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Dr. Vernon Coleman: The 10 BIGGEST and Most Dangerous Lies
Dr. Vernon Coleman: The 10 BIGGEST and Most Dangerous Lies
It has been clear since the start of this fraud that everything that is happening is connected...Nothing is happening by accident and there are no coincidences.

It is August 2023 and this is video number 328.

It has been clear since the start of this fraud, particularly since the point when the conspirators got really serious and began to deceive and to oppress in great earnest, that everything that is happening is connected. As I’ve been saying for three and a half years, nothing is happening by accident. Everything is connected. There are no coincidences.

We need to be constantly aware that we are under siege and that the stakes in this war are higher than they have ever been in any previous war ever fought. This isn’t a war for territory or a specific commodity such as oil, gold or wheat. This is a war for our freedom, our independence, our individuality and our humanity.

At the beginning of 2020 I was nervous about the words to use to describe what I believed was happening. I confess I thought long and hard before calling my first video Coronavirus – the Hoax of the Century. I feared that people would probably think me paranoid or insane. I chose the word `hoax’ deliberately because that’s what I felt it was.

A few people did think me insane, of course, but more and more people are waking up and we are no longer quite as alone as we were all those months ago. The conspirators and, more importantly, the collaborators – because there are a good many of them – are now clearly the insane ones. They have created a whole dictionary of bizarre terms such as sustainability, diversity, inclusivity and transparency – none of which they understand - as an excuse for their greed, cruelty, ignorance, selfishness and the absurd sense of personal entitlement and mistaken self-righteousness which, they believe, gives them the right to sit down in front of ambulances and fire engines, to disrupt people’s lives and to damage property in their campaigns for a pseudoscience that is built on laughably inept and crooked theories. The insane members of the cult of eco-terrorism which is causing such chaos seem to have forgotten such basic principles of behaviour as respect, dignity and decency. And they are, of course, too ignorant, too prejudiced, too biased and too naïve to realise that they are playing the roles that were designed for them. There were never going to be enough conspirators to take over the world. The collaborators, the half-witted, mask wearing, vaccinated buffoons who have taken part in the revolution of the woke, are, and always have been, just as much to blame for what has happened, and what is happening, as the insane billionaire bankers and globalists.

Because everything that has happened to us has happened in isolation, and it is sometimes difficult to see how it is all connected, I’ve put together a top ten of the biggest lies the conspirators have told in the last three years – and shown how these are connected together in the greatest and most evil fraud in human history. All these lies were designed to encourage compliance and to lead us into the Great Reset.

I’ll begin my top ten at the bottom of the list – with Number Ten.

And Number Ten on my list is the fake pandemic itself – the coronavirus hoax which hit the world in the early months of 2020 and which was, of course, built upon a huge lie. They told us we were all in great danger when we were not but they wanted to frighten us. The truth is that the covid-19 infection which the incompetent mathematicians told us was going to kill millions was no more than the annual flu – and it was a fairly modest version of the flu, at that. Government statistics show that the flu disappeared when covid-19 was supposedly threatening our existence. And the number of genuine deaths from covid-19 was no more than die in some fairly ordinary flu seasons. Moreover, governments knew in March 2020 that the covid infection was officially no worse than the flu. Before all the fuss started, the covid-19 infection had been officially downgraded to the same level of danger as the standard flu. All that is on record. And mortality rates for 2020 and 2021 show that the number of people dying in those years was no higher than in other years. The covid pandemic was a hoax.

Number Nine on my list is the PCR test which was used to make the official figures for covid look far worse than they were. The PCR test, of course, was never intended to be used as a covid-19 test and it was entirely useless for that purpose. Everyone knew that. Or should have known it. Nevertheless, governments everywhere used the PCR test to falsely label million of patients – and millions of deaths – as being covid related. People who died of heart attacks, cancer, muggers, being run over by buses and heaven knows what else were falsely put down as covid victims. Post mortems weren’t done – very conveniently – because the authorities decided that it was too dangerous to perform examinations on patients who had been labelled as dying of the flu. Treatment programmes which were murderous were introduced en masse and effective treatment regimes were banned. The elderly were killed off in their thousands by a kill shot consisting of morphine and a benzodiazepine tranquilliser. I had warned in March 2020 that killing off the elderly was one of the aims of the covid hoax. The other two aims I’d warned about two and half years ago were a plan to introduce compulsory vaccination programmes and a plan to use the alleged pandemic to get rid of cash. The PCR test, misused and misapplied, was always an integral part of making the pandemic seem real: it was a vital part of the lie.

Number Eight on my list are the lockdowns which, we were told, would protect us. A big, big lie. It was, of course, obvious right from the start that the lockdowns wouldn’t do any good but would do a massive amount of harm. Today, so-called experts everywhere are announcing with apparent surprise that shutting people in their homes, isolating care home patients and closing schools caused massive psychological damage. And closing hospital departments (while nurses were busy making TikTok videos) has resulted in a massive increase in illness and deaths – increases which will continue for decades. Children were particularly badly damaged and thousands are now severely depressed and desperately need help they’ll never get. All this was predictable – take a look at the videos I made when the lockdowns were first suggested. The UK Government has instigated a covid inquiry at which doctors and others are giving evidence – which largely seems to consist of excuses. I submitted evidence proving that I warned about all the problems – and proved that the covid scare was a hoax – right at the beginning. Naturally, however, I have not yet been called to give evidence. I worry that the enquiry will be a farce, deliberately designed to avoid the unfortunate fact that anyone who told the truth was silenced and demonised. Incidentally, it is abundantly clear now that politicians and others in public service knew that the lockdowns were quite unnecessary and could sensibly be ignored.

Number Seven on the list are the masks which were introduced and made more or less compulsory everywhere despite clear evidence that wearing masks did far more harm than good. And in addition, discarded masks do far more damage to wildlife and the environment than plastic bags ever did. Predictably, the morons who wore masks terrified children and delayed the development of babies and infants. Moreover, the mask wearers were more likely to develop chest infections. And, yet again proving the fact checkers wrong, it is clear that masks did accelerate the development and return of cancers because of their effect on blood oxygen levels. Forcing people to wear masks was part of the process of forcing populations to be compliant and was, therefore, an addition to the utterly absurd recycling programme which was long ago proved to be utterly wasteful and pointless, as well as expensive, but which is now regarded as a religion by mad and ignorant cultists – those tragic souls who happily sort their rubbish, wash their old yoghurt cartons with valuable water and then close their eyes to the fact that recycling material is mostly burnt or dumped – usually after being transported half way round the world. The recycling programme has done massive damage to the environment.

Number Six on my list of lies is the war – ostensibly between Russia and Ukraine but in reality, of course, between NATO and Russia. The western media deliberately misrepresents the war and suppresses the fact that the war was created to push up energy prices and food prices. The damage done to Europeans was as nothing to the damage done in Africa where hundreds of millions are starving and will die. This is part of the population control programme which the conspirators regard as essential. Biden and chums blew up the Nord Stream pipeline to maximise the damage done to Europe and Africa and also to maximise American profits. This problem hasn’t gone away and next winter is going to see ten or a hundred times as many deaths as were caused by the well marketed flu of 2020 and 2021. The war has helped push up inflation and interest rates, helping to impoverish millions – remember the phrase ‘You will own nothing’- and enrich the billionaire bankers.

Number Five on my shameful list is the lie that the world is overpopulated and short of food. The truth, of course, is that there is plenty of food but much of it is in the wrong place and is wasted. Those EU food mountains should have made it clear long ago that the world has plenty of food. Moreover, the evidence shows clearly that the earth can easily cope with many more billions of people. There is no overcrowding – that is just one of many myths which the evil, greedy globalists find convenient.

Number Four on the list of lies is the covid-19 vaccine – the most toxic pharmaceutical product ever produced, and also the most over-promoted and dangerously over sold. Any doctor or nurse who gave or promoted the covid-19 should be arrested because they broke just about every ethical code in existence. Patients were not properly consulted, side effects were ignored and suppressed and, of course, the so-called vaccines were mass marketed without being properly tested. We are already seeing the awful short term consequences of the mass vaccination programme and I fear that the long-term consequences will be awful beyond imagination. The medical establishment is still maintaining the lie, of course, and many deaths caused by the vaccine are being misdiagnosed and misattributed. Moreover, the fake disease of long covid is, when the symptoms are real, a result of the vaccination programme. I think it is also necessary to point out that it isn’t just the covid-19 vaccine – or so called vaccine – that has does massive amounts of harm. The seemingly unending number of vaccination programmes being promoted both to children and adults are causing massive damage to immune systems and causing many diseases. The medical establishment and the politicians have prohibited the discussion of vaccines and a year or two ago the BBC, a vile propaganda machine, made it clear that they did not intend to interview anyone questioning vaccines ‘whether they were right or wrong’. Their words. I understand why the establishment is terrified: vaccines have never been adequately tested singly or together and so all discussion and debate is banned. The available evidence suggests they should all be banned. In my view, vaccines do more harm than good. But still the lies keep coming.

We are now into my final three lies of the last three years.

Number Three on my list is the abolition of cash and the introduction of digital currencies. Like all the other items in my top ten, the authorities claim that they are getting rid of cash and introducing digital currencies for our benefit. Sadly the masses have accepted the lie that it’s for our benefit and are enthusiastically downloading apps and paying for everything with their cards, their smart phones, their daft watches and their implants. Abolishing cash will enable the authorities to control everything we do. They can and will decide what we spend our money on and how much money we can save. And if we misbehave they will simply turn off our money supply until we either do behave or we die.

Number Two is the introduction of social credit – what I have called the nightmare on your street –and the digitalisation of every aspect of our lives. These go hand in hand, of course, and neither would be possible without the internet – the most dangerous and awful invention in human history – far worse and far more deadly than the nuclear bomb or the cigarette. Apps are being introduced to help the enemy control everything we do and we must be forever vigilant and cautious about accepting or using new technology. (I have to use the internet to share my videos and articles because I am banned from everywhere else.) And we should avoid smart phones – which are the enemy’s main weapon. As usual, they claim that social credit and digitalisation are being introduced for our benefit. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Number One is the biggest lie of all – man made climate change. There is no controversy about climate change because there was no climate change until malicious, hare brained idiots started spraying powders into the atmosphere to block out the sun and change the weather.

Climate change is a myth created by evil people and perpetuated by bought and paid for media whores – including the entire staff of the world’s most crooked propaganda organisation – the BBC. Climate change is a fraud and net zero is a weapon which is being used to control and destroy. All the scientific evidence proves that there has been no dangerous change in the weather. All of it. The so-called evidence produced by the media consists of lies and super lies – based on pseudoscience. Climate change has become a cult, carefully managed and controlled in order to deceive and to oppress. Please watch ‘The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal – Part 28, Climate Crisis’ on Bitchute. It’s packed with all the evidence you need. And read Greta’s Homework by Zina Cohen which is entertaining as well as educational.

There is only word to describe climate change and net zero: criminal. And the people who promote it, and sell this huge lie, are all criminals. They’re rabid racists too, mean and nasty and selfish because they are deliberately trying to keep Africa back in the dark ages. Denying developing countries the chance to progress with fossil fuels is beyond wicked.

There have been other lies and deceits but the ten I’ve selected are the ones which are leading us remorselessly into the Great Reset.

The entire establishment is committed to these lies. Anyone who disagrees with the conspirators’ lies, or exposes them in any way, is labelled as discredited, dangerous and a conspiracy theorist and denied access to the media. None of what is happening would have been possible without the cooperation of the mainstream media and the internet companies. The suppression of the truth and the demonization of honest doctors and scientists have been vicious and never ending.

I’ve been banned from all mainstream media and most of the internet for many years. The removal of free speech was a deliberate, cold blooded policy which originated with and is managed by the security services – the CIA, GCHQ and others – which have almost total control of corrupt organisations such as Google, YouTube and Wikipedia.

And the proof of their deceit is that the conspirators and the collaborators will never debate these issues. I have for years offered to debate these topics, live on television, with the chief protagonists and promoters of these lies. But they steadfastly refuse to debate because they are frightened that they will be humiliated and their lies will be exposed. We should repeat the challenge endlessly because it proves that everything they say is a lie and a wider public will recognise that since we will debate and they will not then we must be right and they must be hiding something.

If you want to know more about any of this please look at my books: Coming Apocalypse, Endgame, `Social Credit - Nightmare on your street and They want your money and your life. They’re all listed in the books sections of my websites.

My latest book Their Terrifying Plan provides an overview and explains why, how, when and who is responsible for what is happening to us. I’ve traced the Great Reset back to its roots and the book contains some real surprises and some genuine shocks. For the record, every penny I receive in royalties is spent on buying copies to distribute to politicians and editors.

Please share this video on Facebook, Twitter and everywhere else you can think of. Try it on YouTube to see if they’re awake. Remember I’m banned from all social media, and have been since the start of this fraud. And yet the big players allow fake channels in my name – and won’t take them down.

Thank you for watching an old man in a chair. Please remember that although it may seem like it, you’re not alone. More and more people are waking up and once awake they don’t go back to sleep.

Distrust the government, avoid mass media and fight the lies. Please share this video with everyone you know. You can find my articles on and on If one doesn’t seem to work, just try the other.

Thank you for watching an old man in a chair. And remember – we have God on our side.

Latest on Lockdowns: The Royal Society is WRONG
30th August 2023

A report published by the Royal Society claims that lockdowns and other social distancing measures, as well as mask wearing, significantly cut the transmission of the coronavirus during the fake pandemic.

Well, of course, they did!

If you lock people in their homes and make them stay away from their loved ones then they are less likely to spread infections. (Note, please, that only the intellectually deprived, aficionados of pseudoscience and people with the IQ of a table believe that germs don’t exist. The people who believe there are no germs probably also believe that the earth is flat and that climate change is real.)

If we had lockdowns and social distancing rules every winter then there would always be fewer cases of the flu.

It’s as sensible as saying that if we killed everyone in November then there would be no cases of flu during the winter.

Infections cannot spread unless people are within coughing distance of one another.

(Masks are something else, of course. As I proved in my book Proof that Face Masks do More Harm than Good, face masks did massive amounts of damage to people’s health. And they don’t work.)

The problem with the Royal Society’s report is that as far as I can see they don’t seem to have bothered to mention that the number of people killed by the lockdowns far, far exceeded the number of people who didn’t get the flu.

(And let’s remember that we are talking about the flu. It was always clear that covid-19 was merely a well marketed brand of the flu. All the evidence – which I’ve previously detailed in my videos and on my websites – now proves this.)

The lockdowns did massive physical and mental harm to the nation.

Early in 2020 I warned that lockdowns would result in several hundred thousand deaths in the UK alone. Around the world they killed millions.

And the mental damage will last for decades.

The Royal Society claims that lockdowns and social distancing rules were effective. And they claim that restricting visitors in care homes – and keeping residents apart – helped restrict the number of people catching the flu.

In my view, this is the sort of research that gives research a bad name.

And gives me a headache.

The lockdowns, the social distancing rules and the locking of old people in care homes did massive, long-term harm.

None of these methods should ever be used again.

And mask wearing did massive physical and mental harm too.

We have to keep sharing the truth.

We have to make sure that no politician ever dare reintroduce these barbaric and dangerous nonsenses.

Lockdowns, social distancing and masks all killed massive numbers of people – and permanently damaged millions of lives.

My first book about covid-19 was published in April 2020 – and warned about the dangers of the lockdowns. The book is called Coming Apocalypse.

Here is what I said in that book (remember, it was published in April 2020).

‘I was the first to suggest that the so-called ‘cure’ (the lockdown policies and the refusal to treat other patients to ‘protect’ them from infection) would kill far more people than the disease. The lockdown policies seem to have been recommended by a panicky World Health Organisation, though Imperial College’s prediction of eight million Britons in hospital and half a million deaths certainly helped to spice up the panic in the UK.’

The Collaborators Will Kill Us All
It is August 2023 and this is video 329.

The war we are fighting has already left nations financially ruined. Millions of kind and gentle people feel defeated and are spiritually lost. It is easy to feel despairing and to lose hope. In every country in the world between a quarter and a half of the population are clinically depressed and many are taking pills. Sadly, the pills won’t help them because they don’t work and are particularly pointless for exogenous depression and what I have named toxic stress - but the tranquillising and sedating effect will smother their emotions, help them hide their feelings and turn them into zombies.

And that, after all, is the plan.

It was clear, long before 1918, that in World War I the generals had completely lost touch with reality. They had lost the plot. They didn’t know what was happening in the trenches because they didn’t look. They didn’t see the evidence and so they could ignore it.

But at least their actions were driven by a mixture of arrogance, stupidity and ignorance.

Today, things are very different.

The people who are controlling what happens to us today, the globalists, the conspirators and the billionaire bankers, are acting not through arrogance, stupidity and ignorance but through criminal greed. And the globalists, the conspirators, aren’t just ignoring the evidence, they are suppressing it.

That is very different.

The truth about climate change is suppressed. The truth about covid and the covid vaccine is suppressed. The truth about masks and lockdowns is suppressed. The truth about prescription drugs is suppressed. The truths about illness and death rates are suppressed. Even the truth about traffic and pollution in cities is suppressed. Scientists who dare to tell the truth about any of these things are silenced, vilified and crushed.

Mainstream journalists used to feel some sense of responsibility to dig out the truth. Real news, after all, is just something that important, powerful people don’t want publishing.

Sure, journalists used to make mistakes and they were often crass and thoughtless. But good intentions were not unknown.

During the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and early 21st century, I used the main stream media to expose a number of cruelties and sometimes the government acted and wrongs were righted. Some editors and publishers had guts and were willing to take on politicians and big, powerful corporations. I’ve got a four drawer filing cabinet and an old trunk full of cuttings about campaigns I fought. Some we lost and some we won. But at least the truth had a chance.

No more.

There is much talk today of conspiracies and fake news but the real conspirators are the journalists at places like YouTube, Google and the BBC – now surely the world’s largest sources of fake news and misinformation.

Thanks largely to the efforts of the collaborators – without whom the conspirators would have got nowhere – we are perilously close to the end of a civilisation which has taken thousands of years to develop and which has seen off the efforts of a good many ambitious, cold-blooded tyrants.

At the start of 2020 – and crumbs, doesn’t that seem a long time ago, the world was a different place.

In early May 2020, I made a video entitled ‘Coronavirus: Silent Obedience Will Destroy Us’ in which I argued that we would only win if we managed to turn the collaborators and the gullible into sceptics. In other videos I argued that we had to be tough with the collaborators because they were our greatest threat. My point was that there weren’t many conspirators. They needed collaborators to help them and to push through their work.

(If you want to read the full transcript of that video it’s in my book ‘Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History’ which contains the transcripts of all my early videos which YouTube banned and erased because they contained facts and truths and YouTube, like the main stream media and most of the internet giants, suppresses and kills inconvenient truths.)

Some people were so terrified they thought lockdowns were a great idea. Some believed that everyone should stay locked in for ever or until the scientists confirm either that the last bug had been killed or that they have a safe and effective jab available. Trade union leaders insisted that their members would not go to work until they had all been equipped with the full regalia: gowns, hats, goggles, gloves and, for all I know, white rubber surgical boots and special socks. Moreover, they insisted that their members must be kept six feet away from one another at all times. Teachers wouldn’t go into work. I remember going into shops and finding assistants cowering in a corner. One woman wore a mask, a face mask, goggles, a white coat, a plastic smock, surgical boots and rubber gloves. She wouldn’t come nearer than twelve feet to me and she steadfastly refused to touch cash.

Millions were consumed by terror and believed everything the politicians said even though it was patently clear that they were lying and mocking the fearful. Overcome by fear these people would enthusiastically sell their privacy, their remaining freedom and their souls, and enthusiastically sign up for the privacy eating mobile phone apps and whatever jabs are on offer.

I pointed out, back in May 2020, that the people in this group had been terrified out of their wits by ruthless professionals bombarding them with a potent mixture of pseudoscience and scare stories, and with exaggeration and misdirection.

And I warned that ‘If this false crisis ever ends waiting lists for urgent surgery are going to be years long. Millions will be waiting for life-saving surgery, radiotherapy and so on’.

Naturally, YouTube and so on all said I was wrong about that and banned my warning. They haven’t yet written to apologise and I’m not holding my breath but I doubt if there is a single person who would now say I was wrong.

Three and a half years ago my videos were viewed by millions. Today, thanks to the censorship and the bans my videos are seen only by a few thousand. My website numbers and book sales have crashed because of bans and censorship. The CIA, GCHQ and so on have done a good job at suppressing me and spreading lies. They don’t seem to realise that they and their families will, in due course, also be victims of the collaborators and conspirators. But I still keep trying because this is a war we have to win.

Now is the time to point out that we were right about everything. Everything. Everything I wrote or said in 2020, 2021, 2022 is still available. Many of the old videos are available on BitChute and the word for word transcripts are in three books entitled Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History, Covid-19: Exposing Lies and Covid-19: the Fraud Continues.

And back in April 2020, I published a book called Coming Apocalypse in which I explained why I knew they were lying. That book, the first about the covid fraud, is still available.

The medical profession was wrong about everything. The nursing profession was wrong about everything. The politicians were wrong about everything. The journalists and broadcasters were provably wrong about everything.

We need to point this out because by proving how wrong they were, and how right we were, we can recruit more of the collaborators to our side.

It’s the collaborators who have helped the conspirators to the very edge of the Great Reset. We have to convert them to accept and understand the truth – alarming and frightening though it certainly is. The more people we can help to see the truth, the better our chances of defying the evil people pushing us towards the Great Reset.

The problem, you see, is that the collaborators are helping the globalists win the war.

Back in 2020, it was the people who obeyed the lockdowns and social distancing and who wore masks who were collaborators.

The collaborators believed what they were told by doctors, drug companies, politicians and journalists and they accepted the covid-jab. They believed what these people told them even though I had proved month after month that the doctors, drug companies, politicians and journalists were lying – providing all the evidence anyone could need. If I hadn’t been telling the truth I’d been sued a thousand times.

The doctors, drug companies, politicians and journalists knew they were wrong. Time and time again they refused to debate the issues. They simply carried on telling lies and doing everything they could to suppress the truth. Publishers everywhere banned my books, YouTube banned me. All social media banned me. Mainstream media had long since banned me. Brandnewtube was taken down and my videos there were hacked. CIA controlled editors turned Wikipedia and Google into weapons.

Today, some of the more intelligent collaborators may be a little suspicious about the value of the lockdowns, the social distancing and the masks – but they are still collaborating in other ways.

The collaborators promote woke policies without thinking about it. They accept the idea of Net Zero – provably a dangerous and damaging part of the climate change fraud. They accept the recycling nonsense – which does more harm than good to the environment. They use smart phones for banking and health care. They buy electric cars – which are worse for the environment than petrol or diesel cars. They buy heat pumps instead of gas boilers that are cheaper and which work better. They have their children jabbed with scores of vaccines which have never been proved to work or to be safe. They support the NATO backed war in Ukraine and wave their Ukraine flags around without realising that they are supporting the real enemy. They buy cryptocurrencies as investments – though these are the first step towards digital currency. They collect apps on their phones and use them in car parks and shops. They regard cash as old fashioned. They support ESG programmes. They don’t care about banks closing their branches. They don’t understand that when shops refuse cash those shops are threatening our freedom and our future.

The unthinking collaborators who teach still talk longingly about bringing back lockdowns and masks. Unthinking collaborators working in hospitals and health centres are still hiding behind their desks – refusing to see patients because they are lazy and because they are terrified of catching the flu. They are demanding that masks and social distancing be brought back. The worst of the doctors and nurses are promoting the covid-19 jab – the most toxic and deadly pharmaceutical product in history. And they are promoting it because they are ignorant.

During the First World War, munitions workers went on strike while millions of soldiers in the trenches were dying because they didn’t have any bullets for their guns. Today, millions of innocents are dying on never ending waiting lists created by the lockdowns and the social distancing and meanwhile doctors are striking for more money.

The collaborators do all these things because they simply don’t understand that by doing so they are supporting the conspirators – the billionaire bankers whose aim is to form a world government, to take total control of all the money and the food, to reduce the global population and to create a reduced population consisting only of slaves. They want high inflation so that people with savings will see their money devalued and they want higher interest rates so that people with debts and mortgages will go bankrupt and lose their homes.

Unless we can convert the collaborators to accepting the truth we have no hope and things are just going to get rapidly worse.

How can we convert the collaborators?

By proving to them that everything the conspirators said was a lie and that everything I said was the truth. We show them that my predictions were absolutely accurate. Three years ago I warned that waiting lists would soar, that the covid-19 infection was no worse than the flu because it was the flu, that the lockdowns would kill and that the covid-19 vaccine would cause massive harm and do no good. Back in 2020 I named the diseases the covid jab would cause. Three years ago I proved that the fuel and food prices would soar. I warned about inflation and higher interest rates when the central banks said it wouldn’t happen.

Everything the politicians, the doctors and the journalists said was wrong. Provably wrong.

Everything I warned about and predicted was right.

So now we have to use the past to help convince the collaborators that we are right about the future.

And we convert the collaborators by reminding them that the conspirators – and the collaborating traitors at the BMA and the BBC steadfastly refuse to debate with me because they are afraid of the truth.

Ask people who are still collaborating to watch some of my old videos and to read some of my books about covid. And I’m not saying this because I’m trying to make money. None of my videos were ever monetised. I have never had adverts on my websites or videos. I have never accepted any sponsorship. Because I am banned my income has fallen to a fraction of what it was before the fraud. Every penny I earn from my latest book Their Terrifying Plan is spent on buying and distributing that book. Last week I was offered a fee to provide a video for a campaigning group. That was the first fee I’ve been offered in the last three and a half years. I immediately told the organisers to spend the whole fee buying copies of Their Terrifying Plan to give away.

If you want to know more about any of this please look at my books: Coming Apocalypse, Endgame, Social Credit - Nightmare on your street and They want your money and your life. They’re all listed in the books sections of my websites. If you want to know the truth about the myth of climate change read Zina Cohen’s small book called Greta’s Homework.

My latest book Their Terrifying Plan provides an overview and explains why, how, when and who is responsible for what is happening to us. I’ve traced the Great Reset back to its roots and the book contains some real surprises and some genuine shocks. For the record, every penny I receive in royalties is spent on buying copies to distribute to politicians and editors.

Please share this video on Facebook, Twitter and everywhere else you can think of. Try it on YouTube to see if they’re awake. Remember I’m banned from all social media, and have been since the start of this fraud. And yet the big players allow fake channels in my name – and won’t take them down. Anything on social media with my name on it is fake. And don’t trust anything on YouTube, of course.

Thank you for watching an old man in a chair. Please remember that although it may seem like it, you’re not alone. More and more people are waking up and once awake they don’t go back to sleep.

Distrust the government, avoid mass media and fight the lies. Please share this video with everyone you know. You can find my articles on and on If one doesn’t seem to work, just try the other. Please subscribe to my Bitchute channel. You’ll hear first about new videos and if my websites disappear we can stay in touch.

Thank you for watching an old man in a chair. And remember – we have God on our side.

They Don’t Want Us to Travel Anywhere
7th September 2023

There are, I fear, still some people around who don’t realise that the conspirators don’t want us travelling anywhere – for any reason.

They want to stop us travelling because the oil is running out (oh, yes it is, I’m afraid) and they want to keep as much of it as they can for their limousines, yachts, tanks and jet fighters. Oh and for heating and lighting their mansions, too. They know darned well that solar power and wind power aren’t going to satisfy their needs.

Every day comes new signs of how they’re going to stop us travelling.

1    Airport problems are now commonplace (and reported with glee by the mainstream media which always promotes the Great Reset and is consequently keen to discourage travel) and airline travellers who aren’t accustomed to long delays probably haven’t travelled much recently. If the software for air traffic control isn’t down then the software for controlling tickets or baggage will be down. If there isn’t a strike of air crew then there will be a baggage handlers strike. And remember that in my book They want your Money and your Life I warned that, if advice from climate change cultists and the inevitable Imperial College is followed, most airports will be closed by 2030. The few remaining large airports will remain until 2050 and then they will go.

2    Roads have become a maze of hazards. Pointless and dangerous speed bumps are now recognised as being pointless and dangerous but they are still there – wrecking cars and breaking backs. Potholes are breeding. Stupid chicanes cause traffic hold ups and make life miserable (and actually increase the use of fuel and pollution). Crazy 20 mph speed limits increase accidents, increase fuel use and increase pollution.

3    Scientists have proved that introducing penalties for drivers who travel into town and city centres makes no difference to pollution. It is, we now know, all about raising money and stopping travel. Banning older cars from the centre of cities does a great deal of harm (especially to the poor who can’t afford sparkling new mayoral limousines) but no good to air quality.

4    Car park prices are soaring. In some towns in the UK it now costs over £30 a day to park a car for a day’s shopping or strolling. Car park spaces are so small that many cars won’t fit into them. The rules are so bent that motorists are often fined even when they can prove that they have a valid parking ticket (that’s happened to me twice, and the complaints procedures are so lengthy and complex that motorists tend to give in and pay up). Many car parks now only accept payment with an app (there are over 30 different apps and you have to have the correct one on your smart phone, if you have a smart phone). Electric cars are now so heavy that councils claim that multi storey car parks are no longer safe. They are knocking them down and selling them for big money (with planning permission, of course) to developers.

5    Train travel is impossible because of constant strikes. Ticket offices are being closed so the elderly, the disabled and the millions without smart phones won’t be able to go anywhere.

6    Bus services are being abandoned faster than you can say ‘Any more fares please?’ And travel without an app is becoming increasingly difficult.

7    Bicycles, of course, are now the only approved mode of transport. Narrow roads are turned into single lane highways where huge areas of tarmac are marked as reserved for bicycles. Absurd rules about allowing nearly 5 feet when overtaking a cyclist mean that it is impossible for cars to go past bicycles on some smaller roads. The result is long queues of traffic – and a massive increase in the use of fuel and the resulting air pollution. Cyclists with cameras on their helmets are applauded by the police and while criminals of all kinds are ignored, motorists are constantly targeted.

8  Hotels have become unbearable. Heating is turned down to protect the environment from non-existent climate change. The hot water is tepid to protect the environment from non-existent climate change. And towels and sheets are changed irregularly to protect the environment from non-existent climate change And that’s in five star hotels. Hotels now often have just half the number of staff members required to look after guests.

GPs Kill Retail but Hospitals Kill Wholesale
9th September 2023

Hospitals are terrible places. People die in them. You should go into hospital only as a last resort. And you should escape the minute you can.

As a doctor I am ashamed, saddened and embarrassed to have to tell you this but hospital patients are routinely neglected, humiliated and left in pain. Thousands of patients have died as a result of poor treatment. One independent enquiry documented cases where patients had been left unwashed for up to a month and left without food, drink and medical treatment. The conclusion was that managers had been ‘preoccupied with cost-cutting, targets and processes’ and had lost sight of their basic responsibilities. Astonishingly, none of the managers responsible was taken to court. Nor were any of the doctors and nurses punished.

I have little doubt that in all the hospitals where patients have been dying unnecessarily the staff (including doctors and nurses) managed to convince themselves that they were providing patients with excellent service.

And, equally, I have no doubt that an enormous number of patients and relatives and hospital visitors must have ignored all these awful things and believed that the hospitals concerned were doing a wonderful job.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to hear that the managers responsible for all this pain, agony and death, have thick files of letters from patients and relatives thanking them for the excellent care.

The truth is that neither patients nor relatives know precisely what to expect from hospitals.

Walk into a hospital and you will find demented patients in awful pain. You will find patients with terrible bedsores (the bedsore is a classic sign of bad nursing). You will find patients who are starving to death or dying of dehydration because the staff can’t be bothered to feed them or give them fluids. You will see patients so dehydrated that their lips are bleeding and sore and, when gently pinched, their dried out skin stays where you’ve put it. You will see patients dumped in a chair, sitting in urine soaked incontinence pads which have clearly not been changed for hours. You will see obvious signs of malnutrition. These aren’t patients in Third World countries. They aren’t patients in badly run care homes. They are patients in major hospitals. I know it is true because I have seen it time and time again.

Patients awaiting surgery are sent home because the hospital has run out of money and can’t afford the sutures and other surgical equipment needed to operate on them. An 83-year-old woman with dementia was sent home from hospital in the middle of the night without her family being informed. The next day she was found dead, alone in her bedroom.

Dirty sheets are reused in hospitals, just as they are in the dirtiest, cheapest, nastiest doss houses. But hospitals aren’t supposed to be doss houses. They are places where the people in the beds are, by definition, all ill. Many of them with infectious diseases. I can understand bureaucrats accepting the re-use of dirty sheets. They are nasty, uncaring people. But doctors and nurses?

Dignity and respect are not words which the modern hospital employee understands. Not, at least, when applied to patients. Many hospitals still have mixed wards – with male and female patients forced to abandon their natural dignity in the interests of hospital economy (so that the administrators can take yet another huge pay rise).

A generation or two ago most hospitals employed an almoner. It was her job (and the job was invariably held by a woman) to take care of patients’ social problems. Hospitals are awash with social workers who regard practical problems as beneath them and spend their days organising meetings to discuss meetings.

Back in the Middle Ages people were terrified to go into hospital. They knew it was a sentence of death. Relatives started digging your grave as you went through the doors of the local infirmary. Things are getting that way again.

One survey of hospital staff showed that only 44% thought that they would be happy with the standard of care provided if they were patients in their own

In military hospital units, doctors operate a simple but effective system whereby those whose need is greatest get seen first. It’s a sound principle. Life-saving should come first and life enhancing should come second.

But the people who receive the best (and fastest) treatment are the patients who are represented by the most efficient lobbyists. The elderly, needless to say, have no one fighting in their corner. And so people wanting cosmetic surgery, sex change surgery, infertility treatment and other lifestyle medicine have their needs met while the elderly are denied basic treatment which would in some cases transform their lives and others save their lives.

Today, well over twice as many people are killed in hospitals by infections as are killed on the roads.

The reason? Filthy wards, unhygienic practices, scandalously poor cleaning, grubby operating theatres and staff who never wash their hands. There are more such infections in British hospitals than anywhere else in the world. Why? Simple. British hospitals are dirtier than hospitals anywhere else in the world.

If you live in Britain and have to go to hospital for any operation or procedure, you now have a 50% chance of getting a worse disease from being in the hospital. That’s official. And if you do survive the experience and get to go home there is a good chance that you will leave malnourished. Staggeringly, one in five National Health Service (NHS) patients leaves hospital officially malnourished. Some patients don’t eat because the food is inedible and looks unappetising. For others the taste and quality of the food is irrelevant; they stay hungry because no one helps them eat it. Staff dump food on a patient’s table and then collect it, untouched, half an hour later. The patient, starving hungry, hasn’t eaten because he or she was too weak to reach the food. Staff put food in front of semi-conscious patients and then walk away. In the 21st century NHS, the patients slowly starve to death. One NHS patient who was blind couldn’t see the food put before her. No one bothered to feed her.

NHS hospitals are now so badly run, so filthy, so unprofessionally managed that they are likely to do more harm than good.

The evidence has shown for years that many patients who have heart attacks are better off staying at home than going into hospital.

Hospitals have become unsuitable for the healthy – let alone the sick.

People in Britain pay to go into private hospitals not because they expect to be treated more kindly, or because they expect better medical treatment, but because they hope that they will not be allowed to die from starvation or thirst and they believe, probably correctly, that the wards will be cleaner.

It is, perhaps, hardly surprising that the people who run (and work for) the National Health Service, prefer not to use it. Civil servants working at the Department of Health are entitled to be members of the Benendeen Healthcare Society which serves one million British Telecom, Post office and civil service workers. If they fall ill, they get to go to a luxury private hospital. Staff at the General Medical Council are provided free membership of a private health care company.

A third of Britain’s general practitioners (GPs) would prefer private treatment for themselves and their families. Hospital consultants are the same. Here’s what one NHS consultant had to say: ‘In the past we knew we would get good care on the NHS. I don’t trust it anymore. Even I can’t bully my way through the system.’

An increasing number of hospital doctors now buy private health care insurance so that they and their families won’t have to endure NHS care. Trade unions defend the NHS and oppose any reforms but many of them have done deals with private sector organisations to provide private health care insurance so that their members don’t have to use the NHS. More than half of the TUC’s members have some sort of private medical insurance. This is a higher proportion than any other socio-economic group in the UK.

Tables which rank British hospitals invariably show that independent hospitals do much better than NHS hospitals in every measurable respect. Patients are treated better and they get better quicker. It is, perhaps, hardly surprising that just about every patient in the country (and every sane one) would, if given a choice, choose to have an operation in a private hospital rather than an NHS hospital.

Politicians claim that they think the NHS is wonderful. They say that they wouldn’t dream of going into a private hospital. But they don’t have to wait to see a doctor and if they need in-patient treatment they go into private rooms where they are waited on hand and foot. They get private care without it costing them a penny.

Many hospitals refuse to allow visitors to take flowers into hospitals – arguing that flowers are a nuisance. This is sad. It has been known for thousands of years that patients are far more likely to get better quickly in hospitals which are bright, light, airy and filled with gentle music and fresh flowers. Since the first hospitals were built, it has been recognised that the colour and perfume which flowers add to hospitals contribute greatly to the rate at which patients recover. Good hospitals are peaceful and are designed around a courtyard so that convalescing patients can walk in the cloisters and look at the flowers. But modern hospitals are designed for the convenience of the administrators. Patients are a bloody nuisance. I have recently been in several hospitals where the floors were carpeted because this made it nicer for the administrators when they were going to meetings. Naturally, the floors were stained with blood, urine and all the other remnants which would normally be wiped up off the floor. You can’t ever properly clean a carpeted floor in a busy hospital because if the corridor is closed for proper cleaning the wards will be cut off. I know hospitals where the car park nearest the hospital entrance is reserved for administrators. Patients – however sick or frail they may be – have to walk, shuffle or limp half a mile, possibly in the rain.

And why do hospitals clamp the cars of patients and visitors?

Do they really think people want to spend more time than necessary in these places?

One large hospital, which is not atypical, has 6,000 members of staff and 1,800 spaces for their cars. The inevitable result is that doctors, nurses and cleaners have to park in the spaces allocated for patients and relatives who, therefore, cannot find anywhere to park at all. Patients whose appointments are delayed find themselves having to pay extortionate fines.

Time and time again I have received letters from readers telling me that while having tests (and waiting to be seen at yet another department) they had, on top of all their other worries, been frightened that they would outstay the maximum three hour waiting period and would return to their vehicle to find it clamped.

Hospitals are so bad that it is, perhaps, hardly surprising that I have for some years now recommended that every patient going into hospital should take a supply of disinfectant wipes, a mobile telephone, the telephone number of a local 24 hour taxi service (in case they want to escape) and the phone numbers of at least three newspapers.

Remember: GPs kill retail but hospitals kill wholesale.

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