Here Emery will give a detailed account of the specific experiences that changed the way he thought about our planet, solar system and humanity forever. In this workshop, Emery dives into the information he learned while working on and with extraterrestrial beings. He will discuss what he learned through a classified library. This unique access was granted through credits achieved by “good behavior.’ Emery will shed light on the most impactful information found in the library archives, including human and extraterrestrial history, what the inside of our planet actually looks like, and which nations are contributing information to this worldwide shared library today. Lastly, Emery discusses one of the projects he was assigned to where he and a few select others created the first extraterrestrial DNA database and the implications it has for identifying the origins of every human on this planet.
Here Emery will give a detailed account of the specific experiences that changed the way he thought about our planet, solar system and humanity forever. In this workshop, Emery dives into the information he learned while working on and with extraterrestrial beings. He will discuss what he learned through a classified library. This unique access was granted through credits achieved by “good behavior.’ Emery will shed light on the most impactful information found in the library archives, including human and extraterrestrial history, what the inside of our planet actually looks like, and which nations are contributing information to this worldwide shared library today. Lastly, Emery discusses one of the projects he was assigned to where he and a few select others created the first extraterrestrial DNA database and the implications it has for identifying the origins of every human on this planet.