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Why do the Sirian Overlords treat us this way?
Gnosticism - The Sorrow of Sophia by Stephan Hoeller

"The Stag is the symbol of the human soul. The Unicorn is the symbol of the human spirit."

The condition of the soul is thrown about in an unpleasant manner according to Gnostics.

"All humans, male and female who have Ardhanarishwara potential within them are complete in themselves, and also humans who could find and merge with their twin flame. But tantra is based on the idea that female is complete within herself. Subtle difference, but enough to cause an imbalanced phenomenon.

These beings– Ardhanisvaras were sustained by cosmic energy and could live indefinitely. It’s not sure when the reptile beings interfered or what caused their interaction with the human race. But I am sure the split into male and female came only after their intervention.

The Ardhanarishwara legends I know are part of Shiva purana. Ardhanarishwara is represented as half Shiva and half Parvathi. They are said to complete entire creation in themselves. Much about the Ardhanarishwaras are not mentioned in legends. However Shiva and Parvathi are known to be twin souls. Mutually complementing principles of male and female. During my Kriya yoga and chi kung meditation known as Tenaja Dalam Ilahi, I focused more on the Ardhanarishwara figure and thus the revelations I told above were shown to me. These Ardhanarishwaras were seen in my meditations in a very beautiful landscape and how they reproduced was shown to me. The Ardharishwara beings helped their offsprings discover their twin flame, which was the only priority they had in their life. The mergence instantly took them to the highest peak of spiritual evolution. The knowledge of their sustenance through cosmic energy was also revealed in my meditations. They were immensely powerful in psychic ability.

The very idea of one gender being above another is the reason for all conflicts on Earth. I believe the Archons understand this. Making females above males will never create the true Earth. (Or vice versa)There will be another shift towards male being the greater gender through such systems and ultimately unrest between these energies.
What we must do instead is to recognize and build the Ardhanarishwara energy within ourselves.

This is what will truly connect us to the divine feminine. Ardhanarishwara is all about balance and union and the completion achieved due to it.

4) Do you think then too, that if this is partly true about twin flames, that the “love bite” orchestrated relationship serves to co-opt this bond or disrupt one from finding ones true spiritual partner in life? 

Absolutely. It is such a powerful force – the love of twin flames and I believe this is exactly why the love-bite relationships seek to destroy a person before he can find his or her twin flame partner. I believe time travel and hollow humans are used by the aliens to achieve this end. A person having twin flame would deep down intrinsically have a spiritual memory of how his twin flame looks and behaves. These are imitated prior to the actual union including behavioral patterns and friend circles to make the spiritually evolved person fall head over heels with this hollow human who would be controlled behind the scenes by negative hyperdimentional entities"

(01-28-2014, 11:59 PM)Elizabeth Wrote: "All humans, male and female who have Ardhanarishwara potential within them are complete in themselves, and also humans who could find and merge with their twin flame. But tantra is based on the idea that female is complete within herself. Subtle difference, but enough to cause an imbalanced phenomenon.

These beings– Ardhanisvaras were sustained by cosmic energy and could live indefinitely. It’s not sure when the reptile beings interfered or what caused their interaction with the human race. But I am sure the split into male and female came only after their intervention.

The Ardhanarishwara legends I know are part of Shiva purana. Ardhanarishwara is represented as half Shiva and half Parvathi. They are said to complete entire creation in themselves. Much about the Ardhanarishwaras are not mentioned in legends. However Shiva and Parvathi are known to be twin souls. Mutually complementing principles of male and female. During my Kriya yoga and chi kung meditation known as Tenaja Dalam Ilahi, I focused more on the Ardhanarishwara figure and thus the revelations I told above were shown to me. These Ardhanarishwaras were seen in my meditations in a very beautiful landscape and how they reproduced was shown to me. The Ardharishwara beings helped their offsprings discover their twin flame, which was the only priority they had in their life. The mergence instantly took them to the highest peak of spiritual evolution. The knowledge of their sustenance through cosmic energy was also revealed in my meditations. They were immensely powerful in psychic ability.

The very idea of one gender being above another is the reason for all conflicts on Earth. I believe the Archons understand this. Making females above males will never create the true Earth. (Or vice versa)There will be another shift towards male being the greater gender through such systems and ultimately unrest between these energies.
What we must do instead is to recognize and build the Ardhanarishwara energy within ourselves.

This is what will truly connect us to the divine feminine. Ardhanarishwara is all about balance and union and the completion achieved due to it.

4) Do you think then too, that if this is partly true about twin flames, that the “love bite” orchestrated relationship serves to co-opt this bond or disrupt one from finding ones true spiritual partner in life? 

Absolutely. It is such a powerful force – the love of twin flames and I believe this is exactly why the love-bite relationships seek to destroy a person before he can find his or her twin flame partner. I believe time travel and hollow humans are used by the aliens to achieve this end. A person having twin flame would deep down intrinsically have a spiritual memory of how his twin flame looks and behaves. These are imitated prior to the actual union including behavioral patterns and friend circles to make the spiritually evolved person fall head over heels with this hollow human who would be controlled behind the scenes by negative hyperdimentional entities"

That, is utterly fascinating.  Driven to the nth degree, it could be ALL Spiritual Interactions being fraudulently presented, all sunsets, all cute animals, all bon bons...  The world of all pleasure and comfort a la corpus.

And any falsehood would guise itself this way, by way of the spurious association of form, with what is alien in content.  The only way of evil, the way of the make hiding what is abhorrent. 

And as to the whole gynocentric model of metabiology, its sounds reasonable in some way.  The most important aspect of its truth, if any, is what one can meaningfully construct from it which guides one's Eternal Ethic (if any).

The whole concept of male sexuality proper suggests that males do exist to serve and please females (not the other way around).  Women are the proper patrons of male activity for the simple and obvious fact that they represent the whole goal of that activity.

But that is merely a material metabiology.  The real nature of Spirituality is not to be relegated to the propagation of finite bodies, and in fact this was demonstrated by constructing a realm of finite bodies which is easily imagined in which males are not a part.  Therefore the whole issue of male existence (in this realm of incarnation) is the issue of that which has insinuated itself into the female universe under a pretext of enriching what already existed with increased novelty.  Yet, from the point of view of the excesses of evil which have expressed themselves through the male form with a peculiar propinquity, it remains a parasitic relationship (as history indicates).

But what is more compelling is that a Spirituality which is true to this formal relation of males and females would still be required which did not declare a Spirit condemned for the body's gender which it inhabits, neither for males or females.  It has gone both ways at different times.  Be aware, if there was a previous "woman in charge" age, it did not sit well with men for some reason which was savagely upsetting for everyone.  To think that being an original life form to a place means being a life form of Original Nature, is a bit of a jump.  It may or may not be true.  But in the case of what matters, spiritually, a person will transcend the ego and its engendered persona's anyway, and live out the Truth which cannot be made into a stereotyped idol of mere roleplaying in a world of robots and demons, when one is in fact the Real Thing all along, and they are not.  It must be something so shocking to the ego, that one's body's gender will not seem like something of preeminant importance.  Indeed, there is only one type of Being for whom this is  possible, the Whole Being.

So the core programming of deception is to make the True Being unable to locate Itself through a proxy, by making so much diverse room for confusion.  And this is something which flows in both directions, male and female (as any Spiritual Male will attest).  So it reminds me of a video by Kate Bush:

Eloquently put, MetaOntosis - thank you for articulating your thinking on this tabu subject. 

 "Driven to the nth degree, it could be ALL Spiritual Interactions being fraudulently presented, all sunsets, all cute animals, all bon bons...  The world of all pleasure and comfort a la corpus.

And any falsehood would guise itself this way, by way of the spurious association of form, with what is alien in content.  The only way of evil, the way of the make hiding what is abhorrent" (MetaOntosis).   rofl, yes it certainly could be!

As you probably know there are androgynous spirits in the divine realm as well as spirits expressing either a predominently masculine orientation or a predominently female one.  In that pure realm, male or female styled spirits could express their playful uniqueness without competition, power struggles or disparagement.

Once down here though, as usual, every pleasant echo memory from home turns to sh*t with the intentional programmed disharmony being essential to evil loosh-skimming operations. Also designed into this 'evil creation matrix' is programmed thwarting/suffering operations along with the pointless predator/predation cycles, horrifying injustices never mended etc.

No doubt the decision to separate bodies into male and female served several purposes with SEX being a biggee. The evil controllers seem to love THAT the most and most likely trade this 'energy elixir' on their black markets along with the fear/horror child rape energy elixirs unleashed by pedophiles from shocked, tortured children. It is collected in liquid form and is traded and sold.

I'm just trying to clean up a few puzzling points here regarding the gender issue. Fighting for gender equality here on Earth will always just be that...a fight.  It was designed that way. One sex dominating the other will never do either. Thanks for joining in my musings.

That vid selection captures the struggle beautifully.


Reptilian magical control of women(as well from: "on the march"):

If you haven't guessed by now, the control and domination of human females is THE primary objective of reptilian operations vis a vis the human race, because women--through their creative, intuitive and nurturing nature--have a direct connection to the Divine and are therefore a threat to the reptilian overlords of this world.

This subjugation of women and the feminine principle in general has filtered down via the reptilian inspired secret societies and fraternal orders to become a fundamental aspect of most religions on this planet.

Ironically the use (or misuse as it were) of Tantric Sexual Magick is a fundamental part of Black Magick. In other words the Black Magicians know that the feminine generative principle is an immensely powerful force which they exploit for their own evil purposes at the expense of the human race in general and human women in particular.
So far James Bartley.
My wife and I found out the following:
The female energy is so important for the reptilians that they control, disturb and tap each individual man-woman relationship. Relationship-problems have been created by the reptilians. Every dispute between you two is a reptilian-opera. Every man is unconsciously programmed to suppress the female principle of his partner. Most women already suppress their female principle by themselves – and so on. [absolutely true]

... There are women, who avoid the awkwardness from the beginning, by assuming male principles. They act practically like a man. Since they hate their ‘being woman’, usually they are also unpleasant to other women. Their mother essence has almost disappeared; a deep wound can be found in the heart over this loss...
Mind control for the exploitation of the female energy
The following texts my wife Karin and I collected during the last ten years. They are partially based on events that we experienced ourselves and to the other part on extrasensory perceptions.
Reptilians and draconians and their grey helpers manipulate our collective-consciousness since ten-thousand of years as well as the consciousness of each individual and they forget nobody. Mindcontrol involves not only some “laboratory-rabbits”, that were abducted or were processed in particular institutes, no - we are all mind controlled. Mindcontrol can cause, that you read some chapters but not get the point of them, or you read something, that is not there, or you understand my statements in a different way. Unfortunately I can’t do anything about that"  Franz Erdle.

"Code for Lion Souls and Wowos
There is a separate code for them. It is said to have ten clauses. I haven’t looked for them yet because I had to deal with the list of the soul groups concerned first. I had found a clause which shocked me:
  • I must not be with my soul partner!
What? All lions, all Wowos are not allowed to live with their soul partners? I thought of a few lions I know and right, they don’t have the right partner, or they are alone. That is cruel. I deleted this clause but before I did I wanted to know who else is concerned by this. For this purpose I first had to know which soul groups are on Earth. This investigation brought quite new information as well:
The largest soul group on Earth is a group about whose existence I hadn’t known at all so far. I call it the Indian soul group. It has 3 billion people here. It begins in the West with Iran, then Pakistan, India, Nepal and many countries until Vietnam, then the Philippines and Japan. China, Taiwan and South Korea don’t belong to it although North Korea is part of it. Maybe this is the reason for the conflicts? This soul group came into existence 500.000 years ago.
The code doesn’t apply for this soul group but this group has limited itself very strongly with its own rules. I didn’t investigate thoroughly about them, either. The important thing was that they weren’t allowed to be with their soul partners, either.


meet the Reptilians - from Switzerland to post-WWII USA

James Bartley

(03-14-2014, 10:59 PM)Elizabeth Wrote: Reptilians and draconians and their grey helpers manipulate our collective-consciousness since ten-thousand of years as well as the consciousness of each individual and they forget nobody. Mindcontrol involves not only some “laboratory-rabbits”, that were abducted or were processed in particular institutes, no - we are all mind controlled. Mindcontrol can cause, that you read some chapters but not get the point of them, or you read something, that is not there, or you understand my statements in a different way. Unfortunately I can’t do anything about that"  Franz Erdle.

One of the side effects of true mind control is that such control is not directly felt as "control", but is experienced as a distinctly innate propensity to be a certain way.

One major form of this is a sense that one's current state of understanding is already optimized, when in fact it is not.  Cognitive dissonance is a "tracer/marker" of this aspect of mind control.  

One example of how powerful this is can be seen in the sense of isolation felt by someone like Franz who knows it is impossible to overcome the hurdle in others by any conventional means.

Perhaps a telling instance of this is that the notion that EVERY SINGLE SPECIMEN of human being is already mapped and accounted for, fed into a matrix, and regulated in ways that pertain to sustaining a sense of being oblivious to their being... mapped, accounted for, fed into a matrix, and regulated at all, and of course specifically in such a way that it is made obscure to the point that even obvious possibilities, such as ALL specimens being under such direct attention, to be impossible to think.

Such is the same force of programmed ignorance which keeps people from understanding that "conspiracy theories" are not in any way unstable forms of thought run amok.  The contrary being the case, that they are very stable forms of thought which are suppressed by the facile and (with regard to higher functions of mentation) very unstable groupthink which runs most of human behavior on automatic.

A thought experiment which can verify this directly is to imagine that the entire world is an illusion, and one is a single individual who is under the direct observation and manipulation of an entire team of beings, and in fact "the world" is simply you and those beings, all else having been an illusion for a linear amount of time which, however small in its own dimension, is longer than the entire lifespan of a life in this one.  A horrific possibility to imagine, let alone wake up to if it were the case.  While there is a lot of attention to this theme in cinema these days, it seems that this only proves the point at hand because most people are still under a lull that such a construction is absolutely fantastic and merely a plaything of the imagination, even when the plots which contain such constructions elaborate them into coherent ethical, metaphysical, and significant concrete and real-world themes that should add to their tangibility and credibility.  People are heavily saturated with available examples of these possibilities for their thought, but cannot avail themselves of them in a functional manner that has epistemic traction in their being.

This itself indicates a loop of incoherence in the way the world is presented to its members such that, at the very least, any person who awakens to such things ought to be able to wonder whether the rest of the world is real at all, and do so without losing their sense of sanity.  In fact, their sense of sanity might be increased in spite of the added dread that they may in fact be right (12 Monkeys is a movie that goes thoroughly into this theme).

These forms of information coherence or decoherence are important tracers, I have always felt, for indicating in a very general, almost metaphysically binding way, what sort of universe it is in which we may be living, even if we were independent observers simply gathering data at random and analyzing it with the most formally absolute and infallible logical processes.  It is like finding a flaw in something because, if it is there, then on some level it cannot fail to be detected because if it were an original and unflawed specimen then the same test would assuredly come back with a result indicating such a flaw could not be found.  There must be such a possibility or reality cannot ever be told apart from what mimics it.

Just the fact that these sorts of conditions are a concern for some, that such tests are conceivable for mundane as well as metaphysical phenomena, by itself indicates that such conditions are real in at least some universe.  Since we are concerned with them in this universe, it is a very strong piece of evidence that they are real in THIS one.  Since we are now thinking these thoughts, it is very strong evidence that, because of all that has been already indicated as to evidence of what is going on in this world and our direct awareness of it, and our awareness of the higher domains of information testing which should be possible and relevant, that in this very universe they are possible and relevant.

I think that these flows of information have a very powerful effect as a mode of meditative mantra, and this is one of the secrets of real philosophy, such as practiced by Descartes in modern times, and Plato in the past, so that it has been forcibly curtailed as far as possible by those who have an active interest in suppressing such investigations, since in fact what they investigate is the case and not merely a hypothetical.  Otherwise it would have been beneficial to let them run their course and find them false in this universe, and so we could get on with more important things.

A lot of loops here, but I think these are almost impossible to avoid expressing awkwardly in linear language. I think the formal logical symbolism would have to be hyper-linear in some way, and I believe it would be expressible in mathematical forms useful for higher-dimensional physics.  Since these are not currently at my disposal, I'll settle for an analogy with Celtic/Nordic knot weaving patterns, or perhaps some Paisley designs. Tibetan Mantra designs, Yi Jing (in its full complexity), and so on.

It is clear that this must be more important than interested parties want other interested parties to realize, and this can only be because they are relevant and actual in this world.

Very interesting and commendable to run the usual "spiritual" consensus-fallacies through logic. One wouldn't have to rely on faith alone for we could see clearly (if only through deduction) that the divine principles guiding ethics, morality, and love, do exist apriori. 

"I think that these flows of information have a very powerful effect as a mode of meditative mantra, and this is one of the secrets of real philosophy, such as practiced by Descartes in modern times, and Plato in the past, so that it has been forcibly curtailed as far as possible by those who have an active interest in suppressing such investigations, since in fact what they investigate is the case and not merely a hypothetical.  Otherwise it would have been beneficial to let them run their course and find them false in this universe, and so we could get on .with more important things..." (MetaOntosis)

YES!  musing, ruminating, pondering these flows of information does lift our spirits further out of this cesspit. 

1)  We can more easily orient to home.
2)  We attune to the divine frequency and derive succor from it.
3) We can gather more strength but also attract more special treatment from the archons.
4) More junk DNA gets activated so we're able to penetrate the murk.

MetaOntosis, thank you for sharing your unique synthesis of metaphysics. It is very much appreciated and I can safely say after a lifetime of reading, meditating and tripping through the nefarious astral-realms I have never encountered expressions from a human brain quite like these. Your original utterings are to be treasured and are in fact crucial at this time.

~ Don't slacken now and especially
~ Don't let the turkeys get you down
~ You are always welcome here


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