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The "Trump Card" - 14th Amendment, Section 3
The Trump Card is apparently being played. It's much simpler than you all realize. Some of you have gotten it right.  But if not, then our ENTIRE way of life, is over.

Under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."

Election Fraud would be a serious felony under normal circumstances, but under an active state of war it would be considered an act of treason.

Think back Re: The Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearings. What are the requirements for a civilian to be tried for treason? We have been in a state of war since 2001.

Pelosi and all other members of Congress are NO LONGER members of Congress, they've forfeited their rights and offices by committing an act of TREASON.  Their TREASON was to vote to accept Electors from states where brazen voting fraud took place, despite that fraud being brought to their official attention on January 6.  They gave "aid and comfort" to the people who stole a federal election. 

The judges at both the state and federal level, who failed/refused to hear cases or admit evidence concerning the election fraud?  They're guilty of giving aid and comfort as well. 

They are no longer lawful members of Congress or Judges of the courts, thanks to Section 3 of 14th Amendment, they are now considered enemies of the Republic who have aided a foreign power in stealing an election.

When you have committed an act of treason, you forfeit your rights as an American. You have no rights.

Military law vs civilian law?

Any evidence is admissible in a military tribunal court, so Pelosi's stolen laptop, along with the other 11 stolen laptops, can be used in her military tribunal along with everything else Pelosi has done, to lock her and the others away for good.

History will show that Donald Trump tried every legal avenue to solve this crisis against our Constitution. It will show that all others failed to address this Act of Treason. He tried to resolve this peacefully. His only recourse left was to use the military, but it will be a LAWFUL use of the military as these people have broken their oaths and committed TREASON and INSURRECTION.

President Donald J. Trump is LEGALLY REQUIRED to act on this because of his own oath to the Constitution, to protect our Republic from enemies Foreign AND DOMESTIC.

The crimes on their indictments will read; TREASON, SEDITION, and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. When the whole world finds out they launched a virus to steal an election, the Great Awakening will begin.

They've sealed their fates.


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