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Matthew Delooze - OneBallMedia
WOW ~ don't miss this entertaining, profound and amazing article.

with a musical interlude...

"...The tune inside me triggered some very rapid powerful visions in me and empowered me. The Rain was She and She was the Rain. She’ll be coming round the bloody mountain I thought! I knew in my heart that when she does come around the mountain some folks better run, but some folks better pack their bags because they are going home. For some reason I felt elated hippy style..."

"...The Face reminded me that help from the universe can only manifest on a five sense level in this world when certain events take place that allow it to do. I was reminded that the rituals were are/ always done to manifest physical events in the future.The face told me that The Rain Bow Gate would now act as both a marker, for movement of the stars, and a link to Brazil energy lines. He added that one day a certain pattern will appear under it ‘when the stars fall’ and the Gate itself was only created through the artist, it was not created by the artist..." The face reminded me that there are many many ways in which the right apparatus can be provided and supplied. I was told never to forget this.

 I was told the apparatus and the actions that surround them may seem silly most of the time, if not all of the time, but everything connected to the events is very important and very necessary. [b]Everything!

The Face went on to tell me that the relevant area around the house and around the spot where the Caiman Head, ornamental tree and hummingbird had been placed respectively (On the Energy Line) has been ‘cleared’ and ‘cleaned’ and ‘purified’ and the area was protected from any disturbance from dark hooded figures. “It had to be so before the hummingbirds are illuminated”. “A pure space will be created for the official act of an official connection between the five sense ritual (Earth) and spirit (Universe) to take place” ‘The rituals will then eventually allow the forces, which have been sent by the universe, to help those with true hearts in this world to receive the help they need”

I was then given the same message as I was given in the previous ceremony. I repeat it. Please take it as you will. I’m only delivering it today.

 The Fire will unite with The Rain and return to Earth and make the prophecy from The Earth come true” “Then the ears of man will burn and the ashes of the deaf will be washed away by the Rain”

 I was told that this event would be easier to understand, by those that will need to understand it, after it takes place."

(Matthew Delooze.) 


*RobertMorningSky's and WesPenre's information might be of some interest in light of this...(especially post 3).


A different perspective on the alternative media and its 'groupies', again in Matthew Delooze's latest article. 
Worth a read and consideration, I think.

I wrote this in 2008.
“I get all the dirty jobs. I have the job of telling you, and the time is coming when you need to know, that you are not awake. You are still under very deep sleep hypnosis. You have simply gone through another door inside the same Matrix and that Matrix has simply created a comfort zone to make it appear you are now awake. The Serpent Cult is not daft. It knows all the tricks and it knows all the games. It is a very good deceiver and the deceptions you now actually think you know about are very trivial in comparison to the tricks and deceptions you are totally unaware of at this stage. It knows some of us will break through the basic hypnosis of religion, money and politics. Can you start to believe that the Serpent Cult is very aware of people breaking through low levels of hypnosis? You are now simply stuck in a comfort zone of conspiracy, spiritualism and so-called truth movements. This situation is not being awake, it is simply a case of being ‘stuck’ in more comfortable hypnosis. You think you are awake because you have websites and lecturers, alternative medicines, fluffy bunny false personalities on radio shows, hippy events and new age pop concerts don’t you? You think you are awake because you compare yourselves with the really dumbed down sheep on the streets ‘that still think the way you used to think’ don’t you?...I believe one of the most important things we need to do in this world, if we wish to escape it or at least change its current path to total physical and spiritual enslavement, is to actually see the world as it really is. If one movement is corrupt then all movements are corrupt.

 If there is one thing the truth and new age movement and their groupies show me, it is the fact that they are no wiser and no more awake in 2013 than they were 10 years ago. The Charismatic showbiz pied pipers are still stringing along their drones and the drones still believe they are receiving high-level information.

Sadly that is not going to change much.  Again I truly believe that if we really escape the eternal clutches of this shithole world that we will have to really see through all the methods it uses to enslave us. From where I am standing there are many many people who will never do that." (Matthew Delooze).


Matthew Delooze nails it again in his latest article, as far as I'm concerned.

In agree, the truther movement, its several guru's and its members, in effect much of the large amount of so-called alternative information that is available nowadays doesn't look at and doesn't see through all the methods of enslavement IN and OF this world, but for the most part only looks at symptoms at most.

Is it my imagination or are Matthew's writings building in potency? He takes the nail out of the tire when he explains that the vanity and greed of the truthscene operatives themselves is what is used to enslave them and their devotees. They are blinded by the lux and believe they are doing the right thing falling for that shiny penny - false light Lucifer. And certainly, "all that glitters is not gold."

"...Again Alex is right and there really is ‘a battle on for your mind’ but there has always has been a battle on for your mind for thousands of years. My friend you have been battling to regain your mind for many lifetimes, it’s just that the time is coming for the final battle. The battle for minds didn’t start with any bullshit truth movement or with a funny gun loving man dressed in a military shirt that’s too small for him either. If it is a one off battle for minds do you want a knob like Alex to win the battle for yours?..."

"tell the truth today and I will tell the truth until this world is finished for me.
It does not matter to me if you believe me or not. I only provide the message to those that can hear it simply because I am able to do so.  I assure you I would much rather be doing something else whilst having to exist in this world of liars and sex abusers.
I realised some folks had to get past 2012 to even start to see the true face of the ‘second net’, as I called it, never mind realise they are now wilfully trapped in it.
I will remind folks that the second net is mostly comprised ‘on the surface’ with businessmen and showbiz entertainers looking to make a buck out of the vulnerable awakening ‘truthers’. (How sweet of them) The surface of the ‘second net’ is there for all to see if you simply care to look, sadly vulnerable people blindly defend the faces that sold them what they wanted to hear. I can only ask mindless groupies to please remove the rose tints first if they have the balls to actually look at the surface of the second net though!
Just below the surface of the second net are the narcissistic and egotistical egos.  (The Nicey Good Hero Type Guys?) As a low level example of these types I’d say folks like David Wilcock, Len Horowitz are good examples as showbiz performers (actors) providing second net fantasy information to stupefied apes, and I’d add that razzmatazz showbiz crooners, with sick false personalities, like Jeff Rense is a good example of a Son of Belial posing as a media celebrity superstar and also posing as Good Guy Angel 
Wilcock & Rense: Narcissistic and egotistical egos.  Second Net merchants.
“Fakers & Takers personified”
These second net ‘merchants’, I mean all of them, with their cheap wares, tatty goods and flashy adverts, have very easily mind controlled and dazzled the fickle and permanently deluded punters, the human slaves, that were previously so very easily mind controlled by the first net.
I’ve literally came to the conclusion that the vast majority of ‘awakenees’ from the first net were led into the second net simply by being indoctrinated and having basic rules embedded in their psyche to be imprisoned in the second net.I realise most of you do not want to hear that. The second net has become your sanctuary, but it is an illusionary sanctuary. It is still the Matrix.

Hey believe me the second net groupies will be entertained, it won’t just be hyped conspiracy entertainment like the poofy fairy ‘Jessie Boy Ventura’ playing the role of Steven Seagal’s ‘bald as a coot’ older brother either. I’m sure the second net will hire proper intellectual actors, maybe like Super Arnie himself. Hey maybe Arnie Schwarzenegger could do ‘the Staged Alien Invasion show’, at least he was once a stage alien himself. Arnie could say Hasta La Vista You Jesse Boy to Ventura eh? I certainly say Hasta La Vista to you “Jessie Boy Ventura”. Savvy Baldy?
 [Image: jesseventura_1_full.png]
Oh Jessie! You Big Jessie You
You can’t kid me Big Boy! I bet you’d get on well with the Red Arse boys too! Hey its great playing fake but entertaining wrestling guys.
Hey there’s another coincidence too. Big Jessie also had a Rensey Boy Moustache which was located very close to his arsehole, and no I don’t mean Alex Jones, mind I’m sure that tash tickled Big Boy Alex’s buttocks a few times, especially when they met secretly on those car parks.
Again I’m here to help a few get through the second net but we can’t hang around forever can we? So again if you are serious about ‘waking up’ to mind control then its time to realise the truther movements themselves, unknowingly or knowingly, directly or indirectly, are/will be using massive amounts of mind control on its own punters.
Let’s move on and get to the point.
Mind Control in the ‘Alternative’ Media.
get lulled. DON'T BE A LEMMING. Wake up, Clean up, Clear up let's not get trapped again.

I’ll start by mentioning that the Alex Jones motto ‘Info Wars: There is a war on for your mind’ is a very accurate description of what’s going on and it always has been.
[Image: store_bannerTOP.png]
“There is a war on for your mind” (So get your wallet out)
Yes there is a battle on for minds and all human minds are very easily captured in this world. ‘There is a war on for your mind’
I admire Alex Jones’s passion and efforts I really do, but to be truthful he is merely another political showman puppet who is, like the people he claims to expose, mostly using very misleading and even low level propaganda simply to attract a large audience to exploit their minds. He is a Pied Piper, which is fine for those that are attracted to Alex’s shows and what he is saying or trying to do.
That said he is certainly no different to any other ‘propagandist’ being used as a pied piper by the Serpent. Sorry groupies he really isn’t and obviously you don’t have to believe a tosser like me anyway do you?
Again Alex is right and there really is ‘a battle on for your mind’ but there has always has been a battle on for your mind for thousands of years. My friend you have been battling to regain your mind for many lifetimes, it’s just that the time is coming for the final battle. The battle for minds didn’t start with any bullshit truth movement or with a funny gun loving man dressed in a military shirt that’s too small for him either. If it is a one off battle for minds do you want a knob like Alex to win the battle for yours?
 [Image: alex_jones3.jpg]
Propagandist Alex Jones Battles for your mind.
Alex please don’t bother on my account. I beg you.
If he’s not a propagandist in that pose above then what the hell is he, just another Big Jessie that likes a big shotgun to hand to compensate for his tiny knob?
Jesus. If Alex is battling for my mind I think I’d rather have him come second.
Alex certainly battles for minds, but it is on behalf of the Serpent and himself no one else is involved or matters.  But shusshh don’t tell him he won’t believe you anyway. Alex is one of the biggest prison warders, as far as truthers go, and I believe he is currently leading his ‘customers’ down the path of many turds and right into the clutches of the Serpent.
The same can be said for most high profile, profit inspired, truth movement and alternative media ‘outlets’ and fluffy media superstars. They really do simply battle for your mind too, but I’m afraid it’s on behalf of the Serpent, no one else.
Mainstream media battle for your mind too, so do soap operas, so do music channels and so do sports channels, so do porn merchants etc. etc. etc. And let’s face it these high profile alternative media outlets only attract those that either didn’t previously have a connection to any other movement or cause or those that have become disillusioned with a previous movement or cause.
It is a bloody second net!
In fact one of the main things most gurus, leaders or media showbiz stars actually want on their five-sense level is to simply bring folks together to sell them their truth. (Nowt wrong with that if it’s genuine I hear you say eh?)
‘Truthers’ (Those genuine nicey spiritual goodie goodie people like us) say the people are becoming more ‘awake’ and because of this awakening the collective consciousness is growing more ‘spiritual’ and will therefore eventually ‘see in’ a collective spiritual shift, which will by natural methods simply sort out the bad guys.
I personally have seen no increase in the spiritual awareness of the human race whatsoever. The collective awareness on a spiritual level has not increased one iota in my opinion. Please, if it has, then please show me where.
I state today that if there is an increase in ‘spiritual’ awareness on this planet then I’m totally blind to it. I only see more sheep being led by a smaller number of other sheep who are craftily dressed up as convincing shepherds. Yes there is an increase in a five sense awareness of unjust wars and corrupt politicians and bankers but that’s the Serpent’s doing, it has very little at all to do with any truth movement and it certainly has absolutely bugger all to do with the spiritual fakery spewed out by the new age circus. That said this rise in political awareness is only on a par, as far as numbers, go with those that have slid into woeful political apathy too.
Yes far more information is available on line, but that’s because the Serpent supplied the Internet. Yes people can communicate more too, thanks to the Serpent letting their talking monkeys (us) play with toys, such as smart phones etc.
The Technology is there for all to see but its only there to see from the perspective and the level of the intelligence and awareness looking at and playing with such technology. That fact applies no matter how many smart phones are around or how many flashy HD razzmatazz websites are about too.
Which will start to bring us to the major point in this article.
Who do you think actually supplied the technology, the awakened ones now naively believe helps us all awaken in the first place? Do you think the technology, the websites, and the communications apparatus were sent to gurus and truther leaders just to help them awaken the masses? Do you really think HD media and smart phones are there for our benefit?
It was the Serpent that has supplied us with the very technology that I believe will help us willingly enslave ourselves. I say willingly because we will have to be entertained to show true spiritual ‘acceptance’ of the technology.
The Serpent’s agenda to spiritually, and therefore physically enslave mankind, is reliant on the human race being happily entranced by and addicted to the technology that IT has allowed us to be in possession of. The Serpent knows it needs ego driven pied pipers, to attract human beings towards the digital technology and that’s because the technology now has the capability to implant subliminal messages in their mind in nano seconds.  Indeed the mind controlling ways of the ‘second net’ is to be entirely based on using such technology.
The Serpent really cannot control those awakening punters and keep them in a second net without such technology being used. I’m telling you the truth. If they could there would be no such technology available to the masses. Also the Serpent cannot control people via the second net without controlling the Pied Pipers in the second net too. It needs the Pied Pipers to genuinely ‘attract’ the people towards the HD technology itself, be it DVD, TV but more likely Internet based streaming. This is because this technology can en-trance the people and hit their subconscious very swiftly. (Smart Technology helps with creating the attractive showbiz glitz and razzmatazz effect in media too. The ‘wow’ factor is important to get peoples attention.)
My friends the second net, the truth and new age movement, is simply a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing.  Sadly I see many silly deluded groupies will eternally baa to the sheep that entertains them and they will never see the wolf or ever notice they have been led into a slaughterhouse. I realise most will never believe, that but that’s fine.
I say if it is time for truth then let us have some truth. If it is time for continuous showbiz and hypnosis then let us stay with that. Again the technology being used to en-trance the punters today and in the near future is very powerful, with very good reason, and I assure you your Pied Pipers, whomever they may be, will be vigorously used to get you into the lecture hall or get you watching HD quality DVDs and on line to HD quality Internet shows too.
The Serpent is not daft and it has been Of course these ego filled Pied Piper’s won’t be mind controlling their punters themselves, again they are simply following their ego, greed and vanity and they will ONLY blindly lead the punters to their media. (For cash mostly)
What I am saying is that the Serpent can use such technology and literally implant pre created media with their subliminal psychology and other trickery that can and will manipulate the mind. The high tech apparatus is simply a Trojan horse to the pied piper and of course vain pied pipers always grab any means of presenting themselves they can don’t they. They never look inside the horse they have been presented with.
I hope you understand me?
I’m not saying the pied pipers themselves will use the technology to flash the eyes of the truthers, I’m saying the Serpent will. My friend please take my words in when I say, “just like a person can be possessed by a spirit or Jinn then so can High Tech media be possessed with electronic trickery too”. Indeed subliminal and other electronic trickery will be added to the high tech media created by egos and celebrity truthers, especially the likes of David Wilcock and Alex Jones. Wilcock to dazzle the fluffies and Jones to dazzle the Truthers. Again DVDs and Internet media can easily be literally possessed. The physical technology is there to do such things but spirit can easily do such things anyway.
Hey I bet you were wondering why such pied pipers always receive the means to go High Tech eh? The technology itself creates the wealth to do it. The punters are actually dazzled by technology and magic scripts just to create better equipment to be dazzled some more. The whole thing is on a par with TV adverts for charities. The charities use crafty adverts on TV to dazzle its viewers and gets them to donate to the charity by using all the psychological tricks and propaganda it can. Then the same Charity ‘and its media’ uses the donations to pay for better trickery to get more donations.
The victims the charity claims to help never get help. They are simply used as propaganda. The donors are simply manipulated into giving money believing they are doing good. But they are simply in a loop of supplying the means for further manipulation of their own minds. Does That make sense to you? I’m telling you the truth. The time is upon us". (Matthew Delooze)
...snickers, this is the kind of thing that PurplePebble and many at HCF have been talking about for awhile now.

Cultivating a heart full of love and compassion like millipodium mentioned earlier, is helpful because it leaves no room for fear and anger. 

It's very empowering to not get caught in net #2. Not getting caught in Net #1 was a no brainer for many - but the slick techno-dope-subliminals flickering across our screens are wearing down the natural defenses. Seeing through Net #2 is imperative. Your very 'source-sliver' depends on it.

Since "Beds Are Burning" a political song about giving native Australian lands back to the Pintupi, who were among the very last people to come in from the desert, it fits with the theme of doing the right thing RIGHT NOW. The time is nigh, "Beds Are Burning" the home or place where you'd go for safety and comfort is burning.

The feathered serpents are ratcheting up the techno-energy-extraction-program and this is NO time to not go the full distance - get the widest perspective possible although


       (((H I D E O U S )))


Amitakh Stanford explains why it is important NOT to hand over our will/permission/COMPLICITY.

"If True Divine beings give up their precious Will to Darkness, their permanent light will eventually be extinguished and their energy will be used by Darkness to assist it in driving Its Virtual Reality.
Hence, the state of a True-Light consciousness that is being extinguished is even more pitiful than that of an artificial consciousness  (: o) that is oblivious and will not re-awaken from its state of rest until it is re-activated by Darkness! As stated before, a living body can be occupied by a True-Light consciousness, a False-Light consciousness or an artificial consciousness. However, the physical bodies housing all categories of all consciousness are made up of Matter (Evil) and are influenced by the programming embedded in them. Horrible destruction of True Divine beings has been going on since Darkness created this putrid Virtual Reality. No wonder the agents of Darkness hate anyone who tries to awaken the "slaves" of Darkness by taunting, persecuting and punishing them in all sorts of ways. These days the agents of Darkness employ cowardly ways to attack, defame, blackmail or threaten anyone who dares try to spread Truth. It gives Darkness and Its evil agents great satisfaction each time that It extinguishes a True Divine light. This is why it is so very important for one to strive to hold on to one's Will even in this hellhole of the Virtual Reality..."(Dr. Amitakh Stanford).

Interesting latest article about "The Life and Death of Human Slaves".

Also this article deserves a prominent feature, as far as I'm concerned. 
The David Icke Deception.

An interesting article about being ssseduced into trance-like sss-slum-ber by the Serpent Cult. Bounce up an inch for a video "Pinky Show: Fabulous Imperialism!: The 1893 Columbian Exposition" located in Chicago, Illinois. This was the most impressive World Fair of the day and hardly anyone (in Chicago even) knows about it...such a convenient "Chicago Fire". It's worth a few fascinating minutes...

Controller "energy-harvest gatherings" 'git-her-done' effectively for the vampires and have been the mainstay of their nefarious energetic 'and otherwise' thievery since the beginning.

Thanks to Matthew Delooze for exposing them so thoroughly. It will make these methods harder for them to pull off in the future.

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