 3 Catholic Crowns. I am not being anti-catholic to ordinary joe and mary. This evidence for this is IN the Crowns used. Plus Ewan does not know where she and her Father came from-they may be even more illegitimate than we think, but not know. If one accepts this book as facts then we must stop linking England to Britain and British. England along with Aotearoa (NZ) have the key to unlock the freedom of all people on the planet-in Law. Law always rules-we just have to ask the right people to do their job. See U.N. globe-NZ sits at 12 O'Clock. The UN is controlled by or through Virginia Company=Washington DC-is controlled by RCC. The RCC has never and can never own land. Nobody owns land. However, England/English run the Admiralty -Maritime law out of House of Lords and Privy Council. All Kings/Queens are Trustees. The system just reversed the roles and the King became a Constructive Trustee=a thief in law.
2 replies
just now
thank you?
19 hr ago
gotta clean up our past to face a truer future
Sankofa ~
18 hr ago
Thank you, “Knowledge is Power” it’s my favourite saying, my other favourite is “Know your Past and You will know your Future” why do you think they destroy the Books especially the history books, people think history is boring, I guess it depends on what part of history you’re looking at, In my Opinion Only.
Aelred A.
4 hr ago
There is a story about an ancient courtier who had some dirt on the king; when the king tried to force the courtier to do something he didn't want to do, the courtier threatened to tell the king's secret, saying, "Knowledge is power"; at which point the king ordered his soldiers to behead the guy; when the courtier cried, "No, wait, I won't tell," the king replied: "Power is power."
56 min ago
That may be true in some instances but not all. The “courtier” provided a valuable lesson for those who have knowledge on how NOT to use it… and think about it, if knowledge was not important, why do we have the msm fixated on spreading propaganda and trying to confuse the masses? And I agree, the burning of books, the erasing of history are all a part of the program to create a more compliant society.
Writes Colorful definitions
just now
The use of knowledge is power.
Sri Gull
18 hr ago
Those who control the past, control the future.
Aelred A.
4 hr ago
"You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need."---Mick Jagger
just now
sure been true in my life experiences
thanks for your comment
Michael Javick
19 hr ago
Wrong. There are those who are still here calling the shots. Soros and ilk are nothing compared to them!
Amanda Wilson
10 hr ago
You may be right. Sometimes I think Hillary is the real top of the pyramid. But you're probably right,.....I wonder what it at the top? Maybe now that we are better able to defend ourselves,....this really is all about a take over of the planet. Decreasing the population would help them.....and if they really live for 10,000's or more years, they have plenty of patience.
Aelred A.
4 hr ago
Anyone whom you know or have heard of, like Hillary, is just a shill for the real powers behind them, who go to great lengths to stay in the shadows, unknown to most.
Amanda Wilson
just now
I'm not so sure they are staying in the shadows any more! They seem to be doing their damage right in front of the Planet's eyes now. They control it all, they no longer have to pretend or fear us.
just now
I've been here 50 years and I can tell you that if I had interplanetary transportation, I'd have left long ago, let alone would I spend thousands of years in a bubble to protect me from a deadly planet.
Amanda Wilson
just now
I've been here 62 years youngster, and I love it here. It's an awesome place to be. Maybe you don't interact with nature enough to love it here.....but we live on an incredible planet! I'd go to take a peek at other worlds,....but I'd always come back here. Here is home! Here is where all the things I love are; my dogs, birds, fish, wild flowers, veggie garden, pond with my koi fish and the little cat fish and the muskrat,.....the gorgeous sunshine on the leaves of the trees in the morning.....and the breathtaking colors in the Fall. The snow flakes slowly floating down quiet as can be,.....brightening up the land in the dark winters.... feeding the wild birds,...watching the babies birds flapping their wings and begging their moms to feed them,...seeing the hummingbirds at my feeders.....even the gentle wasps making their little nests all under my eves. This Planet is absolutely incredible if you live in it,.....if you isolate yourself from you fellow creatures,....and hide indoors from the sunshine and bugs,.....then you may not realize just how wonderful this planet is. I'm not saying every thing is perfect.....but it's not our Planet that is imperfect,'s just some bad people.
We don't really know what the "Gan's" were like though,....if they really were Garden's maybe they were breathtakingly beautiful. I'm guessing the Aliens loved it here, perhaps for the Genetic Diversity,...or maybe because of the way things grew here and flourished. Who knows. But if they were here 2000 years, you can bet they loved being here. Clif thought, back in a video of his I watched, that perhaps they had some kind of bad accident with something toxic and that really messed up the planet....his thought was that they felt badly for what they had done and they left to find a way to fix it. Could the FLOOD have been them fixing their accident and healing the biosphere? Were the Arcs in the Bible, which we now know is a History book, not about any gods at all,.....were the arcs really genetic repositories for the Species that got injured and those that would not have survived the Cure the Aliens brought back with them? We don't know anything for sure yet,....but that was Clif's thoughts in his Alien Videos. If you haven't yet,...go back and watch his Youtube videos! WOW! I haven't enjoyed learning things ever as much as I do his Videos and other media.
6 hr ago
Roman Catholic Church..see Who is the government by Ewan Campbell. Now clif maybe right that the Khazars are involved because the Rothschild sare the RCC bankers
Russell E Cox
19 hr ago
That's a Great Fukin story Uncle Cliff, No Doubt you're onto sumpin Brother!
Judy P
15 hr ago
Just finished The Naked Bible. This is an excellent summary. (Does that make them “Clif” notes?)
Thank you for all you do, Clif!
16 hr ago
Much of this is true.. but it started many thousands of years earlier.
20 hr ago
You're Incredible clif...
I JUST ! Started watching a new video of Richard Dolan (made 1 month ago)...
What's That Song
by Jung & Sting !
15 hr ago
I’m a sucker for these kinds of narratives and this one is only slightly different from several that have been proffered over the last 50 years. The challenge is, what to do with the info, especially in the absence of any proof. After following Clif more consistently over the past year, I was starting to think he had higher standards for the perspectives he shares, based on his technical acumen, software development and criticism of those others selling “hopium”, as (I think) he likes to say. But here we are, with yet another version of a sci-fi fantasy history without explanation or evidence of any sort, just another authoritarian speaking.
I’d be fine if Clif said he received information in the dream state, or was contacted by off world beings, was channeling info, was initiated into some mystical organization that shared these hidden truths with him, etc. Each explanation would have its own challenges regarding credibility, but at least we would know of the source. Instead, Clif gives us only Clif, as if this info is important enough to take time out of his busy day tending to the more important tasks on his agenda, but not important enough to validate.
At times, his other commentary may prove helpful in navigating or anticipating upcoming social upheaval, but what do we do with yet another tale of hidden human history and betrayal couched in a space opera?
I have hoped for years that something like this might be true, but why and in what context does this kind of story telling have anything to do with anything we are facing right now? Click bait, distraction, ego, laziness, a pep talk for the folks back home… what utility does this kind of story telling have at this point? Come on, Clif. You complain about Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes and others, but why is this any different, other than the details?
Aelred A.
just now
You need to listen to his older videos where he tells of his experiences talking w/ entities in higher dimensions while he was tripping on hallucinogens; this is where he got much of his info about the bug et al.
just now
His info is likely from his Cathar heritage mixed in with new info from Mauro Biglino and others. To answer your question of how this "kind of story telling" has anything to do with our current situation, it has everything to do with it.
Our origin and story of survival informs how we can and should handle what's coming--a new cycle. We need to dredge up hidden history as to why (and how!) there even is a cycle and what that involves when one ends, as it is doing now.
As a matter of fact, there is nothing more important to our future than to discover our missing past. It's the key!!!!!!!!
32 min ago
edited 31 min ago
Well don’t take this personal but you gave yourself away saying you liked it given (handed to you) in narrative form…
In my own research I came upon the book “The Shining One’s”, written by the O’Brien’s, well cited (many sources) on this very thing that Cliff speaks to. (The book is 752 pages long and requires much focus and research for comprehension… so if you chose to read it, be prepared.) The only difference is that clif doesn’t waste time on flowery words, citing sources, he just tells it like it is…
John Kerr
16 hr ago
You're laughing at us now,clif. You even put the old Chinese racist boiling theory in.
He tried the blacks first but keptthem in the oven too long.
He then opened the oven too soon and they were underdone, and still white and raw.
He got perfection with the chinese with skightky burnt skin and pulled them out before the eyes closed completely.
You're laughng at your followers clif, you need prediction that is on the mark.
18 hr ago
For reference:
Zardoz is a 1974 Irish-American science fantasy film written, produced, and directed by John Boorman and starring Sean Connery and Charlotte Rampling, and featuring Sara Kestelman.[4] The film was shot by cinematographer Geoffrey Unsworth on a budget of US$1.57 million.[2] It depicts a post-apocalyptic world (which Boorman says, in the audio commentary, is matriarchal) where barbarians (the "Brutals") worship "Zardoz", a stone god with the power to grant either death or eternal life, and who - in the opening scene - declares: "The gun is good! The penis is evil!". In this future dystopia, while the Brutals live in a wasteland, their overlords (the "Eternals") luxuriate in the Vortex, apparently as self-satisfied as landed gentry. The Eternals created Zardoz to control the Brutals, inciting them to mass murder. However, Zed (Sean Connery) refuses to accept the status quo and his place among the oppressed, embarking on a journey that explores the theme of genetic engineering and exposes the devastating truth about the corrupt society he lives in.
Writes Ron’s Newsletter
18 hr ago
Interesting and it could be true or close or not.
This is a diversion from returning to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2022.
This is being done on Oregon. One step at a time for the last 4 years. 1st Amendment Assembly, ARTICLE I Section 1 of Oregon's Constitution circa 1859 aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly, Grand Jury, Civilian Court of record aka ARTICLE III Amendment VII of The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859, Oregon's well regulated 2nd amendment militia. We have notified the FEDS DOJ, FBI, USMS, USMC,State of Oregon aka STATE OF OREGON, judiciary, executive, legislative, 36 Sheriffs, 38 Prosecutors. We have proof of service of all our documents, they have all been acquiesced to multiple times. 5 Grand Juries with Presentments and True Bills, 4 ARTICLE III Amendment VII jury trials with verdicts. We are at and ready to help.
We are not affiliated with Anna, David Straight, T-ROH, any current assembly groups. We are doing Oregon. You folks must do your other 32 states and 17 territories for yourselves, no one can do it for you, you cannot do it alone.
Each state must do the work before we an Assemble in Congress as the several states and return to The United States of America's Constitutional republic and establish the United States as a government service company that is not in color of law since march 1861 federally and November 8, 1910 on Oregon.
What took us 4 years can be done lawfully with paper work in 21 days. Then comes the hard part a Jury pool. Ours is several hundred people now. We called our first Grand Jury when we had 45.
dusk ...
19 hr ago
If the Numo ever return and check us out, i'll bet they could fill in a few historical blanks.
May our Creator bless us all ! .......d
K Lolli
1 hr ago
Curious enough, I just came across similar to this while opening up an Edgar Cayce reading last night - a book I have had for 30+ years. Cayce suggests that in addition to black, yellow, red, and white, there is also a brown race that "appeared in the Andes." Difficult to find much on the subject on the web, but I contend there exists also a gray race, which inhabited areas in and around the Carpathians, mostly Romania. Gray complexioned, they are that of which a certain tribe of alleged 'jews' - the often prone to disease and, interestingly enough, blood -thirsty Ashkenazi - originated. Think Count Dracula and, of course, Transylvania. Referred to today as 'bluebloods', a cooler-than-normal type of blood runs through their veins both slowly and blue hued, which gives them their pale, shadowy gray complexions.
4 hr ago
“Their goal was to make us just-smart-enough, and docile.“
Interesting that the vaxxx seems to try to correct both of these traits, that is if you live long enough to procreate. I viewed a video supposedly created as a CIA training film w/ Bill Gates lecturing them on the benefits of gene therapy to instill traits such as docility & compliance into the mass of society.
Thank you Clif! Just wondering if your frame of reference is from the Zohar & the Tora? FREE
55 min ago
maybe the genetic tinkering makes people more susceptible to disease, similar to the space alien overlords?
10 hr ago
It fits many deep meditations, remote viewing I have experienced. I ask my mom at age about 10 what planet I came from. I am a A + blood type , very empathic and my best playmates very early in life were my “imaginary” ones …I knew and saw things others didn’t. This fits
Timothy LaPlant
17 hr ago
WOW! Great job Cliff.
I have been studding this very topic for over 30 years now.
With books like SLAVE SPECIES OF THE GODS by Michael Tellinger who lived in South Africa, on one of the gold mines created by the Annunaki.
Paul Wallis a 30 church Deacon had to reexamine all his beliefs
after reading Sitchen's many book on the ones from heaven came to earth...
Wallis taught the bible to many bishops in many religions. He has written 3 great books.
There is allot of great research on this subject.....
Thanks again Cliff,
Aelred A.
18 hr ago
That "creator" meme reminds me of an account of a researcher who took ayahuasca; he told the shaman that the first things he saw were large reptilian creatures that told him they had created him. The shaman laughed and replied, "They're always saying that!" So there you go.
Aelred A.
18 hr ago
PS: It also reminds me of H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds where the aliens, who are kicking humanity's ass, finally die off from bacteria.
15 hr ago
HGWells may well have had older source materials that the story (Yes, yes! Pure fiction, I tell you!) was drawn from with the necessary embellishments of his then current miliau.
Eric B. Walker
19 hr ago
White supremacy meets Arthur C. Clarke. lol
These smart ass space aliens had trouble with radiation and then proceeded to breed out the melanin in their slave class. Ha! They created whitey and said doh... and buggered off.
19 hr ago
edited 19 hr ago
Great article. I was trying to explain this today to a Christian friend who is an extreme normy, but with some good deep state knowlege. She knew a lot of information, but had no clue about alien part of it. This, I think is a good start to introduce them to this information. So many tentacles.
Amanda Wilson
10 hr ago
That and the interview with Mauro Biglino, in the book Clif recommended...."The Naked Bible: the truth about the most famous book in history". Amazing book! Goes into the Aliens too. A great interview.
16 min ago
I bought that one, it's in my stack to read!!! As soon as I finish the last two from Radu Cinamar.
19 hr ago
I've read similar accounts in several books so I don't doubt that your version, Clif, is near to the truth.
Roberto N
19 hr ago
The planet of apes.
20 hr ago
edited 19 hr ago
I have an inckling it is about growth management. They left on purpose. Some have decided to return and clean house.
Michael Javick
19 hr ago
No some have returned to take over again. don't be foolish.
Writes Trumpster’s Newsletter
20 hr ago
sounds about right.
The spirit beings inside us the only 'X' factor.
19 hr ago
edited 16 hr ago
Yes, the ultimate aliens in the human suits. We are an amazing energy with a soul. How incredibly advanced to have an aura that spins at well beyond the speed of light, with chakras bringing in light energy of the color rays. And they tell us that within the atoms of our blood there are little "cylinders" firing continually to keep the body going, and they don't know where the light comes from that action! Our consciousness can travel to the other ends of the earth, galaxy, universes and beyond! This thing in this body called a soul is Extraordinary and I wouldn't want to be anything else! The aliens have nothing on us.
2 hr ago
Maybe since we were so tinkered with, we might just kill them all...
2 hr ago
edited 2 hr ago
Man has a history(ish) of hunting and killing giants...Beowulf, for example...I guess Goliath would be another.
Writes Science News
5 hr ago
edited 4 hr ago
Did you ever hear the story about a secret passage into a mountain in Romania that was protected with an energy shield? At first a Romanian secret agency was involved but quickly a US agency went over there. Anyone who touched the shield died immediately. Eventually one guy got through, came back, and described what he saw. Everything from chairs to computer consoles were gigantic.
55,000 year old alien base found inside Romanian mountain.
The Greatest Secret Of The Millennium: Bucegi Mountain Alien Base And Tunnel System.
Elizabeth Sylvia
5 hr ago
I could read your writings and listen to your podcasts for hours on end. Your wealth of information blows me away.
7 hr ago
Earth is FLAT! Space is a fantasy. NASA is a hoax! Stop believing that earth is a ball spinning like crazy in a endless universe. All of that sh*t a Freemanson lie!
Frances Leader
Writes Uncensored
7 hr ago
Maybe they blew up the GANS complexes and that is why we have a desert zone from Africa to China?
Writes Science News
4 hr ago
edited 4 hr ago
That was likely from a nuclear war which some of India's texts mention, date is unknown. The green glass in Libya is chemically identical to green glass found at nuclear testing sites. There are also some radioactive hot spots in Pakistan which are buried under rubble which the media wants to hide. Scientists got initial readings of radioactivity but were not allowed further testing at that site.
Frances Leader
Writes Uncensored
4 hr ago
Yes, I know but assuming that it was a war is a step beyond the evidence.
8 hr ago
After years of studying this, came last week of focused searching for information on the Ancient-Space -Alien-created-man meme. Came to my own conclusions, had it confirmed through various (some would call it Pseudoscientific) means, then, serendipitously, Clif settles this for me. "The Space Aliens are not gods, they are tinkerers."They made small tweaks in humanity, they did not create us." Respect and Gratitude.
Mihaela Gavril
13 hr ago
They were NOT "aliens" but the angels that rebelled against the Creator. They are mentioned briefly in Genesis 6:4 and discussed in detail in the Book of Enoch. For what they did they were punished harshly, and for them and their offspring there is NO redemption. Therefore they HATE humans, so don't be fooled when they will show up again pretending they are our "creators" and "saviors". They messed up our genetic code once, and the Creator had to flood the Earth because of it. They are doing it again via the CV19 vax. The earthly "elites" serve these monsters. They are in a hurry to destroy all humans before they can repent, because the Lord will soon come back to take us to our real home, and there will be NO mercy for those who did not choose Him. Therefore remember to not postpone your decision to choose life. Your day of salvation is TODAY. Jesus bless you!
Judy P
15 hr ago
Just finished The Naked Bible. This is an excellent summary. (Does that make them “Clif” notes?)
Thank you for all you do, Clif!
15 hr ago
This new post contradicts the earlier "Space Aliens" post that said this happened 36,000 years ago. Also, there's no mention of the "dongle" genetic change that was achieved.
Sri Gull
18 hr ago
As a possibility it has great resonance and accounts for many questions in a simple and straightforward way. In having spoke with even a higher source than Cliff, essentially all of this has been confirmed.
18 hr ago
For Reference from popular culture there are too many matching data points between this post and the film "Zardoz" to ignore....
Zardoz is a 1974 Irish-American science fantasy film written, produced, and directed by John Boorman and starring Sean Connery and Charlotte Rampling, and featuring Sara Kestelman.[4] The film was shot by cinematographer Geoffrey Unsworth on a budget of US$1.57 million.[2] It depicts a post-apocalyptic world (which Boorman says, in the audio commentary, is matriarchal) where barbarians (the "Brutals") worship "Zardoz", a stone god with the power to grant either death or eternal life, and who - in the opening scene - declares: "The gun is good! The penis is evil!". In this future dystopia, while the Brutals live in a wasteland, their overlords (the "Eternals") luxuriate in the Vortex, apparently as self-satisfied as landed gentry. The Eternals created Zardoz to control the Brutals, inciting them to mass murder. However, Zed (Sean Connery) refuses to accept the status quo and his place among the oppressed, embarking on a journey that explores the theme of genetic engineering and exposes the devastating truth about the corrupt society he lives in. = Sound familiar?
19 hr ago
Dr. Michael Heiser.
David Chatfield
19 hr ago
I deal in facts and inferences arising therefrom. What facts did you derive this story from? There are no citations or references that we can refer to or that you referred to in coming to these conclusions. Please share your references so that we can be enlightened as you have been. I mean no disrespect. In fact, I highly respect you and all of your work. I just want to do some research along with you. Thanks.
19 hr ago
For starters, the book, The Naked Bible. Correctly translated from the original Hebrew, the "Old Testament" tells a much different tale.