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Why do the Sirian Overlords treat us this way?
This information is valuable to consider, using "suspended misbelief" if need be. Sifter brought these links to my attention because we were trying to understand why so many male intellectuals - leaders in the conspiracy/esoteric biznezz justify their positions that females have more evil in them, as well as being just plain inferior - in general.

This opinion isn't intuitive for us as being educated females and I know that it doesn't ring true for many males either. Maybe if we can just lance the boil of this obvious "sell job" then aware humanity can heal the situation and reclaim sovereignty.


"5. The Real Reason Females Possess More Fire Than Males!
I wonder how many of my readers have followed Robert Morning Sky's audio session on this new websites at and If you haven't listened to his mp3 files, you really ought to. I know, it's a lot to go through, but the information in there is extremely powerful. Robert Morning Sky (RMS) is telling his readers/listeners over and over to be skeptical (within reason) and put him on top of the list. I would suggest you do that (just like you should do with me) and come to conclusions about RMS' intentions. I am not saying they are not pure (they may very well be). Still, come to your own conclusions.
The reason I'm bringing this up, and why RMS is coming back as a reference in my own research, is that his and my paths tend to cross quite a bit. What I am going to suggest here may be shocking and too incredible for many to accept, but the only thing I ask from the reader is to have a very open mind here and consider it very deeply before you discard it (and hopefully you won't). This is extremely important information; perhaps the most important in this whole series of papers, because it explains the whole reason why the Sirian Overlords treat us like they do. I will outline the overall concept here, but for deep details and real proof (yes, I mean proof), go to Morning Sky's two websites. You will find it there -- guaranteed.
The Patriarchal Regime, who took over this planet about 500,000 years ago from those who whole-heartedly supported and were sent out by the Divine Feminine, who fought a war in space with the Matriarchs, drove them away, and won this territory, has taught us that man is superior to woman. You can read about that in most religious (altered) texts, and the Bible says that Eve seduced Adam, and that she is the cause to the First Sin from which we are still affected. What RMS has managed to prove is that in the beginning of the Universe there were only females. Males did not exist! So how did those females reproduce? Well, they reproduced by cloning themselves, creating exact copies of themselves to the smallest cell. They didn't need any males. Males were not even thought of at that time.
To make a long story short, over time the Universe became populated by feminine star beings only. However, in the Universe there were also viruses, and some of these viruses were quite powerful and resistant. Due to that all females were copies of each other, these viruses found ways to overpower the female body. Once they'd learned how to do this, and females bodies stopped functioning and died, all beings in the Universe were threatened. This is when the idea of a male species came up. The idea was that if the females reproduced sexually with a male, the offspring would look different and have a different setup of DNA. The offspring were no longer clones of the mother. So each individual now was different from every other individual and life survived in the Universe, because the viruses could not manifest successfully in all beings.
So far, so good, but perhaps the reader is asking him- or herself, how was the male created? Out of the woman's rib? After all, everything in the Bible seems reversed.
No, as a matter of fact, it was done by adding a chromosome. The Greater Creator Gods (Founders, or perhaps it was even the Builders) created the the Y chromosome, and thus the male species was created. I say species, because in the beginning, males were looked at as a different species[8]. But here is the kicker: even today amongst the human species, the male is always an altered female! If not an enormous amount of testosterone is added to the birth process, the fetus will turn out to be a female 100% of the time. And the female egg, interestingly enough, is 4000 times bigger than the male sperm.
This is very interesting, because the old charlatan doctors and philosophers, such a Plato and Hippocrates (the Father of Medicine) taught their students that females were no more than animals and their successors taught that the female womb was nothing else but an altered male scrotum, and if the woman didn't have enough sex, the womb started wandering inside the body and ended up driving the woman either to hysteria, severe illness, and even death. A great way of saying that women need to have sex as often as possible to satisfy the male or she'll get very sick.
What I am trying to say here and what is really my point is that we are all females, and we 'men' are simply 'altered females'. For those who doubt this and think that I'm finally losing it, I strongly suggest you go through RMS' audios, one by one, and listen to his overwhelming evidence of this (yes, scientifically proven evidence) and much, much more that has to do with the Divine Feminine. Robert has worked extremely hard for many, many years to gather this information, and has had help from a tribe, who supposedly descend from an ancient society of women, who have lived underground for thousands of years, to stay out of sight from the Males in Power, and who now have decided it's time to release this information, so I do not want to blow it for him by presenting all his evidence here. Therefore, I strongly suggest the reader goes to his sites and educate yourself on the subject he has to offer. What he is presenting are not empty statements or opinions; he is proving every single thing he is saying, quite remarkably. If the reader decides to check him out after have read the rest of my papers, please in the meantime keep at least an open mind about what I've just stated, because future will show that I am correct! If there would be a hidden agenda in Morning Sky's information, these facts that I've presented here still remain.
But what are the implications of all this? Well, it means that the reason women have more Fire burning inside of them than men have is because of this simple fact: males are altered females! By being altered from the 'original' in order to be able to have sex with a woman, we don't possess the same abilities, but a weaker form of it. The female is the original being of the Feminine Universe, which is natural, if the Universe itself is feminine. Males came into the picture to assist the female, who is possessing the real power of the 96%.
With time, however, males became jealous of women's power and wanted to possess it themselves. So the War of the Genders began. It was a Universal War, starting billions of years ago and continues up to this very day. Males through history have treated women horribly by torturing, raping and killing them in frustration and raving madness. The females soon started fighting back, furiously, because they were often much better warriors than men, possessing the Fire of the Goddess. This began an evil cycle were both males and females are guilty of treating each other quite terribly.
Some time during this seemingly endless war, the Goddess descended to Earth and seeded an androgynous race who possessed a great amount of her own Goddess energy. She did not create any males. In a great lake up in the Siberian Mountains, she created the Namlú'u, who had this enormous Fire inside of them, and could communicate directly with the Goddess at any time. They could access the Heart of the Goddess Universe, which we call dark energy and dark matter, consisting of 96% of the Universe. This was the Mother Goddess' Great Experiment in the middle of a raging war. Our planet became the great oasis in the outskirt of the Galaxy, sitting in the middle of PESH-METEN, the Galactic Highway the Goddess at this time was in total control over. Putting the Experiment here was probably intentional in the sense that by having access to this important star lane, the Namlú'u could travel directly to the Goddess through the giant black hole in Orion's Belt.
Not until the Males of Power came were there males on Earth. The rest is, like they say, history. Today, in the 21st Century, we still have the blood and the Fire of the Goddess inside of us, which is our inheritance from the ancient Namlú'u, who no longer dwell in our dimension. But one day we may once again meet with our great ancestors -- the Goddess' Sacred Experiment, which was destroyed by the Sirian Warlords. But not totally; we are still here as a living legacy of the beings of the Golden Age.
And it's this blood, and this Fire that the Warlords want so badly but still, to their great frustration, can only get in fractions. Nevertheless, with only being able to do that, they have increased their power in the Universe exponentially. Only we can stop them from expanding even more, and perhaps we can do more than that? However, although the Warlords don't want to admit it even to themselves, they are draining out our females, and their Fire will not burn forever..." (wespenre).

"Now, let's look at this from a perspective when the human soul, body, and mind are not trapped in the Sirian control system:
The human soul is a collection of many millions of super-tiny orbs, or fires, attached to the avatar. They are very tiny and exist on a subquantum level, which is sub-cellular. All these fires together form one soul, or at least, that's how we perceive it; all these tiny fires make up one 'big' fire, which becomes the fire, or the soul. Now, there are two major things that are pretty unique with humanity; they have a soul made up of those tiny fires, and they also have a very special, divine human body template, simply put made of a physical body and a mind complex. Although ENKI and the Sirians altered the original human template, which was the Namlú'u, our body is still a 'watered-down' version of the primordial man. This template is divine, because it was originally designed by the Goddess to fill a certain function, and ENKI and the Sirians made sure that this template kept its uniqueness enough for it to work the way it was meant to.
The uniqueness of mankind is that as fires we are the direct children of the Mother Goddess, which is different from other star races, as we shall see. Thus, we are Royal and Divine. You, as a fire, has the unique ability to use the human mind to nano-travel across the Universe wherever you want to, instantly! There is no need for you to use stargates, Einstein-Rosen Bridges, black holes, or anything else for that matter. And no technology needed; no spaceships or any tools whatsoever! You travel with your thoughts, using the mind of the human template. You send a portion/fragment of your fire, 'riding the avatar', to whatever your destination may be, but at the same time you are doing this, you are staying put in your physical body here on Earth and can return to it whenever you want to. So for you as a human being, the physical and the spiritual becomes one!"


"Humankind has a destiny, as it seems, and this destiny is as divine as can be, so let's not lose it. It looks like we were not only meant to be emissaries of the Goddess, but also the Guardians of the Living Library. We will be the library cards to this new Living Library. Through us, when we have gained our abilities, star beings can get access to the Living Library and learn something new, but only on the level which they can responsibly handle the information! So, ultimately, when a star being comes to Earth and gets access through us, they can learn through nature what they need to learn; we can help them evolve through matter, even if they themselves can't enjoy it in the same way we do. Isn't that a Divine mission, if anything? Unfortunately, as things are now, the Sirian Alliance are banned from Orion, so the Living Library won't help them in that regard. Therefore, they have little respect for all living here on Earth, and has taught their minions, the Global Elite, the same disgusting manners.
So, should the Sirians get another chance to come to the Orion Empire and get access to the ANGAL, the Goddess' upper dimensions? The Sirians indeed want access to the Heavens, but on their terms! They have become so proud that they refuse to acknowledge the Goddess as the Prime Creator, because that would not only put them 'second', but equal to all other star races, once they get to 'Heaven'. This is unacceptable to them, [Sirians] seeing themselves as heirs of the Universe. They want to be the Gods of all other star races in the Universe, who then will get down on their knees and obey them and do as they are told. This, of course, is why they say that God is masculine; they have already postulated that in the future this will be true, and they want to put out the idea that it already is so to solidify the thought. And as we know; if we put enough energy and intention in a certain direction, it's bound to come true, unless someone else put an equal or bigger quantity of counter-intentions towards that goal, or better yet, set another goal that nullifies the original goal. This is actually is being done, and is a major part of the Wars in Heaven. Who is going to get control over the Universe? Can we really blame the inhabitants of the 96% if they don't want us in the Heavens the way we are acting out right now? It makes more sense now, doesn't it? The archenemy of the Goddess (the Sirians) are Fire Riders; they will ride our Fire right into the ANGAL and together we pollute it!

If Heaven's Gate closes and humanity we can no longer access these realms. For an individual to get past the Gate, they must prove that they are 'pure' from Sirian influence, and by behavior show that they are not going to pollute the divine realms of the Goddess. It gets harder and harder to get in.

But back to question number two. The Goddess did send out her angels to teach both mankind and other star races trapped in the Sirian 4% Universe how to get to Heaven, but were also meant to work for all being in the Universe. Just because beings are not trapped by star races like the Sirians, it doesn't mean they know everything. Just like us, they are in different stages of development; physically and spiritually. However, the plan didn't work as expected. Just like here on Earth, enlightened beings have been rejected and attacked, and their message has been twisted and distorted. This led to a change in plans. The new Divine Plan is to have twelve Living Libraries activated in the Universe, so that those who are willing to learn look for the answers themselves instead of having angelic beings giving it to them, or giving them hints. This way, the responsibility to evolve to the Heavens comes on the individuals themselves. A brilliant idea!

However, the 12 Libraries are interconnected in the sense that they all must work in unison to accomplish their goal. It is too much for one species (such as mankind) to hold the vibrations necessary to guard all the information. Hence, we have help from other beings on 11 other worlds across the Universe (there is apparently one more Living Library in this galaxy, and one in the Andromeda Galaxy, about 2.2 million light-years away. Where the rest are, I have no idea at this time). Star beings, living in the 4% dimensions can still learn how to get access to the VOID, but it's much harder without the Living Libraries. We, as human beings, have a responsibility to get this Library working by raising our frequency enough to hold the position as Library Cards. Now you also see why star beings who are watching us find it extremely important to keep the Living Library intact and prevent Earth from being destroyed.

The good news is that due to how the Multiverse works (we create our own reality), individuals can break out of an ingrown pattern and create a different reality by changing their belief systems and their thought patterns. The Multiverse will adjust to all our changing paradigms. This way, if enough individuals start vibrating on a higher frequency, we create a New Earth, which does not allow the lower frequencies, emitted by the Sirians and their technology, to coexist with us. This way, we can still be the Card Holders, without having all humanity following the same path. But it doesn't come easy; this is why the most important thing we can do is to work on ourselves! I can't stress this enough: if you work on yourself, you also work for the benefit of humanity and the rest of the 100% Universe, because you bring others up there with you by their matching your frequency and your intentions. When your frequency vibrates in alignment with Truth, other people who have the ability to feel it, will tune in and start having epiphanies."

Perhaps an opportune moment to pay attention to RobertMorningSky's, WesPenre's and Matthew Delooze's, Dr. Chiappalone's, Amitakh Stanford and...THE GNOSTICS writings pointing us in the direction of the... 


This Dame is comin' back to claim and also inflict some pain... (Summary on Post above).

Post 21;pid=62180

~ NOW I understand why the "other side" HAS TO GET OUR COMPLICITY. It thinks that in so doing, it can USE our human "matriarchal starseed birthright sparkler essence" or true nobility to ride us right into the ANGAL or Goddess created overpower it so that they can rule there in the putrid way we've become accustomed to down here...TO BRING HEAVEN DOWN.

A hideously subtle, cunning, strategy with an expiration date evidently, hence the sense of urgency on the part of the darkside. They're holding us hostage and planning on using us to get into the upper spiritual echelons.


.....................................................(((US))).  Or, put another way...How does an AI compassionless, dark machine BLIGHT, devour, CONQUER parasite the ANGAL (upper realms of the Goddess)?  Well, by devouring humanity's LEGITIMATE, spirit.

At around 4 min. supersoldier Rachel explains how they're using us -- using our energy as a battery in order to "elevate" themselves and conquer and rule heaven. The interview is well worth listening to.[/url]

No doubt THIS IS their PLAN. (Link on post 2883.)

Rachel spoke about the experiments, torture and death of children in order to find the one's who could "take it" and grow stronger. The weaker ones would die. She was one of the strong ones created in a test tube and implanted in her mother.

The ones behind the creation of her and the supersoldier program of torture are those who are fighting the "GOO"/Archons/Horus Ra...She said that they aren't good either necessarily - they just don't want the "GOO" to win. Today's post from Frank at Merovee blog brought up the TV series, "Fringe" which mentioned MK Ultra supersoldier Kids who were trained to inherit the Earth after the cataclysm.  

Rachel explains GOO towards the end of the interveiw and from what she can surmise - is a petroleum-based carrier for evil, programmed AI. That's why, no matter what - THEY can't have us switch over to any other fuel than fossil fuels. This is how the Goo nanotech can enter ALL OF HUMANITY and then influence/possess us.

When we breath car exhaust, ingest plastic through our foods being stored in plastic containers (breathing/eating) i.e. MAYONAISE for instance...a lipid in a lipid container (plastic) then we see HOW the Archons want us to all become infected with this stuff.

"In ‘Fringe’, the experiments on the children were to raise ‘warriors’ to fight in an upcoming ‘war’ . This theme is also connected with another player in the PRISM saga – Julian Assange" (Frank - Merovee Blog).

Evidently - vampirism and energetic-ascension-surfing by "evil incarnate/disincarnates" has been common knowledge by many. The "search for the cure" for this gnarly, horrific predicament has ironically led to those same individuals devising the MK Ultra program, and "strange bedfellow" liaisons between various ET groups. They were/are creating warriors in human bodies as soldiers against evil. Rachel is one of them.

I'm throwing my hat in the ring with Gnosticism again which documents how contaminated and out of control evil creation is and that the only REAL solution is just to contain it - eliminate it completely AND SOON. Evidently, all else has failed across every timeline and all else has already been tried.


"It has been brought to my attention that there are star beings, aside from the Sirians, attracted to war and feeding off of it, who have slipped in through the holes in the Grid and taken baby bodies here, and if we lift ourselves up and look at Planet Earth from above, we can see and feel an enormous amount of energy being released, so there are big dramas being played out here on Earth right now. This stir of energy is attracting many off-world beings. But, as things are now, everything seems to contribute towards lifting the Quarantine and set those free who are willing to break their chains. Those who still want them on may be able to see the door that leads to freedom being wide open before them, but all they will do is to run towards it and close it as fast as they can. Yes, some people like their chains, because they are afraid to take the responsibility that's needed in order to break them.
The small window we have had (1987-2012) is soon closed, and it will be harder to absorb new information as time is slowing down and the current bombardment of gamma rays eventually diminishes. Then it's time to reap what we have sown, and it's of course important that we have something to reap. We all have to question the 'System' -- all of it -- and start doing our own thinking, and we need to inspire others to do the same and give our attention to those who respond positively to our efforts. The System rewards you when you do as you've been told and punishes you when you're not. This is exactly why people have such a hard time letting go. They don't realize that they have to let go off it all to be free; they just want to let go off some of it." Wes Penre

An inch from the top - very interesting, specific article.

Bumping post above. Matthew Delooze repeats this message of the last two sentences and... 

"Anything that causes us to remain attached to earthly things serves to keep us in enslavement to these lower cosmic rulers. Death releases the divine spark from its lowly prison, but if there has not been a substantial work of Gnosis undertaken by the soul prior to death, it becomes likely that the divine spark will be hurled back into, and then re-embodied within, the pangs and slavery of the physical world" (Stephan Hoeller quote via Filter.

This is an interesting book by Wes Penre.

Interesting lecture by Terrence McKenna who maintained that pyschedelics are illegal because of the boundary/ego dissolving danger they represent to "society". He was a visionary and his eutopian visions probably won't come to pass but they're fun to visit.

He makes interesting comments about former Goddess (Gaia) golden ages on Earth.  They were polyamorous so that males could not trace their offspring therefore had to regard the offspring as OUR children. Egoic hierarchies and rigid boundaries of "mine" were not foremost and mankind lived closer to paradise.

I think McKenna is very right about the ego being a major problem, a major cause of humanity's struggles and enslavement. 
This also reminds me again that if you only look outside of yourself, and thus neglect what is all inside, you cannot really free yourself. 

I suppose that, if done properly and carefully, certain psychedelics like ayahuasca and cannabis could help you to free your mind in some way. 

McKenna himself seems to have been a large-scale consumer of such stuff. I highly doubt if that is advisable - I don't think so - but there might be a benevolent and liberating aspect on such drugs, if done properly. How that exactly would be I cannot tell; I have little experience with such stuff. 
It also depends on the person, I would gather. Each person is different.
Though I have seen several people who became rather delusional and self-centered by smoking a lot of cannabis, for example. But then, how many people do see and experience reality for what it is anyway. Very few, when asked me.

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