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Trump The Last President?
By Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret.

Friends and Associates:
Each and everyone of (us) cannot know who we are unless we know who we will be in the future. In the material world we must always be prepared (now) so that we can survive tomorrow, be it….budgeting our finances for coming problems, or dealing with health and/or a personal family crisis (mentally and financially), but how many of (us) plan ahead for the spiritual forces, evil and good, that we face now and will face in coming years?
The old saying…”I was blind sided by that one and wasn’t prepared,” is a common human trait we encounter from time to time, but are YOU one that says, “I’m not surprised by anything and I always know that, when one door closes, another door opens, therefore….I look forward to that open door?”
Call it “faith” or just commonsense, the future is written in stone and there’s no turning back in hopes the future will just go away saying…. “I don’t like what’s coming therefore, I will just bury my head in the sand and hope that black cloud passes over me and doesn’t see me?” Or…..”I will do my part to enlighten others and help humanity prepare for what’s coming,” as Kim Clement prophesized in 2013 of what is coming in 2027.
It is said, “a true prophet dies before [the] prophetic event happens (by God’s Will) because it cannot be said the prophecy was created by [the] prophet.” Kim Clement died before his time…..
He prophesized in 2013 the return of King Cyrus (Trump) and a world event in 2027 will be devastating and death will be extreme…..
Trump’s presidency [would] be over in 2024 and as many geo-political analysts have said, “Trump will be the last president of the United States.”
“End Times” predicted are nearing and all indicators, we’re witnessing now….points to the “End Times” for NOT just America, but the world when the Illuminati (Anti-Christ) demon possessed globalists have predicted, and/or will achieve their eugenics plans and final war to reduce the world’s population to approximately 500 million as it is written in stone on the famous Georgia Guidestones.
Like THEY say, “history repeats itself” over and over through the ages while the Bible is a clear indication…a blueprint for humanity and our planet, a message from hundreds of generations with prophecies meant to help humanity see the light and accept the simple fact, there is a universal spiritual force, good and bad, dictating our future with proof from the past. As “Q” team tells us again and again…[Future Proves The Past].
Well….what does “Q” team know that we don’t know? Who or what is guiding Trump’s (Military Intelligence) “Q” team that seems to be very accurate these past weeks? Why is Trump the most protected president in the history of the United States? Why has Trump been (potentially) the target of assassination attempts (last count) well over 12 with one that was so blatantly Deep State, launching a rogue missile fired at Airforce One from an area in western Washington State? Or….the rogue (inert) missiles fired from (unknown) subs or vessels at Hawaii and Japan but intercepted by the “White Hats)….the Deep State attempt to draw North Korea into a war that would trigger WWIII.
“Q” has been proven to be accurate and informed beyond any normal, or regular insider, because the team is with the president a.k.a. “Q+.” Their sources far exceed what we can only imagine, because their intel provided to the president and accessed by the “Q” team offers no surprises for the Trump Administration.
President Trump is NOT just a billionaire with an ego to win the presidency, Trump is spiritually recruited for what is coming and he is willing to take the bullet for you, me and this country. (WE) know that, but there are forces nearly out-of-control attempting to dumb-down the public and the world into a hate frenzy while the Anti-Christ Deep State minions and their globalist Satan worshippers demonize Trump at every turn.
Trump is the CYRUS of our times and prophecy confirms that !!
“Learning that she was now with child and her time for giving birth was near, he sent Mandane away to Persia. When she arrived there, he put a guard over her, with plans to kill the child after she gave birth (*see Isaiah 45:10-13); for when the Magi had interpreted the vision they told him that the son of his daughter would reign over Asia instead of him. To keep this from happening, immediately following the birth of Cyrus, Astyages sent for Harpagus, a man of his own house and a faithful Mede, to whom he trusted all his affairs, and addressed him saying . . . Harpagus, take the son born of my daughter Mandane, and steal him away to your house and slay him there.”
“When Harpagus had reluctantly agreed, the child was given into his hands, wrapped in the swaddling cloth of death, and he weeping went quickly to his home . . . speaking, My hands will not carry out his will, nor do I want any part of this murder . . .”
“Thus, Cyrus was raised early to be a shepherd fulfilling God’s word to Isaiah.
Isaiah 45:10-13 (POTUS 45)”
The Deep State globalists / Illuminati want their minions to kill Trump anyway they can, and they continue to try, but the Spirit of God (or the Universal Force of Creation / Collective Spirit of Humanity) stands in Satan’s way, (or the Counter-force of all that’s good and righteous) that encompasses earth with an evil spirit that is turning man against man, kingdom against kingdom, families against families, because DIVIDE is what our planet is all about…a warring planet where peace cannot be achieved if (WE) stay divided.
Israel is a phenomenon that is ALWAYS in the middle of things, past, present and future, and the evil shroud over Israel has extended its tentacles around the earth.
The Deep State have their tentacles wrapped around the word and (IMO) it appears [Israel] is God’s (Army Base) that was established before Christ was born and what has evolved since…in Israel is a corrupt political system of Communism / Zionism that wants to destroy Israel and America. THEY use Israel as a means of their own survival for a New World Order, an excuse to inflame the world, while the common Jew (like the common American Christian) are kept in the dark and/or brainwashed by media.
America (until now) has had its share of Communist / Zionism in the White House and Congress for decades since Kennedy was assassinated, the USS Liberty sinking by Israel and 9/11, while leaders in America co-conspired with the Communist / Zionist that use God’s Israel as their command center for world operations and deception.
Palestine occupation and [the] Israeli settlements / Golan dispute are the agitator(s) for world wars and deception. The common Jewish citizen is brainwashed by their own government and the Arabs accordingly, thus the conflict continues to be a false flag type conflict that can evolve into WWIII.
Throw in disputes between false religions and fake prophecies, and [Communism] spreading the earth, the ingredients for deception and hate expands to what we can expect in 2027.
Will it be WWIII in 2027 or something much more dangerous?
When we put together the increased UFO activity worldwide and “UFO Disclosure” coming soon, plus knowledge from government whistleblowers about the [Secret Space Program] and how extraterrestrials are here and above, and then add the spiritual awakening sweeping the planet, increased earthquakes, vibrational frequencies, polar shift, solar anomalies, extreme weather, floods, beaching whales, etc, etc (IMO) what could be on the horizon will be far more devastating than a world war or a combination of all the above including an EMP that will shutdown the countries for years.
Will Trump be assassinated before the end? It is NOT prophesized as happening, but 2027 is a year to prepare for and if the Republicans do not keep the White House after 2024, we can [then] expect prophesy to become reality.

—Dave Bertrand

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