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Christ’s Resurrection Was Not on Sunday
I understand, it's worth it though.  Tom Montalk's information will also fill in the rest. They are in the final phases (having taken 10s of 1000s of years) of taking over our planet. They will use blitzkreig force in the end after they think they've laid the groundwork. Persons who attempt to educate or wake others up have been on the harrassment list since before birth. They want us to destroy ourselves.

They'll dispense with the elite before even us because there's no need of them any more. The little good cop bad cop game will have served its purpose with the elite taking the fall and the saviours (aliens) will rescue us.

Divinity is acting as a catalyst and holding onto our will and independent spirit is helpful.

It is probably so that many Christians hardly read the bible, and mostly believe what their ministers tell them, or for the most part only read what their ministers and other authority figures tell them to read.

The prophecy thing in the bible seems to be for them the main element of solid proof of the supposed infallibility and trustworthyness of their "holy" bible... 
Well, there are many other elements and factors that should be taken into account and examined when you make an assessment like that. What they do is clearly a form of cherry-picking and seeing what you want to see...

Especially the American protestant evangelicals are deeply brainwashed and zealous in their demeanour.
They also lump in Gnosticism with the evil crowd, incited by a few leading figures such as the late Bill Cooper(a fraud, an alcoholic and habitual liar), Chris White (a deranged lunatic who has a lot of presence on YouTube claiming that everyone and everything is wrong except his holy bible and his 'born again' glassess that interpret it), and also an individual called Mark Dice, who produces daily conspiracy fodder for his drooling audience, mainly young people and many of them are Christians. Mark Dice is an evil liar and con artist, and must be an agent, I concluded. He is provoking his audience with his looping conspiracy fodder on a daily basis.  
I came across a comment under a YouTube video about the Templars that sums it up quite well in a way, I think. It was in reply to some Christian spewing that "God is the only way to follow":  

"oh shut up with that BS already, will you. always you americans with your dumb and backwards beliefs spewing your crap all over youtube. i'm sick and tired of reading this sh*t in virtually every single video. go kneel in some church and praise your so called god there." 

And another interesting comment I found with regard to this:

"Satan's greatest trick was convincing people that they weren't worshiping him.
The archetype of Evil lives most primarily in the light, masquerading as noble. The ultimate secret of Christianity is that through ritual practices, Christians (all denominations including Protestantism) unwittingly lend their spiritual energy - through a black magick current - to an ancient demonic entity, an archetype that we often know today as YALDABAOTH, JEHOVAH, et. al. The reciprocal energies of which exploit humanity through sacrifices, pedophilia, organised crime, etc and various mainstream rituals." 

Here's an excellent expose on the origins of Easter.

Good article. Come December we'll have to let Christians know Christmas has nothing to do with Christ too. It's another pagan holiday. According to the bible Christ was born in the Fall. Seems like Christians would wonder what does Santa, Christmas trees, and giving presents to other people have to do with Christ. Also New Years is another pagan holiday. New Years use to be April 1st. Seems like people would wonder why New Years is in winter. Spring is the mark of a new year. Also Sunday is the pagan day of worship when they worshiped the sun. The bible says the sabbath is on the 7th say which is Saturday.

April 19 And 20...Evil By The Numbers


I like to remind folks every year to be aware of some past events on April 19th and 20th, Saturday and Sunday this year.  The forces of evil use these dates quite often in committing new outrages against Christians.  

Some say it is the dark-powers-that-rule-over-us serving retribution to Adolph Hitler being born on April 20, 1889.  Coincidence, right?  

Here are a few examples of American abominations occurring on April 19 & 20

APRIL 19, 1775
British troops attacked American Minutemen at Concord & Lexington, starting the American Revolutionary War. British General Thomas Gage was attempting to confiscate the colonists' firearms. "The shot heard round the world."
APRIL 19, 1933
The gold standard was abandoned by FDR leading to a bankrupt and subjugated America.
APRIL 19, 1938
Regular TV broadcasts began, by RCA-NBC. Perhaps the most powerful god-less influence on Americans, by which our European Christian culture has since been trashed and replaced with sex, violence, pretense, advertising assault against our minds, promotion of miscegenation, perversion, mocking our family values, and mind-stupefying sit-coms.
APRIL 19, 1961
J.F. Kennedy betrayed the freedom fighters at the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in order to keep a Communist dictator in power.
APRIL 19, 1992
Randy Weaver besieged by U.S. Federal agents in Idaho. They shot his wife and son. The Federal agents were later promoted. Randy was eventually cleared of all charges in court.
APRIL 19, 1993
Waco, Texas siege against David Koresh by U.S. Federal agents. They killed 80 innocent men, women and babies.
APRIL 19, 1994
Execution of an American patriot Rudy Schnell. His last words: "Look over your shoulder, Justice is on its way."
APRIL 19, 1995
Oklahoma City bombing, orchestrated by U.S. Gov't in order to get Omnibus Terrorist Bill passed that had been stalled in Congress.
APRIL 20, 1999 Columbine School massacre by Satanists, 15 killed, 14 wounded. Klebold's mother was Susan Yassenoff. Eric Harris ran hate website. They hated all other races. Their plan was to flee to Israel after the massacre. Federal officers prevented local and state police from entering the school to stop the killing until they had killed the shooters, claiming they had suicided. But, their plan was to escape to Israel, and they had not even begun to detonate more than 100 homemade bombs they and their group had hauled into the school. Feds silenced them! Why?
APRIL 20, 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil well sabotaged by B.P.

Pope Francis Worships Lucifer at Easter Mass! Crazy!

By shayna chambers

Pope Francis Worships Lucifer at Easter Mass! Crazy!
Listen Close, You can hear Illuminazi, Illuminati, Luchifer, King Lucifer. This is whom they Really Worship!

Good video. WOW. That's unreal and they can't wait to lovingly usher in their Anti Christ.

c. April 19 - May 1 - Blood Sacrifice To The Beast. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.

Here are some occult holiday dates to compare to the "Christian" calendar dates. The controllers have people of every religion unwittingly worshipping the devil. They steal the worshipful, respect, emotional energy of the people on these black holy days. Matthew Delooze does an excellent job exposing this.

A biasd and tendencious video, when asked me.
This is probably a Latin prayer, and I would like to know what the original words are before making such wild assumptions. The original and real text of this prayer should be available somewhere, but this hasn't been taken into account in this video, of course...

In any event, Lucifer is just a Latin TITLE meaning Lightbearer and it also indicates Jesus Christ, so I think this video is more sensationalism from deluded (Protestant) Christians. Such videos are always coming from Protestants, because their religion contains anti-Catholic programming. 
They don't realise that their brand of Christianity is just another barn on the same farm, however.

There are even some Christians that draw the conclusion that Jesus is Lucifer:

It might be sloppy research or sensationalism. A transcript would be helpful before jumping to conclusions. Catholic powers conflate Lucifer with Satan though and it is curious that that word and its variations (which means lightbearer) was repeated so much. Also the words illuminazi and illuminati were mentioned. Yep, we need a transcript.

Illuminati - to illuminate .... Latin sounds maybe a little mysterious, but when you translate it to English, you can see what it really means, and the actual context of it. 
Light is a common theme within the new testament. Jesus was the light of the world, for example. Illuminating the world - the luminary. 

You know what, when the average Dutchman hears "lucifer", the first and only thing he thinks of is a matchstick. 
Thats what 'matchstick' means in Dutch: lucifer. 
Give me the "lucifers", please. Give me the matchsticks, please. I need to illuminate something here...

Lucifer is not a being. It's a Latin title, meaning bearer or bringer of light. The name was originally given to the Morning Star by the Romans. 

Also, in Hebrew the word Lucifer doesn't exist at all, only in Latin.

I don't know if Catholic powers conflate Lucifer with Satan, and if they do, then they call Satan their light bearer. Because that is what "Lucifer" is, a title, meaning light bearer. It's a title, not a being.

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