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John Durham afraid of “blowback” from Biden admin so he’s dropping “Russiagate” probe
(Natural News) For nearly four years supporters of President Donald Trump have been waiting for justice to be done to those who undermined his 2016 candidacy and every single day of his presidency since.

But in spite of factual reporting from the few remaining trustworthy media outlets (including this one); serious congressional investigations conducted by Republicans (because Democrats are incapable of honesty); corroborating whistleblower complaints and affidavits; inspectors general probes uncovering serious and serial abuses of power, fraud, and outright illegal behavior — none of it has mattered.

When the president appointed William Barr to be attorney general, we were hopeful around here — genuinely hopeful — that he would get to the bottom of the very illegal actions taken to spy on the Trump campaign and harass, intimidate, and jail his allies. We thought that because Barr actually said during his confirmation hearings that he believed the Trump campaign was “spied on” — he used that exact term.

It was the same thing that Trump said, that his campaign “was spied on.” And of course it was; that much has not been seriously in doubt since the day the president was inaugurated, when The New York Times ran a story reporting that his campaign was “wiretapped.”

But now, according to The Federalist’s co-founder Sean Davis, the U.S. attorney Barr assigned to conduct a probe into the origins of the Comey-run FBI’s undermining operation against Trump’s campaign, John Durham, has reportedly said despite the fact that he could indict several people, he isn’t going to.

And why? Because he’s afraid that an incoming Biden administration (if it happens) will retaliate against him.

Notes Davis in a pair of tweets Nov. 15:

A source familiar with Durham’s ongoing investigation of the bogus Russian collusion operation tells @FDRLST: “Durham isn’t doing anything. Dropping his investigations. He’s worried about blowback from Biden. What an absolute disgrace.”

A separate source who has seen the evidence compiled during the course of Durham’s investigation told @FDRLST this afternoon that there’s “more than enough evidence to indict multiple” involved in the Russian collusion hoax operation to take down Trump.

    A separate source who has seen the evidence compiled during the course of Durham's investigation told @FDRLST this afternoon that there's "more than enough evidence to indict multiple" involved in the Russian collusion hoax operation to take down Trump.

    — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 15, 2020

There was “more than enough evidence to indict” several people just based on media reports, so it’s certainly not hard to believe at all that Durham, over his lengthy, year-plus-long ‘investigation’ (that produced only one minor guilty plea from a low-level FBI lawyer), has amassed a trove of evidence that would put formerly powerful people behind bars for a long time.

Ah, but we can’t have that, can we? No, of course not; we can’t hold the powerful to account because that would be too much like ‘equal justice under the law.’ Only we, the [little] people, are ever held to account, and even then unfairly.

Remember Michael Flynn? Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has already released once-classified information proving that Flynn was set up by that dirtbag Comey and his minions; the Justice Department has even said in federal court it wants to drop his case and vacate his guilty plea, but a corrupt Clinton-appointed judge refuses to throw out his case — it’s unprecedented.

And now? Nothing in terms of charges against very guilty people, apparently.

It’s pathetic what we’ve allowed our government to become. Our government; not their government. And we’ve allowed them to screw us over time and time and time again, right in our faces, as though we’re completely powerless to do anything about it.

President Trump had it right in October when he blasted Barr and his coward ‘prosecutor’ for doing nothing ahead of the election, despite the fact that they have the goods on the Obama-era pukes who broke laws to keep a presidential nominee out of office whom they decided wasn’t worthy.

“Unless Barr indicts these people for their crimes … we’re going to get a little satisfaction,” he said. “To be honest, Barr’s gonna go down either as the greatest attorney general in the history of the country or he’s gonna go down as a very sad, sad, situation.”

Well, we now know the answer to what Barr will be remembered as, don’t we?

Now — the real question is, what do Americans do at this point? No justice, a stolen election, guilty people getting away with high crimes and treason time after time…

Maybe it’s time again to consider secession. What choice is there?

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