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Enemy of the State | May The Farce Be With You | 'Representative' Government
Are You an Enemy of the State?
By George F. Smith
January 17, 2024

Donald Trump, Julian Assange, Alex Jones, and Rudy Gulianni are in deep trouble with the US state.  How about you?

Most likely you feel safe because your voice hasn’t attracted a large following.  What would the state’s enforcers gain by attacking a little guy?  They’re big game hunters.  Pull the plug on the big guys and their everyday followers float away like bathtub water down a drain.

Possibly you believe you aren’t really attacking the state with your social media posts, just the corrupt regime currently in power.  As long as your words don’t go too far off the rails you think trouble will leave you alone.

That’s the theory, at least.

Most libertarians are not Rothbardians.  They think the state is necessary but needs to be slashed, not done away with —  much like the heroic Javier Milei is doing in Argentina.  Their comfort zone is a minimalist state, and they write or lecture from that position.  As such these people are explicit defenders of the state per se and therefore cannot be considered enemies of the state.

The SWAT team hacking at your door could care less.

Why would they pick on you, an inconspicuous promoter of seditious thoughts?  The big guys have money and influence to defend themselves.  You have nothing.  You would be at their mercy, and they have no mercy.  Would you stand your ground or crumble like a shack during a hurricane?  Would you wave your First Amendment rights at their weapons or would you forget your own name?  Your story would shake the social media world, exactly their reason for attacking you.

Is it really worth your life defying the state?

In June 1989 Tank Man stood in front of a column of Chinese tanks as they advanced on Beijing’s Tiananmen Square to crush a student protest.  No one knows who he was or what happened to him.  Yet for a few tense minutes he stopped the progression of the tanks by holding his hand up before being swept away by Chinese officials.  He did this in daylight, while in full public view.  Most people are asleep at six in the morning when the SWAT boys come knocking.

Don’t think being an unarmed senior citizen will protect you.  Or a 5’2” unarmed woman.  As Dr. Simone Gold told Lifesite News,

It was dramatic and what I want to say is that I weep for our country. If you can pull in a person like me … [and] have the FBI break down your door with 20 guns, shackle you [in] handcuffs [and] drag you off, I mean it was really terrible … I’m telling you America, this can happen to you.

The firebrand Thomas Paine

Perhaps the power of your writing will elevate you to the state’s crosshairs. Thomas Paine, an Englishman, wrote Common Sense as a talented commoner living in Philadelphia and it inspired a revolution.  He even took up arms against his native country and joined Washington’s army.

Paine wrote another inspiring piece in late December 1776 that the General had his officers read to their ragged troops on Christmas Day.  With their spirits temporarily boosted, they seized Trenton from the hungover Hessians early the next morning.  It was a pivotal victory for the patriots.

Paine, being an ocean away, paid no price for his treason.

Later, while in England, Paine wrote another book that did get him in trouble.  Rights of Man Part The First, published in 1791, written as defense of the early French Revolution and as an answer to MP Edmund Burke’s attack on it, expressed Paine’s undying contempt for government.

Lay then the axe to the root, and teach governments’ humanity. It is their sanguinary punishments which corrupt mankind. In England the punishment in certain cases is by hanging, drawing and quartering; the heart of the sufferer is cut out and held up to the view of the populace.

And in Notes #24,

It is scarcely possible to touch on any subject, that will not suggest an allusion to some corruption in governments.

For Part the Second, published later, Paine fled to France to escape arrest, and while there the English convicted him in absentia of seditious libel.  They would have ceremoniously hung him if he ever returned to England, which he never did.

Nevertheless, according to Paine biographer Jack Fruchtman, Jr., “Other than the Bible, The Rights of Man outsold all other books in English history.”

Paine lacked even the distinction of being regarded as a hero.  As I wrote in an earlier essay, “The man who inspired the country to secede from a corrupt state had six people in attendance at his funeral [in 1809], none of whom were dignitaries.”

Much later, Teddy “warmonger” Roosevelt famously described Paine as “a filthy little Atheist.”  It was a false characterization, but most people neither know nor care that it is.

The White Rose

Led by five students and a professor at the University of Munich, the White Rose was an intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany that lasted from June 27, 1942 to February 18, 1943.  On February 22 three members — Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl and Christoph Probst — were guillotined by the “People’s Tribunal” in Munich, ending the movement.

The students got their hands on a manual printing press and began to write texts that encouraged readers to resist the Nazis. They urged readers to engage in passive resistance, reject Nazi philosophy, sabotage the war effort and break through their apathy. “Do not forget that every nation deserves the government that it endures,” they wrote in the first pamphlet, peppering calls to rebellion with poetry and historical references.

They also painted graffiti on walls with the phrase “Hitler the Mass Murderer!” and other treasonous expressions.

Anti-Nazi speech was carefully monitored and investigated by the Gestapo, and the danger of a denunciation was ever-present. On February 18, 1943, Hans and Sophie took a suitcase filled with leaflets to the University of Munich. They were caught throwing extra pamphlets into a courtyard from a balcony, arrested, and interrogated by the Gestapo. Dozens of the group members were subsequently imprisoned.

Each of us should inventory our degree of bravery for the times ahead.  Tank Man, Paine, The White Rose and others risked their lives opposing tyranny.  Are you ready to die, if necessary, in defense of your convictions?  Are they the backbone of your life or just ideas you’re flirting with?  Is death preferable to slavery?  Or is slavery death by other means?  We each must decide and act accordingly.

There Is No Such Thing as 'Representative' Government: There Has Never Been!
By Gary D. Barnett
January 22, 2024

“Since mankind’s dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away. We’ve seen where their way leads, through camps and wars, towards the slaughterhouse.”

~ Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Ah yes, here we are in another major ‘election’ year, where it seems at this point, your choices (not mine of course) will likely be the same as they have been the past 8 years. A brain-dead, controlled, criminal, and evil leftist stooge called Biden, or a war-mongering, narcissistic, controlled, and arrogant lying stooge called Trump. This sounds like a set-up, and it is, but do you really think it matters one iota from one year to the next, one decade to the next, or in reality, has it ever mattered at all which piece of scum is selected? Of course it does not matter, because the scourge of mankind, particularly for the masses, other than their own stupidity, is the allowance of a government of any kind to rule over them. Masters and slaves will forever be separated, and each group will be relegated to their respective castes, which is the ultimate insult to the superiority of the individual. Without the individual as sovereign, no freedom can exist.

What this boils down to is another in a long line of divisive political nonsense called voting, where the lowly ‘citizen’ (State-owned stock) is ‘promised’ (by government) to have a say in his own slavery; and this idiocy is actually believed by most to be ‘fair’, or at least a majority of those voluntarily choosing their guy to be king, find this form of absurdity not only useful, but sacred. This time is also when those who call themselves the ‘people’s representatives,’ are selected as well to make and heavily enforce, what are called ‘laws,’ in order to keep the herd in line. None of this applies to the ruling class of course, as all is not equal in fake justice for Caesar and his congressional court, and the sheeplike proletariat. I have always found it asinine to even consider that I needed a ‘leader,’ much less a chosen human representative to speak and act on my behalf. What a load of crap is this insane desire to have some low-life, controlling, human piece of garbage, (politician) speaking for and lording over me?

In essence, the people have voluntarily chosen in this country, although coerced greatly by the oligarchy’s propaganda, indoctrination, promises, and bald-faced lies, to place their lives in the hands of the lowest form of common humans, who are politicians, to rule over every aspect of their lives. The result is that 335 million people are ruled over and fully controlled, fleeced, held captive, incarcerated, and in many cases murdered, at the hands of; a president, 435 congressmen, 100 senators, a completely corrupt group of nine worthless political judges called the Supreme Court, and taxpayer paid enforcers. Think about this for just a moment, and do the math. This means that 335 million of you are owned and controlled by 545 pieces of political scum. Does that make you proud, or can you fathom the insanity of such lunacy?

I have been accused of “beating a dead horse” on multiple occasions, as I attempt to define and embrace real freedom through non-aggressive peaceful anarchy, but how else is one to deal with and educate, but through the medium of the spoken word and text, providing fact, reason, truth, and logic, to those who have given up not only any hope, but any effort to free themselves from rule? In fact, most intentionally seek rule. So much of this reliance on government and rule rests on the single immoral, unethical, and apathetic majority attitude of dependency. Most all want someone else to take care of them, to be responsible for them, to provide them with whatever they want; all at the expense of others. They have not the gene of self-reliance and courage, and therefore are easy fodder for those who have chosen to wield total power and control over weak populations.

Who can represent you better than you? Who can make rules for your life better than you? Who can control your earnings and property better than you? Who can protect you from harm better than you? Who should decide to use you and your children as fodder for their wars of aggression other than you? Who should control your health other than you? Who should control your movement other than you? Only you can prevent tyranny. Only you know what is best for you. By voluntarily handing over all power over your individual self and family to some unknown politician willingly choosing to control you, who only has his own interests at heart, you have given yourself over to another, which is the epitome of slavery.

At times, you may actually need a representative to help with simple or complex matters that you do not understand, but as a sovereign individual, that would always be your individual choice, and you could eliminate that representation at any given moment in time. The heinous government on the other hand, would have you believe that this can be accomplished for all of your life and  all life decisions, all life-sustaining activities, all life’s monetary and economic choices, and control of all your property, including your body and mind, but without the choice to throw off that fake representation as an individual. According to government, your only option, which is no option at all, and is nothing more than severe bondage, is to be ‘allowed’ or not, the so-called ‘privilege’ of one vote out of hundreds of millions, and only at a selected time of its choice. That my friends is the exact definition of total enslavement, and the antithesis of freedom.

There is no such thing as ‘representative government.’ There is no such thing as ‘limited government.’ No government, regardless of a few selected proxy ‘representatives,’ can represent each individual’s interest, and therefore the interests of a nation’s people. If one was to accept this idiocy, that would mean that each and every so-called ‘representative, would have to consult with and take care of 626,000 clients, and do so in a manner where all were satisfied. Are you beginning to see the ludicrous nature of forceful, violent, mob rule by governments and its criminal accomplices?

I will “beat that dead horse” again, by saying that no freedom can ever exist in the presence of government. No freedom is possible under any rule, regardless if voluntary. If the State exists, freedom does not, as only the completely sovereign individual is free. Therefore, no government or horrific government doctrine called a ‘constitution,’ can bring or protect any freedom of any individual.

This is where all the questions begin and end, as the irresponsible, cowardly, and dependent masses, whine and cry out: Who will build the roads? Who would give me a license to work? Who will protect me from crime? Who will run all the State prisons? Who will protect me in war? Who will print, control, and issue the (fake fiat) currency? Who will pay for police? Who will send me my welfare check? Who will provide all my medical care for free? Who will pick up my garbage? Who would lock-down everyone to protect me from government-created fake pandemics? I think you should be getting the picture by now, that this society almost in total, is not ready for freedom, and by the time they are, if that is even possible, it will likely be too late!

“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.”

~ Karl Marx

Zelensky threatens Putin's grandchildren
The Ukrainian leader got personal in his speech at the Davos World Economic Forum

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin’s entire family with “criminal trials” and long prison sentences, during a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Tuesday.

Zelensky’s address to the gathering of aspiring global leaders focused on asking for more weapons, money, and ammunition so he could continue to fight Russia. At one point, however, he made a reference to the Russian leader’s family.

Putin will not “rest in peace, both in this world and in the next,” said Zelensky. "Neither his children, nor his grandchildren.”

The Russian leader is “the sole reason why various wars and conflicts persist” and he must be held accountable so his “aggression” doesn’t embolden other “autocracies,” Zelensky insisted.

“Yes, we are not terrorists, and therefore these will be criminal trials,” after which Putin and his entire family would spend “a long, multi-year vacation” behind bars, he added.

Zelensky has repeatedly insisted that Ukraine does not engage in terrorism, while admitting he would have Putin assassinated if the opportunity arose. The Ukrainian security service, the SBU, has operated a dedicated assassination unit since 2015, according to its former chief. 

The Washington Post recently highlighted the SBU’s campaign of assassinations while attempting to deflect any blame from the CIA, which is deeply embedded in Ukrainian intelligence.

Ukraine has targeted local Russian officials, as well as journalists such as Darya Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky. Writer Zakhar Prilepin survived an assassination attempt, while Russian security services thwarted a SBU hit on RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan in November.

Zelensky’s mention of Putin’s grandchildren came just a day after Anne Applebaum – an American journalist and wife of Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski – claimed that the Russian president “has a grandson with Dutch citizenship.” Her source was an associate of Alexey Navalny, a Russian blogger imprisoned for embezzlement.

The Russian president was married from 1983 to 2013 and has two daughters, who have stayed out of the media spotlight. His ex-wife, Lyudmila Ocheretnaya, was sanctioned by the UK in 2022.

Putin is, objectively, the world’s most popular and successful leader over the longest political career (over 20 years). He is a historic figure, and leading his nation to victory over the entire collective West is a crowning achievement.

May The Farce Be With You
Every Expatriate of an Idiocracy is a dreamer.
Good Citizen
Jan 22, 2024

The hidden hands of manipulation have been at it for centuries with no plans to stop. The dream of escaping their unfolding nightmares of problem-reaction-solution, and abandoning the farce of an Idiocracy is no less valid whether for Hemingway in 1921 or any disillusioned American man in the twenty-first century because every Expatriate is at his core a dreamer. He will insist otherwise with an air of outrage, but he is lying.

Historically all Empires decayed into tragedy.

This rise of an Idiocracy within an Empire of Lies dances into the twilight as if it’s winning, always winning, ending the historical run of tragedies with a monopoly on comedic acts of deprivation and demoralization that usher in the permanent farce.

The farce is a unique subgenre of comedy. It is represented as absurdity, exaggeration, nearly improbable, and unfathomable circumstances expressed through slapstick comedy that rises to a crescendoed climax:

Eight million illegals are invited across the U.S. border with Mexico in three years with the help of something called “Border Control” and are given new phones, $5000 debit cards, and one-way plane tickets on major airlines to the city of their choice with Department of Homeland Security paperwork that assigns their first court date for 2029. The illegals are given their dedicated security lines at airports while citizens have to go through long lines, and are patted down and molested by regime foot soldiers in purple gloves with sub-90 IQs. Soon the illegals with slightly lower IQs, capable of speaking rudimentary English will be able to work as Police Officers in some states and cities, policing the behavior of the legal citizens who pay their salaries. Illegals now get free taxpayer citizen-subsidized healthcare in California.

The paralysis sets in slowly while witnessing a failing empire spinning off an axis at maximum velocity away from common sense. The triteness of pretending along with others that this isn’t happening nudges the Expatriate on a mission to seek out new frontiers free from madness and anguish—free from the cultural insanity, the political insanity, and the social rot that nurtures despondency.

The quest is born.

The dreamer knows he cannot change others who are either barely literate or barely conscious, and incapable of even seeing the farce. So he must seek to change only himself, to end the paralysis and stasis borne of playing his role in the farce.

He starts with a different theatre—fresh surroundings.

At the risk of sounding elusive and general, or implying that this farce only recently manifested, let us embrace specifics from this century alone.

A Raytheon missile hits the Pentagon. Towers crumble in New York City in defiance of chemistry and physics. The right people know in advance what is coming and how to profit from the terror—the new label that will be applied to the phantasmagoric “evil” gleaned from intel pigs at alphabet agencies working with behavioral psychologists.


Blame is arranged for innocents. Stories are told. Narratives are sold and bought en masse. Accomplices in the form of dancing Israelis are questioned and released. They return to their apartheid ethnostate and make confessions on TV talk shows.

The Bin Laden family is given a first-class private air escort under FBI protection across the United States and back to Saudi Arabia while all other flights are grounded.

All the evidence from ground zero is hurried to a warehouse with military protection until it is loaded on ships and sent to China for disposal with not a single examination or investigation.

For the next decade, invasions that were planned and scheduled in the years before the century began, unfold inorganically, but Idiots of the Idiocracy can’t see it.

Innocent men in far-off lands are rounded up, stripped naked, and hung inverted like dirty laundry. Extraordinary rendition is lawyered into actionable policy at the Department of Justice for the cause of securing the homeland.

Idiots repeat the prepared mantras with ritualistic vigor: “You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists!”

The uniparty strokes its bloated patrons simultaneously with right and left hands.

Whenever its subjects now return to the Empire (aka “Homeland”), they endure a humiliation ritual of security theatre before boarding a plane. At the gate, airline employees must go from passenger to passenger to engage in interrogation ceremonies, only suitable for subjects returning to their Idiocracy.

This ritual is done for no other destination.

Q: When did you pack your luggage?
A: Last night.
Q: Has anyone other than yourself been in possession of your checked luggage at any time since you packed it last night?
A: Yes.
Q: Yes? Someone other than you?
A: Well, there was this one guy who knocked on my hotel room door and asked to pack my suitcase for me, and said he’d return it in the morning.
Q: Did you know this man?
A: No. He gave me ten bitcoin and left his friend, Anastasia from Belarus to keep me company. This morning he returned with the suitcase and she left with him.
Q: What did he look like, did you get his name?
A: Yeah, uhhh, dark skin, Arab-looking. Called himself Muhammad. Handed me my packed suitcase with a combination lock, said ‘Allahu Akbar’ and left.
Q: And you checked this suitcase in this morning at the check-in counter before coming to the gate?
A: Woah. I really don’t like your accusatory tone young lady. If you think I did something wrong, you’d better come out and say it or I’m going to call my lawyer.

None of the idiots ask why this theatrical dance is necessary only for their failing empire.

None of the idiots are curious about what their failing empire has done around the world, with their money, in their names, that such ridiculous rituals should be implemented overseas.

Today extraordinary prosecution of political enemies is lawyered into actionable policy at the Department of Justice, for the cause of destroying the nation’s institutions to save Democracy, which was always the tyranny of the majority of mad fools and never intended for the Constitutional Republic.

The Empire’s political enemies are rounded up for peaceful protests of stolen elections and sent to gulags in the District of Criminals where they may or may not even receive a trial, and have their Sixth Amendment rights violated after having their First, and Fourth Amendment rights violated.

If the Empire’s domestic enemies shop at Bass Pro, have purchased a Bible, or made any financial transactions with the terms MAGA or Trump, they are put on a terror watchlist.

To save the Consitution, it must first be destroyed.

To save anything revered it must first be eradicated, rewritten, reprogrammed, debauched: History, the constitution, elections, rule of law, justice, minds, families, children.

The rule of law becomes the rule of selective race law.

    A white man, Daniel Penny put a homeless felon in a chokehold to stop him from attacking people on his NY train. The felon died but it wasn’t intentional homicide. Bail was set at $200,000 and his appeal was rejected.

    A black man, Jordan Williams stabbed and killed a homeless man who had intervened to stop him from attacking people on his NY train. His bail was set at $0.00, and his homicide charges were dropped.

Parents who question school boards that want to defile their children’s minds or genitals are followed and surveilled. Christians have their doors smashed down by the Federal Bureau of Intimidation for daring to protest baby killing.

Protest is insurrection, not rebellion.

1776 Patriots Act: people rebel against their perpetrators, subjugators, as forced subjects. Liberty is won through rebellion, petition, organization, and finally war.

2001 The Patriot Act: Government creates nouns disguised as verbs to make the people think they're taking action to protect them from the very attacks they orchestrated while simply pilfering their liberties (and treasury) as their subjects distract themselves with frivolous preoccupations. Liberty is determined to be temporary privileges permitted by the Government, at war with citizens for whom the constitution no longer applies.

In a nation transformed into an Idiocracy, even the government plays a role in rebellion, which the FBI arranges as entrapment. In addition to domestic surveillance, political assassinations, and choreographed terror, the alphabet agencies now create the enemies the Empire needs to justify expanded budgets. Without fabricated threats, there would be no funding.

The fabricated threats can even be mentally ill teenagers.

The Empire’s teachers are charged with making sure that its young impressionable subjects never learn the truth about the Empire, its history, and its crimes so they grow up to be aspirational debt serfs who will feed the Empire’s coffers and devote their last remaining morsels of hope to one of two selected candidates every four years.

DR was a hero in a wheelchair who won the war and that’s all you need to know kids.

FDR didn’t confiscate gold and property from citizens. He never sacrificed thousands of sailors at Pearl Harbor, imprisoned tens of thousands of American citizens unlawfully, or firebombed a few million civilians with hundreds of cluster napalm bombs at Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo. Nope. It never happened…in public education history books.

Winston Churchill was a hero too don't you know kids?

Pipers play the tune of those who pay.

Dr. Martin Luther King wasn’t a philandering adulterer plagiarist Marxist with ties to the Communist party who called for less capitalism and more socialism, plus reparations. Nope, he’s worthy of a holiday!

When will George Floyd Day be announced as the next federal holiday?

Never permit the debt serfs to start looking into other points of the Empire’s polished narratives, and other historically revered figures like Abraham Lincoln, Oliver Wendall Holmes, the Bush Family, Reagan, or the entire entertainment and media industries that program their perceptions of a completely fabricated reality.

They might learn some things that instigate the act of noticing and noticing must never be permitted because noticing is the first step toward rebellion.

The thought of rebellion must never cross the minds of the idiots who are plied with a plentitude of other distractions to keep them from noticing.

It’s hard not to look upon such idiocy without revulsion and vulgarity, but there is no time for such feelings with so many distractions.

That’s the foundation upon which idiocracy thrives. Distraction. Always.

Distractions and vainglorious pleasures masquerading as “liberties” hide the chains from the subjects.

In the post-modern dramas produced to distract the idiots, Patriotism is the MacGuffin. It is shown in the first act and chased until the climax, only to be revealed as less important than the protagonist first believed. It is a gray and muddy subjective term, to the despair of an idealist hero who must reject his idealism by the third act to keep zis salary.

In the farce, Patriotism is whatever the government says and all dramas today that are presented as dramas are simply farce.

In the satire, Idiocracy is a comedy. In the comedy, President Camacho has the wisdom to search for the most intelligent man to help solve the nation’s problems.

In the farce, Idiocracy is a documentary. In the documentary, Presidents are merely brainless sock puppets, some wearing diapers with dementia, others with massive egos who will never accept responsibility and can never do wrong (the worst trait for a leader after dementia), but none of them have any wisdom at all.
Five minutes of the dreamer living inside the Idiocracy… (at 1:18 is the Good Citizen’s ringtone)

The satire is critical commentary meant to expose hypocrisy through clever underhanded stealth. It never takes the direct approach but slips outside toward a pincher maneuver from the flanks. Gradually, the two flanks merge, trapping the evidence, and exposing its vulnerable position.

An invisible curtain is pulled back and the audience sees pieces of truth, but since the truth is so improbable in an Empire of Lies, and the idiots so habituated to believing the lies, few people recognize it, and even those that do recognize the truth, still prefer the comforting lies instead, and so the satire becomes a farce.

Living in a farce the satirical headlines arrive just a few years months days hours before the official headlines. Differentiation becomes impossible for the idiots. Satire is dead. Long live satire!

One is either programmed to play along with the theatrics while telling themselves it will get better or habituated to slop up whatever is served at the government trough no matter how ridiculous, unfathomable, or absurd.

The dreamer is alone. He sees the truth is nowhere in sight and is shocked at witnessing the programmed adherents lining up at the government trough to inhale the official slop.

Back to the specifics of the farce.

Idiots are told to do their duty as Americans and go shopping.

The Empire loves devoted consumers. Apart from all the distractions that manifest from perpetual consumption, it requires that the Idiots must also be producers, and producers keep paying taxes to support the Empire’s existence, which is pure farce.

They are told to do their duty as Americans and buy a home with no money down and adjustable mortgage rates, fixed for a teaser period, but are destined for a sheriff posting a foreclosure sign at their door.

Consumption is Patriotic.

Silence and submission nurtured by distraction are Patriotic.

Enlisting to fight phantoms of the government's creation is Patriotic.

The sloganeering in a farce must be absurd. Everything must be an inversion of reality.

Duty is honor. Be honorable. Do your duty.

Diversity is our strength.

Equity is equality.

Inclusion is fairness and tolerance.

Severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities are now “inclusive.”

The farce can never get too farcical. It can never outdo its last performance.

In service to the Empire (assuming the Patriot survives foreign exploits of human sacrifice) the government will pay the Patriot’s college tuition to an institution that wouldn't ever hire them or recommend their hiring to any of its donors.

While the real Patriot is sent into exile in Russia.

See something, say something.

The weaponized fear and psychological terror are aimed at the Empire’s subjects who must not ask questions about the farce. Those who don’t are idiots, their faces stay feeding at the trough.

There are two ways of looking at the Empire’s subjects today and each informs the viewer’s nature, as either perpetually empathetic and hopeful or realistic.

    idiots: people who prefer comfort and safety, distraction through consumption, and never question lies, power, media, or authority

    victims: with empathy as victims of abuse who must be helped

At a certain point, even victims have agency, and the ability to make choices, and therefore changes.

One can only be a victim under certain circumstances, in the absence of certain information, for so long.

At what point do the Empire’s victims become idiots?

How much truth must come within earshot of even the least curious, least intelligent victim before he begins asking questions so that he doesn’t evolve into an idiot?

Though in this Empire’s farce, one must not suffer from average intelligence.

The American citizen is first and foremost a debt slave and servant of the Empire, and never permitted to be anything more than an idiot lest they seek to be labeled a domestic terrorist.

The nudging of debt slaves could span a comprehensive volume of examples, but the most scathing is this—you will pay your taxes from your labor (which in itself is unconstitutional) to support this farce or you will go to prison. Even if you depart your homeland, your homeland will follow you to collect your share taxes, even if it was earned overseas. If you no longer wish to be a citizen and abandon the farce you must still pay a fee of $2350 to remove the shackles.

The quest continues.

For knowledge, truth, and beauty, a viable lens to explore one's place in the world without being forced to accept the unacceptable.

Yes, the Expatriate is a dreamer, and some are even idiots too.

The dreamers search for normalcy and common sense but often end up swapping one farce for another.

They can’t help but scratch that deeply rooted desire to dispense with those chains, to embrace that optimism that in another physical location, exists the possibility to start anew, the opportunity to cleanse mind, body, and soul of all that madness left behind.

None of this is novel, or quaint.

Hemingway saw the madness of human descent from an ambulance in Italy. The Great War to end all wars could only end with more war.

The greatest writers of the Lost Generation were serious dreamers. They retreated to the Old Country—France in Particular.

They traded the superficial and vain 'roaring twenties' back home for a continent still reeling from the pointless sacrifice of millions of European brothers, most of them maimed beyond belief.

When traveling Provence eight years ago I came upon a cenotaph in the middle of the sleepy village square of Rasteau with the names of the locals who were sacrificed for that Banker war etched into its stone body. There were less than thirty names but one family lost five sons. A French woman gave birth five times to sacrifice each son to bankers.

The official story is a familiar one when stripped bare to its naked essentials, often ignored by fickle historians bogged down in the diplomatic muck, in the arrangements of a pitiful assassination, and the delusions of syphilitic monarchs and their enormous egos.

When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.

— Napoleon Bonaparte

Bankers played both sides as they always do.

Young French, German, Austro-Hungarian, and Serbian brothers went to their slaughter. British, Russian, and Americans followed at various stages. The British were on the verge of a forced negotiated peace with the Prussians when the Bankers orchestrated the arrival of American souls for sacrifice by sacrificing many souls on the Lusitania first. Previously the American people were staunchly isolationist.

The British got their victory and the Bankers got the Balfour Declaration with the help of Lord Rothschild, and after one more engineered war and mass human sacrifice, they got their ethnostate.

For the experimental carnage of the first mass human sacrifice, nothing was off-limits. Nerve gas obliterated young men in the trenches. A bullet was more sensible and humane. Even a bayonet to the heart would have been more welcomed than suffocating to death, drowning in fluids and bile, as the body fought paralysis and motor dysfunction. Ruminating on one's slow physiological deterioration must have been a kind of hell no young Prussian or Frenchman envisaged when their local village church rang the call to service and sacrifice.

At some point in those trenches, during that inexplicable carnage where neither side gained or lost a meter of territory, and the stench of death, and bodies piling up across smokey cratered soils of no-mans-land, all of the young men, on both front lines must have realized that wars too are a farce.

When Hemingway returned to Illinois gimping on crutches, balancing life along that razor’s edge of prolific death and destruction on one side of the Atlantic and country club cocktails and talk of markets and money on the other he knew he had to escape.

There’s a plaque on a building where he first lived in Paris just past Rue Descartes where Rue Mouffetard begins its descent toward a pedestrian-only outdoor marketplace of spices, fish mongers, boulangers, artisans, and other working-class Parisians who are up and about preparing for the day hours before sunrise. This little corner of the 5th Arrondissement inspired Hemingway to write A Moveable Feast.

Down the same street, a few minutes stroll there’s a plague on a building where James Joyce lived in Paris when he wrote Ulysses. According to Hemingway he and Joyce had many “drunken nights” together around Paris.

Paris was cheap at the time. Not a whore, but inexpensive. Americans could have their way with her for modest sums. An average writer could live like a king for months by selling one short story to a literary journal back home.

On Rue Notre Dame Des Champs another bronze plaque adorns a building where Hemingway and his wife Hadley moved next. Around the corner at cafe La Closerie des Lilas, he wrote The Sun Also Rises, inspired by summer train journeys to Pamplona, and Burgette where he fly fished for brook trout.

Today the average American exchange student strolls past these and a hundred other bronze plaques paying homage to legendary authors without glancing up from their phones.

Not that it matters. A man like Hemingway would never get published today. Accusations of toxic masculinity and literature for “white men” would derail dreams for this Expatriate in the twenty-first century. All the literary journals, agencies, and publishing houses polluted with indoctrinated graduates of the race Marxist, and identitarian cults would reject his work.

Seeing war up close as Hemingway did is not the same as watching consent for it manufactured on television. The latter is the fuel for the inferno of her successor—performative war. The dream of escaping the unfolding nightmare of problem-reaction-solution, and abandoning the farce of an Idiocracy is no less valid whether for Hemingway in 1921 or any disillusioned American man in the twenty-first century because every Expatriate is at his core a dreamer. He will tell you otherwise, but he is lying.

There was once a sense of goodwill bestowed on Americans visiting Europe. Those checks have since bounced decade after decade, from the global carnage of a shameless Empire. There is now only shame in admitting one is from the Empire.

The Empire’s dissidents and holdouts will claim virtues of bravery and courage in refusing to abandon their homeland deluding themselves into fighting unwinnable battles, on Capitol grounds or via keyobard, while slandering their jet-set compatriots as passport bros.

Both are dreamers but only one may live another day to avoid the boot of police state tyranny stomping his dreams in infancy, over, and over, as in the action sci-fi film The Edge of Tomorrow. The days repeat without change, programmed for mimicry of obedient neighbors, and oblivious serfs.

Upon arrival in a new land, the dreamer with a shot at something new will pretend he doesn't want to talk about himself, that he is simply a tourist, taking his new locale for a test drive to decide if he wants to make a greater commitment to be lost and left alone amongst its inhabitants, or to endear himself through acclimation and flattery.

A smart Expatriate will not bother to learn the local language too well or he will soon discover through comprehending the conversations of strangers around him that he has gone to great lengths to surround himself with idiots of a different culture.

A wise Expatriate doesn’t want to flatter the locals too much, nor disparage his birth nation with all the justifications that left him with few sensible options, none of which included staying.

If he’s bothered to do his homework, he knows the deep programming of his new hosts, almost better than they know themselves.

Generations of Germans have been shamed into believing lies about their past so that they commit public seppuku before the world.

Japan would never do such a dishonorable thing to their people and culture though they are not without demographic calamities of their own making.

In Eastern Europe, the programming is still coded in U.S. State Department script. The pretty Polish girls all rush to ask the same question: But why would you leave America?

None of them know, even if you try to tell them they can’t understand.

Western Europeans and Scandinavians know better.

Of course you did. I'd get the hell out of there too.

Not that any of them aren’t serving as pathetic vassals to the Empire on war, and on immigration as they celebrate their demographic suicide, or silence the speech of those who object to that insanity as inciting ethnic hatred.

The open border and demographic suicide farces have been exported to every white European nation that one would be forgiven for suspecting that a grand conspiracy was at work, something resembling The Great Replacement, but if you dare mention it in the company of your new hosts as an Expatriate, accusations of racism and “nativism” will soon follow.

Every nation within the Empire’s sphere of influence will eventually descend into its own farce. Only the Expatriate of the Empire, well versed in farce detection can see it up close, but all he can do is shake his head in disbelief as once great nations throw themselves into Enoch Powell’s prophetic funeral pyre.

The dreamer becomes a realist the instant he understands what the latter groups have done to their nations as he quietly tip-toes toward the door and closes it behind him, wanting to ask many questions, but knowing if he does he may awaken the slumbering masses catatoniclly observing their socio-cultural-national funeral pyres and be arrested for inciting ethnic hatred.

The dream starts anew.

The new place he chooses must be the one. It simply has to be the correct decision and damn if he’ll stop at nothing to make it so.

To the dreamer, the journey carries all the promise of adventure, originating with the confidence of a man whose courage has spiked with that leap of going, of setting off, of running and doing the thing that so many only talk about doing while bent over brass bar rails slurring to barkeeps and any poor schmucks lingering about forced to listen.

Even that dreamer may be forced to stay behind and live the farce another year or two for finances, commitments to family, or happy accidents that will smother his new dreams in the crib.

To the dreamers who escape the farce, or simply exchange one farce in one land, for a similar farce in a new land, the new frontiers still hold promise, but the excuses of escaping the Empire’s ghosts are over.

There will be no more coping.

Distant laughter at all the absurdities and madness will not be heard by others living the farce, and those around will not comprehend it because they all laugh in a different language, at a different farce.

There will be no more blaming.

While the journey will be long and difficult and despite all those obstacles along the way that the dreamer will be quick to blame for any misfortunes, he must bear the courage to stand stoutly before a giant mirror to engage and appraise the only culprit requiring it.

Lest he be another idiot.

Abuse Productions
Jan 22
I was 18 in 1979. Even though it was bad enough and many hidden agendas were still unseen, that time was heads and shoulders better than today, In virtually every aspect that I can think of (except arguably technological in the form of the internet, etc). I watched it turn to sh*t and tried to warn others to the best of my meager ability. Now, I am aghast at what has happened. Yet, I see no way out for me and mine.

John Henry Holliday, DDS
Jan 23
Bankers, eh? Yes, lots of people are noticing that and are not afraid of being labeled anti-bankers.

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