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SandyHook, CT Slayings
...not to get lost in the shuffle by any means...GUN CONFISCATION and the 2nd amendment...Khris has a good perspective on this topic:


Here's a new blogger who's done an excellent job - it's worth perusing...

They're messing with Dutch again...He (was told after exposing the phony memorial pages set-up days before the sacrifice) that NOW the video date-stamps don't "actually" mean anything in a court of law because they can be faked. heheheheh "HiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo" they say...does that mean that anyone who's been convicted of a crime with evidence from video date-stamps can throw that out? It reminds me of when DNA evidence hit the the courtrooms it was supposed to be the gold standard until it wasn't...but...really, how convenient! Oh yea...and carbon dating! Now, even the isotope deterioration rates are changing so rapidly that we can't even use carbon dating anymore. IS ANYTHING SOLID in the (3D holograph any more?)

1) Dutchsince vids on vimeo-dating of memorial pages has been pulled from YouTube 2) My supportive post of Dutch was deleted from GLPs within 5 minutes. 3) He's getting smeared, trolled and deleted left and right on this SandyHook, I'd say...listen to him if you ever get a chance to see the vids that the agencies are pulling again.

I posted something in defense of Dutchsince at GodLikeProductions on a thread where all the alphabet agency trolls were out in full force bashing him and my post was deleted within 5 minutes, lol! Not to go off on a tangent but it's well established that GLP is a psy-ops. And just because he appeared on Kerry Cassidy's show doesn't automatically make him an agency insider. Here are some solid videos from the Idaho Picker at 'before its news'...originally put up by Soverein.

Dutchsince (Sandy Hook)vids removed "because of copyright infringement?" at GLP.

Here's the Dutchsinse 'Twitter and Vimeo timestamps video'. The importance of his video is the exposure that in fact "OFFICIAL" timestamps don't mean a d*mn thing because they can be changed at any time. HaHaHa! Souinds like a GOOD THING FOR a few inmates who were convicted based on vimeo/tweet timestamp info! You just can't make this sh*t up...That's another reason (tptb) (who did such a sloppy job) on this are giving Dutch heat and deleted his WordPress Blog. He's effective at exposing (((THIS))) for instance. I did not know this before he pointed it out...DID YOU?!

This is funny but not surprising since Jesse Ventura has been acting like a shill for awhile.

...and now this. It should be obvious by now that Adam (primordial man) Lanza (Lance of Knight)...(another one of those Satanic "code" names) was a programmed dupe. *It's especially hard to pull off a job like this for RA, High Freemasons and the Illuminati when you're dead, I'd think.

Hiram Lodge: cheeky buggers - damage control and the best defense is a good offense:;theater


Part 2 of 2 Sandy Hook and the Feathered Serpents of Orion by El Nine. Excellent - very unique research and connections.

(01-22-2013, 09:36 PM)Elizabeth Wrote: ...not to get lost in the shuffle by any means...GUN CONFISCATION and the 2nd amendment...Khris has a good perspective on this topic:


I know this is bleak but to review tptb's openly stated agenda for this timeperiod:

Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent of (((WAR))) has been fed and burped AKA strengthened, summoned and now more able to influence in this 3D dimension due to the ASTRAL succor gained through ritual of the Sandy Hook and Chinese school children stabbings the same day - the ritual religious child sacrifices. Over a month later we're seeing...

In order to gain acceptance into West Point candidates must state that they are willing to fire upon US citizens. US citizens now have foreign troops - Chinese, Russian (who've been playing war games in Canada over the summer to warm up and not to mention the ones stationed in Mexico ready to swoop in top to bottom) AND our own USA 'corn-fed' cadets who will be firing upon us.

Then there's this:

"All countries except America will be sent against Israel for oil. The use of neutron bombs allows destruction of people while leaving all buildings, natural resources, and croplands intact. When the war is over, the world is to be ruled from Jerusalem. (This is why so many FEMA coffins are needed.)

In addition:

90% of the population of the US supposedly is to die in the 1st half hour of WWIII.
3,000 missiles are to hit the US within the first hour.
Most industrial cities are to be destroyed.
Russian missiles placed in major US Lakes and Rivers (up to ten Nuclear Warheads/Missile); put there with American Government knowledge and approval.
To date, approximately 90% of the Conspiracy plan has been fulfilled on schedule" [tptb are moving quickly because they have a boss from HELL to appease].

Here are some of the currently empty ghost cities that were designed to house the remaining poor slaves of the TOTALITARIAN NEW WORLD ORDER. They were built in remote areas so as to be insulated from the helter skelter.

Sandy Hook was a catalyst for WWIII...after WWIII China plans to settle in the USA too. There are benevolent ET/EDs who have been interfering on mankind's behalf. John Kettler's blog gives fascinating accounts of these incidents. We have to trust - like he does that his informants are not misinformants.

Here's one theory that makes sense but we'll have to wait and see...

"...We had continual reports, of course, of the intention of wars against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and many, many other nations and communities, etc., and the murderous sanctions for those who would not comply with the wishes of the Evil Masters of the Planet.

But, until the first article above, we have never had such a clear expression of what lies ahead between different classes of Archons.

If you need reminding that Archons are bellicose, just revise this (incomplete) list of wars in which the USA involved itself and ask of yourself: Can warmongers really be children of God?:

Now with our knowledge of false flag operations to initiate wars and bring supposed peace by inducing Terror and Retaliation, we know how the Archons live and cause others, even their own, to die, for they feed on the detritus of the dead!

As I have said many times, the evil rulers are programmed to self-destruct in this Endtime Period, bringing the planet to its long-expected demise, and this article tells us so explicitly.

Some of you may recall that in the 1990s I wrote repeatedly, and said repeated on the Jeff Rense Show, that a stage was being set for the Archons to fight each other, but this time to their true death.

Those of you with access to Jeff's Archives should listen to those shows.

In them, I said the Reptilian Masters who had governed the USA for a long, long time were about to shift to China for a number of reasons and, by doing so, they would allow another group of reptiles, called the Vulturite Reptilians to take the reins of the abandoned USA.

Remember that all Reptilians are Evil. There are other groups of reptilians overshadowing the cardboard boxes on the planet, but these I mentioned above are the predominant two groups.

These two groups of Reptilians, controlling China and the USA respectively, are bitter natural enemies, more so than more sedate reptiles, and they are forever fighting. However, even though the Vulturite Reptilians are far more ruthless and deceitful, they have NEVER won a war against the group that abandoned the USA and went to China.

I said this in the shows and former articles, and I also said that China would become the dominant power on the planet in a few short decades..." (Dr. Chiappolone).


If we take the time to read this thorough, long article we can find many plausible answers...

The Big Picture.

"Elimination of the 2nd Amendment is necessary in advance of Martial Law and Citizen gun ownership is the only thing standing in the way; Police States and an armed citizenry do not mix well. Yale Divinity School grad Mao Tse Tung said “The Communist Party must control all guns, that way no guns can be used to command the party” Communist dictator Mikhail Gorbachev said “Socialism will come to America not at the end of s Sword but through the Ballot Box draped in the American Flag” He was right and it did. A provision protecting citizens from Indefinite Detainment without trial eliminated “Habeaus Corpus” and nobody seems to care; NDAA 2012 was shocking; NDAA 2013 converts the US into a Fascist Dictatorship and nobody seems to care. Calling for the Assault Weapons ban the loudest is Sen Chuck Schumer a member of the Senate Banking Committee not investigating the largest financial scandal in world history “LIBOR”. Schumer is an Israeli Citizen and US Traitor on par with Israeli Spy Rahm Emanuel.

Sandy Hook is a Distraction

LIBOR Testimony? Not hearing much about the largest financial swindle in history are we? Likewise, there will be no testimony of key Benghazi Witnesses. Gen David Petraeus, Gen Carter Ham, Adm Charles Gaouette, Hillary Clinton, all unavailable to testify on the largest weapons running scandal “10 times bigger than Watergate and Iran-Contra combined”? Seriously? UT Rep Jason Chafetz even claims the State Department is hiding witnesses. Jason, represent the people and subpoena the traitors. 330 Mason, SMOM, Skull & Bones John Kerry (Kohen) chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and happens to be a partner in “Marvelous Investments” with Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton, who just happens to have a 2 week long concussion requiring no hospitalization? Testimony in 2013? Well, she appears to have a blood clot now. Looks like a tough Senate confirmation for the new Sec of State NOT!...

So what is the Big Picture?
The answer (in my opinion) has to do with completing the Tower of Babel. Slime aka Bitumen is used as mortar in the Tower of Babel “Gate of El”; acquired from “Slime Pits” in the Salt Valley (Salt Lake City, a similar Salt Valley “Slime Pit”). Bitumen will soon be pumped in the Keystone XL pipeline over America’s largest underground “Ogallala Aquifer”; they have had 11 leaks in 1 year, the biggest being the permanent pollution of a dozen miles of the Kalamazoo River in MI.

~AMERICA will become the Scapegoat for “Babylon” (Rev 18) and the land will be “divided for gain” (Dan 11:39) This will complete the Tower of Babel. ~

Far fetched? Read the Mormon “Blood in the Streets” Prophecy (It’s a PLAN, not prophecy). Planned how far in advance" (from link above)?

Sandy Hook: Operation villification of the American Aware make truthers pariahs to the majority of citizens. Sandy Hook with its obvious hokey false flag clues was created TAUNT or stir up confrontation so that the government by way of the militarized police force and UN forces can CRACK down on anyone who stands up and doesn't tow the party line. They expect people to check out the alternative info. out there by going to sites like agency operative's Ed Chiarinni's "well Aware." Ed says, that everyone involved was an actor so regular folk will be discusted and wash their hands of the whole thing.

Brilliant 55 minute video by Max Igan. A coup has happened in the US Government - a war has been declared on the American people by its own government...the last step being the disarmament of the people. (coup: government being taken over from within by Global Zionist Corporate Global Human trafficking interests) Igan says that America has been put into "check" and it's up to the American people to keep it from becoming "check mate" through level-headed articulation of the obvious facts to the population. The 'aware-commmunity' has this obligation to step it up and point out the obvious deceptions NOW because we are already at war but there still might be time...

According to Igan, a certain high-tech Nazi-esque prison awaits the US and then the rest of the globe should we fail to educate enough people who then need to act upon the information.

1) The reason Sandy Hook was SO BLATANTLY "sloppy" or contrived was because (tptb) knew and wanted the truthers to quickly find the false flag clues - get agitated - start bugging the obvious dupes or parents of dead children - to therefore alienate the normal mainstream popoulation (from the aware truthers who can - through their info. point out the obvious and possibly a way to save the country)-who believes what they hear from MSM. 90% of the population would brand the truthers who are giving Gene Rose's story a challenge for instance as harrassment of a kind hearted man. Adam Lanza and his mother were doomsday preppers and that's another strike against the truthers image.

Just pointing out the obvious should help the population awake. Don't fall into the raps laid out for us. Using existing legal channels

In the following video this guy and his wife are using webcam facial recognition software normally used to lock your pc down if a stranger is in your chair messing with your PC and that the Webcam takes a photo of the stranger and compares it to the orginal owner saved photo of himself would lock the PC down. The pros it is very accurate for the free version but the cons someone can take or find of photo of the orginal owner and put it up to the webcam and gain access to your PC. But if it fails to recognize you have the option of password unlocking you PC. The software is called BananaScreen the Pro version is a lot more accurate.

So using this webcam facial recognition software of which the guys wife discovered for herself using the webcam facial recognition software some very interesting things about the actors that played a role in the Sandy Hook Shooting Movie which was a drill set up because a drill looks so real so this was good enough for them to fool us or more so the general ignorant populace into believeing that it really did happen but it did not happen it is all a lie. Same as someone who is shot in movie in a violent way did not die since it is all make believe. They are convinced after playing around with the free version of the webcam facial recognition software that they know that most of these actors that were involved in the Sandy Hook Lie get around to playing other characters in other shows and movies. They are basically holding their webcam at their computer screen in making comparisons by first locking on to photo with their webcam they want to use as a photo comparison to some other photo onces stored then load up a 2nd phtoto and see if there is a green bar thingy showing up in the software in comparing the 2nd photo and then the next and so forth. Many people have asked Ed Chiarinni why don't you use some kind of Professional Facial Recognition software in your work. Ed basically said the software is not fool proof and can be easily confused or fooled since they can use disguises so he instead opts to using his own eyes and aided by his own tools of biometrics as well as by his own understanding about the human form to determine if this person is one in the same person. The software is accurate only if the face profile is not tilted to far to one side then it has a problem locking unto the face in order to do a comparison. May not work 100 percent of the time but this is not stoping DHS from going hog wild installing Retina scanners, Facial Scanners, finger print scaners , Ear scanners and other types of Scanners that will be able to map out 11 body part features of your body to tag you and track you. They are becoming very paranoid of being exposed by us normal humanity so we need to be watched very closely to see what we are up to. They probably already have implemented DARPAS all seeing eye in the sky with their 1.8 giga pixel resolution cameras mounted on drones at a height of 15,000 ft above you to track and tag you.

DARPA recently unveiled their secret eye in the sky for public consumption to let them know what they have in store for them in their upcoming plans of total surveilance of the public.

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