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Montalk - Principles of Spiritual Combat
== Pt 1 ==

Notes from a podcast interview I did a while ago.

1. Intelligence: Know your enemy better than they know you.

- Not a problem for aliens.
- Cloaking abilities.
- Remote view your probable futures.
- Read your mind.
- Profile you and everyone around you.
- They know your strengths, your weaknesses, and when you’re going to be weakest
- Demons aren’t as talented, and some can’t read even your mind but they can hear what you say out loud.
- Not much you can do about this, but generally don’t tell people your plans, goals, or methods unless they need to know, stay silent, until they’re safe.

2. Psychological Warfare: Influence what the enemy thinks and perceives in order to manipulate his behavior and pre-program his reactions.

- Posthypnotic commands
- Real-time telepathic pressuring
- Forgetfulness
- Artificial synchronicity
- On a mass scale, disinformation
- Disrupt networks and friendships by building up people’s false perceptions and misunderstandings of each other
- Be knowledgeable, be alert, be smart, be self-aware, know their methods.

3. Attrition: Weaken the enemy over time until his defenses are down.

- Posthypnotic self-destruct programming
- Interfere with sleep
- Nightmares
- Drain energy to induce tiredness at key moments
- Attack people around you,
- Program and influence others to attack you
- Multi-step process that you can nip in the bud early enough to prevent the fruition of their plans.

4. Surprise: Attack when the enemy is weakest, off balance, least prepared, and not expecting it. That creates a window of disorientation to exploit.

- Worst attacks happen when you’re tired, discombobulated, amped up, already irritated, fuzzy headed, off balance
- Always comes from your blind spot, where you’re not expecting it.
- Expecting an attack is the best way to head it off, can use precursor indicators:
- synchronicities
- signs and omens
- ear ringings / ear tones
- warning dreams
- deja vu’s

5. Momentum: Use speed to steamroll through the attack in order to overwhelm the enemy and keep them on the defensive, unable to regain their composure or fight back.

- When it’s on, it’s on.
- Scrambling to contain a situation.
- Doesn’t let up, and typically gets worse.
- Self-control and self-awareness is important - you’re in control of your own reactions and can moderate the situation that way.

6. Simultaneity: Mobilize multiple prongs of attack at the same time from different directions in order to overwhelm the enemy.

- Profile and program you and others
- Telepathically pressure both you and others in real time
- Time it according to astrological and karmic factors as well
- Have backups on standby to add fuel to the fire
- Weaken through lack of sleep, intense emotional pressure, discombobulation
- Set people up by playing their strengths against each others weaknesses and hot buttons


== Principles of Spiritual Combat Pt 2 ==

7. Agility: Be flexible enough to move your forces when and where needed in order to adapt quickly to changes.

- Their biggest weakness.
- Maybe they’re working from outside of time, or different time rate, or too many moving parts involved, or chain of command
- Not very flexible, so if you don’t react how they want and expect you to, they call it off
- For example, just mentioning to someone that something weird is going on, clearing the air like that, can end the attack immediately

8. Efficiency: Conserve your resources so that you can concentrate them where they really count.

- Demons and aliens are both energy misers
- Demons are the laziest of all, and have a limited bag of tricks.
- Both use the least amount of effort and energy to create the maximum effect
- If something works, they keep using the same tactic
- If you’re an easy target, they stay focused on you.
- But if you resist consistently, it becomes a losing investment for them, and they tend to pull back.

9. Leverage: Use the enemy’s strength and momentum against him. Make his biggest strength his biggest weakness.

- If you’re intellectual, can induce over-analysis, obsession, going in circles, getting tangled up in a web of uncertainty and paranoia
- If you’re very non-reactive and composed, can build perception in others that you’re cold, uncaring, don’t stick up for others, not a fighter, a coward.
- If you’re friendly and loving and optimistic, can exploit gullibility to con you, hook you up with an energy feeder that takes up all your time, and so on.
- So take some time to list out your strengths and your weaknesses, and think of ways each one could be used against you, then be mindful not to fall for that.

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