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Vernon Coleman: The COVID Jabs
A Message to the Jabbed
3rd March 2023

It is March 2023 and this is video 324. Congratulations if you’ve watched all of them though there are no prizes I’m afraid. Maybe we’ll have badges if I ever get to 500.

The bad news, I’m afraid, is that anyone who allowed themselves to be jabbed with the fake, pseudo vaccine which was fraudulently promoted to prevent people catching or spreading covid-19 – the rebranded flu – then I’m afraid the evidence strongly suggests that they’re more vulnerable than those who aren’t jabbed. In many respects we must now regard the vaxxed as members of a different species. We have no idea what the long-term consequences will be but it is absurd not to think that there will be long-term consequences. Official figures show the triple jabbed made up 92% of covid deaths. And the mortality rate in 2022 was lowest among those who rejected the lethal jabs.

Their circulatory system, including their heart may be adversely affected. They may be more likely to develop infections. They may be more likely to develop cancer or, if they’ve had it, to develop metastases, and their brain may be affected.

You may not have known all that because the truth has been suppressed by the medical establishment, which was bought, lock stock and syringe by the pharmaceutical industry, and by the mainstream media, which was bought by your government. When advertising dried up during the lockdowns, governments spent huge amounts of taxpayers’ money placing propaganda ads in the media and kept newspapers and TV stations alive.

Later in this video I’ll give some simple, practical advice for those who were tricked into accepting one or more covid-19 jabs.

Now that the truth is out that the covid-19 jab doesn’t stop transmission of the rebranded flu but can cause a wide range of serious and deadly health problems, the jabbed are justifiably angry. They are angry that they were tricked and threatened into accepting a dangerous and experimental jab with unknown long-term consequences and they are angry that their health has been compromised. They were repeatedly told by health experts in the mainstream media that the jab was safe and effective. But then when countless millions had rolled up their sleeves they were told, whoops, fooled you, the jab doesn’t actually really stop you getting covid-19 or spreading it if you do get it.

More and more people are beginning to realise that they were lied to. Many are directing their anger at the medical profession for failing to provide a proper warning. I agree with them that more doctors should have found the courage to speak out but although there were a number of us offering warnings we were suppressed and banned by the mainstream media. I spoke out about the dangers of the jab long before the jabbing began but the mainstream media banned me and scoffed at me. Wikipedia and Google spread lies. They did it so that no one would listen. I went from a best-selling author with books published in 26 languages and a TV presenter and national newspaper columnist to being a blogger, self-publisher and discredited conspiracy theorist. References to my novels were even removed from internet pages – out of spite I assume – and lies appeared everywhere.

The people the jabbed SHOULD blame fall into two groups: the doctors who gave the jab without doing a little research and without telling their patients the truth, and the mainstream media who suppressed the truth and published lies: in particular the four most evil propaganda units of modern times Google, YouTube, Wikipedia and the BBC. The staff of these wretched, discredited organisations are all mass murderers for their part in suppressing the truth and demonising the truth-tellers. I had one of the fastest growing young YouTube channels, never monetised incidentally, when after just months I was banned from putting up videos which told the truth about the covid-19 fraud. Eventually, even though I wasn’t putting up videos they didn’t like, they took down the channel anyway and banned me from ever having a new channel or from looking at anyone else’s channel. They did this simply to stop people hearing the truth.

In the summer of 2020, I published endless videos and articles (on Brand New Tube and my websites) warning that according to the Federal Drug Administration in the US, a long list of short-term side effects were linked to the covid-19 jab. Because the jab was experimental no one knew what the medium or long-term effects might be.

I repeatedly warned that according to the FDA, the covid-19 jab could cause stroke, heart attack, myocarditis, auto-immune disease, pregnancy problems, allergy problems, clots, convulsions and deaths. All this information was available before doctors started injecting people.

The mainstream media didn’t just ignore these side effects and deny that they existed – they also suppressed anyone trying to tell the truth. Lie after lie was told on TV and in the rest of the mainstream press.

None of this was much of a surprise because the authorities were desperate to hide the truth. For years, the mainstream media had been demonising those who opposed vaccination. The BBC announced that it would not allow anyone questioning vaccination onto any of their programmes. ‘Right or wrong, they said. They boasted that they would not allow the truth on the BBC.

Five years or more before the roll out, they started putting defibrillators up in town centres to make sudden heart attacks appear normal.

Today, sudden adult death syndrome is commonplace, and media doctors compete to find bizarre excuses for this. Doctors and journalists pretend that daily unexpected deaths are normal. The one cause they never blame – the covid jab.

Doctors are still injecting healthy people with the covid-19 jab – the most deadly pharmaceutical product in history. It doesn’t do what they said it would do but it does do what I said it would do – it kills people.

Doctors knew, before they started to give the jabs, that the pseudo vaccine would cause heart problems, strokes, blood clots and so on and so on. They knew, or should have known, because I certainly knew the dangers long before they started jabbing. They knew and yet they deliberately went ahead. It was their professional and legal responsibility to know that these jabs would cause numerous serious problems. Any doctor who didn’t know exactly what she or he was injecting into people is also guilty of a massive crime against her or his patients.

And if doctors and nurses didn’t warn the poor souls they were jabbing of the serious side effects then they were in breach of every ethical code in existence including the Hippocratic Oath which famously includes the line First do no Harm. Sadly, but not surprisingly, of course, the General Medical Council in the UK got rid of the Hippocratic Oath because they said it was too old-fashioned.

Actually, when you look at everything that has happened it is clear that they knew years ago what they were planning – when they started putting up defibrillators in public places. Now,of course, no school would dare not have a defibrillator fixed to the wall. They probably have them in junior and infant schools. They’ll need them in nursery schools – for the teachers too, of course,.

Every day they seem to dream up more reasons for people to have the jab. The latest ploy is to say that those who aren’t jabbed are more likely to get type 2 diabetes. If it’s true, do you know why that is? There are two reasons. First, the jab screw up your blood sugar and if you get jabbed you’re probably going to get type 1 diabetes which is much more deadly. And then there’s the fact that the jab has killed so many. It reminds me of some daft researcher who claimed that smokers are less likely to get Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers got terribly excited. There was talk of everyone being encouraged to smoke because it was true. They are less likely to get Alzheimer’s. The snag, which I spotted and the researchers didn’t, is that smokers are mostly dead before they reach the sort of age when Alzheimer’s usually develops.

The truth is that vaccinators were very well paid to help sustain the lie. They got their huge fees through fraud and deception.

I’d arrest anyone who ever worked for Pfizer or any of the evil, blood soaked, greedy organisations. I’ve been writing about their fraud for decades. And I’d arrest all those who promoted, endorsed, defended and gave the damned covid jabs.

Since the whole vaccine fraud was built on lies I can’t help wondering why the deal the drug companies negotiated – at the insistence of their cheerleader Bill Gates – would stand up in a court of law – in the unlikely event that you could ever find an honest court of law, of course. Everyone involved in that fraud – drug companies, regulators, advisers, doctors and journalists – should be legally liable though I realise that justice is not something of which the conspirators approve and is not, therefore, going to be available for the time being.

I promised some advice for those who were tricked or frightened into being jabbed with what I firmly believe is the most toxic pharmaceutical product ever produced. I don’t think any drug in history has caused anywhere near as many deaths or injuries.

First, you need to boost your immune system to protect yourself against infection. If you want practical information take a look at my book Superbody.

Second, you need to avoid strenuous activity which might put your heart under too much strain. Just look at the number of super-fit professional athletes who have collapsed since being jabbed. If you really think those were all just coincidences then I can’t help you – and nor can anyone else. You also need to avoid excess stress because too much stress can put a strain on your heart.

Third, get your heart tested to see what, if any, damage has been done.

Fourth, have your blood pressure checked.

Fifth, have your blood glucose levels checked.

Sixth, have your blood checked for clotting risks.

Seventh, get your kidneys checked to make sure everything is OK.

Doctors may complain about this extra work but they gave the jabs, and were well paid for doing so, and they now have a responsibility to be prepared to help.

There are, inevitably, all sorts of people out there flogging magical remedies which are supposed to protect you against problems caused by the jab. I do not yet know of anything which I would recommend.

We need to stay alert. The latest danger is that they are planning to make it a crime to tell the truth about vaccines, of all kinds, or about global warming. Telling the truth is going to be a crime – branded as terrorism and a crime against humanity.

Please watch my good friend Colin Barron’s wonderful videos, often educational and always entertaining. And please look at my websites and - where there is new material most days – and share what you find with everyone on social media. I’m banned from everywhere except my own websites and those sites and channels of kind people who carry my material. Any social media sites which you see in my name are fraudulent.

Please remember: when you see something bad happening you have to stand up for what you believe to be right. If you don’t then you might as well be dead. Sadly, most people have turned their faces to the wall and given up. There is no free speech anywhere in the world.

But you are definitely not alone. More and more people are waking up. And once awake they don’t go back to sleep.

May God be with you and remember: they want compliance, let’s give them defiance.

Distrust the government, avoid mass media and fight the lies. That’s as true now as it was when I first said it nearly three years ago. And if you want to save yourself, your family and your friends please share this and my other videos with everyone you know and many people you don’t know. I can’t share anything because I’m banned everywhere for the curious modern crime of telling the truth. But I’ll be here on and for as long as I can.

Thank you for watching an old man in a chair.

All Covid Jab Deaths are Murder or Suicide
31st March 2023

[Download video]

It’s March 2023 and this is video number 326.

Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying. That’s the title of my book on vaccination which I wrote a dozen years ago and as far as I know no one has ever complained about the accuracy of the title. They’ve probably moaned about it. But they haven’t been able to disprove it because it’s right.

And, of course, no vaccine in history, or indeed no drug in history, has been as dangerous as the covid-19 jab. No prescription product you can think of has caused as much death, pain, and misery. The people who promoted it and gave it – often forcing it on people – should be serving lifetime sentences in prison – without any chance of parole.

In America the covid jab has become part of an irresponsible and unscientific vaccination programme. Parents who allow their children to be jabbed should have their children removed from their care. Why the hell do they allow people to jab dangerous drugs into their kids without at least asking them what they are doing, why they are doing it and what evidence do they have that it might be doing more harm than good? They only invented covid-19 because they decided the flu wasn’t frightening enough – though actually the official statistics show that some years the original flu kills more people than the newly marketed, rebranded flu has killed.

And yet today the useless and toxic covid jab has become part of the routine untested vaccination programme used on small children, and the authorities are killing infants and toddlers faster than ever. Have you noticed how the bastards have been targeting individuals at the two extremes of life – the very old and the very young – expensive to look after and easy to get rid of.

The covid jab buggers up the immune system so that the body can’t respond to other infections. And it’s an mRNA jab which I believe affects the DNA and can lead to gene mutations and cancer. There’s already evidence about the cancer of course. I’ve dealt with that before.

So, despite all the evidence insane, money grabbing doctors are giving the stuff to toddlers, patients in hospitals, school kids and pilots. You can’t enter USA unless you’re stupid enough to have agreed to be given an injection that will probably kill you. I sometimes think Djokovic must be the only sane tennis player in the world. Those who have the covid jab voluntarily are committing suicide. Those who are given it involuntarily are murdered.

Now in the USA they want the covid jab to be given annually.

Paediatricians in the US are told to give five vaccines at once – using both arms and both legs. Under fives are being given a fourth covid jab. Kids under five get 42 vaccinations. It’s mass murder. What do they think causes Sudden Infant Death syndrome? No one has ever tested to see if it’s safe to give all those injections to a growing kid. Look at the sole of your shoe and you will find all the scientific evidence proving that it’s safe to give children all these drugs.

Meanwhile, sudden deaths are commoner than ever. Asthma and COPD are rising dramatically, and they’re blaming air pollution or wearing the wrong sized shoes or not eating enough broccoli.

Sports stars and entertainers are dropping dead so fast it has become fashionable. Over 130 Canadian doctors died after being jabbed.

In the US the VAERS results published officially show that there have been 34,725 cases where the patient died after a covid jab. It’ll be more than that by now. And remember only about 1% of vaccine side effects is reported. So far, in the US, 121 children under 16 have died after being jabbed. Those are figures which would make any serial killer drool with envy.

And before any stupid pro-vaxxer complains that the VAERS results are unreliable let me remind you that there is a disclaimer on the VAERS site saying that giving false information can lead to a fine and imprisonment. And if you look at the reports it’s obvious that most were written by despairing doctors.

It’s a kill shot. There can be no doubt.

But the pro-vaxxers, supported by the media, constantly refuse to debate vaccination because they know they’re wrong and would lose any debate.

The World Health Organization declared that anti-vaxxers are among the top threats to global health – a statement which should go straight into the top ten really stupid remarks made in the 21st century. I’ve experienced censorship for decades because I have consistently told the truth about vaccines and vaccination. No one has ever found factual errors in any of the many statements I’ve made.

Long before the fake pandemic and the fake vaccine were introduced in 2020, I was banned all around the world for telling the truth about vaccines.

So, for example, the following paragraph appeared in 2011 in my book Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying: Here’s the proof.

‘The power of the pro-vaccination lobby is powerful and far spread. When I wrote a short-lived column for the Oriental Morning Post in China the editors were at first reluctant to publish a column I had written criticising vaccination. Eventually, the editors printed the piece (simply because I refused to provide an alternative). After the column appeared, my book publishers in China wrote to tell me that the Chinese Government had informed them that they could no longer publish my books. My publishers in China had produced four of my books, all of which had sold very well, but they had been told by the Government that only `medical publishing houses' could in future publish books concerned with health care. Other Chinese publishers who had shown great enthusiasm for publishing my books suddenly changed their minds.’

Anyone who has looked at the evidence knows that the covid-19 jab (which doesn’t do what the Government and the medical establishment said it would do, but does do what I said it would do) is the most dangerous medical intervention ever produced. Everyone responsible for its production and promotion should, and eventually will, be arrested.

But no one will debate with me. The BBC has a rule about never allowing anyone to question vaccination – they know that the facts show that vaccination doesn’t work and is dangerous. And they’re frightened that I will make vaccine supporters look like idiots.

That tells you everything, doesn’t it?

If the pro-vaxxers thought they were right and I was wrong they’d jump at the chance to make me look like a fool.

But their constant refusal to debate in public proves that they’re wrong and we’re right.

Instead of an open, live debate politicians and journalists who are pro-vaxxers will censor me and libel me. That’s all they’ve got – censorship and abuse.

If you want to know about vaccines and vaccination read my book Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying: Here’s the proof. When the book first came out it cost £20.

Today, the paperback costs £3.99 and so does the eBook edition. It is, I believe, the most widely read book on vaccines in the world.

And here’s another thought.

I can’t prove this but I wouldn’t put anything past the bastards flogging these very expensive, very profitable jabs.

When there is another fake pandemic there is going to be another fake, pseudoscientific, fake vaccine. Another piece of mRNA junk.

So how does anyone in the world know whether the next semi-compulsory jab will mix well with the first semi-compulsory jab.

What are the odds that when the two combine the patient will drop dead in 24 hours?

I can’t say that will happen.

And the pro-vaxxers can’t say it won’t.

Thank you for listening to an old man in a chair. May God be with you. Paraphrasing the words of Rick of the excellent TruNews, I promise to give you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

Distrust the government, avoid mass media and fight the lies. Please share this with everyone you know. YouTube banned me a long time ago and I am totally banned from all social media for the curious, modern crime of telling the truth. But you can find me on – where I’ve been sharing truths since long before the evil Google and YouTube were born.

The Covid Jabs Have Created Millions of Zombies
22nd April 2023

I believe that the vaccine pushers knew that the inadequately tested and unnecessary covid jab was going to kill huge swathes of populations around the world.

I now believe that the deaths and the maimings weren’t side effects at all – they were the main effects. And in addition to the deaths and the serious health problems (heart disease for example) the jabs have caused serious brain damage and a new population of zombies. It is because of this brain damage that so many people readily accept digital currencies, the banishment of cash and other steps towards total slavery. The vaxxed are different to the rest of us: they don’t notice what is happening. In the land of the vaxxed, the cretin is king.

(The alternative explanation is that the vaccine pushers were so ignorant that they didn’t realise what would happen. And I don’t think that these arrogant, wicked people will want to be thought stupid. They would rather be recognised for what they are. The vaccine pushers took the bows, the honours and the money. When justice prevails at last, they will pay for their heinous sins. Incidentally, I find it nauseating that doctors in the UK are on strike for more money but that they and their trade union leaders encouraged the jabbing and denied that there were serious risks.)

It was back in December 2020 that I first started warning about the serious health problems which would affect the gullible folk who succumbed to the lies and misinformation shared so widely and enthusiastically by governments, the medical establishment and the mainstream media. (That video is available on this website and if the wind blows in the right direction you can probably find copies on Bitchute and BrandNewTube. If there aren’t copies there I’d be delighted if someone would put right that omission!)

On 13th December 2021 (16 months ago) I issued a specific warning about the brain damage that would be caused by the covid-19 jab. The media and the millions ignored the warning, of course.

Here is what I said back in December 2021:

It has been established that there is much that no one yet knows about the covid-19 jabs and the eagerness of the Medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency in the UK to licence a product about which information appeared to be lacking has never been adequately explained. We do know however that, as I was the first to reveal, the MHRA received a huge sum of money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – which has financial links with jab producers such as Pfizer.

As far as the effect on the brain is concerned the big question is, can the lipid nanoparticles carry the mRNA jab across the blood brain barrier?

The blood brain barrier is a semi permeable barrier of cells which prevent some substances in the blood from crossing into the protective fluid around the central nervous system.

It is vital to know if this happens because if it does then all bets are off as to what might happen to the brain.

And after all, liquid nanoparticles are already used to deliver other drugs across the blood brain barrier.

If the LNPs carry the mRNA jab into the brain then the neurons, the brain cells, might be marked as foreign by the body’s immune system. And as more booster jabs are given, the problem will get worse.

The worry is that brain cells might be targeted and killed by cytotoxic T cells.

It has now been established that mRNA has been found in all human tissues except the kidney. It has been found in heart, lung, liver, testicles – and brain. A Japanese study, for example, showed that the vaccine does end up in the brain.

Also worrying is the fact that researchers have called for studies to investigate any relationship between jabs and acute CNS demyelination.

How much damage will this do?

How long will it take before brain damage can be identified?

I don’t have the foggiest idea.

And nor does anyone else.

In a normal experiment with a new drug, doctors would be looking and checking all the possible problems before releasing the drug for widespread use.

But the covid-19 jabs are being rolled out to billions without any one having the faintest idea what will happen.

If you have been jabbed, the first certainty seems to be that the mRNA vaccine will enter your brain.

The second certainty is that the more covid jabs you have, the more dangerous this will be.

How many of your brain cells will die is something only time will tell. And children, of course, will be more vulnerable because they are more vulnerable anyway and because they are likely to live longer.

Some experts, advisors and regulators will tell you that the risks are small. But how can they know that? And what is small? They told us that the blood clotting problems were small.

In my view, having one of these jabs is the equivalent of taking a huge dose of LSD and waiting to see what happens. And hoping that you’re not going to end up like an ageing rock star who thinks that the Cuban Missile Crisis is the biggest threat currently facing mankind.

And, remember, the covid-19 jabs don’t stop you getting covid-19 and they don’t stop you passing it on. According to the NHS’s own guidelines in the UK you can still get or spread covid-19 even if you have had three jabs.

If this jab were being given for a lethal disease with a 50% mortality rate then the risks might be worth taking. It’s not and they’re not.’

That is what I said in December 2021.

And now that we are in 2023, I believe that at least some of those promoting the covid jab must have known that the jab would cause serious brain damage.

And I now believe that the millions who were jabbed are already showing signs of serious brain damage; their behaviour is often quite abnormal.

The other day, for example, I saw hundreds of people sitting on a sandy beach on a cloudy, windy, freezing cold day. The people were all wearing winter coats, hats and scarves and they were just sitting there, staring into space and doing nothing. Honest. It was scary. It was like something out of the Twilight Zone.

Look around and you too will see strange behaviour among those who were jabbed. Their brains have definitely been affected.

I believe that the promoters of the covid jabs knew that this would happen. The jabs have created millions of modern day, real life zombies.

And so, of course, the zombies say nothing when bank branches close. They have accepted that cash is dangerous and out of date. They will welcome digital currencies.

They cheer on the senseless, cruel war in Ukraine because they have been brainwashed into believing that it is justified.

And they don’t object to the 15 minute cities which will effectively imprison them.

I even believe that the doctors and nurses who are striking for more money are doing so because they have been brain damaged by the jabs they accepted so naively.

The vaxxed are different to the rest of us.

The promoters of the covid-19 jab have created a new species of sub-humans.

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