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Realignment of Energy Bodies

Do you have any of these conditions?
  • Low energy
  • Tired all the time
  • Low immunity
  • Always sick
  • Jet lag
When self adjusting use the right hand to stimulate the left K-27 and the left hand to stimulate the right K-27 for easier access and leverage, while the opposite hand is placed over the navel. It is important to always ground at the navel. Stimulate K-27 points with firm rotary pressure for 15 to 30 seconds each or until pain at K-27 points is gone.

The K-27s may be stimulated as often as necessary. When they are sensitive, they need attention. Finger massage to the K-27 acupuncture points tonifies and aligns the total energy system. This technique can be used on a daily basis and randomly throughout the day to revive a bored or sluggish body.

Note: I would rotate the K-27 anticlockwise because it's consistent with chakra spins.

- EFT uses this point
- "K27 Energy Buttons."

Protection from Negative Energy Around You

"Zip up" your energy bodies.

  1. Briskly tap K-27
  2. Place your hand on your pubic bone
  3. Take a deep in – breath as you simultaneously move your hand with deliberation straight up the center of your body to your lower lip.
  4. Repeat three times.
- Three Favorite Energy Building Video on Youtube Uses this Zipup to preserve energy.
- "Combat Fatigue."

Stress Release
[Image: 109151846_e97e0b4aaf_m.jpg] [Image: 109151847_b20f11bd87_m.jpg]

Notice I have shown two different versions. The version which uses two hands can be done either simultaneously or one side at a time - you might find this more discreet to use without going for the full hand across the brow which can signal too strongly to others that you are feeling stressed.

You may feel pulses on your forehead. You have done as much with this technique as you can when both are pulsing together at the same rate. If you do not feel pulses (and not everyone can) keep on holding the points until your breathing changes. If your emotion changes to boredom then you are no longer focusing on the stress and may as well stop!

- Seeing how some people naturally react to stress with hands over the "horn" areas or one hand over their forehead.
- "Emotional Stress Release."


Acupressure to Defeat Self-Sabotages

What is Psychological Reversal? Everyone experiences it. It occurs when the energy system in the body changes polarity and it usually happens outside your awareness. You don't ordinarily "feel" it happening. It is a literal polarity reversal in your body's energy system and is like having your "batteries in backwards" as explained in EFT Part I. Interestingly, it often takes the form of what psychologists call "secondary gain or loss." For example, the person who consciously believes that they want to lost weight will often have an unconscious "stopper" such as, "If I lose weight I will only gain it back again and that will cost me a lot of money in changing my wardrobe." This person is psychologically reversed against losing weight.

What causes PR? The principle cause is negative thinking. Even the most positive thinkers among us carry around subconscious negative, self defeating thoughts. PR is the usual result.

Of particular importance with EFT is that...when PR is present the tapping procedure won't work. Remember, PR literally blocks progress and that is just as true with EFT as it is with any other (spiritual or energy) technique.

I have many friends who are psychotherapists and they all have numerous clients that just don't respond to even the best of techniques. Until they learned of Psychological Reversal, this blockage was a mystery to them.

After years of experience with EFT we now know how often PR shows up. PR is present in about 40% of the issues that people address with EFT. In some issues, however, PR is almost always blocking progress. Depression, addictions and degenerative diseases are the main examples. For most issues, however, PR may or may not be present in a given individual. One person may be PR for relieving asthma, for example, and another may not.

Unless PR is corrected, your success ratio with (any spiritual) methods will suffer dramatically.

Collarbone Breathing Exercise [CORRECTS PR/SELF-SABOTAGE]

While you can start with either hand, I'm going to assume you are starting with the right one. Keep your elbows and arms away from your body so that the only things touching are your fingertips and knuckles as described.

lace two fingers of your right hand on your right Collarbone Point. With two fingers of your left hand, tap the Gamut Point... (scroll down to Ingredient #3 to learn the point)... continuously while you perform the following 5 breathing exercises:

**Breathe half way in and hold it for 7 taps.
**Breathe all the way in and hold it for 7 taps.
**Breathe half way out and hold it for 7 taps.
**Breathe all the way out and hold it for 7 taps.
**Breathe normally for 7 taps.

Place the two fingers of your right hand on your left Collarbone Point and, while continuously tapping the Gamut Point, do the 5 breathing exercises.

Bend the fingers of your right hand so that the second joint or "knuckles" are prominent. Then place them on your right Collarbone Point and tap the Gamut

Point continuously while doing the 5 breathing exercises. Repeat this by placing the right knuckles on the left Collarbone Point.

You are now half way done. You complete the Collarbone Breathing Exercise by repeating the entire procedure using the fingertips and knuckles of the left hand. You will be tapping the Gamut Point, of course, with the fingertips of the right hand.

- Free EFT online manual from the Official EFT homepage.
- "EFT Procedure."

the stress release points (in the picture) are also called "positive points". holding these points allows the emotion of the stress to be released moving the person from the brain stem reaction state to the pre-frontal cortex of logic reasoning state.

Having someone else hold these points from behind also works well to release the stress.

I've made a website devoted to other subjects as well as EFT. Click here. The button for healing topics is the south picture.

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