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Holocaust survivor tells Obama we have learned nothing from the past
A warning from the Past - Holocaust,Genocide survivor says we have learned nothing from the past:



Part 2 of this video contains graphic scenes of killing.  It is not of much relevence as the main crux of the story is contained in Part 1 posted above.

For some reason after initially posting the message above I cannot see the Youtube video showing properly from my PC. In case others have the same same problem here is the link to it:

[color="#0000ff"]Abbreviated excerpt from Elie Wiesel and the Catholics[/color]
by David O'Connell

Wiesel’s Credibility
From November 1947 to January 1949, Wiesel worked for Zion in Kampf, the newspaper of [color="#0000ff"]the terrorist gangsters of the Irgun[/color][color="#0000ff"]*[/color]. The Irgun extermination of innocent Arabs at the village of Deir Yassin took place on April 8, 1948, while Wiesel was on the payroll, yet he is always appalled by Palestinian “terrorism.” Likewise, while he was actively campaigning for a Nobel Prize in the 1980’s, he made a trip to South Africa. Of course, the New York Times was there with him and recorded his ritual denunciation of apartheid. Yet [color="#0000ff"]Wiesel now strongly favors the apartheid wall being built in occupied Palestine even though it will impose additional inhuman hardships on the Palestinians. Even worse, he has attacked Pope John Paul II for proposing that what the Middle East needs is bridges, not walls[/color], writing: “From the leader of one of the largest and most important religions in the world, I expected something very different, namely a statement condemning terror and the killing of innocents, without mixing in political considerations and above all comparing these things to a work of pure self-defense. To politicize terrorism like that is wrong.”[sup]11[/sup] [color="#0000ff"]Ironically, the same Wiesel who accuses Pius XII of “silence” now wants Jean Paul II to be “silent” about Jewish war crimes in Palestine[/color].

Wiesel and François Mauriac
s claim to fame is his problematic “[color="#0000ff"]autobiography[/color],” Night, which is actually a novel, since it [color="#0000ff"]contains a good deal of invented material[/color]. It was first published in French in 1958, and was based on a much longer Yiddish version, which he had published under the title And the World Forgot (Und Di Velt hat Geshveyn) in Buenos Aires in December 1955.

La Nuit became Night when it appeared in New York in 1960. [color="#0000ff"]With the backing of the ADL, it became mandatory reading in high schools shortly thereafter and has sold millions of copies since then. It contradicts Jewish holocaust dogma on many key points, and in fact is guilty of “holocaust denial” in this respect. Nevertheless, it remains the only “holocaust memoir” with any redeeming literary qualities (which brings us back once again to the question of who actually wrote the final draft of the book). In the meantime, Wiesel moved to New York, where he continued to work as a correspondent for an Israeli newspaper. Shortly after his arrival, he was struck by a car near Times Square. Given to exaggeration by nature, he later claimed: “I flew an entire block. I was hit at 45th Street and the ambulance picked me up at 44th. It sounds crazy. But I was totally messed up.”[/color][sup]13[/sup]

Then, after the success of Night, he was awarded a tenured teaching position at a public institution, Hunter College. [color="#0000ff"]Despite his claims over the years about having studied philosophy and psychology at the Sorbonne and doing a two year internship at the Hôpital Sainte-Anne in clinical psychology, he actually never enrolled for any credit-bearing course at the Sorbonne, or any other branch of the University of Paris. Even worse, there is no evidence that he ever earned a French secondary school diploma. Yet, he now earns a huge six-figure salary as a year as a Mellon Professor of Literature at Boston University, a position that theoretically requires a Ph.D.[/color]

Wiesel’s mother and a sister died at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944, probably in the horrible typhus epidemic that raged in the women’s camp. Their death certificates are in the files at Auschwitz, but on a research trip there I was not allowed to see them. The two other sisters survived the epidemic, and lived to advanced age. [color="#0000ff"]Wiesel was sent to the men’s camp with his father. In late 1944, when Wiesel injured his foot in an industrial accident, he was operated on at the camp hospital. According to the vulgate version of the Jewish holocaust story, he should have been disposed of in a gas chamber since he was not only a child but was also disabled. Yet nothing of the sort happened. While in the hospital, he befriended the hospital personnel and, as the Russians approached in January 1945, was offered the opportunity by the Jewish staff physicians to stay on and not be evacuated with the retreating Germans. Yet, Wiesel preferred to go off with the Germans who, according to the Jewish holocaust story, were allegedly sending 20,000 people a day to the gas chambers.[/color]

This decision raises a number of very serious questions. Not only that, [color="#0000ff"]he also insisted on dragging his sickly father along with him, which was the equivalent of writing the man’s death certificate. The latter, physically weak even before the horrible trauma of the camps, died of dysentery shortly after arriving in Buchenwald in the dead of winter[/color]. Repatriated to France in late April at the age of sixteen and a half, Wiesel was reunited there with the two sisters who had survived the typhus epidemic.

*The Irgun are a military underground organisation. Rahm Emanuel's father was a prominent member of the terrorist faction in the 'fight' against the Palestinian "occupation".

The ADL is heavily involved in spreading the Holocaust propaganda & is considered a Zionist operation (Illuminati).

Wiesel has been a known fraud by insiders for quite a few decades. He's the most publically known figure to 'hammer home' the message of "6 million Jews were killed" when in fact it was much closer to 2,5 million. A lot of those killed during the Nazi genocide were mentally, physically handicapped, gays, & Roma (the gypsies of Hungary & Romania).

The Holocaust fraud has been exploited with crude calculation by the Zionist Jewish organisations that refer to the non-Jewish as 'goyim' or, "cattle". It is forbidden to deny the Holocaust extent (i.e., the figures of those 'murdered').

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