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There was the Spanish Inquisition, their bloody wars, their worldy greed, paedophilia unchecked on and on it goes. I'm hoping for a seachange.

"None of us will ever know at the conscious physical level what or why we are really doing as we are moved to do. There is no free will. There never was. That of cunning, sly, and wily, and crafty bit of propaganda was always the easiest way to enslave any and all expressions in the reality of all the illusion timelines. It has up until now worked brilliantly...[ Confused warms the cockles of my heart...but I always knew this to be true.]

What is of major significance to the process of transition or transmutation of the “old story” to the NEW STORY is that a major gray stage player staked its allegiance to the “boss”-gear. The gratitude of energy is surely at play here, but so too the fierceness of energy in its capacity in the illusion for righteous indignation for injustice and compassion. Though the “boss”-gear has no emotion, by design, it is moved by the feeling-movement (or more intelligibly said, energy-shape) of sadness. It understands, deeply, the signature of imbalance, as that is what its purpose is – to register and KNOW the What is Needed when imbalance is present and in need of the appropriate Inspiration to direct action."

...jumping back to the Dr. Malanga Creator/Creation info. as well as addressing problematic main Archonic influences. This fascinating thread also ties together shapeshifting Djinn ~WE'VE HIT THE MOTHERLOAD!~

“I am able to recognize the Ra energy everywhere and maintain my inner coherence. So in my opinion, the Ra level of universal existence is the level of the so-called Archons, not the minor reptilians, greys or draconians. Ra is the level, which eats the conscious awareness, and we have to bypass it in order to merge into higher realms of existence. The more important thing to focus on is not the origin of Ra in its different forms, but to see the patterns of behavior this Ra has. It truly enslaves. Like seen in cult activity. Ra enjoys the essence of the egotistical uplift.“ Maarit emphatically stated,

“The purpose the Horus-Ra energy force is not only to consume humans and other species as well–their inner core–but also destroy the purity of it. It wants people to forget the ultimate reality and connection to God. In every way this is true. And it goes with other races as well. Most of them are as lost as humans. Some are awakened like some humans are, too. That is why these New Age movements are so dangerous–they are a straight portal for these darker forces to manifest. They make people to compete who are the most spiritually gifted, most knowledgeable, who have more healing/psychic powers etc., and make the whole scam revolve around human ego, which becomes the source for the ego of the evil itself. So it’s no coincidence Jesus said: do not worship pictures/idols of god and one must leave the material behind in order to follow the route to God. The God is within. So that’s why there is so much ritual performances within the NWO network. The secretive “occult” energy makes the evil stronger, gives these people feeling of specialty and power. It corrupts the purity.” (From Eve Lorgen Link on post #1)


"This thread is of much more importance than we would think,. It comes closer to the real reasons of alien presence here and abductions than any other thing. There is another researcher in Italy ( Corrado Malanga) who for years has been studying these abduction and his conclusions are almost identical to what you have posted here. He has helped hundreds of abductees liberate from their problem ,and on the way many interesting stuff has come out, Ra's name included.

It's the same ''gang'' from wich some recent religons emerged, who has been playing with us from thousands of years, and that now not being possible to give comandments on mountains's tops, sends channeled messages, adapting the lie to our consciousness as it expands. At least most of the channeled message out there is their creation, putting inside many truths but as dangerously directing our intentions and efforts in their convinience. This researcher, i think, has done more in this direction, and with a ''scientific'' approach more than anyone else i know of, and given concrete simple , always getting better, methods to liberate people from this problem. It would take more than a post to explain everything but at least amongst all these ''exited'' amatuers looking the sky for flying saucers there are some people way beyond that .

Its interesting how in one of these sessions the name of Ra came out, and guess what,the same who claimed to have build the pyramids , maybe those pyramids were not build at all to balance earth's energetic grid, but to channel what is being collected by our interdimensional ''friends'' on our fears,sorrows etc..., its kinda like an interdimensional ''FedEx'' of our ''stolen'' soul (source) energy, its a possibility. Unfortunately we are still guessing when and where the next flying soucer will pop up in the sky, i think its like being, choose to be willingly ignorant but in a ''cool'' way, just to keep the mind entertained.

Looking at the finger pointing the moon and not the moon itself, and theories upon theories are built upon that ''finger'' without understanding that was not the point" (Tonius - post #11).

Post #7 is also worth a read.

This is an interesting read. (Scroll down less than an inch for the article): He gives suggestions for dealing with this time we live in:

Have awareness and do what makes you happy as much as possible. He also suggests that if you look at your time here as having served a purpose or performing a role, then it might makes things easier.

"The Thwarting Contract is over. It no longer exists. However, preconditioned behavior patterns in everyone will linger for a long time. Thwarting will persist because of this. The “cottage in the woods with a white picket fence” is a long way off. The “Broken Hallelujah” that Leonard Cohen cried about is over. The NEW STORY Hallelujah is coming… slowly. MIND can and does AMPLIFY everything. Just the presence of MIND [Source] does this. This is what happens when the dynamic of MIND comes present to something" (Robert Fay).

stimulus-hidden designs’ Batteries Go Dry

There is a fascinating discussion going on in this Avalon Horus Ra... thread, especially post # 2403 by Observer. Another very common New Age metaphysical construct is that WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY. (Well, maybe on a somewhat superficial level) but from my understanding...our (spirits') birthrights have been clearly hijacked by entities more skillful in dark manipulations than we are - making outside assistance of our seriously tragic plight all the more imperative. NOBODY WANTS TO ACCEPT THAT THEY'RE IN NEED OF A RESCUE BUT...

Here are a few great descriptions of "physical manifestations" that the Horus Ra CREATOR-entity-or-gOd, assumes. One of them is a bird-like creature and the other is as a...SNAKE!!! (Post 2)

"Re: Horus-Ra as the Archontic Alien Parasite: A follow-up interview with Maarit

Quote:[Image: quote_icon.png] Posted by Houman (here)
One Eyed Beings or Horus-Ra

These one eyed beings we understood later to be Horus-Ra.

They are about 3/4 meters tall, dark violet skin and a third eye in the middle of their forehead. We do not know if it is anatomical or technology or some kind of appendage.(EL–the third eye is a common symbol for “third eye vision”, when this chakra is fully opened in many esoteric/mystical texts)horus18frenk

In the male specie, they have under the chin, a beard-like looking appendage. They have protruding scapular bones, which are often mistaken for wings folded back. They have three fingers plus a thumb which look very bird, claw-like. They have great telekinetic powers when they move. But they were usually observed as through a screen and “not really there” but rather communicate from far away to other aliens via technological devices. Because they didn’t want to show up, they didn’t want to be seen and understood. They are the “Lords”…they are so ugly and so different from any mental structure we already had that, at the beginning, our abductees were unable to describe them properly.



Insectoid Beings and the wrinkled skin, long necked slave beings.

These are similar to the preying mantises, have a green chitinous body and they walk on their hind legs. They very small beings, with a long neck that has muscles that flex and rotate the head (the equivalent of our sternocleidomastoids).Their mouth is small with lips different in thickness (the upper lip is noticeably smaller then the lower one) and their eyes are dark and moist. It is believed that they use our female abductees to reproduce themselves now, although it has been theorized that before that perhaps, they may have laid and hatched eggs to reproduce.mantisbeing-uf

They are five-fingered. (EL-In the Simon Parkes case, his mantis creature is green about 9 ft. tall, and wears a purple robe. In his testimonies he infers that these creatures are somewhat above the reptilian beings in hierarchy. (See:

A: It seems that there are 3 types of Mantis from the less social status and height to the higher social status and height: Brown, Green and White. The White ones may rule over the reptilians to but I would not say reptilians are their slaves.mantis-small

Q: 2. What about the Draco, where do they fit in?

In Maarit’s case, she perceived the Draco as being higher in command to the reptilians but the Horus-Ra incorporeal being used either the snake or chicken/bird body and appeared to have higher authority to all of these.

A: I’d say the Draco are the same ones Malanga calls Horus-Ra.

Q: 3. Can you tell me which alien beings are more physical and which ones are the incorporeal beings? What is the difference and what do they do, what do they want?

A: In addition to the physical aliens with bodies are the bodiless beings: The LUX in primis and the ones derived from the other “dark” Universe. These are the ones which use, in different manners, 3D bodies in order to operate in this universe. And I am referring especially to 2 types of beings which are:

...Ra, which inhabits the alien we call Horus
Both beings are “black shadows” and are often perceived as overshadowing from behind. The bi-dimensional black shadow beings interfere with the person’s mind component" (Post #2481 from link below).

After a year's hiatus - another remarkable article by Robert Fay...

"Then MIND said, “I want things slowed down so I can observe and participate, see & be, so that I can understand.” Free-Flowing-energy immediately did its thing and expressed what MIND said as the question\ answer expression of space\ time, which we call the illusion.

The problem was that MIND was still in a focused state of holding onto the question back in real-dimensions. So, IT never showed up for the Experience here in the illusion. MIND, as the kernel core of feeling-energy was never here. The only thing this place ever had was the process, the machine process, of expression. That is why we are all only machines.


Luckily, after a very long time and many trials, this timeline was able to produce enough energy-containment so the Planet became dense enough so a call for help could and would get though. The trick was to do enough emotional-distress. That needed lots of wars and other things like betrayal and abuse. The thwarting contract that overshadows all of the timelines and all of expression in the illusion was used to propel survival forward such that the illusion would stay in expression. The level of thwarting was ramped up for this timeline...
[size=14][b]So, this Planet has gone from being the “Question Planet”, to the “Answer Planet”, and is now shedding all of its density and allowing all of the energy that expressed it to return to the state of Free-Flowing energy. That means that you and I, as machines expressed by energy, will be going away too. Our jobs are done. No, we won’t remember ourselves. We will just be energy.

But as I like to say, as Free-Flowing energy, we are required to stay in the Union Hall for our next assignments. And they serve free beer there.

And with that, may I once again raise a toast to Mirthful Irreverence Everywhere..." (Robert Fay)



"We have to step out of the victimized state of mind and get rid of the fear. This is the only way to get the respect of these creatures and develop a communication of some sort. Whining and unnecessary complaining are the dead end, then we start to dig our own psychological and physical grave for sure. Objectivity and courage is needed even to try to understand a different kind of intelligence and technology. This is something we are not able to do. The researchers who only feed the fear instead of objectivity are no better than the New Age people who are proclaiming easy ascension and waiting for spiritual enlightenment–even while being roasted in the oven." (Post 8 from below)


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