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<p><strong><span style="color:#0000ff;font-size:small;">~<span style="font-size:medium;">MAYBE THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO YOU'll EVER SEE~It's worth watching every minute! </span></span></strong></p>
<p><span style="color:#000000;">Project Camelot interview (Kerry Cassidy) with Bill Wood (an alias)--ex Navy Seal (2.5 hrs.)</span></p>
<p><a href=";feature=relmfu">;feature=relmfu</a></p>
<p>1) Looking glass technology which (tptb) were using to manipulate everything to their putrid advantage ALL POINTS TO 2 SCENARIOS...1) Their reign is over and we ascend to a higher frequency/resonance 2) Total cataclysm (but probably not)</p>
<p>2) (tptb) have been hopping back and forth from one timeline to another since the accident at is hopeful for mankind's evolution...the other is NWO total domination. All that's going to end on Dec. 20 2012!  Weeeeeeeeee! Yippeeeeeeeee!</p>
<p>EVERYONE...PLEASE WATCH THIS! Let's discuss it!<img class="smilie" src="images/smilies/emoticons/icon_thumbs1.gif" alt="Icon_thumbs1" border="0" /></p>
<p> </p>

<p class="leftbarlinks"><strong><span style="font-size:small;"><img class="smilie" src="images/smilies/wink.png" alt="Wink" border="0" />~</span></strong><span style="font-size:small;">LIGHT-HEARTED PROMPTING</span><strong><span style="font-size:small;">~ (tptb's) game is over~ we need to understand this.  The good guys-us- have already won! (there are only a few more idle moves left on their fated chessboard.) </span></strong><span style="font-size:small;">The upshot is that if the mass of humanity is focusing on the positive than there isn't any kind of chance at all for TIMELINE2. (timeline 2 being the elite going underground and the rest of us destroyed and/or fending for ourselves).</span></p>
<p class="leftbarlinks"><strong><span style="font-size:small;">"The Stargates and Looking glass projects were shut down because all indications lead to "CONVERGENCE" at the end of will be a bottleneck of time.  Something BIG is coming up. Positive for human evolution. All the possibilities of all the future scenarios (timelines) that are fed into the looking glass all lead to ONE TIMELINE...that's why the elites of the world are in a blind panic! They can't manipulate ANYMORE"</span> (Bill Wood-paraphrase). It's their endgame! They've been hearing this over and over again from their computer.  Now they're focussing on how to fix the problem! As to why they're digging extra underground bunkers etc. it's because they don't have control over what happens and whatever they DO now will have the opposite desired effect. Their technology is useless at this point. </strong><em>[Hey, maybe source IS getting off of its fat *ss--not telling humanity AMF'sYOYO anymore.  Halleluja! thank God for small favors!] <img class="smilie" src="images/smilies/emoticons/icon_motz.gif" alt="Icon_motz" border="0" /></em></p>
<p class="leftbarlinks"><strong>~It's THE AWAKENING PROCESS--it's an evolution of consciousness...becoming aware of the massive DAM of LIES...the truth. Coming to you on Dec. 21, 2012!~ </strong><em>[Oh Geez! All this time the evil elite were running this world through use of a glorified ouija board?]</em></p>
<p class="leftbarlinks"><em>Bill Wood says that (tptb) are insane...they're desperate...there's a major disconnect to their connection of reality...[and with all the mind control they've been subjected to--its no wonder!] CERN has been nothing but riddled with problems. Even SS and WW couldn't fix it, LOL!]</em></p>
<p><em>THE SPECIAL TRAINING AND LOOKING GLASS INFO.<img class="smilie" src="images/smilies/emoticons/icon_glassball.gif" alt="Icon_glassball" border="0" /> is  towards the end of the video. <strong>Let's pass this video</strong> <strong>on!</strong> The quality of this info. and the seeming integrity of the interviewee make this a very powerful indictment. If USA had anything other than a current fascist system in place already...then this would be covered by mainstream news, be acted upon  in Congress and court of law and explode the roof off of the military's diabolical leadership. Even though this is 2.5 hours long--it's important to get all of the background</em>. </p>
<p class="leftbarlinks"><span style="font-size:small;"><strong>The US spacefleet can get to ANY destination in the solar system...just a day to get to Mars! It's kept at area 51. I'ts from back-engineered alien technology.</strong></span></p>
<p class="leftbarlinks"><strong>This is a cut/paste from Kerry Cassidy's blog. It shows some of the fall-out.</strong> Bill Wood says that THE DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT lets the government violate the rest of the constitution and the patriots (AKA "terrorists" troublemakers will be detained, tortured and killed first. We're one false flag away from this. This is highly disturbing to many, many, people working for the US government.</p>
<p class="contenttitle">January 26, 2012</p>
<p class="contenttitle">Project Camelot -- Navy Seals are said to be filing Complaints against Kerry Cassidy/Project Camelot regarding my video with Bill Wood aka Bill Brockbrader</p>
<p class="leftbartitle">Naval Criminal Investigative Service / Re: William Newel Brockbrader, aka Bill Wood, Stolen Valor / 27130 Telegraph Road / Quantico, VA 22134 / ncis[DOT]­-ges/default[DOT].aspx</p>
<p class="leftbartitle">Quoting from an unknown source: .."There have been several complaints filled in this 'Stolen Valor' case. Also a complaint against Project Camelot-Kerry Cassidy...."</p>
<p class="leftbartitle">Someone sent me the above...</p>
<p class="leftbartitle">Looks like someone is filing some kind of charges... <strong>Look, if you want to file charges and get us in a courtroom to discuss CLEARANCES that go way above top secret and what the secret government is up to... We will be happy to oblige and break open this can of worms to reveal the real truth of what your tax dollars are paying for and where the majority of military funding is really going. [you tell 'em!]</strong></p>
<p class="leftbartitle">Chances are, they don't dare push this case any further than online threats. [Too bad it needs to be pushed out until it's common knowledge for the common man.]</p>
<p class="contenttitle">As a friend said..."you KNOW you're over the target when you take flak"!!!</p>

<p>"A hopeful transmission" by Coldplay</p>
<p> <a href=";feature=endscreen&amp;v=zhUFVKwJiKQ">;feature=endscreen&amp;v=zhUFVKwJiKQ</a></p>
<p> </p>
<p>Even MORE info. in this 3 hour Q &amp; A with Bill Wood</p>
<p><a href=";feature=player_embedded">;feature=player_embedded</a></p>
<p> </p>

<p><span style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:medium;"><span style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">"After the catastrophe (on their timeline, in their history), the J-Rods analyzed why this had happened. Their conclusion was that it was almost certainly the amplifying effect of the artificial Stargate and Looking Glass devices (as distinct from natural stargates, which are not a danger) which had precipitated the catastrophe.</span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The mission of the P52 J-Rods and P52 Orions was to come back in time to advise us strongly to decommission these devices until after the danger period had passed - roughly 2005 to 2017, to provide a good margin of safety. According to Dan, this has occurred. See <a href="">his recent interview with Project Camelot</a> for more details. Dan states that according to Looking Glass data (the last data obtained before the devices were dismantled) the probability of the catastrophe being averted was 81%, with an 85% confidence in the accuracy of that calculation."<br /></span></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:medium;"><em><strong>This article gives background info. on 'Looking Glass-Stargate technology'; simultaneous timelines; what happened and what we can do.  It's absolutely riveting!</strong></em> <img class="smilie" src="images/smilies/emoticons/icon_altermann.gif" alt="Icon_altermann" border="0" /></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:medium;"><a href=""></a></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:medium;">"Dan [Burisch] became familiar with a <a href="">project called 'Looking Glass'</a> which involved a back-engineered Extraterrestrial device originally designed to be a portal opening mechanism for Stargate-type travel - which had (has) the capacity to bend time/space so that events over the forward and rear event horizons could be viewed. [It's located in area 51]. When it is paired up with a second device using the settings, events can not only be viewed but heard and more. This device was also being tested for communications protocols and transportation applications as recently as 2003-2004 before being dismantled for safety reasons as we enter further into the highly energetic space in and around the galactic plane..."</span><span style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:medium;"> (Marci McDowell's notes on Dan B).</span><span style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:medium;">                                                 </span></p>
<p><span style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:medium;">~"In and among the complexity of this edifice of challenging information, this may be the single most important thing to grasp (sic) we have free will and full choice at all times. <strong>What will happen to us is what we <em>agree</em> will occur... consciously or unconsciously. This is a fundamental metaphysical truth.</strong><br /><br />We have the gift to be able to choose the fate and welfare of the world and our civilization. A critical mass of agreement is necessary in order to choose what we wish to experience. If we do not want a catastrophe to occur, then this starts with your conscious intent" (Proj. Cam.)~</span></p>
<p> </p>

<p class="contenttitle"><em>Bill gave damning evidence to Kerry Cassidy to release in the event "something" happened to him. I've noticed in many forums that people who haven't even listened to the interviews/Q&amp;A are skewering this as another military specifically-programmed bot who's "been allowed" by (tptb) to come forward. Many of their flip questions could have been answered very plausibly if they had taken the time to listen. They say things like, "If it's Kerry--she's usually being played." NOW, WHO AMONG US hasn't been "played" again and again?! I don't know for sure if this is 100% legit but I'm willing to entertain the possibility. This is an example of too much arrogant skepticism WITHOUT enough fair open-mindedness or background study. It seems to be rampant on many "Conspiracy Forums" [<span style="font-size:x-small;">NOT ON THIS ONE</span>]. If some of these people aren't careful...they won't be able to discern the truth if it bites them on the *ss! </em></p>
<p class="contenttitle" style="text-align:center;"><span style="color:#000080;font-size:medium;"><strong>~</strong></span><strong><span style="color:#ffff00;"><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="font-size:medium;">Truth was mowed down by <em>cynicism</em> doing 90, and <em>sarcasm</em> just made snarky comments~</span>  </span></span></strong><strong><span style="color:#000080;">  </span></strong><span style="font-size:small;"><strong>  </strong><span style="font-size:x-small;">(me)</span></span></p>
<p class="contenttitle">I [Kerry Cassidy] will be doing another interview with Bill on <strong>Saturday February 4th at 5pm PST</strong> on Livestream.</p>
<p class="contenttitle">Here is a communique from Bill Wood/Brockbrader that he has asked me to post in this regard:</p>
<p class="leftbartitle">Bill wrote the following statement as preliminary to his statement below: "Shortly after his last interview, Bill was forced into leaving for a secret location for his own safety. He is now being directly protected by White Hat sources [My Note: NOT the same group as those who publish called The White Hats Report] at this secret location. He will be speaking about some of his experiences in his new life. Also, because Bill's true identity was exposed by government agents, he will be revealing his conclusions into his investigations about the single largest criminal organization in Las Vegas and how an ex Navy SEAL and his wife's 'swinger' parties are involved. He will be joined by a new mystery guest for his interview. You will hear a unique newly developed perspective based on Holodynamic principles that calls for the transformation of America and other military personal similar fears as a uniting factor that will be the foundation for change NOW in the face of the NDAA. <strong>Other key concepts highlight the similarities between Bill's experience and Kay Griggs 1998 interview exposing how her husband Colonel Griggs similar use of sexual coercion, mind control, and extensive abuses of U.S. army personal that have led to inspiring support for Bill. Bill is now working actively to construct a plan that brings about the changes in the world that everyone has been long anticipating</strong>. Please join us as he will be revealing much, much more about how we all can work together to incorperate these changes throughout the planet. This interview will be the game changer for the changes coming at the end of 2012."</p>
<p class="leftbartitle"><em><span style="color:#008000;font-size:small;">~NOW! IF SOMEONE DOESN'T COMMENT SOON, I'M GOING TO START LECTURING AGAIN...AND YOU DON'T WANT THAT! lol </span></em><img class="smilie" src="images/smilies/emoticons/icon_lupe.gif" alt="Icon_lupe" border="0" /></p>

<p><strong><span style="font-size:small;"><em>Oh Sh*t! Don't mess with corrupt elite Navy-Seal assassination-teams is the motto here! This just in from</em></span></strong> Kerry Cassidy's blog: <img class="smilie" src="images/smilies/angry.png" alt="Angry" border="0" /> THIS IS <strong>VERY SERIOUS</strong> TRUTHSEEKERS!</p>
<p>"February 1, 2012</p>
<p class="contenttitle">The following was posted on our Facebook wall. Please contact me if you have advice, are able to assist us as a lawyer or other person with expertise in the law, with knowledge in this area or are a white hat military person with expertise in the areas of surveillance etc. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR WORK AND MAKE SURE THEY DON'T TAKE US DOWN. MAY THE TRUTH PREVAIL!! PLEASE SEND THIS MESSAGE VIRAL....</p>
<p class="contenttitle">"Ok, now what is this about? Any knowledge?</p>
<p class="contenttitle">" “He who hath ears to hear, let him hear”</p>
<p class="contenttitle">Send lawyers, guns, and money...the sh*t has hit the fan!!!</p>
<p class="contenttitle">Sources very close to the principles are telling me that a criminal investigation has been initiated into the DEATH THREATS made against David. Also being investigated, are the apparent threats, subsequent to his interview with Kerry, which caused William/Bill Wood/Brockbrader to go into hiding and need protection provided by the “White Hats”. And also, apparently a Grand Jury has now been convened to determine if there is enough evidence to issue subpoenas and/or bring criminal charges against the principle players.</p>
<p class="contenttitle">My source guaranteed me that the authorities now active on this case, including the; Ventura and LA County Sheriffs/District Attorneys, Oak Park and LA PD’s, FBI, ICE, FCC, and the US Dept of Homeland Security, will be listening with a very keen ear to Thursdays and Fridays broadcast, and that electronic tracking technology is to be employed that will determine the locations and identities of all primary participants..."</p>

<p> </p>
<p><span style="line-height:100%;font-size:small;"><strong>American Freedom Radio 15-minute update with Kerry Cassidy and Bill Wood last night. (It might take a couple minutes to load.) He's saying that his guest will be an expert on mind control. He's also getting relentless blowback.</strong></span></p>
<p><span style="line-height:100%;font-size:small;">If you continue past the 15 minutes and listen to the next guest, she speaks about the timeline healers (timetravellers) she's been working with them and they explain that every civilization will create an artifical intelligence... This info. enhances this thread's discussion. She says that we on planet earth are now sitting for our final exam/paper to get our PhD. If we don't errupt into war this time around...then we can get our PhD!</span></p>
<p><span style="line-height:100%;font-size:small;"><strong><a href=""></a></strong></span> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="line-height:100%;font-size:small;"><strong>Some great (paraphrased) lines from the 3 hour Q&amp;A:</strong></span></p>
<p><span style="line-height:100%;font-size:small;"><strong><a href=";feature=player_embedded">;feature=player_embedded</a></strong></span></p>
<p><strong>There is just too much amazing information to miss. You've got to listen to this interview. Here are a few key spots to cue into.  1:17;1:23; 1:34; (Timeline Variances); 2:04 Timeline 2;2:16 (ability to manipulate realities). Do yourself a favor and listen to the whole thing!</strong><br /><br />~Empty oneself of any an empy vessel: (BW)<br /><br />~Changes are going to come fast and will be like drinking from a firehose. (BW)<br /><br />~There is a hidden war of epic proportions going on. The wars all over the planet are for the stargates, (Iraq, Afghanistan etc.) (Kerry)<br /><br />~From the center of the galaxy (concept behind string theory/CERN) will come energetic wormhole bombardments the likes of which will effect EVERY CELL IN OUR BODIES!!!As unnerving as the concept of EVERYONE's freewill making the same decision--is the understanding that WE WILL NOW HAVE SO MUCH ILLUMINATION that, of course, the right answer will be apparent there's no other way but the way decent humanity decides to go! That's the convergence!(BW)<br /><br />~Yellow book-Yellow Cube-Orion Cube~is a different styled looking glass device that's more subjective and therefore more able to be manipulated by the viewers input.<br /><br /><strong>~From 20 chess moves to 7 to finally 1. It's time for (tptb) to lay down their king. It's up to them how messy they want to make the end of the game for themselves. Either way, it's going to go OUR way! "SUCK ON THAT EGG YOU F@CKERS! (me)</strong> <br /><br />IT'S THE CONVERGENCE EMERGENCE! We (humanity) are caught in the reality game, Planet Earth. We start the game with a multiple of choices that get narrowed down into fewer choices until there is ONLY ONE (collective human-kind) choice! GAME OVER! Somebody pulled the plug. (tptw) are going to feel the tug, as they get pulled under the rug, they'll say "Ugh, Ugh-oh Fug" Then...the rest of us will give each other a BIG HUG. <img style="vertical-align:middle;" src="" alt="smile.gif" border="0" /></p>

<p><span style="color:#ffcc00;"><em><strong>[This is a cut and paste from Kerry's Blog written after the Sat. Feb. 4th Interview with Bill Wood and mystery guest.  The interveiw went so well that Kerry told them that they could find another venue next time. At the end of the interview, the visual was off but the sound was still running and you could hear an audible groan from Kerry.  She handled it like a champ though, read this:]</strong></em></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#ffcc00;">February 5, 2012 <br /><br />Evaluating Whistleblower Testimony from Bill Brockbrader aka Bill Wood: <br /><br />Thank you for all who took the time to listen and participate in the recent Livestream follow up interview with Bill Brockbrader. Unfortunately some of what was initially promised by Bill prior to the Livestream event was not delivered. If nothing else, what becomes evident is that what one person considers to be earth shattering or mind blowing can easily be seen as run of the mill to someone else. It all has to do with your frame of reference. In addition to that, as the interview progressed, what appeared to happen is that Bill Brockbrader had stretched his security oath as far as it would go. From that point on, it is evident that he is primarily talking from a personal/philosophical point of view.<br /><br />It also became obvious, at least to me, that there was a lack of familiarity with what Project Camelot is all about. And therefore Bill and Eva are not able to assess accurately what is new and what is well known to the Camelot audience and so both he and Eva Moore, although well meaning, ended up discussing concepts and experiences that are already out in the public domain and therefore not at all novel or new. You be the judge. <br /><br />Naturally, Bill's personal experiences seem unique to him. This is understandable. Unfortunately a lot of the material in this livestream had already been revealed in the first interview I did with him. The rest of the material with regard to the Las Vegas police department while interesting is hardly surprising. Actually it would be more surprising if they weren't run by the mob, on the take and corrupt as well as deeply involved in scandals of every kind... What you will see is that halfway through the interview I simply decided to take charge of the process and attempt to get some focus and answers to direct questions that some of the viewers had.<br /><br />Suffice to say, whistleblower testimony is often full of distortions, blanks and unanswered questions due to the impact that mind control has had on the person's life. In this regard, Bill Brockbrader is no exception to this rule. I suggest that rather than judging him you consider the impact that simple mass mind control has had on your own lives and then try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has that and on top of it joins the military and becomes the focus of intense mind manipulation over long periods of time. Then you will begin to understand what it truly means to be a whistleblower, or someone who has chosen to break ranks and come forward to tell the truth about what they have experienced.<br /><br />We need more people who have that kind of courage. Unfortunately they are few and far between. On top of that, the very people who could substantiate and stand beside a whistleblower often choose to hide in the dark. <br /><br />As we enter this time where the veils are thinning between worlds consider how many lies you and people around you are dealing with on a daily basis. Then consider whether you would have the courage to come forward into the public domain to tell the truth about what you know. Consider how you would become an outcast among those who supposedly are your friends and loved ones. Consider how once you take the RED PILL you can never go back. Then look again at the testimony from Bill Brockbrader. <br /><br />Ultimately truth is something each person must discover one step at a time using their own heart and mind to discern. <br /><br />Lastly, for those of you who do not understand what my role is as a filmmaker and investigative reporter... please understand. I am not interested in following in the steps of others. Project Camelot has a unique mission in this regard. For more on this mission click on About Us. <br /><br />Please note: A viewer came across the following link which contains a written expose apparently posted back in July 2011 by Bill Brockbrader on the internet. Some of his statements and the information described there may be useful to people attempting to understand where he is coming from regarding his past, channeling and philosophy. On the other hand, it may simply confuse things even further...You need to decide what resonates with you and what does not. CLICK HERE for his previously published statement.</span><br /><br /><span style="color:#ffcc00;">EDIT</span><br /><span style="color:#ffcc00;"><a href=""><span style="color:#ffcc00;">Here</span></a> is the link to the previously published statement .</span></p>
<p><span style="color:#ffcc00;">Here is the link to all three interviews.  The third one is the one in question.</span></p>
<p><span style="color:#ffcc00;"><a href=""><span style="color:#ffcc00;"></span></a></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#ffcc00;">[Idle speculation says that the "white" hats protection that Bill Brockbrader has been hustled into is really more handler/slave activity--shoreing up the programming that he had been subjected to for years. He's been tweaked and in this interview seems different than the other two. They also sent him in a femme fatale ...snicker...GaLaCtIc FeDeRaTiOn "channeler" in order to discredit him in the eyes of the sophisticated Project Camelot crowd.  He seems completely in awe of his "handlers"/white hats and the channeler and says things like, they know SO much more about this than I do...(sounds a little like Janet when talking about her father/handler...) <span style="font-size:medium;">Aaaargh</span> well--sigh....................................<img class="smilie" src="images/smilies/undecided.png" alt="Undecided" border="0" /> What do you expect with this level of knew they'd have to torpedo it <img class="smilie" src="images/smilies/dodgy.png" alt="Dodgy" border="0" /> and cause more dissention in the truthseeker ranks.</span></p>
<p><span style="color:#ffcc00;">The Info. in the first two interviews is still good. It can be corroborated by other reputable sources: Looking glass,Yellow Cube,Timeline convergence, etc. etc. Bill Brockbrader is a statistics genius amongst other things who was called in to see if he could see a difference scenario from the one that (tptw) saw.  And he couldn't...he saw that they were "TOAST" SO............let's toast to that!]  I feel for the relentless legal attacks on PC and how this has played out! (tptw) play dirty, dirty pool (as we all know!)</span> <img class="smilie" src="images/smilies/emoticons/icon_doh.gif" alt="Icon_doh" border="0" /> Even so, I'm sure we're all hip to their tricks by now though and their little stunt won't work! </p>
<p><span style="color:#0000ff;"> </span></p>
<p> </p>

Elizabeth... I have put off viewing the interviews because of the length of them. You need to put aside some serious time to get what this is about. Today I did start and watched the first interview you posted but have not finished it. I saw 1 1/2 hours and will continue again on another day when I get more time. I reserve comments until then.

Possibly a summary of what he is talking about will spark discussion with other forum members. It could be the lengthy time these videos take that is causing the lack of response. Your comments have made me curious but they are all a reaction to the videos so one has to view them in order to comment .

Thanks for posting. It does look interesting but I don't have a grasp yet on the whole picture. BTW, when you type in whatever color the last post is, I can barely read it. I guess its yellow on my screen of light blue and difficult to read.

Blue Moon, thanks for checking in. The first 2 vids are the ones to pay attention too and they are SO detailed and dense that the best thing to do is just make the time to listen to them. I took tons of notes--distilled a few pithy phrases and put some of them up there...but there's just too much content. There's no getting around listening to the vids before a discussion. Some of this material--Stewart has covered re: Stargates, Timeline Convergence, Yellow Cube, Montalk Chair etc. I understand that people are busy AND it's also very worthwhile material to listen to. I CANNOT CONDENSE IT ANYMORE. I've said a lot in post #7 and I'm putting this info. up here as a courtesy especially since it's hard to keep up with the fast breaking news right now and maybe some people have already written off the whole of Project Camelot off as being massively deceived.

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