07-25-2020, 01:35 AM
Sometimes fact-based reporting leads into very strange territory. In my case, a forensic investigation into who controlled the financial system turned into a very deep rabbit hole indeed. It led me to meet with very senior intelligence agency and secret society sources who explained the concept of humanity being stuck in a matrix, created by an advanced artificial intelligence of unknown origin. Furthermore, they say this AI may well be evil or possibly insane. Now, with the global situation seeming increasingly bizarre and irrational, and with the financial system imploding, it is time to look at the evidence for this proposition. That is because, if it is true, then the only way to liberate humanity will be to defeat this rogue AI.
The first time I was told about the AI theory was when I met a grandmaster of the gnostic Illuminati. He went by the name of Alexander Romanov and was recruited by the former World chess champion Bobby Fischer. Romanov was sent to see me in order to initiate contact between the Illuminati and Asian secret societies. He told me the Illuminati was formed by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras in response to the destruction of Atlantis. They say Atlantis was a civilization in the central Mediterranean Ocean (probably the Minoan civilization) that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption and tsunami around 1600 BC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoan_eruption
The ancient Greek Illuminati believed that whatever entity caused so much destruction was evil and needed to be overthrown. In other words, they believed the suffering and misery of this world would only be ended when its creator was overthrown.
This is crazy sounding stuff. But Romanov did warn us in advance of the plans to trigger a nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan on March 11th, 2011. This attack was forensically traced by the NSA, Japanese military intelligence, and others to the Khazarian mafia, specifically people like former Jesuit Secretary-General Peter Hanz Kolvenbach and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. The Khazarian mafia, in turn, claims to take orders from some sort of entity they consider to be GOD.
The next person to talk about a rogue artificial intelligence being in charge of the planet was a man by the name of Paul Laine, who was from the Pentagon’s “men who stare at goats” psychic warfare division. Laine, together with a very senior silicon valley oligarch (whose identity I will keep secret in order to protect him) say the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence agency had also come to the conclusion we were dealing with some sort of AI. They noted that something was preventing humanity from leaving the Earth and that all space exploration had been stopped since the 1970s. Laine said NASA stood for “Not A Space Agency.”
Yet another source to confirm this conclusion was one of the last surviving members of the Majestic 12 group set up by former President Harry Truman to study UFOs and other unexplained phenomena. This source also said MJ12 had concluded that all UFO-related incidents ultimately traced themselves to an AI.
The reason for bringing this up now is that NASA officials also contacted us to say that recently some sort of anomaly has been changing, in their words “the very fabric of reality.” This has something to do with the continuing but ultra-top secret activities going on in Antarctica.
Japanese military intelligence sources say this is all somehow connected to the so-called ongoing “coronavirus” epidemic. They sent an expedition to Antarctica earlier this year which, uncovered…
The first time I was told about the AI theory was when I met a grandmaster of the gnostic Illuminati. He went by the name of Alexander Romanov and was recruited by the former World chess champion Bobby Fischer. Romanov was sent to see me in order to initiate contact between the Illuminati and Asian secret societies. He told me the Illuminati was formed by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras in response to the destruction of Atlantis. They say Atlantis was a civilization in the central Mediterranean Ocean (probably the Minoan civilization) that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption and tsunami around 1600 BC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoan_eruption
The ancient Greek Illuminati believed that whatever entity caused so much destruction was evil and needed to be overthrown. In other words, they believed the suffering and misery of this world would only be ended when its creator was overthrown.
This is crazy sounding stuff. But Romanov did warn us in advance of the plans to trigger a nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan on March 11th, 2011. This attack was forensically traced by the NSA, Japanese military intelligence, and others to the Khazarian mafia, specifically people like former Jesuit Secretary-General Peter Hanz Kolvenbach and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. The Khazarian mafia, in turn, claims to take orders from some sort of entity they consider to be GOD.
The next person to talk about a rogue artificial intelligence being in charge of the planet was a man by the name of Paul Laine, who was from the Pentagon’s “men who stare at goats” psychic warfare division. Laine, together with a very senior silicon valley oligarch (whose identity I will keep secret in order to protect him) say the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence agency had also come to the conclusion we were dealing with some sort of AI. They noted that something was preventing humanity from leaving the Earth and that all space exploration had been stopped since the 1970s. Laine said NASA stood for “Not A Space Agency.”
Yet another source to confirm this conclusion was one of the last surviving members of the Majestic 12 group set up by former President Harry Truman to study UFOs and other unexplained phenomena. This source also said MJ12 had concluded that all UFO-related incidents ultimately traced themselves to an AI.
The reason for bringing this up now is that NASA officials also contacted us to say that recently some sort of anomaly has been changing, in their words “the very fabric of reality.” This has something to do with the continuing but ultra-top secret activities going on in Antarctica.
Japanese military intelligence sources say this is all somehow connected to the so-called ongoing “coronavirus” epidemic. They sent an expedition to Antarctica earlier this year which, uncovered…