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Thousands Of Oz Birds Fall Dead
I’ve heard about people who have invented cars that run on water. I don’t know if it was your friend I heard about or not. I also heard of some people that invented cars that run off batteries that never need recharging. The new hybrid cars that they have come out with are a new step in the right direction. I feel that that new inventions will keep coming so much that it will get to the point that the Illuminati won’t be able to stop it.

No, I don’t feel we hybrids will ever live united. I feel this experiment was doomed from the beginning.  icon_slash


This has all happened quicker than expected but the heroes save the day! I was telling you the town where I live will run out of water on 29 April, now the state government has began a pipe line to the largest town about 40 km away, this project will be finished by the end of march – bravo government!

Then we have the situation in Melbourne, all the trees that line the streets are dying from lack of water and people can not go to the botanical gardens, because it is so dry. The heroes once again have come to the rescue, last year they built an entire pool complex for the world swim competition. So now they will drain these pools and fill the dam at the gardens and water all the trees of Melbourne. So they are the ones who control the weather, create fear in the population then are the heroes.  You have got to love their mentality and how they stooged the entire country.

Because of what they have now done, the people have faith in them once again. Just like many years ago when they used martin Bryant to disarm the entire country of Australia.

I know a man here in town that worked and was paid to invent an alternate car and when he was done they trashed all his files and he has been droven crazy too.  He is one of the most intelligent men I know but is Crazy to the hilt and his life is nothing now.  Angry

  I could show you some computers he has built and you would be amazed.....

You know William that genius and insanity have only a very fine line; many who are highly intelligent can be easily programmed and alerted if they do not bother to acknowledge how technology can tickle up that fine line. It took us considerable time to explain to our friend how he has been played with and made to look publicly insane and psychotic. I am sorry about your friend.

It sounds like there is something strange going on with all these bird deaths. Here’s another story I ran across.

Birds are dying in mass quantities all over the world. Although the circumstances of death differ in each location, the causes are always mysterious. One must wonder if all these deaths aren't related in some paranormal fashion. In September, for example, we reported that 1,600 bird carcasses had washed up on the shores of an island in Alaska. In recent weeks we've seen the deaths of hundreds of barn owls along Interstate 84 in southern Idaho; several thousand birds suddenly dropped dead out of the sky in the West Australian coastal town of Esperance; and there was the mysterious death of dozens of birds in Austin, Texas. These were all just in the past month. With the avian flu scare, many have speculated that these bird deaths may be caused by some sort of epidemic that officials aren't reporting. Officials were quick to say that the deaths were not flu related, although a full explanation has remained elusive.

The only thing that comes to mind is the bombardment of HAARP, birds fly on instinct and frequency, they know instinctively of storms and when weather is headed for a big change, so they go somewhere to sit it out. However when the weather is not a natural frequency how can they detect the pattern changes? The weather around the entire globe is unpredictable at the moment and seems like they are playing around with new equipment and testing it to the max.

It is like the whale or dolphin that becomes beached, these sea creatures are not that stupid and only loose their way because of all the sonar interference with experiments under the sea.

When you notice that a population of whales or dolphins have landed on the shore, you know that some type of ‘natural tidal wave or tsunami’ is coming somewhere along that costal current.

Have you ever seen the documentaries on the salmon or the birds that fly thousands of miles to breed, they rely completely on their senses to get them to the exact position and are amazing to watch how their internal GPS system works.  

That makes sense that you say its HAARP. That would explain the strange weather and the dead birds.

Think the chemtrails....which is hardly talked about now a days is one reason too?

yes, William good point.

There is also an epidemic here in Serbia which no one is paying attention to.People of all ages have the same type of symptoms and it's very difficult to get rid of this.

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