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The Big Distraction | Biden Kill Squads | Violence Spreading | The World is on Fire
The Big Distraction: Global War Is Good For Joe Biden - Wall-To-Wall War News Provides The Media A Huge Diversion From The Biden Regime's Destruction Of America
October 8, 2023
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline

While all eyes have been drawn to what is happening now with the terrorist group Hamas attacking Israel, and Israel officially declaring declaring war for the first time in 50 years, the "benefit" for the Biden regime is that all of those same eyes are not quite as focused on what is happening right here in America.

Granted, some are rightly pointing out the $6 billion in Iranian funds that was frozen by President Trump in 2018, being unfrozen by Biden as part of a trade deal for American prisoners, was used to fund the Hamas attack on Israel. This is something proven true when a Hamas "spokesperson told the BBC that the militant group had backing from its ally, Iran, for its surprise attacks on Israel."

A couple of points come to mind in watching the news media and their back-to-back coverage of Israel/Hamas:

• The fact the U.S. has just basically funded two wars. The tens of billions sent to Ukraine to be our proxy in a war with Russia, and allowing the release of  $6 billion to Iran to fund the attacks against Israel.

• The distraction of covering two wars, with a sudden lull in reporting the border issues, Biden bypassing congress and the courts themselves by eliminating school loan debt, the recent blockbuster reports showing the FBI has now created a a category of "extremists," which targets Donald Trump supporters, and the many other ways the Biden regime and Joe's handlers are actively working to destroy this country.

Since it is hard to know where to start, let us start with war.

Along with some warmongering Republicans that we haven't weeded out of office yet, Joe Biden and all Democrats are supportive for tens of billions of dollars sent to Ukraine, and pledging full support for more.

In fact, one of the main factors for many Americans, the majority of which do not want anymore America tax dollars to go toward funding Ukraine in their war with Russia, in choosing another Speaker of the House, is a promise that no more blank checks go to Ukraine while Americas are going hungry.

Look at the streets in big cities in America, open air drug dens, needles in the street, "zombie-like" human beings so drugged out they are wasting away on the streets in full sight of the country.

The retail thefts which are increasing exponentially as liberal Soros-back prosecutors refuse to charge or prosecute some of the worst crimes, are just one more thing slowly destroying America.

The porous borders, where in October 2022 it was reported that 5.5 million aliens have crossed the borders since Biden took office. The 2023 numbers show that than 2.8 million migrants have had encounters with authorities so far this fiscal year. ( Source)

The media is so busy with Russia/Ukraine and now Hamas/Israel, that they are barely reporting on the crime, the open borders, and Biden's failure to do anything about it. In fact, the recent news that Biden is finally allowing the continuance of the border wall President Trump began, (He must have seen his polling on the issue) after promising" not another foot of wall" would be built while he was occupying the White House, can barely be found after being buried under wall-to-wall coverage of war.

Then of course we see that after scant initial reporting regarding the FBI creating a new category to target Trump supporters, or "MAGA" supporters, ahead of the 2024 presidential election, even the small amount of reporting on it, mentioned in a recent ANP report by Alan Barton, silence from the MSM, as they are too busy with Hama/Israel, while lobbying for more support for Ukraine.

Via Newsweek, on October 4, 2023:

    The FBI and DHS report concludes: "Sociopolitical developments—such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S. Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence—will almost certainly spur some domestic terrorists to try to engage in violence."

    The threats listed in that paragraph are all clearly associated with America's right and in particular with Trump's MAGA supporters. Right after January 6, the FBI co-authored a restricted report ("Domestic Violent Extremists Emboldened in Aftermath of Capitol Breach, Elevated Domestic Terrorism Threat of Violence Likely Amid Political Transitions and Beyond") in which it shifted the definition of AGAAVE ("anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism") from "furtherance of ideological agendas" to "furtherance of political and/or social agendas." For the first time, such groups could be so labeled because of their politics.

Now Newsweek's front page, like many of the other MSM outlets, is full of Israel and Hamas.

For the record, I am not saying that Hamas attacking Israel and a death count topping 600 so far, isn't newsworthy. Of course it is, but it is also being covered at the exclusion of most everything else.

Is that a coincidence? I don't believe in that large of a coincidence.

Biden unfreezes Iran's funds - Iran then provides Hamas with the means to initiate a large scale attack - Biden sends tens of billions to Ukraine - MSM suddenly forgets about America and focuses on everything but Biden's destruction of America.

Right in the middle of campaign season!!!

There has been a case going through the courts against the Biden regime coercing and colluding with social media in order to censor Americans online, which has been shoved to the backburner because of the war reporting. The case is Missouri vs Biden.

Falling through the cracks because of the MSM's tunnel vision focus on Hamas attacking Israel and Israel's response, a recent ruling from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, expanded on a previous ruling, adding to their injunction of those blocked in the Biden regime from coercing or significantly encouraging social media companies to censor speech to include the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

Via Daily Caller:

    “Like the CDC for COVID-related claims, CISA told the platforms whether certain election related claims were true or false,” the judges wrote. “CISA’s actions apparently led to moderation policies being altered and content being removed or demoted by the recipient platforms.”

Another aspect in the censorship fight is how Elon Musk, who took over Twitter, restored accounts that had been banned for political wrong-think under previous ownership, and restore free speech, is being attacked non-stop by those that want information put in front of Americans to be censored, with the goal of only allowing Americans that use social media to see preferred narratives.

    Elon Musk spoke about how media coverage of him had been "rough" and "hurtful" during a 90-minute interview with the BBC that was live-streamed on Tuesday night from Twitter's San Francisco office.

    "I've been under constant attack," the billionaire said. "It's not like I have a stone-cold heart or something. It's rough."

    "If the media's firing non-stop stories about why you're a horrible person, it's hurtful," he added.

Musk did point out that suffering the attacks is better than no free speech.

Since the Biden regime can no longer threaten, coerce, or otherwise force censorship, the media is trying to do it for them, like obedient little puppets.

With the media doing everything in their power to prevent Americans from seeing the destruction being caused by Biden regime policies, including using the wars in between Ukraine/Russia and Hamas/Israel, to distract Americans, it is more important than ever that Independent Media is able to focus on America and what is happening right here.

Biden Is Aiding & Abetting Terrorism And War Crimes By Funding Modern-Day 'Kill Squads' via Billions Of Dollars More In American Taxpayer Money, Ensuring More Death & Destruction
October 9, 2023
By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

War is a constant, or at least it seems to be because of the constant states of war shifting around the world involving one group or another against some other nation, tribe, religion or peoples.  Some places seem to be involved in war more often than other places and some cultures seem to be at war more often than other cultures.  As you study history, you learn not only of leaders, peoples, cultures, religions, geographies and so forth but also the wars as it seems that is the driving force behind so much of history.  War seems to be the adhesive that binds peoples, nations and cultures as well as the solvent that destroys them eventually.  Some are destroyed more rapidly than others, and there seems to be certain ones that fall under that shadow far more often than others.  Whether a warlike peoples or a peace loving peoples, those distinctions appear to be more perception than actual fact especially as we move through time in looking at any specific people.  In this case, we will look at the Arabic peoples that are predominantly Muslim in culture and religion (please note that an all encompassing religion IS THE CULTURE) and see just how they are portrayed and involved in war.

Without going back too far and covering the sons of Noah and the peoples of the regions now known as Turkey where the original peoples of the mid-east originated including those descended from Abraham both Arab and Israeli, we advance to about a century ago after many wars, conquests, re-peopling, culture shifts and so on when post World War One when the Palestinian (anciently known as Phoenician among others) peoples were displaced by the “third wave” of Jewish immigration.  Please note that the term Jew only references Judah, one tribe of the original twelve that constituted ancient Israel and that some claim that the tribe of Benjamin is also included in that population  That term Jew encompasses race, religion, culture and any assigned hatred whether real or not, and is a large box gathering all sorts of ideas.  The other ten tribes were scattered after Babylonian captivity and many supposedly went north into what is now Eastern Europe passing the Black Sea and may constitute peoples now considered (what is termed Ashkenazi) Jew or other cultures, even though the bulk are of Christian backgrounds.  Some claim later incoming peoples (meaning higher casts) of India, tribes around northern Afghanistan, Pakistan regions and thereabouts, and many others are considered remnants of the lost ten tribes.  Time, wars and population movements have removed any real hope of DNA tracking, so it is just cultural ancient stories that account for these ideas.  But those old stories, now considered myth, have a way of showing truth behind them.

My primary point is to show that those involved in war in the Middle East are brothers; far distant ones, but still brothers.  Then later, post World War Two, the greater influx of Jewish peoples (or should I say Hebraic peoples) displaced from various areas in the very destructive aftermath of that world war created friction with the admittedly very low populations of the previous so-called “Palestinian” nation.  There was no such nation, the area was peopled with Syrian and Jordanian citizens that were left over from the previous Ottoman Empire destroyed by that earlier British Mandate and continued on with the United Nations contrived solution of a Jewish state to accommodate those peoples fleeing destruction in Europe.  Modern Israel is hated because not only are they “Jewish” in religion but also because Islam pretends to say they are brothers just as they do with Christians although in reality they preach hatred and death to anyone not Islamic.  And when they are not killing non-Muslims, they kill each other because they are not of the same specific division such as Shea, Sunni or others.  This conflict is millennia’s old and will not change until one side or the other is eliminated.  And that brings us to the current war against Israel and the ease of igniting war in that region and the religious zeal that they fight it with.

As this is being written, the new war (the first in 50 years actually declared by Israel) is just getting underway, and the information about it is like any other war – bits and pieces with the highest probability of untruthfulness being the norm as propaganda and emotional inflection are the drivers of it.  For instance, the Gaza towers that videos showed being struck and in flames was actually from May 2021 that the BBC said was the result of Israeli attacks a day or so ago.  I could go on and retell the stories of atrocities, but I think that is covered well enough in the supposed normal news channels.  Instead, I would like to look at some more likely backgrounds that initiated the war including the high likelihood that it is being used as, if not instigated as, a distraction against the current massive problems that the illegal regime infesting our nation’s government are trying to keep you from thinking about.  Yes, the likelihood is that it is a false flag to distract if not in primary cause then used as such for convenience sake by those who are attempting to hide something from our view.

On the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the insane regime infesting our Whitehouse traded 5 Iranian hostages for 5 US hostages in Iran.  That seems an equitable trade but the addition of Joey Dementia paying $6 BILLION in addition to the hostage swap makes it far more than a trade.  In my opinion, it makes it aiding and abetting war crimes, which is an international crime let alone the crime of treason when done to the advantage of a declared enemy of this nation. But that is not the only US taxpayers funding their own demise as under the Kenyan regime in exchange for only four hostages he paid Iran initially $400 million in foreign currency (Euros, Swiss Francs, etc) followed by two payments that totaled another $1.3 billion In US CASH.  Yes, all three of those were paid in cash because the Kenyan said “effectiveness of U.S. and international sanctions” stopped using a check or electronic transfer and supposedly that cash shipped on US military cargo planes on shipping pallets bypassed the sanctions.  I would ask, and then to what effect were those sanctions?  I guess that means the sanctions were null and voided by that criminal gang infesting our Whitehouse regardless of the Congressional oversight.  Again Iran was still an avowed Enemy of this nation with loud and obnoxious claims that they would crush our nation, they would kill all of us “satans” soon enough.  Yeh, I would also rate that as aiding and abetting an enemy of the United States with associated penalties including the possibility of the death penalty for those actions. 

And yet the MSM agrees with the regimes claims that those funds could be used to fund Iran’s numerous terrorist cells all over the world even though they have been proven to be used in that manner, even in the US with our wide open borders and millions of single military aged men from all over the world entering in and getting “benefits” not even our own Vets, poor, and homeless would love to have access to.  “Nope” they claim no connections at all between many billions and funding those terrorists.  But of course, the Iranian direct fighting force is Lebanon’s Hezbollah, and they have joined in the fight shelling northern Israel with rockets and artillery.  We are to understand there is no connection of course.  What the criminal regime infesting our Whitehouse did say was that “this is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage” while at the same time saying he was in constant contact with all of the parties mounting the attacks.  What conflict could there be?  He said NOTHING of getting those parties to cease aggressions, but claimed Israel should be calm.

And of course, the Democratic Socialists of America, almost indistinguishable from the democrat party proper, rally to cheer on the Iran coordinated Hamas and Hezbollah attacks on Israel.  Reading through the news cycles, I see that predominantly the left want the Iranian aggression and praise them, while the more conservative members of our society decry it and want peace.  And again thanks to the criminal infestation in our Whitehouse, weapons that were left in Afghanistan are showing up in the attacks on Israel just as I suggested back when the insane pullout occurred.  Weapons direct from Ukraine are also showing up with HAMAS actually thanking Ukraine for those weapons, and there are direct links to be followed to prove that.  There are the claims that there was a catastrophic intelligence failure of both the US and Israel that did not predict the invasion by Hamas and Hezbollah, but I disagree.  They claim that but I say that our Intel (let’s say NSA in general for the sake of brevity) not only knew full well everything going on and were the planners of it and supplied the Intel to Iran/Hamas/Hezbollah and possibly to Israel (who should have known full well with all of their spy systems the world over) and that leads me to think that it may indeed have been planned to offset something else; a classic false flag of proven provenance.  We have seen it far too often to allow it to pass without bringing this up.

Let us bring up one example of the US, the world’s most staunch supporters of Israel, and how we prove that. Do you remember the US Intel spy ship named the USS Liberty, and the attacks Israel made on it back in June of 1967 and how the claimed it was a mistake?  Let that sink in for a moment as you consider what I just said about US intelligence aiding and abetting our own enemies; Israel was correct in stopping our intel gathering because it was being used by their enemies and THEY KNEW IT.  Fifty six years later and the US (read as NSA) still refuses to say anything other than it is still top secret information.  I can understand why.

So as we note that the dementia patient that craps his drawers in front of foreign dignitaries and cannot even find his way off of a simple stage just gave another $75 million to Palestinian Jihadis just hours before the attack on Israel we can agree with Victor Davis Hanson when he said “Here we are 78 years after the end of the Holocaust and once again thuggish killers dressed in black are pulling Jewish elderly, women, and children out of their homes and executing them, and then throwing their bodies into the street. But in 1945 we were fighting the SS murderers, now we are sending millions in subsidies to their modern Hamas killer squad counterparts. We the American people should demand not one more American cent to these Gestapo and SS killers.”

I agree fully.  So as we see that the US via Iran backed terrorists attack against Israel is the handiwork of our NSA with Little Joey Dementia “leading” it at the same time telling Israel not to respond to all out war against it (that post of his was subsequently removed) we will surely see Israel launch massive attacks on them and Hezbollah very soon.  Some think this may be the start of the final wars, but I do not think so.  It is preparation for that, but not the start of the final wars.  As Susan Duclos said in her recent column, this is a big distraction and that the “wall to wall war news is nothing more than a media diversion from the Biden regime’s destruction of America” echoing my recent column that there is a war upon America and it is the leftists of this nation doing so.

Like 'A Clockwork Orange' With A Twist, Despotic Leftist Governments Are 'Engineering Ultraviolence': Mayhem Reigns As Leftist Cities Spiral Into A Vicious Doom Loop Under Mob Rule
- To create their 'socialist utopia,' leftists must first destroy our existing society

October 9, 2023
By F. Paul Valone and All News Pipeline

Straight from A Clockwork Orange, the prescient Anthony Burgess novel (and equally visionary movie by Stanley Kubrick), a caravan of hundreds recently spent two days looting dozens of stores in Philadelphia. A social media influencer even livestreamed it to thousands.

Clockwork Orange questions whether an authoritarian government should reprogram humans to make evil impossible. This is in response to a revolt by part of society (the “Droogs”), devoted to “a bit a’ the ol’ ultraviolence” by adopting nihilism, a deliberate absence of morals and values.

Fifty-one years after Burgess’s novel, the Droogs seem starkly familiar: menacingly dressed sociopaths, speaking near-incomprehensible dialect, who burn, loot, and murder their way across the urban landscape.

But Burgess got the conundrum only half right: the question today is not whether authoritarianism can engineer morality but instead whether governmental leftists can destroy rational incentives for mutually beneficial behavior with the goal of engineering nihilism.

Why would any government do that? Because nihilism promotes civil disorder which, in turn, justifies more governmental intervention to “solve” the problem it created. As Saul Alinksy, strategist for the Left, put it: “The first step in community organization is community disorganization.” To create the socialist utopia they envision, leftists must first degrade existing society.

‘Success’ in social engineering
The answer as to whether government can create nihilism, as demonstrated by the last three years, is “yes.” Starting with Antifa and BLM riots of 2020 -- fully supported by leftist local governments -- urban centers in Democrat-led cities like San Francisco have spiraled into a “doom loop” wherein urban business flees “flash mob” looting and skyrocketing violent crime. A few examples:

1 - San Francisco: After flash mobs looted Neiman Marcus and other stores, two dozen retailers have left. Walgreens closed 12 San Francisco stores, while upscale Nordstrom pulled its two stores, including its Westfield mall flagship. Australian furniture retailer Coco Republic, which invested heavily in its showroom off Union Square, abruptly closed the store less than a year after opening across from Macy’s. Once fashionable Union Square is now a ghost town.

2 - Los Angeles: Even two years ago, 20+ robbers at the popular Grove shopping center used a sledgehammer and assorted weapons to smash one of a Nordstrom’s windows, reportedly taking men’s clothing. That was child’s play, however, compared to the recent flash mob of 100+ that looted a 7-Eleven.

3 - Philadelphia: Even the examples above pale in comparison to the two-night Philadelphia flash mob spree featuring caravans of hundreds who wrecked dozens of stores, including T-Mobile, Apple, Lulu and Footlocker outlets. One of the looters, a social influencer calling herself “Meatball,” gleefully livestreamed the event to 181,000 Instagram followers, rationalizing it by explaining “Everybody gotta’ eat.” A tearful “Meatball” seemed less gleeful when charged with six felonies.

Nor are these isolated phenomena. In 2022, crime in New York City increased by 31%, including increases of 41% in grand larceny, 36% in robbery and 34% in burglary. Similarly, Chicago experienced a 35% increase in violent crime, Seattle’s increased by 23%, Baltimore by 8%, and the District of Columbia by 21%. In D.C., mayhem reigns, with increases of 38% in violent crime, including 63% in robberies, 27% in homicides, 14% in sexual abuse, and 4% in assault with a deadly weapon.

Meanwhile, as Target closes stores in New York City, Seattle, San Francisco-Oakland, and Portland, OR, the National Retail Federation concludes, “Retail crime, violence and theft continue to impact the retail industry at unprecedented levels,” detailing increasing “shrink rates” resulting in $112.1 billion in 2022 losses.

Leftists love to hide this phenomenon by citing national statistics rather than for urban centers they control or, with homicide, by citing declines from 2021 without noting that 2020 and 2021 experienced horrendous increases over previous years. According to FBI Uniform Crime Reports, nationwide homicide increased by 30% in 2020. In 2021, 12 major U.S. cities achieved record homicides.

Despite rising homicide, however, 2020 FBI crime data reveal that nationwide arrests plummeted 24%, attributed by criminologists to the large number of police officers who retired or resigned in 2020 and 2021.

Engineering nihilism
Anyone who studies behavioral psychology understands why urban crime is exploding: withdrawal of incentives to obey the law. First, Democrat-led cities prosecuted shootings by law enforcement officers (LEOs) as “racist,” leading said LEOs to reduce personal risk by backing off, a phenomenon labeled the “Ferguson effect” after the “Hands up, don’t shoot” lie about the justifiable shooting of Michael Brown in Missouri.

Next came “defund the police,” featuring multi-million-dollar cutbacks in police funding (including our own little Portland, OR, aka Asheville). Together with the “systemic racism” fraud, it created not only cutbacks in law enforcement, but retirement or resignation of thousands of LEOs who understood that they, not criminals, were now the target.

According to the Police Executive Research Forum, nationwide police department retirement rates jumped 45% over 2020 and 2021. Another 18% of officers resigned. Meanwhile, Black youth who bought the “systemic racism” lie increasingly resisted arrest at rates, as suggested by informal news reviews, of between 8 and 10 times higher than whites.

But the coup de grâce was implementation of “progressive criminal reforms” like no-bail release; downgrading sentences for what previously was grand larceny; ostensible “harm reduction strategies” like legalized open-air drug markets; refusal to prosecute even violent crimes; and widely publicized prosecution of lawful citizens in New York and St. Louis who had the audacity to defend themselves against criminals and looters.

Hijacking American justice
Enter uber-leftist billionaire George Soros. Yes, Soros gets accused of every evil befalling American society. But in this case, he earned the rap.

Since approximately 2015, Soros and his “Open Society Foundations” have been shoveling millions to “justice reform” political action committees and dark-money non-profits such as the Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability, which itself is sponsored by the notoriously leftist multi-billion-dollar dark money fund, Arabella Advisors.

George also discovered where he could get the most bang for his leftist buck: cheapo down-ballot district attorney races where just a few hundred thousand dollars can install a leftist into position to control an entire justice system.

In a New York Post article, Matt Palumbo, author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros, says Soros spent $40 million electing “social reform” prosecutors -- chump change for a billionaire, but enough to elect at least 75 prosecutors in low-turnout races.

According to the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, Soros prosecutors now control:

- 25 of America’s 50 most populous cities

- 20% of America’s population, but 40% of America’s homicides

- More than 1/3 of all violent and property crime

The names of many Soros-backed prosecutors are notorious:

- Kim Foxx: Chicago, refused to prosecute Jussie Smollett, oversaw Chicago’s exploding crime

- George Gascon: Los Angeles, subject to attempted recall three times

- Chesa Boudin: San Francisco, recalled by voters after retailers fled the city

- Alvin Bragg: New York City, currently torturing the law to persecute Donald Trump

- Andrew Warren: Tampa, FL, removed by Governor Ron DeSantis

- Kim Gardner: Prosecuted Mark and Patricia McCloskey for defending themselves against looters, resigned under pressure

Incidentally, Soros is now worth “only” $8.6 billion because he donated $32 billion to his leftist Open Society Foundations. ‘

'A Clockwork George’
Senator Tom Cotton’s comments to the NY Post said it best: “Everywhere Soros-backed prosecutors go, crime follows… The only good Soros prosecutor is a defeated Soros prosecutor.” You can’t convince me one of the world’s richest billionaires is so stupid he doesn’t realize his impact on crime.

While A Clockwork Orange questioned an authoritarian government that eliminated moral choice, “A Clockwork George” deliberately creates criminality to degrade society and necessitate socialist authoritarianism. As Burgess said in his novel, “To devastate is easier and more spectacular than to create.”

As always, leftism creates nothing; it only destroys.

The World Is On Fire As Lord Of The Flies Type Violence Spreads, Captured On Video For All To See, While 'Vax Caused' Rage, Psychotic Breakdowns And Deaths Keep Exploding
- Anger and fury everywhere as world descends into madness

October 13, 2023
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Back on October 9th on ANP, we published this story titled "Like 'A Clockwork Orange' With A Twist, Despotic Leftist Governments Are 'Engineering Ultraviolence': Mayhem Reigns As Leftist Cities Spiral Into A Vicious Doom Loop" within which we gave more proof the total destruction of American society was pre-planned long ago by those working to bring in a tyrannical global govt which they control completely, warning within that story, "to create their 'socialist utopia,' leftists must first destroy our existing society."

Referencing within that story cities all across America that are run by leftist governments which have rapidly descended into crime-ridden and drug infested hellholes, where criminals run free to commit more crimes thanks to 'George Soros prosecutors,' while law-abiding American citizens are treated like criminals, we're also now witnessing insane, "Lord of the Flies"-type violence in American high schools, stores, shopping centers and wide open spaces of the public, and even from our own next door neighbors, as seen in the videos at the bottom of this story, signifying America's rapid descent.

And as this previously-mentioned 'Clockwork Orange' story on ANP had brought up, all of this 'madness' that America is witnessing has been totally 'engineered,' with our authoritarian government  leftists destroying rational incentives for mutually beneficial behavior with the goal of engineering nihilism.

Doing so because nihilism promotes civil disorder which, in turn, justifies more governmental intervention to “solve” the problem it created, we again see the Hegelian Dialectic being played out before our eyes, with the 'government' creating a problem, a problem to which 'the people' react, and then 'demand' a 'solution' to the 'problem,' a 'solution' that government also had envisioned long ago, putting that chain of events into action. 

So as leftist strategist Saul Alinksy had long ago warned, "the first step in community organization is community disorganization.” To create the socialist utopia they envision, leftists must first degrade existing society. In other words, in order for them to fully bring in their 'communist utopia,' they first have to COMPLETE DESTROY what most of us have known all of our lives. And boy, are they doing that! And as we'll explore in the final section of this story, there is a theory that 'the vax' was brought in to help do just that, being used to 'engineer' the rage that we see building all across America and much of the world. 

And in this day and age we live in we have tons of video websites, and nearly everybody owning a video camera they carry daily, to capture all of the growing rage across America and the planet. With this video over at Vid Max titled "COMPLETE Video Of The Insane Lord Of The Flies Type Violence Inside Louisiana High School" capturing on video for all to see what happened at one Louisiana High School just recently, how many more such events are happening all across America? You can see that video in full at the bottom of this ANP story.

And we have this website called The World Watch with some of their recent videos with titles such as:




And this one titled "A DRUGGED UP TRANSGENDER SPLITS 2 HEADS WITH A BATTLE AXE AT 7-ELEVEN" within which we're warned "I can't believe this has to be said, but here goes: Never turn your back on a man/woman with a battle ax. Protect yourself at all times means at all times."

So what in the world is going on across America and the world, with the rapidly growing problems especially easy to see in one liberal run city after another across the country? And is all of this madness 'engineered?'


So we next have to do a quick change of subject before we tie things together and conclude this story.

In this new story over at Breitbart they report the stunning number that less than 2% of Americans have gotten their 'updated' COVID shots since the new one was recently released, despite the fact that according to CDC head Mandy Cohen, "the shots are free... and there is one with YOUR name on it." (No thanks, Mandy, you can keep mine; go ahead and give it to joe!)

Showing that not only are the vast majority of Americans FINALLY awakening to the dangers of the vaxxes vs. the 'benefits,' if there were any (which we highly doubt!,) what if this HUGE uptick in crime, violence and spreading rage all across America is actually being CAUSED by 'the vax,' with chemicals known to 'incite rage' having been 'built into' the shots without 'the People' knowing?

With a whopping 75 percent of Americans having gotten at least 'one shot' according to Dr. Peter McCullough in this new story, showing that more than 3/4 of the country was exposed to at least 'one bioweapon dose' during the 'scamdemic,' but almost everyone rejecting it now, could that 'mass rejection' of what people were once rushing out to get be due to the 'side effects' mentioned in stories such as these:

From "Vaccine-Induced Psychosis as an Etiology to Consider in the Age of COVID-19"

From "Why That Vaccine Outburst is Not Anger; It's Trauma."

From "Vaccine Outrage: Why the Delta Variant’s ‘Sudden Doom Effect’ Is Making Us Snap."

From "The vaccinated are angry. That's understandable but unproductive, health experts say."

And from the National Library of Medicine we see they've done studies into these 'psychiatric reactions' caused by the vaxxes.: "Psychiatric adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines: A rapid review of published case reports."

So is the massive uptick, in what sure appears to be 'engineered rage,' that we're witnessing now across America actually CAUSED BY 'the mass vaxxination of Americans?' With all of those stories mentioned above just the tip of the iceberg of reports of 'anger' and 'rage' going along with 'vaccinations,' and now wars breaking out worldwide, who'd put it past the globalists to have engineered these bioweapon/vaxxes to cause rage, and knowing that most of the world would be getting the shots, another 'trigger' towards an 'engineered war'? The fact that we KNOW they have a massive 'depopulation agenda' that is NOT yet being met tells us they'll try, and try, and try once again.

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