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Sinclair Obama Sex/Drug Allegations
Something is very Suspicious with Sinclair's Polygraph Testing which performed the arduous 4-hour polygraph 'examination' on Larry Sinclair has reneged on its promises. owners now refuse to post the second polygraph examiner's report as well as the videos of the testing itself.  They cite many 'angry emails' from Sinclair supporters as their main reason.  And they call themselves a 'news site'? They have also stopped payment on a $20,000 check to Larry Sinclair, claiming he has breached their agreement. 

On top of all of this there are new rumours surfacing that David Axelrod from the Obama campaign has paid Dan Parisi of $750,000 to keep the matter quiet. Parisi has refused to answer these allegations or return numerous telephone calls from the media for comments. -

We also wonder why Larry Sinclair was paid MORE than the original $10,000 that was agreed upon (before the check was cancelled). The higher amount that he received was only to be paid if he had passed the exam.

This calls into serious question the credibility of which, until recently, used to be a hard core porn site run by Dan Parisi.

Even the report of the polygraph examiner himself, Dr Gelb, has been brought into question. Apparently, the validity of his PhD has been shown to be conflicted. - and he has only released  the results of 2 questions in the polygraph examination. This means we, the public, are unable to judge the entire exam to see what all the OTHER questions and their relative scores were.  Only TWO questions appeared in Gelb's report.

This leaves the whole matter wide open and we do not consider it closed by a long shot. stands by its results!

Second Polygraph examiners Report 

Here is the second polygraph examiner's report which refused to post. It was posted on Larry Sinclair's site and can be downloaded in full by clicking here

Essentially the report supports Dr. Gelb's original conclusions but with one striking and very important difference. It can be found in this paragraph here. 

The important line is here... "I also evaluated the second series using the computer algorithum PolyScore (v. 6.0). It evaluated the chart as No Deception Indicated, and calculated the probability of deception as being less that .01 on a scale of .00 to 1.00.This was inconsistent with my numerical analysis."

The examiner then goes on to say that if there is a conflict between the examiner's score and PolyScore, then the human score takes precedence.

But, the important thing to note here is that 2 different results were obtained from the same test. One said No Deception Indicated and the other saying there was deception.

This is a MAJOR incongruity and casts doubt on the whole testing process. wonders if this is the real reason why did not publish this report as they promised they would.

Click here to go to original Sinclair reversal report

Update: (27 Feb. 2008) For commentary on Ed Gelb's polygraph examination of Larry Sinclair concerning his allegations against presidential candidate Barack Obama, please see Larry Sinclair and the Polygraph on the message board.

Polygraph Operator "Dr." Edward I. Gelb Exposed as a Phony Ph.D.
Past President of the American Polygraph Association Obtained Degree from an Unaccredited Diploma Mill
by George W. Maschke
16 June 2003

Why would one of the most prominent polygraph operators in America falsely pass himself off as a Ph.D.? Edward I. Gelb of Los Angeles isn't saying.

Since 1969, after completing training at the Backster School of Lie Detection in San Diego, Gelb claims to have conducted in excess of 30,000 polygraph examinations. Along with attorney F. Lee Bailey, Gelb appeared on a nationally syndicated television program called "Lie Detector." Gelb has been interviewed about polygraph matters on such national television programs as "Entertainment Tonight," "Geraldo Rivera Live," "CNN Newstand," and CNN's "Larry King Live" show. His high profile clients include O.J. Simpson and John and Patsy Ramsey (parents of JonBenet Ramsey, whose murder remains unsolved). Gelb is a past president, executive director, and chairman of the board of the American Polygraph Association and in 1998 earned the association's Leonarde Keeler Award "for long and distinguished service to the polygraph profession."

Gelb has publicly claimed to hold a Ph.D. degree in psychology since at least 1996. In 1997, he represented himself as a Ph.D. to the highest court in the land -- the United States Supreme Court -- as a co-signer of the Committee of Concerned Social Scientists' amicus brief in U.S. v. Scheffer, where he is listed as "Ed Gelb, Ph.D."

But compelling evidence pieced together by discussants on the message board indicates that Gelb never earned a doctoral degree from any accredited university. The comprehensive Dissertation Abstracts database (the definitive worldwide collection of doctoral dissertations including over 1.6 million records dating back to 1861) includes no doctoral dissertation by an Edward Gelb.

Gelb did not return phone phone calls and e-mail seeking clarification regarding his educational background. However, has obtained a copy of Gelb's resume (80 kb PDF) that was included in court documents filed in a civil suit in 2002. Writing about himself in the third person, here is what Gelb says about his educational background: "Dr. Gelb was educated at the University of Southern California, LaSalle University and U.C.L.A.. He has been awarded a bachelor's degree in political science, a master's degree in psychology and a doctorate in psychology."

Gelb doesn't state where or when he earned which degree. Perhaps Gelb would like us to infer that he listed the universities in the same order that he listed his degrees and that he earned a bachelor's degree at USC, a master's degree at LaSalle, and a doctorate at UCLA. But this is certainly not the case. If Gelb had earned his Ph.D. at UCLA (or USC), his dissertation would surely be included in the Dissertation Abstracts database. That leaves LaSalle University. There is a legitimate institution of higher learning called LaSalle University in Philadelphia, but it awarded its first Ph.D. degree of any kind in 2002, years after Gelb began putting the letters "Ph.D." after his name. Ed Gelb didn't earn a doctoral degree there.

No, the "LaSalle University" that awarded Gelb his "doctorate" turns out to be a defunct, unaccredited diploma mill in Mandeville, Louisiana that was owned and operated by one Thomas James Kirk, A.K.A. Thomas McPherson. In 1996, LaSalle was raided by the FBI, and in 1997 Kirk pled guilty to federal fraud charges. (For more on the bogus LaSalle University, see "The swim 'doctor': Credentials of nutrition adviser to U.S. women's team questioned," by Danny Robbins and Margaret Jamison, Houston Chronicle, 7 September 2000 and "Chiropractors with False credentials and diplomas" on

Mr. Edward I. Gelb is no Ph.D., and he should stop masquerading as such.

SO... Obama is a drug using homosexual? I guess they are all the same,. There is no surprise to this info. He is no better and no worse than any of the others. There are alot of stories out there about Hilary Clinton also. Would any of them even be there now if they weren't drug using homosexuals?

My guess is most of them are drug users and bisexual. The same is true for most of Hollywood.

Larry's site with full story.

Second Interview with Larry Sinclair on the Jeff Rense Program 

Overview: Larry Sinclair is the man who claimed he had gay sex and shared cocaine with Barack Obama in 1999. The website challenged Sinclair to take a polygraph examination concerning these claims. We also did a reverse speech analysis on Mr. Sinclair's claims as heard on the Jeff Rense Program of January 23. Our results can be seen here. We reported that our analysis determined that Sinclair was telling a true story. Our findings contradicted the recent polygraph test which claimed 'deception' was 'indicated.'  Since that time, there has a been a furore on the internet about the test. It has since been discovered that the polygraph examiner's PhD is a fake from a diploma mill. There were also huge inconsistencies in the second examiner's evaluation of the data and findings thereof. These can all been seen on our original Sinclair page. On top of all of this, there are rumours of a $750,000 payoff by David Axelrod of the Obama campaign to to shut the entire Sinclair 'problem' down by paying Sinclair to take a polygraph test and then releasing a skewed, corrupted report on it.  Larry Sinclair subsequently made a second appearance on the Jeff Rense Program on February 26th to discuss the polygraph test and the very strange events surrounding it.  You can hear the Rense-Sinclair interview here.

Conclusion: Like his first interview on the Jeff Rense Program, Larry Sinclair's reversals are congruent - ie: He is telling a true story.

Click on the reversal to hear the mp3 file. The exact forward words where the reversals occurred are marked with brackets - []

"They [wanted to know] who in media I had spoken with, what media outlets, what reporters, it was just a fishing expedition." Wanted to know (This is a mirror image reversal, saying the same thing backwards as it is forwards. It shows congruity.)

"I had been challenging him on Sunday because he called me on Sunday and [said that he had received the] reports from Dr Gelb." Release you. They hid this (Maybe a reference to delaying the release of the report - certainly they never released the second report or the videos of the examination.)

"...suggesting that I agree to a flat fee as opposed to the $10,000 to [take it and then] $90,000 if I passed." And then they fake it (Does he believe the polygraph test was faked?)

"And I immediately copied the email and pasted it to an email to Mr. Parisi and I asked him, I said excuse me can you explain this email to me please and can you explain to me why it is that you did not bring this to my attention [before you] had me convinced that this person was in fact a legitimate Phd." Your fib (He is accusing Mr Parisi of lying.)

"The only dealings [I expect with Mr]. Parisi is to honour his commitment on his check and if he does not do that and that check is returned to my bank in Duluth unpaid then the next dealings I will have with Mr. Parisi is swearing out a warrant for his arrest." But soon they'll get scared (Congruent reversal. He means it!)

Letter From Larry Sinclair To Obama And Axelrod
March 2, 2008
Senator Barack Obama
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Senator Barack Obama
230 S. Dearborn Street, Ste. 3900
Chicago, IL 60604
Mr. David Axelrod
AKP Message & Media
730 N. Franklin Street, Ste. 404
Chicago, IL 60610
RE: Questions
Dear Senator Obama and Mr. Axelrod:
I am writing the two of you this letter because phone calls continue to be ignored. I feel it is only fair that I address the following questions to the two of you directly one last time.
1. Who is Ron Allen that claims to be with your Presidential camp, who is alleged to claim that someone claiming to represent me called asking for $100,000, to keep me from coming forward about our (Obama and I) November 1999 encounter of sex and cocaine use?
2. How can the two of you stand in front of this country talking about bring people together at the same time you both have engaged your supporters in a massive internet smear against me where you are providing knowing false information to your paid bloggers for the purpose trying to keep the truth about you Mr. Obama from coming out?
3. How can you claim to be a uniter at the same time you are encouraging your supporters to threaten to blow my head off, to cut my throat and to set me on fire if I do not recent my statements?
4. How can either of you gentleman claim to be concerned about truth when you and Mr. Axelrod engaged in a payoff deal with Dan Parisi of to the tune of $750,000, to arrange a rigged polygraph?
5. Do you truly believe (that after you two have gone to the extent that you have to have me smeared on the internet with outright false statements) I will go away? Because if you do, I want to tell you right now that the only thing you have done by having my life repeatedly threatened, and by repeatedly providing out right false information for your supporters to post about me on the web, is to make certain that I will not go away and I will not rest until the truth about you both is across every headline around the world.
6. If you claim that neither of you have had nothing to do with the internet attacks and false statements, then prove, post it on your web site and denounce any such attacks. I know you will not because a great deal of the false information has come directly from Mr. Axelrod and his associates.
7. If you claim you had no involvement in the scam, then prove it. Publicly denounce Dan Parisi's getting me to agree to his scam and then stopping payment on his check.
8. If you and Mr. Axelrod claim you had no involvement with Dan Parisi open up your accounts and the accounts of AKP and David Axelrod for review to prove it.
It needs to be made clear that I will not be threatened nor will I allow you to feed completely false information about me to your bloggers and then just fade away into the sunset. Let me make it clear that your attacks against me have only hardened my resolve to see that this story gets out and you are exposed for what both of you truly are.
Larry Sinclair


Attached Files Image(s)

Puerto Rico TV First To
Air Sinclair Obama Allegations
By James Neff
The interview done by SuperXclusivo the most popular and highest rated Puerto Rican TV Show is now on their web site in its entirity. It is in two parts and is on the right hand side of your screen dtated 4-9-08
Thank you,
Larry Sinclair    
From Lawrence Sinclair
[email protected]
CNN, FOX and American MSM Scooped by Puerto Rico's SuperXclusivo on Obama drug, sex & murder allegations   
Posted on Wednesday, April 9, 2008.   
"Cynicism is a sorry kind of wisdom" - Barack Obama
By jenontheshore on Wed Apr 09, 2008 at 08:19:39 PM PDT
It is a sad day for the American mainstream media when Peurto Rico's number one rated television show, SuperXclusivo, which airs live Monday thru Friday at 6 pm ET, on the drug, sex and murder allegations made against Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama.   
Where the American media feels they are entitled to play God in deciding what the American people deserve to know about the candidates, Puerto Rico's  WAPA TV reports on these allegations against Barack Obama to inform its citizens before the upcoming PR Primary. American mainstream media has become beholden to Barack Obama and his efforts to fool the American people into seeing him as anything other than what he really is. MSNBC has especially gone to extremes to promote Obama and leaves many to wonder why the network is not being paid for their 24 Obama commercial. Or is the network being paid. Mikka and Chris, and Keith sure seem to get hot and bothered for the man, and then when forced to report about his Pastor they cry and apologize for doing so.   
Even CNN who I at one time watched constantly, ha decided to do non stop biased pro Obama reporting and ignore any story that would present Obama in an unfavorable light. Whatever happened to Anderson Cooper's tag line, "Keeping then Honest?"   
I take my hat off to Televicentro WAPA TV for doing what was in the best interest of the citizens of Puerto Rico, unlike the current American MSM which with Obama has determined that the voter only needs to hear what the candidate wants them to.   
A recent comment by a very slow self-proclaimed 'law student' from the University of Michigan (I have posted it below), argues that Obama has provided the MSM proof I am lying, which I know cannot be o, and that the MSM is not covering this until Obama says something. So the media now takes its instructions from Barack Obama and Axelrod? Seems I have said that about the current MSM from day one.  -LS    
Female Law Student
You guys are funny. The responses hysterical. Have fun in your quest to bring down Senator Obama. If I had to bet on it. I bet Senator Obama and his team are silent and not responding because they are already ready for you Larry. And the media is not responding because Obama has already given them the proof needed to shut Larry down so they are mum so they don't get egg on their faces. Ha! Ha! Ha! Good luck you guys. Fight til the death. Yar Yar Yar.   
ADDED BY LARRY:Thank you Mr/Ms Axelrod, I have already stated Obama and Axelrod are going to try the same thing you state here, but there is one problem with that sweetheart, he cannot even think of trying to come out now and say he has records showing him to be somewhere else after claiming to every media outlet for almost a year he cannot produce any records not even personal ones because he didn't keep them. Just because your precious Obama says something does not make it true, and baby has that been proven over and over again by his own lips.   
From XXX
Attack, and when that fails, Obama supporters/surrogates attack again & again., 2008/04/09 at 8:09 PM   
I will only say this, David Axelrod and Barack Obama can play the media like a harp all day long, but Barack Obama cannot sneak, slide, crawl, smoke, kill or photo shop is way out of the truth. Every media outlet that has allowed itself to be prostituted by David Axelrod and Barack Obama should have its broadcast Licence revoked.
Wonder what Chris Matthews and Keith Oberman feel down their legs when they are scooped by the #1 rated Puerto Rican show SUPERXCLUSIVO?
Thank you,
Larry Sinclair

Larry Sinclair Covered In New Republic
Scenes From Today's RBC Hillary Protest
Howard Dean may hope that the "healing will begin today," but two blocks away from the northwest Washington Marriott where the DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee is meeting right now to try to figure out Florida and Michigan, the Hillary protesters are occupying an utterly alternate (and healing-free) universe: a universe in which one of the big lawn rally's speakers yells that the Democratic Party no longer is in the business of "promoting equality and fairness for all"; in which a Hillary supporter with two poodles shouts, "Howard Dean is a leftist freak!"; in which a man exhibits a sign that reads "At least slaves were counted as 3/5ths a Citizen" and shows Dean whipping handcuffed people; and in which <>Larry Sinclair, the Minnesota man who took to YouTube to allege that Barack Obama had oral sex with him in the back of a limousine in 1999, is one of the belles of the ball.
"They almost made me cry this morning when they told me to get out of there," the blond Sinclair--who's looking roly-poly and giddy in a blue-and-white striped shirt with a pack of Marlboros protruding from the breast pocket--says, referring to several nervous protest organizers who tried to evict him when he first showed up at the rally site early this morning carrying a box of "Obama's DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS: Murder, Drugs, Gay Sex" fliers. Since then, though, he goes on, "I have been totally surprised by the reception I have received!"
He's not kidding. Clusters of people in Hillary shirts ask to take their photo with him, one woman covered in Clinton buttons introduces him to Greta Van Susteren, and he estimates he has handed out 500 fliers. "You could improve your credibility if you downplayed the gay sex and focused on the drugs," sagely advises one Hillary supporter with auburn hair and elegant makeup. But in this universe, Sinclair's credibility doesn't seem to be suffering too much. In fact, he's treated nearly as well as he might be at a meeting of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy. In the thirty minutes I stand with him, only one woman expresses disgust at his fliers and his willingness to chattily discourse on whether Obama is "good in bed."
Earlier, he claims, he even got to take a picture with Charlie Rangel. "I love him!" Sinclair chirps, though, it must be said, not as much as he loves Lanny Davis.
Has it come to this? We tend to assume the Hillary camp's hot rhetoric--that Obama's less ready than McCain to be commander-in-chief, that the DNC in Florida is like Mugabe in Zimbabwe--is studied, purposeful, that they can't really believe it. That may be true at the Lanny Davis level, but by the time it trickles down to Hillary's most grassroots supporters, it becomes deadly serious.
Of the eight Hillary supporters I quiz at the protest (six of them women), only one says she'd even consider voting for Obama in the fall. "It's sad. I'm a lifelong Democrat and the party's been taken over by these Obama people who say they want 'change,'" gripes Linda of Horseheads, New York, outside the Marriott as a honking car decorated with a painting of Hillary, a glued-on bust of Cleopatra, and a tampon drives by. Linda, she says, has already gone to the state Board of Elections to learn how to write Hillary's name in in November. "So much has been stolen from her."
Justine, a self-described "diehard Democrat" from Greensboro, North Carolina, objects to the write-in idea. "It's gonna help Barack if you don't vote against him," she says. She and her friends got Sinclair to autograph their copies of the "Murder, Drugs, Gay Sex" flier. One of those friends, Jeannie, is living proof that, at least for some people, the long primary has done its damage. "When [Obama] first came out, we just thought he was too young," she explains. "But now I don't think he's qualified at all."
It's easy to sink into despair here. Standing and watching all these Democrats chat up Sinclair--who's retained Montgomery Blair Sibley as his lawyer and says the Republican National Committee has also been in touch with him--makes me want to fall to my knees, rend my garments, and start insanely screaming, "Wake up! Wake up! You'll hate a President John McCain!" But the rhetoric from the top has imparted its poison below, and the bitterest criticisms of Obama gain traction as they circulate through the virulently-pro-Hillary echo chamber. "Would you rather have a president who had an affair [Bill Clinton] or one who was a murderer [Obama]?" Jeannie, the Greensboro Democrat, asks a fellow in a floppy Tilley hat and Hillary buttons. "That's a good point," he replies.
Following instructions from Obama HQ, almost no Obama supporters have shown up to protest, amplifying the impression of the alternate Hillary universe. But around the edges, a few small signs of the other universe peek through, the one in which Barack Obama leads and most Democrats don't suspect him of multiple felonies. Inside the Marriott's gift shop, the sales clerk tells me that Democratic bumper stickers have been selling like crazy today. "Mostly Hillary?" I ask.
"Actually, mostly Obama," she giggles.
--Eve Fairbanks

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