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The Matrix, Ukraine, Soros & Trampling The Truckers

Trampling the Truckers – The Great Reset Becomes the Great Awakening

There are few words to describe the depth of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s depravity. I’m not going to even try.

This is a person (because no real man would ever govern like him) who is so thoroughly ill-prepared for its job it doesn’t even know how to properly read from the prepared script.

It was all fun and games making Trudeau/Hitler memes until yesterday when Trudeau’s enforcers on horseback trampled an old woman.

A man with any sense of decency does not send men on horseback into a crowd. The only thing worse than that are the people commenting on this saying some variation of ‘well, she deserved it.’

Yes, she could have gone home.

Yes, she could have gotten the clot-shot.

Yes, she could have just complied with whatever Justin Trudeau told her what her morality was.

But Trudeau could have chosen differently as well. As opposed to acting like a scared little boy worried about facing public ridicule, he could have sacked up and met with the protestors.

Instead, he did what all boy-emperors have ever done, he chose violence and intimidation.

Those who blame the victims are worse than Justin Trudeau. They will never admit it, even to themselves, but their belief in the state as moral arbiter is shaken to its foundation when things like this happen.

So they bluster about playing stupid games, win stupid prizes. Empathy? Who needs that in Davos’ Brave New World.

Those against the protests have their reasons, none of them, however, are morally justified. Because if you allow the state, an immoral construction at its core, to define your morality, you will forever having to justify tyranny to remain on the side of the angels.

Blaming the victim is the easiest thing to do. How many rapists have claimed “she had it coming?” How many abusers every day blame the people they abuse because they are too ashamed to admit they are in the wrong?

We Are All Unclean Now

The part of the Great Reset pertaining to COVID-19 was always about amplifying the divisions between people. To create a new religion around it. Its sacrament is the vaccine. Its Lord’s prayer is demonizing ivermectin and trusting the science. Its vestment is the mask.

Its “amen,” is “in the name of public health.”

It has led to such dehumanizing that those who do not comply with the high priests now deserve their fate.

Mario Draghi in Italy declared the unvaccinated to no longer be a part of Italian society.

    Are they going to have to sew a yellow syringe onto their clothes now?
    — Tom Luongo (Mr. Ungovernable) (@TFL1728) February 16, 2022

And, in a way, sadly, Trudeau’s supporters are correct. One always has the choice to accept the abuse if the alternative is death. That woman didn’t go to Parliament Square with that choice in mind because, she, sadly, still believed in the religion of the State as a subordinate partner with the people in shaping society.

Those final illusions were trampled fully in the eyes of millions around the world.

Politically, there is no going back for Justin Trudeau. He, along with his supporters, will hide behind their ‘cope’ and refuse to accept the responsibility for their actions.

The Ottawa police are doing the same thing, putting out disinformation about trying to trip the horses and harm the policemen.

At this point those still on the job in Ottawa made a choice as well, to side with tyrants and embrace their own inner one.

Many of them will enjoy finally getting to mete out the violence that festers in their souls, after all, it’s why many of them became cops in the first place.

Those who still have their humanity are now deciding whether to go along or walk away. If they go along they will lose what’s left of their humanity just like men did during World War II.

And their true face has been revealed.

No Zeal for More Tyranny

Now, as bad as things are in Canada, In New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, tried to follow Trudeau’s script to quell protests in Wellington.

And from all reports there, her efforts have failed completely. She convened a meeting of essentially the national security council on Thursday.

We have no solid reports of what went down.

Therefore, the silence about the outcome of that meeting speaks volumes. The military weren’t willing to get involved, just like what happened to Trudeau in Canada.

Moreover, New Zealand’s police commissioner Andrew Coster came out with a public statement saying negotiation was the path forward, something Arden has rejected out of hand, just like Trudeau, both reading from the same Davos’ script.

    Coster said negotiations and de-escalation were the only safe ways to resolve the protest and he would continue to talk to the protesters. Police say there are about 800 protesters but numbers could rise over the weekend.

    Coster said any forceful police action would risk injuries to the public and could turn a largely peaceful protest violent, and could increase the number of protesters.

Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly tried to hold the line against Trudeau’s megalomania earlier this week. That resulted in him resigning, presumably because he wouldn’t give the order to roust up the protestors and beat heads, and a more pliant enforcer put in his place.

The result is what we’re witnessing now in Ottawa.

    Look at the police drag this guy between the trucks so an officer can knee him as as hard as he can. None of the other cops seem to care about his behaviour as he quickly checks to see if any Canadian saw him
    — bu/ac (@buperac) February 19, 2022

The casual obscenity in this clip is the newscasters’ commentary about police restoring order.

The reality is that Ardern and Trudeau are both hanging on by a thread because public opinion already turned against them. The only thing propping Trudeau up at this point is the shock at the speed he has escalated events. That shock will wear off very soon.

If parliament doesn’t act to limit/censure or simply get rid of this guy, Canadians will have a much bigger problem on their hands.

Too many Canadians are still asking, “Is this Canada?” When they should be stating, “This is not Canada.”

Stop asking for permission to feel outraged and feel the outrage.

In New Zealand, the veil of authority for Arden is thinner thanks to Trudeau’s mistakes in Ottawa. No doubt they are seeing the same things we are and want no part of it. The knives will come out for Ardern quickly if she doesn’t back down.

I say all the time, spooks start civil wars, militaries end them. In Canada, the civil war there is just beginning. What we’ve not seen in New Zealand means it’s likely over before anyone even realized they were in one.

The Great Reset rests on tyrants like Justin Trudeau to win through fear, intimidation and the banal corruption of weak people to support them. With each image of peaceful people being trampled under the bootheel of Canadian stormtroopers, more people awaken from the slumber of the comfortable lie the government protects us from chaos.

That’s what the State is folks, violence. Always has been. This is why Klaus Schwab and his minions like Trudeau, Ardern and others will fail. There is no law these people recognize. There is no restraint on their behavior they feel is justified for their holy cause.

The sooner we accept that, like many of the truckers who organized this protest, the sooner we can all begin bridging the divide.

I’ll leave the last word for Viva Frei.

February 19, 2022 at 6:33 pm

Mr Luongo,

You say that Klaus, Arden and Trudeau will fail. And I don’t necessarily disagree … ultimately. But, again, I don’t think we’re anywhere near that point yet. In other words, I believe we’re way too early in this ‘war’ to be declaring victory.

I see what is going on in Canada as only a battle in this ‘war’. One in which I have suspected all along would be lost by the good guys. There just aren’t enough people disenchanted with the current system – too many what I (endearingly) call fat dumb and happy – to make a serious difference.

As I’ve commented a couple of times before, civil disobedience IS NOT going to win this ‘war’. It will require bloodshed, and possibly a lot of it, before this world can be fixed. Sure, civil disobedience may make the powers that be back down, for a while. But it won’t and can’t fix the problem because the rot simply runs too deep. The ENTIRE system will have to fail and the scoundrels hung up before we can truly say that things have been fixed.

That, my friend, will require much more sacrifice than what we, collectively, are now willing to offer up. Some day (probably in the next 1 to 3 years) we will see enough people lose their lives (to the vaccines), lose their jobs, lose their homes, lose their pensions, 401Ks and social security – literally everything they have. Enough people then will be so disenchanted that it can then make a difference. At that point, if we all rise up and say no more and throw them all in jail, we can then begin to entertain the idea of victory. Not that it will at that time any longer be, in any way, a happy or joyous idea to contemplate due to the devestation all around us.

February 20, 2022 at 5:56 pm

I think we should take time to thank all the ‘Toms’ that are getting the message across consistently. That said one voice cannot be 100% correct all the time and commentators are an important part of balance and feedback.

I have communicated to anyone that would listen and to those that wouldn’t as to what is and what isn’t. To point out the obvious lies, to correct the ‘science’. It has been an uphill struggle until the last lock down was instigated. It then became clear that although most still didn’t understand, they had reached a point of saturation. There still was conformance but it was not voluntary. The government backed down and the message reversed. The damage from the needle done. So far I know of several people and a close family friend that has died from the vaccines. People are shocked and frightened but it takes time to dismantle an individuals perception of their surrounding world and their place in it. Events will accelerate this process. One such event was the suicide of a young man. His wife came screaming out of her house, neighbours rushed to help but it was too late to save her husband who had hung himself. His business destroyed by the lock down and deeply in debt there seemed for him no way out.

For those who hide in the corridors of power, those who are protected against the cruel realities of life they do not see or understand how ‘normal’ people react to such events. The news of this death reverberated throughout the neighbourhood and beyond. It did not receive media report but none the less the news spread like wildfire. There is no one in doubt that the government, the ‘scientists’ and the media are complicit in this crime and yes they see it as a crime.

Talking again to those I had failed to convince I found a complete reversal of opinion, an understanding of what was happening and a refusal to obey.

To quote a past voice;

Now this is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

Thanks Tom


February 25, 2022 at 6:45 pm

We are in the equivalent of WW2, only 80 years ago, so we are in 1942 and fighting the Nazis again, as well as the Marxists/communists who all came from Germany originally.

1942 was turning point in the war. The tide will turn this year therefore and the war as such will end 2025. There will then be much to do sorting all the mess out.

Why The Matrix Was Designed For You to Escape

It was fringe researcher Jordan Maxwell who said, “Nothing in this world is the way you think it is…nothing!”

An idea that has always resonated with me, for most of my adult life I’ve questioned the surface level of reality and moreover, the machinations that seem embedded within its framework

Since the original movie The Matrix shattered the notion of reality as we thought it to be, for many the idea that we may be living in such a place – perhaps a reality designed via a simulation, scores of people now question the baseline of what we believe to be real.

Assuming our reality and all that undergirds it is intelligently designed by what many call God or Universe or Source – whatever this omnipotent level of consciousness is, one would assume there must be purpose and intent.

But just what is the intent? Furthermore, who’s been charged with the task of designing it, whether for better or worse?

When looking at the “worse” of reality, why on Earth would God build “the bad” into this intelligent design?

Some contend that at this level of reality a distinction between a given thing and its polar opposite is absolutely necessary in order to understand the characteristics of each.

Alchemy is one form of reality distillation that understands the power inherent in the unification of opposites – the goal of blending two opposing parts of reality to create a third reality that is comprised of both yet the elements remain distinct on their own.

Still, right now at the level of reality that most humans recognize, the ramifications of distinct opposites couldn’t be more in your face.

The side that appears as bad, evil, negative et al seems to be trying it’s level best to co-opt and hijack it’s enemy (that of good). Ergo, there is no blending to be had.

Those who’ve been key to eye the seemingly unrelenting malevolence of activity on this planet for millennia feel that there is some influence that has been likened to demonic or archon like beings. An ancient and yet advanced form of control who feels that the planet belongs to them and so do the people who roam it’s surface.

Included in their diabolical agenda is to obliterate huge numbers of the human species and subjugate the rest for their own selfish purposes.

Just the mere idea of such a plan is absurd to many unsuspecting individuals, oblivious to the large repository of documented history that shows ample evidence that such an agenda is entirely real.

But here’s where the rabbit hole gets infinitely deep: Could this planet that has been likened to a prison (in more recent years) have a trap door that is available to any and everyone who can find it and summon the courage to walk through it?
Listen to a riveting interview about The Matrix with Jon Rappoport

Is there a lesson that we all can learn about why such a prison exists?

In a world locked down by rules, regs, and agendas that some say must go according to plan, one might think there’s no way out of what has been dubbed “The Prison Planet.”

The Matrix was a movie that depicted a frightening scenario of the robotic masses and their “handlers” (The Agents – aka archons) determined to keep tabs on and prevent the people from a life of freedom. The character portrayed as “Neo,” once taking the red pill did discover how deep the rabbit hole goes, but he also discovered an inner sanctum; a power woken up out of dormancy, that on some level we all possess.

Alchemy has as one of its major principles the unifying of opposites. When the red king and white queen are joined in spiritual marriage, the child of light is born. Spiritually, the wedding of body, soul, and spirit are accomplished: the body and spirit are fused together through the soul which acts not only as catalyst but also as vessel, as a place where the act occurs. Paradox is a name given to the union of opposites. To accomplish the great work, the diligent worker learns to move beyond paradox through paradoxical thinking and step up the spiral staircase to where the child of light blossoms from the lotus flower.

Spiritually, alchemy is a process of transforming consciousness. All of the laboratory techniques, whether dealing with physical chemicals or the chemistry of consciousness, center on some form of meditation. Each culture has always provided a form of meditation to those who are interested. Today in a global sharing of cultures, one can choose from a diversity of meditative techniques and construct a personal path--to choose "the one less traveled by" or one that is crammed with travelers. Whichever path is selected, the goal and final result is the same for all seekers: "One who has traversed a desert will discover an oasis while one who has crossed an ocean will find an inviting beach."

Alchemical thinking permeates Foundation for a New Consciousness, which is online for your reading pleasure.

ay Weidner: Archons are real!

What is mental illness and where does it come from?

Is it a psychological state of being inherited through genetics? Is it a condition that emerges after a severe traumatic experience? Or is it a psychic virus cast upon unsuspecting individuals from the hidden realm?

These are all complex questions, but the answers share one common theme – that of multidimensionality.

This initial Matrix film came through to many as a clarion call – a push to wake up out of the coma of complacency and recognize how reality really works in order to eventually muster the strength to defy its appearances and transmute the dark into light…much like the alchemists.

But in order to do that, awakening to the truth, though a big move in the right direction, is only the first step.

Once those who set the agenda to keep you in a perpetual state of acquiescence in order to keep complete control over you realize you too have swallowed that red pill, they see it as their job to ratchet up the pressure…on you!

What then?

Another film that depicts this apparent push/pull of reality under the guise of a Matrix-like predetermined structure, but with a powerful twist, is The Adjustment Bureau.

Here’s the storyline…

Do we control our destiny, or do unseen forces manipulate us? A man glimpses the future Fate has planned for him and realizes he wants something else. To get it, he must pursue across, under and through the streets of modern-day New York the only woman he’s ever loved. On the brink of winning a seat in the U.S. Senate, ambitious politician David Norris (Matt Damon) meets beautiful contemporary ballet dancer Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt), a woman like none he’s ever known. But just as he realizes he’s falling for her, mysterious men conspire to keep the two apart. David learns he is up against the agents of Fate itself, the men of The Adjustment Bureau, who will do everything in their considerable power to prevent David and Elise from being together. In the face of overwhelming odds, he must either let her go and accept a predetermined path… or risk everything to defy Fate and be with her. (Source: IMDB)

Though under the cover of science fiction, The Adjustment Bureau is yet another movie with a prescient message for us all – perhaps perfectly crafted for these times!

But just what valuable message might be derived?
The Paradox of Reality and Our Current Times

The extreme madness that has been our world since 2020 shows no signs of relenting. This is a framework that seems to some to be contrived, pre-planned and intent on reaching a very specific outcome, and one that certainly does not bode well for the human species. AKA, “evil agenda” “population control,” “Global enslavement”…there have been numerous names assigned to this apparent meticulously calculated program, if such a plan indeed exists.

One individual might observe this “madness,” and conclude that we are doomed; this is evil at it’s core and nothing more.

Another might observe that the agenda is a well planned lesson designed to wake up humanity visa vie a reality that only “appears” to be bad, and therefore must be understood as only a species-wide litmus test, which ultimately is for our highest good.

A third individual may entertain both angles, acknowledging that both are equally true and thus choose to use the opportunity to fuse opposites together and turn the madness into magic (The Alchemist).

It was American novelist and philosopher F. Scott Fitzgerald who said,

    “The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”

    from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s essay The Crack Up

When you understand that this level of reality presents a paradox (or puzzle), and you treat it as such, you can indeed combine two seemed opposites in order to create a new reality, and one that you greatly prefer.

But here’s the kicker. It was a narrative included in the final scene of the Adjustment Bureau (SPOILER ALERT AHEAD) that perhaps says it all about the true nature of this Matrix…

    “Most people live life on the path we [The Agents] set for them, too afraid to explore any other. But once in a while people like you [character: David Norris] come along who knock down all the obstacles we put in your way. People who realize freewill is a gift that you’ll never know how to use until you fight for it. I think that’s the chairman’s [Head of the Adjustment Bureau] real plan. That maybe one day, we won’t write the plan, you will.”

Imagine that all that’s going on right now may just be Universe’s way (though harsh as it may be) of showing us how to use our God-given freewill through the unimaginable Matrix of crisis, challenge, and a plan that appears to have nothing but evil intent? Imagine if the plan even included a cast of characters who appeared to design the evil agenda with an expectation of complete control and the loss of freedom and free will? And imagine, how that script would turn on a dime (to its opposite) if we individually and collectively knocked down all the obstacles they put in our way?

Could this be the real plan? Could it be that this Matrix was actually designed to escape?

Whatever the master plan, I think it behooves us all to at least consider the possibility. Better yet, explore it with action and intent. And then not only we will know what free will truly means, we will experience once and for all that the Matrix is nothing more than a relative construct of reality, designed to be relegated to the annals of illusion and the only thing that is real is your consciousness to choose to create your reality as you see fit.

Fourth Turning 2022, Bad-Moon Rising (Part 4)

In Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this article I examined the power of propaganda and the use of fear to invoke a mass formation psychosis on millions of weak-minded victims of global elitist psychopaths weaponizing a flu as part of their plot to Reset the world as lords of a global fiefdom, with the lowly peasants owning nothing and being happy to be permitted to live. The trillions in debt created by central bankers and debased political hacks, play acting as wise all-knowing leaders, are also part of the plan to crash the global economy and further the aims of these globalist billionaires and their parasitic front men.

The third segment of this unholy trinity has been the engineered civic decay spawned by the traitorous deeds of politicians, who have encouraged the invasion of over two million illegal freeloaders, aided domestic terrorists (BLM & Antifa) in burning and looting our cities for a year, facilitated the teaching of degeneracy to our children, and have pitted family against family, friend against friend, employer against employee, over a Big Pharma experimental therapy that doesn’t do anything but enrich those peddling it, injuring and killing millions, and tearing the last vestiges of our civil society to shreds.

In this fourth and final installment I will try to anticipate what global disorder dynamics will come into play during the remainder of 2022 and beyond, impacting the level of violence and bloodshed before this Fourth Turning reaches its fateful climax. As Strauss and Howe warned 25 years ago, the risk of catastrophe would be high, and a positive outcome was far from guaranteed. We have entered the most dangerous phase of this Crisis, where decisions by dementia ridden puppet presidents, foreign dictators, central bankers, billionaire hedge fund managers, and billionaire software makers pretending to be medical experts, will determine the future course of history.

    “The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

    “History offers no guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong – the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin. Losing in the next Fourth Turning could mean something incomparably worse. It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence – perhaps even our nation – might never recover.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

When reading these foreboding words regarding the potential tragic outcomes for this Fourth Turning, it is easy to dismiss as ridiculous and nothing but fear porn. The reason younger generations reject the possibility of all-encompassing war is because the last Fourth Turning ended 77 years ago and most people who experienced the horror of World War II have died, extinguishing any direct knowledge of the conflict, initiating the cycle of war once more. Each Fourth Turning has its own dynamics, catalyzing events, and individuals which propel the crisis towards its convulsive climax.

The U.S. hasn’t been in a major conflict since 1945, only military industrial complex created regional wars, designed to keep the hundreds of billions flowing to the defense industry and politicians in their pockets. War has been nothing but a racket for decades, but Fourth Turnings always plunge the nation into a chaotic life and death struggle, with a grand conflict to determine the future course of history. There are currently neocon chicken hawk warmongers in positions of power, along with bought journalistic whores pushing false narratives about Russia, who aren’t satisfied with peace, pushing for war. This cyclical extreme is destined to lead to war.

    “The ancients believed that each cyclical extreme, mirroring the hopes and fears of the other, helps generate the other. The night longs for the day, the day for night. In war, people yearn for relief from strife, leading to peace. In peace, people yearn to champion what they love, leading to war.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The global disorder sweeping the world is multi-faceted, but it is all interconnected and can be tracked back to Soros, Schwab, and their globalist billionaire cabal. Never ending war is good business in an empire of lies. When in doubt about the intentions of politicians, world leaders, mainstream media talking heads, and self-proclaimed military experts, always follow the money.

As Smedley Butler proclaimed during the last Fourth Turning, war has always benefited the rich, while young men die on battlefields as cannon fodder. The CIA initiated regional Middle East conflicts, propelled by CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and the rest of the government-controlled media, have kept the hundreds of billions flowing to the military industrial complex for decades and coffins arriving at Dover airbase.

    “War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.” – Smedley Butler

The current drumbeat for war being disseminated by Biden, his handlers, congressional psychopaths on both sides of the aisle, the neocon media, and Soros bribing “experts” to support war against Russia, is the perfect example of the ruling class trying to engineer a war to add to their fortunes and distract from their vile machinations. George Soros acknowledged, in an interview with CNN, that he actively contributed to the overthrow of former Ukrainian President, and ally of Putin, Viktor Yanukovych in 2014.

The CIA and Soros installed their puppet Poroshenko as the illegitimate president, prompting Mr. Putin to annex Crimea, as Obama and his effeminate Secretary of State blustered and did nothing. Meanwhile Biden and his family harvested millions, peddling his influence for financial gain.

Soros’ foundation is most certainly funding the disinformation campaign about Putin invading Ukraine at any moment. While the current president of the Ukraine, NATO, and Putin have attempted to defuse the situation and assure the world an invasion is not imminent, the Biden administration and the neocons in Congress and the media continue to beat the drums of war and spew propaganda in an effort bolster the bottom lines of arms dealers and billionaires pulling the strings behind the curtain. The war pigs will always rapaciously feed at the bottomless trough of fiat slop provided by the Fed and feckless whore politicians.

Most of the global disorder is purposely created by the ruling oligarchs, to keep billions flowing into their coffers, while their puppet central bankers keep their printing presses operating at hyper-speed generating the debt necessary to keep waging endless war. War might be a racket, but debt creation is the lifeblood of the racket, and the Fed is the racketeer. The captured corrupt politicians occupying D.C. at the behest of the monied interests who selected them to be “elected” by the clueless dupes thinking their vote mattered, sell their souls to the highest bidder.

Transferring the tax dollars absconded from you at gunpoint (aka the tax code) into the pockets of arms peddler conglomerates can only be done with the acquiescence and succor of Powell and his electronic printing press. The never-ending creation of debt is the lifeblood of war and the root of the global disorder engulfing the world.

The hyperbolic screeching from Biden, Blinken, their band of petulant pretender foreign affairs “professionals”, those in the pockets of the military industrial complex, the toadies in the corporate media, and neo-cons who have never met a war they didn’t want to wage, is pushing this country towards conflict with a nuclear power led by a serious man who will not be intimidated by amateurs.

Despite the fact the Ukraine has no strategic interest to the United States, Biden’s handlers are having him threaten, bluster, and ratchet up the invective towards Russia and Putin, as if this is nothing more than a harmless game of Risk they played as kids. Their propaganda efforts are producing the desired effect, just as it has done during the two-year flu fear-fest. Even though there is absolutely no threat to our nation or security, almost three quarters of Americans think we will go to war in the next twelve months. That $770 billion defense budget needs to be spent somehow.

While the Ukraine situation approaches the boiling point, the focus on China has been diverted, especially with their least watched Olympics in history winding down. China has been at war with U.S. for at least a decade, infiltrating our universities, buying influence in our medical, media, financial industries, positioning Manchurian candidates throughout our political system, controlling media messaging, stealing our military and technology secrets, and destroying our economy with their bio-weapon virus.

This behind the curtain warfare has begun to blossom into traditional warfare, with the posturing and threats regarding Taiwan. China and Russia have been increasingly teaming up economically, financially, and militarily to create a buffer against U.S. global hegemony which has been unimpeded since 1946, the end of the last Fourth Turning. There is a distinct chance America’s crumbling empire of debt will not retain its world dominance when the climax of this crisis ensues over the next five to ten years.

Global disorder encompasses more than just major global war between superpowers, with multiple scenarios involving Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India, Pakistan, and Iraq capable of igniting a broader conflict and driving oil prices into the stratosphere. The wars fought since the last Fourth Turning have been nothing more than skirmishes, despite the immense death, destruction, and financial cost of waging those wars.

A winner takes all struggle to the death confrontation is what brings a Fourth Turning to its bitter end, with the victor taking the spoils and writing the history, while the vanquished is left in ruins. As we begin 2022 most people are oblivious to the potential level of violence and bloodshed likely over the next few years. Americans were just as oblivious in 1860 and then eighty years later in 1940. The level of anger towards tyrannical government leaders sweeping the globe will be channeled and directed for good or bad in the very near future.

Fourth Turnings occur because human nature never changes. Those who rise to power are always driven by power, control, and wealth. Their egos are large, and they are driven by greed and seeking the accolades of others. Their hubris and influence seeking are often more powerful than their intellect or moral character.

Mistakes in judgement or failure to recognize the intent of their enemies, often leads to disastrous consequences for their citizens. We are currently facing situations on multiple fronts, where having a senile puppet president puts the world in mortal danger. Biden’s calamitous domestic record after one year is leading his handlers to push for a foreign conflict to distract from their imploding domestic agenda and economy destined for recession before the end of the year.

Most countries in the western world, along with China & Russia, also have economic problems created by politicians playing the roles assigned to them by Schwab and the globalist Davos billionaires. The cataclysmic actions taken by these spineless corrupt flunkies and feckless central bankers acting on behalf of the Wall Street cabal, have destroyed global economies, extinguished small business entrepreneurs, ignited raging inflation (devastating the finances of the poor and working class), ruined global supply chains, drove energy prices higher, and have insured a global recession within a year.

What do politicians and dictators do when their economies are falling apart? They look for a foreign conflict in order to rally the ignorant masses around the flag. And then someone does something stupid and all hell breaks loose.  When hell breaks loose it’s not the politicians or central bankers who will die in battle, it’s our sons used as cannon fodder to feather the nests of globalist billionaires hiding in their secure penthouse suites or behind high walls with armed guards. Global tyrants in pissing matches are a major driver of global disorder, but when the tyrants start pissing on their own subjects, a new level of disorder is unleashed.

The totalitarian measures being inflicted upon Canadian citizens exercising their freedom to peacefully protest illegal vaccine mandates should be a wake-up call for all Americans. Trudeau and his jackboots are trampling the rights of good people. He has pulled off his socialist mask to reveal himself to be a full-fledged communist dictator, wielding a truncheon against blue collar truck drivers, women, children, and using the full force of his despotically seized “emergency” powers to seize bank accounts and destroy the lives of people who are the backbone of the Canadian economy.

This entire manufactured health “crisis” has been used by Schwab’s acolytes like Trudeau, Ardern, Macron, and the other WEF Global Young Leader graduates, to implement the Great Reset by destroying their countries in order to build back better, where they own it all and we own nothing.

The western world has been socially engineered and propagandized into enemy camps, with those cherishing freedom, liberty, free speech, and the Bill of Rights at odds with those insisting on total government control, mandates, regulations, censorship, and the use of force to inflict their beliefs upon everyone.

The divide in this country, Canada and across Europe has never been wider, with daily skirmishes across social media, at school board meetings, in workplaces, and increasingly in the streets, is threatening to breakout into full-fledged civil war, with the flames fanned on a daily basis by the treasonous scum in the corporate media spreading lies, misinformation, and malicious contempt for societal norms in order to create chaos, hatred and havoc.

With those pulling the strings of society purposely trying to tear down institutions, invoke the insanity of woke prophets (profiteers), destroy the lives of those who dare stand up to their insane ideology, and using fear to control the masses, only a minority of freedom loving patriots stand in the way of our nation’s destruction.

It seems clear to me the level of internal and external chaos on a global scale is approaching a crescendo and it will not dissipate before war breaks out within our borders and across the world. With global supply chains already broken, energy and food prices skyrocketing, and shortages of technology components, the fragility of our just in time supply system is in peril. The Canadian Freedom Convoy has inspired millions around the world to resist their authoritarian statist overlords.

Truckers are the lifeblood of our economic system, and if they refuse to drive those trucks our society will self-destruct rapidly. Beating and imprisoning those who sustain your society is not a brilliant strategy, but that is what Trudeau, and his ilk are doing. When the hordes of starving peasants descend upon the gated estates of the ruling class, all of their theoretical build back better bullshit won’t do them a damn bit of good. They have provoked this conflict, but are they sure their police thugs and woke military recruits will have their back permanently?

    “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?” ― George Orwell, 1984

Trudeau, Biden, Macron, Johnson, and lesser tyrants like Newsom, Whitmer, Murphy, Lightfoot, and DeBlasio have used the plandemic as the means to seize power through illegal emergency power declarations and have no intention of relinquishing this ill-begotten authority unless forced to do so by the people they are suppressing and abusing. Schwab and the globalist billionaires he represents trained and indoctrinated most of the global leaders who are now attempting to implement a controlled demolition of western democratic societies and the market based financial systems which had given rise to increasing prosperity until the dawn of this century.

When republics devolve into democracies the seeds of its destruction are planted and when free market capitalism mutates into a globalist scheme of corporate fascism, permanent enslavement or revolution are the only two options for the citizens. Blood will need to be shed before these petty tyrants are rightfully eliminated from power.

At this point, the question remains as to how much bloodshed and whose blood will be spilled before this Fourth Turning reaches its historic culmination. The catalyst for this Fourth Turning was, and still is, the self-induced destruction of our financial system by evil men seeking ungodly material wealth on earth. Everything the ruling class has done since 2008 has been to prop up a bankrupt system in order to retain their wealth, power, and control.

They have run out of runway and are about to crash the global economic system. It looks increasingly likely it will happen in 2022, as they have created an unsolvable financial dilemma, which insures a recession/depression and the extinguishment of trillions in faux wealth in the stock market and housing market.

Their arrogance and egotistical belief in their own intellectual powers make them think they can pull off this controlled demolition unscathed, while retaining their positions of power through utilizing the levers of propaganda, police state thuggery, military might, surveillance state technology, and certainty the willfully ignorant masses will do as they are told. Of course, the best laid plans of tyrants don’t always pan out as expected.

A global recession, stock market crash, and supply chain implosion will set off an uncontrollable chain reaction which will ignite the global conflagration and lead to civil and global war. We were warned, but most did not heed the portent to prepare. There will be no way to escape what is coming, but we must realize who stands on the side of good and who embodies the evil currently in control of our government, media, universities, military, medical and financial institutions.

    “The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way. If foreign societies are also entering a Fourth Turning, this could accelerate the chain reaction. At home and abroad, these events will reflect the tearing of the civic fabric at points of extreme vulnerability – problem areas where America will have neglected, denied, or delayed needed action.” – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe

It is easy to dismiss or ridicule the terms good and evil because there has been a concerted effort by the political class and their media mouthpieces to blur the distinction between the two, just as they have done by fostering the belief abnormal immoral behavior should be celebrated and promoted, while normal moral behavior should be scorned and ridiculed. The religious based concepts of good and evil are clear and concise, therefore they do not allow lackey politicians and the true ruling class of elites the leeway to lie, cheat and steal their way to power, control, and wealth. These terms have meaning and usefulness in assessing the character and integrity of those we associate with and those we elect to represent our interests.

The last two years have not been a medical emergency, but a test of critical thinking skills and the ability to discern between liars, thieves, money whores, and the forces of evil versus truth tellers and those committed to freedom, liberty, and the forces of good.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, one of the bravest truth-telling men of the 20th Century, understood the concepts of good and evil better than anyone, as he was exposed to the excruciating evilness of the Soviet Union and the communist henchmen who carried out Stalin’s evil doctrine of imprisonment and murder. Both good and evil reside in the human heart, and it is our free will which leads us towards the light or the darkness.

Our world has become shrouded in darkness, with evil permeating from every fiber of our WEF indoctrinated leaders and the globalist elites (Schwab, Soros, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, running the world. The world is awash in nurtured falsehoods, perpetual disinformation, fake news, fear propaganda, and outright lies. It’s enough to drive a good person mad. We can not bow down to evil. Solzhenitsyn and Orwell saw communism for what it was – pure evil. We must cling to the truth at all costs, no matter the consequences, for our children and their children.

    “You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    “Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” ― George Orwell, 1984

As I have laid out, the battle between good and evil has already commenced, with an uncertain outcome hanging in the balance. Human beings and their nature have not changed across the centuries. They are susceptible to emotions and miscalculations. With the level of global disorder at extremes, some world leader is going to make a mistake and initiate the next bloody chapter of this Crisis. That is a certainty. Each Fourth Turning has seen huge technological advancements which make killing and destruction far easier and lethal.

If and when war comes, it will be less likely to be on a traditional battlefield and more likely to be waged by government sanctioned computer hackers paralyzing key infrastructure, the power grid, satellites, the internet, and your linkage to modern day niceties. There will be no Pickett’s Charge or D-Day Invasion. Starvation and freezing to death are more likely than glorious battlefield victories. It is doubtful any of us are truly prepared for the type of war which will be waged. And that’s if some reckless tyrant doesn’t use their nukes, commencing an Armageddon scenario.

Strauss & Howe offered four sobering conclusions to our current Crisis, likely to play out over the next five to ten years. All the exertions of good people, following the path of righteous truth, should be focused on defeating the evil forces, allowing a new High to commence, leaving our children with a renewed republic and hope for the future. It’s all we can do.

-    This Fourth Turning could mark the end of man. It could be an omnicidal Armageddon, destroying everything, leaving nothing. If mankind ever extinguishes itself, this will probably happen when its dominant civilization triggers a Fourth Turning that ends horribly. For this Fourth Turning to put an end to all this would require an extremely unlikely blend of social disaster, human malevolence, technological perfection, and bad luck.

-    The Fourth Turning could mark the end of modernity. The Western saecular rhythm – which began in the mid-fifteenth century with the Renaissance – could come to an abrupt terminus. The seventh modern saeculum would be the last. This too could come from total war, terrible but not final. There could be a complete collapse of science, culture, politics, and society. Such a dire result would probably happen only when a dominant nation (like today’s America) lets a Fourth Turning ekpyrosis engulf the planet. But this outcome is well within the reach of foreseeable technology and malevolence.

-    The Fourth Turning could spare modernity but mark the end of our nation. It could close the book on the political constitution, popular culture, and moral standing that the word America has come to signify. The nation has endured for three saecula; Rome lasted twelve, the Soviet Union only one. Fourth Turnings are critical thresholds for national survival. Each of the last three American Crises produced moments of extreme danger: In the Revolution, the very birth of the republic hung by a thread in more than one battle. In the Civil War, the union barely survived a four-year slaughter that in its own time was regarded as the most lethal war in history. In World War II, the nation destroyed an enemy of democracy that for a time was winning; had the enemy won, America might have itself been destroyed. In all likelihood, the next Crisis will present the nation with a threat and a consequence on a similar scale.

-    Or the Fourth Turning could simply mark the end of the Millennial Saeculum. Mankind, modernity, and America would all persevere. Afterward, there would be a new mood, a new High, and a new saeculum. America would be reborn. But, reborn, it would not be the same.
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