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Destruction of America | Civil Chaos & Collapse | Crescendo Building to World War 3
The 'Invasion And Destruction' Of America As Prophesied By Henry Gruver And Dumitru Duduman And Revealed In Plans Of Russia And China Is Being Carried Out Before Our Eyes
By Brother Scott and All News Pipeline
October 20, 2023

As Christians we are children of light and of the day—living in an ever-more-darkening world—but if we walk about with our eyes closed, light does us no good at all. Our country has not seen war on its lands since the terrible Civil War in the mid-1800s. There were reports of a Japanese submarine spotted off the Los Angeles County, San Pedro coastline during the WWII timeframe, and supposedly sunk, but we have not had foreign military invaders on U.S. soil since the British were expelled during the Revolutionary War.

But this is soon to change—you need to know that, believe it as true, and make plans and preparations to live through it as a Christian.

Right to the point: One or more of the following list of possible events will be the prelude to an invasion by foreign forces—their effects being a distraction, chaos, and the weakening of law enforcement and military effectiveness, strength, and numbers. You should know that such an invasion is prophesied by Henry Gruver and Dumitru Duduman, as well as the revealed plans of Russia and China.

Possible events include:

1 - Something within the U.S. or staged somewhere else that becomes the catalyst for military action against others (consider events such as Japan/Pearl Harbor, Viet Nam/Gulf of Tonkin, 911/Iraq).

2 - A civil war breaking out in the U.S.

3 - Some form of nuclear or radiological device or suicide bombers being used to begin disruptions in our society.

4 - An electromagnetic pulse that permanently takes down all or large portions of our power grid.

5 - A catastrophic natural disaster of an intensity never before imagined.

6 - Our nation’s economy collapsing and its peoples having no money, food, jobs, or medical care and medications.

7 - A hard lock-down of the country due to any of these events or a new and lethal virus.

8 - Resistance to the visible arrival of U.N. forces for “humanitarian reasons”.

Things that will happen when an invasion begins—things that are normal military tactics and the first events when war erupts in a country:

1 - All or nearly all means of communication will be disabled (TV programming, landline phones, cell service, Internet, possibly satellite phone availability; and also, CB and ham-radio transmissions can be interfered with and tracked). You will not be able to communicate with family or friends by such means or others to find out what’s happening or coming your way. TV and radio broadcasts can be used for propaganda purposes benefitting those in control.

2 - Travel will be stopped by military and in other places by armed civilian roadblocks, some roads, bridges, and aircraft runways will be bombed, and fuel supplies confiscated and no longer available, including natural gas and propane. For many people, wherever they are when these more serious things suddenly happen will be where they will have to stay.

3 - The power grid will go down by one means or another. No electricity means no lights, no heat in the cold, no air conditioning when it is hot, no refrigeration for food, no water in the faucets, toilet tanks, or hot water heaters, city sewer services will fail to work, and no electric cars! These things will be especially bad for hospitals, and convalescent or retirement-home facilities.

4 - All food and medical supply deliveries will cease and local grocery and pharmacy supplies will run out—not within days but hours. What you have at home is all you will have to make-do with for an extended period of time. Oh, my! Can you imagine a city with no psych-drugs, bipolar or pain medications!

5 - The already bad people will begin ravaging markets, travelers, anyone found on the streets, and even homes. Many good people will descend into desperation and do things for food and water that they would not have before. (My YouTube message: When Good People Go Bad)

6 - When the invading military gets to your town, they will do anything they want to, take whatever they want, and show no mercy. Block-by-block and house-by-house searches will happen as they look for firearms, valuables, certain persons, women, food and fuel.

7 - Explosions, gunfire, screams for help, and fires will become commonplace. There will be no police or other emergency services—no agency will come to your aid.

8 - The cities will be the first to be affected, then the urban areas and eventually the rural regions as the invasion forces become available to spread out.

9 - Friends and even some family members will turn on one another because of these conditions and many will die.

Why this uncomfortable discussion? As you have heard for months now, the nations of the world are preparing for the next world war. China’s economy is decelerating from a recession into a very soon depression. Reports are that it cannot feed all its 1.4 billion citizens even one simple bowl of rice a day, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has become very aggressive toward all her neighbors with not the least being neighboring Taiwan. Russia is rising up against the western nations and has the military prowess to defeat several substantial militaries all at once. In general terms—this bear just wants to be left alone but the US and NATO are poking it and others are throwing rocks at it from a distance.

What does the Bible say about the end of the age, which is somewhere at the 6,000-year mark since creation? We know from Daniel, from what Jesus taught us in the Gospels, and what John wrote in the book of the Revelation that the most terrible of times will arise leading to the death of several billion of the now 8 billion people on the earth, and an almost total destruction of the planet. A time like has never been nor will be ever again.

And yes, the USA is going to be a main target for several reasons as the judgment of God for its abominations is released. What are you and I to do before war comes home? What should we be doing right now and until then? We should be spiritually and physically preparing our hearts and minds and our homes and families. A man, parents, and all response-able-adults will give an account before God for having heard but not acted on such advance warnings as this one.

So where will your thoughts go when the news is heard that a war involving several powerful nations has just broken out? More to the point: What will you do when reports come-in that the United States of America has come under siege by one means or another especially on the day when we have been invaded by foreign military forces?

Will you:

- Sit in unbelief that it is true until you see our big cities being burned and bombed?

- Rush to the grocery store for the supplies you should already have only to be shocked by the several hundreds of people that got there ahead of you?

- On the way you notice your fuel tank is down to a quarter-tank and the gas stations already have lines 25 cars long—and you can’t spend the time in line for a 10-gallon limit—you need to get food first!

- Will you dash off to the bank to get your money out only to find the doors locked, the ATMs down, and all stores’ credit-card readers not working and you have no cash to speak of at home?

- Try calling family members in other states but there is no phone service?

- By The Way: Your extended family members will be coming to your place from the bigger cities—what will you do for food, and where will you get drinking water when the grid goes down (and it will go down if it hasn’t already)?

- Your spouse is spooked and your children are scared by the news and all the confusion—what do you say since you are, too? Your neighbors are running around the neighborhood looking for answers that you need also.

- Will you pack up your tent, dump all your stored food and water in the trunk, and rush the family into the SUV and head for a safer location—oh, but you don’t have any of these things and no gas to go?

When World War II broke out the U.S. stayed out of it still stinging from the effects of WWI—that is until Pearl Harbor was attacked because of the very same economic conditions we have imposed on Russia today. Almost overnight we went from a peace-time goods and services producing nation to a war-time economy making aircraft and tanks, bullets and bombs, and other needed military goods. We were a major military power capable of inserting huge amounts of equipment and manpower into two war-fronts: Europe and the far western-Pacific regions.

We can no longer effectively do that today but have become nearly flightless sitting ducks in a pond that many want for themselves—not the least of those is China’s Communist Government. We have these militarily powerful countries of China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea making final preparations to come to America—and not for our Frappuccino's and trips to our museums and national parks. You should watch both versions of the movie “Red Dawn” to wake up your mind and heart about what is coming.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it (Mr. Phelps), is to ready your spiritual and physical life and your household for what I have described today. Stop squandering your money on new technology, new cars, new entertainment means, and new clothes (unless they are warm-weather clothes and footwear), and (if you haven’t already begun) start this week to set aside the means for you and your family to face the sure and certain loss of the lifestyle you have known. People that see these dangers for what they are realize that when these things happen, when war comes home to our land, cities, and small towns, they will either be killed or men used for a time as workers and women as sex-slaves.

A small eyes-wide-open population in America is preparing to have to leave their homes and flee to a safe place with the basics of what they will need to survive. They have a large tent (tarp), plenty of blankets or sleeping bags, wood-burning cooking equipment, defensive weapons, stored food, some water and a good quality water filter, and they have plans on where they will go that is out of the reach of gangs and armies. And, by the way, how does one defend against a well-armed ground or airborne force(?) but by their well-developed spiritual life and trust in God! Have I described you and your household? I dearly hope so. After having done at least these very basic things then you can stand on the Word of God for what you will need that you could not have prepared for.

War is coming home and when it strikes it will be so fast that there will be no time and nothing left to go buy that you should have had already.

As The US Government Prepares 'False Flags' For America,  Americans Should Be Angry & Alarmed With Joe Biden Abusing The American People The Same Way He Abuses His Dogs
- America will be judged for the way it treats the Elderly, Children and Animals
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
October 20, 2023

With the terrorist regime 'occupying' Washington DC that knows nothing but endless death and wars, a 'two-party crime cabal' that has been at war for nearly my entire lifetime, despite having fooled some back in the 1960's and 70's that 'democrats' were somehow the 'party of peace and love,' they've shown their true faces to the world since, and it's one of hatred, death and war while they proclaim to the world they're 'benevolent'.

Spending well over $8 trillion taxpayer dollars on the US military and wars since 9/11 alone according to this Brown University 'Costs of War' study, oh what they could have done for 'humanity' had those dollars been spent upon America and the American people, rather than lining corrupt warlord pockets in Ukraine or in the Middle East or even here in the United States of America.

With joe biden now demanding $100 billion more taxpayer dollars to spend on endless wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, and what could start as a 'Holy War' in the Middle East quickly turning into an 'End Times Apocalyptic War' that goes global, remember that it is biden and the US taxpayers funding and arming both sides of that Middle East war, more proof the US govt is in a mad race to 'Armageddon.'

And with all of the madness unfolding now leading to the US govt preparing for a massive terrorist attack upon Washington DC, remember that we've got documented proof that the US government is more than happy to carry out what appear to be 'terrorist attacks' upon itself, blaming those attacks upon others, if it helps them to complete their political objectives, such as getting them into a new war that they so insanely yearn for. Remember, what you read below is documented fact that shows us the face of evil within our own government. 

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for CIA operatives to both stage and commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba.

The possibilities detailed in the document included the remote control of civilian aircraft which would be secretly repainted as US Air Force plane, a fabricated 'shoot down' of a US Air Force fighter aircraft off the coast of Cuba, the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating terrorism in U.S. cities. The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.

With President Kennedy then assassinated by the same treasonous scumbags that run America now because he wouldn't go along with their 'false flag terrorism' plans that would have allowed the US military to get into a war against a country because of the false flag terrorist actions the US government itself had carried out, we've reached the point where the entire 'deep state' and the whole US govt should be tried, convicted and executed for the crimes they committed back in 1963 and everything else they've done since then in selling out America and the American people. 

Think about this documented fact about 'Operation Northwoods' before we continue.:

The operation proposed creating public support for a war against Cuba by blaming the Cuban government for terrorist acts that would be perpetrated by the U.S. government. To this end, Operation Northwoods proposals recommended hijackings and bombings followed by the introduction of false evidence that would implicate the Cuban government. Sound familiar in 2023? 

According to German 'Age of Enlightenment' philosopher Immanuel Kant, "We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." A phrase I remember hearing numerous times while growing up from a friend who'd decided to become a vegetarian in attempting to 'shame' others into her way of thinking, while none of us fell for her manipulation, I none-the-less agreed with Kant's statement overall, although not in the way my friend was trying to push in her attempt to turn all of us into vegetarians.

Perfectly explained in this 2007 piece over at the Gainesville Sun reporting that 'how people treat their animals reveals their true character,' or this 2014 LinkedIn piece which argued a Society should be judged by the way they treat their Elderly, Children and Animals, we don't have to look too far to see how America treats all of those groups as it insanely rushes into more wars, and it should tell us a lot.

Seen in this story of numerous, elderly pro-life women who've been arrested for protesting at abortion clinics facing 11 years in prison, or the insane globalists teaching young children that it's 'normal' to want to have their body parts chopped off if they think 'God' got their sex wrong while in their mothers wombs, we also see a perfect story about 'animal abuse' in this story and in this brief video on Tik Tok as well as this one over at Instagram featuring none other than joe biden 'kicking' his dog Commander in the head in an attempt to get him to 'move along.'

With one website asking why biden hasn't been charged with animal abuse for his actions that were caught on film, another claims maybe biden should get a gold fish after a series of at least 11 'biting events' involving his dogs, at least those that have been acknowledged. And with biden proving to America and the world that he's an 'animal abuser,' just think about what he thinks about us 'little people.' This pos should have NEVER gotten into a position of power. Briefly, from this American Military News story.:

A new report coinciding with a resurfaced video claims that President Joe Biden kicked and punched his German Shepherd dogs.

Pointing to a new report by Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group, Collin Rugg, co-owner of Trending Politics, tweeted a video that appears to show the president kicking his dog. Rugg captioned the video, “REPORT: President Biden has ‘mistreated’ his dogs by punching and kicking them according to sources close with Judicial Watch. Biden’s dogs are just like his son: Poorly trained.”

With Rugg continuing with:

Documents from the United States Department of Homeland Security, reveal injuries from attacks involving the dogs and Secret Service agents.

In an email exchange between a Uniformed Division officer and a November 3rd attack victim, the pair discussed an attack.

“My leg and arm still hurts. He bit me twice and ran at me twice.”

“What a joke [redacted] - if it wasn’t their dog he would already have been put down - freaking clown needs a muzzle - hope you get to feeling better.”

And several comments from this Tik Tok video show that people around the world see what's going on.

Dirt diggler: Arrest this pos for animal abuse

user8162184976616: Imagine if Trump kicked his dog on camera? You'd see it 24/7. Then again that's all the dirt they would have on him total.

JB: Now we know why his dogs are so aggressive and bite secret service agents.

And then when we compare the behavior of joe biden with his dogs to what we've seen all over the comment sections from ANP readers, many photographs that have been posted showing the outright love and affection they have for their own pets, it becomes extremely easy to see in ANP readers what Immanuel Kant spoke of, something totally absent from America's 'Commander in Chief'.

And thus with a madman pretending to be in charge here in America who 'kicks and punches' his own dogs according to reports and videos, allowing us to judge the 'heart' of joe biden and finding it empty and full of hatred, biden becomes a perfect 'front man' for the global wars we're being led into, a demon heartless and without a soul, full of anger and hatred, treating the American people the same we he does his dogs.

With biden making millions if not billions of dollars off of China according to this NY Post story after "China Used Their 'Elite Capture' Program To Buy 'China Joe' Away From America," as we reported in this August ANP story, "Never Has A President So Harmed America While Helping Another Country As Joe Biden."

Quite literally handing over huge chunks of America to a foreign nation which happens to be one of our enemies, as we'd warned in this March of 2023 story on ANP, "With The Communist Coup & Overthrow Of America All But Complete, A Full-Scale Invasion Is On With Illegal Border Crossings By Chinese Military-Aged Men Up 900% On Biden's Treason." And that 'invasion' of America through our Southern border has continued unabated since we'd written that story.

It's really very simple. If you are a 'Commander in Chief' of a country and one of your duties is to 'protect' the nation, you don't leave the gates wide open to those who intend to do us harm. If your duty is to PROTECT a country, or just home and your family for that matter, you don't leave the doors to 'your house' or wide open. You leave the gates wide open when you're intentionally inviting in danger.

Yet all of these wars, and a borderless America, fulfill the goals of the globalists and their 'New World Order.' With that new 'order' requiring wars to destroy what they, in their warped minds, no longer need, and all of the endless chaos they've initiated allowing them to carry out the destruction of the old so that they can bring in the new, and that 'new' looking a lot by their actions like a worldwide dictatorship and global tyranny, beware EVERYTHING in the coming days and weeks as the globalists rush to complete that 'new world order,' an 'order' which requires YOUR compliance to them, as they kick you to the ground, for them to reach their goals of worldwide slavery.

The Tyranny Running America And The World Has Gone Way Beyond Orwell's Warnings From '1984' And 'Animal Farm' With 'High Tech' Enabling The Lynching And Annihilation Of America
By Scott S. Powell and All News Pipeline
October 22, 2023

Just a few generations ago, most Americans understood that George Orwell’s classics Animal Farm and 1984 were written as a warning about how freedom is lost to the tyranny and intolerance of totalitarianism.

Animal Farm and 1984 were particularly apt for teaching young people at a time when the shocking revelations about Nazism and Soviet communism that were coming out in the 1950s and 1960s were hard to digest. Most important, what these works revealed was that a defining feature of totalitarianism is mind control. First, propaganda warps and destroys people’s grasp on reality. Second, propaganda is designed to foster groupthink, conformity, and collectivism, which marginalizes critical and independent thinking.

Orwell described the scope of the totalitarian enterprise, noting in one section of 1984 that, “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, and every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

In 1984, Orwell wrote, “Who controls the past controls the future.” Orwell’s introduction of concepts and terms such as “newspeak, doublethink and thought police” are what we now experience as political correctness, misinformation, and cancellation. The analogs of “thought police” in 1984 are now the enforcers of political correctness and closed political narratives.

As Orwell notes, “the whole aim of newspeak and doublethink is to narrow the range of thought.” Political correctness has the same goal and that’s why its adherents are so intolerant -- seeking to silence, cancel, and delegitimize people with whom they disagree.

As it turns out, social media and information technology have great power to narrow the range of acceptable thought. Google, which controls 90% of Internet searches, utilizes an AI-driven search ranking that can manipulate not only consumer preferences but also election outcomes. According to Robert Epstein, a Harvard Ph.D. who has studied Google for more than decade, Google’s ability to manipulate its search ranking algorithms has the power to change the choices of 15% of undecided voters, more than enough to change many recent close election outcomes.

The COVID-19 lockdowns and the death of George Floyd in May 2020 created an environment of fear. And fear of going to the polls gave Democrat activists and lawyers the opportunity to change election laws and protocols in key swing states to expand the utilization of mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, and lengthening vote counting deadlines. These initiatives enabled paid activists to manipulate voter registration and the vote count through fraudulent ballots -- undertaken to deny Donald Trump a second term.

Simultaneously, a full-blown cultural revolution came to America. What had been going on at many college campuses for decades came to cities across the country. With activism that created division, fear, and people turning on each other, it was as if Mao’s Chinese Communist Cultural Revolution 1960s and 70s had come to America.

First came hordes instigated by Antifa and Black Lives Matter smashing windows, looting, and burning down neighborhoods resulting in the destruction of $2 billion of urban property across America. Then, as if on cue or following a plan, marauding mobs appeared with ropes seeking to topple historic statues and monuments. Columbus and Confederate Civil War heroes were the first to go, but no one should doubt that the Founding Fathers -- the drafters of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution -- will be next. No history, no borders, no country.

Future historians may well look back and mark 2020 as the year America’s greatest threat began, for what happened that year and continued over the two and half years radically changed the country, effectively depriving American citizens of their First Amendment rights more completely than ever before, resulting in a questionable presidential election and the subsequent foreign invasion across the southern border.

In 2020 the main issues for Deep State influence and control of the American people were the COVID-19 pandemic and the November national election. The CIA, FBI, and DHS, which all had personnel who were hired by such social media companies as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, also had information-and-influence portals to these social media companies. However, directly influencing the election through censorship was perceived to be constitutionally problematic.

In June of 2020, the Election Integrity Partnership was formed by Alex Stamos, who was then a “research professor” at Stanford University, after resigning his role at Facebook as chief security officer in 2018. Stamos’ first endeavor at EIP was to meet with the Chris Krebs, the head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) at the Department of Homeland Security to identify what EIP needed to do to influence the upcoming election, particularly regarding censorship, which CISA was reluctant to do.

Although Stamos had a staff of some 120 at EIP, keeping up with flagging and censoring the tens of millions of social media posts deemed to have “misinformation” would be impossible. His solution was for Stanford’s EIP to undertake persuading all the major social media companies to change their customer terms of service policies to incorporate language about “delegitimization,” which would enable mass censorship and cancellation.

Within six weeks of getting its operation up and running, EIP succeeded in getting Facebook to change its terms of service to adopt delegitimization. On September 10th, Twitter also incorporated delegitimization into its terms of service. Other social media platforms followed suit.

Once the new terms of service that included delegitimization were in place, EIP had a two-fold approach to bring all social media companies into compliance to deplatform and cancel discussion/coverage of delegitimized topics: 1) Remind social media firms that there could be consequences from government regulatory agencies if they were noncompliant with their terms of service; and 2) Noncompliance with their written terms of service would also likely result in negative PR for the company.

There were slight changes to the words and subjects identified for delegitimization before and after the November national election. Mike Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, has itemized a partial summary of prohibited subjects for discussion on social media that would trigger cancellation or deplatforming: new election protocols and processes; issues and outcomes; mail-in ballots; early voting; drop boxes; “Stop the Steal”; “Sharpiegate”; Poll Watcher; Postal Service; dead voter rolls; and Antifa. And when the Hunter Biden laptop story broke in mid-October, it was immediately delegitimized.

By EIP’s own admission, Twitter was forced to cancel 22 million tweets that contained “misinformation” that violated the company’s terms of service prior to the November 2020 election. After the election, when many Americans felt disenfranchised and had many questions about perceived irregularities, they found that social media effectively checked discussion about election fraud, just as social media had done with COVID-19 policy abnormalities.

In many ways social media has taken the place of the town hall, the marketplace, and traditional media. Whatever the cause, whether government agencies who have direct portals to convey one-sided information to social media, or NGOs like the Election Integrity Partnership, when they block, cancel, or deplatform voices and information, the result is a narrowing of the range of acceptable thought. This censorship is of course a violation of First Amendment free speech. Worse, it is an assault on the Constitution and a betrayal of government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

It Will Be A Time Of Civil Chaos And The Collapse Of Civil Of Our Financial Imposition In 'Tribulation Wealth' The Physical Destruction And The Death Of Multiplied Millions
By Brother Scott and All News Pipeline
October 23, 2023

The topics that I present weekly are usually developed from the title that the Lord drops into my heart. A few weeks back the term “Tribulation Wealth” just popped up in my mind and I immediately understood what it was to be about—it is this: The world, our country, and our households are sliding more swiftly by the week toward what the Bible calls “great tribulation.”

It will be a time of civil chaos, the collapse of our financial systems (to include both our income sources and nearly all commerce in our land), an extreme scarcity of the needed things of life, (sadly) the physical destruction and the death of multiplied millions by natural calamities and by wars, and eventually the imposition of the antichrist system of buying, selling, and the demanded worship of false gods.

These things should not be news to you as many have talked about them for years. In this write-up I earnestly coach you to prepare your household for such things. Personally, I do not doubt that we are in the preceding time of growing “sorrows”, which means what is ahead at some point are 42 months of the greatest trouble that has ever been for all people on the earth.

The good news is that at the end of these 1260-1335 days—the Lord Jesus Christ returns to the earth to put an end to it all.

You may be wondering that with all this trouble and hardships and dangers how the concept of wealth for the common person (especially the hated Christian) can be planned for and prepared for [for] use during the tribulation! With believers in Jesus Christ being shut-out of whatever buying and selling that might be going on—what good is wealth? Well, the answer is that we must first redefine what wealth is during that time of great trouble. Tribulation wealth will not be in the traditional dollars or diamonds, or huge estates, or even a vault containing envious amounts of precious metals, although gold and silver will be useful, if one has any in the smaller denominations. Consider this as to how tribulation wealth will be defined during the near-future years of the dearth of nearly all things—everything except the air that we breathe:

Wealth: Anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged. Anything owned that has value to its owner or to others that are in need of that thing. Having accumulated something in terms of real goods or skills that are of value. Something possessed by one person that is needed for sustenance during hard times and that is also useful to others.

Barter: To trade by exchange of commodities or services rather than by the use of traditional money. The act or practice of trading goods or services for other goods or services.

Let me go over some examples of things that will be of value to you and to others during great trouble when there is no money and or we as Christians are expelled from society. Of things that are skills:

- Medical training and experience and having the basic supplies and equipment to help others (nursing, doctors, dentists, therapists)

- Skills and supplies to make or repair clothes, and other sewing needs

- Building skills—the ability and experience to build, expand, or repair basic shelters and having the tools and materials to do so

- Domestic farm animal and household pet-care experience

- How to dress a meat-animal for food (chickens, goats, cattle, foul, etc.)

- Security force and defense services; knowing how to use firearms, other defensive techniques, useful military training and experience

- Gas or diesel engine mechanic skills with the tools to do simple repairs

- Having the means to grow and prescribe herbs for health reasons

- Large-group food preparation experience (prepping, cooking, clean-up)

- Camping skills and experience instruction (campfire, cold-weather, security)

- Barbers, gardeners, wood choppers, knife sharpeners, gunsmiths, butchers, numismatic specialist, K-12 teachers, experienced child care, mid-wives, canning/jerkying/dehydrating food, etc.

For people that can do these kinds of things (and others not mentioned) [they] are parts of one’s wealth in a broken society. Whether trading for other things of value or provided with a charitable heart to the poor, if you have such skills prepare as much as you can right now to offer them when the time comes.

Of things that are possessions or tradable assets of value in a barter system:

- Small denominated gold and silver coinage, other hard and needed assets

- Laying chickens, portable incubator to hatch more chickens

- Cows and goats for milk, excess stock for meat

- Farm equipment for services to others

- Having the means to provide modest electric power by existing solar, wind, or man-powered generator equipment

- Having access to potable water via a well or other water purification means

- Ground coffee, large supplies of salt and sugar, large supply of aspirin, allergy or sleep aids, access to lots of firewood, a well-stocked seed vault

By now you should have a good idea about what I am speaking to under the caption “tribulation wealth” and might have already done a quick survey of your life. If you’ve recognized skills, possessions or assets that you now have that can help you and others in times of great need, I urge you to further develop those things (check your tools and equipment, upgrade some things, add more to your supplies, etc.). If you do not have anything to offer, then think about a significant need that will arise that you can fill and do what you can do now to be ready to serve in that way.

How does one use his or her tribulation wealth—things heretofore described?

Three suggestions:

- Trade it for something else that one needs but cannot otherwise get

- Exchange a physical possession for someone’s service or work (bring firewood or water, dig a hole, fix a shelter, deliver a meal, plow for a garden) or vice versa

- Give it away as you would a cup of water in Jesus’ name

With tribulation wealth in mind—recommendations and what to do quickly:

- If you have the professional training or a specialty skill, acquire the tools and equipment needed to do that work or service (barber, seamstress, cook, wood-cutter, builder, etc.); perhaps pickup up-to-date manuals

- Add to your needed things a back-up of all critical tools, equipment or supplies (Prepper’s motto: 2=1, 1=0) and refresh or upgrade your training

- In the case of needing to evacuate your home, have your tools, equipment and other supplies assembled in a BOT (bug-out-tub or suitcase or crate).

Now I’ve said a lot today that I know was hard to keep up with. But all you need to remember and act on are these questions to ask yourself: What skills do I have or what can I do that will be useful when serious trouble or especially when great tribulation begins—what do I have to offer? What 1 or 2 things can I provide that will help others and perhaps be a source of return-provision for me and my loved ones? Without money, what can I do or have that will be tradable for other things that I might need for me and mine?

After answering these questions then prepare now for what you can do; have things ready for that day when money fails, stores close, chaos and danger reigns in our land, and might even you end up in a small refugee camp somewhere in the mountains where the things that you are prepared to do will provide a blessing to others and maybe even some form of useful payback for you.

Crescendo Is Building To World War 3 - We Are On The 'Knife's Edge Of Nuclear War' And America Is Not Prepared To Take on The Hostile Nations That Will Side With Iran
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline
October 23, 2023

The Middle East has always been a powder keg, but since the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel, and Israel's ongoing response, we are closer to WWIII than at any time in our history.

No matter ones personal feelings regarding the War between Israel and Hamas, a group America designated a terrorist group on October 8, 1997, along with 13 other groups, as shown at the State Department list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, no one wants to see WWIII, which inevitably would turn into a nuclear war.

The fact is nuclear powers are taking sides, which has happened before without resulting in a world war, but this time we are seeing attacks against U.S. embassies and U.S. military bases in the Middle East. We see our warships being deployed, as well as additional troops and missile systems, into an area on the brink of explosion.

As a quick disclaimer: Personally I don't think we should have military bases in foreign countries, after all, we do not allow other nations to do so in America.

That is a discussion for another day though as we have so much happening, all at once in the Middle East, that we need realize that war barreling it's way towards us like an out-of-control train.

Below we will take a look at how fast that train is moving.

U.S. embassies in Beirut, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Lebanon, and others have seen attacks, or bomb threats, while multiple others nations are seeing massive demonstrations, many violent. U.S. military bases and/or soldiers in Iraq and Syria have been attacked.

There are travel advisories from the U.S. State Department for Iraq, which says "do not travel," and as of October 23, a "worldwide caution advisory" for U.S. citizens traveling abroad.

More worrisome is the amount of military force being deployed to the Middle East, not only by the U.S. but by china as well. Of course we are told by China that their warships are there on "routine escort missions."

Both the U.S., China  and Israel, are nuclear powers.

Perhaps the most concerning bit of new is that the U.S. is not only sending more missile systems to the Middle East but we are deploying additional troops. While our support is understandable since more than 30 American citizens were killed in the Hamas attack in Israel, it is a very bad sign when we start accruing troops in the Middle East, especially while a war is raging.

    The Pentagon overnight said it will send two of its most powerful weapons against missiles to the Middle East and prepare an unspecified number of troops to deploy overseas after “recent escalations by Iran and its proxy forces” continue to threaten a wider war in the region.

    The U.S. will send a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system and additional Patriot air defense missile system battalions "to locations throughout the region," Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement, adding that he has placed an “additional number” of American troops on prepare-to-deploy orders.

    Austin did not say how many battalions would be sent or exactly where they would be going, nor did he specify the number of troops under new orders—the U.S. has already sent two aircraft carriers, their support ships and about 2,000 Marines to the Middle East, Reuters reported.

With the war not just between Israel and Hamas, as the U.S. has intercepted missiles coming from Yemen, and Hamas is in discussions with Iran, who controls both Hamas and Hezbollah in Syria.

    Lebanon's Hezbollah has been exchanging fire with Israel across the border for days in the deadliest escalation since they fought a major war in 2006, threatening to expand a conflict between Israel and Palestinian group Hamas.

    Backed by Iran, Hezbollah has said it is ready to help when the time comes in the war between Israel and Hamas, which is also backed by Tehran. Sources said last week Hezbollah's attacks so far had been designed to be contained and so avoid another major war.

We also have Iran now warning that the Middle East is about to go "out of control."

That is a lot to happen in just 16 days, and this war is projected to go on for months, with some estimates up to 18 months.


The other day I wrote about the danger lurking right around the corner, meaning sleeper cells in America, waiting for the call to attack Americans in cities across the U.S.

Today we see Representative Kevin McCarthy, the former Speaker of the House, expressing concern about the same issue.

    Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., warned Sunday of potential terror "sleeper cells" in the United States amid the Israel-Hamas war.

    Throwing support behind Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Minn., for his old job as the lower chamber of Congress has remained without a speaker for three weeks, McCarthy said that whoever takes on the role must prioritize border security. Appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press," McCarthy pointed to a new report released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection that shows 18 people on the FBI's terror watch list were apprehended at the southern border in September, accounting for the more than 160 caught so far this year.

As a side note, Emmer must be defeated, he is another RINO.

Lora Ries, director of the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation, agrees with McCarthy that sleeper cells are a direct threat to America.

    Absolutely," Lora Ries, director of the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation, told Fox News Digital this week when asked if the Hamas attack on Israel serves as a warning that the southern border with Mexico is not secure and is vulnerable to national security threats.

    "Particularly the 1.7 million known ‘gotaways,' those who evaded the Border Patrol because they didn't want to be fingerprinted because they're either known or suspected terrorists themselves, convicted aggravated felons, smuggling drugs or some combination thereof.

    "So, when you combine 1.7 million with the 7.4 million CBP has encountered, we have to assume that the sleeper cells of terrorists are here inside the U.S., and Congress needs to wake up and preempt."

We have to ask how many crossed without being caught? Aside from those trying to cross now, we have huge Middle Eastern/Muslim populations in America already, with no idea how many "sleeper cells" are already amassed. The last numbers available are from 2017 as to the Muslim population living in America, and that was 3.45 million, and while President Trump banned many from terrorist connected countries, which the media labeled a "Muslim ban," yet only covered a small percentage of Muslims worldwide, Biden rescinded those bans, so we have no idea how many more from the Middle East have crossed our borders over the last nearly three years.

A sleeper cell is defined as "a group of operatives, spies or terrorists, living in secret among a targeted community waiting for instructions or an opportunity to act," by

Now I am not suggesting for a minute that all Muslims are part of sleeper cells, but America has previously foiled attacks by Hezbollah, here in America.


We know the situation in the Middle East will get far worse before it gets better, if, and that is a big IF, it gets better at all, and we also know the Biden regime is all in, which puts America in the cross hairs, especially if we put boots on the ground to fight in the Middle East.

The bottom line here is that we are on the knife's edge of nuclear war, and many hostile nations will side with Iran. The government will be too busy trying to survive, so no help will be one the way. In an interview with Mike Adams of Natural News and Brighteon,  Steve Quayle says in the only video below, "all the world events are pointing to a crescendo that's going to build," taking us to WWIII.

Americans need to be prepared, and we have seen some great suggestions in the comment section over the past few days.

Big Moe mentioned "Alternative forms of communication will be critical. Satellite phones. Radios for getting information ( locally) and transceivers to communicate."

Another comment I saw this morning from El Gato Blaco, stating "Good article about stocking beans & bullets. Have been prepping since about 2014 when a dearly departed friend showed me how totally unprepared I was. Immediately bought a 2 year dehydrated supply which I still have and more. Making sure to have access to drinking water is one of the most underrated preps. I had two backup hand-pump wells drilled on two separate properties."

Biden Regime 'Rattled' As Confluence Of Crises Poses 'Historical Danger' - When SHTF, Americans Will Have To Survive Without Government Help
By Susan Duclos -  All News Pipeline
October 25, 2023

Since Joe Biden started occupying the White House we have seen a series of events that has destabilized the world itself.

From the Russia/Ukraine war, to increased nuclear capable missile tests in Iran, the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal where we left Americas, and allies behind, China & Russia's strengthening of their anti-American alliance, China's rapid expansion of their nuclear force, along with their moves concerning Taiwan, and the Hamas attack against Israel, and Israel's ongoing response, White House officials are starting to buckle under the pressure.

How do we know this? Because these officials are speaking to the left-leaning Axios to tell us how unnerved the White House is.

None of this happened under the Trump administration, but once the Biden regime took over America's foreign affairs policy, it is like the world itself is rushing towards World War III.

Now we are seeing via  a report from Axios, after speaking with multiple White House officials, that the regime is "rattled"  over this "this confluence of crises" which they say "poses epic concern and historic danger."

    Behind the scenes: Officials tell us that inside the White House, this was the heaviest, most chilling week since President Biden took office just over 1,000 days ago.

        • Former Defense Secretary Bob Gates — who ran the Pentagon under presidents of both parties, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — tells us America is facing the most crises since World War II ended 78 years ago.

Critics of Joe Biden would point to his weakness, not only looking like a frail old man that publicly stumbles  and falls often, and mumbles through most of his speeches, but his willingness to weaken the U.S. military strength in the name of "wokeness," while leaving our offensive and defensive capabilities limited because we have sent so tens of billions in equipment to Ukraine since February 2022, and now to Israel.

While helping our allies has always been part of America's foreign policy, to do so to the point of sacrificing the American military's readiness for combat, leaves the U.S. as weak as Biden appears to be every time he makes a public appearance.

More from Axios:

    Vladimir Putin meeting in China this week with Xi Jinping to further strengthen their anti-America alliance. In a new Foreign Affairs article that top officials are sharing, Gates argues that both leaders believe America and other big democracies "are past their prime and have entered an irreversible decline." Putin and Xi sniff weakness and are activating on many fronts, top administration officials tell us.

        • This Reuters headline says it all: "Russia says it is coordinating Middle East policy with China."

Read the rest at Axios. The fact is that when the people at the highest levels of government are "rattled" aka scared of what is happening, not just regarding one issue, one war, but global issues, while at home the economy is putting people in food lines, then we know now is the time to prepare to sav yourself because the government certainly isn't going to be able to help you.


Externally we are watching the world getting ready to explode in war as nuclear countries take sides in the ongoing wars, and America loses its strength in the world, no longer accepted as the "leader of the free world."

Other external factors include:

• Escalation of Attacks Against U.S. Troops in Middle East

• Yemen’s Houthi army emerges as a major threat to Israel and US

• Drone attacks on American bases injured two dozen U.S. military personnel

• North Korea on track to overpower US nuclear defenses

• North Korea raises the specter of nuclear strike over US aircraft carrier's arrival in South Korea

• US Identifies Six Scenarios That Could Prompt China to Invade Taiwan

• Biden’s minimalist Middle East policy is a stunning failure

Internally we have the majority of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, food 20% more than it was in 2020, inflation causing people to strip their savings and accrue massive credit card debt, and a lack of trust in our government.

Unprecedented crime in liberal cities from one end of the country to the other, war protests, hate crimes, racial hoax crimes, all weakening the nation from within.

• Americans' Weak Economic Ratings Slip Further in September

• Americans ran up $105 billion in credit card interest last year alone

• Americans Are Burning Through Savings To Keep Biden’s Economy Afloat, Experts Say

• Fed up Americans leaving crime-ridden cities, blame Biden

• Encounters with Middle Eastern migrants up at border: CBP

The point here is America is at its weakest point in history, and if SHTF, it will be up to American citizens to survive without government help.

WHEN SHTF.......

Globally sh*t is already hitting the fan, and for many within the U.S. the same thing is happening as they wonder if they are going to be able to pay their monthly bills and eat, with some elderly having to chose between their medications and food.

That should be a crime. There is no reason on earth that people who have worked their whole lives paying into social security, to now have the cost of living so high they cannot afford to live comfortably because of the high cost of living.

That is a story for another day though, as we have to accept that when SHTF here in America, whether civil unrest, a terrorist attack, or outright war on U.S. soil because America is seen to be so weak, the government, and the depleted U.S. military under Biden, won't be able to help American citizens.

It will be American gun owners, preppers, farmers and ranchers that will be the backbone of America.

According to the American Gun Facts website, "46% of American households own at least one firearm according to a study by the University of Chicago. 32% of Americans say they personally own a firearm according to the 2021 National Firearms Survey. This means that more than 81.4 million Americans own guns. This number only includes adults over 18."

As of 2021there were 436.4 million guns in the United States, and in 2023, the number of firearms in America is around 466 million due to record breaking sales during the pandemic.

American gun owners will be our "militia" when all hell breaks loose. They'll be our defense force, for lack of a better term. Just as our farmers and ranchers, will be our food sources, along with the preppers that have stocks saved up for just this purpose, and have bartering items.

We went over this the other day, but since events continue to worsen almost daily, within the country and around the world, we need to once again encourage personal protection for those that are uncomfortable with firearms.

Starting with the non-lethal, the products below are affordable and have some very good reviews.

Pepper Sprays: Note - This seems to be best used for outdoors, but not advisable for indoor use unless absolutely necessary as some of the reviews were clear that the rate of dissipation ended up affecting the user as well as the attacker.

Out of all the products researched, when it came to pepper sprays, the SABRE brand received the best reviews with 4 and 5 stars.

Stun Guns

Tasers: (Note- Tasers are a little more expensive, but rather than just stunning the attacker from up close, they fire barbs attached by wires to batteries, which will incapacitate them temporarily.)

Batons, Bats & Tactical Pens:

While many ANP regular readers already have a good stock of foods, getting anything that is missing, or that needs topping off, or just doubling what you have, seems to be getting more critical by the day.

I won't blow smoke up your bum and claim that we know when or how everything is going to fall apart, we don't. But from what we see in the comments, chat forums and social media, it is like everyone just "knows" something big is coming and we all need to be prepared to deal with the consequences of whatever happens.

Get right with God. Be Prepared.

America Has Fallen In To The Mouth Of Marxist Madness As The Next Globalist War Has Been Launched Into The War To Deceive And Destroy Christians And Americans
By J.B. Shurk and All News Pipeline
October 25, 2023

At the beginning of October, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán denounced the European Union’s 1984-inspired manipulation of language: “Brussels is creating an Orwellian world in front of our eyes. They buy and supply weapons through the European Peace Facility. They want to control the media through the Media Freedom Act. We didn’t fight the communists to end up in 1984!” The “Peace Facility” is responsible for transferring billions of dollars worth of artillery and ammunition to Ukraine. The “Media Freedom Act” gives European bureaucrats extraordinary powers to censor any speech or ideas they dislike.

Although Orbán is absolutely correct in his assessment of European madness, there is no sign that his warning will have any corrective effect. The Eurocrats are so steeped in self-deluding propaganda that it would be not at all surprising to see them pull another page straight out of 1984 by carving on one of their marble government buildings the same three slogans that adorned Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth”: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” Such is the depth of the rabbit hole into which the European hive mind has descended that too many ordinary citizens would miss the depressing irony.

As if recognizing that Europe’s embrace of censorship, surveillance, and social control inconveniently mirrors Orwell’s condemnation of Big Brother and Big Government to perfection, the British “ruling class” attempted this month to “cancel” Orwell by using an article in The Telegraph to accuse the prophetic genius of being “sadistic, misogynistic, homophobic, and sometimes violent” — in other words, someone who should not be “tolerated” and no longer “deserves” to be read. If “cancelling” the author who warned the world about such forms of slithery government tyranny is not “peak Orwell,” then the crazy train still barreling down the tracks promises to be a doozy.

Americans, of course, are similarly under siege from an Orwellian deep state that manipulates the public by distorting history and undermining the meaning of words. In a nation that celebrates George Floyd as a hero, clings to the “Hands up, don’t shoot” lie as a sacred “truth,” and blames Hillary’s election loss on Russian bots, propaganda is king.

The U.S. government fights racism by institutionalizing racial preferences. It supports Black Lives Matter and Antifa domestic terrorists while locking up American patriots as “domestic enemies.” It replaces impartial justice with “social justice” and equality under the law with “equitable” special privileges. “Climate change” communism kills property rights. Meme-makers are imprisoned, but Russia collusion hoaxers are not. Gene-altering serums are called “vaccines.” And generations of judges have replaced the U.S. Constitution with their own postmodern revisions.

When President Trump was elected in 2016, movie theaters in cities across the country actually ran the 1984-released movie version of Orwell’s masterpiece, starring John Hurt and Richard Burton, as some sort of cinematic censure of Trump’s rise to power. At the time, the spectacle seemed bemusing. Trump — the outsider — was clearly beholden to no Big Brother deep state.

Far from participating in the insidious programs of “political correctness” that 1984 so effectively damns as the building blocks of totalitarianism, Donald Trump has always been one of the most plainly spoken — and, at times, brutally frank — Americans to take the world stage. Instead of hiding behind riddles, insinuations, and other verbal contortions, President Trump tells anyone who is listening exactly how he feels. Yet the same Marxists whom Orwell criticized used Orwell to criticize their political boogeyman. It was confounding.

Seven years later and the language games have just gotten worse. Anytime a majority of the American people express a preference for something at odds with the permanent “ruling class” occupying D.C. — curbing illegal immigration, profligate government spending, and endless wars, as examples — the U.S. government rejects the public’s wishes as “threats to democracy.” The government insists that its bureaucrats represent the people’s will while expressing dismay that the people’s will could differ from that of the bureaucrats. In other words, an “oligarchy” of “elites” now calls itself a “democracy,” and majority public opinion is ridiculed as “anti-democratic.”

Pretending that authoritarianism is “democratic” makes it much easier to assist dictators overseas who do the same thing. While Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy shuts down opposition political parties, church services led by priests pleading for peace, and the prospect of free speech, the U.S. government claims that support for Ukraine is support for “Western values.” While the Gazan people overwhelmingly support Hamas terrorist attacks on helpless Jewish civilians, European and American leaders falsely claim that their bloodlust is actually “peaceful” in nature.

While Iran’s theocratic dictatorship threatens Israel’s existence and supports the torture and killing of girls accused of violating Shia law, Barack Obama, John Kerry, and Joe Biden have spent the last fifteen years doing the murderous ayatollah’s bidding. In Orwellian fashion, tyranny is defended as “democratic” and “Western” — which should serve as a warning to Western citizens of the direction their “leaders” are heading.

Of course, if Orwell prophetically captured the malicious spirit of our present age, it was Aldous Huxley who foresaw its moral degradation. He understood that promiscuity, drug addiction, and other pleasure-seeking obsessions are not only gateways to eroding religious conviction but also the perfect tools for any authoritarian government seeking to keep the public mentally enslaved and subdued. If a free-thinking individual can be relegated to a hallucinogenic state of narcotic dependency, then that person will never again possess the free will to challenge anything.

If adolescents can be taught to embrace a revolving door of sexual partners while joyfully “shouting their abortions,” then they can be prevented from ever creating stable families of their own. Healthy marriages produce happy families with thoughtful children who, in turn, grow to be self-sufficient, productive adults. Governments that require their citizens to be obedient are strongest when those citizens remain dependent upon government for life. Drug-addled, psychologically confused adults who are incapable of taking care of their own families are the perfect candidates for government enslavement.

In Brave New World, Huxley describes a tyrannical society where sex has been stripped of love, intimacy, and its childbearing purpose. In a scene where an authority figure attempts to explain the West’s forgotten notions of morality to a group of astonished children, he explains: “[E]rotic play between children had been regarded as abnormal (there was a roar of laughter); and not only abnormal, actually immoral (no!): and had therefore been rigorously suppressed.” In a world where babies are “decanted” in “hatcheries,” women use abortion to end pregnancies, and people are fed a diet of pills to keep them docile and compliant, the government has no trouble maintaining control over people’s lives.

Compare Huxley’s dystopian world in which the drug Soma is used to tranquilize the public to our own world today. Recent figures show that nearly a quarter of Scotland’s adult population is being prescribed anti-depressants, while fifteen percent of Americans are being similarly prescribed some form of powerful selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors known to cause dangerous side-effects — including loss of sexual function, insomnia, brain fog, suicidal ideation, and self-harm. In the U.S., fifty percent of the population over twelve has used illegal drugs. Overdose deaths have tripled since 2000. And fifty-five million American adults currently use marijuana. Whether through alcohol, opioids, marijuana, or hallucinogens, Americans are walking around in a Soma-like haze.

We are in the mouth of Marxist madness where Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” and Huxley’s recipe for enfeebling the masses in a hedonistic stupor have combined to usher in a twisted new era of Western totalitarianism. The real danger, though, is that their dire warnings will be accepted as fait accompli.

Instead, they should be used as stark rallying cries for resisting government tyranny.

Furthermore, I consider that Marxist Globalism must be destroyed.

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