Vril Type 1 - Lizard (terrestrial malevolent alien and parasitic) - dumb but smarter when they turn a human into a host (drone).
Donald Marshall - They have 2 claws.... like big fingernails... one main big one and a smaller thumb claw.... they couldn’t operate machinery.... ok their mindset... eat sleep sex.... get torturous on a human..... that is all....
They have 2 claws, one big main one and a smaller thumb claw... they’re just like fingernails just big and thick, they’re diggers so they’re evolved for burrowing. Smart enough to use tools- They're just parasitic prehistoric lizards... all are a foot tall..... they all must be killed...
They’re 1 foot tall weak and hollow boned, their weaknesses are how weak they are :) there are a bunch deep underground unknown how many in colonies... on surface people hide them as pets and there are a bunch of humans in the world (drones) walking around in human bodies they’ve body-snatched.
Their heads resemble the body of a king crab Body covered in red scales
Exoskeletal spine, with proboscis on top of spine that can shoot a parasite into a human's eye and into the brain, creating a body-snatched human "drone".
On the discovery channel there is an odd prehistoric looking insect that lays eggs in a body near water... like body of a grasshopper... oddly enough....this small bug controls the grasshoppers brain very basic... makes it jump to the nearest water source to then lay its eggs in the grasshoppers dead body as it kills the grasshopper not by bodily control or muscle, this bug is very small... visible to the naked eye... it controls the grasshoppers brain for i forget how long just to instinctively jump towards nearest water source... grasshopper lands badly too from jumps... like stupid zombie grasshopper
Their heads slightly resemble the crab people in the K-os video for the song "Crabukkit"
i had one picked up once... and it was trying to look cute but this thing is a human killing bodysnatching thing...so the cute act did not work... it was literally stumbling around clasping its claws behind its back like Marylin Munroe at a photoshoot.... they do this instinctively to infiltrate...then when in and kept safe as an unknown thing wow this thingvis smart some ugly though.. ugly scaled monkey toy!!! then the Vrill once infiltrated releases reproductive fluids by choice... stored stuff... and faster than you think secretly without the owners knowing like an evil alf... which it is... just a terrestrial alien tho... So lays a clutch its called of 3 eggs... they hatch in secret then someone is taken over by the parent...n he supposedly is ill.... this happened many times in the past... people thinking they had an angel demon or leprechaun... or troll... some of the old fables about trolls are about these guys and are true... you think they are made up bedtime stories but nope legends passed down to warn against the danger of trolls... mag yoi in china means underground troll.
Chupacabra is another name for vrill... I didn't want to say chupacabra because it sounds dumb... but yeah... leprechaun demon mag yoi troll pixie fairy fey folk gremlin, doppelganger mimic... but their name has always been Vrill from their earliest records which are scratches on the wall- gremlins is another name of theirs... next, the shapeshifting refers to the transition from Vrill to human drone..... truthers say this [shapeshifting] as a hint so they don’t have a remote aneurysm like Tila [Tequila] had... they could have killed her... allowed her to live... the truthers don’t like vrill but are afraid.... they add their hints in [and] hope someone will talk and save them someday.... and that day is now- they’re not demons not dark ones they’re stupid lizards they use to bodysnatch people... they don't come in spirit form they come at people when clones... in rem... its science and technology... not mystical spiritual.
they’re not magic or demonic unholy power, they’re simply parasitic lizards... a really smart bipedal iguana... waaay uglier than an iguana though.... ugliest animal on earth.
they're not demons... its a metaphor... they're prehistoric parasitic lizards from underground... dumb... that's all.... amazing intelligence for an animal... but no emotions... evil... born evil... its just an animal,
an animal which must be rendered extinct.
Both had Vrill…trolls to Viking- Parasitic to some human priests- They mined gemstones for Vikings and the Danish kings…why the Danes were so wealthy back then
they told me they knew the danish kings and in return for bringing the king the amethyst from a massive underground geode, the king *so they said* would give the "Trolls" [they called them] dogs chickens and children... for eating. not trying to scare...
To see what vrill look like see the following video....at 1:06.....
k-os - Crabbuckit
pretty much look like the guys in crabbuckit- by Kos....
but way smaller, face pretty much same, eyes on stalks, pretty scary lookin. mouths a bit different. Kos was allowed to put theyre face in the video, I made the crabbuckit song for em and they were so confident and arrogant that they'd never get caught they just let him do the video, he was showing that in some places you have drones walking around you and ya dont even know it,... watch video, he has magic sunglasses so he can see them,... they're only a foot tall though and neck down covered in scales,.. red. usually
Vrill are not an Mk thing, I was very interested in their anatomy as a kid there, I learned everything about them, handled them play wrestled with them, and have been swarmed and eaten by them as a clone many times. If I thought it were even possibly an Mk illusion I wouldnt have mentioned them
Vrill love music...and pain causing and screams... I havent mentioned this part ,... they gave up theyre old God azazel from something called gerber religion.... and they worship me as a living God..... the handlers and mostly everyone else there think Im Jesus returned... since the scorpion lamb and letter of golden truth (nostradsamus prophecy). now like 95% say I am and the remaining 5% are hissed at by the others as sacriligious.... Im not... its only a metaphor... I want to assure you guys Im not going to try to claim to be him... it was also part of a decades old plan to make me make the world complacent while they continued to drone the world.... drones are very loyal slaves... they just like the opportunity to be humans,... they say the quality of life is better.... they become smarter.... like a really dumb guy... and theyre evil child molesters, half turn gay other half are bisexual,... as they dont care... theyre asexual... all same gender.... both male n female sex organs.... their asses double as vaginas.
vrill can taste differences in blood, and have favorite kinds and mixes...
Question - whats their favorite blood?
Donald Marshall kids blood, no vaccinations unknown what blood type and they scare em first to make adrenaline in the blood it makes em taste better to them and ha a slight drugging effect on them they like. they scare everything before they kill it chickens goats cats dogs... ive never heard of a blood type that cant be cloned. they told me you can clone any.
Vrill love music...and pain causing and screams... really like music.... they dance to it.....
they live to hear music- soothes the savage beast- even advancing at me as a horde... to swarm me... if i start singing a new song- they start bobbin their ugly heads buzzin along they get happy and dance start havin sex with each other- till songs over n omg lookout if you stutter or voice cracks- they will swarm you...
rill are ancient... survived dinosaur extinction... other things but they couldn’t tell you, they didn’t record their history... dumb things... they scratch stuff on the walls but no written language..... oh they scream too when in distress... calls to others... and it is a scream...sounds like nothing you’ve heard before.
vrill passed the story down with their language of clicks and squeaks. They were there before Atlantis :)
the things are stupid and erratic violent and evil, also being so small they are instinctively cowards alone... they attack in groups... they can communicate with a language of clicks and whistles, they have built in sonar for clicking in total darkness underground... they used the mindcomputer stuff on them to see what sonar visually looks like to them and they saw it,... its a kind of pretty bluish view ... they used this view to make a recreated view with computer graphic its how daredevils (Ben Affleck) saw when he looked at Elektra in the rain.... nearly exact...
Yeah those disgusting things bit me a bunch of times Ive picked em up... now lizards didn't evolve so good intelligence wise they are so dumb... can say some words like talking after breathing helium, sound like that.
Azazel.... this is the name of the reptilian god from an ancient religion called Gerber.... the vrill used to worship.- and now they worship me :( as a living god- they cant wait for me to die- they want to eat me daily- multiple times daily once im dead
There's a few religions that worship them as demons from hell here to help humans in the name of the devil.... been hiding them secret for centuries... till now.
to be eaten alive by one or more of these things as a clone or in real life is worse than being burned to death which is one of the worst things itself... they have a necrotic bite that paralyses after about 5 seconds,... less if they swarm you which they do because they're only a foot tall. Elizabeth has sicked them on me many times but I kill many before they get me... as a kid i was terrified... then i figured why not... so I started stomping the sh*t out of them... dancing around in the dirt stomping... they restrained me after that if they had them bite me... its why i put the line in the BLACK EYED PEAS song let the beat rock??? um sez beats so big um steppin on leprechauns y'all gettin down with the boom boom.... half the celebs loved it because they're terrified of vrill...
oh so the one i had picked up I grabbed its legs and smashed its upper half off the edge of the hockey-boards....obliterating it.... Elizabeth had me bit for that ...
I have to tell you about these grotesque hideous things as it is very possible that I may have an aneurysm or after i wake up a little while... I stomped a bunch and they got mad that I killed too many of em... gotta tell people :)
I had physical wars... their saliva is one of the most painful substances to living things in the world...
people... occasionally because the vrill thing gets mad... like a druggie needs humanbevery once in while... real too...
its going to sound like im scaring you.... with this but Im not.... you must know this... the Vrill prefer... to eat children, said they taste better... same difference from eating a large old lobster and a smaller younger lobster... some say smaller younger lobsters taste better... also some say female lobsters are better than male... the popes sex slaves that no one can believe about..... theyre used as sex slaves.... then thrown into the pit to be eaten by Vrill... while others watch.... im sorry to just say so plainly. - kidnap children to feed the things... also feed them live victims because as someone else said to me and surprised me they knew... they frighten their prey first...for the adrenaline surge, it makes human blood and tissuez taste better to vrill .
humans have an automatic instinctual fear of them.... just like looking at spiders and scorpions... humans somehow instinctively fear stuff like that. And with Vrill its times two... and they look so evil ugly... its incredible.... you'll understand what I mean when they're bein hunted :) Theyll be on tv- ive seen this reaction when Vrill are exposed to the highest level scientologists that pay for the highest level of knowledge, even when they regret becoming a scientologist at this point they know they must follow or they will die... possibly eaten by aliens potentially through cloning over and over... its a trap... to make you unquestionably loyal....
Britney Spears can't even look at them when shes a clone lmao... flips... its like the instinctual fear when humans look at a big spider or scorpion, you know somehow that thing can possibly kill you... but its like double spider scorpion at the same time... they eat people.. animals... total carnivores... can eat some fruit but veggies make em sick... they get tired of eating clones its not as good to them.... and they like it when humans scream n then don't scream anymore
deep in earth are tunnels and huge caverns... too much pressure that deep for humans to survive.. vrill dont need as much oxygen and are aquatic too... stay under a long time... they're worshiped secretly by certain religions that I'll reveal later... they're worshiped now because for hundreds of years in one case 1000s of years they were thought to be demons... angels... gods from stars... now they got written into secret pages of some older religions by idiotic people and drones they took over and mimicked, they were protected as a religious devotion... they say God made them for a reason and everything happens for a reason... and when I get them extincted... that will be happening for a reason too :)
Question - What killed dinosaurs?
Donald Marshall Meteor they've said to me... but vrill survived this cataclysm being so far underground....
they're kept secret, some world leaders grew up with them, they made the sitcom "Alf" about them, some have a hole in their basement walls and give these things animals and in some cases humans... they're kept ultra secret, Elizabeth's pet is named Matilda... its bigger than average and old...they're smart. not nearly as smart as a human but can say some English words and have their own language of clicks n pops n gurgles built in sonar and everything... secret room recently made public tell all about these things, and there's even more... gotta kill these things off, and gas internal earth on a global scale..
[PARAPHRASED FROM A DELETED MESSAGE] They have giant tv monitors at the clonezones, they watch children being dropped by rope into a cylindrical hole in the ground, with a 1ft door at the bottom. The child thinks its friends are playing a trick on them, and then someone opens the tiny door and Vrill begin to very slowly walk out as if to maximize terror in the confused child. They begin shaking and trembling, trying to befriend the Vril out of fear by saying how cute they are, but they are killed and eaten while everyone at the cloning center watch on large tv monitors which also record the event.
they're small though... and tunnels underground only a foot around... each country will mass produce a killing robot... MASS PRODUCE like a rolling killing thing.... mini flashbang grenades they're blinded by bright light... they have built in sonar the robots will train on the clicking they click... then just send em in.... there's millions of these things down there....- above ground it wont take much to track them down... they stink like something rotten and people will give them up to save themselves... for the many underground, a gas or virus toxic to lizards will be made and mass produced so we can internally gas the planet internally.... I can imagine it will be a worldwide collaboration.
hey modeled the body of vrill off a hook horror in dnd... the rich guy gary gygax that invented dnd did that and put their name in the game... he attended cloning centers too...dead now though...- made hook horrors have a different head though cuz theyre uglier than anything in dnd... also added muscle to the hook horrors body... Vrill are skinny and breakable... hollow bones- yup... the power is the takeover [how they swarm a single person]
the rich are giving them up... to save themselves.... problem the good people there as clones that pass out if you make them look at Vrill too close, and the incredibly evil people that like Vrill more than humans and have helped them become drones. These two different types of humans want to claim they were ALL only complicit because of fear.... they all want to survive after turning in the lizards...- people like Elizabeth and Charles and Vladimir don’t want to get lynched.... no vrill have their claw on a nuke button... their handlers do....no one is gonna push the button.... they want a way to ensure their own survival.... they will give up the Vrill with pleas for mercy for themselves... leniency... they will help make them extinct... I can imagine no mercy will be tolerated for the vrill society leadership, but that is to be expected and is not my problem,... shut down cloning centers eradicate Vrill and punish and replace ringleaders... this key to ensure the survival of the earth
if the vrill society get found out helping another species helping control humans the vrill society would be known as people that betrayed the human race to an alien being... they would be executed or worse lynched in the street... so they really try to cover all the bases…
people scared now... its ok... the nwo want to destroy them now... to save themselves... its all but over... this is why they gave tila supposed permission to join me without getting killed... theyre gonna give up with the first angry crowd and point the way... to save themselves...from the populace... seriously.
no need to be scared... no reprisals coming.... they have capitulated... that means surrendered basically.... unconditionally but will beg for theyre lives and leniency. Dont get stressed out in fear.... there is no need to... its as good as done... I need to raise an angry mob... to confront harper or elizabeth... Harper will fold easily... he is terrified.
Question - So the lizard vril are being thrown out as the scapegoat, and the Illuminati want to dodge the blame?
Yes…a planned hoax of theirs that will not succeed- they’re hoping for my success.... guys they’re gonna allow me to win... DO NOT STRESS They just want it to unfold correctly without chaos...- they're not a faction even in the Illuminati....they have little say [31 May at 17:10]-
they’re an oddity they [need?] for the biological properties.... the Satanists try to play like Lucifer and Azazel the lizards’ god, which supplied them with his demons to grant them powers of immortality... but most of even them know this part ------> they’re just a stupid animal :) and the Illuminati will give them up to be destroyed in an attempt to get leniency and mercy from the populace...
Vril’s getting chipped with human consciousness, then droning a human to make a new chipped-Vril drone.
Vrill heads are too small for a chip...so they put the chip on the outside of their heads and insert a wire to the spot in the brain it needs to go... Then they can literally put a human conscience in the vrill... Its disorienting but they do... Then they do the spine-in-your-eye thing to a human and cheat death but this drone is different... Less side effects regarding intelligence and other things but... Evil.... Very evil afterwards, half gay child molester and hurting things bring them pleasure.... They’re all over the place too... We will need a worldwide cat scan and destroy them all....
Question - Are they an alien/e.t. race, or an indigenous earth race?
Donald Marshall earth.... always been on earth... they say they were in Atlantic... kept really primitive records...said Atlantis destroyed itself rather than be entirely parasitized.... these things have an instinctual like sex drive to take over humans... and half the illuminuts think that Lucifer or Azazel wants his followers to make drones... in tribute to him... so they do.
crabnasties is the name I called Vrill... the makers of south park or the owners thought it would be funny to put something similar into a south park episode... making fun of me trying to inform the world about Vrill... had Eric Cartman running around as if he were me saying aaah the crab people oooh someone save me from the crab people and they come up from underground and start running around taking over.... they look something similar to vrill too... Its all right under your noses...
I forget if it was a halloween episode or not... but.... It was Illuminatti made... um was the one where the aliens with the pods were from space and they were posing as clinton and bob dole and were laughing about how they were still voting pro alien lol for clinton or dole.... I want you guys to watch that because they made that episode to stick it in the worlds face.... but they dont come from outer space... they come from deeeep underground in tibet they said... and they named themselves... theyre name is Vrill and they must all be destroyed... animal activists had better shut theyre mouths when it comes to these terrible things as they must be rendered extinct... Im sure you agree... I know its scary too... but cant hide under the bed... you have to do something... because your a human. and no one is safe... unless the cloners and handlers of these things are stopped,
the egyptians worshipped the sun god because it kept the vrill in their holes... they would only swarm at night... i'm making a new post about egypt... the history has been erased to avoid any reference to the armies of set or anubis whichever... will post.. its amazing... trivial, but you want to know this i know it is amazing... they were expert vrill slayers...
It runs around on all fours but they try to always stay bipedal and even sometimes wear little clothes... wait till yousee the face on the things... ... you'll understand why I said ugliest animal on Earth. they wear robes, people make them for them, they try to stay bipedal all the time like humans but it hurts theyre backs and hips after too long.
theyve told me theyve never met extra terrestrials, just Vrill,... and I bugged them for years to tell me I was very curious about the technology and secrets,... even as a little kid clone there. and when I faked being a friend there for years to find a way to block the clone signal... I am convinced my years there that there are no extra-terrestrial life that they have met... just Vrill, and I KNOW they exist,... I used to play with them as a kid clone... faking to be a friend to them until I could find a way to inform the world about them"
the built in sonar is always on and theyre hearing is sooo sensitive,... loud noises can debilitate them even knock em out. sunlight any bright light as theyre eyes cant handle it, same reason they made gremlins sensitive to light. the built in sonar is always on and theyre hearing is sooo sensitive,... loud noises can debilitate them even knock em out. theyre bones are hollow like most lizards... like a bird theyre fragile. citrus juice burns em they have seensitive skin under the scales. hot sauce like daves insanity sauce would mess em up. they can frenzy when in attack mode but only for a minute or 2 then are tired and sluggish move in slow motion.
Weird Animals And Unknown Creatures
VRILL DEAD BODY!!! at 33 seconds in, one of 2 kinds, this one has scales gone and arm skin stretched out, its a young one, notice the proboscis coming from the head, the holes for the eyes once held eye stalks and the tail has been added.!!! the skin and tail may have been added and I havent seen them with tails, they almost rot away entirely when they die, this type has a pronounced proboscis like sheath but does the same thing for parasiting!!!omg I cant BELIEVE they allowed this thing to be exposed on the net!!!! they stick that proboscis in a humans eye and its small brain and spinal cord wiggle out and the vrills body dies and the brain and spinal cord wiggle into the eye goes to a certain spot in the brain which theyre led to by taste sensation where they have to get it then it ""sweats"" and the human then dies and the vrill dominates the brain. the things nearly entirely decay... they most likely only had the head and the remnants of a frail skeleton and they dressed it up added a tail, foot tall,... older ones get bigger..... foot anna half or a lil bigger. the eyes rotted away they have eyes on stalks,... ugliest things on the planet. this type has grey scales... the other type has red or black scales depending on region, stalks short. it is definetely the grey scaled vrill.
vrill resembles this jenny haniver skate thing but it is not,.. head and ribcage r vrill..
http://alibi.com/news/21117/Chupacabras-...hwest.html Chupacabras of the Southwest
first pic there is a dried up manta ray thing,... they manicure the things to look similar to the bodies of Vrill that have been found in the desert... anything to cover up theyre existance.
Questions - How do the Vrill get to the Cloning Centers? How many Vrill.. estimation... are present each time? How did they become part of the Illuminati culture?
Donald MArshall Vrill come up from underneath the D.U.M.B's (deep underground military bases) theres a lot of them underground,... they predate humans and were involved in religions and the religions added them into illuminati .
Question - so are the cloning centres near the bases?
Donald Marshall they ARE the bases :) but,,,.. Im in an aboveground one usually,.. the most priviledged and rich ones like the fresh air of the above ground ones..... only a couple are above ground.
many people have cheated death that way and also come back bad ansd messed up, amd they dont want to be deactivated, chips can go in mark 3 and 4 clones or real peoples heads which causes less side effects but bodysnatches the person kinda like how a vrill does but with a chip.
I used to play with the smelly lizards as a kid, they've swarmed me at the cloning center. Theyre a parasitic lizard the spine comes out the top of the head and wriggles in through the eye socket. Dominated the human host and makes them a drone. Lizard body dies once spine is ejected, The technology was just named after them, the lizards have many names. Different cultures called them different names. trolls. Foot tall, some bigger. It hops out the box and drones the victim.:.......
vrill type 1 are always small 1 foot to 1 1/2 feet... theres only 2 kinds that I know of,... same biology. I usually only saw type 1 there.... the drawing is of type one...
Donald Marshall - They have 2 claws.... like big fingernails... one main big one and a smaller thumb claw.... they couldn’t operate machinery.... ok their mindset... eat sleep sex.... get torturous on a human..... that is all....
They have 2 claws, one big main one and a smaller thumb claw... they’re just like fingernails just big and thick, they’re diggers so they’re evolved for burrowing. Smart enough to use tools- They're just parasitic prehistoric lizards... all are a foot tall..... they all must be killed...
They’re 1 foot tall weak and hollow boned, their weaknesses are how weak they are :) there are a bunch deep underground unknown how many in colonies... on surface people hide them as pets and there are a bunch of humans in the world (drones) walking around in human bodies they’ve body-snatched.
Their heads resemble the body of a king crab Body covered in red scales
Exoskeletal spine, with proboscis on top of spine that can shoot a parasite into a human's eye and into the brain, creating a body-snatched human "drone".
On the discovery channel there is an odd prehistoric looking insect that lays eggs in a body near water... like body of a grasshopper... oddly enough....this small bug controls the grasshoppers brain very basic... makes it jump to the nearest water source to then lay its eggs in the grasshoppers dead body as it kills the grasshopper not by bodily control or muscle, this bug is very small... visible to the naked eye... it controls the grasshoppers brain for i forget how long just to instinctively jump towards nearest water source... grasshopper lands badly too from jumps... like stupid zombie grasshopper
Their heads slightly resemble the crab people in the K-os video for the song "Crabukkit"
i had one picked up once... and it was trying to look cute but this thing is a human killing bodysnatching thing...so the cute act did not work... it was literally stumbling around clasping its claws behind its back like Marylin Munroe at a photoshoot.... they do this instinctively to infiltrate...then when in and kept safe as an unknown thing wow this thingvis smart some ugly though.. ugly scaled monkey toy!!! then the Vrill once infiltrated releases reproductive fluids by choice... stored stuff... and faster than you think secretly without the owners knowing like an evil alf... which it is... just a terrestrial alien tho... So lays a clutch its called of 3 eggs... they hatch in secret then someone is taken over by the parent...n he supposedly is ill.... this happened many times in the past... people thinking they had an angel demon or leprechaun... or troll... some of the old fables about trolls are about these guys and are true... you think they are made up bedtime stories but nope legends passed down to warn against the danger of trolls... mag yoi in china means underground troll.
Chupacabra is another name for vrill... I didn't want to say chupacabra because it sounds dumb... but yeah... leprechaun demon mag yoi troll pixie fairy fey folk gremlin, doppelganger mimic... but their name has always been Vrill from their earliest records which are scratches on the wall- gremlins is another name of theirs... next, the shapeshifting refers to the transition from Vrill to human drone..... truthers say this [shapeshifting] as a hint so they don’t have a remote aneurysm like Tila [Tequila] had... they could have killed her... allowed her to live... the truthers don’t like vrill but are afraid.... they add their hints in [and] hope someone will talk and save them someday.... and that day is now- they’re not demons not dark ones they’re stupid lizards they use to bodysnatch people... they don't come in spirit form they come at people when clones... in rem... its science and technology... not mystical spiritual.
they’re not magic or demonic unholy power, they’re simply parasitic lizards... a really smart bipedal iguana... waaay uglier than an iguana though.... ugliest animal on earth.
they're not demons... its a metaphor... they're prehistoric parasitic lizards from underground... dumb... that's all.... amazing intelligence for an animal... but no emotions... evil... born evil... its just an animal,
an animal which must be rendered extinct.
Both had Vrill…trolls to Viking- Parasitic to some human priests- They mined gemstones for Vikings and the Danish kings…why the Danes were so wealthy back then
they told me they knew the danish kings and in return for bringing the king the amethyst from a massive underground geode, the king *so they said* would give the "Trolls" [they called them] dogs chickens and children... for eating. not trying to scare...
To see what vrill look like see the following video....at 1:06.....
k-os - Crabbuckit
pretty much look like the guys in crabbuckit- by Kos....
but way smaller, face pretty much same, eyes on stalks, pretty scary lookin. mouths a bit different. Kos was allowed to put theyre face in the video, I made the crabbuckit song for em and they were so confident and arrogant that they'd never get caught they just let him do the video, he was showing that in some places you have drones walking around you and ya dont even know it,... watch video, he has magic sunglasses so he can see them,... they're only a foot tall though and neck down covered in scales,.. red. usually
Vrill are not an Mk thing, I was very interested in their anatomy as a kid there, I learned everything about them, handled them play wrestled with them, and have been swarmed and eaten by them as a clone many times. If I thought it were even possibly an Mk illusion I wouldnt have mentioned them
Vrill love music...and pain causing and screams... I havent mentioned this part ,... they gave up theyre old God azazel from something called gerber religion.... and they worship me as a living God..... the handlers and mostly everyone else there think Im Jesus returned... since the scorpion lamb and letter of golden truth (nostradsamus prophecy). now like 95% say I am and the remaining 5% are hissed at by the others as sacriligious.... Im not... its only a metaphor... I want to assure you guys Im not going to try to claim to be him... it was also part of a decades old plan to make me make the world complacent while they continued to drone the world.... drones are very loyal slaves... they just like the opportunity to be humans,... they say the quality of life is better.... they become smarter.... like a really dumb guy... and theyre evil child molesters, half turn gay other half are bisexual,... as they dont care... theyre asexual... all same gender.... both male n female sex organs.... their asses double as vaginas.
vrill can taste differences in blood, and have favorite kinds and mixes...
Question - whats their favorite blood?
Donald Marshall kids blood, no vaccinations unknown what blood type and they scare em first to make adrenaline in the blood it makes em taste better to them and ha a slight drugging effect on them they like. they scare everything before they kill it chickens goats cats dogs... ive never heard of a blood type that cant be cloned. they told me you can clone any.
Vrill love music...and pain causing and screams... really like music.... they dance to it.....
they live to hear music- soothes the savage beast- even advancing at me as a horde... to swarm me... if i start singing a new song- they start bobbin their ugly heads buzzin along they get happy and dance start havin sex with each other- till songs over n omg lookout if you stutter or voice cracks- they will swarm you...
rill are ancient... survived dinosaur extinction... other things but they couldn’t tell you, they didn’t record their history... dumb things... they scratch stuff on the walls but no written language..... oh they scream too when in distress... calls to others... and it is a scream...sounds like nothing you’ve heard before.
vrill passed the story down with their language of clicks and squeaks. They were there before Atlantis :)
the things are stupid and erratic violent and evil, also being so small they are instinctively cowards alone... they attack in groups... they can communicate with a language of clicks and whistles, they have built in sonar for clicking in total darkness underground... they used the mindcomputer stuff on them to see what sonar visually looks like to them and they saw it,... its a kind of pretty bluish view ... they used this view to make a recreated view with computer graphic its how daredevils (Ben Affleck) saw when he looked at Elektra in the rain.... nearly exact...
Yeah those disgusting things bit me a bunch of times Ive picked em up... now lizards didn't evolve so good intelligence wise they are so dumb... can say some words like talking after breathing helium, sound like that.
Azazel.... this is the name of the reptilian god from an ancient religion called Gerber.... the vrill used to worship.- and now they worship me :( as a living god- they cant wait for me to die- they want to eat me daily- multiple times daily once im dead
There's a few religions that worship them as demons from hell here to help humans in the name of the devil.... been hiding them secret for centuries... till now.
to be eaten alive by one or more of these things as a clone or in real life is worse than being burned to death which is one of the worst things itself... they have a necrotic bite that paralyses after about 5 seconds,... less if they swarm you which they do because they're only a foot tall. Elizabeth has sicked them on me many times but I kill many before they get me... as a kid i was terrified... then i figured why not... so I started stomping the sh*t out of them... dancing around in the dirt stomping... they restrained me after that if they had them bite me... its why i put the line in the BLACK EYED PEAS song let the beat rock??? um sez beats so big um steppin on leprechauns y'all gettin down with the boom boom.... half the celebs loved it because they're terrified of vrill...
oh so the one i had picked up I grabbed its legs and smashed its upper half off the edge of the hockey-boards....obliterating it.... Elizabeth had me bit for that ...
I have to tell you about these grotesque hideous things as it is very possible that I may have an aneurysm or after i wake up a little while... I stomped a bunch and they got mad that I killed too many of em... gotta tell people :)
I had physical wars... their saliva is one of the most painful substances to living things in the world...
people... occasionally because the vrill thing gets mad... like a druggie needs humanbevery once in while... real too...
its going to sound like im scaring you.... with this but Im not.... you must know this... the Vrill prefer... to eat children, said they taste better... same difference from eating a large old lobster and a smaller younger lobster... some say smaller younger lobsters taste better... also some say female lobsters are better than male... the popes sex slaves that no one can believe about..... theyre used as sex slaves.... then thrown into the pit to be eaten by Vrill... while others watch.... im sorry to just say so plainly. - kidnap children to feed the things... also feed them live victims because as someone else said to me and surprised me they knew... they frighten their prey first...for the adrenaline surge, it makes human blood and tissuez taste better to vrill .
humans have an automatic instinctual fear of them.... just like looking at spiders and scorpions... humans somehow instinctively fear stuff like that. And with Vrill its times two... and they look so evil ugly... its incredible.... you'll understand what I mean when they're bein hunted :) Theyll be on tv- ive seen this reaction when Vrill are exposed to the highest level scientologists that pay for the highest level of knowledge, even when they regret becoming a scientologist at this point they know they must follow or they will die... possibly eaten by aliens potentially through cloning over and over... its a trap... to make you unquestionably loyal....
Britney Spears can't even look at them when shes a clone lmao... flips... its like the instinctual fear when humans look at a big spider or scorpion, you know somehow that thing can possibly kill you... but its like double spider scorpion at the same time... they eat people.. animals... total carnivores... can eat some fruit but veggies make em sick... they get tired of eating clones its not as good to them.... and they like it when humans scream n then don't scream anymore
deep in earth are tunnels and huge caverns... too much pressure that deep for humans to survive.. vrill dont need as much oxygen and are aquatic too... stay under a long time... they're worshiped secretly by certain religions that I'll reveal later... they're worshiped now because for hundreds of years in one case 1000s of years they were thought to be demons... angels... gods from stars... now they got written into secret pages of some older religions by idiotic people and drones they took over and mimicked, they were protected as a religious devotion... they say God made them for a reason and everything happens for a reason... and when I get them extincted... that will be happening for a reason too :)
Question - What killed dinosaurs?
Donald Marshall Meteor they've said to me... but vrill survived this cataclysm being so far underground....
they're kept secret, some world leaders grew up with them, they made the sitcom "Alf" about them, some have a hole in their basement walls and give these things animals and in some cases humans... they're kept ultra secret, Elizabeth's pet is named Matilda... its bigger than average and old...they're smart. not nearly as smart as a human but can say some English words and have their own language of clicks n pops n gurgles built in sonar and everything... secret room recently made public tell all about these things, and there's even more... gotta kill these things off, and gas internal earth on a global scale..
[PARAPHRASED FROM A DELETED MESSAGE] They have giant tv monitors at the clonezones, they watch children being dropped by rope into a cylindrical hole in the ground, with a 1ft door at the bottom. The child thinks its friends are playing a trick on them, and then someone opens the tiny door and Vrill begin to very slowly walk out as if to maximize terror in the confused child. They begin shaking and trembling, trying to befriend the Vril out of fear by saying how cute they are, but they are killed and eaten while everyone at the cloning center watch on large tv monitors which also record the event.
they're small though... and tunnels underground only a foot around... each country will mass produce a killing robot... MASS PRODUCE like a rolling killing thing.... mini flashbang grenades they're blinded by bright light... they have built in sonar the robots will train on the clicking they click... then just send em in.... there's millions of these things down there....- above ground it wont take much to track them down... they stink like something rotten and people will give them up to save themselves... for the many underground, a gas or virus toxic to lizards will be made and mass produced so we can internally gas the planet internally.... I can imagine it will be a worldwide collaboration.
hey modeled the body of vrill off a hook horror in dnd... the rich guy gary gygax that invented dnd did that and put their name in the game... he attended cloning centers too...dead now though...- made hook horrors have a different head though cuz theyre uglier than anything in dnd... also added muscle to the hook horrors body... Vrill are skinny and breakable... hollow bones- yup... the power is the takeover [how they swarm a single person]
the rich are giving them up... to save themselves.... problem the good people there as clones that pass out if you make them look at Vrill too close, and the incredibly evil people that like Vrill more than humans and have helped them become drones. These two different types of humans want to claim they were ALL only complicit because of fear.... they all want to survive after turning in the lizards...- people like Elizabeth and Charles and Vladimir don’t want to get lynched.... no vrill have their claw on a nuke button... their handlers do....no one is gonna push the button.... they want a way to ensure their own survival.... they will give up the Vrill with pleas for mercy for themselves... leniency... they will help make them extinct... I can imagine no mercy will be tolerated for the vrill society leadership, but that is to be expected and is not my problem,... shut down cloning centers eradicate Vrill and punish and replace ringleaders... this key to ensure the survival of the earth
if the vrill society get found out helping another species helping control humans the vrill society would be known as people that betrayed the human race to an alien being... they would be executed or worse lynched in the street... so they really try to cover all the bases…
people scared now... its ok... the nwo want to destroy them now... to save themselves... its all but over... this is why they gave tila supposed permission to join me without getting killed... theyre gonna give up with the first angry crowd and point the way... to save themselves...from the populace... seriously.
no need to be scared... no reprisals coming.... they have capitulated... that means surrendered basically.... unconditionally but will beg for theyre lives and leniency. Dont get stressed out in fear.... there is no need to... its as good as done... I need to raise an angry mob... to confront harper or elizabeth... Harper will fold easily... he is terrified.
Question - So the lizard vril are being thrown out as the scapegoat, and the Illuminati want to dodge the blame?
Yes…a planned hoax of theirs that will not succeed- they’re hoping for my success.... guys they’re gonna allow me to win... DO NOT STRESS They just want it to unfold correctly without chaos...- they're not a faction even in the Illuminati....they have little say [31 May at 17:10]-
they’re an oddity they [need?] for the biological properties.... the Satanists try to play like Lucifer and Azazel the lizards’ god, which supplied them with his demons to grant them powers of immortality... but most of even them know this part ------> they’re just a stupid animal :) and the Illuminati will give them up to be destroyed in an attempt to get leniency and mercy from the populace...
Vril’s getting chipped with human consciousness, then droning a human to make a new chipped-Vril drone.
Vrill heads are too small for a chip...so they put the chip on the outside of their heads and insert a wire to the spot in the brain it needs to go... Then they can literally put a human conscience in the vrill... Its disorienting but they do... Then they do the spine-in-your-eye thing to a human and cheat death but this drone is different... Less side effects regarding intelligence and other things but... Evil.... Very evil afterwards, half gay child molester and hurting things bring them pleasure.... They’re all over the place too... We will need a worldwide cat scan and destroy them all....
Question - Are they an alien/e.t. race, or an indigenous earth race?
Donald Marshall earth.... always been on earth... they say they were in Atlantic... kept really primitive records...said Atlantis destroyed itself rather than be entirely parasitized.... these things have an instinctual like sex drive to take over humans... and half the illuminuts think that Lucifer or Azazel wants his followers to make drones... in tribute to him... so they do.
crabnasties is the name I called Vrill... the makers of south park or the owners thought it would be funny to put something similar into a south park episode... making fun of me trying to inform the world about Vrill... had Eric Cartman running around as if he were me saying aaah the crab people oooh someone save me from the crab people and they come up from underground and start running around taking over.... they look something similar to vrill too... Its all right under your noses...
I forget if it was a halloween episode or not... but.... It was Illuminatti made... um was the one where the aliens with the pods were from space and they were posing as clinton and bob dole and were laughing about how they were still voting pro alien lol for clinton or dole.... I want you guys to watch that because they made that episode to stick it in the worlds face.... but they dont come from outer space... they come from deeeep underground in tibet they said... and they named themselves... theyre name is Vrill and they must all be destroyed... animal activists had better shut theyre mouths when it comes to these terrible things as they must be rendered extinct... Im sure you agree... I know its scary too... but cant hide under the bed... you have to do something... because your a human. and no one is safe... unless the cloners and handlers of these things are stopped,
the egyptians worshipped the sun god because it kept the vrill in their holes... they would only swarm at night... i'm making a new post about egypt... the history has been erased to avoid any reference to the armies of set or anubis whichever... will post.. its amazing... trivial, but you want to know this i know it is amazing... they were expert vrill slayers...
It runs around on all fours but they try to always stay bipedal and even sometimes wear little clothes... wait till yousee the face on the things... ... you'll understand why I said ugliest animal on Earth. they wear robes, people make them for them, they try to stay bipedal all the time like humans but it hurts theyre backs and hips after too long.
theyve told me theyve never met extra terrestrials, just Vrill,... and I bugged them for years to tell me I was very curious about the technology and secrets,... even as a little kid clone there. and when I faked being a friend there for years to find a way to block the clone signal... I am convinced my years there that there are no extra-terrestrial life that they have met... just Vrill, and I KNOW they exist,... I used to play with them as a kid clone... faking to be a friend to them until I could find a way to inform the world about them"
the built in sonar is always on and theyre hearing is sooo sensitive,... loud noises can debilitate them even knock em out. sunlight any bright light as theyre eyes cant handle it, same reason they made gremlins sensitive to light. the built in sonar is always on and theyre hearing is sooo sensitive,... loud noises can debilitate them even knock em out. theyre bones are hollow like most lizards... like a bird theyre fragile. citrus juice burns em they have seensitive skin under the scales. hot sauce like daves insanity sauce would mess em up. they can frenzy when in attack mode but only for a minute or 2 then are tired and sluggish move in slow motion.
Weird Animals And Unknown Creatures
VRILL DEAD BODY!!! at 33 seconds in, one of 2 kinds, this one has scales gone and arm skin stretched out, its a young one, notice the proboscis coming from the head, the holes for the eyes once held eye stalks and the tail has been added.!!! the skin and tail may have been added and I havent seen them with tails, they almost rot away entirely when they die, this type has a pronounced proboscis like sheath but does the same thing for parasiting!!!omg I cant BELIEVE they allowed this thing to be exposed on the net!!!! they stick that proboscis in a humans eye and its small brain and spinal cord wiggle out and the vrills body dies and the brain and spinal cord wiggle into the eye goes to a certain spot in the brain which theyre led to by taste sensation where they have to get it then it ""sweats"" and the human then dies and the vrill dominates the brain. the things nearly entirely decay... they most likely only had the head and the remnants of a frail skeleton and they dressed it up added a tail, foot tall,... older ones get bigger..... foot anna half or a lil bigger. the eyes rotted away they have eyes on stalks,... ugliest things on the planet. this type has grey scales... the other type has red or black scales depending on region, stalks short. it is definetely the grey scaled vrill.
vrill resembles this jenny haniver skate thing but it is not,.. head and ribcage r vrill..
http://alibi.com/news/21117/Chupacabras-...hwest.html Chupacabras of the Southwest
first pic there is a dried up manta ray thing,... they manicure the things to look similar to the bodies of Vrill that have been found in the desert... anything to cover up theyre existance.
Questions - How do the Vrill get to the Cloning Centers? How many Vrill.. estimation... are present each time? How did they become part of the Illuminati culture?
Donald MArshall Vrill come up from underneath the D.U.M.B's (deep underground military bases) theres a lot of them underground,... they predate humans and were involved in religions and the religions added them into illuminati .
Question - so are the cloning centres near the bases?
Donald Marshall they ARE the bases :) but,,,.. Im in an aboveground one usually,.. the most priviledged and rich ones like the fresh air of the above ground ones..... only a couple are above ground.
many people have cheated death that way and also come back bad ansd messed up, amd they dont want to be deactivated, chips can go in mark 3 and 4 clones or real peoples heads which causes less side effects but bodysnatches the person kinda like how a vrill does but with a chip.
I used to play with the smelly lizards as a kid, they've swarmed me at the cloning center. Theyre a parasitic lizard the spine comes out the top of the head and wriggles in through the eye socket. Dominated the human host and makes them a drone. Lizard body dies once spine is ejected, The technology was just named after them, the lizards have many names. Different cultures called them different names. trolls. Foot tall, some bigger. It hops out the box and drones the victim.:.......
vrill type 1 are always small 1 foot to 1 1/2 feet... theres only 2 kinds that I know of,... same biology. I usually only saw type 1 there.... the drawing is of type one...