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WEF Totalitarians Seek to Euthanize the West | The Hidden Agenda of Davos Psychopaths

WEF Totalitarians Seek to Euthanize the West
By J.B. Shurk
American Thinker
February 1, 2024

Totalitarianism is the warm bath in which civilization slits its wrists.  It envelops the people with petty rules, strange dogmas, immoral duties, and forced sacrifices.  It warms its victims with intoxicating promises of the government’s false love.  It leaves the citizen naked — stripped first of his free will, then the thoughts in his head, and finally anything he once called his own.  It slowly dispossesses each person of his personhood, until the population withers into frail, colorless facsimiles of the bleak, omnipresent State.  Without the courage to act, the desire to think, the wisdom to pray, or the conscience to object, human purpose disappears.  Society is exsanguinated of its vitality, creativity, spirituality, and mirth — until it slips beneath the water and stops breathing.

This was the story of Lenin’s Soviet Union and the imprisoned nations trapped behind Stalin’s Iron Curtain.  It was the story of Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, Mao’s China, and Pol Pot’s Cambodia.  It has been the story of Kim’s North Korea, Castro’s Cuba, Chávez’s Venezuela, and the ayatollahs’ Iran.  For over a century, humanity has endured one form of barbarous totalitarianism after the next.  It slithers into unsuspecting countries — often hiding behind the mask of democratic elections.  It misrepresents itself as just one political party of many before announcing itself as the only party for all.  It seeks to eliminate opponents in stages: first it proselytizes, then it intimidates, and finally it murders.  With a couple hundred million victims over the last century alone, it is a governing philosophy that specializes in mass executions, dank prison cells, killing fields, and concentration camps.  Totalitarianism infiltrates society with lies and builds nothing but the machinery of death.

With the Earth still wet from so much blood, Western governments now seek to turn the twenty-first century into the twentieth century’s even bloodier reflection.  It is humbling to realize that we humans repeat so many mistakes through the course of history.  It is infuriating, however, to watch today’s political leaders push humanity down the exact same paths that led to such monstrous tragedies in the recent past.  When will the lesson be learned that censorship of opposing points of view leads to irreparable social division?  When will governments grasp that coercion only intensifies the human desire to be free?  When will courts realize that two-tiered justice and political persecution ensure the rule of law’s demise?  How many more lives must be lost before those who exercise power understand that tyranny always leads to terror?

Totalitarian control over each citizen’s life was the driving force behind the outbreak of WWII and the prolonged isolation of closed societies surviving under the blanket of communism during the Cold War.  Germans uniquely possess the social memories of both totalitarian perpetrator and victim — first driving the Nazi ideology across the European continent and then suffering through a half-century of bifurcation and Soviet oppression in the East.  They experienced the temporary euphoria of trading their individual lives for the greater glory of the German State and the torturous agony of submitting to an occupying force that required absolute obedience.  If any nation of people should have learned the harsh repercussions of totalitarianism, it is Germany.

Instead, today’s German leaders seek to ban opposition political parties and silence dissent.  They micromanage economic activity under the dangerous propaganda campaign of “climate change.”  They disrupt social cohesion and cultural unity by opening Germany’s borders to illegal aliens from unassimilable civilizations.  They use the horrors of their own past to slander political protesters as “fascists.”  Nearly a century ago, German Nazis rose to power by dehumanizing much of Europe.  Now their ideological descendants dehumanize those who oppose growing German totalitarianism by ironically branding them as Nazis.  And in this strange milieu of historical contradiction, the German Klaus Schwab has built the World Economic Forum as an engine for making oppressive government universal.  Even after the devastation of WWII and the Iron Curtain, it seems Western leaders still have no “vaccine” for the totalitarian disease.

It is a strange sight to see Western nations send their parliamentary leaders, foreign ministers, military generals, and prominent business executives to Schwab’s WEF powwows, where they may organize how best to dominate and manipulate their respective national populations without even the pretense of a democratic mandate or constitutional legitimacy.  This time around, totalitarianism returns to the West not on the heels of invasion and annexation but rather with light bacchanal celebrations in the crisp air of the Swiss Alps.  It seems that the only thing aspiring Western tyrants learned from the twentieth century’s carnage is that would-be totalitarians should not waste resources fighting one another when their common enemy has always been the people.  During the age of monarchies and empires, the easiest way to conquer foreign lands was to purchase their nobles.  That is what the World Economic Forum and its cabal of globalist conquerors do today.

Perhaps the most pungent indicator that Western totalitarianism has returned with a vengeance is the World Economic Forum’s Orwellian insistence that its members are working to combat “threats to our democracy.”  Financial and political oligarchs pretending to protect the people’s will is indistinguishable from a fox entrusted to guard the henhouse: the vulnerable always end up dead.

There is nothing “democratic” about labeling dissent as “disinformation.”  There is nothing “democratic” about conspiring with tech companies to censor public debate as “hate speech.”  There is nothing “democratic” about imposing top-down “climate change” regulations that do nothing other than strip private property rights and centralize economic control.  There is nothing “democratic” about mandating what farmers may grow, what meats may be eaten, what people may own, what words can be said, or what experimental “vaccines” are required to work.  There is nothing “democratic” about using central banks’ manipulation of digital monies to control the public’s behavior.  The World Economic Forum is a totalitarian machine that undermines the democratic will of all Western peoples and an existential threat to human rights.  As one astute commenter sardonically advised: “I say we nuke the WEF from orbit.  It’s the only way to be sure.”  It is certainly true that neither global war nor the proliferation of Iron Curtain police states around the world sufficed to eradicate tyrannical fantasies in the minds of brutal men or bury the miseries of totalitarianism for good.

Fundamentally, the WEF’s totalitarians misunderstand history.  They believe that easily manipulated people are governed by lies when, in fact, people are desperate for authentic truth.  WEF-ers such as Bill Gates, Al Gore, and John Kerry think so little of ordinary people that they terrorize them with scientifically fraudulent warnings of a looming “climate change” apocalypse built around the preposterous notion that poor and middle-class communities can be saved only if they hand over their private property, live in tiny cubicle apartments in fifteen-minute cities, abandon any fondness for personal freedom, and subsist on a diet of bugs.

The fear-inducing power of such malevolent lies does not tend to last.  It is why Central and Eastern Europeans rebelled against Soviet communism and collapsed the Iron Curtain.  It is why the Chinese Communist Party is so desperate to legitimize its totalitarianism with the pretext that it divinely operates under a “Mandate of Heaven.”  It is why the Canadian “Freedom Convoy” confronted Justin Trudeau’s tyranny.  It is why Dutch, Polish, German, Romanian, Irish, and French farmers are fighting back against insane “green” policies today.

Because Klaus Schwab’s evil club has effectively disenfranchised the people, there is now a growing popular revolt throughout the West that could easily combust into an anti-Establishment “Reign of Terror.”  The WEF desires the West’s suicide.  Let us band together and choose life instead.

The Hidden Agenda of Davos
By Doug Casey
International Man
February 1, 2024

International Man: It’s that time of the year when a bunch of out-of-touch, self-anointed elites gather at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

It’s where they discuss the big issues of the day. The most influential world leaders attend, as do the CEOs of the largest companies, leaders in the mainstream media, and top academics. Central bankers attend, too, along with a wide assortment of celebrities.

What do you make of Davos and the people who attend it?

Doug Casey: It is unquestionably the world’s greatest gathering of narcissists, opportunists, and fools—at least outside of the UN. But the UN is really just for mid-level bureaucrats who think it’s a big deal to live high off the hog at government expense and pretend they’re big shots. Davos is for people with private jets.

For 30 years, I sponsored a conference called the Eris Society that met every year for three days in Aspen, Colorado. It was for people who had done something outstanding but might not know each other to meet. It might have evolved into a libertarian-oriented Davos, but for a lack of corporate sponsorship and my limited organizational skills. And the fact is absolutely nobody took libertarian ideas seriously in those days. Anyway, I can understand how Schwabenklaus’ WEF might’ve started.

If I were invited—and there’s zero danger of that—I’d treat it like an African safari, to see the exotic wildlife. But the regulars are not the kind of people that I’d want to associate with. Or that any decent human should associate with. But, truth be told, a few years ago, I actually went to a WEF lookalike. You might enjoy the first-hand observations (link).

International Man: A big theme this year was using the so-called “climate crisis” to advance totalitarian policies that people might not otherwise tolerate.

For example, there was a push to gaslight people into accepting a social credit system disguised as a carbon tracking system to help save the planet.

What is your take?

Doug Casey: I have no doubt that most countries will adopt something like a social credit system. What we have now is tantamount to one, with the ubiquity of credit cards and the hoops you have to jump through to even open a bank account, much less be approved for a loan or mortgage.

The world has a momentum and a life of its own. It’s clear that this is a trend in motion and building momentum. Of course, governments are going to insert their grubby fingers further into the matrix. Artificial intelligence will enable them to correlate and utilize teratons of data to control their subjects.

Quite frankly, I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it other than drop out of the system, which doesn’t work for most people. But the problem with the Davos crowd is that they’re very interested in controlling other people. They’re professional busybodies. Stay away from them. They’re dangerous.

Most of them are real criminal personalities. They like to control other people, which is a sign of sociopaths. It’s going to be hard to reverse the momentum that’s built up in the world.

International Man: The Davos crowd was also very concerned about the plebs exposing themselves to “dangerous misinformation.” It seems they are worried about losing control of the narrative and are looking for ways to suppress speech they don’t like.

What is really going on here?

Doug Casey: It’s been said that no man is more a slave than a slave who thinks he’s free.

If you’re going to control the masses, it’s important to have intelligence agencies, police, and other forms of physical coercion. But it’s much easier and more economic to control people psychologically. Getting academia, entertainment, and the media to march in lockstep is just as important as controlling the apparatus of the state. The bad guys—and by that, I mean the anti-personal freedom, pro-government control types—now control the whole deal.

It’s a dangerous game in the long run because if people at some point discover they’ve been bamboozled with lies and half-truths, the result will be anger. But that may take 50 or 100 years if China and the USSR are examples.

It’s in the best interest of the controllers, “the deciders,” to limit the number of provocateurs offering alternate explanations. If enough people start thinking critically and asking questions, the anger could spread. I’d like to think the population would be out in the street with torches and pitchforks, ready to string these people up by their heels.

But that’s unlikely. The average American is sedated by psychiatric drugs and/or thinks it’s righteous to be Woke. The powers-that-be control the narrative and aren’t about to change the status quo.

International Man: Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) and other attendees discussed the “Disease X” pandemic. It was essentially a bunch of globalists war-gaming their strategy to centralize power and reduce civil liberties during the next pandemic.

What do you think of this?

Doug Casey: Everybody’s concerned about their personal health, and in recent years, everybody’s been programmed to worry about the health of the planet as well.

It’s interesting that one sub-theme of the great movie V for Vendetta was the government’s use of a pandemic to control the population. It’s a great vehicle for spreading fear. Fear keeps people in line.

Fear of dying from something that you can’t do anything about yourself–a disease— is a great control device. You have to rely on the medical authorities. The problem is that they all follow orders, at least if they want to keep their licenses.

The public, who know even less about science than they know about economics, have been told that the earth is going to be drowned from melting icebergs, and it’s all their fault. They better do what they’re told. Fear is a great thing to keep them in order.

International Man: Javier Milei—Argentina’s Anarcho-Capitalist President—went to Davos and appeared to ruffle some feathers.

When asked why he attended the WEF conference, he said: “To plant the ideas of freedom in a forum that is contaminated by the socialist Agenda 2030 that will only bring misery to the world.”

What do you make of Milei’s appearance at Davos?

Doug Casey: A lot of libertarians have been skeptical of Milei, since almost all politicians just say what they think the audience wants to hear. But I’ve been a believer since he identified as an AnCap, not just a conservative or somebody unhappy with certain aspects of the system. The fact that he openly identified as an anarcho-capitalist told me that he might indeed be the real deal.

The fact that he walked into the maw of the beast just after the Schwabenklaus identified libertarians as the problem (link) and gave a flawless speech calling out these people for who they are, took real moral courage. He’s not just talking the talk but walking the walk.

I urge everybody to both read and listen to his speech to see what I’m talking about (link). It’s by far the most important speech anyone has given so far this century. And it may mean Argentina will be the best place in the world to be for the years to come.

Doug Casey’s Two Days with the Real and Wannabe Elite

Recently I made a few comments about the world’s self-identified “elite”, and also about the migrants that are plaguing Europe.

Happily, I was able to do some one-stop shopping on both of these topics when I was in New York to attend a very elitist and Globalist conference. I’m not going to name it because its organizers/sponsors are business partners of mine. And since they spent multimillions putting it together, and I pretty much despised their invitees, I’m not about to identify it exactly. Just let me say that the conclave has aspirations to become another Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Atlantic Council, or Davos. Same kind of people, same ideas. Uniformly bad ideas. But ideas that the public has been brainwashed into thinking are good.

A lot of people are afraid these groups control the world, or at least governments. They don’t. They’re social gatherings for high level government employees and NGO types who like to network, and feel relevant. And lots of their minions, who enjoy the rich food, pretending they’re big shots too, while listening to pontifications by actual big shots. They hope they can cozy up to them, close enough to ride a richer gravy train.

The avowed purpose of this conclave was to “build the public-private partnership”—the exact definition of fascism. So there were also lots of big league corporate types who want to “make a difference”, and rich guys who want to be known for something besides having money.

The program opened with Warren Buffett’s talk about how he didn’t need $50 billion, didn’t believe anybody else did either, and why he was a “philanthropist” who would give it all away. The avuncular Buffett is an investment genius; I enjoyed and agreed with everything he said on investing. But, like his friend Bill Gates, he’s also an autistic idiot savant. That’s someone who is a genius at one thing, and a fool at most everything else.

Most people assume that if you know about investing, you must also know about economics, which is a related discipline. But that’s completely untrue. It’s analogous to thinking that someone who knows how to drive a car also knows how one works. Economics is the study of how men go about producing and consuming; investing is the practice of allocating capital for maximum returns. Buffett’s grasp of economics is shallow, conventional, and unrelated to his success as an investor.

Furthermore, if Buffett was really a philanthropist he wouldn’t dissipate his $50 billion on poor people in Third World countries (which is where I suspect most of what’s left after administrative expenses will go). That will assuage some liberal guilt, but will vanish without a trace like water poured into the Sahara.

And actually just make the root problem worse in many ways. If he really wants to help his fellow man, he would continue compounding capital at 20%, forever. Capital makes the world wealthy; consuming or frittering away capital makes the world poor. But enough on Buffett. He only exasperated me for about 40 minutes out of two full days.

Much worse was George Soros. He spent his time not just passively endorsing (like Buffett), but actively promoting disastrous policies. In essence, these were his major points. 1) Brexit should be overturned, regardless of the vote. 2) The EU should spend at least $200 billion a year (in addition to what individual countries spend) both to make migrants welcome, and to install a Marshall Plan for Africa. 3) All of Europe should import migrants at least proportionally to the 1mm entering Germany. He recognized that the migrants represent an “existential crisis” for Europe, but believes the solution is to accommodate them. 4) The EU should actively arm against Russia. 5) The EU in Brussels should be granted the right to tax.

As I listened to him I felt I’d been transported to Bizzarro World, or perhaps some magic land from Gulliver’s Travels, where everything is upside down, wrong is right, and black is white.

Just as much of Soros’ presentation was on migration, so was much of the rest of the conference. It’s very much on the minds of the “elite”.

His new Marshall Plan would consist of Europe and the US sending trillions to African governments to develop the Continent. Strange, really. Africa has received about a trillion of foreign aid over the last 50 years; that capital has either been wasted on uneconomic boondoggles, or shipped off to the bank accounts of the ruling class. Soros is far from naïve; he’s got to know this. I wonder what he actually hopes to accomplish, and why? After all, he’s 84 years old, and doesn’t need any more money. Well, it’s hard to be sure how some people’s minds are wired. And, as Lamont Cranston once asked, “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?”

Incidentally—completely contrary to conventional wisdom—I consider the much lauded Marshall Plan to have been an unnecessary and destructive boondoggle. But this isn’t the moment to explain why that’s true.

As I said above, the Summit was centered on migration. I’ve recently commented on the subject, and will reiterate a few points below before returning to the views of the Globalists and self-identified Elite.

Let me start by saying I’m all for immigration and completely open borders to enable opportunity seekers from anyplace to move anyplace else. With two big, critically important, caveats: 1) there can be no welfare or free government services, so everyone has to pay his own way, and no freeloaders are attracted 2) all property is privately owned, to minimize the possibility of squatter camps full of beggars.

In the absence of welfare benefits, immigrants are usually the best of people because you get mobile, aggressive, and opportunity-seeking people that want to leave stagnant and repressive cultures for vibrant and liberal ones. That was the case with the millions of immigrants who came to the US in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. And they had zero in the way of state support.

But what is going on in Europe today is entirely different. The migrants coming to Europe aren’t being attracted by opportunity in the new land so much as the welfare benefits and the soft life. Western Europe is a massive welfare state that is providing free food, housing, medical care, schooling, and living expenses to all comers. Benefits like these will naturally draw in poor people from poor countries. For the most part they’ll be unskilled, poorly educated, and many will have a bad attitude. The question arises why—since they’re almost all Muslims—they aren’t being welcomed by Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, or Brunei, which are wealthy Muslim countries.

What we’re talking about here is the migration of millions of people of different language, different race, different religion, different culture, and different mode of living. If you’re an alien and you’re 1 out of 10,000, or 1000, or even 100, you’re a curiosity, an interesting outsider. And you’d have to integrate in the new society. But an influx of millions of migrants can only destroy the old culture. And guarantee antagonism—especially when the locals are forced to pay for it. In many ways, what’s happening now isn’t just comparable to what happened 2,000 years ago with the migration of the Germanic barbarians into the Roman Empire. It’s potentially much more serious.

Although most of the migration will be out of Africa, it’s supposed to be official Chinese policy to migrate about 300 million Chinese into Africa in the years to come. They’re employed in building roads, mines, railroads and other infrastructure. The Africans like the goodies, but don’t like the Chinese. It has the makings of a race war a generation or so in the future. The problem won’t only be tens or hundreds of millions of Africans migrating to Europe, but tens or hundreds of millions of Chinese migrating to Africa.

The EU is a huge aggravating factor with the migrant situation. Brussels is full of globalists and doctrinaire socialists who not only promote bad policies, but make the whole continent pay for the mistakes of its most misguided members. The migrants, who are manifestly unwelcome in Hungary, Poland, and other Eastern European countries, will prove another big impetus for the breakup of the EU.

Millions of Africans will want to emigrate, especially to the homelands of their ex-colonial masters in Europe. The colonizers are now themselves being colonized. Fair enough, I suppose; a case of the sins of the father truly devolving upon the sons. If I was an African from south of the Sahara, I’d absolutely try to get to Italy or Greece or France or Spain or on my way to Northern Europe to cash in on the largesse of these stupid Europeans.

I’m a fan of what’s left of Western Civilization. I hate to see it washed away. But that’s what will happen if the floodgate is opened.

Unless the Europeans get in front of this situation, it’s not just some refugees from the Near East they’ll have to deal with. Especially with the economic chaos of The Greater Depression, it’s going to be many millions from Africa, and then perhaps millions more from Central Asia, and even India and Bangladesh. The world is becoming a very small place. What happens when scores of thousands of migrants set up a squatter camp someplace—with no food, shelter, or sanitary facilities? What will happen when there are scores or hundreds of squatter camps? Unlike the Goths and the Vandals, who became the new aristocracy, the chances of the Africans integrating is essentially zero. The situation is likely to be most stressful…

Some will say “But you have to be charitable, you can’t just let them starve because they’ve had some bad luck”. To that I’d say an individual, or a family, can have some bad luck. But the places these people come from have had “bad luck” for centuries. Their bad luck is the consequence of their political, economic, and social systems. Their cultures—let me note the elephant in the room—are backward, degraded, and unproductive. It makes no sense, it’s idiotic, to import—at huge expense—masses of people that have a culture of “bad luck”.

On just one day recently, the Italian Coast Guard rescued 10,000 Africans off the Libyan coast—almost all men from Guinea, Gambia, Nigeria, and neighboring countries—and transported them to Italy. It’s hard to see them ever going back home. But it’s certain they’ll encourage their friends and families to join them.

The situation can only get worse. Why? In 1950, the 250 million Africans were only 9% of the world’s population; it’s 27% now, but there will be 4 billion, for 40%, in 2100. Making that observation is highly politically incorrect, and presumably racist. I’ll have more to say on racism in the future. But the fact is that Africa has always been an economic basket case; if Vasco Da Gama had thrown out a wheel when he was rounding the Cape, he would also have had to throw out an instruction book on how to use it. But nobody could have read it.

Be that as it may. But Europeans made things worse when they conquered the continent and divided it up into political entities that made zero sense from a cultural, linguistic, religious or tribal viewpoint. That guaranteed chaos for the indefinite future. That’s why it’s always a mad scramble to get control of the government in these countries, in order to loot the treasury, entrench ones cronies, and punish ones enemies. Until there’s a bloody revolution, and the shoe goes on another foot.

Here’s the takeaway. The population of Africa is going up by several billion people in the years to come. The net wealth of the continent is going nowhere. The locals will want to move wholesale to Europe, where the living is easy. And where the politically correct Cultural Marxists are anxious to destroy their own civilization.

Meanwhile, there are hundreds of think tanks in the U.S. alone, most located within the Washington Beltway who believe that these people should be encouraged to migrate, or imported en masse. They’re populated by partisan academics, ex-politicos, retired generals and others circulating through the revolving doors of the military/industrial/political/academic complex.

They’re really just propaganda outlets, funded by foundations, and donors who want to give an intellectual patina to their views and, to use a popular phrase, “make a difference”.

Think tanks, and their cousins, the lobbyists and the NGOs, are mostly what I like to call Running Dogs, who act as a support system for the Top Dogs in the Deep State. Their product is “policy recommendations,” which influence how much tax you have to pay and how many new regulations you have to obey. Think tanks are populated almost exclusively by people who are, simultaneously, both “useful idiots” and “useless mouths.” They’re no friends of the common man.

The migration policies they’re promoting are creating minor chaos now. With world-class chaos in the wings.

Let me repeat, and re-emphasize, what I said earlier. The free-market solution to the migrant situation is quite simple. If all the property of a country is privately owned, anyone can come and stay as long as he can pay for his accommodations. When even the streets and parks are privately owned, trespassers, beggars, squatters, migrants, vagrants and the like have a problem. A country with 100% private property, and zero welfare, would only attract people who like those conditions. And they’d undoubtedly be welcome as individuals. But “migration” would be impossible.

This is how the migration problem could be solved. You don’t need the government. You don’t need the army. You don’t need visas or quotas. You don’t need laws. You don’t need treaties to solve the migration problem. All you need is privately owned property and the lack of welfare benefits.

Instead, think tanks will come up with some cockamamie political solution. But the good news is that it will speed up the disintegration of the EU.

My prediction that the Continent will one day just be a giant petting zoo for the Chinese is intact—assuming the current wave of migrants approve. There will also be an exodus of capital and people from Europe to parts of Latin America, plus to the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. This is, obviously, bad for Europe and good for the recipient countries, since these emigrants will be educated and affluent.

But, having said that, let me take you back to the conference where migration was a major topic of discussion by the elite.

Those are my thoughts on the topic of migration. Here’s what other attendees thought.

I spent a couple of hours listening to a panel entitled “Corruption in Latin America”. A bunch of ex-Presidents commiserated on how awful corruption is, and how new laws ought to be passed to stamp it out once and for all. They were all skilled, even enthusiastic, bullshit artists, who knew how to blather meaninglessly, saying nothing. They all agreed that illegal drugs were a major cause for corruption, but nobody thought to mention that maybe the problem wasn’t the drugs, but the fact they were illegal.

None of these people understood the actual causes and the nature of corruption. Which is ironic, since most of them were quite wealthy—something that’s hard to do on a Third World politician’s salary.

One especially naive panelist, representing the US State Department, said “many see the private sector as part of the problem”. What, one might ask, actually causes the problem?

The short answer was supplied by Tacitus 1900 years ago. He said “The more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the State”. That’s because the laws invariably have economic consequences, benefitting one group at the expense of another. The most practical way to obviate them is by paying off an official.

Naturally, nobody even broached the subject that laws themselves cause corruption. And corruption is actually not only necessary, but is encouraged, whenever economic laws are passed. Plan your life around corruption remaining endemic, no matter how much self-righteous apparatchiks blather on about it at conferences.

I listened to David Petraeus offer solutions to the world’s problems. They were what you might expect from an ex-general and CIA director. To David it’s all about using force and money “intelligently”. It never seemed to cross his mind that adventures like those in Iraq and Afghanistan ($6 trillion and counting, to accomplish absolutely nothing) might actually bankrupt the US. Or that he was intimately involved in the ongoing disaster.

My takeaway is that, after David collects say $20 million in the “private sector”, we’ll see him resurface as a candidate for the US Presidency. He’s smooth, polished, and confident. I was somewhat surprised that some general wasn’t tapped this election for a VP slot, since the military is the US Government’s most trusted branch by far. Rest assured there will be a general running in 2020.

Donald Rumsfeld also held the stage for 40 minutes. He was affable, likable, and entertaining, as are many sociopaths. Not even the faintest acknowledgement passed his lips about how the current migrant disaster was rooted in his unprovoked attacks on backward countries on the other side of the world. But why should he care? He’s already collected his $20 million in the “private sector” after many years of “service”.

Another highlight was listening to a Roundtable on “The Public/ Private Partnership on Migration”. It might as well have been a meeting of the Soviet politburo, where everyone implicitly accepted the same totally flawed principles, speaking seriously and sincerely to each other about how they plan to change the world. These people were mainly interested in reinforcing each others views, like a conversation on NPR.

How to solve the refugee/migrant situation? No solutions were proposed by any of the 40 high government officials and think tank big shots. Everybody’s attention focused on two things: how awful the situation is, and how they can feed, clothe, and house the masses. I was amused at the sight of parasites talking to parasites about parasites.

References were made to “broader economic integration”, a nebulous phrase that can mean almost anything, and no references at all to freer markets. There were continual references to a “partnership” between the public and private sectors. It made me feel I was among aliens. How can there be a partnership between producers, and those who not only steal 50% of the production, but then want to direct where the remainder goes. These people all seemed to believe that if you earned money, you didn’t deserve to keep it. But if you needed money, you were entitled to it.

There was a discussion about how the crisis that started in 2007 has set back the progress of Africa. But zero discussion of what caused the crisis. Or what would happen when it started up again (which is happening right now). The only discussion of how to create prosperity was about Special Economic Zones—areas insulated from the taxes and regulations affecting the rest of the country. Needless to say no one thought to ask why an entire country couldn’t become an SEZ.

A question occurred to me about the several hundred thousand refugees/migrants that still might be imported to the US—although it’s much less likely with Trump as the President: Exactly who will pay for them, and how much will the pleasure of their company cost? These people have nothing but the rags on their backs. Will they be ferried to the US on commercial airliners? When they land, how will they be clothed? They’ll need to be fed for an indefinite period. And housed. And entertained. Mosques must be found, or founded, so they can worship. Very few have any marketable skills, and very few even speak English. Most of them could just stay on welfare for the rest of their lives.

It seems completely insane. But it’s clearly the “Globalist agenda”, endorsed by all these people. Of course there’s some perverse justice at work if the US winds up having to import a few million Muslim refugees. The Muslim world was, at least, stable before Bush and Obama went on a wild “regime change” adventure. Now chaos reigns in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya.

One justification put forward for migration to Europe was that its population was dropping, and it would need people, if only to take care of the oldsters. For what it’s worth, we’ll have robots doing that within a decade.

You’re perhaps wondering how any sensible person could sit there and listen to such blather and nonsense for two days without reacting. Of course I wanted to debunk about 95% of what I heard. But the Summit was structured so that Guests didn’t have a forum from which to challenge the Nomenklatura and their Apparatchiks. So I sat there, observing an alien species in a sort of formalized mating ritual. No opportunity presented itself to shock these copulating dogs with a bucket of cold water. Certainly not from a seat in the Peanut Gallery.

Are conferences like this one, and its lookalikes, a waste of time? Completely. And keep that in mind before you make a contribution to a charity or an NGO.

Could it have been worthwhile? Yes. If it had addressed the questions I posed above. But, even then, the answers would have been worthless, given the attendees.

I think migration is going to be one of the biggest problems in the next generation. It’s a sure thing that not just millions, but tens of millions of “feet people” and “boat people” are going to try to overrun Europe. If they’re accepted and resettled it will destroy what’s left of Western Civilization. If they’re repelled, it could result in millions of deaths, and be quite a scandal. I don’t know how this will sort out. But it’s going to be a big deal. And ugly.

What should you do? Own plenty of gold and silver, and make sure that you have one or more residences that are out of harm’s way.

Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, there’s little any individual can practically do to change the trajectory of broke governments in need of more cash. There are still steps you can take to ensure you survive the turmoil with your money intact.

Psychopaths Form Majority of Today’s World Leaders
Julian Rose

When one hears and sees Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, declaring the absolute supremacy of his Zionist tribe and its goals of ‘taking back’ the State of Israel – via the slaughter of any and all Palestinian ‘animals’ whose home land is the Gaza Strip – one is confronting face to face, a clinically insane individual whose medical condition, if it were to be officially assessed, would be described as ‘psychopath’.

In a properly functioning society such a person would be hospitalised and made to undergo special psychological and medical treatment, or would be sent to an asylum where he would not be a threat to the outside world.

However, we are not living in a properly functioning society. We are living in a time where those in charge of all the main arteries of global decision making are either sub human, clinically insane, or both.

This is not a situation anyone would choose as their preferred form of governance. But on the other hand, it has been permitted to come about due to a widespread abdication of the responsibility we all share, to deal with lies, deceptions and basic thuggery taking place much closer to home. And which, due to our failure to deal with them – now form an integral part of the globalist agenda shaping every aspect of our lives.

Failing to confront injustice in one’s own backyard is the same as failing to treat the early signs of a sickness in one’s body. The end result, in both cases, is to suffer far worse consequences down the road.

But now, like it or not, we are further down that very road and staring us in the face is a monster we have no way of hiding from.

A monster, I contend, that is at least 50% our own making. The outward expression of a fear of confronting inner demons – and an unwillingness to stand courageously in defence of fundamental moral values which constitute the implacable foundation stones of a sane society.

The other 50% of that which stands behind the existence of this monster, comes from something extra-terrestrial hatched by outside forces beyond our immediate control. And outside the capacity of the majority of mankind to recognise or identify – and therefore fail to recognise as a real threat to their futures.

But two events of unparalleled significance have started to change this: Covid and Gaza.

Suddenly, right in the foreground, we witness figureheads holding high levels of office, mercilessly condemning hundreds of thousands of human beings to a life of highly visible depravation, agony and death. And this, with utter impunity and not a trace of guilt; but with an air of someone quite alien and possessed.

This is a state of deep psychosis. Someone suffering it can justly be described as ‘clinically insane’.

When the World Economic Summit and the Bilderberg club convene each year, the venue is filled with insane megalomaniacs discussing how to impose their rampant megalomania on the rest of us.

Their insanity comes dressed up in various guises of which the current favourites are

*  Artificial Intelligence replacing human intelligence by 2035

*  Artificial lab food replacing real food grown in soil by circa 2030

* ‘Net Zero’ carbon replacing oxygen by 2050

*  The confiscation of our personal assets – so as to make us ‘happy’ – by 2030

*  The removal of any degree of privacy, freedom of speech and human rights, also by around 2030

*  A Central Bank Digital Currency to replace physical bank notes, by circa 2026

*  War machines programmed to self-select ‘enemy collateral’ at the push of a button, 2025?

After which time the ‘Transhuman’ AI computer cyborg entity is supposed to become ascendant – and real men and women pretty much obsolete. Except those useful as slaves and play things for the psychos.

This is only an abbreviated summary of some key points that, as most of us know already, the monster has in store for us unless knocked off course. I have outlined them in order to illustrate how the psychopath agenda has no basis in rational thinking, human empathy or any form of justice.

It is cold, metallic and schematic. It thrives on chaos, the blood of innocents and sacrificial offerings to Masonic and Luciferian extra-terrestrial overlords.

Now, having digested this essentially indigestible Hieronymus Bosh portrait of the dire state of our planet, we need to consider what options we warm hearted humans have to get through this global ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ and emerge victorious.

Facing us very directly in the Spring of 2024, is a major plank in the deep state totalitarian agenda – but also a unique opportunity for ‘we the resistance’: The WHO ‘Pandemic Preparedness Plan.’ We need to specifically put our best energies into ensuring the defeat of this planned fascist takeover of human health.

Success here will constitute a huge setback for the architects of human suffering – and give us new momentum for further victories to come.

The WHO plan is ready to roll out should there be majority acceptance of its proposal to enshrine itself as the central controlling agent of all planetary health decisions.

However, in ‘we the people’s’ favour is the fact that we got a huge eye opening ‘initiation kick’ via the great 2021/22 Covid deception; all be it a tragic and ongoing one.

The rate of uptake of booster shots has declined dramatically in the last six months in almost all countries. There is a marked level of distrust and cynicism concerning official proclamations about what one ‘must do to be safe’. Cynicism is an essential part of breaking ranks with a captured status quo. We must now build on it – bravely and fast.

In store for us in plans being hatched by the combined pharmaceutical and military-industrial project – to be enforced by the WHO – is a threefold more drastic ‘lockdown’ program than we suffered in 2021/22.

According to courageous activist Dr Bret Weinstein, closing the gate on 2021/22 errors of judgement by big pharma, will involve the redefinition of ‘a public health emergency’ and the re-mandating of the mRNA vaccine as the most effective weapon for dealing with the next human culling operation.

Additional remedies, reports Weinstein, will require citizens to endure ‘gene therapy technology’; a ban on the use of other medicines; highly restricted travel – and much more.  All within the context of a general overriding of the constitution of individual nation states.

The psychos and their corporate henchmen are going all out to cut off a growing level of bottom-up suspicion concerning the motives of those in high office.

If the momentum of growing awareness can move up a notch and be turned into a significant scale rejection, our chances of an enhanced level of people’s resistance will be greatly increased and significantly strengthened.

The greatest danger to the realisation of such positive progress is what Weinstein identifies as “People’s willingness to expect to lose their rights when a health emergency is called.”

‘People’s willingness to expect to lose their rights’.

For the psychos, maintaining such a level of mass indoctrination is the key to moving their sick agenda forward and locking into place a global totalitarian regime which places mankind under permanent house arrest.

This year, 2024, could prove decisive in the battle ‘humans-v-psychos’.

Our task is clear: rip away the already decaying veil behind which hide our sickly tormentors, laying bare those who only know to deceive mankind into slavish submission to their demented prison camp.

Be bold, good people, we know we are gifted with the powers necessary to fight for that day when the light finally penetrates the darkness and we who honour and treasure our unique inheritance – burst through, declaring a glorious victory for freedom, truth, love and justice!

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