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Magnetoreception & Mind Control
Morphic Fields, DNA Gnosis & the Global Mind

Battle for the Noosphere: How the human mind can be highjacked via the amygdla
“When Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield’s ear, it was a very bad business decision – it cost him $3 million. It was an amgdyala hijack.” – Dr. Daniel Goleman (World-renowned emotional intelligence expert)

There is an ancient battle happening within the bodies of every woman, man, and child upon the earth. A war for the conquest of the lifeblood that feeds the various chemical processes to our brains and makes our bodies function.The age-old struggle for our consciousness that we can clearly witness in mental illnesses like depression, schizophrenia and diseases such as Alzheimer’s, which are at all-time highs.

Hell, even people like Mike Tyson are well known to act crazy like a Beast, biting his opponent’s ear off and violently raping his wife as he gets paid millions of dollars and is looked at by his Liberal fans like Joe Rogan with admiration.

My skirmishes with my own mind and battle to heal my son and self from serious illnesses have led me to research the science and biology behind what caused these illnesses, mental disturbances, and addictions that seemed to rule my mind and other people around me. What makes people who appear normal and healthy one day become sick, depressed, and lose their minds the next? How come some of these people go insane and take it to the next level by hurting or murdering innocent people as they claim they were ordered to do so by demons or Satan?

This search for the cause of our worldwide mental health epidemic has brought me back within my own body to look within my second brain. A dark place known as the gastrointestinal tract (guts, stomach, etc.), and the same chemicals in our body that modern science had discovered play a huge role in mental illness, addiction, and the spiritual phenomenon known as demon possession.

There is a health condition that psychologist Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., and author of the New York Times bestseller Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships has dubbed an amygdala hijack. (1) A mental health phenomenon that I believe can be compared to when a lady or even a man turns into who can be called a “Karen” who exorcises their inner bit*h or someone claims to hear voices and even demon possession.

An amygdala hijack is an emotional response that is immediate, overwhelming, and out of measure with the actual stimulus because it has triggered a much more significant emotional threat. The amygdala is our “emotional/irrational brain”, while other parts are sent to the neocortex or “thinking/rational brain.” If the amygdala perceives a match to the stimulus, i.e., if the record of experiences in the hippocampus tells the amygdala that it is a fight, flight or freeze situation, then the amygdala triggers the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis and “hijacks” or overtakes rational brain function.

When the amygdala perceives a threat, it can lead that person to react irrationally and destructively, which “can take over the rest of the brain in a millisecond if threatened.”

Researchers like Dr. Daniel Goleman have also discovered that when people interact with someone undergoing an amygdala hijack, it can be contagious, causing their minds also to have a complementary hijacking. Goleman later emphasized that “self-control is crucial…when facing someone who is in the throes of an amygdala hijack” to avoid a complementary hijacking—whether in work situations or in private life.

Meaning, if a person is not careful and concentrates on their self-control, their minds can also be taken over to act emotionally and irrational.

This mental phenomenon can be easily observed in domestic violence cases involving a husband and wife or family members. The danger is that “when our partner becomes, in effect, our enemy, we are in the grip of an ‘amygdala hijack’ in which our emotional memory, lodged in the limbic center of our brain, rules our reactions without the benefit of logic or reason…which causes our bodies to go into a ‘fight or flight’ response.”

It usually starts with one person with mental issues that then trigger people they are around to lose self-control. This can also be studied in public situations where one person acting irrationally and violently can trigger other people in the crowd causing a riot. I have seen this happen on numerous occasions at punk rock concerts, parties, and even with myself.

According to Goleman, this starts in early childhood. He cited the “marshmallow test,” which measures the emotional intelligence skill of self-management: Four-year-olds were told, “You can have this marshmallow now if you want, but if you wait until I come back from my errand, you’ll have two.’ About 1/3 can’t stand it and grab the marshmallow; another third wait the full 7 or 8 minutes. Then, 14 years later, they’re tracked down by a professor at Smith, Phil Peake. The kids who grabbed fell apart under pressure, they couldn’t get along with friends. The kids who waited had a 210-point advantage on their SAT’s. The people in Princeton who make up the SAT were stunned. They said it’s the difference between a family with no college education and a parent with a master’s degree.”

Goleman believes that today’s patterns of child-rearing are problematic. “Children are unintended victims of ratcheting up of competition. Their parents have to work longer and harder to maintain their parents’ standard of living. Kids are over-scheduled after school, you don’t have the down time. And there’s a technological experiment with the world’s youth. They spend more time alone, staring at a monitor than has been true ever in human history. There is relational poverty. They have less time with the people in their family. Fewer parents have the luxury of someone in the family to hang out with their kids.

You don’t have time as a child with the adults who care the most about you and who can help you learn these lessons, and nor is there time for free play, where you work problems out yourself. Childhood has been impoverished in that regard, particularly in affluent families. It’s imperative that we put this in schools, so that at some point every day, you’re getting it. In the interest of society, we need to institute social-emotional learning programs.”

Research has proven that the primary residents in our gut are our microbiome. A community consisting of bacteria and fungi that have the ability to alter human behavior through the gut-brain axis (GBA) like our tryptophan metabolism and other chemicals. Recently, studies have shown that several microbial metabolites (referred to as neuro-active metabolites) produced through tryptophan may influence more than we ever imagined.

Tryptophan is found mainly in the human gut and brain as the main chemical involved in gut-brain access (GBA) systems and communications. It is an important chemical that science is beginning to discover acts as a transmission antenna or biological internet via neurotransmission that we can control or be controlled by the microbes in our guts.

In the human gut, our microbes, which are symbiotic with us, convert tryptophan to tryptamine. Tryptamine activates trace amine-associated receptors that regulate the activity of dopaminergic, serotonergic, and glutamatergic systems. Tryptamine produced by mutualistic bacteria/fungi/molds in the human gut activates serotonin and coordinates absorptive processes and plays a role in innate and adaptive mucosal immunity.

The disruption of the microbiome in our gi tracts has long been shown to alter these chemicals, causing mental disorders. For example, there are many reports of the psychiatric side-effects of antibiotics, even in people without a previous psychiatric history. It is no wonder because most antibiotics are created using fungal derivatives such as penicillin.

Research has proven that serotonin in higher-order brain function and low brain serotonin levels are associated with poor memory and depressed mood. Studies have shown that that the effects of acute tryptophan depletion can cause neurological problems such as depression, psychomotor processing, declarative memory, working memory, executive functions, and diseases like Parkinson’s disease patients with demonstrable reduction in global cognitive function and verbal recognition due to acute tryptophan depletion.

The gut-brain axis creates a bi-directional system between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain. The influence of gut microbiota, depending on how it has been altered affects our behavior. Research has shown that when altered, naturally occurring chemicals like tryptophan and serotonin play an important role in human central nervous system disorders such as bipolar and schizophrenia.

In fact, if you do not have enough of this chemical, it can cause severe neurological issues and create lesions and deform parts of your brain like the amygdala. I believe that it becomes highjacked by the very microbes in your gut, making otherwise ordinary people become illogical and unreasonable and pathogenic and parasitic.

The main job of the amygdala is to regulate emotions, such as fear and aggression. The amygdala is also involved in tying emotional meaning to our memories, reward processing, and decision-making.

Here is an image from a recent study showing how gut-brain access occurs and how easily the microbes can unknowingly manipulate us in our gi tracts:

"The brain-gut axis and the bi-directional system of communication. The brain-gut axis is a bi-directional system of communication between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract. This links emotional and cognitive centres of the brain with peripheral control and function of the gut and its resident microbiota. Serotonin is a key element of this axis, acting as a neurotransmitter in the CNS and in the enteric nervous system that is present in the wall of the gut. A. Neural communication between the gut and brain is via the vagus (stomach and rectum) and dorsal root ganglia (DRG-small and large intestine), via projections from the enteric nervous system to sympathetic ganglia and parasympathetic innervation of the gut. B. Humeral communication is via release of bacterial factors, production of cytokines and circulating hormones. An important advance for future studies will be testable models of a potential mechanism of action (e.g., cutting the vagus can block some effects of changing the gut microbiota in rodent models)."

The part of the brain I theorize is controlled by the fungi is what we call the gi tract or gut and the mammalian part of our brains. If you are ill due to being unhealthy from a poor diet, alcohol, and or drug use, I believe that the fungi in your gut can control this gut-brain access and thus highjack the mammalian brain to carry out its destructive and pathogenic missions.

Amygdala dysfunction during face emotion processing is well-documented in bipolar disorder. Individuals with bipolar disorder showed greater amygdala activity (especially the amygdala/medial-prefrontal-cortex circuit).

Amygdala size has been correlated with cognitive styles with regard to political thinking. A study found that “greater liberalism was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex, whereas greater conservatism was associated with increased volume of the right amygdala.” These findings suggest that the volume of the amygdala and anterior cingulate gyrus may be associated with an individual’s ability to tolerate uncertainty and conflict.

This brings us to what I believe we can equate to the modern phenomenon of women and even men who act out publically in an emotional, irrational, and crazy manner as if they are lunatics and even demon-possessed.

War of Ideas: The Battle of the Neurosphere for the Noosphere

“Destruction, sin, evil, in short, is all My sphere, the element I most prefer.” Mephistopheles

There is an ancient war on this earth that has been happening since the beginning of time. This battle has been fought by every man, woman, and child regardless of their race, gender, or country.

This conflict first originated within humankind’s mind and body and has played out upon the landscapes we now dwell in.

I speak of the age-old struggle for the dominion of the universal mind or what has been called the “Noosphere.”

The philosophical concept of the Noosphere was first developed in the early 20th century by the Russian mineralogist and geochemist Vladimir Vernadsky, and the French philosopher and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Noosphere is from the Greek νόος (“mind”, “reason”) and σφαῖρα (“sphere”).

Vernadsky described it as the next and highest stage of the biosphere’s development. It is a crucial factor in the evolution of humankind’s “rational activities” where the emergence of reason would be a powerful, even geological force tied to the development of science and scientific thinking.

He mostly viewed the Noosphere as a “sphere of reason,” the “realm of reason,” the “reign of reason,” and even “life’s domain ruled by reason” because being an atheist, he believed that science is grounded in truth as having the most vital universal binding force.

Like Vedansky, the Teilhard thought of the Noosphere is the sphere of thought encircling the earth that has emerged through evolution due to human consciousness. However, being a man of God, his vision was more spiritual than that of Verdansky’s.

Teilhard had stated that forces of the mind have been creating and deploying pieces of the Noosphere for ages. Now, it is finally achieving a global presence, and its varied “compartments” are fusing. Before long, a synthesis will occur. People of different nations, races, and cultures will develop consciousness and mental activity that are planetary in scope without “losing their identities.”

According to the RAND Corporation’s research paper ‘Whose Story Wins,” this Noos is a physical thinking layer;

Over the past century, various scientists in Europe, the United States, and Russia have developed a stream of thinking about the geosphere, biosphere, and Noosphere. Whether appearing singly or jointly, these three terms should be viewed as a set for understanding earth’s evolution as a planet. First to evolve was a globe-circling geosphere consisting of a geological mantle.

Next was a globe-circling physical layer, or biosphere, consisting of plant and animal life. Third, growing and developing will be a globe-circling realm of the mind, a “thinking layer” termed the Noosphere. These concepts were all in use by the 1920s, and they continue to spread today.”

Over time, I contend that these connections of Noos, AKA the mind create a physical sphere of influence that then develops into our human social order or rank. Humans who are genuinely “conscious beings” have given us philosophy, science, and the very human laws of living within the planetary Noos forming the theology of our world religions. These men and women become conduits of knowledge and reason and are held up as eternal lights to humanity.

This is why these people make the history books while the vast majority of humanity is forgotten. This rank of the mind has been followed since the beginning of human history.

For example, we can examine the various sciences and institutions in modern times that have been developed around them to find that they now can be found in almost every civilized country around the world. These scientists research and “create studies” that become the framework of a global database where this knowledge is available to other scientists to connect to and expand upon.

This research and ideas can influence other “scientific minds” to become a “network of minds” connected to one another by nothing but knowledge, ideas, and the scientific reasoning explaining them.

We can say that the Noosphere is “the sphere or planet of the mind of reason,” and we conscious beings are interconnected via the light that permeated the different hyphae (channels/website) of the internet or the Noospherenet.

When used in relation to the definition of Verdansky and Teilhard, the word sphere can be defined as any zone, layer or region enveloping or radiating from the earth or another celestial body. The Noos or mind would be the area or range over or within which the human being with his or her truths acts, exists, or has influence or significance over the world, thus influencing other beings with his Noos, thus forming a formal connection.

Therefore, it is an actual physical thing that is a part of nature, like the atmosphere and biosphere.

Today, we can say that the Noosphere has been actualized by the invention and development of the internet, AKA the world wide web or what we can call the “world public sphere.” I believe a physical sphere of mind is exactly the framework that Verdansky and Teilhard had described, but today it is not quite entirely what they had envisioned.

According to Teilhard, fully realized, the Noosphere will raise humankind to a high, new evolutionary plane, one driven by collective coordination of psychosocial and spiritual energies and by a devotion to moral and juridical principles. However, he warned, the transition may not be smooth; a global tremor and possibly an apocalypse may characterize the final fusion of the Noosphere (1964, pp. 175–181; 1965, pp. 287–290).

By this, what many philosophers fail to consider when describing the Noosphere is that human beings often behave, think, and act differently from one another, and how they use their minds differs significantly from one person to the next. I contend that these differences are primarily born within a person’s being concerning if they are, in fact, truly knowledgeable, independently thinking, and understanding individuals.

This is the Final War of Ideas: The Battle of the Neurosphere for the Noosphere.

A world where humans are not shaped by the designs we create, but by the interior design of our genetic and mental makeup, who we truly are on the inside creates the world on the so without. I contend that the world is governed by two forces or two minds at our current stage of human development, and the one who wins our central nervous systems will gain control of the internet or what we can now call the Noospherenet and reign supreme over the global Noosphere.

These two minds would be the Noos Verdansky and Teilhard had envisioned and the other the false noos (little mind or Metatron), or what we can call the Koiliasphere or Stomasphere, which operate currently in opposition with one another. One mind would like to build God’s kingdom upon earth where humans can acquire knowledge and the theological laws to live as sovereign beings.

The other is the false mind of what theologians might call the Devil that would like to keep us ignorant so that we can destroy ourselves and the world with it. Thus we remain a constant food source for his Legion of Demons or in modern lore, vampires and zombies disguised as humans.

People who often walk and talk just like us, but in scientific reality, their central nervous systems have been hijacked by fungal parasites within the gi tracts. Microorganisms are pulling the levers of their being that cause them to become unconscious automatons hell-bent on their own and everyone else’s destruction while appearing on the surface to be selfless and caring. You will know them by their lack of original thoughts, sins, and sheep-like or should we say, “mold-like” behavior.

Their thoughts, ideas, and words are not their own. They have been copied, regurgitated, and repackaged. That is just what they do. They know no better because they do not control their minds.

Before we knew of the word ontology, Aristotle had called it by the name “first philosophy” and defines it as the discipline that studies “being as being.”

Later in the 17th century, the German philosopher Jacob Lorhard had invented the Latin term ontologia as the “science of being” with his concepts dealing with the soul, bodies, or God. Over time, the various disciplines and ideas of ontological thought and often fierce debates would expand based on the particular philosopher’s chosen field and influence. Still, the basic tenants have remained the same since the days of Aristotle and Erhard.

Ontology is the study of the human being, based on a set of scientific concepts and categories such as philosophy, biology, math, theology, and metaphysics that show their properties and the relations between them.

According to Stanford, the more considerable discipline of ontology can thus be described as having four parts:

1. the study of ontological commitment, i.e. what we or others are committed to

2. the study of what there is

3. the study of the most general features of what there is, and how the things there are related to each other in the metaphysically most general ways

4. the study of meta-ontology, i.e., saying what task it is that the discipline of ontology should aim to accomplish, if any, how the questions it aims to answer should be understood, and with what methodology they can be answered

For example, my main branch of philosophical studies seeks to answer questions 1-3, such as “How humans interact with the microorganisms such as fungi that inhabit their bodies, minds, and environments and how the manner of being/how we live or our consciousness can be affected by our relations with them.”

With that said, my primary ontological studies seek to answer “what are humans and true reality made of and what the relations and influence of these things are?”

To answer these questions, I first studied biology to find out then that the human body contains trillions of microorganisms, which, all together, are called the human microbiota — outnumbering human cells by 10 to 1. As this relates to ontology, my study is how humans interact and how the nature of being human and consciousness is affected by these millions of tiny living organisms. Microorganisms that can be found in every drop of blood, all over our skin, in the nose, mouth, and especially in the human gastrointestinal tracts (gi tract/gut/stomach), which science has determined is our second brain.

Scientific interest in the gut-brain axis has gained tremendous interest, primarily due to identifying the gut microbiome as a novel key player in this communication. The gut-brain axis is defined as “a bidirectional link between the central nervous system (CNS) and the enteric nervous system (ENS) of the body. It involves direct and indirect pathways between cognitive and emotional centers in the brain with peripheral intestinal functions.”

Here is an illustration of this communication that I believe describes via the pyramid structures where the “false noos” would communicate from the bottom-up pathway, and the brain acts as a mediator or central processor for these communications.

I would like to point out that this diagram is how each mind has different functions and appears to be opposed to one another in their goals.

For example, the lower mind represented by the upright pyramid is more concerned about the individual and self-identity as our bodies, genetics, and personal histories. On the other hand, the higher mind (inverted pyramid) is more concerned with the outside world, such as the environment and social issues that concern their culture and or community.

I contend that a person who mainly operates from their lower mind is more selfish, materialistic, and most likely, more liberal. A person who primarily works from their higher mind would be more inclined to use their mind for mainly selfless activities like issues that concern their communities and cultures. They would be more socially oriented to careers serving others like a teacher, doctor, and or government employee.

When there is an imbalance of the higher and lower minds or the gut microbiome becomes parasitic as the result of poor health choices, it causes mental disorders that are telltale signs that the battle is reaching its end stages for the lower mind’s final dominion of the human vehicle.

Scientists have discovered that gut microbiome imbalance, stress, and its subsequent effects on the brain may lead to several mental disorders such as schizophrenia.

Here is a little more information about the gut-brain access and its influence upon our brain from Neurohacker;

    The gut is our largest body surface, 100 times larger than the surface area of the skin;
    The gut has more neurons than the entire spinal cord;
    The gut contains around 80% of the body’s immune cells;
    The endocrine (i.e. hormone-producing) cells in the intestinal wall make the gut the largest endocrine organ of the body;
    The gut interacts with and receives signals from the largest microbial population of our body, about 38 trillion microbes reside in the gut and are collectively known as the gut microbiota.

The brain needs to keep tabs on the gut because there is a very complex set of environmental, neuronal, immune, hormonal, and microbial interactions taking place there. Through the brain-gut axis, the brain can monitor and regulate these interactions and respond to changes in the composition of the microbiota due to infections, antibiotics, or diet, for example.

More surprisingly, through the gut-brain axis, microbes can influence brain function, mood, and behavior.”

Humans are controlled by either the brain in their guts or the brain within their heads, which both can be considered the “false noos.” A false noos that through the gut-brain axis, many people are controlled by the microbes in the gut, giving them carte blanch access to their lives and, ultimately, their destruction to become food for the same microorganisms.

An extreme example of microbes controlling people’s minds I detail in my article, “Meth Demons: How methamphetamine addicts develop parasitic fungal infections.” In the article, I discuss how researchers have found that METH causes significant neurotoxicities to arise, increasing the risk of acquiring infectious microbes and other opportunistic infections such as systemic fungal infections. In addition, researchers found that fungi/molds like Candida overgrowths or infections in the digestive tract may disrupt the gut-brain axis and may also play a role in affecting the memory of women with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

One, I would like to call “Interior Ontological Design”, where the world and humans are not shaped by the designs we create, but by the interior design of genetic and mental makeup where who we truly are on the inside makes the world on the so without. I contend with my “Interior Ontological Design” that the world is governed by two forces or two minds at our current stage of human development.

These two minds would be the Noos that Verdansky and Teilhard had envisioned and the other the false Noos, or what I would like to call the Koiliasphere, Greek for the sphere of the stomach, which operates currently in opposition with the Noosphere.

When a person is fully conscious and healthy, we get what we call an “authentic or original being” who manages and controls both the brains in their heads and their gi tracts. They become masters of the gut-brain access and their Noosphere rather than slaves to the false noos i.e.: the microbes that truly control his mind.

When a human is in control of his Noosphere, AKA their mind and bodies, by default, they connect to other humans in this same sphere of light and truth by the very words, ideas, and philosophies that are interconnected with one another as if originating from the same source – “true Noos.” A Noos where humans originate and permeate the higher ideals contained within its philosophical, theological, and laws of “being human” have been passed down through our religious and philosophical traditions.

Hence, we can say that these are genuinely conscious and sovereign humans who can communicate and understand the global Noosphere, as Dr. Nicolas Laos delineates in his book, “The Meaning of Being Illuminati.”

In other words, they have mastered the very organisms that inhabit their bodies and defeated the Black Maji who seeks to keep them devolved ie: enslaved in the false noos to participate in the Great Work of educating their fellow humans into being – saving one soul at a time.

These ontological facts are common to every human and every mode of being. I have also found that the quality or state of having an existence and our quality of life in our Western culture depends largely upon the health of our gastrointestinal tracts,

The word being is essential when understanding the basis for my thesis for the Ontological Interior Design of Humanit when used in conjunction with humans; it means the “nature or essence of a person” or what can be called the soul, Spirit, essence, and even entity of a person.

Many of us live a separate and distinct existence where our objective concepts of reality can create philosophies and ideas of how the world works that can be diametrically opposed to one another. It is these philosophies and ideas that I theorize we can examine for their authenticity and or who they may have originated from that we can safely analyze to determine what “spirit or entity” is truly in charge of how and if we truly think, live, eat and act as autonomous or controlled beings.

The being, Spirit, or even entity, I contend, is not the same for every living person.

For example, in Christian theology, the two spirits are identified as the Holy Spirit emanating from God, and the other is the Satanic or Demonic Spirit. The people controlled by the Holy Spirit have their minds upon God, and the Satanic Spirit is only concerned only with human affairs.

As it is said in Matthew 16:23; “Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

To have merely human concerns is to follow the false noos.

The Gnostic concept of these two different spirits can be found within the Apocryphon of John describes the fate of human souls dependent upon which Spirit or Spirit controls their minds and bodies. If you tended to be a good or a bad person (mask), would determine which “spirit was in possession” of your soul, for it was your words and actions that would uncover (Apocalypto) your superficial mask to reveal your true nature.

One Spirit is the “Spirit of Life” and is described as “the Holy Spirit who is called Life, the mother of everyone {except the holy Spirit who is called the Mother of all the living}. The Spirit that is good and where our angelic qualities and or Godly natures come from. This is where our true soul is born – the essence of light or what Christians once called the “Holy Fire” and today is known universally in Christianity as the “Holy Spirit”.

The other one is bad, and this is where all sin and evil are derived. It is called the “Counterfeit spirit“.

The ancient Gnostics had said that the Archons with their leader Idalbaoth had sent to the descendants of Adam and Eve (You and I) a “counterfeit spirit (Counterfeit Daemon) which enters the souls, overgrows, hardens, closes them, weights them down, leads them astray to works of evil, and thus makes them impotent to know (gnosis).”

In Goethe’s Faust, the two spirits are represented as God, the “great splendid Spirit” and Mephistopheles, who was “the spirit of perpetual negation” who controls what we may call the “sphere of evil and sin – aka human destruction.”

Faust contrasts the two spirits or entities as God, the “great splendid Spirit… who know[s] my heart and my soul,” with Mephistopheles, “this vile companion” bent on ruin and destruction.

Mephistopheles identifies the “sphere of mind” that he manipulates and controls when he says;

“Destruction, sin, evil, in short, is all My sphere, the element I most prefer.” (1343-1344)

The Counterfeit Spirit That Enslaves Most All of Humanity

Unlike in our modern “Liberal Western World” where it seems upon the superficial surface that almost all of modern humanity ignorantly thinks they have free will to invent a new persona (mask), organization (organ within a nation), and or new type of human being to conceal (cover-up) their “true natures”, the Gnostics simply divided humanity into two distinct and very different camps (ie: temporary accommodations of huts, tents, or other structures, typically used by soldiers, refugees, prisoners, or travelers).

In the ancient religion of the Gnostics, there were only two spirits that were in control of all of humanity.

The Apocryphon of John describes the fate of human souls dependent upon which spirit inhabits their bodies. If you had a tendency to be a good or a bad person (mask) would determine which “spirit was in possession” of your soul for it was your words and actions that would uncover (Apocalypto) your superficial mask to reveal your true nature.

One spirit is the “Spirit of Life” and is described as “the holy Spirit who is called Life, the mother of everyone {except the holy Spirit who is called the Mother of all the living}. The spirit that is good and where our angelic qualities and or Godly natures come from. This is where our true soul is born – the essence of light or what Christians once called the “Holy Fire” and today is known universally in Christianity as the “Holy Spirit”.

The other one is bad and this is where all sin and evil is derived. It is called the “Counterfeit Spirit”.

The ancient Gnostics had said that the Archons with their leader Idalbaoth had sent to the descendants of Adam and Eve (You and I) a “counterfeit spirit (Counterfeit Daimon) which enters the souls, overgrows, hardens, closes them, weights them down, leads them astray to works of evil, and thus makes them impotent to know (gnosis).”

The Pistis Sophia (ie: Faith Wisdom) describes the counterfeit spirit as a small power and soul which has power over our flesh and gains power by the sins and evil we commit. It gathers itself out of the portion of evil (ie: sins/lusts?passions) that resideth in the body (ie: the lower self/the animal self) and the soul (ie: the True Self) which is the power senseth after the light and region of mixed righteousness, which is the region of the Mixture (sci., of Light and Matter).

The Apocryphon of John associates this spirit with the creation of humanity and the concept of fate with the power to enslave those who stray too far from the practices advocated in the text. Yaldabaoth attempts to regain control over the essence of Light so he devises a scheme to keep humanity in subjugation and sternally enslaved. He decides he is going to create new human bodies inhabited by a counterfeit spirit by initiating human reproduction.

Yaldabaoth and his devilish agents deceive all of humanity keeping them in ignorance (ignosis) of their true nature. The counterfeit spirit is the source of all earthly evil and confusion and causes people to die “not having found truth and without knowing the God of truth”

Put simply, the Counterfeit Spirit is in charge of our flesh, Right Brain and the material realm. The Left Hand of God.

The spirit of negation which fuels our passions, desires, fears, anger, selfishness and all our sins (missing the mark). We, therefore, become a beast and an ignorant tool for the Magi of the Left-Hand Path and their master Pontiff Satan – The Lord of this World.

The majority of the people of this world who live purely material lives by following the senses and passions “of the world” are said to be possessed by the Counterfeit Spirit. Thier minds concerned mainly with “human concerns” and not spiritual or Godly. In Christianity, these same people would be said to be possessed by the devil, Satan and or Demons.

As it is said in Matthew 16:23; “Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

We can find in the meaning of counterfeit a secret Gnostic code to our own origins and the key to open the Seals
to free ourselves from the prison of matter.

Counterfeit means – “made in exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud” and carnal procreation is from Christian Latin carnalis, from caro, carn- ‘flesh’ and to procreate is the process by which an “organism creates others of its biological kind. (666 Beasts)”

John the Baptist said of the coming Antichrist and the Number of the Beast: “Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

When the 666 of Carbon is combined with the elements above and mixed with Lucifer, AKA Phosp-Horus, we get a combination or reaction of chemical elements that forms DNA and RNA. This magical god given chemical-code carrier is the very code for all life, and of course, it is the number of a man; his number is 6 neutrons, 6 protons, and 6 electrons, Six hundred threescore and six (666). Various chemical elements when combined with Carbon, forms our very material reality, or what some may call, the Matrix – The World of Flesh.

When we live in this prison of the flesh, we are like 666 Beasts unable to escape the Matrix ie: World Of Matter. Imprisoned, we become slaves to sin and convicts to the Sacred Law of being truly human. We are fallen….

On the astral level – ie: relating to the nonphysical realm of existence or what we call paranormal phenomena, the counterfeit spirit is the counterpart of the physical human body. The very spirit that rules the majority of human beings who are completely ignorant of the Beast that pulls and binds their strings/web (hyphae).

The very demonic fungi that seeks to control our bodies and minds to mold us into murderers, liars and convicts we find in The Secret Book of John in the story of the creation of Adam. We are told that the cosmic rulers first “molded” Adam’s soul out of themselves: one power created a “bone-soul”, a second a “sinew-soul”, a third a “flesh-soul”, etc.

It’s important to understand that Adam’s soul is molded from the very same “cosmic substance of the cosmic rulers” thus subjected to “their influence.” An idea that implies some type of fine-material (astral, ethereal, or hyphae) body.

It is through the counterfeit spirit that all ‘sin is created’ and ‘carnal procreation’ is carried on. To put it simply, it is enemy of the soul who is responsible both for the evils that humans do and for their ignorance (ignosis) of the true God.

Think of this counterfeit spirit as a type of “mind virus” that seeks to take over people’s bodies, hearts, minds, souls and ‘hands.’ The world’s oldest organism grafted onto our DNA Tree by that devilish Serpent of a Demiurge in the Garden of Eden to cause us all to have ignorance of the self or God, liberalism, democracy, secularism, dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, and terminal cancer of the soul.

If you want to exa-men (ie: exo/within man) the “True cause” of all of humanity’s problems, look no further than the “small power and soul” within and without your own self.


The ‘counterfeit mold’ of ourselves. The robot in our right brain. The master of the Left Hand.

Perhaps, the direct cause of Fate / FATALITY (Heimarmene) through its quintessence of the evil astral powers.

The inevitable outcome – the Dark Night of the Soul, nihilism and the destruction of the Age (6).

Magnetic Minds: How magnetite in our brains create the Noosphere

Did you know that naturally occurring nano-magnets can go up your nose traveling into your brain?

You may not be born with a tinfoil hat, but there is a natural magnet in your head that can attract, repel, and even dance with outside forces within the earth, in humans, and the air.

Hidden within your brain is a gray-black mineral called magnetite, a mineral composed of iron ore oxide that is naturally magnetic. Studies have shown that the human brain contains magnetite, has been well established, and that brain cells respond to external magnetic fields.

“Crystal structure of magnetite as viewed along the [111] direction (diagonal through the cube). Green tetrahedra contain ferrous iron (Fe2+), yellowish octahedra contain ferric iron (Fe3+), and oxygen is shown as red spheres.”
Science has found that magnetite has the ability to magnetize information and store memories in what are called nanospheres that I contend become part of what the Greeks called the World Soul and today is known as the Noosphere. However, elevated levels of magnetite in brain tissue have been found in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s that cause us to lose our memories.

Meaning that magnetite may be the naturally occurring physical substance within the earth, and organisms such as humans use it to navigate and store information in the material world. Researchers have found that these brain magnetites show a strong similarity with the magnetite nanospheres formed by combustion, which is airborne particulate matter (PM) and the resulting global pollution.

This magnetite nanosphere pollution, I theorize can be both bad and good.

My theory of good ideas and bad ideas I discuss in my previous article, “War of Ideas: The Battle of the Neurosphere for the Noosphere,” where I contend that these good or Holy magnetic connections of human brains create a physical sphere of influence that then develops into our human social order or rank – Hierarchy.

The natural order of Logos (Noosphere).

Heraclitus (c. 535 – c. 475 BC) used the term Logos to represent the principle of order and knowledge. Isocrates’ believed that philosophy and logos generate an ethical, mindful polis or what we call a city today. This would go in line with Plato’s Theories of Forms. He made the distinction between imperfect matter and perfect Form.

People (philosophers) were necessary to bridge or should we say magnetize the enormous gap between God and the material world.

Philo called these words and ideas “the first-born of God when he had said, “the Logos of the living God is the bond of everything, holding all things together and binding all the parts, and prevents them from being dissolved and separated.”

In the Scripture, the Gospel of John identifies the Christian Logos, through which all things are made, as divine (theos). Further, he identifies Jesus Christ a the incarnate Logos or, in Plato’s theory, a bridge between God and the material world.

Hence, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” – (John 1:1)

The word Lego comes from Logos. Humans who become bridges bringing us wisdom form an immortal chain of unbreakable Legos via the Logos.

The “beginning” is translated from the Greek, ἀρχῇ (archē or archomai) meaning a commencement, or chief as in the start of our Traditions and the philosophical chiefs who remain magnets via their good ideas.

Immortal by the legos of ideas – The Logos. Not by men.

The bad ideas also become part of the Logos via magnetization, but I contend they eventually die out. These are ideas, things, and information created by humans that I theorize enter the air and immediately start to ferment and decay like combustible carbon substances and humans.

Bad things and bad ideas are no Bueno. Both can kill us.

The Ancient Greek concept of pathos.

Ideas that encourage pathos or sadness and pity are considered pathetic by the Greeks. Hence, the word pathetic is derived from the etymology of pathos. In rhetoric, however, it means an appeal to the emotions in general and why pathos is used mainly by politicians and in advertising for the vast majority of the ordinary people like beast automatons who follow these pathetic people and their bad ideas.

Always leading them to pathos.

Hence, why we have a global suicide, murder, and health crisis today.

Back to the True or Divine Logos.

The Christian Logos or Noosphere is created by magnetic particles when the brain is engaged becomes part of what science calls the electron atmosphere. The magnetic field lines are created by the movement of these charges absorbed by the electron nucleus and then ejected in a cycle of vortex movement explained in the image below.

The good nanosphere would be the good pollution in the air, which creates the earth’s biomagnetic fields that organisms use to navigate and, for humans, the World Soul/Noosphere. What we use to navigate back to our roots and Traditions.

The bad ideas I speak of above are nanospheres, AKA tiny magnetic charged particles that are eventually ejected from our world because other people mostly reject them. As a result, they do not receive any more electric charges from other minds who feed the idea with their energies; thus, the life cycle in the Noosphere is short before it is eventually aborted.

Bad ideas become like aborted babies thrown out with the bathwater via Bathos (from Greek baths, “deep”).

Alexander Pope coined the term “Bathos” in his 1727 essay “Peri Bathous”, to describe an amusingly failed attempt at presenting artistic greatness. It is used to identify anticlimactic and trivial (intentionally or otherwise) figures of speech, any intentional deviation from literal statement or common usage that emphasizes, clarifies, or embellishes both written and spoken language.

Hence, these Batho’s ideas come mainly from selfish people who present themselves as wise and use emotional language to magnetize people to their cause. But, unfortunately, these same said people often have ulterior motives that do not follow our ancient Traditions and ethics in philosophy, so they embellish their trivial teachings and wish to mislead others with lies.

In the Scripture, the job of misleading people and lying is given to Satan, who also becomes their persecutor of those who lie, sin, and do bad ie evil. That is why he is considered the Father of Lies (Liars) and Prince of the World.

The followers of bad ideas always seem to lead them to decay, destruction, and eventually death. A type of hell on earth.


According to a recent paper published in Nature Physics, an international team of researchers discovered what drives a transition in magnetite. Using an ultrashort laser pulse, the researchers confirmed the existence of electronic waves that are frozen at the transition temperature and start “dancing together” in a collective oscillating motion as the temperature is lowered.

This is known as the Verwey transition in magnetite (Fe3O4), the first metal-insulator transition ever observed and involves a concomitant structural rearrangement and charge–orbital ordering. The fundamental building blocks of the charge-ordered structure are three-site small polarons called trimerons which create spectroscopic signatures of the low-energy electronic excitations of the trimeron network.

The researchers said that “By driving these modes coherently with an ultrashort laser pulse, we reveal their critical softening and hence demonstrate their direct involvement in the Verwey transition. These findings shed new light on the cooperative mechanism at the origin of magnetite’s exotic ground state.”

“We were investigating the mechanism behind the Verwey transition, and we suddenly found anomalous waves freezing at the transition temperature,” said MIT physics postdoc Edoardo Baldini, one of the lead authors on the paper. “They are waves made of electrons that displace the surrounding atoms and move collectively as fluctuations in space and time.”

This work, led by MIT professor of physics Nuh Gedik, was made possible by the use of “ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy,” an advanced laser apparatus based on ultrashort pulses in the extreme infrared. Gedik says, “These laser pulses are as short as one millionth of one millionth of a second and allow us to take fast photographs of the microscopic world. Our goal now is to apply this approach to discover new classes of collective waves in other quantum materials.”

This discovery is significant because no frozen waves of any kind had ever been found in magnetite. “We immediately understood that these were interesting objects that conspire in triggering this very complex phase transition,” says MIT physics Ph.D. student Carina Belvin, the paper’s other lead author.

I contend that these waves of electrons conspire with one another and move collectively; creating multiverses is how we can measure the Noosphere.

For example, a new study shows that the reproducible magnetization patterns of magnetite are preferentially partitioned in the human brain, specifically in the cerebellum and brain stem.

Prion diseases like Crutzfeld-Jacobs disease and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and ALS share a common theme, dysfunctional prions and excessive magnetite. In addition, researchers have found that the rapid formation of magnetite is causing the dysfunctional prions to act as if they become pathogenic.

As I have explained before, a 2015 study titled, “Different Brain Regions are Infected with Fungi in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD),” researchers had shown the possibility that Alzheimer’s Disease may be a fungal disease, or that fungal infection is a risk factor for the disease. The researchers provided evidence in the study that tissue from the central nervous system (CNS) of AD patients contains fungal cells and hyphae.

In fact, 100% of the AD patients analyzed in the study had fungal cells and fungal material in brain sections. ”

It is believed that when our prions are working properly, they function to “write” memory onto our brain. Still, when excess iron/magnetite builds up between the neurons, they become unreadable.

Dementia and Alzheimers via the natural laws of the fungi world take care of the Human Pathos.

Just within a few weeks or months, people who have been deemed unfit by the creator experience memory loss, mood changes, and apathy. They become clumsy and confused and slurred speech.

Their symptoms are likely to progress to jerky movements, stiff limbs, incontinence, and the loss of the ability to move or speak.

They no longer have Logos to contribute to the Noosphere.

Magneto Mind Control

Researchers in the United States have developed a new method called Magneto for controlling the brain circuits associated with complex animal behaviors by using genetic engineering to create a magnetized protein that activates specific groups of nerve cells from a distance.

The researchers accomplished this incredible mind-controlling feat by inserting the Magneto DNA sequence into the genome of a virus and then live animals whose behavior is then triggered by magnetic fields or radio waves.

These viruses, coupled with Magento, allow electrical current to flow through the cell membrane, evoking nervous impulses that travel into the spinal cord and then up to the brain.

Researchers first experimented by injecting the Magneto virus into the brains of mice, targeting the entorhinal cortex. Then, they dissected the brains showing that applying a magnetic field to the brain slices activated Magneto so that the cells produce nervous impulses.

Next step – controlling live animals.

The researchers then used magneto and a live virus to manipulate neuronal activity in zebrafish larvae, targeting neurons in the trunk and tail that normally “control an escape response.”

Neuroscientist Steve Ramirez of Harvard University, who uses optogenetics to manipulate memories in the brains of mice, says the study is “badass”.

“Previous attempts [using magnets to control neuronal activity] needed multiple components for the system to work – injecting magnetic particles, injecting a virus that expresses a heat-sensitive channel, [or] head-fixing the animal so that a coil could induce changes in magnetism,” he explains. “The problem with having a multi-component system is that there’s so much room for each individual piece to break down.”

“This system is a single, elegant virus that can be injected anywhere in the brain, which makes it technically easier and less likely for moving bells and whistles to break down,” he adds, “and their behavioral equipment was cleverly designed to contain magnets where appropriate so that the animals could be freely moving around.”

“Anything that the animal with Magneto feels and does and perhaps thinks can be remote-controlled by magnetic fields,” said clinical neurologist and scientist-physician Wolfgang Liedtke at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, who did not take part in this research.

The Guardian reported:

“The new technique, developed in Ali Güler’s lab at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, and described in an advance online publication in the journal Nature Neuroscience, is not only non-invasive, but can also activate neurons rapidly and reversibly.

Several earlier studies have shown that nerve cell proteins which are activated by heat and mechanical pressure can be genetically engineered so that they become sensitive to radio waves and magnetic fields, by attaching them to an iron-storing protein called ferritin, or to inorganic paramagnetic particles. These methods represent an important advance – they have, for example, already been used to regulate blood glucose levels in mice – but involve multiple components which have to be introduced separately.”

Some people such as the editor at Technocracy news argue that this is dystopian news and the next step is humans.

This is potentially the most dangerous and dystopian development in genetic modification in history. “The researchers inserted the Magneto DNA sequence into the genome of a virus”. The DNA behavior is then triggered by magnetic fields or radio waves. TN Editor

This science reminds me of the comic book hero called Magento, who could generate and manipulate magnetic fields. His powers allow him to control minds, metal, levitate, create force fields, use telepathic mind control, and generate electromagnetic pulses, among other abilities.

Maybe, the late comic book artist Jack Kirby, and his sidekick, Stan Lee were modern-day prophets telling of their visions in the characters they created. Secret biological scientists who were adepts in the deep workings of the body, brain, and the latest research on mind control techniques. That is a possibility.

There is also the probability that the Deep State magicians who already knew of this ancient science were the real puppet masters writing the Holywood scripts.

One hell of a mind control script that we would all be actors and living through to this very day.

I do not know but for some odd reason, I’m strongly magnetized to the latter idea. How about you?

Control the Magnet, Control the Mind

Humans are like magnets.

Controlling the magnet is the secret art of magic.

In the occult and esoteric circles, this scientific phenomenon of “harnassing this force or energy” is generally associated with the terms “magnetism, mesmerism, will, magic, self-control, and mind control.”

Science tells us today that the mind has mighty magnetic power.

Like a magnet, the mind attracts both positive or negative situations and events, and it also repels these exact scenarios.

To understand more how the brain works magnetically, we must first grasp how a magnet works.

For example, if we are to take a compass, we will find that the compass needle always turns automatically toward the “magnet of the North Pole.”

A natural law at work shows us the infinite relationship between the needle, which is metal and composed of countless tiny particles called molecules that are in a constant state of motion, and the earth itself, which draws it.

Thus, magnetism, self-control, and mind control can be explained in terms of what the magnet does to the needle.

It makes it like itself.

The needle is pulled toward the North Pole because the magnetism of the North Pole moves all the tiny particles in the piece of steel so that they move in the same direction as the molecules in the North Pole move.

When the tiny particles in the compass needle are moving in the same direction and with the particles in the North Pole, they magnetize and become alike. The magnetic power of the North Pole directs the molecules in the needle that is drawn to it.

It is just as if the magnetic of the North Pole were flowing through the needle is being guided by an invisible power more significant than it is.

The same type of magnetism that I contend happens with the human mind.

To understand how this happens, consider the relationship between the needle and the magnet. Before the magnetic power began to direct the needle, all these molecules within it were going in different directions.

A state of chaos.

The same thing we can say happens to a person who is not in complete control of his or her mind. They often live in a state of confusion like the needle. They may be active and alive, but their activity is not pointed in a given direction.

As soon as the magnet’s invisible power began to flow through the needle, they were brought into harmony.

Order was restored.

The needle and pole force began to move as if they were one with and a part of this invisible force.

Let us use this magnetic illustration from natural law to teach us a great spiritual lesson when it comes to our minds.

Science now tells us that the quality of the thought process of an individual is paramount because research shows us that repeated thoughts also act as a magnet, attracting to you what you are thinking about.

The reason why creative visualization and the law of attraction work for many people. What you often think about is what your body and life follow once this “self-induced thought programming conditions it like a magnet.”

Today, doctors can detect magnetism in humans.

They can monitor and even decode human thoughts using what is called Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Phosphorus Magnetic Resonance Imaging (PMRI) via nuclei such as carbon (C13) and phosphorus (P31).

Magnetic resonance imaging is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body. MRI scanners use strong magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio waves to generate images of the organs in the body.

For example, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University developed an algorithm that can decode a person’s thoughts using data from a brain scan and are now identifying complex thoughts from spirituality to death and suicide.

Humans are known as carbon-based life forms and Carbon is Element 6 on the Periodic Table of Elements or more appropriately, 666. It consists of 6 Neutrons, 6 Protons, and 6 Electrons and is the world’s most important structural element, and about 12 percent of your body’s atoms are carbon.

We can connect the art of magnetism to science which is explained in quantum mechanics as the intrinsic angular momentum or “spin” of electrons, which can have only one of two values; “up or down”.

To be continued.

Human Magnetoreception: The Science of the Noosphere vs the Animal Sphere

“How the As Above of the Noosphere and So Below of the Animal Sphere mold humanity and our organizational structures.”

Human bodies can be considered miniature versions of the earth and the planets above, whose bodies contain the same substances. We also have the ability through unseen biological processes like the Earth’s Magnetic Biosphere to act as a generator through our minds spinning these various substances, resulting in attractive and repulsive forces that create ideas and actions forming human societies, friendships, religions, organizations, and even political ideologies, and secret societies.

This is known as human magnetoreception.

As many of us already know, different people have different tastes and attractions to various people, things, and what I believe is much more powerful – ideas. It is these ideologies that form the basis of economic or political theory and policy. These ideas often act as human magnetics that make many of us unaware of this phenomenon unknowingly gravitate towards a person, place, or thing. At the same time, we are repulsed or demagnetized from other ideas that do not align with our own.

This creates a “group consciousness,” which refers to how members within a social identity group become aware of how their group identification impacts their position in society to pursue collective action to advocate for their shared interests. Group identity is also known as social identity theory (SIT) in psychology and sociology. According to SIT, an individual’s identity is primarily derived from her group membership. Even a slight difference in ideologies between groups of individuals have been found to foster intergroup bias (see Rabbie & Horwitz 1969, Tajfel et al. 1971). (2)

A group’s collective consciousness is based on a set of ideological and political beliefs about one’s group’s social standing, as well as a view that collective action is the best means by which the group can improve its status and realize its interests (Jackman & Jackman 1973, Gurin et al. 1980, Miller et al. 1981, Conover 1988, Chong & Rogers 2005, McClain & Stewart 2006).

This phenomenon can be observed and quantified via the numerous organizations in operation today that are working toward a common objective. When a group of people works together for such purposes, they have a high level of self-motivation and very personal and even spiritual engagement.

For example, modern movements and organizations such as Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the organization known as Antifa show us this paradigm very well. Individuals involved in BLM are united by a specific type of groupthink called “racial consciousness, which is defined as “the tendency toward sentiment and ideological identification with a racial group.” (Brown 1931). Race consciousness refers to “a collective sentiment in which race becomes the object of loyalty and idealization, which is essentially a characteristic of so-called oppressed minority groups, and takes the form of a feeling of solidarity among group members.” ( Ferguson 1938, p. 32)

Although black Americans may have different ideologies, group members are generally working toward the group’s social, economic, and political promotion (Dawson 2001, Brown & Shaw 2002). This African-American paradigm of political behavior has dominated the race and politics literature. (Junn 2006). Meaning it is mainly their race or lower natures and not the ideas that unite them for the promotion and power of their people.

Other races who join a racial movement are often manipulated by the group via their own lower natures to ignorantly join these racist organizations such as BLM to work against their own race.

For example, a study found that Whites and Blacks demonstrated that the BLM movement, in particular, has collectively affirmed the value of Black lives, and could theoretically have influenced both implicit and explicit racial attitudes in the United States. Thus, white people involved in BLM over time had explicit attitudes were less pro-White during BLM than pre-BLM, became meaningfully less pro-White overtime during BLM, and were less pro-White during two of six periods of high BLM struggle (other periods showed no change).

Members of Antifa are different, being that it is a group of many different races and genders who espouse certain left-wing and neo-liberal ideologies. Most adherents identify with one another via ideas because they are anti-fascist, anti-capitalists, anarchists, communists, and other socialists who describe themselves as revolutionaries. Antifa’s ideologies encourage members who identify with their movement to confront and protest other groups of competing ideologies physically. Many have no problem using illegal activities and violence to do so.

As you can see, through race, ideas, people, and magnetism, the organization or business can align with someone’s purpose and goals to form a symbiotic relationship with the organization’s vision. This creates a “group consciousness.”

A type of hive mind aligned with an individual’s purpose, goals, and vision impacts motivation and engagement positively, negatively, or spiritually through the sense of the greater purpose, as demonstrated most prominently in the concept of linked fate. Each one of these indicators might have a relationship to political behavior.

The common denominator that separates each group is race and ideas. While on the surface, it may seem like a good idea for a country like America to have so many different competing races espousing their ideologies and creating organizations, it sows division, radicalization, and promotes violence, amongst groups. Hence, the American motto, “United We Stand Divided We Fall.”

How do people create and join various organizations, religions, and or secret societies?

As science clearly states, either through our race or our thought process creates our vision, goals, and actions. Hence, matter and spirit. An As Within our being that aligns with various ideas and philosophies of organizations on the So Without.

Thus, we humans will be naturally magnetized and repelled to people and organizations according to the nature of our spin ie our thoughts, will, and actions. The reason is that we are part of the earth’s magnetic biosphere, which is now called “human magnetoreception.” A new area of science that can be connected to the Ancient Hermetic principle of “As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above.”

The immortal dance between spirit and matter.

According to the author, and geopolitical strategist, Dr. Nicolas Laos;

“Refers to the interplay between spirit and matter as well as to the interplay between thought and form.

In particular, according to Hermetic cosmology, there is a reciprocal relationship between the physical world (the physical “microcosm”) and the spiritual world (the spiritual “macrocosm” ): the world is a beautiful whole, and creation can be understood by understanding that earthly realities imperfectly mirror supernatural realities, in accordance with the Hermetic maxim “as above, so below,” he had said. (1)

It is important that you understand what Dr. Laos calls the interplay “between spirit and matter as well as to the interplay between thought and form and these reciprocal relationships.” The physical “microcosm” would be the lower mind and part of the earth’s magnetic field, which would be more of our animal nature and the spiritual world (the spiritual “macrocosm” is the higher mind. In Christianity, this is the Holy Spirit.

I contend the mind in which we mainly function controls our being. When appropriately used via wisdom and reason, our mind or brain would be our connection to the Noosphere or God. The true planetary “sphere of reason.” The second brain in our GI Tracts would be more connected to the material world and our bodies making people who primarily operate in this lower consciousness organize with one another mainly by race or ideas that have selfish motives.

But please do not confuse that you have to live in the clouds or in one mind or the other for salvation. I believe it is in integrating the two minds into one with the higher mind ie, the brain coupled with the Noosphere, and by right philosophies that must rule over the lower mind for a person to live rationally and logically. A person who operates in such a manner will be less inclined to be a group member or identify with others solely based on their race and more on ideologies.

Through this thinking process or lack thereof and living based on these thoughts or desires, it creates a magnet of like properties in which you repel and attract others according to the quality of your thoughts and actions. This is actually one of the reasons why creative visualization and the law of attraction work for many people. What you think about, your body, and life will follow once conditioned by this “self-induced thought programming,” which creates your life.

In relating this Hermetic principle to modern science, a recent study found that the human brain receives geomagnetic field information and actively processes it, indicating that the brain receives and reacts to the stimulus.

I contend this stimulus that moves and motivates a person comes either from the higher plane, the Noosphere, or the lower plane, which is the earth’s biomagnetic field working in tandem with the fungi inherent within our gastrointestinal tracts and the earth. The two centers or spheres within the human body, the brain and our second brain in our gastrointestinal tracts are where our inherent magnetism on the So Within cooperates with the magnetic fields on the So Without.

The higher mind or what the Greeks would call nous was a key term in the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and Plotinus, who believed that the nous was the highest activity of the human soul’s participation in the divine and transcendent principle of cosmic order, which produces the “World Soul” or “Anima Mundi (Greek: ψυχὴ κόσμου psychè kósmou).” A faculty of intelligence known as a “higher mind” came to be considered a property of the cosmos as a whole much the same way as the soul is connected to the human body. These philosophical concepts of the nous and cosmic order later developed into the idea of the Noosphere by the Jesuit Priest, Teilhard de Chardin.

As Dr. Laos writes; “The World Soul is an intrinsic connection between all living beings, and, according to Plotinus, it is composed of a higher and a lower part (the higher part is unchangeable and divine, and it provides the lower part with life), so that the World Soul contemplates both the intelligible realm and Nature as it previews what it produces, and, therefore, time and the physical world proceed from the World Soul.”

In the Scripture, the higher mind would be the Holy Spirit or Holy Fire that they receive from above or what is called “The One who comes from above (Heaven) is above all.” This is considered God-given wisdom in which they are “Illuminated by the Holy Fire and Spirit.” True Christians are also considered lights because they are connected to God, which as a result, they become in communion with the Holy Spirit as Sons and Daughters of God and heaven, which is full of Light. (Revelation 21:23-25)

A person of a truly higher mind connected to the Noosphere will be less apt to be irrational or become addicted to any substance. They would also be less apt to join organizations based on race or ideas of a lower nature. However, they are still governed by the natural laws of “animal magnetism,” and they could be corrupted or self sabotage themselves to be influenced by the earth’s second sphere or little noos.

The lower mind is described in the Scripture as a type of hive mind that controls our flesh (Sarka) portrayed in the Book of Enoch, as Behemot or Behemoth who rules the world and is King of all animals, including man of the land, and Leviathon, who is King of the water, both alike unconquerable by man (ib. xl. 14, xli. 17-26).

The lowest form of being comparable to an animal or a Beast. These people never make the history books and whose ideas and philosophies typically die in the grave with them because they are fake and not genuine. Unfortunately, this mode of thinking and living currently dominates most people and nations due to the power of the media and magnetism.

A life that can be compared to that of a parasite that lives to feed off its host as its highest form of existence. A free-will choice we all have that I contend is an ancient spiritual abomination that causes people to become judged and then damned by the very same unseen forces and parasites they have magnetized within themselves by way of their spinning down.

This phenomenon can be observed in Holywood with the Borugieos move stars and in modern social media in reference to what is called “Influencers.” Fleshly desires primarily drive these so-called stars and Influencers on Instagram and Youtube i.e., the ego such as fame, easy money, expensive cars, and sex can easily magnetize other people of the same quality of thinking. They copy and watch other influencers to create an image for the public to make incredible amounts of money from their fans who look to them as idols to mimick without really doing any real work.

They are really just a copy or a copy. Ungenuine and unoriginal. The hundredth monkey effect. But they make money, have nice things, and attract sexual partners, so millions of people sheople copy them in their hopes to attain similar results. They are often going right off the cliff, ignoring that many of these same people they ignorantly idolize are not very good people who are often miserable and made public spectacles.

This way of life and mode of thinking is controlled by the flesh, which is controlled by the lower mind and is egoistic.

Meaning, there may not be butterflies or burning in your stomach when you get nervous or mad, but electron-producing microorganisms sending impulses to the brain and for some people, such as addicts of food, drink, and or drugs, I contend controlling their very being. We have all felt this when we get mad or nervous. It’s as if there is something in our stomach releasing chemicals and energy, and guess what? There is!

For example, a recent study in the Journal Nature found “electricity-generating or electrogenic bacteria,” senior author Daniel Portnoy, a microbiologist at the University of California, Berkeley, said that this electrogenic process would determine if they are pathogenic or symbiotic. Portnoy had said;

“The fact that so many bugs that interact with humans, either as pathogens or in probiotics or in our microbiota or involved in the fermentation of human products, are electrogenic — that had been missed before. It could tell us a lot about how these bacteria infect us or help us have a healthy gut.”

Geomagnetic field information is measured at any point on the earth’s surface in combination with several magnetic fields generated by various sources such as the earth, people, places, and things that are superimposed on and interact with each other. It is through these unseen forces and electromagnetic fields that I contend magnetism creates order. This order can be defined as the arrangement or disposition of everything on earth, including our races, cultures in all nations, people, or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence patternnn or method. Just like a needle aligns to a loadstone on a compass representing the North Pole. Humans normally align with people of “like races, ideas, and philosophies” in what science calls an “ordering phenomenon.” One is within your body or, more precisely, your “second brain or gut brain” and called the Enteric nervous system aka ENS. It is this second brain for the sphere of what is called “animal magnetism.” A term that I have also connected to Biomagnetism, Carbon-Based Magnetism, which is also connected to the earth’s biosphere and interacts with the various alchemical elements within our human cells.

For example, when a person acts mainly on racial motives, irrationally or is addicted to a physical substance, whether a drug or food, they are primarily controlled by “animal magnetism.” Hence, why they act akin to animals or as described in the Scripture as Beasts. People who are more prone to think and live in their lower natures, i.e., the second brain, would be naturally magnetized to these groups instead of a Christian or true Freemason. As it relates to the structure of humanity, creating organizations like BLM, Antifa, the Church of Satan, and the Ordo Templis Orientis would base their organizations, teachings, and religion on animal magnetism. Their lower minds control people who join these groups. They are not part of the true Noosphere and are not connected to the Holy Spirit of God. As you can see, our race, thoughts, and resulting actions form the basis of all human interactions that result in cause and effect, also called Karma. The resulting magnetizations with other people, places, things, and even the microorganisms who are our internal and external legislators of the unseen world create and destroy the very organizations we become a part of.

Choose wisely, my friends…


    Transcendental Meta-Algorithmic Transhumanism: The Entelechy of the Human Being by Dr. Nicolas Laos
    Group Membership, Group Identity, and Group Consciousness: Measures of Racial Identity in American Politics?
    Other sources linked above

Human Magnetoreception: The Science of ORDO AB CHAO

Scientists have recently discovered that humans are part of the earth’s magnetic biosphere, which is now called “human magnetoreception.”

A number of recent studies have reported the magnetism in carbon, mostly in Russian and Japanese scientific literature, and in 2007, carbon officially made the list of magnetic elements when researchers published a paper finally putting to rest doubts about carbon’s magnetic abilities.

The researchers in this study discovered that not only does carbon become magnetized with a little doctoring, but the behavior also comes naturally with no special treatment required via a carbon-based material on its surface called graphite.

The paper’s lead author and staff scientist at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL) at SLAC, Hendrik Ohldag had said at the time of the discovery;

“In the past, some groups thought they had discovered magnetic carbon. Unfortunately, they realized later that they were misled by small amounts of iron, cobalt, or nickel in their samples, Ohldag said.

According to Ohldag, magnetism is an “ordering phenomenon.”

This natural ordering phenomenon that Ohldag speaks of is how I contend the science of ORDO AB CHAO in creating human organizations and societies.

Ohldag said this is caused by the spin of the electrons within the magnets and when they align, a magnetic field is produced.

All atoms behave like tiny magnets because of the spin orientation of electrons, he says. When enough of those tiny magnetic spins, or “moments,” align, the material emanates a measurable magnetic field. The electron spins of iron align readily, even at high temperatures, making it an ideal magnetic material.”

“With carbon, we know how to make things very small,” Ohldag added. “On the other hand, we know a lot about how to process and store information using magnetism. This opens up the door for future studies that will lead to improved magnetism in carbon, which could one day lead to combining the ‘magnetic’ and the ‘carbon’ world.”

Carbon is a primary element of all known life on Earth, representing approximately 45–50% of all dry biomass. As I explained in my article, The Science of 666, humans are known as carbon-based life forms and Carbon is Element 6 on the Periodic Table of Elements or more appropriately, 666. It consists of 6 Neutrons, 6 Protons, and 6 Electrons and is the world’s most important structural element, and about 12 percent of your body’s atoms are carbon.

According to the Swinburne Center for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, as the sixth-most abundant element in the universe, carbon forms in the belly of stars in a reaction called the triple-alpha process.

The triple–α process is extremely important in determining the elemental composition of the universe and allowing life as we know it to exist and what I contend is how our work is ordered.

Yet that the process occurs at all is somewhat improbable, as its discoveries showed it was only made possible by the complex interplay of physical constants that cause the excited resonance of C-12 to occur where it does. The philosophical and scientific implications of this have prompted much discussion.

It is the triple-alpha process, the belly (second brain), and the brain where I hypothesize that ORDO AB CHAO is formed in human societies because it is extremely important in determining the elemental composition (order) of the whole universe and allowing all life on earth as we know it to exist.

This process I theorize is explained in quantum mechanics as the intrinsic angular momentum or “spin” of electrons, which can have only one of two values; “up or down”.

It is this spin of electrons that produces an electric field and in doing so, a magnetic field is produced. As we now know, humans are like magnets and that would mean that we are subject to the same laws of the universe and biomagnetic fields of the earth in which we live.

We are also like a radio with an antenna, i.e. the brain in our skulls and the second brain in our bowels (gi tracts) that can receive outside communication signals to control various thought processes. This is where I believe the natural ordering or hierarchy of human society from the peasant to the philosopher and also how the World Soul or what is called the Noosphere is naturally formed.

We know that magnetism results from the circular motion of charged particles that spin up or down. Depending on your mode of thinking, I contend human bodies and minds act as electrons do by either spinning up or spinning down in quantum mechanics and I have the research to back up my theory, and here is how it all works.

Some people spin up (clockwise), and some spin down (counter-clockwise) or not at all net zero.

To spin up is for the human to be engaged in being as to move and to create a charge, energy, light, or nous that permeates everything around you which can be figuratively represented by Vitruvian man and the upright pentagram. This is the true state of being and personhood. This energy would then participate and be part of what the Ancient Greeks had called the World Soul and later dubbed the Noosphere.

To spin up would be the Christian concept of illumination or enlightenment resulting from being Baptized by the Heavenly Fire, also known as the Light, Holy Fire, and Spirit. To be saved and born again into the Light.

This is why Jesus had proclaimed; “I am come to send fire on the earth. The fire which He came to send is the fire of judgment which shall burn up the chaff (see Note on Matthew 3:12), the baptism of fire can purify and cleanse as well as destroy.

In Gnosticism, this concept would be told in the story of who we know as the First Gnostic, Simon Magus speaking of the Boundless Power (ie: Infinite Power or Fire) he possessed proclaimed, “He who has stood, stands and will stand.” For this reason, it was said that he had called himself the “Standing One.”

I believe that the Christian concept of illumination or enlightenment or what Simon called the Boundless Power is a human magnetoreception phenomenon that today can actually be measured via our brain’s alpha waves.

For example, a study by CalTech titled “Transduction of the Geomagnetic Field as Evidenced from Alpha-band Activity in the Human Brain” had shown that changes in alpha wave amplitude occur when the brain is being engaged as spinning clockwise or is in a resting or “autopilot” mode making it spin counterclockwise while following rotations of an Earth-strength magnetic field.

The researchers stated that when a human brain is unengaged, the alpha power is high.

According to Caltech, “the image above shows the changes in alpha wave amplitude—a measure of whether the brain is being engaged or is in a resting or “autopilot” mode—following rotations of an Earth-strength magnetic field. On the left, counterclockwise rotations induce a widespread drop in alpha wave amplitude. (The darker the blue color, the more dramatic the drop.) No drop is observed after clockwise rotation or in the FIXED condition.” (Credit: Connie X. Wang / Caltech)

This is the science I speak of. When the brain is engaged, it spins clockwise, and when it is resting or autopilot mode (Beast, Automaton, Therion, Behimah, Zombie, Sheople), it follows the rotations of the earth’s magnetic field.

The study was led by geoscientist Joseph Kirschvink and neuroscientist Shin Shimojo at Caltech as well as a neuroengineer Ayu Matani at the University of Tokyo. Kirschvink said in a press release;

“Aristotle described the five basic senses as including vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. However, he did not consider gravity, temperature, pain, balance, and several other internal stimuli that we now know are part of the human nervous system. Our animal ancestry argues that geomagnetic field sensors should also be there representing not the sixth sense but perhaps the 10th or 11th human sense to be discovered.”

According to CalTech; “The tests further revealed that the brain appears to be actively processing magnetic information and rejecting signals that are not “natural.” For example, when the vertical component of the magnetic field pointed steadily upward during the experiments, there were no corresponding changes in brain waves. Because the magnetic field normally points down in the Northern Hemisphere, it seems that the brain is ignoring signals that are obviously “wrong.” This component of the study could be verified by replicating the experiment in the Southern Hemisphere, Kirschvink suggests, where the opposite pattern should hold. “Alpha-ERD is a strong neural signature of sensory detection and the resulting attention shift. The fact that we see it in response to simple magnetic rotations like we experience when turning or shaking our head is powerful evidence for human magnetoreception. The large individual differences we found are also intriguing with regard to human evolution and the influences of modern life,” says Shimojo. “As for the next step, we ought to try bringing this into conscious awareness.” Here is a great explanation of how this works spin-polarized and spin-unpolarized electrons and how I believe our societies are formed in similar patterns of order or disorder. All conduction electrons in an electron gas can be divided into two groups of spin-polarized and spin-unpolarized electrons. The total spin of electrons of the group of spin-unpolarized electrons is zero. The spin directions of electrons of the group of spin-unpolarized electrons are equally distributed in all directions.

All spins of electrons of the group of the spin-polarized electrons are in the same direction. The total spin of this group is non-zero.

The properties of electrons in the groups of spin-polarized and spin-unpolarized electrons are different: (1) energy distributions are different (2) the transport properties are different. For example, the electrical conductivities for groups of spin-polarized and spin-unpolarized electrons are different. Because of this difference the electrical conductivity becomes spin-dependent (the magneto-resistance effect).

Spin-unpolarized electrons create chaos.

The spin directions are equally distributed in all directions.

The total spin of this group is zero.

The time-inverse symmetry is not broken for this group.

As this science is related to magnetism, when something catches its attention or we can simply say when the brain’s attention is magnetized by an outside force such as a person, the TV, or computer, consciously or unconsciously, its alpha power drops. Several other sensory stimuli like vision, hearing, and touch are known to cause abrupt drops in the amplitude of alpha waves in the first few seconds after the stimulus.

They become unpolarized.

These magnetic particles when the brain is engaged become part of what science calls the electron atmosphere. The magnetic field lines are created by the movement of these charges that are absorbed by the electron nucleus and then ejected in a cycle of vortex movement that is explained in this schema cycle.

The brain becomes polarized. It now receives ideas and participates in the noosphere with its own ideas.

I contend that humans and our cultures throughout history are also part of this same magnetic process, which is part of Natural Law or the Laws of Nature.

Just like the earth, our alpha brain waves create magnetically charged tiny particles that form the magnetic field lines of which contribute to the World Soul/Noosphere. The As Within and So Below consciousness of humans via their nous (minds) creates the As Above Global Mind or Noosphere via ideas and thoughts.

According to Plato, we live in an orderly universe created by forms, predominantly the Form of the Good, which he describes as “the brightest region of Being.” The Form of the Good is the cause of all things, and when it is seen it leads a person to act wisely. In the Republic, the ideal community is “a city which would be established in accordance with nature.”

I believe we absorb or accept ideas becoming part of our Traditions and Philosophies i.e. electron atmosphere (World Soul, Global Mind, or Noosphere) that appear to have immortal life cycles. These ideas become part of our lives and histories by the amount of attention, energy, and life we give to these ideas which create order in various cultures. You see, carbon is a massive worldwide patern maker that can link to itself, forming long, resilient chains called polymers. It can also bond with up to four other atoms because of its electron arrangement. This would align with the Fraternal bonds of Brotherhood based not on race, tribe, or religion, but Fraternity. For example, Pythagoras brought us the ideas that led to Pythagoreanism and the magnetic chain of minds and his followers would be known as the Pythagoreans. Later, Plato brought us Platonism and the magnetic chain of Platonists. Of course, there were many good souls of all races and cultures who added their own electrons via ideas to these concepts and philosophies that have been naturally magnetized to the same ideas creating the World Soul or Noosphere.

Not by force or by unnatural means of black magic mesmerism but by the simple power and truth of these same ideas and concepts.

Hence, we can say that Order is created by God’s natural laws and ideas, not by human laws.

How Behemoth (Devil) Controls the Minds of Materialists

Much of my work over the last several years deals with modern-day humans’ spiritual and psychological states. In particular, the science behind the biological and or psychological states of various people, which seems to separate humanity mainly into two distinct divisions of being or living their lives.

The Ancient Gnostics believed that either an artificial spirit or counterfeit spirit and a Holy Spirit or Spirit of Life could gain power over a person’s mind and body. In The Secret Book of John (Apocryphon of John), we learn that after a person is born, if the Spirit of Life (Light/Wisdom) increases in them, power comes to them, and their souls are strengthened. Nothing then can leave them astray into wickedness. But if the artificial spirit (Darkness/Ignorance) comes into people, it leads them astray.”

As time passed, this Gnostic concept of the two separate divisions of humanity would become a significant part of the theology of the Phoenician/Hebrews who gave us Judaism, the Greek Hellenes, and the Romans who created Christianity and Catholicism. This theology I contend became one of the central tenants and laws in the Christian religion and how the world was conquered and how people are governed and disciplined to this very day.

In the Book of Enoch, the Phoenician/Hebrews claimed that the entities that rule the world are Behemot or Behemoth, who is King of all animals, including man of the land, and Leviathon, who is King of the water, both alike unconquerable by man (ib. xl. 14, xli. 17-26). Behemoth is listed as the primeval chaos-monster created by God at the beginning of creation in the Book of Job and is a form of the primeval chaos-monster created by God at the beginning of creation.

Behemot or Behemoth is derived from the Phoenician (Hebrew/Canaanite) God of death and the Underworld was known as Môt (Phoenician:  mūt, Hebrew: מות‎ māweṯ, Arabic: موت‎ mawt) of the Old Testament. As I explained in my previous article, The Theology of the Phoenicians from Sanchoniatho, the historian and a priest of Byblos (City of the Book/Bible), Sanchuniathon (Phoenician: ???) the word Môt was a Semitic word for ‘Death’ but may also mean ‘mud’ which some call Ilus (Mud), but others the putrefaction of a watery mixture. And from this sprung all the seed of the creation and the generation of the universe.

In another Phoenician account by the Greek author Philo of Byblos by Eusebius, who says Mot or Muth is also known as Thanatos and Pluto and is the son of God named El and Rhea, the Goddess of Earth. Philo writes, “And not long after another of his sons by Rhea, named Muth, havvving  died, he deifies him, and the Phoenicians call him Thanatos, and Pluto.”

The Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance lists Mot as meaning, “be carried, cast, be cast out of, befallen in decay, exceedingly, falling down.” The modern word for death in Spanish is Muerte, in Latin, it is mortem, morte in Italian and Portuguese, in Romanian, it is moarte, Arabic is maut, in Sanskrit mirtiu, and in Persian, it’s faut. From mot where we get the words like moth, motion, motive, motley, and of course, mold, molded, and mucus which all spring from Môt AKA putrefaction and mold.

For example, we read in Leviticus 25:35; “And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: yea, though he be a stranger or a sojourner; that he may live with thee.” (KJV)

In the Scripture, reference to the destructive habits of mot rendered moth is made in several passages such as Job 4:19, 13:28, Psalms 39:11, and Matthew 6:19; “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth (mot/mold) and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.”

In Isaiah 51:8, we read, “For the moth (mot/mold) shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm (parasites) shall eat them like wool,”

And in Luke 12:32; “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide yourselves with purses that will not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven, where no thief approaches and no moth (mot/mold) destroys (διαφθείρει – diaphtheirei)”, which means to destroy, waste; hence met: I corrupt. From diablo and phtheiro; to rot thoroughly, i.e. to ruin. (Strong’s Greek 1311)

In Hebrew, behamah i.e., a stupid person would be considered to be under the psychological sway of the “Bĕhēmôt – Behemoth (/bɪˈhiːməθ, ˈbiːə-/; Hebrew: בהמות‎, behemoth) “, who is the primeval chaos-monster or Beast created by God at the beginning of creation from the biblical Book of Job, and has metaphorically represented “any extremely large or powerful entity.”

Behemoth is where the Russian get the word “бехемот” (bekhemot). The meaning of primeval is based on the earliest stages or the first principles of the world and also primitive instinct, which I believe would deal with our second brain or little noUs, a type of hive mind that controls these same said people via the earth’s biosphere through their second brains being the microbiome/fungi in their gi tracts. The same mind would control lower creatures such as insects like ants, termites, spiders, and animals.

The word beh, beg, bek or бек means “lord, chieftain, commander, or master” in various languages such as the Russian, Persian, and Turkish بك‎ (beg, “lord”). It also means lineage for the Slavic use the name Beg added to the Slavic suffix of ‘ovic’, ‘ovich’, which roughly means ‘descendant of’ such as the “Begović” families, some are of noble descent, some not and “Idrizbegović, Šahbegović, Rizvanbegović, and Šačirbegović. The Lords, with their Gnoble wisdom, would rule the ignorant slaves as their Commander or Master.

In my own analysis of people and these ancient teachings, I contend that one group of humans is dedicated to making our world a better place by being better people themselves as they also pursue higher learning, wisdom, and the greater good of all humanity. The goal with this path is so that one day, we can indeed have a global philosopher’s kingdom or what Saint Augustine had called the City of God ruled by wisdom, order, and of course, wise humans who do not have ulterior or selfish motives.

The second group of humans or mode of being is a more selfish life in which they pursue their desires and live a much more materialistic life where they let materialism become more important than their self-development and become better people so they can gain wisdom and participate in the greater good. This camp of people is often more worried about how they look, their clothes, how much money they make, and living a lifestyle like they are rich or fake royalty who often live immoral lives that leads to sickness, criminality, and death.

This group of ignorant humans has been called by various names over the last few thousand years, such as Beasts, Demons, Gentiles, Antichrists, Devils, Materialists, and the Bourgeoise.

Their King is Behemoth, i.e., the Devil who pulls their hyphae strings via their second brains controlling them like Beast Automatons.

Alex Mcintyre Gore

Shalom Moe,
My research has found that the name Lucifer never existed till the Latin Vulgate and Satan is just a title and is in-fact the incorrect name for the unrighteous rebel leader Malak, his real name is Gadre’el, which explains the Assyrian deity called Gad that was later changed to God. He is still fooling people today with his identity. A further note the Leader of the fallen watchers was Shemyatsa not Gadre’el as some purport. Regards,Alex

Mind of the Flesh: How sarka in the bible is related to a bodily organ called the interstitium

In the Scripture, we are introduced to a powerful part of the human body and also a force or spirit that works through the flesh. What is called “sarka.” A form of Christian dualism that teaches us there are two spirits controlling humankind’s destiny.

The Spiritual is called the Mind from the Holy Spirit and the Sarka is the Mind of the Flesh and they appear to work against one another. The Mind is from the Holy Spirit is good and allows us to connect to God while the other is the Mind of the Flesh, which is the Law of Sin and causes us to lose self-control and to be bad.

Sarka is variously described as a bodily organ related to our flesh or the soft tissue that acts as a supernatural conduit that can shape and mold us via our thoughts and actions, often resulting in sin, disease, death, and even our genetics.

Think of it as the actual machine under your skin controlling your destiny by pronouncing judgments upon you via your actions. The real you. The skin on the outside with your good looks, lovely eyes, and hair, that’s just part of your ego – a temporary facade. One in which the very machine lurking below your exterior veneer can command its kill switch upon your very being, causing illness, cancer, and death for your transgressions/sins.

The scripture informs us that it is related to the human body, 2 Cor. 7:5; flesh, human nature, human frame, Jn. 1:13, 14; 1 Pet. 4:1; 1 Jn. 4:2; kindred, Rom. 11:14; lineage, Rom. 1:3; 9:3; flesh, humanity, human beings, Mt. 24:22; Lk. 3:6; Jn. 17:2; the circumstances of the body, material condition, 1 Cor. 5:5; 7:28; materiality, material circumstance, as opposed to the spiritual, Phil. 3:3, 4.

We read in Matthew 26:41, “Stay alert and pray lest you enter a time of trial. The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh (sarx) is weak.” Then we learn that there is something called “the one” who feeds upon John’s flesh (sarka) and drinks his blood dwells within him and John in him. Through our flesh, we serve the law of sin but with our minds via the Holy Spirit, we serve God.

In John 6:54, we are told, “The one who feeds on my flesh (sarka) and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day, and John 6:55, “for my flesh (sarx) is real food and my blood is real drink or in John 6:56;

“The one who eats my flesh (sarka) and drinks my blood dwells in me, and I in him.”

This sarka is not only part of our flesh, it also has the ability to control our minds so we are hostile towards God and we lose self-control.

We read in Romans 8:7, “because the mind set on the flesh (sarkos) is hostile to God; it does not submit to the law of God; in fact, it cannot and in Romans 8:8, “Those controlled by the flesh (sarki) cannot please God.”

These are the people who commit various moral and legal crimes, which Paul calls the ‘works of the sarkos’.

“Now the works of the sarkos are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Gal 5:19-21)

It also has the ability to punish us and deem us for the destruction of our flesh by giving us to Satan as we read in Corinthians 5:5, “hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh (sarkos), so that the spirit may be saved on the Day of the Lord.”

Later we learn that this sarka and the Holy Spirit will become one flesh and this is a good thing for all humankind.

Meaning the duality that we face and fight against will no longer be.

As it relates to sarka, it is my belief that it is not our skin, but a special organ that is part of our flesh called the interstitium.

It is through this organ that I believe our flesh and bodies interact with the outer or material world. Hence, it is what I contend as the scientific explanation of Sarka of the Scripture.

The interstitium is the connective tissue containing various bodily chemical and fluid-filled spaces existing between the skin and the body organs, including every part of our body such as the organs, brain, muscles and the circulatory system.

That means that the interstitium covers the whole body from head to toe which lies right below the skin’s surface; lining the digestive tract, lungs, and urinary systems; and surrounding muscles, according to a study published today on March 27, 2020, in the journal Scientific Reports.

Interstitial tissue is composed of cells, and what is called cerebral interstitial fluid (ISF) – water and electrolytes, ground substance, and fibrillary elements. (Figure 2-1)

It has been called an anatomical “highway” that provides a route for cell signal-carrying and may potentially explain everything from tumor growth to how cells move within our bodies.

The ‘ground substance’ of the extracellular matrix is an amorphous gelatinous material of the cerebral interstitial fluid (ISF). It fills the spaces between fibers and cells consisting of large molecules called glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) which link together to form even larger molecules called proteoglycans. Glycosaminoglycans are native components of the extracellular matrix that drive cell behavior and control the cell’s microenvironment.

I contend this microenvironment works through the Sarka ie the interstitium to function as a barrier from attackers via the outside world and the very microorganisms that live symbiotically on our skin and within our blood. When we are properly balanced in homeostasis, it protects against external aggressions, including colonization and infection by these organisms that can turn into pathogens ie our undertakers.

This is accomplished through the degradation of glycosaminoglycans which appears to be very important for fungi to become pathogenic and also increase skin adhesion such as the genus, Candida Albicans.

They became pathogenic when we become unhealthy ie, sin, due to our thoughts, actions, and environment. Then, by default, our natural barrier is weakened, and by an act of judgment from God or the laws of nature, they are allowed to punish us, sinners, with illness, disease, and death.

This is why I believe that antifungal drugs are largely unsuccessful in treating these various illnesses and diseases. To treat a person who has not changed their ways of being and the very actions that caused their illness or disease are temporary band-aids because the very microorganisms that caused the pathogenesis are still present both within the patient’s body and also on the exterior.

The use of antifungal agents may temporarily sever this connection and fungal adhesion, but like flies in search of rotting meat or a pile of feces, the fungi will naturally find their way back to decomposing that which they have been tasked by nature to do. This causes long-term antifungal resistance.

In regards to the central nervous system and brain via cerebral interstitial fluid (ISF) homeostasis and neuronal regulation with the help of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which helps with the circulation of metabolic products, hormones, and neurotransmitters. It helps maintain the homeostatic balance of the central nervous system, protecting the brain against mechanical injuries, preventing direct contact of the brain with the extracellular region.

The extracellular matrix region is the space external to the outermost structure of a host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite.

Researchers have found that various chronic diseases that deal with the interstitium AKA our flesh and our blood and the “Prince of the Power of the Air” such as interstitial lung disease and diabetes. For example, scientists are finding that interstitium could act as a superhighway signal or code carrier for cancers and other diseases to travel throughout the body, according to research published on March 31, 2018, in Communications Biology.

The study suggested that the interstitium carries cancer codes and other disease factors that travel throughout its tissue through the natural movements of the body like the pulsing of our blood, the pumping of our heart, and even the rhythmic squeezing that moves food through the digestive tract, and the flexing of muscles.

This explanation of the interstitium would align with the Scriptural Sarka in several passages as will many of the scientific explanations of this mysterious organ.

To examine the interstitium’s connectivity, Neil Theise, a liver pathologist at New York University Grossman School of Medicine, and colleagues injected tattoo ink into three human skin samples and five colon biopsies from colon cancer patients. In every case, the pigment traveled through many layers of skin or colon tissue. The team also saw evidence that various tumor types had traveled along the interstitium to different tissue layers in the samples from people with cancer.

“Our experiments suggest that interstitial spaces are continuous, creating a potential superhighway through the body, distinct from blood and lymphatic vessels, though which cells and molecules circulate,” says lead study author Odise Cenaj, MD, assistant professor in the Department of Pathology at NYU Langone Health.

“This finding may have significant implications for how the body signals to itself across long distances to maintain health, as well as for the spread of certain cancers,” he said.

Before I finish this essay, I would like to ask you a couple of questions.

Did you know the noun ‘sarcasm’ is derived from the Greek noun σάρξ, which is transliterated as sarka (sarx, sarki, sarca, sarkinos, etc.) and means to rip the flesh off a person?

When you are sarcastic towards someone, you mock their insecurities and sins and make fun of their ego with a sneering or cutting remark. However, the ego of a person is all part of the flesh or, more appropriately, the mind of the flesh. Hence, you expose their true selves by attacking, AKA ripping their fleshly or egotistical shortfalls.

While today, in the West, we have a common saying, “sticks and stones can’t break our bones,” but even the ancient Greeks understood sarcastic words that attack our ego is akin to someone ripping off our flesh and exposing our frailties that are often caused by our sins.

Sins that cause illnesses, cancer, and even death.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020. Hundreds of millions of people have diabetes and in 2019, diabetes was the direct cause of 1.5 million deaths.

Alcohol is associated with 2.8 million deaths each year worldwide. Globally, one in three people drink alcohol (equivalent to 2.4 billion people), and 2.2% of women and 6.8% of men die from alcohol-related health problems each year. Tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year. More than 7 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.

Traveling through our flesh via the biblical sarka, or what today we may call the interstitium, our microscopic legislators issue their judgments upon humanity for all of our sins.

Whether we drink alcohol in excess, thus ruing our livers, smoke too much bad Western tobacco to contract cancer, maintain unhealthy diets, and get diabetes. When we abuse anything, our ancestors would have called sins – gluttony and lack of self-control.

The sins bring illness, disease, and death, as we see now with a global epidemic in 2021.

Scripturally speaking, I believe these are natural law legal pronouncements under God for what Paul had called the ‘works of the sarkos’.

As John said so pointedly well over 2,000 years ago, “The one who eats my flesh (sarka) and drinks my blood dwells in me, and I in him.”

Perhaps today if John were alive he might add, “The one who rots my flesh (sarka), causing cancer, diabetes, and death, rots my blood dwells in me, and I in him.”

In the video below, Gil Hedley, Ph.D. demonstrates with on-camera dissection of the interstitium, which he calls “perifascia.”

The Automaton Beasts of the Apocalypse

Suppose you are not genuinely driving the human vehicle that you know as your body and mind. In that case, someone or what I contend, an artificial spirit or hive mind force is really in the driver’s seat.

A Beast pulling the levers of your limbs as it sends ancient impulses in the form of electrodes and special chemicals to keep you alive and make you appear to be a human when in reality, you are more like a programmable automaton. A person who the ancient Phoenicians would call behemah and the Ancient Greeks, thēriou.

Words that mean “ignorant, stupid, or human beast.”

In the Scripture, we know of these people figuratively as a group called the “Beast.”

“This calls for wisdom: let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast (thēriou), for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.” – (Revelation 13:18)

In the Scripture, “The Beast” is the title he is most frequently designated in Revelation, the last book of the Bible. The ‘Beast’ contrasts the Antichrist from the true Christ as “the Lamb” where the LORD is so designated in the Apocalypse as the Saviour of sinners, and the “Beast” is the persecutor and slayer of the sinners.

The English word Beast in the New Testament is derived from the Hebrew word behamah, which means “human-animal” or, more appropriately, a “stupid or ignorant person” as we read in Titus 1:12; “One of them, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, and idle gluttons” and is also applied to persecuting earthly powers, Revelation 11:7 and Luke 10:19; “See, I have given you the power to put your feet on snakes and evil beasts, and overall the strength of him who is against you: and nothing will do you damage.” The book of Revelation used Beast to apply to persecuting earthly powers, Revelation 11:7 13:1, and the other to superhuman beings or their symbols, Revelation 4:6.

We also find the Arabic, ‘bahimah’ is from a root signifying vagueness or dumbness and so denote primarily a dumb person who is considered a beast. The plural of בְּהֵמָה‎ behemá, “beast”, bəhmä, “to be dumb, to be speechless,”, and the Arabic ب ه م‎ (b-hm). The word venomous is often associated with the Beasts or stupid people in the Scripture because the words from these people’s mouths are vile and lack reason or logic.

Church Father, St Augustine had said this about the Image of the Beast in Man;

“For the true honor of man is the image and likeness of God, which is not preserved except it be in relation to Him by whom it is impressed. The less therefore that one loves what is one’s own, the more one cleaves to God. But through the desire of making trial of his own power, man by his own bidding falls down to himself as to a sort of intermediate grade. And so, while he wishes to be as God is, that is, under no one, he is thrust on, even from his own middle grade, by way of punishment, to that which is lowest, that is, to those things in which beasts delight: and thus, while his honor is the likeness of God, but his dishonor is the likeness of the Beast.”

Augustine concluded, “Man being in honor abideth not: he is compared to the beasts that are foolish, and is made like to them.”

What St. Augustine had meant in modern terms is that if we are to live a selfish life where we only serve ourselves and our wills without regard to other people, society, and using our lives also to serve the greater good. By serving ourselves in a barbaric type of existence, we serve our egos and try to act as if we are Gods and require worship from our social media followers to become what our ancestors would have called a person who was more like a bĕhēmôt, thēríon, or Beast than a human. Hence, a beast is a person who is thus inclined to be ignorant, irrational, and stupid, but also fierce and dangerous when they foolishly think they are intelligent.

In Hebrew, behamah i.e., a stupid person would be considered to be under the psychological sway of the “Bĕhēmôt – Behemoth (/bɪˈhiːməθ, ˈbiːə-/; Hebrew: בהמות‎, behemoth)“, who is the primeval chaos-monster or Beast created by God at the beginning of creation from the biblical Book of Job, and has metaphorically represented “any extremely large or powerful entity.” Behemoth is where the Russian get the word “бехемот” (bekhemot). The meaning of primeval is based on the earliest stages or the first principles of the world and also primitive instinct, which I believe would deal with our second brain or little noos that controls these same said people via the earth’s biosphere through their second brains being the microbiome/fungi in their gi tracts.

Behemoth is represented as the king of all the animals of the dry land, while leviathan is the king of all those of the water, both alike unconquerable by man (ib. xl. 14, xli. 17-26) Hence, the Beast or Behemot is, in my opinion, is connected to what is the “hive mind or earth noos” of the fungi which control this biosphere through all living entities via their second brains. It is this second brain that I contend causes people to act beast-like if they follow their carnal/fleshly desires and appetites.

Please keep in mind that we always have to eat and serve this Beast in our daily lives so we will never conquer it per se, and why it is said to be unconquerable. The idea is to not have it rule us and for our passions that can turn to addictions making the Beast within and without rule us like automatons.

Meaning, that if a person does not control his thoughts and appetites by restraining or curbing these carnal pleasures or, as the Gnostics would say, “Nothing in Excess,” and Christians as “sin,” and they do not follow the concepts of Traditional higher learning such as Platonic philosophy, the teachings of the Abrahamic religions or as we find in Freemasonry, they become under the sway and control of their Master, Thēríon, the Beast, Behemoth or who the Christians call the Devil or LORD of this world.

This is why when you follow the Beast (thēríon), you get what the Greeks call thēríōma (θηρῐ́ωμα), which means ulcer and in modern terms may mean cancer and disease as we see now in this global epidemic here in the West.

To reveal the secrets of the Bible, we first must contrast the various versions of the Scripture, such as the Greek, Hebrew, and Latin, to our modern English version to see that the words have a slightly different meaning than we think or had been interpreted in the past.

For example, in Revelation 13:5, we read the doctored script, “The beast was allowed to speak arrogant and blasphemous things, and it was given authority for 42 months.”

The proper Greek word for Beast is ‘αὐτῷ (autō),’ meaning “He, she, it, they, them” and use of the “third person, and of the other persons.” So when we read Beast, we understand that this represents a person, and I contend it is from the Greek word ‘αὐτῷ (autō), where we get the word automatic and the adjective to describe a person who acts like a robot as an “automaton.”

A person who is an automaton acts like a Beast because they would be similar to the meaning, which is “a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being.” The word “automaton” is the Latinization of the Greek αὐτόματον, automaton, meaning “acting of one’s own will”. The Hellenistic world’s automata were intended as tools, toys, religious spectacles, or prototypes for demonstrating basic scientific principles.

An automaton, a Beast or Thēríon human that I contend was the first concept in literature via myths and poems which trained or programmed people to perform specific tasks for the state unbeknownst to the uninitiated. Hence, a state cult and the perfect actors and players can be created by words that indoctrinate the population to become heroes, demons and saviors as in the Myths that have shaped their very being.

This creates an ancient form of “artificial intelligence” inserted within human consciousness via the very myths and stories that shape their being. Stories and words that act like songs for the carnal soul where we witness these revelations in the ancient Myths such as the Greek story of Talos, first mentioned around 700 B.C. by Hesiod, offer one example earliest conceptions of an automaton human.

Aristotle wrote in 322 BC in his book Politics:

“For, if each tool could perform its task on command or by anticipating instructions, and if like the statues of Daedalus or the tripods of Hephaestus – which the poet describes as havvving “entered the assembly of the gods of their own accord” – shuttles wove cloth by themselves and picks played the lyre, a master craftsman would not need assistants, and masters would not need slaves.”

Hence, a new society or world populated with both real people – authentic humans – and with programmable humanoid robots of various human shapes and programs that become their operating systems i.e. perfect Servants and Slaves i.e. Citizens – the new living and realistic civilization that could be molded and sculpted as the Masters of the World see fit.

Hence, “a collection of 19th century French automata: acrobats, clowns, and musicians” who perform as machine according to a predetermined set of coded instructions, especially one capable of a range of programmed responses to different circumstances.” René Descartes when he suggested that the bodies of animals are nothing more than complex machines – the bones, muscles and organs could be replaced with cogs, pistons, and cams. Today, adjectives to describe these people who act as automatons and who our ancestors would have called Beasts or therion might be called “zombies, sheople, or the Bourgiouse.”

The next Greek word for the English “was allowed or was given” is ἐδόθη (edothē), meaning “to offer, give; I put, place or to give.” The word edo means “out of” and in Latin , where edo means “I eat.”

The word domi frequently means’ of one’s own ,’ not only in Plautus but also in classical Latin ; e.g. in the phrases domi est =’ 1 have of my own … ( a passage which shows the origin of this special meaning of the locative ) ; domi

In Revelation 13:5, it says, “The beast was allowed to speak,” and speak is properly rendered in the Greek Scripture as ‘στόμα (stoma).’ If you research the meaning, you will find false translations stating that stoma means mouth or speech, but it doesn’t because stoma is where we get the English word ‘stomach’. The Strong’s Greek lists to speak as λαλοῦν (laloun)

Hence, the ancient images of demons and devils with faces upon their stomachs and buttholes.

Here is an image from the Book of Job from the Mount Athos, Megisti Lavra Monastery, Codex B. 100 dated in the 12th century that I believe is an ancient depiction of my second brain/little noos being controlled by the Beast or Behemoth.

Here Job’s bottom portion of his body, AKA the loins, is in the form of the Beast and is connected to the earth and surrounded by what looks like môt or what we can say is a fungus in the form of mushrooms made to look like trees to the uninitiated and mycelium or what is called “fetters and hedges” in the Scripture.

Many of the religious images of the Book of Job over the centuries also relay this same theme. For example, here is an image from a 9th century manuscript from Patmos, Monastery of St. John the Theologian, Codex 171.

My theory makes sense given the fact that science has discovered that human beings descend from fungi, as do all creatures on earth, and these fungi are intelligent and are considered the earth’s internet. These facts I believe can be found in chapter 40 of the Book of Job, where this Beast or Bĕhēmôt is mentioned as “He is the first of the works of God, his strength in his loins,” and “his power in the muscles of his belly,” and “Under the lotus plants, he lies, in the shelter of the reeds and in the marsh.

We read in Job;

Behold, Behemoth (bĕhēmôt), which I made as I made you; he eats grass like an ox.

Behold, his strength in his loins, and his power in the muscles of his belly.

He makes his tail stiff like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are knit together.

His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron.

He is the first of the works of God; let him who made him bring near his sword!

For the mountains yield food for him where all the wild beasts play.

Under the lotus plants he lies, in the shelter of the reeds and in the marsh.

For his shade the lotus trees cover him; the willows of the brook surround him.

Behold, if the river is turbulent, he is not frightened; he is confident though Jordan rushes against his mouth.

Can one take him by his eyes, or pierce his nose with a snare? (Job 40:15-24, ESV)

The word beh, beg, bek or бек means “lord, chieftain, commander, or master” in various languages such as the Russian, Persian, and Turkish بك‎ (beg, “lord”). It also means lineage for the Slavic use the name Beg added to the Slavic suffix of ‘ovic’, ‘ovich’, which roughly means ‘descendant of’ such as the “Begović” families, some are of noble descent, some not and “Idrizbegović, Šahbegović, Rizvanbegović, and Šačirbegović.

In researching the various forms of the Scripture, such as the Greek, the word “beast” is translated the fourth and fifth verses, is thēríon‘. The Greeks had called beasts in the human form by the name, ‘thēríon‘ – figuratively as “bestial” or a human was a beast in his or her nature and to be a ‘thériomacheó’ is from a compound of therion and machomai, which was to be a beast-fighter such as a gladiator show, or to encounter furious men/beasts. This is where we get the word ‘macho’, meaning to be a fighter, tough or fierce, and have pride in one’s masculinity.

The words théra, thēran thḗran mean a trap, net, or means of capture from Homer down is “a hunting of wild beasts to destroy them.” Hence, figuratively, of preparing destruction for men like the internet.

In 1 Corinthians 15:32, we read that Paul was condemned to fight with thēríon AKA wild beasts, that was described as a fierce contest with brutal and ferocious men; “If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? Let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we die.”

The last few verses focus on Paul’s motivation for continuing a dangerous life of preaching the gospel against so much opposition and asks, “what could he possibly stand to gain in human terms?” Meaning that spreading the light of God’s work did not bring him wealth or status. I believe this example shows that Paul is a thériomacheó, that is a human beast fighter who uses his God-given wisdom to debate against those Neoliberal Gnostics who put their flesh and Godhood above that of all that is good and God. These Godless Gnostics would have been part of the Cretan Culture in Scripture or the American Bourgieoise or Satanists of Modernity.

The Cretans were known in the Apostles’ time as a Beastiality culture as we have in the U.S.A. who put luxury, vice, and the lies that support such a Godless existence of evil above truth, ethics, morality, virtue, God, and all that is good. This is why it is said in Titus 1:12, “One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretans (Americans) are always liars, evil beasts (thēríon) slow bellies.”

This is why we are told in Proverbs that “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.”

Meaning, that a person who uses reason and logic is considered righteous in God’s eyes because they understand that within or herself is their own Beast or what Carl Jung had called the Shadow and Christians the Devil. To let our Beast rule over ourselves is to be an Antichrist who is really a stupid person or, more appropriately, a “666 Beast” as described by the Gnostic prophet, John in Revelations.

As I explained in my previous article, The Theology of the Phoenicians from Sanchoniatho, the historian and a priest of Byblos (City of the Book/Bible), Sanchuniathon (Phoenician:) the word Môt was a Semitic word for ‘Death’ but may also mean ‘mud’ which some call Ilus (Mud), but others the putrefaction of a watery mixture. And from this sprung all the seed of the creation and the generation of the universe. From mot where we get the words like moth, motion, motive, motley, and of course, mold, molded, and mucus which all spring from Môt AKA putrefaction and mold.

In another Phoenician account by the Greek author Philo of Byblos by Eusebius, who says Mot or Muth is also known as Thanatos and Pluto and is the son of God, El and Rhea, the Goddess of Earth. Philo writes; “And not long after another of his sons by Rhea, named Muth, havvving died, he deifies him, and the Phoenicians call him Thanatos, and Pluto.”

Mot (Phoenician:  mūt, Hebrew: מות‎ māweṯ, Arabic: موت‎ mawt) was also the ancient Canaanite God of death and the Underworld. He was worshiped by the people of Ugarit, by the Phoenicians/Hebrews of the Old Testament.

Therion is the name of a constellation named by Hipparchus of Bithynia in the 2nd century B.C. Ptolemy later identified it with a wolf, and it is currently known as Lupus. Today in science, lupus is an autoimmune disorder that can affect many parts of the body, including the brain that can cause mental illnesses like schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder (manic depression). A man who called himself the Beast, Aleister Crowley, had used the name Thēríon as a god in Thelema, consort of Babalon, which he had invented in The Book of the Law.

In my previous article on this subject, The Science of 666, I explained that you are the Beast, and the number 666 relates to the carbon atom, and man. John the Baptist said of the coming Antichrist and the Number of the Beast: “Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).”

Carbon-12; one of 5 elements in the human D.N.A. comprises 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons, which equates to 666. Carbon-12 is the most abundant of the two stable isotopes of the element carbon, accounting for 98.89% of carbon. Its abundance is due to the Triple-alpha process by which it is created in stars, and as Carl Sagan had once said, “we’re made of star-stuff.”

We are in the Age of the Antichrist in which the Beast has been in control for a long time, and here in the Secular West, Modernity and Neoliberalism is its natural outcome that has produced in humanity a mass psychosis and schizophrenic bahaviors that is known in the Scripture as “The Mouth of the Beast.”

This was said to be the agency by which the people were taught and through which utterance was given to the blasphemies of the Beast.

“These are of one mind (little noos/false noos) and will hand over their power and authority to the beast (thēriōn).” – Revelation 17:13

Carl Jung: The Dead Have a Claim on Us

“What is the power of the individual against the voice of the whole people in him?” – Carl Jung, Liber Novus

Carl Jung had believed that communing and honoring with love our Ancestors and Spirits of the Dead was a way of tapping into the collective consciousness or what some call the Noosphere. Through this immortal journey into thyself and into the past ancestral genome contained within our DNA, Jung believed we reached salvation, which is our true selves.

He also believed that our dead ancestors had a claim on our lives and souls and will torment those of their descendants who live by either causing misfortune and illness or bestowing gifts of health and prosperity. Almost as if our true consciousness, Gnosis, being, and ability to awaken from the dark night of the soul depended upon our ancestors’ proper reverendship.

For example, Jung had written in the Red Book;

The dead who besiege us are souls who have not fulfilled the principium individuationis, or else they would have become distant stars. Insofar as we do not fulfill it, the dead have a claim on us and besiege us and we cannot escape them. (Jung- The Red Book P.370)

Jung believed if you got it right, you would enjoy their good company and revelations to become a “bridge from the dead to the living” to be their “prophet or spokesperson.” Thus earning your right through honor, love, and communion to assist them in devoting part of your life to this collective unconscious or Noos in which you help them answer unanswered questions they were unable to complete while living and or carry on work where they had left off.

Jung had once said, “Death is a drawing together of two worlds, not an end. We are the bridge.” (Carl Jung, J.E.T., Page 95)

Almost as if our ancestors and we never die, but we live continuously through this consciousness/Noos of ideas that are not only contained within our very own DNA but that they were all around us and even our own homes at all times since ancient times. When we tap thyself, we awaken into their collective unconsciousness in our homes, lives, and the world Noosphere.

He warns us not to become blind spokespersons who are self-described prophets and thus stone themselves. The idea is to revere and accept the dead and carry on their work, giving it new meaning.

Jung had said;

“Then turn to the dead listen to their lament and accept them with love. Be not their blind spokesman / there are prophets who in the end have stoned themselves.

But we seek salvation, and hence we need to revere what has become and to accept the dead, who have fluttered through the air and lived like bats under our roofs since time immemorial.

The new will be built on the old, and the meaning of what has become will become manifold. Our poverty in what has become you will thus deliver into the wealth of the future. (Liber Novus, Page 297)

Carl Jung’s shadow teaches us how to conquer demons
The inner world of Carl Jung was filled with shadows, daimons (demons), and the secrets of the individuation of the Self. Jung knew that people would think he was crazy for writing about such things but his conviction was so strong that he had written extensively about these subjects to the point that it became the main theme of his life’s Great Work.

Jung had said that he did not only believe, but he proclaimed that he knew our world was populated by demons and he was sure that many people were possessed by these disincarnated spirits.

He had once said in an interview;

“Unfortunately, it is my fate that other people, especially those who are themselves possessed by demons, think me mad because I believe in these powers. But that is their affair; I know they exist. There are demons all right, as sure as there is a Buchenwald (WWII German concentration camp).” (C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters pg. 155)

Carl Jung also believed that everyone had an unconscious self ie: an ego that he called a demon and also animus/anima which he equated with the self and what he sometimes said was the “Soul Image” of the person. This shadow is not something that you look for outside of yourself, it is inside of us all and that is why he once proclaimed, “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

Jung said that “the shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself.” (CW 9i, para. 513) and he tells us, “Everyone carries a shadow.”

Carl Jung had written in Two Essays on Analytical Psychology:

“Individuation means becoming an “in-dividual,” and, in so far as “individuality” embraces our innermost, last, and incomparable uniqueness, it also implies becoming one’s own self. We could, therefore, translate individuation as “coming to selfhood” or “self-realization.”

In order to reach selfhood and not become possessed, ignorant or go mad, (controlled by their Shadow), we must have a friendly encounter with our own demon and get to know him or her. A process that represented an archetypal stage of self individuation.

He says, “the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time.”

Jung claimed that not only do our evil tendencies arise our demon/shadow, but also our good qualities. He writes;

“If it has been believed hitherto that the human shadow was the source of all evil, it can now be ascertained on closer investigation that the unconscious man, that is, his shadow, does not consist only of morally reprehensible tendencies, but also displays a number of good qualities, such as normal instincts, appropriate reactions, realistic insights, creative impulses, etc.” (Carl Jung, CW 9ii, Para 423)

It is important to understand that Jung implies that the goal is NOT to repress or put our Demon in chains, to do so would make our shadow revolt and cause us problems. He also warns us not to misunderstand and or repress our dark side.

Jung said, “Whether our shadow becomes our friend or enemy depends largely upon ourselves. The shadow becomes hostile only when he is ignored or misunderstood.” (Man and His Symbols)

He further warns us, “The educated man tries to repress the inferior man in himself, not realizing that by so doing he forces the latter into revolt.”

What I believe he was saying is that we must come to know our demon and learn from him or her so we can integrate them into our lives. By doing so, Jung believed we would become enlightened to the truth that we all have a demon/shadow and this process also allows us to understand or own evil natures and other people’s darkness.

Jung had said, “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.”

To deny or resist it will create problems in one’s life and only strengthens one’s adversary or great foe ie: their unconscious self or Demon/Shadow. When someone is unconscious, they live as if they are blind and the dark side of their shadow ie: their bad traits and own faults become projected onto their neighbors

Jung had written;

“A man who is unconscious of himself acts in a blind, instinctive way and is in addition fooled by all the illusions that arise when he sees everything that he is not conscious of in himself coming to meet him from outside as projections upon his neighbor.”

Meaning that when we do not come to know and understand our own darkness or evil natures, we falsely project them into the world upon other people and our neighbors. We become unconscious automatons who are unaware that we can be or are just as evil and sick as our neighbor who we ignorantly look down upon and foolishly judge as if we are better than him.

When in reality, the same things we despise and hate in our neighbor are the same bad traits we carry within our own shadows that our Demon unleashed onto the world in revolt.

Jung writes;

“…if it (the Shadow) is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets corrected and is liable to burst forth suddenly in a moment of unawareness. At all events, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.”

Jung advises, “If you feel an overwhelming rage coming up in you when a friend reproaches you about a fault, you can be fairly sure . . . you will find a part of your shadow, of which you are unconscious.” (P. 174)

He says, “When an individual makes an attempt to see his shadow, he becomes aware of (and often ashamed of) those qualities and impulses he denies in himself but can plainly see in other people . . . such as egotism, mental laziness, sloppiness, unreal fantasies, schemes, plots, carelessness, cowardice, inordinate love of money and possessions . . . in short, all the little sins about which he might previously have told himself: “that doesn’t matter”. (P. 174)

In Jung’s world, the only way to become a truly enlightened human was to become conscious of this hidden world and our own demons and by doing so, each awakened person becomes a unique individual who has a distinct and possibly predetermined destiny.

This is no easy task and Jung makes it clear that it takes a lot of honest self-examination, courage, and work to face and integrate one’s shadow into their life. Jung writes;

“The discovery of the unconscious is one of the most far-reaching discoveries of recent times. But the fact that recognition of its unconscious reality involves honest self-examination and reorganization of one’s life causes many people to continue to behave as if nothing at all has happened.”

He says, “It takes a lot of courage to . . . tackle the problems it raises. Most people are too indolent to think deeply about even those moral aspects of their behavior of which they are conscious; they are certainly too lazy to consider how the unconscious affects them.”

When I study Jung’s writings for a solution to this ancient battle of the modern self and our much older shadow demon, it appears the only saving grace for humanity is for each of us to find our own selfs ie: shadow and then stand in the center of the two battling forces who were really never met to go to war against one another.

Carl Jung had written;

“To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light. Once one has experienced a few times what it is like to stand judgingly between the opposites, one begins to understand what is meant by the self.

Anyone who perceives his shadow and his light simultaneously sees himself from two sides and thus gets in the middle.”

To fail would mean to lose one’s soul and for the totality of humanity, a soulless and meaningless life would mark our days for eternity.

“If man does not reverence and submit to the unconscious, which created his consciousness, he loses his soul, that is, he loses his connection with soul and unconscious.” (Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 214)

As Jung as guided us, the only way for someone to get in the middle is through knowledge of the self which leads to understanding our own good and evil natures and by doing so, we learn how to reason with ourselves and others which leads to the light ie: true wisdom of the world in which we live.

This newfound wisdom allows us to integrate our modern lives that are often governed (molded) outwardly by our unconscious world ie: parents, government, community and culture with the inner Self which then becomes the true archetype of wholeness and self-transcendence.

An enlightened person who understands the light and darkness in themselves and also in others but stands in the middle using reason to transcend our self made prejudices and boundaries

The person who has integrated with his or her shadow no matter the era always seems to become a beacon of light for humanity helping answer life’s most difficult questions and confronting the monsters that many of us who are too afraid to confront our own shadows.

The universal image is the Hero and the end result of this Great Work no matter the race or culture is that immortal person whom we have all come to love and adore.

In this Age-old saga, we will forever see the visions of the Great Shadow of the Swiss Gnostic Hero – Carl Jung forever bringing light to those who fear their own darkness.

I will leave you with what I believe Jung’s final prophetic solution to conquer the demons of our modern era;

“I have already suggested that the only salvation lies in the piecemeal work of educating the individual. That is not as hopeless as it may appear. The power of the demons is immense, and the most modern media of mass suggestion – radio, film, etc. — are at their service.

But Christianity, too, was able to hold its own against an overwhelming adversary not by propaganda and mass conversions — that came later and was of little value — but by persuasion from man to man.

And that is the way we also must go if we wish to conquer the demons.”

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