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SandyHook, CT Slayings
Another perp-lurk in the woods. A first responder wouldn't be hiding behind a tree...

The inscrutable Nancy Lanza who smelled of CIA just like her husband - What was it...Bongo parties and assault weapons? My speculations: [Her choice of residence being symbolic or planned for years in advance...36 Yogananda Way 3+3+3 bliss of union [death] path...] in (((NEW)))-town CT...(((NEW)))-world order 'Psyops to shatter the peace' of EvErYtOwN USA in the "land of steady habits" CT. Hell...the Satanists and their off-world handlers have a DEADline to meet...or a grudge to settle. (See above John Kettler Link above). It's the quintessential New England Town, equipped with powerful visual symbols that translate well on Telly...A HONKIN' flagpole next to a pure, white New England church American as apple pie.

~Satanists gleefully rubbing their hands together at the thought of ALL THOSE LAW ENFORCEMENT souls 'keeping their mouths shut' about the strange anomalies in this slaughter.~

Angry The victims are in fact dead - in case readers are wondering. I know some in the alternative media are saying otherwise...that this is ALL STAGED acting...even people who are normally very knowlegeable about such things are stating that. They'd be wrong about some info. and not others...The victims ARE dead (according to their young families filled with young siblings who don't know how to lie about stuff like that and their doctors and friends who'd have no reason to lie either- attached to people I have personally known to be ethical for many years) ~ AND the rest was pre-planned and staged. Even Cecil B. DeMille (followed by a guy handing out $100 bills) would not have been able to pull off this epic tragedy drama with a cast of 1,000s. The numbers are too large.[/url]

Amitakh Stanford mentioning the 'fomenting of civil war' in the US as a motive as well as massive bombardments of New Englanders:

A better link...paragraph 4 Article: Gunpower.

~The Djinn cavorting in the ancients SANDS (of time) are HOOKING the population energetically through this BABY.lonian NEWtown event. Sumer was considered to be the FIRST city or NEW-TOWN.~ ***(Readers use a saber to sever the astral hooks attached from the association of this occult event).


"NBC News later reported that four, not two, handguns were found inside the school and no rifles. But chief medical examiner H. Wayne Carver told reporters that that the wounds he saw on the dead children were from a rifle not a handgun.

Then, another long gun is found in the trunk of a car purported to have been driven to the scene by Adam – but the discovery is made (or perhaps recreated?) after dark. Does this mean it’s not the same one they found earlier in the day? This is shown in police video. Rather than preserving the gun as it was found, the officer clears a cartridge from the chamber and handles the gun as if he is not the least bit worried about compromising valuable evidence.

How could there be such confusion about basic facts if only one shooter was involved? But if multiple shooters were involved, and a cover-up fully underway, things make more sense.

We also hear on the police scanner that the car is actually registered to Norwalk, CT native and alleged petty criminal Christopher Rodia and not to anyone in the Lanza family. Why are we not hearing about this? Who is Rodia, and what is his connection to Lanza? The subject is discussed here.

Then there is substitute teacher Lauren Rousseau’s car in the Sandy Hook parking lot being “riddled with bullets” as reported by the New York Daily News.

How does this fit into the official scenario, exactly? And why don’t journalists see the importance of a fact like this?

Police scanner recordings indicate that both a rifle and a shotgun were seen as police chased possible suspects. This would mean guns other than the one(s) found in the trunk, or trunks..." (link below)

Post numbers 34 & 36 are worth a read.

In the Sandy Hook Slaying movie they can't seem to get their script right for proper use of movie props and the place they are suppose to be at during the filming. In Hollywood created Movies if you watch them closely people can always find a lot of flaws in the movie such as bloopers that ruin the movie for the rest of us folk who want to get lost and immersed in the movie believeing it to be a real and perfect reality at least for the time being and forget about our problems..

Since it is clear to some people that this event is a fake or full of unanswered question and that it is being used for heavy Gun Control legislation via somthing like a Presidential order to skirt around the 2nd Admendment that says "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." The fact they are trying to remove or hamper peoples right to protect themselves from a criminal government and other low life creatures lurking in the dark means the enemy is at the gate ready to strike once the people are disarmed and will become defenseless and very easy to control and manage.

I wonder what that means shall not be infringed the knuckle heads are hoping this word will just disapear from peoples minds.

Hollywood has come out in full force to demand that people support government Gun Control as well as demanding their government get tough and bring the hammer down hard on gun owners and that the 2nd Admendment should be erased from our Consititution.

A youtuber has some very strong four letter expletives for Hollywood Celebs by creating a video and posting it to make hollywood celebs Shut up for being hypocrites and liers that they are as well as working against us.

Here is a video from a dude calling himself the Idaho Picker who did an in depth analysis on discovering a fundraiser website for Sandy Hook Victims that was setup on Dec 11, 2012 when the non event only a DHS drill went live on Dec 16, 2012 of which the fraudulent news media reporting that it did happen for real and but in reality was nothing but a drill complete with a made for TV Hollywood fake news movie for the dumb sheep that believe the news people are honest and telling them the truth. Some are waking up and I mean many are spoting strange anomalies of them setting up Websites and very early twitter tweets a day or so before the supposed reporting of this fake shooting by the fraudulent media they themselves saying that it took place on Dec 16, 2012.

Their was another video of a Professional Graphics Artist who said he can easily see that certain news photos of Obama and the fake parker Family after the sandy hook shooting can easily match emily parker before and after the shooting using photoshop as the being the same dead girl now in the famous after the death of emily parker of the parker family with obama with the blond girl as being the same using opacity adjustments in photoshop by comparing photos of the dead emily with the blond in the Parker family obama photo and they are a match. The Idaho picker guy believes the dead girl emily that was suppose to be dead is brought out by mistake for the famous parker family obama picture to fool the public. You see people just don't want to believe that hollywood is being used to decieve them. I believe our government is a made for TV movie sort of like the wizard of OZ with the all and powerfull scary and terroizing Wizard of OZ that easily intimidated folk when the character Dorothy pulled the curtain open to discover a punny little old man pulling the levers and controls and started thinking and putting two and two together to finally expose the fraud the Wizard of Oz was.

The Idaho Picker can not believe how sloppy these people are that are setting up this subterfuge of trying to trick the public into believing that the sandy hook shooting did occur when in fact it did not happen. But I guess it is enough for the dumb sheep not to discover these bloopers in this fake hollywood produced movie news event but is easy for the ones who are investigating and using logic are able to discover it is all a complete fraud. But hopefully these people that have been put in charge to create this lie of the sandy hook shooting will keep being sloppy in presenting their other illusions, fruad and lies to the public. Even the best Movies still have flaws and bloopers but to the dumb sheep that watch them they have no clue what so ever.

I too notice the devil signing to indicate they are on board or showing their allegiance to the powers that be that are the real controlers or work for hidden in the shadows beings from childern to adults in these photos. Similar to what the mason would do when they are not sure if the other person is a mason but by giving the recognition hand shake or hand gestures the other mason will be able know that he is in the presence of another brother mason.

Excellent video by Idaho Picker, Sovereign. It looks like the Mormon Parker family is in on this Govn't sponsored Satanic Cult operation for sure.

Also for sure THEY TOOK OUT SOME KIDS AND ADULTS too. It wasn't just about the money either.

(01-08-2013, 12:27 AM)Elizabeth Wrote: Excellent video by Idaho Picker, Sovereign. It looks like the Mormon Parker family is in on this Govn't sponsored Satanic Cult operation for sure.

Also for sure THEY TOOK OUT SOME KIDS AND ADULTS too. It wasn't just about the money either.

Elizabeth the Parker family as well as all other participants in this non-event are not even real they are all actors a fantasy no one was killed nothing but a simulation a drill that what it was all about to fool the public into believing a false reality from the normal illusory reality we normally experiance without non-interference from an external source. They however get their enemies to kill each other. So when one group is a threat to this hidden cabal they get one of their enemies to kill each other off such as Wars between nations or individuals. But in this case like many other so called true crimes events down thru time no one is killed since it is for public consumption and all a big lie. These are family actor asets they don't kill their kind or their helpers they use them to fool the rest of the population of sheep. So no one is killed just like in the cabal use to pass on their message and inplant ideals that they want you to believe in their movies when you see countless people being cut down in a spray of bulliets in violent movies but did these people actually die no. Most know it is a movie and these are actors. So I guess the hidden cabal figure we can make use of make believe to easily fool the public into believing our fake news is real and to give us what we want since this cabal knows it is all fake. No one died in the Sandy Hook shootings.

Humanity is so easily fooled since you got all kinds of conspiracy theories out their from a to z on the Sandy Hook Shooting most are disinfo.

I'm willing to believe perhaps a couple or so "families" "deceased kids" were actors but NOT ALL.

I've heard enough first-hand from people living in the town, down the street from Nancy Lanza, two family doctors of the deceased who say that these people (kids) who formerly lived in the town are no longer there any more. Were they all spirited away to D.U.M.B.s and if so...when would this have happened with all the constant aeriel coverage and why wouldn't we have heard still-live kids screaming as they took them to them into van? Chloroform?

We have to think about all the people (WHO LIVED IN THE TOWN AND HAD KIDS REGISTERED IN SCHOOL). There's a huge WEB of interconnectedness when it comes to children. Grandparents, Parents, Siblings, Deeds on the House...The Mormon family was new to town and it would be possible to pull off something like this from them maybe.

I can't even broach this subject at all with locals...tentatively...and they launch into YET another first hand connection to a victim/family of victim where said victim is no longer at home anymore and they do in fact live in town and have lived in that town for a long time. THERE WERE NOT ALL ACTORS!

This guy got a tip about a Helicopter taking Raw Footage overhead looking down at the Sandy Hill School before the Fake Shooting took place. He comments throughout the footage commenting how it is all a movie set done by actors. Everybody just standing around doing nothing but acting stupid like they have no part to play at the moment.

The following Video is from the Idaho Picker dude describing a video about actual actors that are contracted and paid to play active roles in school shooting drills. But did they not forget to tell the major news media people that the Sandy Hook Shooting was only a Drill. Nope they knew it was a drill and decide to run a story on make believe and tell the world that it was real when it was not since people can spot all the anomalies and bloopers like all other movies out there in existance. Lt Vance he points out in the video has been outed as actor John Stephen Goodman most known for his role in the TV series Roseanne Bar show AKA the blonde Victoria Jackson of Saturday Night with her distinctive voice sounds just like Roseanne Bars voice.

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