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Hollywood Deception Videos
**Warning** Content is highly triggering. The Information is good.

This is a well done series that's revealing the tragedy manipulating mankind - in order to - foment the...



As the famous programmer/reprogrammer, Stewart Swerdlow said, "Celebrities are programmed in order to program us." (Except of course people like him actually helped program them in the first place - so stop acting like the victim, Stew.)


Ruining lives, shattering minds and souls, alienating innocents from their very own spirits - and this premeditated EVIL torture is still going on strong. ~ PAUSE ~ What would it take to stop it?

Around age 30 is when a lot of the MK Ultra's programming starts breaking down. The beautiful, innocent, sacrificial victims take the endless public humiliation. They take the rap while the rats skulk around their sewers in anonymity.

You told us Michael, Thank you.

Who killed Michael Jackson.

We are so easily deceived since this generation has been bombarded by the Boob tube with movies depicting someone else's reality so when they the TPTB wish to manipulate our normal reality into there's to get us to act a certain way it makes it very easy for them to do this by using fake news stories. Usually the news has small filler stories they only say once and that is all you hear about them one time those are most likely true but when they beat to death a story and keep telling us ad nauseam over and over then I suspect that story is a fake and created by Hollywood and made into a tv movie by putting it out there and telling the people it is really happening. Like the Edward Snowden character and now the Syrian Gas Attacks because they repeat it over and over probably a whole month until they come up with a new twist to spin it differently to keep the lie going in order to get us to support the fake war that will get real because they will get us to do the killing for them. Remember the Hollywood Movie "Beneath The Planet Of the Apes" there was an underground group of hidden humans who exhibiting extreme mind powers to mentally get people to murder their enemies or getting their enemies to kill each other while having the arrogance to believe they are sinless or have no bad karma created to bother there conscience. A quote indicating this in the movie: “Mr. Taylor, Mr. Brent, we are a peaceful people. We don’t kill our enemies. We get our enemies to kill each other."

Ed Chiarinni says to the effect of getting us to do the killing for them and says when asked who is at the top or who is it that is the mastermind behind it all he basically tell them it is the Crown that is behind it all. You also have heard of stories about many actors being connected to royalty based on Burkes Peerage and their listing of who is connected to a royal line. Well according to Ed these people have ownership in the war machines and make extreme profit when their is a war mainly as well as manipulating the consumer markets to make an extreme profit in order words they have an unfair access to the markets that many of us don't have to make an easy substantial amount of money and happens all the time where everybody else tries to make a profit becomes much more difficult and less likely due to their manipulation of the markets. Most of these actors are close knit to each other and there is no unknown newly discovered actor coming into the fray unless they are part of this secret group families operating under pseudonyms to protect their real identities of who they really are in relation to the Crown. They constantly reuse the same actor in various movies out there


(08-30-2013, 10:02 PM)Sovereign Wrote: We are so easily deceived since this generation has been bombarded by the Boob tube with movies depicting someone else's reality so when they the TPTB wish to manipulate our normal reality into there's to get us to act a certain way it makes it very easy for them to do this by using fake news stories. Usually the news has small filler stories they only say once and that is all you hear about them one time those are most likely true but when they beat to death a story and keep telling us ad nauseam over and over then I suspect that story is a fake and created by Hollywood and made into a tv movie by putting it out there and telling the people it is really happening. Like the Edward Snowden character and now the Syrian Gas Attacks because they repeat it over and over probably a whole month until they come up with a new twist to spin it differently to keep the lie going in order to get us to support the fake war that will get real because they will get us to do the killing for them. Remember the Hollywood Movie "Beneath The Planet Of the Apes" there was an underground group of hidden humans who exhibiting extreme mind powers to mentally get people to murder their enemies or getting their enemies to kill each other while having the arrogance to believe they are sinless or have no bad karma created to bother there conscience. A quote indicating this in the movie: “Mr. Taylor, Mr. Brent, we are a peaceful people. We don’t kill our enemies. We get our enemies to kill each other."

Ed Chiarinni says to the effect of getting us to do the killing for them and says when asked who is at the top or who is it that is the mastermind behind it all he basically tell them it is the Crown that is behind it all. You also have heard of stories about many actors being connected to royalty based on Burkes Peerage and their listing of who is connected to a royal line. Well according to Ed these people have ownership in the war machines and make extreme profit when their is a war mainly as well as manipulating the consumer markets to make an extreme profit in order words they have an unfair access to the markets that many of us don't have to make an easy substantial amount of money and happens all the time where everybody else tries to make a profit becomes much more difficult and less likely due to their manipulation of the markets. Most of these actors are close knit to each other and there is no unknown newly discovered actor coming into the fray unless they are part of this secret group of families operating under pseudonyms to protect their real identities of who they really are in relation to the Crown. They constantly reuse the same actor in various movies out there


(08-30-2013, 10:35 PM)Sovereign Wrote:
(08-30-2013, 10:02 PM)Sovereign Wrote: We are so easily deceived since this generation has been bombarded by the Boob tube with movies depicting someone else's reality so when they the TPTB wish to manipulate our normal reality into there's to get us to act a certain way it makes it very easy for them to do this by using fake news stories. Usually the news has small filler stories they only say once and that is all you hear about them one time those are most likely true but when they beat to death a story and keep telling us ad nauseam over and over then I suspect that story is a fake and created by Hollywood and made into a tv movie by putting it out there and telling the people it is really happening. Like the Edward Snowden character and now the Syrian Gas Attacks because they repeat it over and over probably a whole month until they come up with a new twist to spin it differently to keep the lie going in order to get us to support the fake war that will get real because they will get us to do the killing for them. Remember the Hollywood Movie "Beneath The Planet Of the Apes" there was an underground group of hidden humans who exhibiting extreme mind powers to mentally get people to murder their enemies or getting their enemies to kill each other while having the arrogance to believe they are sinless or have no bad karma created to bother there conscience. A quote indicating this in the movie: “Mr. Taylor, Mr. Brent, we are a peaceful people. We don’t kill our enemies. We get our enemies to kill each other."

Ed Chiarinni says to the effect of getting us to do the killing for them and says when asked who is at the top or who is it that is the mastermind behind it all he basically tell them it is the Crown that is behind it all. You also have heard of stories about many actors being connected to royalty based on Burkes Peerage and their listing of who is connected to a royal line. Well according to Ed these people have ownership in the war machines and make extreme profit when their is a war mainly as well as manipulating the consumer markets to make an extreme profit in order words they have an unfair access to the markets that many of us don't have to make an easy substantial amount of money and happens all the time where everybody else tries to make a profit becomes much more difficult and less likely due to their manipulation of the markets. Most of these actors are close knit to each other and there is no unknown newly discovered actor coming into the fray unless they are part of this secret group of families operating under pseudonyms to protect their real identities of who they really are in relation to the Crown. They constantly reuse the same actor in various movies out there


Eds Chiarinni 2nd Video to the first above of how the people you think you see is real on the Boob tube, the Internet or in the fake news that is the news or story that is vomited on you 24/7 are mostly actors pretending to be other people legally operating under fake names called pseudonyms other then their true hidden family name in order to fool and profit from your stupidity and ignorance.

The so called truther movment or the so called alternative news what a joke is full of these actors. You basically have to trust in your own intuition to understand this world is full of lies, deceit and subterfuge and the craziest lunatics run the insane asylum and they have gained the upper hand in controlling this insane asylum we all live in. It has always been like this were all insane and live in this insane asylum of make believe. More to come on the Albert Pike Scenario buildup for more insainity and as well as people going crazy because they believe it which seems to effect things in nature like heightened volcanic, earthquake and storms. I laugh at the Christians worried that their Precious Terroist state of Israel is going to be attacked and their on their knees praying to their god to kill them demon posssed muslims because they believe they will take over the world. But according to the Albert Pike scenario Israel just like the twin towers on 911 will be destroyed but the christians say no no that can't be cause god will come down and protect Israel the apple of his eye and smite those demon posed Muslims and kill them all. The christians some can be peacefull but when the church starts preaching to the ignorant masses most of them become bat sh*t crazy. The church is also infiltrated with these actors who profit quite well from the stupid ignorant masses and profit on their fear that they represent god. A handful of them go on tv including in my town saying god spoke to them about the Syrian gas attacks and said god will kill them evil demon posed Muslims and then after they say this the money comes pouring in to this persons bank account. And if anybody tries to attack one of their demigods they all scream out at you touch not gods anointed another bit of raving lunacy to the infinite power. The same can be said about the Muslims can get pretty fanatical when their buttons are pushed and turn them into killing machines like the christians will become according to the Albert Pike scenario for WW3 it will be quite bloody to the point where many religious beliefs will be shattered and leaving them for want to believe in something that helps them to understand if there is no god then what am I to believe in that is if and when the Albert Pikes plan is finally realized.

The Buddha dude in his time looked around the insane asylum and exclaimed their all crazy and have no clue like I do. Basically god exist in the minds of these crazy fools because of fear of the unknown or of death. The Buddha dude believed that their is no existence of god or that it is not necessary to believe in an all caring supreme deity since it is a creation by those who are vey fearful of things in this false world of ours. The Buddha dude also said do not depend on any being or god for your salvation since it has to be your own lone journey to discover this for your own self and by your own effort. And the funny thing of it all every Christian sect is pointing the finger at each other they don't have what we have so they must be false or they don't have the infilling of the Holy Spirit AKA the Kundalini. On a broader scale the christians are pointing their finger at other religions saying they are false because we have the real thing and the other religions are pointing at each other claiming their god is the real deal and the insanity keeps getting more insane as time goes by.


Thanks for this, Sovereign.

~ The millenias-old, masterminded, malevolent, manipulated, mind-f*cking that's gone on from day one (and before) on all living kind is mind-boggling; and it's only getting worse.~

Chiarini is full of malarchy too. He's an operative - exposing for effect. Like all of them, he gives us truth too.

We all need to stay very close to ourselves right now, increase activities that give us energy, (walking in nature, exercise etc.)personal power and control. Stay in the middle - in moderation and we'll see what transpires.

(09-05-2013, 07:42 PM)Elizabeth Wrote: Thanks for this, Sovereign.

~ The millenias-old, masterminded, malevolent, manipulated, mind-f*cking that's gone on from day one (and before) on all living kind is mind-boggling; and it's only getting worse.~

Chiarini is full of malarchy too. He's an operative - exposing for effect. Like all of them, he gives us truth too.

We all need to stay very close to ourselves right now, increase activities that give us energy, (walking in nature, exercise etc.)personal power and control. Stay in the middle - in moderation and we'll see what transpires.

Elizabeth Ed Chiarini is one voice out there exposing the deception and he knows there are people laughing at him especially the one about Henry Winkler is playing McCain , The Iranian Leader, as well as Sirhan Sirhan at one time and demonized Palestinian that supposedly killed Robert F Kennedy according to Ed another actor. He say if you are in doubt about some of these actors playing other characters check the actors wife to that wife in the role this person is playing and see if you have an ah ha moment when your jaw drops and say to yourself this is very spooky how they look alike maybe Ed is right about some of his assertion of our so called society is run by an actor type of reality.

I was out yesterday cutting my moms yard with a weed eater that is usually when my intuition kicks in big time. I was going over and over in my head what I said on the forum about this world being a big con job, full of deceit, lies and 24/7 subterfuge. I heard the words its all a game, the karma system to keep it interesting and not easy because the fools who come here need a challenge, and whole reincarnation system is a trap to serve the ones who control it whether they are in this reality as well as other realms control this world. I remember reading one of Tony Bushby book on near death experience all full of lies and deceit in one of them a person just died and is greeted by a being or gatekeeper who order this person to go back it is not your time but the person did not want to go back which went against their free will. We are being told a lie this world is not what it appears to be.

The Buddha dude when he tried to get answers and begin to get close to exposing the lie he was met with extreme resistance to get him to back down and stop immediately what he was doing but he stood his ground even if the mightiest gods stood before him demanding that he had no say in the matter and had stop what he was doing and instead live you life and enjoy it that is what is important.

I remember when I was on GLP an individual claiming he a Grandmaster of many different so called Mystery schools and basically inherited from his father being also Grandmaster of the high occult science. He said he go in trouble because of his close ties to very secretive info and started telling others as a result that got mad at this person and expelled him from his birth country of Norway and now lives in Argentina South America. He was on GLP or some people that don't know a dubious God Like Production forum. He was talking about this world is a trap and was explaining the various traps they used. I asked him about the Buddha dude who discovered that this world is a trap. He said yes he is perhaps the only one that understood it and how to evade it but still was lacking in a full understanding the trap system fully.

He put out a GLP version of the Trap system a pdf was going to sell it people got upset and he decide to give it for free to people on a limited time basis and hoping they would buy his hard back version.
He also runs a mystery school of the high occult sciences many in the country he is living to aid people in discovering about the trap system.

I have the authors explanation of the trap system pdf and was looking through it reading and thinking about the things he was saying. Some experience he was having like sleep paralysis where he hears the buzzing noise. I had that too you basically are in some kind of out body transition state not quite in the body in between you can open your eyes and see ahead of you but still hear the buzzing noise. But until the noise diminishes when you regain control of your body. Some of the other things he had as far as I know I did not seem to experience like electronic and lights and things turning on by itself although I have had some very weird experience in this world I can't explain sometimes. I had out of body type of experiences like experiencing the astral winds and flying through them do somersaults in this medium and at the time thinking about the sensation of feeling very light and no feeling of gravity. One time when young remembered I was dreaming came out of my dream state and witnessed the transition of moving closer and closer to my body at an accelerated paces then as the merging back into my body to place it decelerated slower and slower until it was complete. 

Any way he went on explaining the to people that you have choice to believe me or not but the bottom line is you will have to discover this yourself. He talked about soul fragmentation that we are bits and pieces scattered over the whole infinite realm of the all. The higher beings he says are still in the trap system but know a little bit more info what it is all about or the big pictures of what the trap system is about and who control it. He basically say you have after death have to be awake or self aware and not fall into the dreamy state of being which will get you a front row seat on the reincarnation bus back to this world or other illusory worlds to keep you blinded and trapped as long as possible. So expect a battle if you ever attempt to try to escape this illusory realm of colored lights and candy to keep you trapped hear if at all possible forever in this world of illusion but according to the Buddha dude it will get reset due to natural causes in this illusory world.

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