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please read

Tyson Wrote:

please read with an open mind

I read the link with as open a mind as I could. But for some reason this post along with the one I'm going to put up for you, just screamed BS. This is why.

The first indication was that the poster indicated that the posting below was part of the fake invasion project. Second, was the fact that what was posted reads very much like some of the so called "contact" messages posted on the internet at various points in time. All the original author had to do was set a date, and it'd be internet gold. Thirdly, it's an arrogant and misguided assumption that any other race would contact us in this way. Personally,I do not believe that any advanced beings in opposition to the ones who are already here would bother in that way.  It'd be too much like the method of communication that the ones here use. "Hey look at me, do you want us to appear?" C'mon now. They'd show up when they wanted to, and to take care of unfinished business. Not to make a spectacle of it, and Facebook us in the process. Although to us Humans, it would be seen as that.


Now this link is, IMHO, a mix of info and dis-information. I say this for the following reasons.

First, Sitchin may be one of the few who's interpreted the Summerian texts, bus seeing as how he's affiliated with the Illuminati, I feel they were interpreted with a bias. In other words wrong. I believe the "characters" mentioned were placed in a good/bad light, when the truth shows the opposite.

Second, this whole "Good Shepherd" thing is totally distorted. The fact that the beings here do things they way they do, with the results history has recorded are a basic point of fact. It hasn't worked well for us, yet the stated intent to use us, and this planet's resources for their gain, indicated their intent. Which is not one for our benefit. The fact that they feel fit to manager population,etc, in order to better serve themselves is also an indication of their true nature.

Third, if you've read the Bible, and know your x'lations, you'd see some glaring contradictions. The first being, that the "Fallen" rebelled, and were cast out of the heavens. That being space. Unfortunately, they ended up here along with us. So it makes sense, that they are looking to marshal an army to fight those who put foot to lizard ass in the first place. A human one would be the ultimate in a FU to GOD, as he gave Humanity free will and a choice on how to live, and whom to serve.  As well,if you know the meaning of "Elohim," you'd know it was Hebrew for fallen ones. The fact that it's used so freely, so as to cast them in some sort of good standing is glaring.

Fourth, the Annunaki. So little is known about them that they are still a mystery. However, Sitchin's other attempts to say they are of the "Fallen," as well as the portrayal of them being like the Nazi's is a mighty big red flag.  Again this goes back to the bible. How/why would those of the heavens return to Earth and be like the "Fallen ones" here? Doesn't work out. Unless you were trying to trick people into thinking they were the true enemy. Which would be exactly what the "Fallen" would want.  If the Anunaki are of GOD, [say his go between's], and their return is imminent, wouldn't you think the "Fallen" would/are preparing Humanity for a war they cannot/Will not win? Along with a myriad of other races who do not wish to see this planet fall. I'll say mainly for the fact that it would/could cause problems for them later on. With things being as they are, imagine take this show on the road, and the effects thereof.

Fifth. So much of this has been kept secret from Humanity. So much kept hidden, it is only in the best interests of those few who know, to keep it so. Including the truth about those who they KNOW are coming for them. Therefor, manipulation of such info would be part of their modius operani.
 The flood example cited, is one other red flag. It was because the "Fallen" had interbred with Humanity, and the chaos that was caused, was Humanity not totally warned of it's coming. Within the freewill framework, the few who listened to the warning, survived. The rest chose to perish of their own accord. Their own choice. With this in mind, the only argument  I believe that could've taken place was that "Why tell them, when they do not listen anyhow?" This within the belief that the Annunaki were go-between's for Humanity and GOD.

Now the fallen would have people believe otherwise. After all, it's not just in their nature, but in their best interests. Don't you think? After all they have direct access to this knowledge. I'm sure some one's are coming. Just to take care of business left unfinished, and since escalated.

I hope you read this with an "open mind."

i read it all. i get where youre coming from i do. thanks for your input and talking the time to type that. it helps

Glad I could help. Though be aware there are a great deal more things I've read that are right,wrong, and just plain interesting. In the Bible it's said, "If you do not believe and understand the Earthly things I tell you. How will you believe and understand the unearthly things?"

I believe there is a great deal more to all this than most people know.


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