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SandyHook, CT Slayings
Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims of this tragedy, their families, and the community.


27 slain: 20 children 7 adults (3x3x3 = 27) (3 cubed) Lots of symbolism and 3's show up...Hurricane SANDY...SANDYHOOK, Captain COOK, Captain KID... (ADAM LANZA = The CAPTAIN KIDD of SANDYHOOK) Captain Kidd buried treasure in the Long Island Sound Thimble Islands and The CT River. O.K. now I'm reaching...;index=1

Adam (Primordial man) Lanza (Lance-Knight) the gunman) who ostensibly has asp.bergers...and maybe some lifelong issues due to programming/training...lived with his mother at 36 Yogananda Way. "The Bliss of Union" way".

He used 3 weapons: Bushmaster/Glock/Sigsauer...11 days before Christmas and 7 days before December 21, 2012. These US Satanists are playing in their favorite 3's 7's & 11's...There's a humongous flag pole in the center of Newtown which is now at half mast. They're generating global energy for their upcoming 'hyped" Saturnalia events.

I live fairly close to this community and know some people there. Our friend's son who went to school with Lanza said that this kid was "off" certainly...growing up...took a black briefcase to school, didn't feel physical pain, was a scary smart-computer nerd, was a rich kid, had a tortured know, the portrait of your typical mind controlled kid.

(post 40260)

The loosh energy and garmanbozia the Satanists are skimming off the top here is sickening; and as can be expected - they're leaving their telltale footprints all over the crime scene.

Global Reach...

A commenter's opinion...

"Obama, CIA behind this 100% said...

By now, all of America has heard about the shocking school shooting in Connecticut; what most Americans have not yet realized is that this shooting is another ‘false flag’ event designed by the CIA and the SADISTIC criminals within the United States government to institute TOTAL CONTROL over the masses. Yes, this shooting is another shocking example of exactly how EVIL these people are; the mere fact that they would MASSACRE school children to achieve their goals of the disarmament of the American public is absolutely attrocious. These people MUST be stopped at all costs! It is not a coincidence that this has occurred the same day that a European Court has handed down a ruling against the CIA, labeling them as torturers and condemning extraordinary rendtion. Freedom in America and therefore the entire world will not survive as long as these EVIL henchmen are permitted to continue to implement their agenda.

Saturday, December 15, 2012 10:58:00 AM

Personally, I loath guns but the idea of completely disarmed civilians (With the "CENTRALLY" controlled military and their famous "upline") being the only ones to have access to weapons exlusively - (after knowing some of the plans they have in store for us - is unacceptable.)

12 little girls(3+3+3+3); + 6 (3+3) grown women; + (((16))) '6-years olds' SLAIN

"The actual shooting appears to have been over and done with very quickly. It began at 9.40am EST, the police received an emergency call one minute later and by the time they arrived at the school, the shooting had stopped and the alleged lone gunman lay dead with two handguns next to him. A third gun, a .233 calibre rifle, presumably the alleged lone shooter's most powerful weapon, was "found in the back of a car." [hmmmm?]

Which obviously makes no sense at all, so today the lone gunman's armory was increased to seven guns.

The average southern Connecticut police response time is two to three minutes, so we're being asked to believe that during that brief time interval an "autistic" 20-year-old fired off "at least 100 rounds" with two handguns, killing 28 people. Lt. Paul Vance of Connecticut State Police actually said that his officers "arrived instantaneously, immediately entered the school, searched it completely and found Lanza dead," meaning that whoever carried out this operation had very little time indeed.

No doubt by tomorrow the story will have evolved again. In the meantime, the media has brought gun control to the top..."

Certainly, gun control could be a side issue here, but there have been literally dozens of such shootings in the USA over the past 25 years, and yet laws controlling the availability and use of guns were never passed. On the contrary, gun purchases usually spike every time someone in the USA 'goes postal'.

If there is an agenda at work here, then it seems that it may involve creating a situation where a large percentage of US citizens are armed to the teeth, and then, and ONLY then, will the government try to take them away, sure in the knowledge that a decent number of those armed citizens will resist, with predictable consequences. [omg!]

Theorizing aside; it is profoundly disturbing for anyone (with a conscience) to have to consider those 18 little kids being cut down in this way just a couple of weeks before Christmas. A few minutes before their murderer forced his way in to their school, those 18 children were all undoubtedly in that state of anticipation that kids experience at the approach of the holidays. But now, not only will they never see their holidays, their families have been destroyed too" [The agony intensified all the more]

Elizabeth do you really believe this to be real its not. Yes they have an agenda more control.

I don't trust the media since its is peopled by their people the individuals of jewish birth they have an agenda brainwash the stupid goy or non jewish humanity.

I been reading the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion a Pro Elitist Jewish Document outline of how to enslave the non-jewish folk. Although I am aware world jewery have declared it fake after spending untold amount of money trying to suppress it. From reading it these individuals protrary themselve as not human since they are constantly refference us humans as stupid and dumb which is true and they the learned elders as smart and the creme of the crop and supperior in intelligence to exploit the goy or are human weakness to advance their agenda. Their plan is almost complete except their establishment of their world empire and the abolishing all religions and their bloody despot to rule us with terror.

I am not one to attack people because they are a jewish or this or that I get along with anybody as long as they do not attack me for no reason. Their are jews meaning people of Judea or the tribe of Judah. From what I read that their were two groups of people originally created one group was the humans and the other known as the Illumined beings who were created to be managers about aprox 400,000 years ago. The two strains came from a group from the planet Mars of which the Martians came to earth and settled near sumer and were escaping a devastating war they were involved in with a ruthless enemy since Mars was like the garden of eden in a sense. The Illumined beings being more likely the jews since like the old testaments says they are a pecuilar people their creator said. But these pecuilar people were just to hot to handle by their creator and told they can never rule with an empire until he sends them a Messiah. And according to the jewish teachings the goy would love and accept this messiah when he appears to the jews and fullfills prophecy of which the Romans sabtouged this by inserting their literay creation jesus christ as the peacefull pro roman messiah as opposed to a more militant messiah that kept appearing to lead an revolt against Rome. The Zionist have a different view in that they believe it is their god given right to rule the non-jews NOW!

They pretty much run this planet they have an uncanny alegiance to one another that can not be matched by other non-Jews and will all in unison attack anybody that attack their own. The jewish people or their own are expected to tow the line or be threaten with all kind of nasty stuff to make they life miserable. You are a jew by genetics not by religion which they are a failure at known as the diaspora when the Roman empire killed all the jews that were in defiance of Rome. Titus and his men completely destroyed Jerusalem. They have tenacity to be admired even the Roman empire were shocked about their willingness to die to the last person and thought they are demon possed beings the reason for the demonic story in the New Testament.

Henry Ford became concerned when bankers were trying to take his company away from him he immeadiatly put an investigator as to who is do this might be spent millions of dollars for an investigator to investigate and found out who is the culprit. He found out it involved a powerfull cabal international in scope the empire of a jewish cabal so powerfull no one can not seem to stop them. He publish this in the dearborn independent but when the Powefull jews in New York found out about this they demanded an apology from Henry Ford in writing or they would put the screws to him both financially and to destroy his reputation completely.

Their have been a few jews that became disgusted by judahs digust with anything non-jewish such as Benjamin H. Freedman defector who wrote about the reason for German War, US involvement when we should not of been there and Israel what its real purpose is for. I have also read about Mattityahu Peled a very popular General became disinchanted with his government lies of why continue to harrass the Palestinian people when there is no need to. His son Mido Peled latter followed in his fathers footsteps who was also in the IDF or IOF as a Red Beruit and wrote a book called "The General Son" is now reaching out to war torn and battered Palestinian people. So not all jews are bad just the one that have an agenda and think we are beneath them the goyim which many of their rabbis are telling people it ok to kill non jews and it is a not a sin what mentallity.
World jewery is a brotherhood like no other and they have infiltrated and control most of everything with an iron fist.
Of course Ed Chiarini has some info on what he thinks about this staged event as being fake but I know how you all feel about Ed that he is a looney and has a few lose screws LOL.

Hi Sovereign,

I have a few local 'feet-on-the-ground' personal connections that are telling me that this is not staged...far from it! Is that what Ed Chiarini is saying now, that this event didn't really happen? lol H o l y C o w.

When it comes to "Jews" I'm happy using the term, Zionists who are composed of Catholics, Satanists, Atheists, Protestants, Jews and others. The overwhelming majority of Jews might call themselves Zionists but that's referring more to their claim of a homeland, Israel. When the term Jews is used as a stand in for the word Zionist it just fuels base anti-semitism and doesn't help define who the real enemy is.

lol, you know my opinion of Ed Chiarini and it's even lower now. This event was pulled off for a few for demons in order to maintain, creating the 'sucker-punched' emotional climate for future events and setting the stage for US civil war.



Here is a video of the actor that plays one of the father of the his slain kid which is another actor.
Watch him work himself up into his character and don't tell me that this is a normal emotional behavior like people would have some kind of idiotic emotions of going from happy to sad or grief stricken in the time of their grief over the death of a loved one.

This is nothing but a Drill or Simulation with all the emergency services arriving at the scene at the same time to practice as if it was a real emergency but is not and in theory to help these agencies work out the flaws in their emergency services and help them become more efficient in dealing with emergencies of the worst kind. The media and the actors playing government officials have presented as real and that kids and adults did get killed. If you ever witnessed one of these drills you thought it to be real and would have been confused.

The 911 event was nothing but a Drill and they even admited that they were conducting this Drill which was so close to the Real 911 event. But there was no real 911 event they used the Drill as the real event and confuse people blew up the buildings to make it real. They were so sloppy at it too many people spotted the flaws like people spot anomalies in Movies such as being called Bloopers.

Here is another video.

It funny when people see a movie and people being killed are being killed in it in mass the question is it real did those people in the movie die most people get all teary eyed sometimes and can't tell the real from the make believe of hollywood.
People in the know ought to know that the movies that play on their Boob tube have not stoped playing just think of the media rendition of the news as a new movie for you to watch but this time you think it is real and in real time but in truth its is a big fat lie. But you believe everything you see on your Boob Tube is real news and in real time and that they are telling you the absolute truth if you believe that you are a Fool.

You are going to see more of this and it will be more and more aggressive until they get what they want from you that is more and more control of what you should think to manipulate your reality in getting you accept their agenda with little resistance or no protest as the only solution to what will be happening in the World in the not to distant future.

This non-event has triggered a rash of news reporting in my state on violence and about guns because of this non-event as if to trigger people.

Bomb threats at schools and lock downs and scaried parents trying to pickup their kids. A Kid threatening violence at school from a posting on Face Book or Spy Book as it should be called. Gun Violence and sending out K-9 units to locate these bombs. This is what I have been noticing the news media in my state heavy reporting of such events.

Three Gunmen: at least the two highly trained sharpshooters who fled past the apprehended right away and spread-eagled face down at the firehouse...the other - chased down by the hounds in the woods.

Adam Lanza (the fall guy most likely) was found dead in the school. The father of Lanza, (similar to the Patsy for the Aurora massacre...James Holt - who was found drugged oops I mean "sleeping" in the car) was set to testify at the libor scandal. It is dubious whether or not that will happen now that his ex-wife was murdered and his son is the major suspect for one of the most heinous crimes of many centuries. How 'convenient' for the powers that be.

Sovereign. These real-life innocent people were assassinated. They were not actors...most were little 6-year olds. This tragedy is easy to corroborate. Ed Chiarini's tired one-trick-pony routine seems to be operating on denial and revision of history.

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