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VA Tech
Hi Everyone,

My brother is a big time born-again christian... my mother forwarded me a text he sent her in response to the shootings today at VA Tech...

"According to a Rabbi-if we see a nuclear explosion over damascus Syria in 2010, the Messiah will be returning by 2017"

Thats a pretty strange response so I'm sharing it here.
It made me think that maybe somehow these shootings are a second coming trigger... or something along those lines.

I have a bad feeling that the strange weather patterns and the shootings are building up to something. But maybe I'm reading too much gloom and doom reports.

thoughts on today?



It sounds like another tactic to push for mass gun control. Here’s what Prison Planet had to say about it.

Virginia School Shooting: Another Government Black-Op?[/b][/b]
Early details suggest Columbine-style set-up to justify mass gun control, VA Tech has "blood on their hands," banned concealed carry, disarming victims.

Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, April 16, 2007

Early details about the horrific school shooting at Virginia Tech strongly indicate that these events represent a Columbine-style black-op that will be exploited in the coming days to push for mass gun control and further turning our schools into prisons.

Eyewitness Matt Kazee told the Alex Jones Show that it was a full two to three hours after the shootings began that loudspeakers installed around the campus were used to warn students to stay indoors and that a shooter was on the loose.

Quite how the killer was afforded so much time before any action was taken to stop him is baffling, especially considering the fact that the campus, according to Kazee, was crawling with police before the event happened due to numerous bomb threats that had been phoned in last week.

The shootings came three days after a bomb threat Friday forced the cancellation of classes in three buildings, WDBJ in Roanoke reported. Also, the 100,000-square-foot Torgersen Hall was evacuated April 2 after police received a written bomb threat, The Roanoke Times reported.

CNN quoted a student who was outraged at the delay in identifying and stopping the killer.

"What happened today this was ridiculous. And I don't know what happened or what was going through this guy's mind," student Jason Piatt told CNN. "But I'm pretty outraged and I'll say on the record I'm pretty outraged that someone died in a shooting in a dorm at 7 o'clock in the morning and the first e-mail about it — no mention of locking down campus, no mention of canceling classes — they just mention that they're investigating a shooting two hours later at 9:22."

He added: "That's pretty ridiculous and meanwhile, while they're sending out that e-mail, 22 more people got killed."

The details that are beginning to emerge fill the criteria that this could very well be another government black-op that will be used as justification for more gun control and turing our schools into prisons, festooned with armed guards, surveillance cameras and biometric scanning to gain entry.

Ironic therefore it is that Virginia is a concealed carry state and yet Virginia Tech campus recently enforced a policy prohibiting "unauthorized possession, storage or control" of firearms on campus. According to gun rights activists such as Aaron Zelman of Jews For The Preservation of Firearms, VA Tech has "blood on its hands" for disarming the victims who could potentially have defended themselves against the killer.

Initial reports suggested there were two shooters, but the story quickly changed to just one shooter who later killed himself (as happens in almost all these cases) or was shot by police.

Eyewitness accounts describe police hiding behind trees and failing to pursue the killer, while ordering the school to be placed on lockdown so nobody could escape the carnage as the killer picked off his targets with seemingly little interruption from the police.

At the moment, the official death toll is 30, but could rise, making this the deadliest school shooting in history.

If these figures are accurate, the casualty figures surpass those of the school shooting at Columbine in 1999 when Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 12 students and a teacher before killing themselves.

It is well documented that disturbing questions remain over the incident at Columbine. It is clear that authorities had prior knowledge of what was going to happen. Observers were in the area hours before the shooting took place. Articles from the Associated Press stated that ballistics from Columbine show that six of the thirteen victims were possibly shot and killed by Jefferson County SWAT.

In addition, it was never properly explained how Klebold and Harris were able to transport over 100 bombs into the school before the shootings began.

In the aftermath of Columbine there were calls for vastly increased gun control laws, more than 15 state legislatures passed significant gun control bills or dropped NRA-supported bills.

In 1996 a similar incident occurred in Dunblane in Scotland where sixteen children and one adult were killed. The resulting inquiry recommended tighter control of handgun ownership, public feeling had turned against private gun ownership, allowing a much more restrictive ban on handguns to pass.

It then emerged that the killer Thomas Hamilton was heavily involved in Freemasonry, as well as running clubs for young boys, a fact which Labour and Tory ministers acknowledged in correspondence to each other. A a 100-year public secrecy order was placed on the documents, along with the majority of other information relating to the case including the police report. There have been allegations that the lengthy closure order was placed on the report after it linked Hamilton to figures in the Scottish establishment, including two senior politicians and a lawyer.

In both the Dunblane and Columbine cases the shooters turned the guns on themselves after the killing spree was over.

We will have more on this story as it unfolds. 

It is a sad day for all, and I agree Richard that the purpose does point to some form of gun control. This is mind control, and I am certain as the reports come out about this tragedy it will make the shooter/shooters look crazy with some type of motive to form an explanation. The public will accept it and that is enough to change some laws, it could be so they can create new laws in the school system, it will be revealed as the days go by.

I was watching a report on this and a student was explaining what had happened and he said it was ‘orderly chaos’, unusual description.

Port Arthur ‘disarmed Australia’ but those who were disarmed are the people who carry a license, hold respect for their guns and are accurate shooters, which left the black market open. At the end of the day, guns are now owned by those who can not shoot but will do it for minor reasons.

There are so many guns in America, how would they go about controlling this?  

There was an informal telephone poll ,as expected, on the evening of the VT shootings done by one of the local news stations. 82%  were against stricter gun laws and 18% were for. Americans will never voluntarily give up the right to bear arms and proudly I'm one of them.

It’s easy to see this was a government black-op job. The gunman was programmed by the government. He was described as having "extraordinary" ability with a weapon. Descriptions of his calm demeanor, the extreme accuracy of his shooting, point to either military training, or extensive use of video games to perfect his technique. Other evidence, including the fact that Seung-Hui was carrying a backpack, in which chains were discovered, indicate that he had prepared for this event in detail. Reports from classrooms that he "shot the professor in the head;" the fact that he had two different weapons, and excessive ammunition, along with reports that he was dressed in some sort of uniform; and a report from the "German" classroom is that he discharged 30 or so rounds within a minute and a half, with about a 50% kill rate, again, something that required solid training.

MN, there must be different polls being taken. I came across this one and they said people were asked whether they favored or opposed "stricter gun laws. 61 percent said they favored tighter restrictions while 37 percent opposed more stringent regulations.

Hi Richard,
Yes,the poll I mentioned was a local one. I saw another done by ABC news ,online, and it was 70% against more gun control,20 something for and etc.
What I feel will happen eventually is an attempt to very publicly demonize those who want to maintain their individual right to bear arms.This occured in Appalachia beginning in the '40's and '50's when big corporations wanted the land from a people who aren't so easily swayed.Remember the television documentaries on that ? It was made to seem like the federal government was there to!!

His accuracy gives it away, even standard military training would not teach him such precision, but my question is “where was he for 2 ½ hours? Was it the same person, if it was what was he doing from 7.15 till 9.45?

They claim that this man had a wicked mind and are beginning to talk about some bizarre writings he done, this will make the public believe that he actually did this, and when a crazy person has a gun, they do not proceed with accuracy their aim is all over the place.  There is a kill-injury ratio with mass shootings, (not sure exactly how it is calculated) but his kill ratio far outweighs the injury, and this requires incredible focus.

There are so many signs that give this away to a trained assassin, the numbers killed, the time, the date and so much more, but the public will never see it because of the loss of innocent lives, this overwhelming sadness automatically looks for blame, and that is just the way it is.

Do The American citizens believe that the gun laws should be changed? If so, how?

Hi Karen,

 The polls all indicate the American people do not want stronger gun control laws.As I understand it gun control laws can vary ,slightly ,from state to state. My brother ,who is a sharpshooter as was my father,told me that it isn't difficult to learn to shoot a Glock 9 which is supposedly the semi-automatic that this fellow used.This is one reason they are popular. That being said I do believe that Hui was a programmed assassin.


Astrojewels Wrote:Was it the same person, if it was what was he doing from 7.15 till 9.45?
He was mailing a package to NBC and filming himself?  Not sure... the only thing I feel confident enough to say right now is this was one programmed slave.

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