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Maine Massacre Used To Hide And Cover Up Biden Family Crimes
Renewed Calls From Left To Ban AR-15 Just As The Globalists Are Rushing Head First Into Full-Scale Global Tyranny And World War 3 - Maine Massacre Used To Hide Biden Family Crimes
- The Globalists Are Setting Americans Up For The Kill
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
October 26, 2023

Sure enough, just as pointed out last night by several ANP readers, it didn't take long for the calls from the left to outlaw and ban the AR-15 following the devastating mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine that led to the deaths of at least 22 with more than 60 injuries.

With this shooting having all of the earmarks of an MKUltra, mind-controlled event, with the shooter, Robert Card, a US Army Reservist and firearms instructor who was recently hospitalized after 'hearing voices' and threatening to blow up a US Army Training facility, take note that this is all happening as joe biden and the globalists rush head first into World War 3.

Also happening at a time when the Middle East is on fire and ready to explode, take note that this attack happened at a time when President Donald Trump recently warned the United States is more vulnerable from terror attacks from the inside of the USA than ever before, though the reason for that warning according to Trump is America's wide open southern border, not someone who was supposed to be serving his country.

And with joe biden, of course, wasting no time at all calling for 'gun control,' as mentioned previously, this latest mass shooting definitely appears to have been set up by 'the powers that be' as they wage another attempt to outlaw the AR-15 and other 'assault weapons' with the gunman still on the loose and the state of Maine on lockdown. Briefly, from this Daily Mail story.:

The person of interest in the Maine mass shooting that left at least 22 people dead has been identified as a trained firearms instructor who spent two weeks in a mental health facility over the summer.

Robert Card, 40, is the subject of a police manhunt in connection to the massacre in the city of Lewiston last night.

Card is from Bowdoin, Maine - a town with a population just over 3,000 - and is believed to be an Army Reservist stationed out of Saco.

Card grappled with mental health issues, recently reporting 'hearing voices' and threatening to shoot up the military training base.

Over the summer, he was committed to a mental health facility for two weeks.

A criminal background check retrieved by local media suggested that in 2007, he was charged with a misdemeanor offence for driving under the influence, which he was found guilty of.

Yet as two of the top-voted comments on that Daily Mail story pointed out, millions of guns are in criminal hands and not a single workable proposal to seize them, just plans to disarm the innocent civilians that need them to protect themselves against the criminals. How do you propose to disarm the armed criminals? and If the AR-15 is banned, the disturbed will use another model - what's the point?

And sure enough, the 'legacy media' immediately attempted to tie Robert Card to President Donald Trump and Conservatives.

As if they're attempting to set up their future moves, while demonizing President Trump and Conservatives in the process, check out the following lines from the same Daily Mail story we quoted above.:

His X account, now suspended, revealed that he followed and liked posts by several prominent conservative pundits, including Donald Trump Jr., Tucker Carlson and Dinesh D'Souza.

In March, he liked a post by Donald Trump Jr. that read, 'Given the incredible rise of trans/non-binary mass shooters in the last few years… by far the largest group committing as a percentage of population… maybe, rather than talking about guns we should be talking about lunatics pushing their gender affirming bullsh** on our kids?'

He also liked a post by Dinesh D'Souza that read: 'Ban assault weapons? Well, cars kill more people than guns do. But we blame the drivers. We don't ban large or fast cars. We understand that cars, like guns, don't act by themselves. The blame lies with the people who operate these mechanical devices. Common sense 101.'

Yet as we've reported previously on ANP, the globalists love carrying out psychological warfare upon Americans, and this latest mass shooting in the US has immediately been 'weaponized' in an attempt to get politicians to go along with their sinister plans. From another Daily Mail story titled "Latest mass shooting horror in Lewiston Maine that leaves at least 22 dead brings renewed calls to ban America's favorite gun the AR-15" within which they warn "Tuesday's mass shooting at a bowling alley and bar in Maine is leading to liberal activists calling for some kind of ban on assault rifles."

There are renewed calls for AR-15 rifles to be banned in the US as the weapon is was used by the gunman in Lewiston, Maine, who killed at least 22 people and injured dozens more on Tuesday night.

The weapons have been used in massacres that have horrified the nation, including one that left 10 people dead at a grocery store in Buffalo and another where 19 children and two teachers were shot to death in Uvalde, Texas.

The gun first came to national prominence when it was thought to have been used by deranged gunman Adam Lanza when he massacred 20 children and six teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Connecticut in 2012.

The weapon used by Lanza, was an 'AR-15-style rifle' which was made by Remington known as a Bushmaster.

Since then, activists have used images of the weapon to symbolize the need for gun control, arguing that the assault rifle a weapon of war and that there is no need for members of the public to own them.

Gun violence prevention activist Shannon Watts epitomized the reaction from activists tweeting repeatedly on Tuesday night: 'It's harder to buy Sudafed than an AR-15 in Maine.'

So since the US Army and law enforcement knew about Robert Card's mental health issues, why was he even allowed to purchase and own guns, as well as being a firearms instructor for the US Military? As numerous ANP readers had pointed out in previous comment sections, something here stinks to high heaven. And it's NOT the 2nd Amendment.

With America under joe biden and the globalists quickly moving towards a tyranny, we've warned numerous times previously on ANP about false flag events 'weaponized' to complete the globalists objectives and as this State of the Nation story points out, this is looking more and more like a 'staged event' with this happening at the same time as Mike Johnson was elected Speaker of the House. From that story.:

Oh really, the very day conservative Freedom Caucus member Mike Johnson is elected Speaker of the House, the homicidal Deep State gun control freaks stage a mass shooting in the independent-voting state of Maine where gun ownership is very common throughout the rural areas.

Now that a seemingly authentic conservative hard-liner and serious gun rights advocate is Speaker, the New World Order globalist cabal just had to send him this ugly message during his first full day on the job!

“Mike Johnson entered Congress in 2017 and in 2020 helped lead the effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. Father of four likes taking his family to the gun range, go hunting and is a football fanatic who supports Louisiana State University…..”


You know that, whenever the NWO perps pull off these highly dramatic and totally captivating mass shootings, there’s something very BIG going on that the cabal needs to distract the entire body politic from.

And quite interestingly, this mass shooting happened the very same day a story went viral about how the FBI halted an investigation into the 'biden crime family corruption,' despite having more than 40 confidential sources who provided them with criminal information relating to Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden.

With biden clearly putting a stop to that investigation himself, if we no longer have a POTUS who follows the rule of law, what does that mean for the rest of us? And with all of this also happening at a time when the world is blindly rushing into World War 3, can you imagine them now going for American's guns in the coming days? It appears that they're setting us up for the kill.

So as Thomas Jefferson pointed out years ago in words that still hold true, "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms, is as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government". And that warning is as true today, or even more true, than it was nearly 250 years ago.

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