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The Real Beasts Walking On Two Legs
[color="#333333"]"[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs."[/color]
-- Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the 'Beasts,"' New Statesman, June 25, 1982.

I am not afraid of Israel one bit and this is no taboo for me.  I have many times confronted them head on, not just for all their lies and deceit... but for their utter lack of humanity and for what they are trying to bring forth upon all of us.  It is time to wake up.

Lebanon is being systematically reduced to rubble as i write this.  Children, Women, Men, entire Families and their entire lives being destroyed at whim. 

And this is "only the beginning" as they had little hateful -read programmed- jewish children writing little -forget me nots- on those shells

Who are the real terrorists.  Who are the real beasts walking on two legs.

You already know the answer.  It is sitting right there in that quiet little place...
your Oversoul.

The fact they've done this on the poor people of Palestine and Lebanon these days does not mean you or i are exempt from'll never be...unless of course you are one of them.  But even so, if you thought you stood to benefit from any of would already know you're only deceiving yourself.  For you too are a human being.

The term applies to every single human being outside their own faith/belief system.  To them...we are ALL beasts walking on two legs.

This is the brutal dogma of Israel.  Who needs this sh*t i wonder.

Now it's the it might be you.  It doesn't matter how white you think you are or how blue your eyes are...or how christian or how "god fearing" or how special you may think you are.

Just to think this is all being done to impose a system of control that intends to make every single human soul out there completely miserable brings an entirely new meaning to the term "Hell on Earth".  And this is what they are "planning" for us all in their Luciferian plan.

Do you want this in your life?

I don't.


Israel's unilateral policy, the massive imbalance of force (Israel is the 4th strongest military power in the world) and the unconditional support of the US have made the establishment of a balance for peaceful coexistence with Israel's neighbours impossible. They [Israel] are the bully boys on the block!

Israel does not want to back off. It wanted this. They are insisting that the current conflict came as a result of the capture of Israeli soldiers by Hamas and Hezbollah. However, instead of negotiating an exchange for their release Israel launched a massive assault on Lebanon and the Gaza. What's more, the Israeli military are not fighting terrorism as it claims, they are fighting the Lebanese and Palestinean people. This is plainly evident as the majority of deaths and destruction have been civilian.

What should happen now? Firstly, the USA should demand a cease fire and back the establishment of the U.N. peacekeeping force. But will they? The US is hanging around knowing that they soon will gain something from this. They [the US] have invested too much time and $$ in Israel to pull back now. Secondly Israel must recognise the legitimate rights and dignity of the Palestinian and Lebanese people.

Willie Madisha, president of the Congress of South Africa Trade Union, said "the Apartheid Israel State is worse today than the apartheid that was conducted in South Africa". And that is saying something!!!

The real reason they dismantled those far reaching Israeli settlements had nothing to do with concessions to the Palestinians.  The real reason was to make way for the use of small nuclear ordinances in those areas.  Now they won't be accused of nuking their own people...

All of this was planned even before the State of Israel was even formed in 1947.European Jewry was moved into Israel to aggravate the Middle Eastern Muslim World and the 480 million Muslim Arabs who live there because this then would lead to a Third World War.The Windsor Illuminists and Rothschild Illuminists jointly created the State of Israel to ensure their NWO would occur. All the political waffle and so called 'negotiations' are deceptions to buy time, and it is likely also that Syria will be bombed before October as the Israeli Knesset has already stated many times that Lebanese Hezoballah has been 'wiped out' and then another 400 BM-13 Katyusha Multiple Rockets are launched into Northern Israel. Well work it out. The stage is deliberately being set here as if the Lebanese Hezoballah have been wiped out there is a possibility that these are attacks by Syrian Hezoballah or are created by Mossad inside the Syrian Border. After all, remember that the US Army and US Marine Corp have been reported to be fighting inside the Syrian Border, apparently ousting Iraqi Mujahideen and Iraqi Mukhabarat Al-Amma who had moved out into the Syrian Desert to hide from the US Military.

The Lebanese Hezoballah leader Hassan Nasrallah is a very brave and intelligent man and i do think the Illuminists that Lebanon would collapse within 24 hours and yet here we are weeks later and Lebanese Hezoballah and their great leader Hassan Nasrallah, are still fighting the Israeli Defence Force and Mossad.The deception of the Israeli Knesset and Mossad are incredible. Read this article which is not validated but gives some interesting insights into how the Main Stream Media cover up the truth of the number of dead Lebanese Arabs as well as Israeli Defence Force Soldiers. Syria and Iran are attacked then the Muslims in Europe will not tolerate the systematic eradication of the entire Middle East and Central Asia. Saudi Arabia and Turkey are Puppet States controlled by Mossad and the CIA so the Muslim World has to be focused and strong here. All of these people needed to address their Victimization Mind Patterns and not keep blaming each other. All people involved in this slowly developing Third World War must take responsibility.

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