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Solipsism & The Devil
By Henry Makow

Our minds have been conditioned to shut down at the mere mention of God. However, the New World Order is ultimately an occult exercise designed to replace God (Reality) with Lucifer, who represents the Illuminati's self-serving rebellion.

This cult consists of Cabalist Jews and Freemasons who proclaim God has no form and is unknowable. They step into the breach and anoint themselves God.

They create a solipsistic man-made reality. This is why they must control the mass media and education. We are prisoners of this matrix. Modern (i.e. Masonic) culture is a fraud dedicated to undermining marriage and family (through gender-bending and promiscuity), race, religion (God) and country (through migration and miscegenation.) It is a dead-end.

In fact, mankind is connected to God by our soul (which the Illuminati deny exists.)  God has attributes which we all crave, spiritual absolutes such as Truth, Love, Goodness, Justice, Beauty and Harmony.

These attributes ultimately are Reality. That is why we feel confused, listless and empty without them. The Illuminati is dedicated to turning Reality on its head, making what is healthy seem sick, good seem evil, true seem false and ugly seem beautiful.

All true religions are based on this paradigm. That is why Freemasonry is dedicated to destroying them.

Our Predicament in a Nutshell
Modern Western culture is based on Cabalist Judaism which is a solipsism: whatever serves the central bankers' perversity is Truth. Instead of discerning God's Plan, the moral and natural order, they overrule objective truth and erect a false reality in its place.

For example, people can transition from one gender to another simply by identifying. Men can menstruate and have babies. Men can compete fairly in female sports and use female bath and changing rooms. Overruling nature - i.e. gender differences- is Satanism

"We have already contrived to possess of the minds of the goy communities...[they are] looking through the spectacles we are setting astride their noses." (Protocols of Zion, 12)

Our corrupt ancestors gave our national credit cards to people who want to destroy us. These central bankers created the Deep State for this purpose.

Modern society is based on a solipsism created by Illuminati (Cabalist) Jewish bankers and their Masonic minions.

The word "solipsism" means a self-created reality that has little or no connection with Truth.

The word was coined in 1874 from the Latin solus "alone" and ipse "self".

It is the view that self is the only object of real knowledge or the only thing that is real.

The New World Order is dedicated to replacing Truth with a solipsism created by the same people who create money from nothing and charge interest.

What is Truth? On the material plane, it is the natural design, the most efficacious functioning of the natural realm. On a spiritual plane, it is God, who is the ultimate reality, another name for absolute truth, beauty, love, harmony and justice, what all human beings naturally crave.

Our mission is to embody these ideals.

On the other hand, the Illuminati say man excels by rebelling against God, and manifesting his worst qualities which Satanists think are his best.

Instead of being dedicated to Truth, humanity has been hijacked by the bankers.

Modern culture is based on replacing reality with this Illuminati Jewish solipsism, sometimes called "secular humanism." Anything that goes against this program dies on the vine from lack of funding and notice.

This is not a recent development. I expect it has been going on since before Christ. But the modern chapter probably began with the return of the Jews to England in the early Seventeenth Century and the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694.

British and later American imperialism have been the instruments of the "Jewish Conspiracy." The New World Order is an extension of this. 
The bankers have created a solipsism that portrays the material world as "red in tooth and claw" (Darwin etc.) and mired in class conflict (Marx.) This way the bankers harnessed the workers to eliminate their competition.

Meanwhile Nietzsche pronounced God dead. "Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God merely a mistake of man?" he wrote. They reject the inherent moral order because it interferes with their monopoly of wealth.

Think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism (Evolution), Marxism (Communism), Nietzsche-ism (Socialism). To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the goyim." The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (2).

This solipsistic process has not abated.  Today, scientists who detect an intelligent force at work in nature are fired from their jobs.

The bankers also champion the dogma that reality is unknowable and that researchers and artists are depicting themselves.

For example, postmodernist Hayden White writes, "historical narratives are verbal fictions, the contents of which are more invented than found.."

WRONG. History is the record of the gradual enslavement of mankind by the Illuminati. Naturally, they want us to believe objectivity is impossible and history unfathomable.

Meanwhile, instead of art, they hype perversity. The bestselling novel of 2008 was about hemorrhoids. Modern art is devoted to destroying the "uplifting potential of art, literature and music..." (Michael Minnichino, The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness.)

Modern literature normalizes "alienated" people who became dysfunctional because they attempted to supplant God.   

Organized Jewry is funded and controlled by the Illuminati bankers. These bankers belong to a satanic cult (the Sabbatean-Frankists) who intermarry with Gentile generational satanists. They are humanity's shadow.

Throughout history, they have championed "revolution." The real occult meaning of revolution is the overthrow of God. They have financed and trumpeted anything that challenges or undermines the salutary natural and moral order: "sexual liberation"; "homosexual rights"; feminism; abortion --all designed to disconnect people from the natural cycle of marriage and reproduction. "Multiculturalism" and diversity breaks down national character and cohesion. 

"We will undermine every collective identity but our own," the Protocols say.

Look at the current offerings of the cable network Home Box Office for example.

"True Blood" is pornography, vampires ravishing and killing young women. "Hung" - the exploits of a male gigolo. "Entourage" - height-challenged talent agents making lucrative deals. All feature explicit sex.

The movies this month: "Walkout" glorifies Hispanic minorities who want to take back the American Southwest. And Rosie O'Donnell's family cruise- champions homosexual families.

Jews are aware of their tendency to self-absorption. Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO satirizes his selfishness and inability to consider others. Canadians can watch Ken Finkleman's embarrassing knock-off, Good Dog on HBO Canada. Both men model Jewish dysfunction and help to make it universal.

The Illuminati controlled entertainment industry and media inducts humanity into their Cabalist Satanism. "Secularism" is merely a cover for this. They control our politicians too or their media monopoly would have been broken up.

Human beings tend to be unthinking conformists and can't imagine that society has been thoroughly corrupted. Monkey see; monkey do. And most of what monkey sees is degrading and often disgusting.

It's no coincidence that "slut walks" and children raised "gender-free" are front-page news.

It's no coincidence that the media does not elevate us morally, or make us feel good about being human. It's no coincidence that it never depicts history accurately. No coincidence that it rarely exposes the universal, but instead fixates on the trivial.

We are being drawn into a solipsism that inverts good and evil; truth and lies. We are being inducted into a satanic cult.  We have been satanically possessed by Organized Jewry and its Freemason flunkies.

DD said (March 14, 2023):
Grand slam w/ the Solipsism article.
Mark Passio brought solipsism up in his magnum opus.
Thank you - both of you for making this known.
Solipsism is the main tumor and needs to be surgically removed.
Hopefully we're in time as it's getting late for maintenance.

Henrique said (August 19, 2011):
What the commenter Thomas below wrote is exactly what Makow said we must combat. This conception "We cannot really know what matter is. We only have words, ideas and concepts, i.e. knowledge passed on to us" is popular cornerclub Kantism of the worst kind.

"Truth if it exists cannot be known by us. Our mind is not suitable to understand life and we don't have another instrument" more satanist/materialistic bullshit. This idea that "we simply cannot reach the thing-in-itself with our minds or senses, all we can do is realize the phenomena caused by it" is, if anything, solipsism itself in embezzled academic words.

Remember that Immanuel Kant was the floodgate-opener for all sorts of materialistic philosophoids who came after him, Marx included. Like the Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho says, Immanuel Kant is " a master of mental confusion like Nietzche and Heidegger, something that needs to be flushed down the toilet of history once and for all.

Clifford Shack said (August 19, 2011):
To say that the Self is the only object of real knowledge or the only thing that is real is quite close to the Truth. The problem arises when we mistake the Self for the body or on a more subtle level...the thought "I." Freedom lies beyond these misconceptions. The Illuminati have no power over a sage. I suggest that we all strive to become wise.

Thanks Clifford

The Illuminati satanists are referring to the small-s self, the ego, as you know.

Chris said (August 19, 2011):
This article shows the quandary humanity is in. I cringe when I see the title, "Jewish Conspiracy" placed upon what is going on. It is a Satanic conspiracy. They are no more Jews than we are a frog.

Hitler used the Jews as a stepping stone to torment all people. I hope we are not falling down that path again, where division is created upon race and creed. God confronted this same problem in the Old Testament. He had to continually separate His people, from those that claimed to be His, but were not.

I have met many Jewish people in my life, and most have been wonderful caring individuals. I did meet a Jewish banker that believed that each of us are the messiah, but I don't think he was an inherently evil person. Just another one that had been led down a path of confusion. I hold to hope that Truth and Love will guide people through these murky waters. I am starting to think this "Conspiracy" has much more to it than anything I have read about it.

With all you pointed out about the negative influence in entertainment, I'd like to share with you something I made that's positive. I'm a struggling musician, mainly because I refused to accept the offers from the filth I have found in the business. But I have managed to make a music video to a song off an album I've been working on. Hopefully it will make you feel a bit better. Its titled "Like a Dove" and can be viewed here:

Wave said (August 19, 2011):
"Our modern worldview is a solipsism and, with the possible exception of science, has little value or legitimacy."
All right I'll take the bait. People are kidding themselves if they think science has been exempt from the great web of lies. It has been known for some time (Kuhn et al.) that science is not a genuinely objective enterprise but driven by paradigms or 'world views' . . . which brings it back to the education system, psychology and history. I think your articles on the cancer industry confirm the allegation of philosophers that the science of today, like the religion of yesterday, breaks its back trying to justify the system and submission to it.

Even so people still doubt that modern science has been glued together with bullshit, just like every other discipline, because they can't imagine that pearls of modern science like the theories of relativity are falsehoods - complete fabrications. And yet it was Einstein himself who said 'you can prove anything with mathematics'! Judging by the ridiculously brutal alternative energy/UFO coverup, people should brace themselves for the news that one can travel faster than the speed of light, that the sun is not a big ball of gas and there was quite a bit of tinkering in the evolution of Homo sapiens.

Thomas said (August 19, 2011):
Your statement about the material plane is not true. We cannot really know what matter is. We only have words, ideas and concepts, i.e. knowledge passed on to us.

The same about 'God' if he exists (as a separate entity), we cannot know anything about him or about life itself. We only have all kind of words, ideas and concepts, i.e. knowledge passed on to us, but we argue all the time about it until we realize that we don't need to know it. God is not relevant

Truth if it exists cannot be known by us. Our mind is not suitable to understand life and we don't have another instrument.

The problem is that the illuminati and most of us think we have the knowledge about how to live and how to manipulate life(energy).

This is because we are only interested in our own (permanent) pleasure and come up with rules to avoid the pain and problems (and destruction) that come with it. Unfortunately that does not work.

Gary said (August 19, 2011):
Very informative article Henry, the Illuminati's "solipsism" reminds me of the movie "Matrix", the illuminati has been very effective via their control of mainstream media, public schools, politics, ect. in keeping the majority of the public plugged in to their deceptive solipsism, but thankfully there are those who have woke up from their deception.

Austin made some good points in his comments, the roots of the Illuminati can be traced way back to the beginning, and the ultimate "puppetmaster" behind the scenes has been Satan (the Illuminati still view him as Lucifier), and that evil supernatural eninty has been the cohesive force that has enabled the globalist conspiracy to span generations.

Even though Satan, thru his Illuminati puppets want to eventually try to completely destroy true Christianity, in the meantime they have muddied the waters with various deceptions, with watered down ineffective gospels, "wolves in sheep's clothing", ecumenical deception that tries to nullify the effectiveness of the true gospel with the "New Age" deception that "all paths to God are vaild", but the Bible clearly says otherwise.

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Galatians 1:8)

In today's time the Illuminati have (thru their puppets) fought against the name of Jesus being used in prayers, like with military chaplins, ect. This is not new to today, even the (false) religious leaders in the apostle's day tried to forbid them from teaching in the name of Jesus.

"Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name?..." (Acts 5:28)

But the Bible is clear about the importance of the name: "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

Satan knows there is power and authority in the name of Jesus, just like if a person tried to cash a check signed with a person's title (father, husband, ect.) rather than with their actual name, the check would be invalid and have no authority, that is why the apostles placed such importance on using the name of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Himself said we must be born again of the water and the Spirit, and on the day of Pentecost the apostle explained how to obey what Jesus said was a must, the New Testament plan went into effect on the day of pentecost when the Spirit was first poured out.

"Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." (Acts 2:38) (this is how to obey the true gospel)

Besides the false gospels the Illuminati has spread, they even has an extreme perversion of being "born again", like the way George Bush was during his "Skull and Bones" initiation.

The modern day effort to try to (virtually) rebuild the "tower of Babel" continues, the web pages below gives some very interesting details:

We are fighting a spiritual warefare, and an educational one, in order to try to wake more and more people up from the Illuminati's solipsism "matrix" we must continue to educate people with what is real and true.

Charles said (August 19, 2011):
For your thesis I think you need to explain what happened in Holland or Spain or Europe generally to drive the Cabal forward. In other words, if it can be demonstrated that the Papacy harbored Satanists, that the politics of the Church and Reformation revolved around Satanism, you have a very interesting connection between MONEY and EVIL. Then showing how this in turn influenced the execution of Charles I and the rise of Cromwell you have the base for the superstructure we see today.

Paul said (August 19, 2011):
Indeed you elevated your writing to a higher level again. Like Chopin producing the most beautiful music when he became richer in years, you managed to compress the very problems we face today in a nutshell. Thank you very much. We really need to get and keep our thinking above the level of these illuminati conspirators in order to understand truth. There is a veil over mans thinking and we are all too busy with our daily lives and sorrows which is only natural, the surviving instinct to avoid obvious threats but with that we are unaware of the real threats.

I especially favor the sentence They have financed and trumpeted anything that challenges or undermines the salutary natural and moral order [etc.] I will cherish that one !

Austin said (August 18, 2011):
you are correct in your suspicions about the Illuminati existing before the time of
Christ. It goes way back to the proverbial 'Tower of Babel'. This was the first time in human history, where rebellious mankind determined to build a tower into the heavens' and thus unite all people at that time, behind that one effort. An ancient United Nations if you will. This was also the place where archane occult practices and beliefs were formulated. When God divided the people by supernaturally changing their speech, they were forced to leave building the Tower and were scattered, over time, across the earth. Since that time, those who have controlled the black arts, politics and money (the Bloodlines) back then, had determined that one day they would find a way to rebuild the Tower.

It comes as no surpsrie to me that the NWO and the modern UN structures, are just another 'Tower of Babel' - where all peoples and all languages meet together with that same rebellious New World Order view. Their only attempt at 'religious representation' is a special room that contains a statue of Zeus, chief of the ancient Greek pantheon.

Jesus Christ calls these people "the Synagogue of Satan" (Revelation 3:9) but gives us the hope that one day they and their quest for spiritual deception and world domination will be vanquished. They will be exposed for their wickedness, and we will be free of their influence for ever.

Jesus Christ is the embodyment of all those good things that you mentioned - "absolute truth, beauty, love, harmony and justice, what all human beings naturally crave."

I would take it one step further and state that it is a relationship with God our Father, through Jesus Christ that people actually crave. It is the exact opposite that Satanic individuals and organizations crave. Our total destruction and the ultimate triumph of evil over good. Looks to me like the second Tower of Babel will end up in ruins too, as when they have run their course, God will totally destroy them and their influence from off the Earth for good. "and there were great voices in heaven, saying: The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever" Rev 11:15. This is our final hope, as God fearing people.

Debra said (August 18, 2011):
The question is: What are we all going to do about it?

Henrique said (August 18, 2011):
Fine article, but like the last commenter Wayne, I'm highly suspicious of your 95% figure. And by the way that's not "knee jerk prejudice" or anything like that, it is a very strong impression that jews in general swallow proudly ( and maliciously ) the ridiculous Clash of Civilizations dialectic that's being pushed down our throats systematically today, "Judeo-Christendom" ( whatever the hell that may mean ) vs. The Evil Extremely Powerful Revolutionary Islam.

Wayne said (August 18, 2011):
Great summary of our predicament, Henry, but I doubt your "95% of Jews" figure. In any case, you strike a blow for truth, as usual.
There is a somewhat adolescent quality to much social rebelliousness, and you boiled it all down when you said, "The real occult meaning of revolution is the overthrow of God." Marxist/socialist-based revolution is by its nature atheistic; whether overt or covert, it is like adolescents rebelling against parental and other authority--only hyped up on hash, steroids (metaphorically speaking), and blood-thirsty hate (literally speaking).

Tony said (August 18, 2011):
My comment is that I believe this to be the best you have ever written. Goes directly to the core of what is wrong in today's world. And shows how scary is the "fix." Only God's interference can make a difference at this stage, I fear.

The cartoon, too, is something every last "Christian Zionist" should have to see except that most of them, if they turned, would do the red neck ignorant, over-simplification thing of lumping all Jews as evil just as they now lump all Jews as good as God, if not better.

Deb said (August 18, 2011):
Root Cause -
Nature-cures are surely (without a doubt) better than chemical cures: pharmaceutical chemical compounds, etc. ... But, nature without acknowledgement for God, is nature-worship and whilst extremely helpful, ultimately not enough. God created Nature, therefore give ALL praises to God.


Is the Devil in the New World Order?
Most people are not aware of the Luciferic connection.

By Ken Raggio

"...and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority," Revelation 13:2.

The devil is in the details - literally. Satan himself drives this new world government. (Note: Although a dragon is the modern symbol of China, the Bible clearly says that the dragon mentioned here is the Devil - "He laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan," Revelation 20:2, also 12:9).

Most people either refuse to believe or don't WANT to believe that God or Satan are real forces in the world today. This article will show you, in hard facts, that they ARE. I am not suggesting that people are atheists. People definitely believe in spirits, but they do not accept truly Biblical concepts or teachings about God and devils. Spiritualism has never had more practitioners. But in that reality lies a great and universal error.

Neo-paganism is a more accurate term to apply to popular religion today. Modern society demonstrates that it is possible to have a keen sensitivity to the spirit world and yet know NOTHING about the true and living God.

It is up to Bible believers to emphatically assert the TRUTH that is revealed in the Bible - which, in its original language, is the infallible Word of God.

Let's take a few moments to review some basic but extremely critical assertions of Bible prophecy.

Lucifer and Jesus Christ are the two major forces in world events.
Lucifer is the principal spiritual force for evil in the world today. He is the driving force in the New World Order. This is verifiable. There are any number of key personalities in the New World Order that are dramatically and explicitly linked to Luciferian doctrines and practices.

(For an in-depth study of the Biblical character of Lucifer, and his ambitions, please study my online article, "Satan’s Doom" at

Rooted in ancient beliefs tracing back as far as Nimrod at the Tower of Babel, a vast procession of empire builders have marched across the centuries in defiance of the Kingdom of God, and in deference to the earthly kingdoms of men and devils.

NONE of these empires have worked independently of Satan's evil princes. EVERY society is influenced by a demon prince. The scriptures prove this. For further explanation, see my articles, The Nature of the Battle, SPIRITS!, Spiritualism, and Spiritual Warfare

In these last prophetic days, some of these principalities are fulfilling major prophetic roles. Most of them have been at work for centuries to bring about the destruction of civilization as we know it, in order that they may have complete possession of the world.

The reason I make that statement, is because the Bible is perfectly clear to tell us that before Jesus Christ returns to the earth at Armageddon, several international events must take place, and several political alliances and coalitions must be created. NOTHING can prevent these eventualities. They WILL occur!

If we follow the scripture closely, then follow the daily news, we can plainly observe these fulfillments.

I have traced back hundreds of years to identify the major spirits of the past two thousand years, and attempt to show how they have brought us to our present dilemma. If you will be patient, these explanations will astonish you.

Included in the list of players are:
JEWISH CABALISTS - agents of Lucifer and the Babylonian mysteries.

Cabalism (also spelled Kaballah and Qabal) is a mystical religion that evolved from the ungodly traditions of the Jewish Talmud and the Ancient Mysteries. It is a departure from the Torah (Old Testament), providing extra-biblical beliefs, many of them concocted from a mixture of Hebraisms, Babylonian mysteries and various mystical sources.

The Talmud was held to be the indispensable companion to the Torah (Old Testament). But Jesus condemned the Pharisees' placing the Talmud ahead of the Torah.

Yet, apparently from Solomon's time, the Bible was completely perverted by evil men who elected to read mystical meanings into the Hebrew alphabet in preference to taking the Word of God at face value.

We must carefully delineate between the authenticity of the INSPIRED Word of God (Torah), and the evil and perverted traditions (Talmud and mystical traditions).

Instead of reading the Word of God as it was plainly written, the mystics BORROWED pagan mystical beliefs, most of which were traced to BABYLON, and applied alien interpretations to the Hebrew texts. They ascribed mystical words and phrases to each letter and number of the alphabet, then ignoring the face value of a word or sentence, proceeded to give the Bible a completely DIFFERENT meaning than what was originally intended.

In their Lucifer-like pride and perversion, they believed they could be as gods, exercise divine powers, perform magical feats (both black magic and white magic), and command spirits.

These are the original workings of ANTI-GOD, ANTI-TRUTH, and ANTI-CHRIST powers.

Today, one of the most renowned examples is the Order of the Golden Dawn, in which the "Tree of Life" is drawn, showing man's ascent from humanity to deity, using the cabalistic methods of magic, incantations, ritual, etc.

These were diabolical and sinister deeds supposedly initiated by the wisest man who ever lived - Solomon, and brought about largely because of his habit of entertaining pagan royalties, intermarrying with heathen wives, and subscribing to their pagan beliefs, idolatries and perversions.

Ironically, Solomon, in his backsliding, countermanded all the wisdom he had ever possessed.

To this day, Jewish Cabalism promulgates more Babylonian mysticism than any other culture. As you will see in an in-depth study of Cabalism, it has evolved over the many centuries into what we now know as New World Order!

For this reason, we can say at the outset that Lucifer is the father of the New World Order.

Modern Freemasonry credits Hiram, Lebanese builder of Solomon's Temple to be the father of masonic mysteries. Solomon and Hiram are both considered to have been masters of the mysteries of life.

Josephus, the great Jewish historian, mentioned a book ascribed to Solomon containing incantations for summoning up spirits.

Several ancient extra-biblical books are said to have been written by Solomon, (though it is truly unlikely), including Key of Solomon, Seal of Solomon, and Testament of Solomon. All of them propound doctrines now common in Luciferianism, Wicca, witchcraft, and various mystical religions.

Whether or not Solomon actually wrote them is virtually moot in the face of the widespread belief that he did. As such, so-called gremoirs, (grammars) of magical practices form the ancient historical basis for modern mysticism. It is reasonable to believe that Solomon's backsliding is at least partly responsible for their existence today.

Instead of taking the Bible at face value, as the Word of Almighty God, they derived mystical meanings instead, using the Hebrew alphabet as a secret code, and applying diabolical, perverted meanings to Biblical premises (such as the Order of the Golden Dawn, a powerful religious belief system among practicing witches, magicians, and countless New Agers).

The result is an ANTI-GOD religion with Lucifer as Angel of Light or Enlightenment. Most of modern antichrist forces sprang from Cabalism. Much of Cabalism's teachings actually evolved from ancient Babylonian mysteries.

Many believe that the Pharisees were the mystics of Jesus' day. Certainly, Jesus' principal opponents were the Pharisees. John taught that the spirit of antichrist was already in the world at that time. Who can argue with the fact that the Pharisees sent Jesus to his death? How much more antichrist can one get?

MYSTERY BABYLON supplants the early church.
By the third century, the Apostolic church (the church led by the apostles) had been successfully supplanted by an imposter - the Roman Catholic Church. Apostolic Pentecostal doctrine was trampled to the ground, and Babylonian concepts of "GOD" deeply infiltrated Catholicism. Point by point, paganism systematically replaced every vital component of true Christian beliefs. (See my online article, "Spiritual War with the Spirit of Rome" at

The fifteenth-century Crusades of the Roman Catholic Church produced an international fraternity of mercenary soldiers who went to the Holy Land, purportedly to police and protect the hordes of pilgrims coming from around the world. Over a period of many years, the so-called Knights Templars became very wealthy from the benevolence of those they protected, and eventually migrated to points all over Europe where they became many of the most powerful land owners. They were spiritually initiated and oriented to the ancient mystical religions. They were known to take Luciferian oaths, participate in heinous and perverted spiritual and sexual rituals, and quickly came to be loathed by the general public.

Confusingly, however, the Roman Catholic Church DEFENDED THEM VEHEMENTLY when the King of France would have executed them all for their evil ways. This provides hard evidence that Catholicism and Luciferianism have always been kindred spirits, or "blood-brothers".


The Knights Templar literally sowed seeds of Luciferianism all over Europe. As fabulously wealthy landowners they became extremely influential citizens, and fostered mysticism where ever they went.

In the Knights Templar, some of the earliest strategies for world dominion, based on Luciferic doctrines, were articulated.

Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati
On May 1, 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the University of Inglestadt, founded "The Order of the Illuminati." His was a Luciferic "enlightenment" with a STATED PURPOSE to destroy all governments, nations and religions and to erect on the ruins of civilization a New World Order ruled by the Illuminati.

Weishaupt's teachings evolved from ancient mysticism, as mentioned above. As gods, the Illuminati considered themselves to be empowered by Lucifer himself with the intelligence and wealth to rule the world.

Weishaupt introduced his teachings to the highest-degreed Freemasons, who were already initiated into Luciferic oaths and rituals. Within only a few years, the New World Order became the impetus of some of the most elite and moneyed citizens of that day.

Not the least of them was Prince William of Hesse Cassel, the wealthiest landgrave of that generation. William is said to have initiated his Imperial Agent and international banker, Meyer Amschel Rothschild (also the wealthiest Jew in the world) with the Illuminati doctrine.

The House of Rothschild of Frankfurt, Germany included the five sons of Meyer Amschel and their respective banking houses: Amschel Meyer at Frankfurt, Solomon at Vienna, Nathan at London, Carl at Naples, and James at Paris.

Their father was reputed for having the Jewish Rabbi to his home every Saturday for in depth study of the Talmud. With the Talmud and the Illuminati doctrine well in hand, the House of Rothschild set out to be the financial masters of every nation on earth.

In their generation, they became primary lenders to all the superpowers: England, France, Russia, Austria, Prussia - even the United States was eventually sucked into the bankers’ web.

Make no mistake about it, the Illuminist goals are Luciferic, Babylonian, Cabalistic, pagan, mystical, diabolical and ANTICHRIST.
We cannot accurately accuse the Rothschild family alone for spawning the New World Order.

The Illuminati, The Rothschilds, and The League of Just Men invented and spawned Communism.

According to Count Egor Caesar Corti, in his 1928 book, "The Rise of the House of Rothschild", an offshoot of the Illuminati, the "League of Just Men" hired Karl Marx to write the "Communist Manifesto".

Communism would become their tool of choice for accomplishing the already stated agenda of destroying all governments, nations and religions and building a New World Order that would plunge the entire world into the darkness of totalitarian slavery ruled by the financial elite - the "Illuminati".

The chaos began, and has never stopped. Illuminati conspirators fomented the French Revolution. Later they revenged Napoleon's conquests, causing his downfall and exile. Mirabeau, Marat and Robespierre were prominent "Insiders" of the Illuminati genre.

Between 1848 and 1871, Illuminists instigated the Juarista Revolution in Mexico, the assassination of Alexander II, Czar of Russia, and the Haymarket Riots of Chicago.

Rothschild money has been linked to the American Revolution and the Civil War.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Rothschild associates Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, J.P. Morgan, and John D Rockefeller (as well as many others) gained positions of inestimable wealth and power in the world, and history records their roles in fomenting World Wars I and II, in establishing the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States, and central banks in major nations all over the world.

Illuminati precepts have been propagated through a spectrum of agencies over the past century. The Royal Institute of International Affairs in Britain, the Council on Foreign Relations in America, the Round Table Group in Europe, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission (chaired by David Rockefeller), and the Bilderbergers (an ultra-elite club of about 120 mega-powerful individuals who meet annually), and others parrot the Luciferic scheme of New World Order.

To know them is to despise them. They are evil to the bone-marrow. They will, by design, strip the world of all freedoms of speech and religion, and impose financial and immoral sanctions on the entire global society.

As a result of their incomprehensible network of influence, the Illuminati has infiltrated virtually every Palace, every Statehouse, every Parliament, every Congress of note in the world. They have courted Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Lords, Congressmen and movers and shakers from every strata of society. Through the Free and Accepted Masons, and the 32nd degreed Masters, Luciferianism has spread into every city and hamlet of size in Western civilization.

In the United Nations, the Lucis Trust (originally the Luciferian Trust), founded by Luciferian Alice Bailey, has secured a permanent chapel for religious observance within the UN walls.

Among the most prominent globalists of our time, countless of them can be linked to Freemasonry, Adam Weishaupt, Alice Bailey, Illuminati, etc., etc.

In every presidential administration of this century, a substantial, if not majority of all members were linked to Luciferian inspired organizations. Most people seemingly do not know that politics and religion today have been carefully choreographed for centuries with an ultimate goal of world dominion in the mind of Satan and his schemers.

Is this a crazy "Conspiracy" theory, or a documented and thoroughly-provable historical agenda of power-mad people?
Admittedly, there is a rock-headed segment of society that scorns any reference to an evil conspiracy to rule the world. From so-called conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reily, known-liberals like the Southern Poverty Law Center (scorning Patriot movements), some of the most articulate voices in America make complete mockery of anyone who declares that there is an evil conspiracy to rule the world.

New World Order is immanently more than an innocuous peace-loving international fraternity of nations. It is the very BEAST rising up out of the sea as depicted by John almost 2000 years ago in the Book of Revelation. It will indeed replace nations and nationalism with globalism and one world government BEFORE JESUS CHRIST RETURNS.

See The Dreadful Beast of Daniel 7.

From its early days, New World Order was all about destroying governments, nations and religions.

I provide one simple quote from the late Walter Cronkite to illustrate the mindset of this generation. Cronkite was a powerfully influential globalist who believed world government is absolutely necessary to the survival of civilization. He plainly stated in his book, "If we are to avoid [a World War III] catastrophe, a system of order -- preferably a system of world government -- is mandatory. The proud nations someday will see the light and, for the common good and their own survival, YIELD UP THEIR PRECIOUS SOVEREIGNTY, just as America's colonies did two centuries ago. When we finally come to our senses and ESTABLISH A WORLD EXECUTIVE AND A PARLIAMENT OF NATIONS. ..." [p. 128, A Reporter's Life].

Cronkite's remarks reflect the agenda of the NWO. National sovereignty is destined to fail. And it is likely to come about through the actual FAILURE of NATIONS. With governments crippled and devastated, and failed markets and banks, NWO will be the only remaining entity left to "save the day".

The Mark of the Beast will rise from the ruins of internationally failed economies. VISA/ MasterCard are likely to provide the computer network, because they are publicly billed as the "future of money". But the National Security Agency, with their "Project LUCID" (namesake of Lucifer), will likely administer the New World Order's new identification system, based on the "stigma" inserted computer chip.

At this point, the Verichip Corporation seems most likely to be the manufacturer of the actual mark.

Even though Lucifer is driving the New World Order, Jesus Christ is the real spiritual force driving the eternal future.
Dates and deadlines, kings and kingdoms are unwittingly fulfilling every detail of ancient Bible prophecy. Unwillingly, Lucifer’s partners are running headlong into a prophetic snare from which they will never escape.

Anyone with a general knowledge of the Bible can tell you that the Church of Jesus Christ is God’s agency in the endtime.

Bible prophecy students understand that New World Order is just the completion of the Tower of Babel, and this time, God is coming down to earth to destroy it completely. That is what the Day of the Lord is all about. (See my online articles, "When is the Rapture?" and "The Day of the Lord")

Friend, you and I are watching the final showdown between Lucifer and Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus said to Judas Iscariot, "What thou doest, do quickly," even so, the will of God for this particular time in history is for Lucifer to "have his day". Yes, this really is "the Devil’s Day"!

But don’t forget that as soon as the Devil has had his day, Jesus is going to have HIS day!

The Battle of Armageddon is NOT Bruce Willis flying space ships into meteorites. Armageddon is when Jesus Christ physically returns to earth and DESTROYS the New World Order and the World Ruler (Antichrist) and the False Prophet (Pope) and all the armies that have set out to defeat God’s eternal plan.

If you are unacquainted with the facts about the Luciferic background of Talmudism, Cabalism, Mystery Babylon, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the New World Order and related subjects, I suggest you begin studying them right away. These things WILL affect your future, whether you like it or not.

Even though I have done tons of research on these matters, so far I have not found the time to produce a comprehensive article. In lieu of an article of my own, I URGE you to read this introduction to Mystery Babylon and the New World Order.

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