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Orgon-ize Iraq
Want to Support Gifters in Iraq?  
They might get cookies from their families but they can get orgonite from us ;)

I'm in touch with two experienced gifters who have just arrived in Iraq. One of them is in Baghdad and the other is in Basrah.

If you want to send some orgonite to these folks, drop me a line at [email protected]

and I'll facilitate it.   I'm sure the feds already know who they are, what they had for breakfast  on May 23 of last year and what's in their (and our) heads but I'm sure they'll remain safe as long as we don't publish their names.

If there's any interference with the packages I'll certainly broadcast that and we'll go after the culprits in the chatrooms, too. I think there's less tampering with military mail because so many people have to sign for it along the way and even teh airport Gestapo all know that orgonite is harmless.

I think that towerbusters and earthpipe plugs will be best for them, though you're sure welcome to send some persnal orgonite.  One of them is stationed over a CIA hive and both of them report seeing a whole lot of CIA freaks, so more earthpipe plugs is better.  

This will be interesting MN, I know first hand the impact that gifting can have, so I look forward to seeing what changes occur over there. what do you think will happen?

I don't know yet how the impact will manifest. I'll say it's timely though with all this Fake Apocalypse stuff being promoted.

 BTW...I feel I need to clarify that I didn't write the above piece about gifting Iraq.Don Croft did and it was posted at his forum.

10 Thumbs up to Don Croft.

Discovered a similar mineral energy today:

"About Schungit it is a powerfull healing mineral that contains FULLERENES. Which help the body to openly and save receive ionic information .Schungit initiates a cell rejuvination and enhances cell and dna rna repair. It heals on all levels . Animals that have digestive or other health problems go and find the stone in the winter times and they lick on it so they no know (personally there i have no doubt that animals know). It stabilises your biolightfield and thus your immune system . Stabilsation off your organs.It stores electric current with out creating magnetic fields wich today is unheard of any material. It takes the negative frequency out of any electro magnetic field wich is not in tune with your DNA LIghtpulse frequency.For Fullerene Molecules i suggest google it cause it is to much to mention here . All i can say is ther where named after Buckminster Fuller (GEODESIC DOMES) it is a fantastic work component with fantastic new possibilities."

You can find shungit stores online. It seems an interesting mineral with many useful properties.

Orgone energy is most amazing!

Regarding Shungite: The following is quoted - I do not remember the sources.

Quote: Scientists estimate the age of shungite to be almost 2 billion years. Though it is similar in appearance to coal, it is found in very ancient layers of the Earth’s crust that were formed when there were no life forms on the Earth.
Where did this strange rock come from? At that time there were no forests to form carbides such as coal. Experts claim there were only protobacteria living in an oxygen-free atmosphere.

There are at least three theories to explain shungite’s origin:
  • Primitive microscopic organisms existed in shallow bays of the ancient sea. Sea scurf rich in these organic remains formed a material that produced shungite.According to another rather exotic version, shungite is a part of a gigantic meteorite that brought a part of a decomposed planet called Phaeton to the Earth. Phaeton is believed to have had carbon-based life forms. The gigantic fragment brought them to earth and formed the shungite field in the area of impact.Some researchers assert that the form and structure of shungite have volcanic features. The volcanic ejection of the shungite substance would have played the same role as the hypothetical Phaeton fragment.
SHUNGITE is a mineral described formally as natural Carbon Black.
Chemical Formula: C; Hardness: 3.5-4; Density: 1.8-2.0

Shungite is an amorphous variety of graphite of intense black color, which outwardly resembles anthracite. Shungite is unique in its composition, structure and properties. It is a natural composite with a homogeneous distribution of crystalline silicate particles in a carbon matrix. *Fullerenes have been discovered in this rock.
*fullerene - molecule composed solely of an even number of carbon atoms, which form a closed cage-like fused-ring polycyclic system with twelve five-membered rings and the rest six-membered rings .

Shungite is found in the only place in the world which is Zazhoginskoye deposit near Lake Onega in the Shunga region of Karelia, North West of Russia.

The surface of crushed, milled and even powdered, shungite materials from Zazhoginskoye deposit possesses bipolar properties, that is why shungite fillers can mix with any binders of both organic or non-organic origin without exception.

The rock possesses sorbtion, catalytical, bactericidal properties; it is biologically active; it can attenuate and neutralize high frequency electromagnetic emissions.

Anyway...I remember now wondering how it would be to add shungite to the mix - Thanks for the reminder!


the best thing to do at a base in the desert is to build Dour Accumulators to clear the area of anti-orgone, or "dour" energies that build up from friction, electronics, evil weapons laying about, stress and hatred. Because of their geography, deserts, especially bounded by mountains, produce positive ion storms, which cause an imbalance in the human brain, which is supposed to be negatively charged. W.R.'s Orgone research produced accumulators to focus and project, as well as capture and destroy.
DAs are insulated steel tubs of running water with galvanised steel pipes sticking up out of them like antennae. The water; piss, greywater, salt slurry- whatever, absorbs the anti-orgone, or, anti life, energies, and is dumped down a deep, dry well or used as a weapon.

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