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The Mysterious Mt.Rtanj
This is my own story of what happened to me.For those that don't know,Mt.Rtanj is located in Serbia.It is 1,565 meters in height.My hobby is climbing mountains:D  This mountain is in the shape of a pyramid.But,it is a very strange mountain.There is much mystery surrounding this mountain.I will go into the details of that after I relate my story.I,and 2 other people decided to go on a very challenging climb,15 kilometers to get to the top,and 15 to get to the bottom.We started at 5:30 PM.There are a great many snakes on this mountain,so it was suggested that it would be best to go in the late afternoon hours.The path would be a path that was marked,a path that many climbers take.There was a much shorter path to take,but it was not familiar to us,so we decided on this one.What could happen on a path that so many take.Little did we know.We took my jeep and arrived in a small village called Rtanj,after the mountain. The villagers were a little wary of us.I got out of the car and spoke to them,after which they felt comfortable in responding to everything we wanted to know.There was a small road that we would take with the car and we would go with the car until we could no longer.We started up,and found a palce to park it and leave it there.The rest would have to be by walking and climbing.We left the car,right on the outskirts of a big forest.We took food and water,warmer clothes and thank goodness we took all kinds of flashlights which we would need when climbing down in the middle of the night.It was Friday the 13th.

As we entered the forest,we saw that it had intersections with other roads that lead off to somewhere.We then first came upon a forest,to chill you to the bone.I was the first to come upon it.It was an ajoining forest to the one we would have to go through.The forest looked like it was petrified.It looked like something out of a Harry Potter film.We entered the forest because our curiosity was aroused.There was no sign of anything living in the forest.Something in the air about it,that just wasn't quite normal.It was still daylight,and we didn't stick around to long in it,since it was not on the path we would have to take.We left,and resumed our hiking.The forest we went through looked normal,yet,there was also no sign of anything living in the forest.Going up to 1565 meters was not easy.We encountered no problems going up and we had daylight for a long time.There was nothing in the air that was strange. When we reached the top,we encountered the ruins of a church on the peak of the mountain.The wind on the peak was incredible.It was enough to blow you off the mountain.We found a spot to sit and just looking up at the stars was thrilling.We thought maybe we would encounter some UFO's since I knew that some sort of base exists somewhere where this mountain is.Nothing happened.At around 11 PM it was time to start heading down.We found out that we would encounter a group of climbers on our way down.We thought,poor suckers they have no idea how much they have to climb.

We started our descent.Everything was fine.Until we reached the entrance to the forest that we went through.It was pitch black outside,and all we had were the flashlights.Mine was the best,it was like one of those that miners would wear on their forehaed :D Going through the forest is a narrow road and we would be one person after the other.I was the last one.An eery feeling came upon me.There was something in the forest with us,but it was not physical.I was the last one,so it would play with me.Needless to say,it was not a pleasant feeling to know that something non physical was playing with you.But,I felt no danger.There was nothing to indicate any danger,even though it would run from my left side to the right.Right behind me.I kept turning around because this was a very bottersome feeling.I could not see anything.Because of this,I kept straying a little behind my group,they would be a little further up front,ahead of me,and this was the reason that they would have a much better perception of what would later be in the forest with us.The creature menacing me throughout the forest would be nothing compared to what we would encounter towards the very end of the forest.I could now hear the thing behind me. Thump, thump,as though it was running beside me,going from left to right.I did a technique to protect myself.Just in case.After that,whatever was behind me lost interest in me.And then we came upon the group of people hiking up.We greeted them and they passed us.Now it was time to resume leaving the forest area.It seemed easier going through the forest on our way up then going through it coming down.I was not in a good mood.No one walking 30 kilometers in one day,would be.We passed an area where there was a smell in the air that I could not quite define.But,the other 2 young people that were with me,could.It was the smell of a dead body.They were familiar what the smell of a dead body is like,because they were from the Balkans where at funerals they don't fix up the body as in the US for instance.We came upon 3 different places where this smell permeated the air.I thought nothing of it.Even if I did,there could be dead animals in the forest.Right? Even though we came upon no such smell during the day,when the smell would be heavier.I did not know that my 2 companions were already starting to get ideas in their head,as,they did not tell me anything.We were so tired.I ended up getting a little left behind again,so I didn't really get to hear so well the sound that my 2 companions heard.The sound of a woman attempting to cry out for help because she heard us,and the sound being muffled as someone's hand came over her mouth.My 2 companions did.This did not sit well with them as,that, together with the stench of dead bodies in 3 places was not exactly their idea of a great outing through the forest.I heard it,but since I was way behind,it wasn't so clear.Maybe there was something alive in the forest.Some little animal,I thought.The thought that it was human never occurred to me,after all,who the hell would be in the forest and not on the road which is the only road to take.I never once felt any danger toward me.But then again,I did do something way back in the forest to protect myself.We were so tired by this time that we just had to sit down somewhere no matter what.After the sound occurred,I did notice that my comrade who was at the front,was carrying his walking stick in an unusual way.As though he was going to hit someone.Hmm.Then I felt some sort of unusual feeling around me.Almost as though someone was scanning me,but they couldn't get through because of what I had put around me.I thought,maybe some non physical forest creature was going to play games with me.It never occurred to me that besides non physical forest creatures there would be physical forest creatures,after all,this was a path that many take.What could happen here.We came upon a spot to rest.I sat down.My companions would not sit down.Behind me was the forest but with no road like the one we were upon.All of a sudden,we all heard something walking through the forest,behind me.I thought,gee,this seems to be walking on 2 feet instead of 4.Hmm.Strange.My comapnions said to me,get up now,we must leave now.Even though my back was turned the thought did enter my head that it was male and on 2 legs.I don't always have to see something to know.My companions felt that we were in great danger then,as,they were able to discern that there was a creature on 2 legs that was part human in the forest with us,and that it was much stronger then they were.I felt apsolutely no danger to myself.

We resumed walking and came out of the forest.Upon doing so,we noticed another jeep parked but not where ours was,because ours was much further down the road.It was parked in an unusual way.The back of the jeep was towards the trees,almost as if so that no one would be able to see what was in the trunk,which happened to have been left opened.I commented on that,thinking that maybe the jeep was from someone in the group we had encountered,forgetting that the group itself mentioned seeing the jeep on their way up.It never occurred to me in that moment that the person in the jeep pulled out 3 bags of body parts from 3 victims he killed,nor did it occurr to me that he brought his 4th victim,a woman into the forest where he would kill her and take out her heart and liver,to eat it.All of that would come together and hit me like a thunderbolt.My comapnions,when they realized that the trunk was open,they were now on high alert and increased the pace to get to our jeep.Unfortunately,no one took the license plates.No one said anything to me which was on their mind,out of pure fear.We finally got to our jeep,pulled out and my comapnion driving it,locked us in,which was unusual.And then they told me everything I hadn't realized or been able to piece together because of constantly being the last one left behind.I then hit me like a bag of bricks about the woman in the forest..with the reptilian shapeshifter,because that's what he was.I told them that we couldn't leave the woman.But,we all realized that she was unfortunately already dead,because a lot of time had passed from the moment we heard her voice to the point where we were now,racing out of the village of Rtanj.It was 3:30 in the morning.They told me that there was no way they could face the being,which they glimpsed while I was sitting down,unless I was willing to shapeshift myself,as it had non-human strength.That was not what I wanted to hear,but unfortuantely it was the truth,as we had no weapons with us.They told me that it scanned all of us in some way,even though I did not feel any danger to myself.But it was aware of their fear.

This had a very deep impact on all of us.Theirs was fear of such a creature.The impact on me,was leavng a woman to die a gruesome death and not being able to save her. Astrojewels would be the only one here who would know how devastating this feeling for me is,as it is somethinng from the ancient past,which came up in the profile she did for me.Mental agony is a much more devastartig weapon then physical torture.We coulod not let things rest.At least I couldn't.Since they both had certain abilities I told them that we have to go back and confirm and find out,whether all of this is what we think it is.I was the first one to go back to see what happened.But,I was not in such a great condition even for techniqes.I saw the person,in his reptilian form.The 3 sacks with body parts of his previous victims.And I did get what he did to the 4th victim.Then they went back to see,and they got much more than me.This is how we pieced even more.



I'm sorry to hear that you couldn't save the women screaming for her life.

You said,
"I did a technique to protect myself.Just in case.After that,whatever was behind me lost interest in me."

- Could you tell me the technique?

You said,
"They told me that it scanned all of us in some way,even though I did not feel any danger to myself.But it was aware of their fear."

- I think perhaps it knows you are a reptilian shapeshifter too. It wanted easy preys.

You said,
"There was something in the forest with us,but it was not physical."

- Do you think this entity following you was the same reptilian shapeshifter that got off the jeep? He could shapeshift and become nonphysical?

I'm looking forward to your responses.

Amazing, Moonchild! I sure am glad that you are okay - although it is devastating to hear about the others that were sacrificed.

I never thought I would encounter something like this in such a small country.There is an area close by called Homolje where there are also mountains,and there are many legends,which might not be legends,of vampires.
Not all shapeshifters eat people.And there are even levels of shapeshifting.I have done extensive research on this and have found people that like to drink blood and some which have even tasted human flesh.So,I know a lot about what's what,and why.

GB-the Lion frequency and the Archangel frequency.
Yes,it is highly unprobable that this type of being would go after me.I don't think the creature following me was him,although the people I was with claimed that he could use his astral body.We were way back farther in the forest,but I can't be 100% sure,and after walking so much I was not in any condition to do any techniques to find out.


Firstly I am very happy that you are ok physically, but mentally this is going to impact you and will take a great deal of work to rise above. I would not doubt that the shapeshifter could be the entity following you because you had your ultra protection and the way you have described it going from your left to right, not able to penetrate your own astral energy, well done for protecting yourself before this hike and for having others with you, goodness you normally hike solo, I would hate to imagine if you did this time.  

I can understand the guilt that you are now feeling but you have been honest with describing all that happened and I agree that you could not have done anything. I am also sure that your own higher self stopped you from understanding all that was going on to protect you because the warrior mentality you have, surely you would have tried to take on this beastly creature.

Is there a vortex in the area? Usually shapeshifter’s are not alone either which makes it even worse, goodness so many other things could have happened, have you seen or heard from the other hikers that were going up?

How are your friends doing? The other positive is that you shared the experience because when you have such a traumatic experience alone it can be destructive. All I can say my dear friend is ‘wow’ and grateful you are here to share your experience with us.

Thanks Astrojewels.My companions seem to think that it might have been him,behind me.And the thumping on the ground.That's why I kept turning around.I normally hike solo on normal mountains.This is not a normal mountain,nor is it a normal forest. That's why I chose to go with people on this hike,who have certain mental abilities. Yes,there's a vortex in the area.That was the reason I went there.But,it's not on the side which we took.In fact,there's a huge vortex somewhere there.They say that sedona and this place have some of the most powerful vortexes.This was a loner,so there were no others.That's all that we would need,to be surrounded by more than one of these.My companions are ok,although the girl had a little break down after everything dawned on us.Non of the other hikers had any story to relate about anything like this.I was going to go to the small city from where his license plates are from,but then something happened,and now I can't go.I was going to go look for the jeep.You didn't think I was going to let it rest there:big grin:.And I was going to go armed to the teeth.Just in case.I found a little loophole in how I can carry a gun:big grin: I really wonder about some things.Someone put an idea into my head,that it might have been a set up,for me especially.I'll give you an explanation.This doesn't mean that it didn't happen,because it definately did.Each one of us needed the proof that it did, and we got it,but that perhaps there were other reasons why this happened where it did,and while we were there.It would be associated with something that happened while I was a child,because of the mental affect.

  Thanks for sharing Moonchild!  Glad you are safe.   :)

  I have heard of the Thumping noise before.  The first thing that jumped in my head was that ive heard of Inorganic beings.  We are Organic beings and there is supposedly Inorganic beings that are associated with that Thumping sound from Native legends.  I know nothing more then that and I have no Idea what they do or want.  Im not saying this is what happened to you.  But the way you discribed the way it was going from one side to the other is what ive heard before.   From what I remember I think some Reps can control these heavy Inorganic beings but im not sure about that!

Thanks William.
I remember that the people that I was with told me a while back that there are some creatures in forests.But this thing didn't bother them,only me,maybe because I was the last one.

Moon Child Wrote: I really wonder about some things.Someone put an idea into my head,that it might have been a set up,for me especially.
 Moon Child,

I agree with this assessment.  It was what was going through my mind as I read your initial account of what occurred.  I'm glad you are okay.  Be careful out there!  ;)

I think I heard the thump noises in my room before...

It bangs against furnitures when you try to meditate?

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