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Eye On Obama
Obama The Naked Emperor

Obama Eligibility Still Focus Of SCOTUS Conf

Best Of Barky's Minister, Jeremiah Wright - Vid

Blago Subpoenas Of Emanuel, Jarrett Denied

Peres Warns Obama Not To Talk To Iran!

Obama 'Most Admired' Man In World - Poll

Zionist Mukassey Blocking Rahmbo Supoena

Blago's Lawyer Seeks Rahmbo Subpoena

Emanual Pressed Blago For Jarrett In Senate

Obama Wants Bush War Team To Stay 

Fitz Interviewed Obama, Rahmbo And Jarrett

Rahmbo Gave Blago Choices For Obama Seat

Barky's Atty - Barky Clear Of Blago Scandal

Obama & Half-Sister Falsify Grandma's Death Cert!

Pro-Israel Zealot Obama Vs Richard Falk

Obama Releases Official Birth Certificate

Dick Eastman On Obama And Foreign Policy
Senate Sale Scandal Threatens Rahmbo

Pastor Mannings Wise Words To Blago
- Vid

'Change' Obama To Send 30,000 More GIs To War

The Three Stooges Go To Washington - Part 5

Is Obama Vulnerable To Blackmail? (Is Water Wet?)

Obama Tabs Militarist Blair As Intel Director

Barky's Invocation Choice Angers Hollywood Left 

Christopher Bollyn On Madoff

Obama's New Appointments - No Cheer Here

Emanuel Talked Directly To Blago

Obama's Cabinet

Obama's Stealth Socialism 

More Obama Challenges Fail In SCOTUS

Obama Names Fox To Guard SEC Hen House

Blago To Talk Soon - But Will He Sing?

Emanuel On 21 Tapes Of Senate Seat Debacle?

Obama Citizenship Issue Has Merit - AOL Poll

Obama's Foreign Policy `Change' Is Eyewash

Coverup - Obama Planned To Terminate Fitzgerald!

Ziomedia Covers For Obama, Rhambo In Blago Mess

Obama Picks Phony Gore To Lead Energy Team

Electors Makes It Legal - Obama To Be 44th

Has The US Supreme Court No Shame?

Change? Obama Inner Circle FULL Of Bilderbergers

Obama Citizenship Issue Has Merit - AOL Poll

Obama's Foreign Policy `Change' Is Eyewash

Coverup - Obama Planned To Terminate Fitzgerald!

Ziomedia Covers For Obama, Rhambo In Blago Mess

Obama Picks Phony Gore To Lead Energy Team

Electors Makes It Legal - Obama To Be 44th

Has The US Supreme Court No Shame?

Change? Obama Inner Circle FULL Of Bilderbergers 
Iran Accuses Barky Of 'Cowboy Talk'

Barky, Rahmbo, Jackson Tied To Blago 

Obama Next To Be Indicted?

Facts Expose Obama Lie About Blago Deal

The Obama Team Knew About Blago Deal

Snake Rahm Refuses Questions About Blago

Rahm Hides - Refuses To Talk About Blago Transcript

Why Obama Will Fail In Afghanistan

Obama Adviser Sued For Citi Ponzi Scheme

Supremes Refuse To Stop Electoral Vote

Obama - Never Talked About Senate Seat To Gov

What Did Obama Know & When Did He Know It?

Blagojevich Cloud Over Obama - Will He Sing?

Chicago PD - No Arrest In Donald Young Murder

Axelrod - Obama Spoke To Il Gov About Replacement

How Rahm Emanuel Bought His Way To Power

Wrotnowski Vs Obama To Get Full SCOTUS Conf

Obama The Usurper May Destroy The Republic

Election Of The Greatest Con-Man In Recent History

Obama And The World Crisis

Obama & The Neocon Middle East War Agenda

Barky's 'Change' - More Like Groundhog Day

Obama Wants Vast Public Works Projects

NBC Lies In Obama Birth Cert Story - Vid

Obama Still Not Eligible Even WITH Birth Cert

SCOTUS Decision On Obama Birth 'Next Week'

Supreme Court Mum On Obama Birth Case

Obama's War Cabinet

WaPost - An Impostor In The White House?

Donofrio Blasts MSNBC's Pete Williams - Vid

Hillary Constitutionally Ineligible To Be SecState

Cecilia Munoz Advocates Illegal Immigration 

Obama Names RACIST La Raza VP To Top Post

Powerful Obama Vs Constitution TV Ad - Vid

Obama Too Important For Supreme Court

Obama's Economic 'Dream Team'?

'Experts' Warn Barky Of A Nuclear Iran

Berg Vs Obama - The Day Of Reckoning

Treachery Inside The US Supreme Court

Top Expert - Obama's COLB A Criminal FRAUD

How Obama Will Ruin America

The Chicago Jews Behind Obama

Barky's Cabinet - Full Of Clinton Sloppy Seconds

Obama, DNC Elude Citizenship Case Deadline

Why Is Media Silent On Obama Citizenship?

Obama Is Fomenting A Constitutional Crisis

Obama's Blatant, Dangerous Narcissism - Vid 

The Chicago Jews Behind Obama

Barky's Cabinet - Full Of Clinton Sloppy Seconds

Obama, DNC Elude Citizenship Case Deadline

Why Is Media Silent On Obama Citizenship?

Obama Is Fomenting A Constitutional Crisis

Obama Annoints Clinton, Gates, Jones, Holder

Obama's Blatant, Dangerous Narcissism - Vid

Barky's 'Security' Team Delights War Hawks

Obama Tabs Gen Jones To Direct War & Death

Anger Over Barky's Betrayal Choices Begins

Obama's Mother A CIA Cut-Out

Obama Is An Intel Spook

No Tracks - Obama's Missing Records - Why?

Overwhelming Evidence Obama's COLB Is A FRAUD

Barky To Supporters: 'I Am The Change' - (Get It Now?)

Obama Wants Larry Sinclair To 'Go Away'

Barky Appts Make Him Deny Dropping 'Change' 

Barky's New Director DHS A Zionist Lesbian?

Globe Cover Story On Sinclair's New Book

EVERY Obama Order To Be Met With Lawsuit

Obama's Zionist At Treasury

More Barky 'Change' - Gates To STAY As SecDef

Hillary Cries War For Obama

Nader - The Third Clinton Administration

Obama Names FED Bankster Geithner To Treasury

'Change' BS - Roster Of Barky's Appointments

Hillary Plays Hardball - Demands Critics Purge

Icke - The Naked Emperor: Barack Obama - Fraud

Obama Intends To Mandate Abortion

No-Change Obama Insider Deluge Rolls On

Obama AG Holder For HATE LAWS - Free Speech Gone

Rahm Emanuel - Obama's Prime Minister

Hillary Accepts SecState Position

Kenyan Ambassador Says Obama Born In Kenya

Kenya Amb Admits Obama Birthplace? - Vid

Obama Eyes 20,000 More GIs For Afghan War

NY Fed Reserve Prez To Treasury - More 'Change'

Obama With China's Forced Abortion Plan

Pro War Obama Builds War Hawk Cabinet

Media Malpractice - How Obama Won - Scary Vid 

Obama Citizenship Case Tossed In HI (Fix Is In)

Obama 'Change' Lie Exposed - All Insiders Chosen

Donofrio v Obama Citizenship Suit Moves Up At SCOTUS

Obama Birth Certificate Lawsuits Proliferate

The First Time I Heard Of Barack

Declared Communist Goal In US - Familiar?

Obama Selective Service Reg Form Hoaxed

Obama Tabs Insider Daschle For HHS 

Obama To Lead US To More War, Death, Genocide

Obama Voters Know Little About Issues - Vid

Barky Talks With Gates About Pentagon Role

Obama - 'I Am An Illegal Alien' - Vid

Obama's Big Afghan War Will Happen

Another Clinton Retread As Barky's AG

Obama Clearly Using Covert NLP & Hypnosis

Full Explanation - Obama's Use Of NLP/Hypnosis

Obama - Hypnotist, NLP, Mind Control Guru

Soros Think Tank Pulls Obama's Strings

Hillary Clinton Will Take Sec State Position 

Obama's Draft Reg Raises Serious Questions

Kidd - Obama Citizenship Still Under Scrutiny

Obama Birth Case Ad In WaTimes Tomorrow

Under Obama - No Child Left Un-Programmed 

Obama To Fund Forced Abortions

Barky Packs Staff W/Chicago Cronies, Clintonites

Obama Sellout Quickens - Summers Nightmare 

Two-Thirds Barky Staffers From Clinton Days!

Constitutional Crisis Coming Over Obama's Birth

Pilger - Beware The Obama Hype

Obama Fascists Mock Citizen Suits As 'Garbage'

Barky Ponders Hillary As Sec State - Vid

Hey Barky, Osama bin Laden Is Dead

Jewish Leaders Euphoric Over Emanuel

Barky To Increase War & 'Hunt For Osama'

Barky's Bailout Team - What 'CHANGE'?

Obama Foreign Policy Close To Bush's 

Obama Nation - Now What?

Mossad Spy To Run The White House

Obama 'Ready To Rule' Says Staff - RULE?

King Showbama 'Ready To RULE' Says Top Staff

Tarpley - Secret IMF World Dictatorship Plan

Obama Vs Medvedev - Nuke Showdown In Europe

Obama Replace Bush EOs With New Ones

Obama's Treasury Picks Slammed By Obots

Obama To Use EOs (Decrees) Widely

Journalist Reaches From Grave To Nail Rahm

Obama Gathers Same Team Which Caused Crash

Rahm Says War To Top Obama Agenda

Obama FORCED Civ Security Service Plan Leaked

Illuminists Own Barky - America Is An Obamanation

Who Owns Obama?

War Monger Rahm Emanuel Is Mossad - Read

Emanuel - 'Bad Cop' Enforcer Who Loves F Word

Zionist Emanuel Manipulations - Clinton To Obama

Emanuel - Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal

Rahm Emanuel's Slave Labor Corps - YOUR KIDS

Obama's First Appointment - An Ominous Portent

Rahm Emanuel A Security Risk? (Is Water Wet?)

Change!? - Barky Tabs Volker, Buffett, Rubin, & Schmidt

Bollyn - The Zionist Israeli Who'll Make Obama Dance

Emanuel - Son Of A Zionist Terrorist

Barky & The Strategy Of Manufactured Crisis

Kidd - Comrade Barky Not The Next US President

Nader - Obama An Uncle Sam Or Uncle Tom? -Vid

Nader On Obama's Subservience To AIPAC

Emanuel Will Further American Imperialism

Obama Tabs Zionist War Hawk As Chief Of Staff

Emanuel's War Plan

Barky's Payback To AIPAC Rahm Emanuel

Emanuel - Son Of Israeli Emigrants

Obama's 'Zionist' Chief Of Staff

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