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Jim Stone News May 2022
Another food plant catches fire???

Soy is not food, and that's the last thing "they" would ever burn. That's what we are supposed to be migrating to. The facility operators have stated that the fire, which took place in a large soy bin, will not affect operations at all. SO IT IS NOT NEWS. I skipped it for a reason and only posted this because Infowars considered it a crisis (when it is not) and I did not want people to think I missed this story. If something is not here the chance I actually missed it is very small, more likely is that I read through to the details and said "Non story". And this is a non-story. Yes, there have been fires at food processing plants lately but not enough to impact anything and the plane crash one was total BUNK. That was a plane crash story, not a food supply story.

How did this get 35,000+ views????
I know how. Now watch it NOT happen.
Several readers are VERY upset by the following post. To that I say, WATCH ME BE RIGHT. How will those "insiders"look when the following ends up as, as I state it will, a steaming pile of dung???
Being a true insider means you call bullshit on bullshit before it is proven bullshit, not after!!! I am "not out of the loop", I am only "out of the loop of bullshit". FINAL ANSWER.
THE BENCHMARK: TRUMP REINSTATED ON MAY 5TH. If that does not happen, the WHOLE THING IS BULLSHIT. And when that becomes an embarrassment the clickbaitable morons will click through to the next bullshit that spews from the same bullshitters, bowing down and worshiping the all new bullshit like info ewoks before an EFFING GOLDEN ROBOT.
The "ministry of truth is not going to ban stuff like this because it will prove "they are allowing the other side to speak" while absolutely nothing but BS is spewed from "alt media". After 5 or so fails like this soon to be fail, anyone who might dabble in alternate opinions is going to shut them off forever. Meanwhile those in alt media who are mortified by crap like this will be banned.

I am only making a big deal of this because it fits today's rant (down past the next (very lengthy) post - it fits it so perfectly. THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT, RIGHT HERE:

Here are my forecasted prerequisites for a Trump re-instatement on May 5: Biden&co get 10 hour advance notice of a nuclear strike and then tell Trump to show up at the white house within 10 hours because "they give up" while they run to their tunnels hoping to con Trump into soaking up the heat. That's about what it would take. Maybe the nuclear strike will happen but Trump sure as hell won't be president again.
This is the end of this post. It was originally spread all over the page in pieces and then assembled out of order because it read better that way.

We just saw Macron get rigged in Biden style. Yes, the same thing happened:

If even after the same vote magic happened in France that happened with Trump you think your vote matters and you can make a difference, if you really think white hats are in charge holding secret trials while we are all being saved without us even knowing it AFTER HILLARY GOT HUNG AND RE APPEARED 5 TIMES, - If you think we are being saved when the white hats can't fix even election security ANYWHERE after what happened in the U.S last time and they go ahead and steal it the exact same way elsewhere without repercussions, you are a SUCKER. No, at this point more than that, a bottom feeder waiting for someone to flush the toilet on a boat so you can eat.

As Russia prepares to nuke us, Biden declares he is vice president to Obama (who has been "hung at Gitmo by white hats" multiple times) while Obama is right there grimacing an "oops". Aah yes, there is plenty to eat on the bottom, that fish looks quite healthy.
Now, about that election in France . . . . .
A reader sent:

The voting scam method can also be seen in real-time military exercises.

I witnessed twice in S. Korea their yearly joint-force nationwide training exercise totally fake victory.

A huge part of the scenario involves locating and evacuating civilian personnel (military families and teachers, for example). The computer calculations take into account available civilian boats, planes, anything else available for rapid use, and then combine with number of people being evacuated.

Both times the numbers of civilian personnel dwarfed the available amount of transports, even on the final day.

Yet the very next morning when the tabulations are finalized, we'd declare victory against the N. Koreans as well as full successful evacuation of civilians. When I'd ask how that was possible I was always told to shut up.

Fake numbers. Fake government. Fake military.

If people would only realize.

The following long spiel is for a garbage topic that should not even be on this site. The spiel uses examples of several topics and ends where the food factory fire post is.
The "ministry of truth" will sure love the Gitmo morons, - they will NEVER get banned because there is no substance and they are therefore harmless. They are absolutely PERFECT to use in a game of pretending to allow alt voices to be heard, while anyone with good info will get flushed.
Why on earth did I put so much time and page space into refuting the GITMO white hat bullshitters? I don't know, but I was not drunk.
Permalink for this rebuttal of page polluting bullshit. Why would anyone of any creedence bother with the topic? Why did I?

A reader sent:
"I am amazed at the number of morons who embrace the obvious disinformation about hangings at Gitmo, etc. It's actually horrifying to see people encourage and even cheer the notion of secret trials and executions.

My response: That is not bad at all. What is bad is when Hillary has been hung 5 times and Obama 3, while Hillary is fresh off an adrenochrome surge and complete baby blood transfusions, so fresh she's not sh*tting diapers anymore and is instead talking about running for president!!!

FOR THE RECORD: There are no hangings at Gitmo. Absolutely no one from the cabal has fallen. Not even Epstein, he's back on his island after a fake suicide where they swapped out Anthony Bourdain for the photos. We are in the era where evil has been unleashed and only the good die young. Pillow guy? Are you kidding me? Buy a pillow from him, not the bullshit!!! The pillows are still good.

THIS IS LEGIT FOLKS, READ IT AND WEEP. While claiming to protect free speech, "disinformation" will not be allowed. What is disinformation? Disinformation is the wrong information, true or not. Fat chance anyone will ever be able to now point out where the root of the problems are. The full text follows.
A Declaration for the Future of the Internet
We are united by a belief in the potential of digital technologies to promote con- nectivity, democracy, peace, the rule of law, sustainable development, and the en- joyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. As we increasingly work, com- municate, connect, engage, learn, and enjoy leisure time using digital technologies, our reliance on an open, free, global, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet will continue to grow. Yet we are also aware of the risks inherent in that reliance and the challenges we face.

We call for a new Declaration for the Future of the Internet that includes all partners who actively support a future for the Internet that is an open, free, global, interoperable, reli- able, and secure. We further affirm our commitment to protecting and respecting human rights online and across the digital ecosystem. Partners in this Declaration intend to work toward an environment that reinforces our democratic systems and promotes active par- ticipation of every citizen in democratic processes, secures and protects individuals' priva cy, maintains secure and reliable connectivity, resists efforts to splinter the global Internet, and promotes a free and competitive global economy. Partners in this Declaration invite other partners who share this vision to join us in working together, with civil society and other stakeholders, to affirm guiding principles for our role in the future of the global In ternet.
Reclaiming the Promise of the Internet
The immense promise that accompanied the development of the Internet stemmed from its design: it is an open "network of networks", a single interconnected communications system for all of humanity. The stable and secure operation of the Internet's unique identifier systems have, from the beginning, been governed by a multistakeholder approach to avoid Internet fragmentation, which continues to be an essential part of our vision. For business, entrepreneurs, and the innovation ecosystem as a whole, interconnection promises better access to customers and fairer competition; for artists and creators, new audiences; for everyone, unfettered access to knowledge. With the creation of the Internet came a swell in innovation, vibrant communication, increased cross-border data flows, and market growth - as well as the invention of new digital products and services that now permeate every aspect of our daily lives.

Over the last two decades, however, we have witnessed serious challenges to this vision emerge. Access to the open Internet is limited by some authoritarian governments and online platforms and digital tools are increasingly used to repress freedom of expression and deny other human rights and fundamental freedoms. State-sponsored or condoned malicious behavior is on the rise, including the spread of disinformation and cybercrimes such as ransomware, affecting the security and the resilience of critical infrastructure while holding at risk vital public and private assets. At the same time, countries have erected firewalls and taken other technical measures, such as Internet shutdowns, to restrict access to journalism, information, and services, in ways that are contrary to international human rights commitments and obligations. Concerted or independent actions of some governments and private actors have sought to abuse the openness of Inter- net governance and related processes to advance a closed vision. Moreover, the once decentralized Internet economy has become highly concentrated and many people have legitimate concerns about their privacy and the quantity and security of personal data collected and stored online. Online platforms have enabled an increase in the spread of illegal or harmful content that can threaten the safety of individuals and contribute to radicalization and violence. Disinformation and foreign malign activity is used to sow division and conflict between individuals or groups in society, undermining respect for and protection of human rights and demo- cratic institutions.
Our Vision
We believe we should meet these challenges by working towards a shared vision for the future of the Inter- net that recommits governments and relevant authorities to defending human rights and fostering equitable economic prosperity. We intend to ensure that the use of digital technologies reinforces, not weakens, de- mocracy and respect for human rights; offers opportunities for innovation in the digital ecosystem, including businesses large and small; and, maintains connections between our societies. We intend to work together to protect and fortify the multistakeholder system of Internet governance and to maintain a high level of securi- ty, privacy protection, stability and resilience of the technical infrastructure of the Internet.

We affirm our commitment to promote and sustain an Internet that: is an open, free, global, interoperable, re- liable, and secure and to ensure that the Internet reinforces democratic principles and human rights and fun- damental freedoms; offers opportunities for collaborative research and commerce; is developed, governed, and deployed in an inclusive way so that unserved and underserved communities, particularly those coming online for the first time, can navigate it safely and with personal data privacy and protections in place; and is governed by multistakeholder processes. In short, an Internet that can deliver on the promise of connecting humankind and helping societies and democracies to thrive.

The Internet should operate as a single, decentralized network of networks - with global reach and gov- erned through the multistakeholder approach, whereby governments and relevant authorities partner with academics, civil society, the private sector, technical community and others. Digital technologies reliant on the Internet, will yield the greatest dividends when they operate as an open, free, global, interoperable, re- liable, and secure systems. Digital technologies should be produced, used, and governed in ways that enable trustworthy, free, and fair commerce; avoid unfair discrimination between, and ensure effective choice for, individual users; foster fair competition and encourage innovation; promote and protect human rights; and, foster societies where:

- Human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the well-being of all individuals are protected and promoted;

- All can connect to the Internet, no matter where they are located, including through increased access, affordability, and digital skills;

- Individuals and businesses can trust the safety and the confidentiality of the digital technologies they use and that their privacy is protected;

- Businesses of all sizes can innovate, compete, and thrive on their merits in a fair and competitive ecosys- tem;

- Infrastructure is designed to be secure, interoperable, reliable, and sustainable;

- Technology is used to promote pluralism and freedom of expression, sustainability, inclusive economic growth, and the fight against global climate change.

Principles to promote this Vision
The partners in this Declaration intend to uphold a range of key principles, set out below, regarding the In- ternet and digital technologies; to promote these principles within existing multilateral and multistakeholder fora; to translate these principles into concrete policies and actions; and, work together to promote this vision globally, while respecting each other's regulatory autonomy within our own jurisdictions and in accordance with our respective domestic laws and international legal obligations. These principles are not legally binding but should rather be used as a reference for public policy makers, as well as citizens, businesses, and civil society organizations.
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
- Dedicate ourselves, in conducting and executing our respective domestic authorities, to respect human rights, including as reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the principles of the rule of law, legitimate purpose, non-arbitrariness, effective oversight, and transparency, both online and offline, and call upon others to do the same.

- Promote online safety and continue to strengthen our work to combat violence online, including sexual and gender-based violence as well as child sexual exploitation, to make the Internet a safe and secure place for everyone, particularly women, children, and young people.

- Promote safe and equitable use of the Internet for everyone, without discrimination based on sex, race, color, ethnic, national or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of an indigenous population, property, birth, disability, age, gender identity or sex- ual orientation.

- Reaffirm our commitment that actions taken by governments, authorities, and digital services including online platforms to reduce illegal and harmful content and activities online be consistent with inter- national human rights law, including the right to freedom of expression while encouraging diversity of opinion, and pluralism without fear of censorship, harassment, or intimidation.

- Protect and respect human rights and fundamental freedoms across the digital ecosystem, while provid- ing access to meaningful remedies for human rights violations and abuses, consistent with international human rights law.

- Refrain from misusing or abusing the Internet or algorithmic tools or techniques for unlawful surveillance, oppression, and repression that do not align with international human rights principles, including devel- oping social score cards or other mechanisms of domestic social control or pre-crime detention and arrest. A Global Internet

- Refrain from government-imposed internet shutdowns or degrading domestic Internet access, either en- tirely or partially. - Refrain from blocking or degrading access to lawful content, services, and applications on the Internet, consistent with principles of Net Neutrality subject to applicable law, including international human rights law.

- Promote our work to realize the benefits of data free flows with trust based on our shared values as like-minded, democratic, open and outward looking partners.

- Promote cooperation in research and innovation and standard setting, encourage information sharing re- garding security threats through relevant international fora, and reaffirm our commitment to the frame- work of responsible state behavior in cyberspace.
Inclusive and Affordable Access to the Internet
- Promote affordable, inclusive, and reliable access to the Internet for individuals and businesses where they need it and support efforts to close digital divides around the world to ensure all people of the world are able to benefit from the digital transformation.

- Support digital literacy, skills acquisition, and development so that individuals can overcome the digital di- vide, participate in the Internet safely, and realize the economic and social potential of the digital economy.

- Foster greater exposure to diverse cultural and multilingual content, information, and news online. Ex- posure to diverse content online should contribute to pluralistic public discourse, foster greater social and digital inclusion within society, bolster resilience to disinformation and misinformation, and in- crease participation in democratic processes.
Trust in the Digital Ecosystem
- Work together to combat cybercrime, including cyber-enabled crime, and deter malicious cyber activity.

- Ensure that government and relevant authorities' access to personal data is based in law and conducted in accordance with international human rights law.

- Protect individuals' privacy, their personal data, the confidentiality of electronic communications and in- formation on end-users' electronic devices, consistent with the protection of public safety and applicable domestic and international law.

- Promote the protection of consumers, in particular vulnerable consumers, from online scams and other unfair practices online and from dangerous and unsafe products sold online.

- Promote and use trustworthy network infrastructure and services suppliers, relying on risk-based assess- ments that include technical and non-technical factors for network security.

- Refrain from using the Internet to undermine the electoral infrastructure, elections and political pro cesses, including through covert information manipulation campaigns.cesses, including through covert information manipulation campaigns.

- Support a rules-based global digital economy which fosters trade and contestable and fair online markets so that firms and entrepreneurs can compete on their merits.

- Cooperate to maximize the enabling effects of technology for combatting climate change and protecting the environment whilst reducing as much as possible the environmental footprint of the Internet and digital technologies.
Multistakeholder Internet Governance
- Protect and strengthen the multistakeholder system of Internet governance, including the development, deployment, and management of its main technical protocols and other related standards and protocols.

- Refrain from undermining the technical infrastructure essential to the general availability and integrity of the Internet. We believe that the principles for the future of the Internet are universal in nature and as such we invite those who share this vision to affirm these principles and join us in the im- plementation of this vision. This Declaration takes into account, and expects to contribute to, existing processes in the UN system, G7, G20, the Organisation for Economic Cooper- ation and Development, the World Trade Organization, and other relevant multilateral and multistakeholder fora, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, Internet Governance Forum, and Freedom Online Coalition. We also welcome partner- ship with the many civil society organizations essential to promoting an open, free, global, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet, and defending fundamental freedoms and human rights online. Partners in this Declaration intend to consult and work closely with stakeholders in carrying forward this vision.

MY COMMENT: Look over the part about disinformation, interfering with elections and "causing harm". It's over folks. "Disinformation" is that which they don't like, "interfering with elections" means telling the truth about candidates the MSM has lied about and subsequently pointing out vote fraud, and "causing harm" means pointing out the perpetrators of permitted crimes like slave trades, child sacrifice, the grove, corrupt politicians and deals - the whole 9 yards. IT IS OVER.
Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cabo Verde, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, the European Commission, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Maldives, Malta, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, North Macedonia, Palau, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom, the United States, Ukraine, and Uruguay.
The reason why this was done is to stop people, who even after being de-monetized, fought tooth and nail to keep actual reality - rather than what the tribe wanted pushed - in the spotlight. Now anyone who stayed standing after de-monetization will simply be called "disinfo", "harmful" or "in opposition to 'fair' elections" and they will be banned for that alone. Defunding did not work well enough because too many people were committed enough to make sacrifices to keep what was factually accurate on the table. Now the real scammers and cheats are going to have it their way:


Fortunately I am not physically in one of those 60 countries, my most powerful server is not in one of those countries and two other servers are not either. Iceland, which is on the list, already tried to shut this web site down TWICE, and only failed because I had servers elsewhere operating off direct IP. I have experience with this topic, this document which fakes being "protective" is in fact a lethal weapon against the truth.

MARK MY WORD: Q will NEVER be banned by the all new "ministry of truth"
The white hat gitmo garbage will NEVER be banned by either the ministry of truth OR the 60 countries that decided to join them by "fighting disinfo" on the web. They will need a false front to make it appear as if they are being even handed, so they will allow fantasy to be posted, some of it even appearing to be legit, while they ban anyone who actually uncovers damaging topics that are real and "should not be mentioned".
I have a big writeup about the Gitmo white hats "hanging the bad guys at Gitmo" below the very lengthy 60 nations joining the ministry of truth post . The "hanging the bad guys" post starts where I call it a garbage topic that should not even be on this site. It mentions the French elections and more and ends with a capture from BIN.
I called it right by putting the new main page for this site in India because India did not go along with the 60 nations that will now start censoring "disinformation" as whoever defines "disinformation" decides to define it.

DO NOT give out food if tshtf
A STRONG WARNING of the tactics that will be used by unscrupulous people looking to loot and rob:
You will get a knock on the door from a woman with a child begging for you to feed them if you can. If you feed them, here is what will happen: A team of men will arrive, probably shoot you, and they will take everything you have. When TSHTF YOU HAVE NOTHING. If you decide to do anything in the way of charity, you do it in a way where your location cannot be identified and you then slip back into the shadows, with no one knowing anything about you at all. I hate to say it, but the Mexican immigrants will be by far the worst with this. They absolutely WILL use that tactic, once when I was charitable Claudia told me we have to leave the area immediately or we will get robbed because all I did was prove I was probably worth robbing. There would be no thanks or gratitude at all, only a resource to be robbed.
DO NOT expect America to be any different when tshtf, if you have food DO NOT ADVERTISE IT and don't sit there like a target with the lights on when no one else has lights also.
The old school whites might be a lot safer to give to, but it is not guaranteed and when it comes to the immigrants, you might as well just shoot yourself in the head, give to them and you will be a GONER. That's according to Claudia. She's definitely right, don't expect her to be stupid on that topic.

The "Ministry of truth" Hit a snag.
Rep Lauren Boebert has introduced legislation to totally de-fund the newly created ministry of truth. Is she legit and will it work? Time will tell but the linked Twitter vid looks like a campaign ad, "Hey everybody, I stood up for you!!!". Time will tell and zero points given if it does not fly.

Patrushev being put in charge is BAD NEWS folks, it likely means Russia is now actually going to do something BIG. See the next post, it explains what is going on.
I will be posting some images in the webp format to see if it is worthwhile. If anyone has any trouble viewing them, send a message.
The first Webp image is Putin and Nikolai Patrushev in the report immediately below. If you see a broken image link or no image at all, send a message.
The New York Post has reported that Putin is going in for cancer surgery
During his time at the hospital he will hand control over to Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Russian federal police's Security Council.

I was skeptical of reports of Putin's bad health because one of the rules of war played by the West is to portray your enemy as weak and sick. So I am still a bit skeptical but such claims would be brazen if not true so they probably are true. Who knows. But one thing is certain, - we had all probably better hope Putin survives this surgery.

Patrushev is a hard line communist that does not play ball with B.S. and if he gets in charge it will be his goal to totally dissolve Ukraine and take Europe - and then the world. That has been his lifelong dream and the only thing holding him back is Putin. I find it highly probable that Putin picked him as his substitute for precisely that reason - to send a strong message: Yes, I am down and out but the man in charge knows the entire Russian military so well he practically built it. And he wants to eat you. Who do you want in charge? Kind temperate ME or THAT GUY???
Just look at this photo. Who would you rather do war with? Kind fuzzy guy or that vulture looking thing?

Russia is releasing half true half false nuclear war propaganda
This is pure propaganda. They talk about how the sarmat would wipe out Britain in one launch. That's actually true. But then they follow up with their poseidon nuclear torpedo and tell a half baked truth. It is true that the missile would cause a 500 meter (1650 foot) tsunami that would devastate Britain, but they then claim the wave would be radioactive and that it would completely swamp Britain. Though it would swamp much of britain it would not sink the entire country. Since the water the poseidon nuke pushed on to make the tsunami would not be the actual water that washed ashore, it is highly doubtful the tsunami would carry any meaningful radiation at all also.

I am not saying Russia is spewing total BS, but they are hamming it up quite a bit to be sure. The question then is, if the actual effects of the weapons are bad enough to get a good deterrent (a 500 meter tsunami would wipe out so much of Britain that all military potential would be gone) why exaggerate so much? That's enough to make me question the whole thing.

The teacher's grade was a politically motivated decision . . . . .

Why have pesky abortion stats prove the clotshot sterilized over half the women? There is a report on what is happening to Rowe V Wade HERE.

MY COMMENT: THE SUPREME COURT IS MAKING DESPERATE STABS AT LEGITIMACY AFTER ENABLING AND ABETTING THE THEFT OF THE ELECTION, AND THIS IS AN EXTREME EXAMPLE. THIS WAS ALSO DONE TO COVER UP HOW MANY WOMEN WERE RENDERED STERILE BY THE CLOT SHOT, THEY CANNOT HAVE THAT SHOW UP IN THE ABORTION STATS. You can assume the court has nothing good at play here and that they did this to fake legitimacy and do a coverup. They will probably let the states decide also. They probably figure they have the population they want destroyed adequately wiped out by the vax and since virtually all the women who were vaxxed are now sterile, who needs Rowe V Wade?? The mission has been accomplished.
Who needs abortion clinics anymore when the only women who can get pregnant now were smart enough to avoid the vax and would never get an abortion anyway? Canned parenthood is going to belly up so they might as well ban abortion before the abortion stats show how many women were rendered sterile by the vax.

If you see that posted elsewhere, it was posted here first. And it WILL be posted elsewhere because this move is TOO DAMN OBVIOUS, they DO NOT have the goodness in their hearts for such a ruling absent a nefarious reason, and clotshot coverup IS THAT REASON.
Bitcoin might now be possible for donations.
I figured I could never do bitcoin like that because in the past Mexico made it impossible. However, I just checked again to see if anything changed and now a major store chain that is everywhere set up bitpay and it (might) be possible to redeem bitcoin there now.
So I would like to request someone to try to send a small amount through Bitcoin to this key: bc1qnz5gm3k6wg3397snlypke8gza5wp67833h9pkw Only send a small amount and only send bitcoin because the key is not compatible with other cryptos. I have never done Bitcoin because it has been impossible to do in Mex and do not know if this will even work or be recoverable so if you decide to do this, only send enough to test the system to see if this will even work. ALSO, make sure you send a mail confirming what you sent to [email protected] so I will know if something failed. If this works, it will make Paypal less important.


A FIVE STAR POST BY LIBERTY LADY. I am not the only one calling BS on Gitmo!

I am sure this is going to fly quite nicely with the zio clan.

There is a reason why I never bothered with the food factory fires
REALITY: There are countless food factories and fires happen. The statistical averages were completely normal. When a plane crash has no impact at all on a food facility, it reallywasjust a planehavingproblems The rest of the fires except for one were mundane. The much bigger problem is the killing of five million chickens just because one had "bird flu" as determined by a substandard test. If you want a conspiracy, look there.

Yes, the food supply is under threat, that much is certain. But the people putting it under threat are focusing on the supply chain, not arson.
Take a look at this - That is far far stronger than the ruble was before the war, and the strongest yet in years.

Russia is storming Azovstal steel mill
There are no details. RT was forced to report it only because people were posting the attack on social media. It is assumed they are going in with gas masks and there is rumor that the Ukranians have a small dial-a-nuke in the tunnels with them but that's just rumor. Russia has done everything possible to preserve the steel mill and reduce loss of life, but with two Western generals remaining after they nabbed a Canadian general trying to escape through the drainage system I think they lost their patience, because every last damning thing they got accused of assuming has ended up being real.

Russia has the entire surrounding city totally under Russian control, the steel mill is the last hideout and it is where the treasure is. Perhaps the remaining generals will take the poison pill . . . . .

May Snowfall in Nebraska does not mean a whole lot
It is completely possible for the far west portion of Nebraska to get snow in early May. It is not likely, but it is possible. Obviously the amounts that fell were record breaking but the snow itself is not impossible and does not indicate climate change. Quite the opposite in fact. If this had happened in Eastern Nebraska it really would have been something "impossible" but portions of Western Nebraska are at 4,800+ feet elevation with hills extending past 5,500 feet. That had a major impact on what happened. People envision Nebraska as a low elevation state of steaming corn rows. But it's a large state that extends into the higher elevation regions of the West.

Posted on May 2 at around 9 PM EST. Re-posted on top because it is starting to pick up steam. This is the ONLY STORY, BET ON IT

Why have pesky abortion stats prove the clotshot sterilized over half the women? There is a report on what is happening to Rowe V Wade HERE.

MY COMMENT: THE SUPREME COURT IS MAKING DESPERATE STABS AT LEGITIMACY AFTER ENABLING AND ABETTING THE THEFT OF THE ELECTION, AND THIS IS AN EXTREME EXAMPLE. THIS WAS ALSO DONE TO COVER UP HOW MANY WOMEN WERE RENDERED STERILE BY THE CLOT SHOT, THEY CANNOT HAVE THAT SHOW UP IN THE ABORTION STATS. You can assume the court has nothing good at play here and that they did this to fake legitimacy and do a coverup. They will probably let the states decide also. They probably figure they have the population they want destroyed adequately wiped out by the vax and since virtually all the women who were vaxxed are now sterile, who needs Rowe V Wade?? The mission has been accomplished.
Who needs abortion clinics anymore when the only women who can get pregnant now were smart enough to avoid the vax and would never get an abortion anyway? Canned parenthood is going to belly up so they might as well ban abortion before the abortion stats show how many women were rendered sterile by the vax.

If you see that posted elsewhere, it was posted here first. And it WILL be posted elsewhere because this move is TOO DAMN OBVIOUS, they DO NOT have the goodness in their hearts for such a ruling absent a nefarious reason, and clotshot coverup IS THAT REASON.
Russia has started an enormous assault on Western backed forces in Ukraine
The gloves are off, they are now knocking out key infrastructure to shut the country down. No one knows what is going to happen. Large portions of Ukraine have non-stop air raid sirens right now.


Wal Mart to deliver to your fridge when you are not home.
NOT. A. CHANCE: The DHS now has a warrantless ticket straight into your home. GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!
Wal Mart "In Home" Will now stock your groceries IN YOUR HOME WHEN YOU ARE NOT THERE

MY COMMENT: Do you have a beef with your kid's teacher? Do you post spicy and rebellious info that does not pass a "fact check" online? Did you opt to skip the vax? Then *al Mart's in home delivery is for you. At *al mart we are looking for ways to improve the lives of everyone. And we can accomplish that with home inspections when you are not there. Is that chili mac in your fridge a little bit old? We can do a free analysis for "the safety of your children" and then report the results to CPS.

Everyone knows that guns kill people so we can register those too while you are not there, got any "ghost guns"? Not anymore!!! We believe in transparency, and will happily work to accomplish it. The last thing we need is nutcases with ghost guns laying around *except for the hood, if you are going to rob whitie we won't snitch. Some "ghost guns" are good when they can accomplish political objectives . . . . .

At *al Mart, we are partnered with the DHS, FBI, CIA and 10 other shadow orgs to service you with a network of tunnels to help everyone out when TSHTF, because we are "the sh*t". We have all the connections we need to send the right people to get the right data and perhaps even plant some data so the zealots who might put up resistance to "decency" can be done away with. It's all about the new "ministry of truth" system, a strong society needs to ensure it is all on the same page . . . . and yes, enjoy the groceries showing up all by themselves, THANK GOD you are too damn lazy to get them yourself while you are out of your home. Thanks for helping us keep YOU safe, we are full of love, especially for the children.

FACT: *al mart can just hire DHS agents and by ordering the service you will automatically bypass the warrant phase by allowing them into your home willfully. How do you know what is going to show up? And they absolutely WILL provide the service, exactly as I described. How about vacuuming your hard drive while you are away with a 512GB USB stick? Think they would not? Think you have nothing to hide? How would you ever know you have "noting to hide" with the laws the way they are now, and the ability to plant evidence?
*al Mart may be offering an in home shelf stocking service, but you can damn well bet that's not all you are going to get! The DHS is going to be ALL OVER THAT.
A reader sent:
Hello, regarding the overturn of R vs W; I agree with you about the hiding of abortion stats/ infertility reason. Additionally I think part of the motivation for that ruling is focused upon the jabbed women who are still able to bear children; some of the babies are coming out weird, like black eyed, prematurely strong little aliens. So perhaps "they" don't want these babies aborted because they are being studied as part of an ongoing science experiment.

Actual fuel TERMINALS that provide fuel - the locations that fill the tanker trucks so they can bring the fuel to gas stations - are running out of fuel. I do not know how widespread this is or if it will last, but this has not happened since the 70's.
"They" are at least taking baby steps toward coming out of the closet about what the vaxxes really did to people. Get a load of this!! Not quite "there" but at least it is being discussed, and more - Drudge linked this:

The new generation. This is what public schools have done to the kids.

An Italian group tried to get the facts on the Corona vax and discovered that all of the Western vaccines are protected by military intelligence secrecy laws when information about them should be open public access.
To sum it up, a high level group in Italy that had really good backing requested all of the safety documents regarding several different corona shots and that group was told that the documents and studies with regard to safety were a high level military intelligence secret, being held from the public to avoid civil uprising.

Here is a crude translation:
Vaccine, "the security report covered by military secrecy": shock in Italy, what they hide from us
On paper it is written that pharmaceutical companies are obliged to periodically submit reports on the safety of the anti-covid vaccines they produce. There is a determination of Aifa, the national pharmaceutical agency, to establish it. And it was also published in the Official Journal. Too bad these reports on the Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines they seem to be a state secret: to date, the two associations of social promotion Idu (human rights instance, of Novara) and Dus (Human rights and health, of Rome) that had requested them have been answered with nothing. Enzo Iapichino, one of the lawyers of the associations that requested access to the documents and then found themselves forced to file a complaint with the Public Prosecutor's Office of Rome against Aifa, the Ministry of Health, the Technical-Scientific Committee, the Higher Institute of Health indicating various hypotheses of crime, from the omission of official acts to the false ideological.

As Iapichino tells Natascia Ronchetti, they have been trying to read those reports since November. The director general of AIFA, "Nicola Magrini replied that the reports on the safety of vaccines are confidential, they are owned by pharmaceutical companies", reveals the lawyer. "Especially that Aifa does not hold the required documentation. Magrini wrote to us to contact Ema, the agency European drug". Which they did, but even there nothing to do. "Ema denied us. Giving three reasons. First, reports cannot be disclosed so as not to prejudice the decision-making process on unconditional authorization. Secondly, they fall within the exceptions of their regulations, which relate to public order and military secrecy.

Thirdly, the interest in not affecting the final decision, which concerns precisely the authorisation, prevails over the public interest. Absurd. Because in Italy we have entire categories obliged to get vaccinated". Then there was the Ministry of Health, again Aifa, but to date still no trace of the reports. The Iapichino's conclusion is "that there is a lack of transparency on the part of the institutions. If we talk about vaccine safety reports at this point we assume that they do not have them. If we talk about scientific studies, we assume that they have them. So why don't they make them available?"
So there you have it. A vax that is so "safe and effective" that what it does to people is now a military intelligence secret.
Not rumor: New electric DeLorean on the drawing board
Evidently they will have prototypes on display by August. This is probably not in response to Musk buying Twitter because it was first announced a month ago. DeLorean is a defunct company but evidently the name was held onto and whoever holds that name now is well funded and ready to go. Will this be vaporware? Will we ever see it? Well, if there is a nuclear war, obviously not but this is still quite interesting.

And then I will re-post this BS about Trump being reinstated today.
Why would I repost this? EASY ANSWER: Because no "white hat" is going to save us, and if we are going to have any chance at all EVERYONE with an ounce of awareness needs to be on the same sheet of music and not marching off to some obscure corner where white hat Q bullshit is the song. IF YOU BELIEVE THIS NONSENSE TODAY IS A WAKE UP CALL, WATCH THIS NOT HAPPEN AND NEVER FORGET THAT THIS TIME, THE LAST TIME, AND THE NEXT TIME WERE AND WILL BE PURE UNALDULTERATED B.S.

Move on from this crap, there's a war to fight.

AWESOME: We Can't Let Ourselves Be Oppressed by Wierdos, Losers, and Mutations
OK, IT IS TIME. I have been waiting to do this.
First view "Agenda 2030 is now on an accelerated schedule":

Stock slaughter tech collapse??!!??

FACT: When big tech stocks only fall by 5 percent overall, that is not a slaughter nor is it a collapse. I'll tell you the kind of collapse that would be legit: It would be the nuclear type, where Google is reduced to a single outdated supercomputer somewhere in Singapore with a value reduction of 95 percent. THAT would be a "slaughter." What people will do to make a headline is beyond appalling. What are they going to say if there ever is a real collapse? Sorry, a five percent drop does not cut it.

This video is well worth a watch
17 minutes long, strongly religious, goes over Ukraine conflict, Angelina Jolie, world war 3 and where we sit right now in the well known animation I Pet Goat. He makes a strong case that Angelina Jolie is likely the girl in Ipetgoat who tries to stop a tank right before all hell breaks loose.

I do not like predictive videos but even if this video fails, it is still worth a watch. The scriptures make it clear that no one knows the hour or the moment . . . . . . everything runs on God's schedule, not ours.

No long spiel or video needed when a picture says it all.
I once had a truck that could take 80 gallons. I thought "over a hundred" for a complete fill up was crazy (but it would last). You can probably safely bet that whatever truck did this fill up will not go 1,000 miles on it, and the truck is not a semi, that's obviously just a heavy duty work truck because that bill would not be worth photographing if it was for a semi.

Where does evil come from? Evil usually comes from a lack of intelligence.

The correct question is "Where does goodness come from"? Goodness comes from being above the animals far enough in intelligence to realize that evil is counterproductive and leads to destruction. And the crime stats show it. All you have to do is go over the crime stats and then look at the average IQ's of whatever group the stats apply to and there will be a direct and proportionate correlation. The more intelligent the people, the lower the crime stats. It's as simple as that . . . . . . almost.

There is just one small detail that throws a wrench in the works. It is this:

The more intelligent a society is overall, the more likely it is to be kind to people, often times too kind, and this allows those who actually are naturally evil despite having intelligence to rise to the top. In this case, evil gets managed by intelligence, an intelligence which knows there is goodness to take advantage of, and when evil uses the good in people to accomplish it's objectives, the end result is likely to be a worse outcome than whatever outcome the least intelligent group would accomplish. And there are plenty of examples.

1. The high tech war machine.
2. The Corona vax.
3. The development of advanced propaganda.
4. The birth of full blown tyranny that is inescapable. It takes intelligence to set that up.
5. The introduction of GMO tech corrupting the biosphere . . . .

And there is a tribe that is inherently evil that is leveraging the intelligence of very good people in it's perceived favor, with skill and aplomb, a tribe that has made it a policy to play on the good will and sympathy from intelligent people, (example - with a "holocaust") to make people feel sorry enough for them to damn near be willing to lay down and die out of sympathy. Actually, many people have. And that is what got us to where we are. If this leverage of "good will" leads to a nuclear war it will be a far worse outcome than a mundane intelligence could ever deliver. In their arrogance, the tribe brags about having an average IQ of 107 - 110. And they are leading the world into the most stupid possible outcome of all, - the corruption of DNA and an impending nuclear wasteland. The result of simply being evil at their root will lead to an outcome that trumps the worst stupidity of all.

THIS is what a legit supply chain disruption fire looks like.
This happened in March. Someone is trying to post it as new and say it is related to the recent fires.

2000 mules documentary
I did not miss this and know it perfectly documents a lot more than enough vote fraud to overturn the election. However, the system is so corrupt nothing is going to happen anyway. Every number produced shows fraud multiple times higher than needed to finish the steal. Nothing is being done to fix this and therefore a documentary documenting it yet again will do nothing yet again. I was going to skip mentioning it entirely but figured I ought to just to let people know I did not miss it.

Wake me up when the American people decide to use the 2A to put it right. Until then, the entire notion of restoring a legit government is something to sleep on. It will not happen until people make it happen. Fat chance they will with the FBI, NSA and CIA killing off every bud of hope the moment it forms. Tyranny is large and in charge. Let's all organize a successfull rebellion via texting and voice chat!!!! Don't worry about that cell phone with a permanent battery laying on the table, it's switched off, let's talk!!!
Something big is going on. Half of the world is not able to access this site but it is running fine. Maybe someone got mad at my post about evil vs intelligence . . . . . boo hoo.

PRICELESS: Black guy grills white doctors and finds out not all black lives matter equally. 1 minute twitter video

Someone posted a hoax about the vice president of Pfizer being arrested for misrepresenting the shots.
Lots of people fell for it. And Trump was reinstated yesterday, as proven by a blurry UFO photo (black and white) taken of the hangings at Gitmo.
And now may I present what might end up becoming my favorite photo: The suckerfish award:

Why would I suddenly start pushing this issue so hard? ANSWER: BECAUSE THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH IS NOT GOING TO BAN THE REAL BULLSHIT. The ministry of truth is setting up to allow garbage to thrive so they can claim to "allow alternate opinions" while they focus heavily on wiping out anyone who has any real facts. Therefore action must be taken NOW to call out the bullshitters.

This woman, who is a Jew, will decide what "truth" is. That's a red alert.

It appears another Russian ship has been struck by a missile
One of the lessons of this war will be that when you are not slapping hapless Arabs and African bush men, a Navy is obsolete. Just wait until Russia makes it's move.

See this. and to be clear, I don't believe there is any bird flu happening at all.
Small items I have been skipping
Psaki is out. Replaced by a black dyke. Psaki had an gift with deflection and instantaneous lying ability with zero latency. Let's see how long the new - well, I don't know the pronoun - lasts.


2000 mules made an good showing and all the people smart enough to know the election was stolen are buzzing like hornets but those who stole the election don't care, who needs wasp spray when all it takes is a screen to keep control? That went just like I thought it would, Trump re-instated on the 5th? What a joke. And by the way, why is that photo of the hangings at Gitmo last January in black and white, and as clear as a UFO pic?


Stocks are "tanking". But not enough. The actual value of the stocks nowadays is probably a composite score of about 8,000. If the stock market was actually an organic market instead of one where a few high level criminals pump everything to the max with a carefully scripted AI and they then have a kill switch to handle "emergencies" where they can shut it all off, do a rewind, and have the AI re-calculate victory, if it was ORGANIC the way it was back in the 1950's it might be something to watch but today it is just somebody's B.S. and I hope it blows up. A stock market crash won't do anything to "beer belly Joe" and "let's go fishing Bob."


A new type of drone has been developed by China that can hunt people in dense foliage. It can go through trees and underbrush better than a bird can. It does it with cameras and a powerful processor rather than GPS and sensors, it does not need GPS to return home because it can see where it is and knows how to go back just by looking. I never thought this would happen and that it would always be possible to avoid drones in the woods. That's not true anymore.


The latest take on the Rowe V Wade overturn is that "women are turning to sterilization" as a result. That's a pile of crap, there is no way anyone other than a far out loonie would "turn to sterilization" so quickly, let alone before there's even an official ruling. It's just a shock sympathy "poor me" headline. Aint happening. And by the way, Amazon, Levis and more are now officially stating to employees that if they want an abortion they'll get it done free of charge, no strings attached, NO MATTER WHAT, no matter where they need to go to make it happen. It is now probably a moral imperitive to delete Amazon. They have clearly stated what their profits are paying for. As usual, the left is getting away with murder and doxxed the justices, and there's "nothing wrong with that."


A Jewish school board president kept a dossier on 47 families who complained about how he was instructing teachers to indoctrinate the children. The dossier had their social security numbers, mortgage and property ownership records, complete background checks AND MORE. See this. There is no question whatsoever that almost every school district in the country is doing this, the difference this time is that they got caught.


The FDA has limited the use of the Johnson and Johnson shot because of a "blood clot risk". It then downplayed the risk to literally zero. But how do you "limit the use?" they did not ban it, what is up with "limiting the use??". Obviously they have done nothing if the shot is still available at all and they need a scapegoat for all the problems. Most likely, J&J was chosen to be the scapegoat because Pfizer has more money.


RUMOR: The Army has ordered a full re-test of all soldiers for HIV.
Gosh, I wonder why!!!! Does it have anything to do with AIDS in the shot? So far the only reference I have for this is on This twitter account but it does look credible.
Food shortage.

David Icke's interviews a female survivor of Epstein's Island.
Even off Icke's site it loads Infowars and an ad from Alex before you can watch it, that's just the way it is. Evidently Alex set up his own video server to make it possible to watch stuff like this, which would get instabanned anywhere else. Tolerate the ad, it is worth it.

New joke:
The Jews told a "hitler is a Jew" lie to make everyone hate Hitler as much as they do.

Not sure that is accurate but it is definitely funny. Now Putin is apologizing for saying Hitler was a Jew but I don't know why.

Neoconservatives Are Setting Up The World For Nuclear War
By Paul Craig Roberts - May 4, 2022 Oliver Stone on Facebook writes that rabid anti-Russian propaganda has set the stage for a false flag low-yield nuclear explosion in Ukraine that the world has been trained to interpret as Russia's doing. The success of Washington's perception war and saturation of the CNN/Fox airwaves with condemnation of Russia could lead to hopes that a false flag nuclear event would bring down Putin�s government. A new Yeltsin installed would return Russia to Washington's control and leave China, alone, as the next target. Such an event is not a fantasy. It is an expression of Stone's understanding of the neoconservatives commitment to Washington's hegemony. Biden officials have made it clear that they are at war with Russia, using Ukraine as a proxy, with the goal of exhausting Russia into weakness and disposing of Putin.

A false flag event is not the only avenue to nuclear war. The expansion of NATO to Finland and Sweden is another. Washington is not only pressuring the governments to apply for NATO membership but also is bribing Swedish and Finnish government officials to do so.

Think about this expansion of NATO for a minute. One reason for Russia's intervention in Ukraine is the stark refusal of Washington and NATO to take Russia�s security concerns seriously. Ukraine's membership in NATO is totally unacceptable to Russia, so why was it pushed? With Western intervention in Ukraine threatening to spin the conflict out of control, why pour gasoline on the fire by bringing Sweden and Finland into NATO? Currently Scandinavia and the Baltics are nuclear free. Finland's entry into NATO would bring more NATO to Russia's border, a development that the Kremlin has declared as unacceptable. By piling on more provocations, Washington and NATO are intentionally widening a conflict that was deliberately provoked.

Clearly, it is irresponsible for Finland and Sweden to further destabilize the situation by joining NATO. Dmitry Medvedev has made it clear that NATO membership would mean the end of the nuclear-free Baltic. More NATO on Russia's border creates an imbalance that Russia would have to correct with deployment of hypersonic nuclear missiles. How can it be possible for the governments of Finland and Sweden to regard NATO membership as an increase in security when the result is to have their countries targeted with nuclear weapons? Finland and Sweden are in no danger of being attacked by Russia unless they join NATO. No one in their right mind would see NATO membership for Finland and Sweden as anything but a reckless act of destabilization. Like Switzerland, Finland and Sweden have benefitted from their neutrality. It is nonsensical for them to turn themselves into nuclear targets.

Everyone needs to understand that the neoconservatives' ideology of hegemony is an expansionist ideology like original 20th century International Communism. It is the American Empire that is expanding toward Russia, not Russia expanding into the West. It is truly amazing how opposite from the truth the anti-Russian propaganda is. Sooner or later the Kremlin will comprehend that Russia�s enemies are the American neoconservatives and that the pressure point on the neoconservatives is Israel.

As my audience knows, I have been concerned for years that Russia's low-key response to provocations brings about more and more dangerous provocations that eventually will bring Armageddon upon us. I saw recently that the Chinese government thinks similarly when a Chinese spokesman said that China can accept no provocation from Washington as the result would be more and worse provocations.

The Kremlin's policy of relying on reason, negotiations, and good will has not been reciprocated by the West. The Kremlin's limited military operation in Ukraine was not of sufficient ferocity to convince the West to abandon its policy of provocation. It seems Washington will continue its provocations until the fatal line is crossed.

Permission to reprint Dr. Roberts' columns does not imply that Dr. Roberts endorses the websites or media organizations that republish his columns or that he approves of the content of the websites, media outlets or books that republish his columns.

Check out this report by RT about now EX Canadian sniper "Wali"

Grain of salt: Wali was reported dead during his first 20 minutes of combat so there's that. But according to this RT report he quit because all he got was an old AK, zero support, and during the entire time there only managed to fire 2 rounds at a window to "scare people".
This is a nice column by Paul Craig Roberts.
Normally I don't post other people's stuff but this is too excellent to skip.

Gates: We need the lockdowns to happen instantly next time
Watch slime ball gates admit Covid was no worse than the flu and then double back and say next time the lockdowns need to be instant and worldwide.
Look at how he moves and positions himself. He's a clear and obvious snake doing snake speak and even after this, what is he doing? He's pushing the vax.
They knew Covid was not dangerous the ENTIRE TIME they kept pushing the vax. We already knew, now we know they knew. They made no mistakes, it was all pure malice. This video is proof.

MY COMMENT: The purpose of this slime ball statement is to instill in the minds of everyone that next time, the smackdown should happen without notice, instantly, worldwide.

I'd like to say that is all CIA at work but I can't be sure.
Based. HILARIOUS: Black truck driver to trans lot lizard "Can't but one dick fit in this truck!!"
Still laughing.

Want to see a real freakshow with biblical level evil on display?
Watch a freak scream "you are terrorizing my uterus" while she declares she is killing a baby as she tears at a doll, and a group sings "thank God for abortion" southern baptist style. The most revealing parts are at the beginning, and between 2:30 and 3:00 in the video. If you ever wanted to see how far some of this country has sank, if you ever wanted to see what America's schools and universities are now producing, watch this, it is shocking.

WELL SUPPORTED RUMOR: Russia will fully mobilize all military forces by May 16.
I had some of the draft documents posted but on close inspection realized they had been doctored. Awaiting the final verdict. Update, I posted the documents again but am not sure these particular ones are legit. Different Russian states and regions have different looking documents which is why when you see these on the web they are all different but all have the same or similar seal.

Yemen has suddenly had a massive chicken die off across the entire country with all regions being affected simultaneously, and not the way an avian pandemic would hit. Yemenis are highly suspicious that the UN or some other bad actor like the CIA got onto the ships that brought the chicken feed and poisoned the food during "inspections" while the ships sat in port for far longer than usual wait times. Is the rumor true? who knows, but consider this:

The WEF wants meat for the most part banned, if not entirely banned. So far they are removing meat from the food supply by claiming there are pandemics that require all chickens to be destroyed. It would be perfectly possible to produce a "pandemic" by poisoning food supplies and when the farmers check to see why their animals are sick, all WEF&associates need to do is produce falsified test results that say the animals are sick with the "fill in the blank" flu. This has been done before, and does happen in places like Yemen. All it takes is for one bad actor in an entire supply line to introduce the poison at some point and BAM-O, all the animals are dead. Animals do not have diverse sources of food, they have single point sources and it is easy to nail all the food in one spot. This is probably happening.
I believe the major poultry farms in the United States that have had "avian flu" outbreaks have in fact had their food supplies poisoned, and that they were subsequently lied to about the results of that poisoning being "bird flu" and now "Please destroy all your chickens". It's one of the oldest tricks in the book, which has up until recently not often been played. But it has been played lots in the past, enough so that the people in Yemen did not forget.

There has been significant backlash and evidence coverup since the release, and Wisconsin even took it's entire voter database offline. However:
There are now numerous forum reports that wal mart, target and more are throwing away all their baby items, from strollers to internet connected baby monitors and more - high dollar stuff, and they know why - the corona vax ensured there won't be a whole lot of mommies anymore so why the hell would they stock that sh*t, and the courts did NOTHING TO STOP IT. 2000 mules won't restore the courts, it won't restore the electoral process, it's just more jabber and this time they expect you to pay for it. F*** THAT. We have suffered the disaster, stolen elections had their consequences and the proof is in the Target dumpster.
Trolls may rip Trump for being "the father of the vax" but who made that vax mandatory? Stolen elections have consequences, and it is going to get dicey from here.

The earth is floating in zero gravity while it orbits the sun. It would be reasonable to expect it to flip the same way. The T-handle is not an anomaly, it is just the nature of spinning objects:

I'll answer the guy's question: The reasons for this are probably laid out clearly in an equation that was the result of a theory hatched some time before 1930 and it is being banned via assassination and other methods of silencing to keep items like the TR-3B and other forms of space travel "in the right hands". I flat out won't believe whatever bullshit someone uses to explain this with our conventional theories and "knowledge" because there's nothing there. This occurence will only be called an "effect" and will be left at that.

I'll probably get a mail or two with the full explanation sent, and I won't accept it, this behavior is not explained by our current model of physics. If someone states that it is happening because the earth spins and the space station is on orbit and it is being caused by angular momentum, MAYBE but the earth is also in orbit around the sun, and would therefore have the same effects causing it to flip poles. The bottom line is that the earth DOES do pole shifts, simple observation of spinning objects in space, small ones that will flip rapidly, proves it. Big objects will do the same thing too over a longer time period.
FACT: There are dinosaur fossils in the polar regions simply because on a regular interval, just like that T-handle flipped at regular intervals, the poles are tropical.
There is only one reason why Republicans did nothing about the 2020 election theft
It is because they did it themselves. They played such an enormous role in the theft that the Dems were probably the accessory. It was the Republicans that shut the investigations down and the Dems who clapped about it, (at least at the federal level) - the dems did handle the state and local level but the fraud took both sides to accomplish and even the Pentagon.

Subsequently, absolutely no substantial measures have been taken to prevent the fraud a second time. Nothing that will make a difference is fixed. It is as if national security and justice was scripted in toon town and then got thrown in the acetone. There's nothing left of security and the courts but a puddle of gray goo. If there is a "turnaround" it will be for show and that is all.

Here is a representation of where the poles have been before. This is easy to explain and does not even require a magnetic pole shift, though those happen also.

One good reason for the pole shifts to actually occur is ice buildup where Antarctica is now. This will change when the next shift happens, wherever antarctica is now will become a new location and antarctica will move to the equator. Why? Because of centrifugal force. So much ice will eventually build up on Antarctica that it will throw the earth's spin out of balance and cause antarctica to seek equilibrium at the equator, where the ice will melt off and the process will start all over again. And it would not even take that to cause it, there is a mystery with free spinning objects and that is that for an unexplained reason they simply flip their direction of rotation on occasion.
When in zero gravity, spinning objects naturally change their axis of rotation inexplicably. It would be foolish to think the earth does not do the same thing, which is why there would be baby T-rex fossils north of the arctic circle:
Here is a video of astronauts on the space station playing with this effect, they cannot explain why anything they spin does this in space. You would think it would take the speed of rotation away from the object to have it do this in zero gravity, but it does not. And the earth likely does this all by itself as it floats freely in space also.

Lots of people are aware of the "pole shift conspiracy". But it is not a conspiracy, at regular intervals the earth changes it's axis of rotation and sometimes the north and south poles are tropical. The following capture proves this. And given this, what is our history, really?
At least a portion of an accurate history could have been extrapolated just by looking for magnetic orientations in rock layers but you can safely bet that entire concept got abandoned when the magnetic orientations were unexplained chaos!

Dinosaur fossils for even T-Rex have been found north of the Arctic circle and tectonic movement cannot account for it.
The following report confirms: Dinosaurs were breeding at the north pole and they were not migrating. An enormous treasure trove of fossils from several species of dinosaurs were discovered north of the Arctic circle and they include all age groups, all the way down to freshly hatched from eggs. Such small babies prove the dinosaurs were actually living there, and not migrating during the winter because such small dinosaurs could never have done that. The scientists doing the dig are STUPID. They are assuming that for some reason the earth heated up so much that it stayed warm in the North even during, where the fossils were found, all the way through a 180 day period without a sunrise. They forget all about how plants need light to grow and the dinosaurs would have starved.

Our history is as fake as aspartame. And it is super easy to prove.
Jim Stone May 10 2022 Permalink
All it takes is dinosaur fossils in the arctic to prove it.
I was thinking about something to post on a slow news day (so far) and came up with something perfect: The fact that warm weather fossils are found at the north pole. So I first thought I'd look for proof of warm weather mussels and shells in the arctic and came up with something even better:

Ukraine to Europe: Attack Russia or we won't turn the gas back on
Russia kept delivering gas despite making threats to shut it off. Some of Russia's pipelines cross Ukraine. So Ukraine figured it could get ahead by cutting the gas and telling Europe to attack Russia if they want it.
File this under "You can't make this stuff up".

It looks like they forgot to edit the mine entrance out . . . . but if that IS from Mars, well, it would mean the stories about a war on mars that destroyed the planet are likely true.
JFK JUNIOR, who said Trump would be re-instated May 5th is now claiming a sub tunnel to Disney world was destroyed
I guess that got the daily click. ONLY ONE PROBLEM - See this.

Video: Passenger lands plane After pilot passes out
A passenger with no experience landed the airplane after the pilot passed out. It was a multi passenger Cessna turboprop that can have as little as 9 and up to 16 seats. "Unexplained mysterious illness" blamed for pilot passing out. Maybe we should all learn to fly planes until "doctors are no longer baffled."

Doom stress - painless prepping
Be prepared and counter doom stress by doing what I have always said - just buy canned foods and dry foods like pasta ahead. Buy what you usually eat anyway. Stuff that will last years. You will discover that the quality of what you buy will annihilate the special doom prepper food supplies for probably less than half the price and it will last just as long. Why bother with wasting money prepping when you can just go out and buy what you normally eat and stock up on it? Then when the stores are closed, nothing changes in the diet at your house except for perhaps pellet gun pigeon.

By the way, that may sound like a joke and it is funny, but in the past, back in the early 1900's pigeons were normal food in America, it was not always chicken. They only stopped doing the pigeons because chickens were easier to confine and much cheaper to produce. "Pellet gun pigeon" would probably not be bad at all.
Don't end up like this guy. Communists may hate pets because they "waste resources" but that's no reason to end up eating them.

Based on what is happening as far as this site being censored it is obvious that:
The "ministry of truth" is not going to actually censor the web itself, They are instead going to use applications people trust (anti malware applications and others) plus ISP level control to accomplish the censorship. If you want to circumvent ISP based censorship you are going to have to use a foreign based VPN, not only for this site but many others, (they are not going to stop with this site, this is going to apply to any dissenting voice.) You might as well get ready for it by deleting any software that blocks you, by switching ISP's or by using foreign VPN's. If they use DNS level censorship I'll just switch everything back over to direct IP's, I have several I could use now.

Don't worry about crypto volatility
Look at the history of crypto. All types go up and down like a yo yo and in the cases where the cryptos were guaranteed a set value which changed, that's an attack, not reality. That rates as the same as being hit by a hacker and yes, you can get mugged or carjacked but that does not mean the road it happened on is not a road. Just find a safer street. Keep your crypto offline. Keep an online wallet for transactions and an offline wallet for storage and gosh, am I preaching to the choir? Maybe not. And I still have to work this out myself. The most reasonable solution I see so far is to put a live OS on a flash drive that is only for a crypto wallet and boot the computer fresh from that drive when doing anything crypto related and then shut it off and remove the drive when done.

An excellent 4 minute video at Infowars that makes it fairly clear Russia could win a nuclear war
There is a suggestion that an EMP could be used to wipe out the grid. It is a little bit exaggerated. However, it accurately points out that a potent EMP platform could already be in orbit and if used it would take the satellites out. That it would do. It would knock all of them offline for at least an hour and it would destroy an unknown number. For example - An EMP weapon set off over the U.S. would silence satellites over India for a while until the magnetosphere calmed down, and starfish prime showed that the time needed for this is about an hour. An EMP weapon in space or on the edge of space takes everything out for a while, some permanently. A lot can happen in an hour. Additionally, the video is partially correct about the EMP and the grid but the grid has so many protections built in for lightning strikes now that the effectiveness of EMP weaponry is going to be significantly muted.

And as I have always said, the days of EMP taking out electronics are over, that applied to 1970's and 80's cmos which was unprotected, all the modern electronics have hefty EMP protection built in, in the form of zener diodes that are strategically placed to protect devices from static shocks. Those diodes will simply shunt EMP to ground. EMP won't have any effect at all. PROOF: you can put cell phones in a microwave for a few seconds and the diodes will protect them until they heat up and burn out. DO NOT TRY THIS WITH YOUR CELL PHONE, because any exposure at all could blow it but A lot of them are very robust. In the brick phone days even a nanosecond of exposure to a microwave would have blown them to smithereens. And a microwave is a lot worse in a small area than any EMP could ever be. EMP's last only a few milliseconds. All the cell phones survived at least a second of exposure to a microwave. see this. An EMP is not likely to take out modern electronics, but if you have no power backup that might not matter because the grid is still somewhat susceptible. It's not as bad as it used to be, but it will still at least partially be lights out.

FACT: NO ONE is "investigating" that box of ballots, instead there's a coverup while the correct DAVID gets identified and scolded for leaving his dirty socks on the sidewalk
Yesterday Ukraine shut off gas to Europe from Russia by taking control of a Russian pipeline that went through Ukraine
Ukraine did this to pressure Europe into war with Russia. "Go to war for us and we'll turn your gas back on" type of deal. Now, today, Gazprom announced that it is technically impossible to re-route the gas Ukraine shut off via other pipelines, which has meant that Europe has lost about 35 percent of it's gas supply. Ukraine is stating Russia can just send the gas to Europe through other pipelines and therefore Russia is the one cutting the gas, but according to gazprom, that's technically impossible. It is a political game being played by Ukraine. A natural gas distribution system simply does not operate like an improvised vacuum hose setup on a 1972 Mexican pickup truck. Obviously Ukraine does not understand that.

Box of ballots found on Saturday!!: EARLY VOTING HAS STARTED AHEAD OF SCHEDULE IN LA!!!
Funny that was found in Hollywood. Abandoned for shabbat. Someone who was very devoted was probably walking it to somewhere and the clock ran out on Shabbat. VOTE EARLY AND VOTE OFTEN. That election was scheduled for November 8!!! How is a box of ballots for an election in November - more than six months away - lost out in public in May???

Since the baby formula story is such big news, I'll comment
This was caused by a pre meditated government planned shutdown of a large Abbot laboratories factory in Michigan. Abbot cannot figure out why the factory was shut down because there was never any trace of any contamination found there. It is obvious the baby formula shortage is completely fabricated by intentional beurocrat saboteurs. Stolen elections have consequences, they WANT this crisis.

That said, commercial baby formula is SO BAD it only proves a baby's body is so well prepped against nutritional hardship that it can fabricate something out of nothing. That's the only way babies survive it, if you gave an adult that spleck as a sole food source there would be enormous problems. The only reason why it is formulated in laboratories is to let the manufacturers know just how far they can push the dumbing down B.S. without having a whole lot of kids die. commercial baby formula will never produce the next Tesla or Newton. You'd be far better off just giving the kid whole milk mixed with a little sugar provided the kid was not given a milk allergy by a sabotaged vax. The minefield . . . . . . .
Here is how you make baby formula that's actually good for the kid:
Take a half pound of barley and loosely tie it up in a cotton cloth that is porous. It has to be loosely woven cotton like this. This type of cotton is what was used in diapers before modern diapers. loosely tie the barley in it (the barley will expand) and put it in a pot with about 6 liters of water. Boil it for 6 - 7 hours. Pour the barley water off. Throw away the barley. There should be about 4 liters of water left after boiling (a slow covered boil) If you do it right the water should be bright pink. Mix that with three liters of milk and add a pound of sugar to the final 7 liter mix. If it comes out to 6 liters still add a pound of sugar, it will not be too much. The actual good limit is 27 ounces of sugar added to 7 liters. It is supposed to be sweet. The baby needs sugar for energy. Make sure you are not a snowflake and USE SUGAR, NOT A SUBSTITUTE. Corn syrup is also permissible in the same amount but nothing else. I'd add a couple grams of salt (just the tip of a teaspoon) to the final mix of about 7 liters and no more, it should not taste like it has salt. It should taste like it has NO SALT. Freeze what you are not going to use right away. You'll have a happy healthy baby, that recipe totally destroys commercial formula. I can back this up with hard data. That is THE RECIPE. If anyone posts a recipe more complicated or quicker or easier or more "nutritious" than that, it is a load of crap. That is the old Roman recipe that has been around for 2,000 years and it produces great results. I know this because the family used that recipe when a mother could not produce milk, it is all the kid had and the (not vaxxed) kid is sharp as a whip.

If the WEBB is not a steaming pile of wreckage it's images should show stars with THREE POINTS and NEVER, NEVER EVER EVER could it possibly produce 4 or 8 points under any conditions whatsoever.
They cannot recover from this. If they suddenly start showing three or six pointed stars they are fakes, it is the FIRST CLAIMED PHOTO that matters, not what they compensate with after being busted and the first claimed photo is a hoax.

And I just "strutted my stuff" in front of the entire astronomy community that MISSED THIS just because they blindly believe MSM horse sh*t. One of the biggest secrets of winning is knowing you are being lied to. I knew the WEBB was fake, pursued proving it, and WON.

Shameless pitch because that was solid gold:
To support this site please use [email protected] and Paypal, thanks!

This list is current as of 7:30 AM EST May 12. All donations received will be listed in the exact amount sent for at least 3 days. If your donation does not show up, find out what went wrong, thanks!

Anonymous sent $14.47 USD, thanks! Anonymous sent $23.57 USD, thanks!

Your government poured $10 billion into a fake telescope, gave everyone dreams and then PUNKED US. And all it cost to bust them is whatever you donate!

The secret to the bust is in how the star pattern is created.
For the human eye, the star pattern is caused by the way the eyball's lenses focus light. The tissues supporting the lenses in the human eye make the star pattern. On space telescopes, the star pattern happens as a result of the struts that hold the secondary mirror in place, and the number of the points on the star HAVE TO match the multiples available from the struts on the space telescope. 8 points cannot happen with 3 struts.
The Hubble has 4 struts. So the stars have 4 points. On Webb photos, the stars should have 3 points and possibly an additonal 3 minor points due to the shape of the structure holding the secondary mirror. 4 or 8 will not be possible.
This is a Hubble photo.

Now look at a star image that supposedly came from the Webb. How many points does the star have? It has 8. That is a number you cannot hit with 3 struts.


Take a look at the design of the Webb telescope and note how many struts are holding the secondary mirror. How many? THREE.

UPDATE: The video was immediately interfered with. That surprised me, this must be a really big issue for someone. If it does not work Watch it on Youtube HERE.

This page posted May 12 2022. For the latest page click here
Site blocked in many places now
If you want to send an e-mail I already know. I'll watch the stats to see how much damage there is and try to counteract it where possible. There are no problems with the site itself. The problems are probably a first strike by the "ministry of truth".


The Dems are stirring Russia to war to cancel the elections.
Here is today's "progress".
65 percent of Europe's gas now cut off
Yesterday Ukraine cut off 35 percent of Europe's gas by shutting down a Russian pipeline that went across Ukraine. Today Russia shut off all gas going to Europe through the Yamal pipeline. That adds up to approximately 65 percent of the gas cut off.
Russia cut off the gas for ONE REASON: because Finland and Sweden are joining NATO and NATO canceled it's years long process for doing that to make it possible immediately. Russia views that as an enormous security threat, so Russia is now weakening Europe in preparation for war by cutting off the gas.

Britain has already entered an alliance with Sweden to defend Sweden if Russia attacks. Russia accused the United States of erecting a new "Iron wall" and then issued a warning: Back off immediately or risk nuclear war.
Awesome! From RT:
The Roe v Wade decision is not about abortion. It's about preserving a republic
It's about time we Americans remembered we are supposed to govern our own lives
While feminists and left-wing activists nationwide decry the leaked Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision draft as an attack on women's rights, the real issue is not about women or even about abortion. What happens next with Roe v. Wade could help steer the US back toward what the founding fathers intended - a Court that keeps majoritarianism in check as it upholds the Constitution.

When debating issues such as Roe v. Wade, it is important that we all first and foremost understand that America is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. In a democracy, the minority of a population are always subject to majority rule - no matter how morally bankrupt that majority may be or may become. The founders feared that very scenario, and thanks to the wisdom and foresight of men like James Madison, our system of government doesn't function that way. Instead, we have a system of checks and balances under republican governance, where the minority is not at the mercy of the majority. Over time, this essential characteristic of our government has been diluted and sometimes outright ignored, as with the original Roe v. Wade decision. If the judges in 1973 had respected the role of the Court in relation to the Constitution, abortion law would have stayed at the state level. For a small group of judges to make Roe's case the law of the land, was, in fact, anti-Constitutional.

Nearly fifty years later, the Supreme Court has decided to reverse this bad decision based on these exact constitutional grounds. Of course, the social consequences of righting such a wrong will be further civil unrest. America is already a very divided country, and our political and cultural division has put increasing pressure on state governors and legislators to use their full constitutional powers. I believe this is for the best in the long term, as it will decentralize some of the federal powers that never should have been established. What's unfortunate is that it has to happen over a hot-button cultural issue. Protest fatigue is real.

Depending on which side of the abortion debate you're on, you might be happy or angered by California Governor Newsom's emotional vow to make his state more abortion-friendly than ever before. By contrast, the more conservative-leaning states will likely greatly restrict or outright ban abortions. But both of those scenarios represent exactly the way our system is meant to work. Because the US is a large and religiously diverse country, and thus encompasses an array of personal beliefs, inflammatory issues such as abortion are usually best decided at the state level. James Madison described this in Federalist 10 when he wrote:

"The influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular States, but will be unable to spread a general conflagration through the other States. A religious sect may degenerate into a political faction in a part of the Confederacy; but the variety of sects dispersed over the entire face of it must secure the national councils against any danger from that source.

Thus, we have state laws and federal laws, but the ideal vision for America is for state law to govern citizen's lives in most circumstances, not federal law."

One of the great things about America is that if you don't like the politics or laws of a particular state, you can get up and move. And we do. Since 2020, we've seen a steady migration of people moving to states that more closely align with their political, cultural, and world views. If this trend intensifies in the coming years, as we are simultaneously returning power back to the states, such as with the repeal of Roe v Wade, America will come to look very different even within one generation.

The knee-jerk reaction might be to presume that we will be an even more divided country than we are now, but in my view, limiting federal power will lead to peace and compromise nationwide.

Let's not forget that once upon a time, ALL Americans - red, blue, and purple - believed in and wanted less government, not more. I could write a book about why we regressed, but what matters now is that we return to our heritage. We have a shot at doing just that with solutions such as the Convention of States. Under Article V of the US Constitution, such a convention can legally be called for the purpose of proposing amendments and limiting federal power. It would be a win-win for all Americans if at least thirty-four states came together to make it happen, and now would be the perfect time. Given the Biden administration's push for more federal control, a Convention of States would help to counter some of the overreach.

As Americans, it seems, we are gradually waking up to realize that we've been sleeping passengers for far too long on a ship we are meant to steer.

The Ruble has hit a new high, And here is why.

Audacious lies: Biden blames "Maga crowd" for food shortages!!!
Want to know how evil the people we are up against now are? Watch this 40 second video. No explanation needed.
UPDATE: A lot of people can't understand what I am talking about. This newly posted video explains it.
THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE BUST: The Webb telescope only has three supports crossing the main mirror to hold the secondary mirror. Because of this, all images from the Webb telescope should have three pointed stars. The Webb telescope cannot produce an image of a star with 8 points, as was released as a Webb telescope photo. Watch this video, it very efficiently shows exactly what I am talking about. The video shows telescope physics and why the images come out of a telescope they way they do, it does not point out what is wrong with the Webb photos but that should be easy to figure out after watching this and looking at what I posted.

Audacious lies: Biden blames "Maga crowd" for food shortages!!!
Want to know how evil the people we are up against now are? Watch this 40 second video. No explanation needed.

The Ruble has hit a new high, And here is why.

Awesome! From RT:
The Roe v Wade decision is not about abortion. It's about preserving a republic
It's about time we Americans remembered we are supposed to govern our own lives
While feminists and left-wing activists nationwide decry the leaked Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision draft as an attack on women's rights, the real issue is not about women or even about abortion. What happens next with Roe v. Wade could help steer the US back toward what the founding fathers intended - a Court that keeps majoritarianism in check as it upholds the Constitution.

When debating issues such as Roe v. Wade, it is important that we all first and foremost understand that America is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. In a democracy, the minority of a population are always subject to majority rule - no matter how morally bankrupt that majority may be or may become. The founders feared that very scenario, and thanks to the wisdom and foresight of men like James Madison, our system of government doesn't function that way. Instead, we have a system of checks and balances under republican governance, where the minority is not at the mercy of the majority. Over time, this essential characteristic of our government has been diluted and sometimes outright ignored, as with the original Roe v. Wade decision. If the judges in 1973 had respected the role of the Court in relation to the Constitution, abortion law would have stayed at the state level. For a small group of judges to make Roe's case the law of the land, was, in fact, anti-Constitutional.

Nearly fifty years later, the Supreme Court has decided to reverse this bad decision based on these exact constitutional grounds. Of course, the social consequences of righting such a wrong will be further civil unrest. America is already a very divided country, and our political and cultural division has put increasing pressure on state governors and legislators to use their full constitutional powers. I believe this is for the best in the long term, as it will decentralize some of the federal powers that never should have been established. What's unfortunate is that it has to happen over a hot-button cultural issue. Protest fatigue is real.

Depending on which side of the abortion debate you're on, you might be happy or angered by California Governor Newsom's emotional vow to make his state more abortion-friendly than ever before. By contrast, the more conservative-leaning states will likely greatly restrict or outright ban abortions. But both of those scenarios represent exactly the way our system is meant to work. Because the US is a large and religiously diverse country, and thus encompasses an array of personal beliefs, inflammatory issues such as abortion are usually best decided at the state level. James Madison described this in Federalist 10 when he wrote:

"The influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular States, but will be unable to spread a general conflagration through the other States. A religious sect may degenerate into a political faction in a part of the Confederacy; but the variety of sects dispersed over the entire face of it must secure the national councils against any danger from that source.

Thus, we have state laws and federal laws, but the ideal vision for America is for state law to govern citizen's lives in most circumstances, not federal law."

One of the great things about America is that if you don't like the politics or laws of a particular state, you can get up and move. And we do. Since 2020, we've seen a steady migration of people moving to states that more closely align with their political, cultural, and world views. If this trend intensifies in the coming years, as we are simultaneously returning power back to the states, such as with the repeal of Roe v Wade, America will come to look very different even within one generation.

The knee-jerk reaction might be to presume that we will be an even more divided country than we are now, but in my view, limiting federal power will lead to peace and compromise nationwide.

Let's not forget that once upon a time, ALL Americans - red, blue, and purple - believed in and wanted less government, not more. I could write a book about why we regressed, but what matters now is that we return to our heritage. We have a shot at doing just that with solutions such as the Convention of States. Under Article V of the US Constitution, such a convention can legally be called for the purpose of proposing amendments and limiting federal power. It would be a win-win for all Americans if at least thirty-four states came together to make it happen, and now would be the perfect time. Given the Biden administration's push for more federal control, a Convention of States would help to counter some of the overreach.

As Americans, it seems, we are gradually waking up to realize that we've been sleeping passengers for far too long on a ship we are meant to steer.

The Dems are stirring Russia to war to cancel the elections.
Here is today's "progress".
65 percent of Europe's gas now cut off
Yesterday Ukraine cut off 35 percent of Europe's gas by shutting down a Russian pipeline that went across Ukraine. Today Russia shut off all gas going to Europe through the Yamal pipeline. That adds up to approximately 65 percent of the gas cut off.
Russia cut off the gas for ONE REASON: because Finland and Sweden are joining NATO and NATO canceled it's years long process for doing that to make it possible immediately. Russia views that as an enormous security threat, so Russia is now weakening Europe in preparation for war by cutting off the gas.

Britain has already entered an alliance with Sweden to defend Sweden if Russia attacks. Russia accused the United States of erecting a new "Iron wall" and then issued a warning: Back off immediately or risk nuclear war.

This page posted May 12 2022. For the latest page click here
Site blocked in many places now
If you want to send an e-mail I already know. I'll watch the stats to see how much damage there is and try to counteract it where possible. There are no problems with the site itself. The problems are probably a first strike by the "ministry of truth".

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