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The West’s War on Critical Thinking | Common Sense And Memes Are Viruses To The NWO
The West’s War on Critical Thinking
J.B. Shurk
June 20, 2024

Nobody enjoys being manipulated.  I have never met anyone who remarked, “I’m so glad people cleverer than I tricked me into doing what they wanted.”  Yet we are all bombarded each day with messages from people and institutions vying to shape our thoughts and control our behaviors. 

Television commercials push us to buy certain products.  Politicians describe domestic and foreign threats in such ways that only they can provide necessary solutions.  Religious leaders choose which doctrines of their faiths must be diligently observed and which ones can be casually overlooked.  More open societies might be marketplaces for competing ideas, but the most effective salespeople within any society are the ones who know how to magnify their own messages while silencing others.

Given that this is the case, a society interested in protecting its people from manipulation would be highly invested in educating citizens from a young age how to use reason, rationality, and logic to filter truth from falsehood.  Aside from a smattering of classical and religious schools that focus on how to assess information and judge its credibility, it is evident that Western educational systems have been designed with no such purpose in mind.  Students are taught what to think but not how to think.  They are handed bits of knowledge without first being provided the cognitive tools for acquiring knowledge on their own.  They have no appreciation for how misleading rhetoric and faulty logic are used to produce spurious arguments.  They have no background in philosophy sufficient to arm them with the mental acuity necessary to spot and reject propaganda.  They have no comprehension of the linguistic games that are used to program their minds.  They lack shrewd discernment.

What does it say about a civilization that generally requires young people to spend thirteen or more years in public school systems engineered to produce mediocre minds?  It should set off alarm bells!  When governments are in the business of dumbing down citizens, they are investing in future generations who will be obedient slaves.  Or, if an animal farm metaphor makes it easier for a millennial “influencer” to understand, Western governments prefer easily managed cattle that they can move from pen to pen before sending them to the slaughterhouse (think: Ukraine).  What they do not want is an independent-minded cow knocking over a fence and freeing the herd from certain death.  Schools, like penitentiaries, are institutions for corralling large numbers of humans together, so that a mixture of indoctrination and punishment can be efficiently administered until most learn to “behave.”  When Western education mimics Western incarceration, Western citizens should start to wonder just who the real prisoners are.

The U.S. Pentagon, the NATO military alliance, and Western espionage agencies spend a great deal of their resources influencing human minds.  “Great,” you might say.  “They should be actively shaping the opinions of civilians in adversarial nations.”  Except I’m not talking about “winning the hearts and minds” of foreigners living under dangerous dictatorships.  When I say that the military and Intelligence Community are currently fighting an undeclared war in what they call the “cognitive battlespace,” it is your mind that they are fighting to influence. 

At a time in history when people from opposite sides of the planet have never been better connected, national governments have lost their monopolies over domestically available information.  In the past, most information warfare was directed outwardly toward foreign regimes.  Spies and soldiers spread disinformation throughout an enemy’s population in order to sow discord, breed mistrust, and weaken morale.  Traditionally, information warfare directed inwardly at one’s homeland has been limited to war propaganda intended to do the opposite of foreign disinformation campaigns: namely, to forge national unity, foster civic trust, and heighten morale. 

As technology innovation and a global computer interface radically transformed the distribution of information during the last half-century, information warfare specialists have had a constantly evolving and expanding battlefield through which to influence foreign enemies.  However, as new forms of communication have given warfighters sophisticated means of conducting offensive operations from the relative comfort of office cubicles, these same technologies have enabled foreign enemies to conduct cyber-attacks, sabotage critical infrastructure, and engage in long-distance espionage rather cheaply.

One of the cheapest ways for militarily inferior adversaries to harm the United States and its allies is to reciprocate the West’s information warfare with versions of their own.  Especially during times of social confusion and civil unrest (including race-related conflicts, mass shootings, and other politically volatile events), hostile adversaries flood online chat rooms, social media forums, and messaging platforms with false information meant to enrage Western citizens and turn them against each other.  Foreign operatives can accomplish a great deal of harm practically for free.  Weaker enemies continue to use such asymmetric warfare to great effect.

The U.S. government has responded to these novel threats poorly.  Instead of defending free speech in the strongest possible terms — regardless of the intrusion of malicious foreign actors into the public forum — D.C.’s permanent bureaucracy has chosen to classify and criminalize speech. 

We saw this un-American effort to censor communication go into overdrive after President Trump’s 2016 victory.  Obama falsely blamed Hillary’s loss on an upswing of “fake news” and demanded that Silicon Valley take more responsibility in determining what Americans can post and read.  To anybody who values free speech, this was an alarming turning point in American history.  Had Obama been a defender of the First Amendment, he would have acknowledged that the answer to speech he dislikes is more speech.  Instead of endorsing mass censorship, Obama should have embraced the town square as a quintessentially American refuge where competing points of view are freely debated and people democratically decide what they believe.  When he and the D.C. Blob instead chose to target and eliminate information that they deem harmful, the federal government effectively declared war on free speech.

Remarkably, this is the third major front in the U.S. government’s detestable war against the Bill of Rights in the first quarter of this century.  In the aftermath of 9/11, the passage of the Patriot Act, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, and the formation of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence ushered in a new era of widespread domestic surveillance in direct conflict with the Fourth Amendment’s requirements for particularized warrants first establishing probable cause that a crime has been committed.  After every politically advantageous mass shooting, state and federal officials work to deprive Americans of their Second Amendment right to possess firearms.  And since President Trump’s 2016 victory, the Obama-Biden Deep State has worked to monitor Americans’ communications; classify unapproved speech as “mis-,” “mal-,” or “dis-information”; and censor speech it dislikes in flagrant violation of the First Amendment’s protections.

Time and again, the U.S. government tells Americans that the only way to protect them from foreign and domestic threats is to deprive them of their constitutionally guaranteed liberties.  Even after years of brainwashing from indoctrination camps posing as public schools, though, such rhetorical rubbish is backfiring.  Why?  Because Americans can sense that they are being manipulated!

The most effective deterrence to the threat of foreign propaganda is an informed and intellectually nimble citizenry.  But the only way to dupe citizens into accepting domestic propaganda is to repeat lies, censor dissent, and suppress the human mind’s capacity to think.  Consider this: if you viewed the American people’s combined consciousness as a “cognitive battlespace” that must be conquered, would you ever encourage citizens to debate ideas or question authority? 

Conversely, if you accept that the human mind is now the primary focus of global military planners, is it not true that revolutionary ideas will be the most important weapons in any war for human liberty?  Speak.  Resist.  Think.

Common Sense And Memes Are Viruses To The New World Order
by Tyler Durden
Sunday, Jun 23, 2024

Authored by Doug “Uncola” Lynn via,

    The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants.

    – Albert Camus

    Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

    – C.S. Lewis

    Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.

    – Albert Einstein

If there is one thing that became perfectly clear during my time in the dump truck, it is this:  The world runs on diesel. So every time I see a semi hauling a wind turbine, the following considerations come to mind:  How many blades have been transported for how many windmills in how many areas?  How much petroleum, or coal, or nuclear power, was utilized in the construction of said blades?  How many gallons of diesel fuel were used to excavate the ground to run power lines from the rural areas where the wind turbines are located?

For what genuine purpose are wind turbines planted? Who benefits? And how much maintenance will the turbines, subjected to the elements, require over time? What is the net payoff?

Certainly, wind power, or solar, or electric vehicles, for that matter, are not currently self-sustaining. Instead, these are now subsidized by false narratives, and tax-payer funds, all in the service of Anthropological Climate Change®, which is an epic lie.

Last fall, in a previous article under the paragraph heading “The electric school bus acid test…”, I described the electric school bus “sales pitch” being made to schools.  Consequently, earlier this month, I spoke to the transportation supervisor of our local school system and asked if he planned to order any electric vehicles this summer.  Fortunately, he said “no”.  He added that the superintendent was like-minded because of some information the supervisor had previously shared.  The supervisor said he had contacted the local utilities and was informed their power plant did not have the capacity to power a fleet of electric buses during peak usage.  Of course, peak usage occurs during the school year in a cold climate.

To be sure, narratives are so powerful because people believe them. Folks then act on their beliefs and sh*t happens.  This is why the global propaganda models remain ever-fluid and universal:  Problems are magnified via deception.  As a result, the reasoning of “authorities” seems quite noble to virtue-signaling ignoramuses eager to embrace the lies.  Tyranny ensues.

The War on Terror.  The War on Invisible Viruses.  The Wars against Foreign Aggressors. The War against Racism. The War against Sexism. The War against the Patriarchy. The War on the Weather.

Evidently, therefore, a correction is now required on my part:  The world runs on diesel and bullsh*t.  Except diesel is being phased out by climitards who Stand With Ukraine®.

Relativism, undeniably, trends in modernity.  And Orwell was right:

    The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labour. War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent.

    — Orwell, George, ”1984”: part 2, chapter 9

So whether by Marxism or any other form of secular utopianism:  The goals are always out with the “old” and in with the “new”.  Order out of chaos.  Dissolve and coagulate.

Also like Orwell’s “1984”:  The world’s global societal power structure is stratified into concentric rings of power.  The Inner Party functions to continuously preserve and enrich itself; as the Outer Party (i.e. those following orders) and the Proles are utilized and cannibalized when necessary. The circles of power have become increasingly interconnected in modernity; and technology allows the Inner Party to launch policies that are enforced by the Outer Party and unto the Proles.

This process is also called “history”.

The Outer Party depends upon the Inner Party for survival and it always remains a difficult challenge to convince the Proles of something they can’t, or won’t, see.

As a result, history unwinds in inevitable, cyclical waves.  Yet, the Inner Party has survived for generations – even before the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 and its unleashing of the modern Fractional Reserve Banking monster.

Slavery is rooted in economics; and so the Inner Party uses debt to implement and expand its various wars. The rich get richer as the poor suffer, starve, and die.

While driving the other day, I listened to an “expert” on AM radio discussing the vast increase of carbon in Earth’s atmosphere and the conclusion was this:  “Climate Change is real!”

The radio voice seemed very confident in its conclusions and, by implication, it was ready to do everything necessary to stop what it perceived as a genuine threat.  Always the same dialectics, again and again.

What’s wrong with carbon, again?

Is America having seizures? Or postmortem convulsions?

At this point in time, I am convinced it’s the latter.

While in communication with a retired retarded professor, she expressed exasperation at those who still plan to vote for Trump.  After all, he was convicted by a jury of his peers and is now a convicted felon.

In response, and from memory, I typed out a meme I saw on the internet:  “He lived over 70 years without a criminal record. But when he ran for president he was charged with over 90 crimes! How can you explain that?”

Silence.  But… oops!  Did you notice what I did there? Did you see how the Inner Party’s phony dialectics had me defending the proud promoter of Operation Warp Speed®?

Behind the proliferating Kayfabe FUBAR, however, the Inner Party works tirelessly toward the establishment of their New World Order by 2030:  A high-tech prison camp ruled by “stakeholders”.

When it was revealed that U.S. Senate ratification was required for the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Pandemic “Treaty”, it was, instead, transitioned into an “agreement”.  Except that strategy went down in flames, too, at the WHO’s 77th World Health Assembly.  In response, Team Biden, China, and other unelected WHO totalitarians stealthily passed new International Health Regulations (IHR) behind closed doors. This was done on June 1, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland.  The Ethiopian Communist, and WHO Director, Tedros Ghebreyesus, violated the IHR’s Article 55.2 eligibility requirements and with less than the required quorum of member states voting. This power grab was completely illegal and unlawfully elevated the WHO “from a global advisory-only body to an international enforcer of its mandates.”

So we all better get the word out, before it’s too late.  Especially now that it’s another election year so flu season is almost here.

Politics is the religion of Marxists as well as all those who seek to establish any sort of earthly “utopia”.  But, to the Luciferians, Freemasons, and the friends of Jeffrey Epstein, politics is merely the means to their ends; and, in their view, communism has proven to be an efficient means to eventually control and depopulate political enemies and uncooperative Proles.

World War III is a War on the Petrodollar and it serves as just another means to facilitate the collapse of the West.  Accordingly, the high-speed daily saturation of arbitrary polemics has made it near impossible to discern, distill, and dispute what is occurring around the globe – which is, also, surely, part of the plan

The Inner Party was always long on communism; this is why U.S. manufacturing was gutted on behalf of China, and why the American economy has been Cloward & Pivened as corporate, political, and religious institutions have undergone Wokeification. The Inner Party’s desired NWO is an economic, political, and faith-based multi-polar dystopia; but, as I’ve stated before, any ideology, whatsoever, could be used as the “faith” to control the material and online realms: Fascism, Communism, Islam, Freemasonry, Luciferianism, Outer Space Aliens, or a witch’s brew of any, or all, of these to be administered as technocratic totalitarianism.

If Trump wins the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election he will surely embrace a new global order blended into separate (multi-national) economic regions.

Or maybe Trump will be imprisoned or killed before the election, thus, igniting the ever-simmering rage of American Patriots.

Toward whatever outcome, however, the fists of anti-democratic revolutions are forming, Left and Right.

The Inner Party has been successful, once again, in its efforts to distract and divide. This is so it can rule over fractious factions of enemies.  It’s a king’s strategy that has been applied continuously throughout history.

Even so, the memes march forward. They gather like torches in the dark.

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